The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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4 a A NORTHAMPTON GREENIELD ADAMS hi NORTH ADAMS time DALTON 7r 1 LENOX He was HATIELD Mr INANT JNDUSTRT WHERE EDUCATION AILS REV YOUNG Railroad 4 A years old respectively I BECKET MAIN LOOR i CHICOPEE LEE MEMORIAL 9ERYICE Tpi at at 91 I BURNHAM SCHOOL HAS ANNUAL GRADUATION BURGLARS VISIT OUR PLACES GET NOTHING BATH SALTS LILAC JASMINE OR SATURDAY ROSE BOUQUET PUT UP IN HAL POUND JARS PRICED AT $100 INCLUDING THE ATTRACTIVE JUST NOW WE HAVE SOME VALUES IN ICE TEA THAT ARE SO MUCH IN DEMAND 1 aAj LEG BADLY BURNED BY STRIKING LIVE WIRE MEMORIAL SERVICES A OR ODD ELLOWS 'A' memorial service be held 1030 tomorrow mornine the White church Chicopee alla for the Odd ellows and Rockrimmon lodge of Rebekahs A sermon on the of Odd ellowship will be preached by the pastor sThe sermon at 7 given by Rev Dr A Nies the district super intendent of the Western Massachu setts and the iflrst quarterly confer ence will be held after the evening STATE POLICE ARREST TWO ATER CHASE by the trooper and Constable Harry reshier and will appear tomorrow morning in the district court Personal Service In Norway importers of sirup front the United States lay great atreai on the color of the sirup The state of Washington last year produced one fourth of all the commercial apples of a con committee of in Becket June Auditors from the office" of director of accounts at Bos ton are making an audit of the books of the town officers and have complet the work on the books of Town Treasurer Willis Ballou findingthem in excellent condition W' Gibsen director of Camp Becket is on a three trip to Colorado where he will attend the meetings at Association camp and will return in time for the opening of the camp on June 26 Gerald A Hayes of Stamford Ct is the guest of his sister Mrs Stuart II Eames at Highlawn farm Mrs Nellie Cross who has been at Hinsdale during the winter has re turned to Becket and is at her Man street hbme for the summer Mrs Elizabeth Morse recently entertained Mr and Mrs Philip AWilliams and son of Springfield at hersummer home Glenorman ETCHED GLASS SET SIX WITHSIPPERS 60c I rank Winslow warren Underwood Charles I RIVER 112 I Day or Night Damages for State Highway iled Hinsdale June The plan of the new piece of state highway a map of the takings of land needed in the con struction a detailed account of each section so taken and the awarded for each were today filed by county commissioners at the town office The damages awarded are: Hinsdale Woolen mills $730 rancis Holmes $100 Edmond and Augusta A Dubret $1800 Nina Shattuck $1000: Annie Naughton $200 heirs of Charles Cobb $1825 Bridget Burns $2300: Thomas rissell $200 Willis LeRoy Tucker $7000 John Gray $1000 No damages are awarded to Alphonse Dubret Ed ward Blake town of Hinsdale Hany Brague and Louis Brague A meeting of the Hinsdale grange was held last night and a number of the men volunteered their services to redecorate the parlor and dining room and will meet at Grange hall on Monday night to start the work Miss Anna Collins won a prize for guessing who the people were who represented living pictures front the old family al bum which formed part of the enter tainment that followed the meeting A decision for the plaintiff in the sum of $60 was handed' down in the district court in the civil case of Rob ert Brasie against Lewis Moseley a tort action for alleged conversion of a heifer The repair committee of the public library have hired John Croce and Irving assell to point up the stone? work of the building which has not been done since the first construction in 1866 and was much needed Wight of Worthington was ar rested this afternoon at the Jericho garage by State Trooper John Whalen of Cheshire barracks for driving an automobile while under the influence Uassr He was taken to Pittsfield Daughters of Isabelle Name New Branch Officers Elected Huntington 5 At a meeting held in Columbia hall Wednesday 40 applications for membership in the Daughters of Isabella were re ceived It was voted at the meeting to name the organization the Thomas Officers were elected for the coming three months as follows Mrs Morton Chamberlain regent Mrs Margaret Hayden honorary past regent Evelyn Tufts vice regent Mrs Alice Kirby financial secretary pEdna La ond recording secretary Nellie Trudell treasurer MrS Alice Kyle trustee for three years Mrs Lillian La ond trustee for two years Mrs Grenier one year Mrs Eagan charicellor Mrs rancis Knightly custodian Mrs Edith lankey monitor Olive De Mara first guide: Rose Trudell sec? ond guide Stella Gareau outside guard Venice Madru guard Viola De Mara banner bearer Lillian Trudell scribe Mrs James Diimegan organist There will be another meeting held in Columbia hall Monday evening at 8 It is hoped that many new members will be added to the circle at that time and all those desiring to join are re quested to be at the hall at the above specified date Applications for mem bership may be obtained at any time from Mrs Morton Chamberlain re Knights of Columbus Banquet Great Barrington June'5 Over 250 people attended the banquet and dance at the Mount Everett house South Egremont Wednesday evening in ob servance of the 25th anniversary of the Knights of Columbus of this town The principal address was given by Judge William Day of Boston for mer deputy grand knight of the state The local council now has 275 mem bers and more than $10000 for a building fund Agricultural Society Appointments A meeting of the executive commit tee of the Housatonic Agricultural so ciety was held this week Clark of Sheffield the veteran poultry mar shal was again appointed to have charge of the poultry building The display this year Is to have the clos est possible scrutiny in order to keep up the standard of the exhibit and the judges will be instructed to dis qualify any exhibit that does not meet requirements Where there is only one entry in a class the pre mium 'awarded must be a second Clarence Warner has been reappoint ed stock marshal He was presented with a medal by the state de partment of agriculture last fall in recognition of his excellent service as marshal at the fair Henry Brown of Egremont has been appointed mar shal of sheep and swine Slater of Tyringhaga will again have charge of the large force of marshals ap pointed to Isee that the affairs 'are fun in ah orderly manner He has held this important position for more than 25 years A long line of hitch Ing posts and railing that have occu pied a valuable place on the grounds has been removed for there are now 'ew teams driven to the grounds Make Raid In Alford The members of the state police together with: local officers armed with search warrants raided the rank Bunce place in Alford late on Wednesday In search of intoxicating liquors After the raid there was a call for a motor' truck and they trans ported here 15 barrels which the of ficers claim contain hard cider which is being held in custody It is also alleged that they found about a gal lon of the so called At the time of the' raid Bunce was not at home but returned before the of ficers departed One officer left yUA but in soma manner Bunce suddenly departed trivAil: Death of Samuel Hewitt Samuel erris Hurd Hewitt 73 died Wednesday night at airview hospital after a several illness He was born in rancisco the son of Dr and Mrs Henry Samuel Hew itt He was graduated from Yale col lege and was at one time engaged In business in Cuba His life was spent in Bridgeport until 1907 when the family moved to Great Barrington He leaves his widow who was Miss Cora Hawes of Bridgeport a son HeVvitt of St Louis a brother James of St Louis and three sisters Mrs Dr Valery Havard and Miss Etta of airfield Ct and Mrs James rier wife of Col rier of New Or leans The funeral was held at St church today and 'burial will be in Bridgeport The extreme heat has sev eral outside jobs Where" the men found it impossible to work' with the ther mometer over 100 In the sun: At the Stahley shops the offices closed yes terday afternoon Nicholas who was in court a few days ago on two charges of mdtor law violation has entered an appeal and furnished $200 bail Dr and Mrs Dodge Peters Peters Mrs Josephine Darlington and Mrs Church are among the: Great Barrington people to attend the Murphy Kerr wedding at Hotel Am bassador New York today Announcements have been received here of the marriage of Dwight Burr Cornell and Miss Monty A Du Val which took place on May J6 at Tam pa la Mr Cornell was a resident of this town until three years ago when he went to lorida and engaged in the real estate business there He is also conducting a specialty store at Tampt Mrs Manville a former resi dent of the town is the guest of Mrs Robbins 1 Miss Josephine Vigezzi and Miss Lottie Dellea sail Saturday for a two trip to Italy red Sparkman ot Newark is here for a few visit a PITTSIELD CLUB SUPERINTENDENT GETS PURSE $3000 Edward Lahert Completes 35 Service As sistant Also Remembered Lenox June 5 Members of the Lenox club presented Edward La fiert superintendent of the club with a check for $3000 in recognition of the completion on June 1 of 35 employment by the club Mr Lahert has served under a'll the presidents ofthe club which was organized with the exception of the first one Edward Rogers The president when Mr Lahert went to work for the club in 1890 as Robeson The other presidents have been John Winthrop John Barnes Dr Rich ard Greenleaf Georsra olsom WH GRAHAM Corp Undertakers Pursued for Individual Advantage Not Public Service rom the Lowell Courier Citizen "Modern democratic said that most sympathetic student of the American Commonwealth the late Lord Bryce on two theories as on two sustaining pillars: (a) that the gift of the suffrage creates the will to use it and (b) that the gift of knowledge creates the capacity to use the suffrage aright rom thiit is commonly assumed that the more ed ucated a democracy is the better will its government Theoretically it is difficult to es cape from this conclusion and yet it is bound to be admitted that with the tremendous spread of what we usually mean by education through out the country especially In the re cent years when the search for high er education in the colleges and uni versities has broken all records and has defied all the old time boundaries of class there has not come any cor responding improvement in the gov ernment of the United States or in that of the several states which make up its entity let alone the thousands of cities and towns which go to com pose the states Is the doctrine then fallacious? Or is education defective? Or do those who receive the educa tion fail to make use thereof with re lation to anything but their own per sonal advancement? gift of knowledge creates the capacity to use the suffrage perhaps as Lord Bryce said but it by no means guar antees that the possessor of this ca pacity wUl make use of it We are getting the clear The general level of mere intelligence is certainly higher than it could be: if education were less widely diffused But arewe getting along with the necessary' understanding the necessary idealism to make usturn this widespread intelligence to public use? benefit shows in industry in matters of merely per sonal advancement for the individual But it does not show in politics One is thus forced to the conclusion that our educational system reveals a very deplorable and very important defect and it is in order for wise men to seek remedies for it with all speed Education is apparently valued by all classes not because of its political the betterment of the state but for its personal bearings for the betterment of individual conditionHow to correct this one sided ambi tion is a problem to which attention must certainly be brought' 44 Girls Receive Diplo mas Instrumental and Vocal Music With Pageant Northampton June Graduation exercises the Mary A Burnham School for Girls were held this aft ernoon at and diplomas were re ceived by 44 seniors' The exercises opened with organ music by George Clifford Vieh and the was offered by Rev' John Whittier Darr pastor of the irst church A selection by elix ourdrain was given by Wellington Smith anj the address was given by Andre Morize chevalier of the Legion of Honor The exercises were fol lowed by tea on the veranda and presentation of a pageant Songs of on the lawn by members of the senior class The pageant in cluded songs by Wellington piano music by George Clifford Vieh and William James Short and panto mime and soqgs by the senior class There was dancing tonight in the gymnasium The members of the senior class were the Cynthia Le Baron Adams of Sherbrooke Can Katharine Munger Adams of New naven ui land IMP ham Center Carolyn Rachel Ball of Mon 6on ciene Barnes oi xtacine wis Lee Beasley of St Joseph Miss SoDhla Beer of Naw York Withington Boardman of New York juarcia tsosweii or iiopeweii Clevenger of Perth Amboy uimiCK or isirmingnam Aia itzgerald of Dayton or Beattie vvasn Schenectadv nah of erens alls Thanhousfcr of Oyster Bay Dorothy Yvenes ot Bronxvuie a Welles of Bronxville of" Chambersburg Pa er Wrieht of Pasadena Cal Ann Hawley of El PasoJ Hughes of Cheltenham Eng Ingersoll of Beloit Wisj Jaques of Chicago HL Jones of Bennlnsrton Vt Kocot of Susan Elizabeth Ly man of New York Nr Margaret Evelyn Llppencott of New Haven Ct Katharine Mel Ivane of Meadville Pa Nancy Wash ington Naulty of Philadelphia a Eveline Adams Peirce of South Hanson Mary Locke Petermann of Calumet Mich Elizabeth Miller Pratt of Lebanon Pa Mary Eliza beth Raub of Pa Ruth Eugenia Seabury of Boonton Nadine Relton Sheldon of Cleveland Natalie Sheldon of Newton: Barbara Smith of Newton Center Ellice Adelaide Smith of Bronxville Y' hyllis Coltart Swain of Havertord a cumbent The presentation of the check was made by David Dana and the re cipient was taken entirely by sur prise During the past five years Mr Lahert has been superintendent the club has been well managed an'd suc cessful in every way Mr Lahert is capable and deservedly popular with all members His record of club serv ice is unequaled in Western Massa chusetts John Kelly Mr assistant who has been with the club 10 years also was presented with a sum money To Beautify Grounds Near Station Lenox June 5 As result ference held between the of the Chamber charge of village improvement Perkins division engineer of the New York New Haven Hartford railroad and Richmond of the Berkshire Street Railway cbmpany the section near the trolly switch and railroad station will be beautified within the next few weeks This section has been an eyesore for some time The railroad official promised to pay one third of the 'expenses while Mr Richmond will taka the matter up with his com pany The Chamber of Commerce will pay the third' Mrs Raymond Baker of New York has arrived at her villa Holm wood for the summer months Harold Denton an official of the Baltimore Ohio railroad was among the i ecent guests at the Lennon inn Mrs Laidiey of New York is the guest of her nephew Rev Latta Griswold at the Trinity rectory Accepts Call to Local Uni tarian Church Changed Creed After 24 Years Northamtpon June 5 Rev Edmund Booth Young who has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Unitarian church was born in Philadelphia Pa and was for the Episcopal ministry at Nashatah divinity school Nashotah Wis "He was ordained priest by Bishop Charles Grafton of ond du Lac Wis in 1896 and has held various charges rector of St church at Chel sea at the time of the big fire Young taught Hellenistic Greek at REV YOUNG WAS EPISCOPAL MINISTER Pittsfield Lineman Uncon sejous When Taken rom fe iTojrof Pole 't IJbiAeld James Daw 35 Wiarried of 123 enn street employed by Uteu Pittsfield Electric company wassyerfely buimed on the right forearm and leg: by a live wire on Tyler street this afternoon He was at thetop of a pole and was sus pended over a cros' arm unconscious I untif fescud by tellow employes" Ch let' of I "ice John Sullivan and Lieut AR Shepardson Daw was takeh3td' Hillcrest hospital where ft WSSifsaid tortight he will recover out the wounds will be a long beallixgft $92649 Reported at Second Report Luncheon In Endowment Greenfield June The grand total ns to date in the $300000 building and do endowment fund campaign for rank lin Public hospital now stands? at $127667 $92649 being reported at zir the second rally report luncaeln ofK the campaign in the armory this? noon The feature of the meeting was theis report of the allied towns division')'! when three of the seven districts re ported a total of $23883 The teams injaft Greenfield reported 63 per cent more nd thaii last Monday' the first meeting of the organization while the memo ani rial committee turned in pledges ag ob gregatlng more than $35000 or more 3ir than the total amount reported at tha first luncheon trip Mr and Mrs Wickham will reside at Crosby avenue Brooklyn Mr Wickham studied at Lee High School and is a graduate of Berkshire Busi ness school of Pittsfield for the past year he has been employed by the Swartz urniture company of Brook lyn the war he saw is service overseas Mrs Wick ham and her mother are summer residents of Lenox TarnieyAlei Henry Tarmey announces the marriage of his daughter Maude Tarmey to Aker of Schepectaxly The ceremony was performed by ather Moore of the Sacred Heart church at Bridgeport Ct Wednesday Mr and Mrs Aker will reside in Schenectady 'v i Phillips of has bought" Berkshire cottage at South Lee formerly the property of Mrs Lucina Breed now of Stepney Mr Phillips is making numerous improve ments in the place Charles' Mooney rank MooneyEdward Driscoll Edward Gibbons and Robert Hayden' of the Smith Paper company left yesterday for Niagara alls where they will attendthe annual convention of the paper makers of the country Indianapolis Ind June 6 An in fant industry meaning just that is thriving in Indianapolis A number of young women attend ing school here are making a paying business of watching infanta while the parftit* stroll around downtown to become acquainted again with the bright lights The charge is 50 cents to $1 per In fant per evening dependent on the age of said infant and on the length of said evening Twins reduced Tates but they haven't been called on yet to watch 'em in overwhelming numbers Mary Egan a lot on Onota street for $1500: Catherine Doran to Mar guerite Kahl a and lot on West Housatonic street for $20000 Case Continued Norman Thompson' of 31 Mill street was arraigned' in' district court today on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon upon Lawrence Grant of North John" street who is at the House of Mercy hospital receiving treatment for a cut on the right arm suffered in a fight according to the police case was until Xhe 11th and being unable to secure $500 bail went to jail ind Old Coal Halt a ton of coal used in the old high school which burned in January 1895 has been uncovered by workmen excavating for the foundation for the soldiers memorial at Memorial The school call bell minus the wooden handle also was uncovered today It was presented to Mayor red rancis Bradley Gets Divorce Judge Arthur Robinson in pro bate court today granted a divorce to Orson Bradley 'of North Adams from Emma Bradley of that city for desertion They were married at North AdamsApril 28 1904 and lived there and at Green Island and Glens alls Mrs Cordelia Wales received many congratulations yesterday bn her 91st birthday which she cele brated at the home of her" daughter Mrs Wr Josselyn 29 Merriam street A brother 'Waldo Cheney 72 of Milford spent the day with her Andrew Salvia who is employed on the Grenville lAndall 'Winthrop estate at Lenox is at the House of Mercy hospital receiving treatment for bums received when a gasoline Idwn mower became ignited when he was filling the tank with gasoline 0 Miss Brenda Cameron daughter of tha late Rev Joseph Cameron an Episcopal clergyman has been ap pointed principal' of Hopkins hall Burlington Vt She was valedictorian of her class of 1915 at the Pittsfield High school and for the past year has been teaching at Washington Mr and Mrs Clark Harding of SO Elizabeth street have leased their house to Mr and Mrs Henry Myers of Santa Barbara Cal and Mrand Mrs Harding are at their Pontoosuc lake cottage The annual meeting of Berk County Home for Aged Women will held Wednesday the 10th at 3 The engagement is announced of Miss Mary A Conlin daughter of Mr and Mrs Edward Conlin of 34 Adam street to Alfred Leighfield of 10 Scammell avenue They are to be married the 29th It Is likely that opposition Bb made at the meeting of the aldermen Monday night to granting the petition of the Mexican Petroleum company to instai tanks with a capacity of 11500 gallons of gasoline on the east side cf South street just south of the New Haven railroad bridge Residents of the neighborhood am said tn bn organizing to make a protest against this invasion of a residential neigh borhood MEXICO BANS REE RIDES ON RAILROADS Mexico City June who is nobody 'and many nobodies who are somebodies will no longer be able to travel about Mexico free on the Na tional railways The reorganized gov ernment management of the railways has the pass privilege to a minimum and government officials unless they are the president cabinet members and few high author ities of the administration must in future pay tbeir own fares The order to abolish passes will net the railways some 16000000 pesos yearly that is if the same amount of travel Is kept UP with no pass bolster it Eight thousand passes have been is 'hued yearly by the railways and each of these it Is estimated would ordi narily have brought In an average of 2000 pesos yearly pr a total of 16 000000 which to a virtually bankrupt concern like the National railways of Mexico Is an amount not to be sneezed at In the iast travel by regular ticketwas almost unknown to anyone who had the slightest Influence in Mexico If the prospective traveler go direct to some official of the railways and ask for a pass he could always call upon some third person to secure the free ride for Bimself and family Tn fact a number of government offi cials have been charged with carry ing on a lucrative securing and then selling passes at one third the value of the ordinary ticket' or even for as low a figure as $5 for a pass corresponding to $100 worth of mileage bn a paid ticket 1 On the list of 8000 pass holders are 3000 members of the commercial firms who enjoyed this courtesy from the railway in recognition of the freight business they supplied the lines They will have to pay in the future as will government employes deputies senators and the remainder of privileged folk in Mexico Politi cians ot low and high degree never thought of traveling unless the ride Was free Recent figures compiled by the new management show that in some cases 90 per cent of first class coach and Pullman passengers trav eled on passes Pocumptuck Lodge to At tend Methodist Church To morrow Morning Greenfield June 5 Pocunatuck lodge of Odd ellows will observe Me morial Sunday by attending the morn 4 Ing service at the Methodist church Sunday AU Odd and Re bekahs will meet at the lodge i at 10 Davis will "act escort aia Ata hearing of the selectmen yesrox terday on the petition by citizens tofoa "have the town buy a strip of land on 1 1 Beacon street the selectmen reported nb favorably on same and an article will be Inserted In the town warrant for an appropriation for same HOSPITAL UND $127667 Junior rom The annual junior wa at high school gymnasium tonightMu wi sic was by the Miller arrell charge were Arthur Tetreault erla Koonz Lester Hodgen Charlotte Weld Andrew Murphy and the exeunt cutlve committee Telesfad Conmdski i rances Welcome Rachel rederick Kartcheski Keller Beaudoin Miss Keller of High' ttyeef and Damase Beaudoin of Gill were married yesterday at the rectory of tha Lutheran church by Rev William Rommell After the ceremony the young couple left on a wedding trip and on their return will make ttieln home here Duren manager of the Green field Electrio Light and Power cotxxl pany is in Portland Me attending tha convention of the New England section of the Power aeso ciation The schools the town were closed this afternoon on account the ex cessive heat I About 15 members of the 'Arcana! chapter Order Eastern Star surprised Miss Harriet Strong at the home of Mrs Atherton on WoodlelgU avenue last night During the eve ning she was presented with an Bast ern Star pin Word has been received of 2 th 4 death of Nathan Martin at Trumbull hospital in Boston Mr Mar i tin was for years a resident of the town He leaves his widow a son Dr Orel Martin of Boston agister Mrs i Walter Barton of this ana I two brothers here rank and Charles The body will be brought here for the and burial Services willbe held at the funeral home of In Shepard tomorrow afternoon at 2 Burial will be in Green River cemetery I Bennington and Hodsick all? Men Held Tn toxication North Adams June 5 Clarence Os trander 28 of Bennington Vt and Harry Coonradt 29 of Hoosick alls appeared in the district morning when theTatter was held under $300 surety and Ostrander under $50 bonds oh drunkenness chargesefollowlng complaints made by state police officers from the Cheshire barracks Both defendants were arrested on the state road in Greylock about 330 this morning by Corporal Oliver Wise and Patrolman Carroll af ter a speedy chase from Williamstown driver is alleged to have re fused to stop at the orders At the request of Corporal Wise the cases were continued until tomorrow morning after the defendants had pleaded guilty to drunkenness charges It is expected that a drunken driving charge will be placed against Coon radt tomorrow calling investigation of his record at Boston in accordance with the new state law The thermometer at the city hall to day was 85 degrees above zero this than yesterday at the same time However the public schools of the city were closed this at 2 and the pupils dismissed because of the intense heat The humidity re mained high throughout the day al though a continual breeze added slightly to the comfort of sweltering humanity No heat prostrations have been reported Miss Anne Henderson daughter of Mr and Mrs Henderson of East Quincy street and a graduate of the 1925 class of the Normal school' has received appointment as teacher in a new training' school at New Haven May ile Charges Against Temple Edmund long dismissed superintendent of the city farm still remains on the job at the almshouse and through his attorney Mark Couch has notified City Almoner Ed ward itzgerald that he had no idea of voluntarily resigning It was ru mored today that formal charges may be filed against Mr Temple Band Has $916 Surplus Burton A Miller treasurer of the Hoosac Savings bank today complet ed auditing of the Drury High School Washington trip which shows a balance of Principal James Vose treasury of the fund made the report published today i rank Jones Dead" Word reached this city today of the death im Providence? I of rank Jones 45 former resident of Blackin ton Mr Jones at the home of his sister Mrs Quirk following a long illness He was born in Wales and came to North Adams when quite young He lived in Black inton until going to providence two years He leaves' six brothers William of this city Harry and Herbert of Woonsocket 'Albert of Newport Wales rederick of Worcester and John of Blackin ton two sisters Mrs Livana Lemmon and Mrs Alma Quirk of Providence The body will be brought to North Adams tomorrow and the fu neral held in Blackinton Sunday Bur ial will be in Blackinton cemetery Autolsts William Mallison of 19 Root place Springfield and His companion Daniel Murphy of 46 Howard street Pittsfield were arrested this morning the former on a charge of operating an automobile after his li cense had been suspended and Mur phy because he permitted a person whose license had been suspended to operate a machine of which he was in charge Both will appear in court to morrow morning The arrests were made on Holden street and the couple held for bail The funeral of Mrs Moris Manes of Church street was held this afternoon upon the arrival pf a daughter Mrs Edith Pension of Milwaukee Wis Rabbi Irving Miller conducted the service and burial was in the Jewish cemetery at Clarksburg Timothy Buckley a native of Ire land and for 42 years a resident of this city died at his home 50 Veazie street last night following a five illness He was well known in Glens alls where he lived for some time before coming to this city He retired from active work at the Arnold Print works 15 years ago Besides his widow a son John and five daughters Mrs Daniel Mahoney Mrs Arthur Witt Mrs HannalBSchon elck and Misses Julia and Lena Buck ley all of this city survive The fu neral will be held from St church tomorrow morning at and burial will take place in Hillside cem etery HINSDALE HUNTINGTON ST THOMAS CIRCLE pakes $2800 out of a quota ox $6a00 Giraud oster the present forded? today: Mrs Marguerite Kahl io Mrs (Catherine Doran dwelling kt South street for $12500 Pittsfield Homestead company to George Im and Elizabeth Briggs fot onlDalton avenue $2000 Lettie pavis to Lillian W' Spicer a house Ind lot on Newton avenue for $2500 lohn Hi Connors to Michael gnd THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN 'SATURDAY JUNE 61925 rj DIED In this elty 4th Luke Cult 28 rn of the late Pa lck and Annie Cuff keral from his Jte residence 917 state itreet Saturday 10 830 a High mass if requfem at church of the Holy amily at a ni riends Invited Burial in St Mi fcemetery3 I DOWS At EoALh Hadley alls 4th Mrs lusan Downs uneral at the home 43 Bardwell street Sunday at 230 i Burial in cemetery South Hadley ans HARRIKGTON At Mercy hospital 4thohn Harrington of Hotel Hawkins le ral Imm the undertaking rooms of I BroughaH 94 Bridge street Saturday at3O High mass of requiem at the church If the Sacred Heart at 9 riends Invited In this city Sth George Dexter Lang 67 uneral at the home 131 lorida Itreet Monday at 2 Burial ih Spring leld cemetery Tn this city Sth Rosella Munn to wlddw of Davater Munn uneral at tie home 294 St James avenue Saturday It 2 Burial in Monson Jiss At Porter uneral at the home 49 Jefferson street Sunday at 230 Burial tn ine Hill i cemetery Westfield SPELLMAN At Whits Plains 4th fennle lagg 74 widow of Charles Clark ipellman formerly of Springfield uneral It funeral chapel Springfield jaturday 330 Burial in Spring leld cemetery Tn this elty Sth Olive Ann turner Slz WMow of Ed wsg A pral the home pf her daughter Mrs Charles SjilurdbuglT street Sun lay at il ni Services at her' in LlsteadtN Monday at 2 Burial Mapieslde cemetery Alstead In this city Eugene A Vicque wifeof Edouard Vicque uneral ths home 19 Jasper street Sunday at 2 Burial In Oak Grove cemetery tBITnARY' NOTICES CARD THANKS I Wo wish to thsnk our friends snd neigh bors forilthe many kindnesses shown us in fur recent bereavement TjO of Li SJ Ls MICHAEL JUDD MRS MOREAU MRS WM RARY CARD THANKS We wish to thank our many friends rela and neighbors for the kindness and ivmpathy shown us during our recent be eavemeni in the death of our father JOHNiA ITZGERALD ANDSISTERS Business District Leave No Clews Dalton Juns 5 Burglars were busy last night about the center of ths town and by the reports in circula tion this mornlir they had a busy time and apparently got away unmo lested At the Byron Weston company plant they gained an entrance to the mill grounds proper it is thought by going through a place in the wire 'ffinCA that innlccaa milir the machine shop where tool chests ftenKon or degrees lower were croKen open ana tools were tak en and then went to the western of fice where they got in by breaking a windowin the cellar Not being able to entffr the vault proper they pried open a wlndow'in the main office where they worked with drills and jimmies trying to gain entrance to the vault but they were unsuccessful John home only a iort distance from the western office was fnteyed probably by the same gang entrance there being 'gained by pry ing open a window Mrs Bellows found nothing missing rank Ladd's home next door to the Bellows home was attempted but the burglars were apparently frightened away At the Sawyer Regan plant a win dow was broken leading to the office and it apparently appears the bur glars were about to enter when fright ened away by the appearance of the watchman Chief of Police Claggie Is investigating The Brotherhood Bible class will hold a memorial service Sunday in behalf of the members of the class who have died the past year Those who will speak are John Pratt Ralph Mr Kerrs and rancis Rans ford Alden Burr arid Clifford Hitman will render a vocal duet Miss Eltrice Cora Bentley and Roy Chester Smith will be married tomor row afternoon at '230 at the home 18 Mitchell place The ceremony will be followed with a re ception GREAT BARRINGTON RULES OR KEEPING COOL AND HEALTHY New York June Health Commis sioner Monaghan yesterday laid down the rules for comfort and health during the hot Eat and drink in: moderation Cut out rrieat in hot weather Masticate food well Eat plenty of fresh vegetables Seek shade hurry worry Avoid iced drinks Cool wa ter (not cold) is your best bet Use sweet drinksin moderation Wear loose garments No tight bands Beware of extreme sunburn If burned apply cold: creim or cocoa butter or zino oxide ointment Vacationists should watch their water supply Boil it if doubtful Make sure milk comes from clean sources waste energy waving a palm leaf fan Keep shades down Keep the skin in order by frequent baths Cool sponging will help Avoid energy producing starchy sugary spicy or fat foods Cut down candy sodas and all sweetened Get plenty of sleep bathe after a heavy meal orget politics Wait until fall Remember mother's milk is the best for the baby If other milk is used consult a physician as to 'its modification Keep the food clean Swat the fly Give the baby plenty of clean cool water Keep its clothing loose and light Let it sleep alone Keep it outdoors as much as possible Shield it from dust Keep its clothing clean Give it plenty of tub baths or cool sponging Give no medicine except on a or der Consult a physician if baby 8 Ils added the health commis sioner this in capitals Pro tect the eyes from the direct rays of the WINDOWS SHOULiTbE3 QUARTZ NOT GLASS London June "Our windows are all according to Dr Saleeby the expert in hygiene lectur ing at National Liberal club "be cause they shut out 'the health giv ing ultra violet rays of the sun "Thaldealwindowwouldbe made of said Dr Saleeby "but of course such a window would be fabu lously expensive "If window glass manufacturers would go into the problem of making scientific window glass they would contribute epormously to the health of the JAMES MULLINS DEAD Big Tobacco Grower Victim of Inen WOnlA Hatfield Juner Jafnes Mullins 41 a life long resident and large to bacco grower died of pneumonia at his home in West Hatfield this morn ing after a short illness or many years he had grown and packed tobacco extensively He leaves his widow formerly Anna Doppman six daughters Katherine Margaret Anna Dorothy Gladys and Janet two sons Charles and James and two brothers Patrick and John Mul lins of this town Carroll Wickham Lee June Miss Margery Carroll of Brooklyn NT daughter of Mrs Thomas Carroll of that city and James Wickham son of John Wick ham of South Lee were married at tha Lady of Lourds church in Brook lyn Saturday afternoon The cere mony was performed by Rev RolednerThe bridal couple were attended by Mr brother John of this by Miss Marie Kelly of BTOCkJyn EoUftmg the USEa Adams June The Glee club gave an exhibition cabaret and dance in the Senior High school hall tonight including in the 'program splendid vaudeville acts There was a large attendance The funeral of Henry Barrett hotel owner and lumber dealer who died yesterday will he held at St church tomorrow morning at 9 Burial will be in Bellevue ceme tuy The funeral will be private and it is requested that no be sent Mr and Mrs Lee Gates of New York are visiting in Adams Gates: known as the "Mohawk will fight inPittsfield Monday night: and appears to be in the pink of condition WILLIAMSTOWN Graduation the 25th Williamstown June The gradua tion exercises of the Williamstown High school will be held in Jepson hall the night Of the 25th while the baccalaureate service will be held in Thompson Memorial chapel Sunday evening the 14th Rev Edward A McMaster pastor of the churoh will £ive the sermon AMHERST COLLEGE NEWTON McKEON jRHEADS MRAT COUNCIL Succeeds William Morri Both Chi Phi Men Other Officers Elected Aniherst June Newton Keon Jr of Paterson was elected president of the interfraternity council of college at a meet ing yesterday He succeeds Willard PLEAD NOT GUILTY I TO THET AUTO Pittsfield June Arthur Davis his address as IS EastThirtysecond street New York rolcadedmot guilty in district court to cay to larceny of an automobile andcarrying a loaded revolver without a picenee and Earl arrell of 131 Co BumSTatstreet JJtica Ywho waschatted with Tarceny of an automo bilejalso pleaded not guilty Theircases were continued until the15th togive the police a chance to look Up Rhein records They were unable to kecufe $2000 ball each and were sent Ro jail I The pair were caught at Lee byChief Police rank McLaughlinwithin half an hour after he had beet tiotifted by Police Capt John Hines kf this city that an Overland coupebelonging to Lawrence Neilson had Iheenlstolen early today from In front Itf iSBoylston street Igoldsteinslease UNION SQ THEATER Adds to String at Spring field Northampton Hol Holyohe and Westfield Pittsfield une 5 The GoldsteinAmusem*nt company of Springfield kodaj leased of John Cooney the kjnioil Square theater on Union reet for al term of year? The Goldsjeins now own the Colonial and Palace" the latersj here and theaters also at Springfield Holyoke Northampton and Westfield The Union Square will be conducted as a moving picture vaudeville will be continued at the Palace and the Colonial will be used for stock and road attractions I HIT BY OWN CAR fhomas Manwell Cranks Car While In I Gear Painfully Bruised Pittsfield eTune Thomas Maxwell bf 24l Grove street was run over by his own automobile at the corner cf East street and Wendell avenue to htght' He told the police that the car became stalled and he started the en gine with the crank apparently after leaving the car la gear As soon ashe engine started the front wheels ran over him and shoved him against another car His face 'and left arm were severely bruised SUCCESSUL RAHI Lf f3? PollceH Confiscate Alcohol Alleged Mooashlne and lavoring Extract I Pittsfield Police Lieut Bhepardon and squad this afternoon faidedi the home of Sam Luplsello of 134 road and confiscated a gal lon off alcohol two gallons of alleged tnoonshine and six bottles of flavoring Lupleello was arrested on changes of Illegal keeping and nuisance This is pis second liquor offense If 'American Legion I The) Elks have given $100 to She Ihild endowment compaign fund This NEWTON McKEON JR president Amherst College Interfra fernlty Council Morrison of Chicago Both men are members pf the Chi Phi fraternity Other officers elected were Donald Miller Brooklyn secretary and Jesse illman of Pittsburg Pa treasurer Athol Pastor Who Jias Accepted Call to Northampton Nashotah seminary and Testa ment at Seabury divinity school ari bault Minn or five yars 1914 to 1920 he was assistant minister at the Church of the Savior Philadelphia During the years of teaching and while at the Church of the Savior his opinions underwent a change in the Unitarian direction He gave up his position in Philadelphia when called to the Athol Unitarian church which change in volved deposition from the Episcopal ministry in vhich he had served for 24 years Since coming to Athol Mr Young has had the warm support of very loyal church people In addition to his church duties he has served as a library trustee member of the Boy local committee and as a member of the advisory council of the Ord0r of De Molay Mr Young Is a 32d degree reemason and a Knight Templar He has a wife Hazel Louise (Barker) Young and two boys Ed mund John and Robert Barker 10 and sts Virginia Alice Albrlrht of Cleve niflrji rrnwli Atwhfirt of Banter Helen Wheeler Baldwin of raming Anna Isabel 'Ries nrr I Ruth Edith Dorothv Louisa Oi Harriet Grazer Ethel Rose Grussner of Louise Elizabeth Han Minn Marian nniM Elizabeth Jane Dorothy Wood Elizabeth Clark Woodruff of Orangey Ctt rances Elanor rirrit nr rasatipna tai Charlotte Blanche ilatton of York a Tex Tamsin Mary Theresa Annin Laurie Caroline Seymour Mary Elizabeth III 1 George R' Estabrook WPATTNG JtlLAllIN tr or 'Saturday Steam Hot Water and Size 9x1 2 One pipe urnacee nd 8x10 Combination Coal snd Ga Crex Rugs Kangas $1'198 Sheet Metal Work Summer rugs that are firmly 1 woven and practical for 1 8 NEW DWIGHT ST porches summer cottage and home use I i.

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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.