Statesman Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)

Ij i I I i II SaW OxoaTuMdar Morning. July 31. IMS PAGE IICH! SI Stead. irid Use For I Convenience arid Profit For Sl Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate Wanted Real Estate for Sale Real Estate For Sale Farms Business Opportunities BUSINESS $3678. Beauty Shop, with equipment good location.

Apt house. 4 apt, furnished, 3 blks. from business dist $19,000. Apt. building.

16 apU, all suit two apt, Steam heat Ctoae inv i Ahrains Ellis, Inc. i 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 6199 IITJOO Grocery tore and meat tnar ket rn goad location. Floor gpsjea-MSf aq. ft.

Parking lot 1 00x4 OS. Greaar iav come ka ISO $7SSO. attock wtU m-venrtory at apeawx. SSOOO. Lei art to- -tures.

Urtng qarrters. Call fee- P8tv Tfntt REALTORS S76 S. COMX. raoaa rm A SWELL BUSINESS IS a. beautiful bom and eleven other houses, all rented.

10 acrea fine1 -orchard. Present income about 93809 year. All for S250. naasowabts terms. AflUAMS Ar ELLIS.

INC. I 411 Masonic Bldg. Phong flM laaiiranog Mtf. Loans tv LINI OP Peanut vending macfainea. um.

naean. -um bi. cjonee. a-taaa. w.Ka.

oiuv.iw nu iiatuUb S-rear- lease en eailliliee in cludes Bring quarters. Bee MR, LAR- SEN withi Hawkins Inc. REALTORa For Sale Wood 16 EN. and 4 ft wood. A.

W. Sahtt 1st bouse North. Stitt cemetery it. DRY 16 in. slab.

ph. 6444. ii4.1- EDGING slab and btackr wnnd -mied'- double load. Ph. 772L DRY 16 ln.

slab and dry 16 in. mllt rood. Ph, T73L hi GREEN i old growrh 16 la prompt delivery Phone 6444.. FRESH CUT SAWDUST- Ph. 6683V Immediate delivery.

16 INCH troll wood a cd toad $14.90,1 immadiate delivery. Ph -6613. 19 Dt. SLAB 99 -per cord Cord, ft 9 cord lead-. CaoUol Lumber As.

Fuel CO Ph T7ZL Lost and Found 1 4 LOST: la pos tof flee, brown btUfold! personal papers needed. If money needed, keep. 499 N. 24th. Ph.

783 LOST: Monday, lady's Grant wrist ni watch on Mack band. Reward. Nancy-Ramey. 979 Marion, or leave at Police Station. LOST PerfUuge wrapped tor marrhvg" to Alma Bennett.

Portland. Ph. 4276. Reward. LOST: Cota purse with, currency and tokens.

Reward. Ph. 4809. LOST: Man's wrist watch, left In, trash room at Brooknook Restaurant PM. Reward.

Ed Boies, RL Box 181. Oreg- i Personal LONELY Get acquainted. Sealed. details. ACME, Bok 181-F.

Aloha, Ore. For Sale -IWu Carw 1934 SPORT 263 9 WOsort. WANTED: Late model Hudson Nash 1 or Terrsplana sedan. Cash ar trade in'" 38 Ford aedaa. Pfe, -t-248L GOOD Modal A.

6e Mres Phona 9989 Sunday or after 4 JO Mom. ft Yuea. 3 LATE 1937 Studebeker 9 door sedan. Just orerhauted. good rubber.

Phone 8056. 8413 Cherry St 4 1 Transportation LEAVING fer Long Beach. CaUC Aug. '9. Take one pass eager aa far ad Camp Roberta.

Ph. 4497. Wautetr-Used Cars WE PATf TOPS! Get every dime gwur ear a Cash on the Barrel-Heard SHROCK SALEMs eldest T1 mood eat dealer. NX Comer Charrh Ar Oam USED earn Pb, 6619. Lodges SALEM LODGE No, 4.

A. F. ft A. M. Wednesday.

August Stated Meeting, PM. 1 1 BEAUTIFUL HOME. Living room. dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, bed rooms, bath. Venation blinds, wired for -range.

Pish pond, rockery, tool house. steeping Porch. I xarace. $6000.00. I NEAR SWXGLE SCHOOL.

Attractive home. Uviaa) room, kitchen, bath, fir Doers. Owe bed room. Gaurage.ft4Md.00. P.

H. Bell, Realtor G. P. Armstrong 403 Guardian Ph. 4898- LATELY remodeled hieaa i in good location NNorth, bdrms Uv.

rm bath; kitchen god din, ran. combined, hdwd. alec, water heater. Corner lot wit earns watnut and nmert tree. 1 bHc to boa, 8 blks.

to acta. Price $5000. Terms. i D. A.

FISHH 334 Capitol Ph. 8534 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT: bed room, modern heme, close to aOl schoohv and blook tram bus Mae. Fuli basem*nt with wood furnace, fire plsce, wired for range. Fine lot with ahaoe trees. Owners will gia tmmed- stein Adolph, Inc.

110 N. Coml. St. (Upatairs)j Ph. 3030 I CHOICE Lot on Ruga West Ss- If in If mteresteai Call m.

G. KRUEGBR IteeJtnr 147 ComX St. IE 1 Ph. 4738 VERY GOOD lot oa Falrview Ave. MH8eM.

I lots east. A -good DUainesa locauon. Mr. Cardaer, 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street S4A00.

3 bedrm. home with storage bldg. on back of lot. Nice town garden- Near bus At store. Olson Reeve, Realtors MS IS.

Com'L Ph. 4590. Eve t33 eiawh''ww'wn. tdOOO. a bedrm.

home with dining rmJ bssmL, sawdust fur. My. trays. Wired for range. Garage.

Paved St Loti with shade trees. Near St. Vin cent school. Olson Reeve, Realtors 943 iS. ComX Ph.

4590. Eve. 838 If ROOM house. 4 bed rooms. 114 S.

13th. Lot' 75x300. See owner, Sacco, loco Mill St. or call seal. $8000.

Good 3 bdrm. home. North. 3 lots. Furn.

Kitchen stove At floor coverings go. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S.

COMX. Phone 3793 Eva. Ph. 8341 FOR ONE WEEK ONLY 00 buys this 3 bed. rm.

home. newiy rermtsnea oeiow witn rm. partly finished Apt. above; wired for range, nice large lot, ron- pave meat lust outside 'city limits; needs pstfrting and buyer gets the paint wun property, jmmaotata Seei F. G.

Delano or O. H. ZeUer. 290 N. Church.

Phone. 4091. 4 RM. HOUSB. Basem*nt, furnace.

dbl. SaUalBEVa liTM xTX Ol. a a a at es a REDUCED from $6500.00 to $6000.00. This A bd. rm.

horn "West Miller St. for' oufek sale. i Tracts of half acres or acres in the Frank E. Evans restricted district South of Keiser school on- N. River road, are gotng fast, we have a few O.

H. ZeUer, G. Delano, exclusive seise, agiuis. Radio Service WILL'S Music Store. Ph 4998.

Saw Filing DCPERT Saw Filing, all kinds, work guaranteed. 1391 Broadway. Sand and Gravel SAND At GRAVEL CONCRETE MIX. All kinds of Road Gravel, genuine rver out. anarp atasan sana.

Crushed Rock. COMMERCIAL SAND At GRAVEL CO Phone B07Z or TSfrt ararel. crushed rock, ready mixed concrete ana garden sand. Walling, Sand and Gravel. Ph.

9961, Sewing Machine Repairing Verne's Service. 357 Court! Ph. 902t "Septic Tanks Cleaned GET my prices before having work done. Ph. '7404 Permanen'.

resident of Saiem Kenneth HameL U49 8th St Stenographic Work PUBLIC Stenographer. Ph. 3056, Transfer Lester DeLapp Truck Ser. Ph. 3-1738 Gen Hauling.

Local ft Lonr Dist.3ca O-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets turn. 197 Liberty Ph 90S2 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer storage, burner oiL briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Pierce Ante Freight Including Calit points- Larmer -rrgnsiar co po iui Tire Recapping K. Rubber Welders Truck and Passenger, non-directional tire treads oa sail truck tires 302 High Ph 9948 Vaennm Cleaner Service erne's Service.

357 Court Ph. 3029. CERTTFTED GUAR. All makes Vutce's Electric 197 S. Lib TeL 6232.

FREE Inspection hi your home. Authorized Hoover service. We service all makes cleaners- Hogg Bros Ph 9148 Watch-Qock Repair Decker, licensed watch' maker. 1964 State. Ph.

91957. Weather Strips Weather strips and Insulation. Pullman Ph 8968' Free estimates Wood sawing YOOD SAWING. Phone 11773. Window Cleaning ALL work guaranteed.

1 Window walla, woodwork cleaned Floors wax Insured workman. Professional Cleaning Service. Ph. 4497. WINDOWS, Coots cleaned.

Ph. 81459- I Severin Realty Co. solicits the listing of your city ft suburban homes oc farms. Dependable Seles. Loan and ciosina service Our listing Service tt close to TOu as aour Severin Raaita Co N.

High St Senator Hotel Bldg. Tar. aorg Want 2 to 5 A. 4 House TT--- riM. CStb al savama-i Wast small borne la or near Salem.

Have attest with 9300 to M0Og down payment. -s Call K. K. CKOKair Rfch Reimann, Realtor S. Bleb, Ph rm Eve or Sua.

TtOS LISTING veaa- eitr. (farm property with as will give courteous, emctent ice you dseirs. Call 3210 8RTRT PICHA, RCALTOtta net ua sugn HOTRJT: If tor tk. rent ac hangg, list tt erttb ua turre all STATS TO A NC8I CO. tiS TO BUY OR SELL YOUR CTTY HOME.

FARM OR BUSINESS MOP- EBTY. SU OB CALL: SALEM REALTY CO. Tnri ACTIVE SALESUTN TO SERVE YQU M. HIGH ST. PHONE 7668 LIST YOUR Prnneif wtth ua tar better dent Alert salesmen, courteous service.

We -wfll also write your tn- surance, a-ienty ot panung apace at Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS I 976 COMX. Phone 4799 .1 i Eva. Ph. 8441 Suburban East of Center St Dandy new hae.

acre. 3 bedrm. bae hwd. firs. Elect, water-system.

Some filberts ft prune. Olson" Realtors S. ComX Ph. 4390. Eve.

9538 Bnsiness Opportunities APT. HOUSES 17 units furnished. Valuable corner lot. Good incoma. $17.000.

9 houses on 3 large lots. 10 minutes city center; Income mo. $14,500. toefiturn $bmenth n.ln.,a mm Business lot suitable for apts.

or 828S6l Auto repair business. Bur tools, rent shop. Only froo." CALL E. E. GRIMM Rich L.

Reimann, Realtor 167 S. Ph3722. Eve. or Sun. 7809 FOR SALE Grade A dairr.

48 A-l cows, equipment incoma 91200.00 per month. Win sell cattle and equipment and lease ranch. Hay barn tor winter, dose In. Write Box 099 cart of Statesman, GROCERY STORR Food locker. Store fixtures and stock, in thrivmg community 10 miles from Salem.

Inq Mr. Mason, Rickreaa Food Center. RickreaU. Ore. i INDEPENDENT Station.

Richfield Three pump service station completely equipped. Storage space 4 room bouse, bats. Built yrs. ago. Lot -70x00 on Highway ttW.

Phone 36F1 Lafayette. SEVERIN REALTY CO. oftrrs several Front St. Lots as Industrial gone. SerVKRXN REALTY CO.

Sanator. Hotel BMg. TeL 4016 7oROOMroomtog ail heat good loaation and income. CaU owner, phone 4262. OPERATE hon yard stone and res taurant, best toeation on hiway, in largest hop growing district Money maker for slant couple.

You famish equipment. Apply Loyde Hunnicut Hopville School earner a. Of 38F31. U8AaBamSa7BUV VI 4sMIVSBB aVSIVieZV'. ONE.

of Oregon's best hop ranches. 84 A. bottom tend, 62 A. ht hops. Irrigation.

New 34x94 hop drier and larger i warehouse, baler, baaxets. sacks. Ford tractor. New five room home Oil heat Two new cabtna. Call Al Bell further particulars.

Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS $79 S. COMX. Phone 3799 Eve. Ph.

2-1731 942.000 Dry Cleaning business In good location. Netting iioaoo a year, Beautiful up to date fireproof build ing. The best of equipment. Modern noma on grounds. Business could be doubled.

Owner selling on account of Reasonable terms. CaU Mr. Walters Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. COMX.

Phone 3793 Ph. SMI 0 A 1 0 Axawss LFuct 4. Oar tooth. T. Bhore t.

Custom XKlxhest card. Discoverer of radium 8, Variety of willow .7. Bully trees a Component part 10. Turn to the rleht 1L Conclude 15. Insect 18.

N0tt00d 19. Undivided 2aTrecioua atone It, Narrow roadway 11. To matura It, Sheltered aide I. 15. Expreasion IS.

Boy's name 17. Part of to be" dance ZLTetaauaw Ukeatata nfnusclea 2S.PoalUra voltage pole 27. Karslt noise 13. Pig-pen 3a Contributed to common fund 3X Yellowish B9ahaa ePraooua 17. Youth JiMUt bavtrara Rock debris 1 at cliff base 4LOilof rosa petilt 44.

Ceremonies 45. Larrtvronn 41 Body of water iown Strong; breeta (- SS, 27. 28. 12. S3, S3.

4 MM 83B-M. rmeil bath. Plastered. South. ibUs.

to hue. Garagev Paved St Olson; Reeve, Realtors 8. ComX i Ph. 4590. Eve SSM SPECIAL 1 NEWCOMERS 17900.

CjempbHehr furnished 3 bedrm. borne. Elect, refrig, elect, atovo. elect. heater, oil large RCA radio comb.

Overstuffed sat, all furniture excellent condition. V. bunds, fir' ee, 1 Jots. icaahruba. tewn and trees.

Garden la; Olsoq Reeve, Realtors OB SV ComT Ph. 49M. I BEDROOM RECETTLY built house large lot in -So. Salem. bedrooms with wash basin and toilet and full batnroomrdowa.

hardwood Soots, wired aor rang. alec, water heater-, part base Brent, garage; price Terms, 5. M. lEAKLE OR VICK.

BROS, lot North High Street i i Itooo DOWN $3750. 4 large rms. 1 Hv. rm at Jdt About yrs. old.

A din. rm comforUble home for; couple. Call Al Bell I. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS I if IfTO S.

C0MT Phone TWi Ph. J17S1 I' r. mod. home on Market St. Liv.

rm. Din. rm. ac kit. 3 harms.

4c bath, also sleeping porch. Bemt. with Fireplace in uv. rm. cau Al sou Hoft- Real Estate Co.

REALTORS 1 70 S. COMXJ Phone 1791 Eve. Ph. S-IWl a bdrm home on large cor. lot.

North. WeU constructed. Fully insulated i Large nr. rm. at din.

rm. Hdwd. firs. Oil best Call Al BcU. HufrReal Estate Co.

ifwiAMa i it avraa a nntl REALTORS 870 S. COM'L. Phone $793 Eve. Ph. t-1731 RESTAURANT FOR SALE Good sized restaurant doing an ex cellent business.) lease runs till October.

1M8J Will seU all stock, business and fixtures for $8500. Call for i appointment. i A (KWU BOAJUIIMU HUVSE. Well located close to town, large home with full basem*nt, sawdust fur nace. fireplace; completely furnished.

accommodates 19 boarders and shows excellent returns on Investment, step right in snd take over owner win sell complete for $13,000. LEE OHMART CO. I REALTORS 477 Court 5tii .1, Ph. M80 $4790. Small comfortable home for couple.

1 bdrm; Full bamt. Sawdust piped turn. cor. lot, Mr. Walters.

ri i Close- In. Call Hulf Real Estate, Co. REALTORS it'tu 1 970c S. COM'L. Phone 373 VJ Eve.

Ph. 8341 BY OWNER: Mod. 3 rms. gad sleep. porch, newly decorated 8 yrs.

old. Fruity walnuts, -berries. $3500. i- flSO Colonial Ave. i i.

$5730. A good a bdrm. home with unfiit. upstairs, on A. wooded tract.

At city limits. Here's a comfortable' At good looking home for you. Call Al Bell tt ar n' i i-i' i tiiin Uf ai instate u. REALTORS 4 .1 -70 S. COMl.

Pboae jM 1 eves 7 mod. home. E. Salem, large lot. several fruit nut trees, garage, good location, i immediate cos $3250.

8 IL house. fine lots. Eng. Distw double set plumbing. basem*nt, partly fruit; garage, a apt.

$0500, good terms, immediate -pos. a A. tract on (Highway S. close In, fine bid, site, soma fruit. $1900.

Valley 370 State-St. Ph. t7t Director cards rm by 4h MHMth wnly. Bate SUES per Une pea- month, CaD S101 ba listed here for retvIUt Furnace Cleaning Furnaces! bricked, vacuum cleaned. Root repair.

Ph. I 8058. Kennedy. Eapofl service Cooper tt Son. P.

3803 Inturamce Bristol Insurance Agency. General Insurance. 409 Oreg. Bldg. Ph.

31933. Lawnmower Sharpening MACHINE Grinding and repairing. 9130 Fair grounds. Road. J.

F. Dougherty GUARANTEED WORK on special factory grinders by Harry W. Scott. "The Cycle Man 147 S. Commercial St Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO.

iMusical Instruments Repairing. Will's Musla Store. P. 4959 Mnsie Lessons SPANISH at Hawilaa Guitar. Mando lin, Banjo, etc 1533 Court Ph.

7508 Painting PADfTTNQ 4V Decorating. Ph. 7552 I if Painting Paperhanging EXCEL. work reasonable. Ph.

3019. Paper hjmggv Jerry Johnson. Ph. 9493 EXPERT Workmanship Phone 4329 Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing De partment, sis at phone 810L Commercial. Tate- Photography, HARMON At New owners of Bishop Studios, are able to give you beautiful, natural portraits because of their excellent equipment.

820 state. Ph am. Plumbing HOWARD PLUMBING ft Sheet Metal Co- 1920 Jefferson. Ph, 3-1449. i EXPERT SERVICE loha rUher.

Ph 3019-939 lata. A L. SKXWtS ft CO. Plumbing ReeUng. 8 Coral.

PtL BO WEN BROS, Plumbing gad Eaat- BBg '35 H.Catn'1. PtW UiX i eves ie REALTORS two tor oni raici Front hom*o haa living room; dining room, kitchen and bath. Ml basem*nt, furnace, fireplaoe. part hardwood floors, also haa' stooping porch. Small roam bouM roar of tot.

Lot Is on tho corner. North. 99400. LAKX LABISK acres and hous. 1 full aero of lake bottom soil.

on sate for- only S3S00. Hows is not old, nssda nai finishing work' done, baa lights and is wirtd range. i 10 ACMES AMD ROMS bod- oain modern hom*o. lights, water, bath, garage, about a years old. Barn 19x30r poultry house.

3 A. in crop soma berries, A. pasture land. Located near Silverton, bus at door, quick sale- A5SO0. 9680 Ph.

MM. Eve. Ac Sun. 3779 BY OWNER: rm. house vr.

old. newly decorated. Hdwd. fars. th rough v.

oiiiKjs. nice vara. Englewood Dist. blks. from ParrtsV Jr.

H. and High schL t5Q. 10W Garnet. BY OWNER I n. modern home HOME AND INCOMZ I fine ntidenees on ona larffa.

woll seated lot, SOkISS. incoma about $100 por moron plus owner a urtng quar- ere. fart of furniture to go. 117.000. See Leo N.

Inc BZALTOltS Mt State St. Ph. tMl HOUSES HOUSES $2000. 4 acres US ft. frontage.

Sil- vertan Hlahway. S4SOO. 1 t. Se bath, many fruit treae. Taoo.

rm. raroe srueco. a sea rooma. Uv. Room at Din.

room combined. kitchen at bath, full basemeht, saw dust furnace, fireplace, larae tot. StSeo. rms. at nook, completely mod ern.

Auto, oil furnace, lot SSxlStt. many fruit trees and large garden sawo. acres, sr. utility room. unfinished attic, auto, oil heat, wired ne aanaa in ui auuqme stag.

none sue Insursnce Mtg. Loans flt.000 4 BED ROOM house just oft iapiioi cioee to sebooai Owbw plumbing, fireplace, bamt. Wood fur nace. $8350 NORTH. Two bed room house years old.

Hdwd. floors, fireplace, bemt. Wood furnace. Oaraae attached 4000 I ROOM garage, nice ana ciean msrae and out. Close to bus.

South $4000 TWO BDRM. House- close to bus. 1 SJ, Rostein Adplph Inc. 110a N. Commercial fUpsUirs) Ph.

3030 Evas.) 8314 For Rent ents a rm. Apt." t5 Division'. SMALL turn. apt. Close In.

"Inq. IMO Broadway. N17WLY dec. 8 imF fcfcHitsned apt gad floor: privets' bath, gas range. Ml No.

Cottage-. No drink utg or smoking FURNISHED stogie spsrtment. In cluding utilities. 7.Outrch -also apace for trailer- kse 160. JUnsosj.

Phv't04a. For Rent IIouses I VERY met furn. house. 3 bedrms and. sleep, porch, nice yard, fruit.

Will rent to party who can provide smaller nouae ror me. ru. sooe. Accounting Service ACCOUNTING-. BookkeeplaaT.

prop erty msnsgsrnent. Income tax. Business Service Co, Masonic Bldg. Ph: 8727, Airplane Models KITS and SUPPUES. Cherry aty Model Aircraft, list at Market.

I Appliance Service aSBSBBBWSeSBSWaBBSBBSB EXPERT Bendtx and cammercial and domestic refrigerator service. Ralph Johnson Appliance, phone 4036. Art Tile BATH Room, drain board flrenlsce or store fronts. 'Ph, am. uas a.

ma. Auto Brakes 1 HERRAIXr OWENS CO. S. ComT Mike Panek. 17k S.

ComX Ph. 8181 Brake and wheel atigntng specmust Auto Truck Service-, MARION MOTORS I NASH SALES at SERVICE Experienced mechanics Otto Buff, foreman. 540 Ph. 7838. HERRALL-OWENS CO.

339. 8. ComX Bicycles MCTCLfS. New and recondittoned Harry W. Scott, 147 Com'cL P.

4916 Body Fender Repairs HERRALL-OWENS CO. 339 S. Coml Building Contractor ORRIN PINNEY." contractor. Dcsirnina and remodeling bones. Ph.

$493. Rm. 230 Oregon Bldg. BE WISE MODERNIZE Cement' Contracting CONCRETE for Permanence. Ralph Harlan, Ph.

8678. CEMENT contracting a. Ell Ph. 4071. Chimney Sweep OH.

CIRCULATOR, furaacet. chim neys cleaned. Ensley. 771 a list 7176 Electrical ELECTRICAL msmten- snce and repair. Try our service.

Ph. 9279. Florists EOLA ACRES. Rt Ph." $736, Brelthsuprs 447 Court Phone 91M Funeral Directors HOWELL-EDWARDS. Ph.

8871. ROSE LAWN CommercisB, Funaral Boca. PR. 'iUi 3896 111 iii Busings MS H. on ap ATTRACTIVE FARM BUY I acres.

V-roons house, large barn, 1 garage, a poultry nouses, ew acres in 1 cultivation. Family orchard. Some tim- oer. Mram rnce sioov. -siocx ana 1 equipment can be 1 sea am.

vuuKusau; with 1 Leo Childs, Inc. kealtuks I Baste St Plu-tMl FARMS las oar) year round a BU, 119 A. in I SSL US, I creek, aid. bldgs, dec Priced 43060 down. 4W tat 1 48 A.

Good nktgs, eseeUent aoU. hard na-awe- ream, nay an bam. cows, a heifers. Price 12400, 33 close to Salem, 6 rm. good awn.

wxrlaat aoU. erell drained, some stock and equipment. $26,500. Wa have aorae good filbert orchards. Sred" RTOR Fred Otis aiewsoi 3096 N.

Capitol Evei Ph. Ph. V619 UNN CO. STOCK RANCH 358 A. 40 A.

fat grain, bal. some wooded. Goad Uve stream, several fprlngi. Penced snd rseg. teneed.

yr. old wary well built 9 r. Half Real Estate Co. BEAT TOB1 sre COMX. S-1TU Aerexss North at Salem.

8 rm. modem ewngalow. basem*nt and fur nace. Bice landscaped lawn. dec.

hot water neater, wired tor etcc. range. acre, in Umber, balance in culti vation. i $6258.00. 16 North with good room house, large chicken house, old barn, nice shrubbery, family orchard.

$3500. 4 acres with 6 rm. modern house, goad garden bond. 84750.M. 1 acre North of Salem with very cosy home, fine lawn and fenced yard.

A fine place for small chil dren. ii $3750. 37tt acres. 9 rm. house, 23 acres of prunes, oa paved road.

44 acres with of a mile of San- ham river frontage. Close to town. Has 3 new 9 rm. bungalows and II rm. bungalow, bath.

etc. This piece a future resort spot when dam is built 89 miles from Salem, Houses will bring good income at present umc. race swwu, i R. E. Meredith, Realtor 178 S.

Commercial St ij Phone 8841 81, ACRES-v'Full beating walnuts, two bed room house. $10,000. ACRES. Chicken Ranch, with: 4 acrea fruit good 4 bed room bouse, barb, 9 large chicken houses and other buildings. 912.000.

Rostein. Adolph, Inc. I I 110V N. Commercial (Upstairs) Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 BEAUTIFUL wooded acreage 1U ml.

n. on tuver Hd. Ph, 7942. 3 A. Traps, 2 home, bam and en nertn.

soauo. W. G. KRUEGER Realtor. 147 N.

CoraX St. Ph. 4728 2 A. Late -improvements. $4X.

-9 A. Well improved. 13230. 9 A. Nev Improvements.

97900. iu a improved, S7O00.I H. Grant, Realtdr 5 Court St. $1190 DOWN. 839 PER.

mo. burs IS I acres. 4 rm. bouse aouth, Mr. Gardner.

3210 BURT PICHA, REALTORS 937 North High Street 9 -ACRES WITH 4 room house. Two bdrms, elec. lights, water system. Good barn, small chicken hse, hog hae. Lo cated on Monker-stayton road between Staytoa, and Soto.

Feeaaasion at and only $2,500. Part terms. See MR. McMHXIN with Hawkins Roberts, Inc. Phone 4108 Realtors After 6, 91F21 SUBURBAN HOME OF 19 ACRES.

Modem house. 4 rooms, nook and bath. Cement basem*nt, furnace, electric water heater. Barn, garage, chicken house. Part hi filberts.

Some wal nuts, cherry and fruit trees. Lots of berries. Few miles out en good road and close to bus line. Prica only $7500. see an.

VOOBHXES- with Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9281 BY OWNER acre.

Liv. room. 4 bedrms, kitchen, nook. bath, electric water system Range and water heater included. $3900.

210 Morgan Ave. 12s ACRES with 2 houses, ona 6 rooms, one 9 rooms, barn and chicken 4. acres of bearing cherries, about 1 acre of mixed orchard, spring water piped to nouses. small creek. Located 3 miles from Salem.

1 acre; room house, bath and toilet. Electric water system, garage, wood shed, soma berries, good garden. 9 miles East of Salem, blocks from school, 6 blocks from bus line. A good louy xor szvu. Terms.

1 i Rostein Adolph, Inc. liWfc N. Commercial St Ph. 9030 K'EXZER DIST. $4000..

A. rm. hse. Fruit ber ries ft garden. Best of soil, Price for I quick sale Olson Realtors 943 S.

ComX Ph. 4590. Ere. 9936 29 ACRES ON THE PAVEMENT Exceptionally well located with a good building site. Best of soil, all under cultivation.

Let us tell you snout wis. -See MR. McMBVXJN With Hawkins Roberts, Inc. HT.AT.Trme. Phone 4108-1 After 8-91T21 1 EXCELLENT 6 rm.

house, mod, air I cond, home, 4 yrs, old; In suburban dist 4 A. 3 bedrm. home. Dec. water I system.

Good garage. Price- $4850. Highway frontage and business sites on 99 North RAWLINS REALTORS At INSURANCE Fred and Otis. Realtors 2056 N. Capitol Phone 7919 -Eve.

Phone 7903 82000. Midway to Portland. 9 rm. I hse, 2i A. Best Willamette soil, fruit more land available.

Ph. 8129. Owner, 2193 Berry. 29 ACRES. MILES out On good road.

cioee to school, new a room bouse. some timber: 1 acre close in. 4 room bouse, new chicken house, near bus. line and stores. CHAS.

HUDKTNS OR -WALTER SOCOLOrSKY ZJi SUte St Phong M4 Wanted Real Estate -WANT HOME 4 N. or N. E. $8000 up. Also I 3 to 4 B.

Rm. Hse. 94000 to $6000. At once. Willamette Real Estate.

173 Liberty. Ph. 7113. WANTED 1 to 19 acres with build ings. N.

or E. of Salem. We have cash buyers for places like this. Jack Hennn-igsca STATE FINANCE CO. HEAT TOne.

112 Guardian BiUaV. Salem. 'Pa. 4121 313 117 tna $49 to off I 4 I I LEE OHMART NEAT AND CLEAN Living room, bed rooms. kitchen and bath, wtth full boa aoat end wood furnace, water beater, wired lor rang, Ctomptotery ronorotottl traidt and out-64So.

I 4 GRAND LOCATION Living room, dining room, 9 bed rooma, kitchen and baiar-doomv 1 -bed room up. eleetrte waeer blaster, at-tachad garag. Has 79 toot frontage nd 173 ft one bleak- 4rm ta Englewood School HtW AND MODHW uvwi kitchen and bath, auto wH fur-nac. eleetrte water boater. veired for range, garage.

Vi Windota wUont repair and newly peinese? 6 Pisa, PHONE tTT COURT ST. For Rem Room Sip. rm. Pri. home, good toe.

Wanted to Rent WANTED: bed room turn. ar unfurnished. Permanent Ph. 0. 1 uivi You an house or court for affseorla -wi-and two chudranT Needed desperately Aug.

lOOi. Ph. 0M. wiNTtn so rent tor uiimaaiairt lem nary rot, or 4 room furnished or unfurnished bouse or apt. oy ep.

1. Mrs. J. Baecher. Rte.

1, Boar S. Lebanon. Ore, or Phone Sttom Bai WANTED: Listings of dwellings. mnrntntm and board and room avail able for rent to school Phone 137. Public School Administration.

Of- fice. or BDRM house unfum. no kids or oeU: references. Box SS Statesman. MAN WANTS 1 or rms.

lor- light housekpg. rum. or unfum. Near Bush or Com'L Sit. Bush.

a-rhtTOT TUri ahllHraMI AT iMrtaf. WaUlt 1 Irf.uAJr wint TO rent or lease large tour ist park, highest references. Box 84, Bts teaman. MUST HAVE Unfurh. 2 jor- 3 bedroom home.

Will pay 'up, to $100 mo. rent. Ph 3403 PHOT ESS. ma, perm- dr 3 bdrm. Unlorn.

Ph. T571 or WANT a-bedroom unfum. house. l7?" tlO for auUabl unfur- niMhd. s-bedrm house: Will leaeav IpfweneM.

Phone (734. I Fori Rent "UOM jar fTL. auawej sv hwrvta i ar FLOOR SANDEJT; Ser gomrjr BULLDOZER. Ph. fltj, Monmouth.

s. i WantcdMiscellaneons WANTED: Balloon tired scooter tor ahild. rh.9UB. DO You want a store your furni ture with, a private party who will give' It excellent care? Phone WANT about a bushels groan been tor, home caarUag. WANTED: Late model electric range.

Phone ttS7. WANTED: A reed organ. Ph. ar write P. O.

Box 189. Salem'. 5408 ADDING MACHINE, Ph. 8717. WANTED: TRUlrK.

Also electric Iron. Phone 3698. CASH paid for aid broken Big Ben alarm else he. eld watches ana) -aorap gold. Ph.

2-187. We Bay Furniture TRADE WITH A FTJtM OF YEARS JtEPUTATrON OF BUSINESS INTEG RITY IN TUB" WILLAsrKTTE VALLEY HIOHXST PR1CSS PAID FOR Pianos Furniture and Appliances Can 14 far appowHraeni' HOGG BROS. WANTED Small record player. Ph. I S24S after 8 p.m.

WANTED Men's good used suits and toouri. OK Cleaners, 140jLapltol. REFRIGERATOR WANTED. Ph .5901 WANTED. PIANOS.

Will pay cash Wills Music Store. 433-State St osko nmwrTUKa fn am WANTED, Pianos, Tallmans. Ph. 8707 WANT TO Buy. Useo cameras A lenses i McEwan Phote Shop 438 State CASH for your used furniture.

Ph. T59. State St. Furniture. -1909 State.

IT YOU have I furniture to sell 1 ltusa Bright Ph. 731L 453 Court CASH lor need mane at other mu sical Instruments Call 4841 days 9537 even in ss ar 'send description tr Jaqutth Musi 'Cow 181 High. ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Company, Baa Francisco Eastern Advertisin. Representatives Ward -Griff Kh Company, tna. Chicago, New York.

Detroit. Boston, Atlanta I Member' Paetfle, Coast Division Bureau of Advertising entered at the -Potrofflce af aotent, Oregon as gscond-Class Motter. Published every morning except InVmdasj. Burmese office 119 South'. Comaisr- ctal SUBSCRTPTlbN RATES MaU Subacriptioa Rates in Advance; 80 eente: mos.

$3.00: I year. $9 00:1 Elsewhere 80 cents er mo. or $790 for 1 year be advaaoa. Par copy eente. By City Carrier, 79 cearta a month, 9.00 a year bi advance to Maiiosi and adjacent eounuea.

a JIM tot1 for our. NELSON NEWS NEW S-ROOM. LARGS COMB. LR-DR, bath. 1 bdrm.

down. DtUttgr rm. with L. T. Ven.

bunds, rang- wired, electric water heater, large lot, gar. 1 blk. bus 04350. t. KEEP BOUSE Of MB.

RMS. Unfinished attic Trays. Duo-Therm oil Beater -with 100 eapaetty ailatoraga elec. water heater, fairly new nouae. storm windows.

V. bunds. nil largo-- lot. furnishings include eee. rang, reznaVPncea to aeili VERY COOD S-ROOM 3V.

dbscUe. bdw. fplace. full bamt. with trash burner, well landscaped.

1 blks. to bus. Imra. svailabte $8400. 1 COUNTRY ROME for BUSINESSMAN ACRES lust 3l mi.

from town, IS or it cleared and cultivated, about 18 of it to good healthy bearing orchard, principally popular vsrte-! nee ot apples ana cherries, 4 acres I to native timber, family, fruit and berries, well built, well a int. planter a aoti bath. Bam. leyina houses, careUkers house, tUg well housg It fruit gtorare. panorainie view of -entire Willamette valley n-om upper asm this tract, A Country Home with substantial tn- IMMEDIATE POSSESSION NORTH battaw fuU bamt.

with shower. Good furnace. Dtoie. garaga with concrete floor. Bldga.

la good condi tion, goosed yard with good shade. But I block. $400. NELSON 4 NELSON Chet Nelson Theo. G.

Nelson i REALTORS Rm. 30041 Masonic 495 State St rn. etig. Kves. zuso or SZ80 A SPLENDID 1 acres best soiL iusl Nortn of me senator McNary home, on paved road, no buildings but tew pear, apple and prate bearing trees.

Price $3000.00. See O. H. ZeUer with F. G.

Delano. $4469 4-RM. mod. house. Ige.

lot, fruit East 92SO0 down. $4730 LARGE LOT. 9-rm. house, near Statehause. $62509 RMS.

Sleeping porch. North-' $7500-68x169 LOT, exe. location. N. Summer.


Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 or 31183 EXCEL hide, aite with viw In lUn Lomond district. Ph. ZM31.

Highland School Dist. 9 Rm. home near bua ft store. 2 kit. Wired for rg.

Uv ft dng. rm. $4800. i Terms. CaU E.

GRIMM Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 167, S. High. Ph. 3722.

Sun, or Eve 7809 $6500. see this bdrm. home. X. on Market Full bsmt.

Hdwd. firs. Yen, blinds. Call Mr. Hull Real Estate Co.

REALTORS I 870 S. COMX. Phone 3793 Eve. Ph. 8341 Hollvwood District 5-ROOM HOUSE on Deep Lot! Price only $42501 Bljyen-AIderih-Cooney REALTORS- 430 Oregon Bldg.

Ph. 7906 NICELY FURNISHED 6 home 6 yrs. old. Deep tot wtth trees, good location, south Salem. s.

ALSO 8 rtn. modern home on N. 18th St just off Center -St. 97000. $1900 da.

ART MADSEN 1530 1326 State St Ph. $6000 6-RM. English style home la S. Salem, computation living Ac dining rms, 1 bedrm. down, 9 bedrms.

up. nice kitchen At bath, fireplace, basem*nt furnace, lot 80x178. Some fruit Ac nuts. $12,500 GOOD HOME close In. 4 Urge rms, bath ft fireplace on first fir, 4 bedrms.

ft bath on second floor, bajtntut oil burner furnace, sprinkling system large tot Lota of shrubbery, gars res. MELVIN JOHNSON 725 Court SU Ph. 3723 About l2 A. in Gty In Highland School Dist. On paved St.

small houses. Income from fruit nuts ft berries shout $300 yr. Only 9 blks. from school, bua At store. $700 worth of building materials go 'with place.

can s. (jrKUsat Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 1CT 8. High. Ph.

3722. Eve or Sun. 7809 LOT, by owner; good location. 9169. i Ph TWO HOUSES on LARGE CORNER U71 MUKTH $8406 FOR FIVE-ROOM Dwelling- in North, Two bed rooms, basem*nt, furnace, garage, has large combination living and dining room site 14x40- feet Fireplace.

Good condition. Also a good three room plastered house for rental. Both on a laree corner lot A Good BUY tor 86400.TERMS. 1 Rostein Adolph, Inc. 1101,1 N.

Cominartlsl Upstairs) Ph. 30304Cves. 9314 ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL DIST. Five room modern home, fireplace, wired tor electric range. 2 bed rooms.

unfinished attic, full cement basem*nt furnace. Price $6000. Can' be shown between, 8 JO AJ4. and 9 PM. See Mrs.

Needhsm or Louis BechteL 341 State St Room For Sale Farms 46 ACRE farm 31,, miles from Salem with exceptionally good buildings. 3 bed room house with fireplace, large convenient kitchen wtth lota of built- tea. Large bam with exercise shed attached: modern Grade -milk house: 3 tile chicken bousesr bog house; 4 machine shed; double garage-All land In cultivauon: -aa year creek. About acres of prunes and about 1 acre of varied fruits and nuts. Owners will give immediate possession.

Price 916,909. Terms. Stock and equipment can be purchased. Rostein Adolph, Inc. 1101, N.

ComX St (Upstairs). Ph. 9036 99 ACRES of land under ditch with good large home In good cond. This piece Is now being used as a dairy but is suitable for beans or similar irrigated crops. Now has several kinds of fruits and nuts and berries for family use.

This place to be sold wtth 12 cows, milking machine and other equipment for $15,600. Terms. Or' will trade for Salem, home or incoma property. D. Al-RSH 324 N.

Capitol Ph. 6521 1 I 344 at 9 in 4 is 12 I 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 I fDirectory aE nz 1 ipn. IliioN "Tan i jpiw l.jpL-'f 1 (n ais hoo tt A'6rr QiqMTdtovI'lrwTo Tisijs ickle 55 7Tfi a a V) 22.Playthlnrx 24.Smaa areas i Buatneas 1 reoord. books Expression torrirhtea Humble 30.TotrareI back and forth Touches end to and rails to win Indian -36. Salt (Chen,) YsaUraays Aaswev 38.Wbaatea flour 1 40.ralaehoo4 ineaaiiras 42.

Bind 4 ft i i prir-rra" Nrl la.

Statesman Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.