The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (2024)

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (1)

July 26, 2016 0.0

S2E1 - Stuck

As Hook and the pirates are searching a cave for treasure, they stumble on an abandoned sextant. To calm his angry men, Hook leads them to believe that it is a magic sextant that will guide them straight to the biggest treasure on the island. What he doesn't know is that this really is a magic sextant; by moving it from its original position, he has closed the passageway between London and Neverland. And now John, Michael and Peter Pan are stuck in London while Tinkerbell and Wendy have to team up to open the Star passageway...

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (2)

July 27, 2016 0.0

S2E2 - A Pirate's Life

John is fed up! He can't practice fencing for his Cyrano de Bergerac audition because his classmates keep interrupting him, asking for help with their homework. When Peter Pan promises to give John fencing lessons in Neverland, the boy is thrilled! Except that, everyone needs his brains there too! And John starts to get fed up... But right when he is about to throw in the towel, a magic plant captures both him and Dagan and spits them out in each other's skins.. Now John finds himself among the pirates! And what if Captain Hook was, in fact, an excellent fencing teacher?

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (3)

July 28, 2016 0.0

S2E3 - Thief, Friend And Foe

Michael has been crying wolf a lot lately. John and Wendy find it truly tiresome. Luckily, Peter shows up to whisk them all off to Neverland and the two older siblings secretly hope that Michael will switch from pestering them to pestering him. Their wish seems to have been granted! As soon as they are inside the Imaginary Tree, Michael whines to Peter about a scary “shadow” lurking about the tree. Peter tells him to stop but Michael won’t give it up. In fact, he proves to them tha

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (4)

July 29, 2016 0.0

S2E4 - Watch out for Wendybell

Someone has stolen water from the fairy lake. It is magic water, precious and dangerous. While trying to recover it, Wendy accidentally drinks it and finds herself transformed into a fairy! Though she is thrilled with her new condition at first, she quickly realizes that she can't go home in this state. Things get complicated when our heroes are captured by the pirates. In fact, the fairy water was intended for Hook, who plans on using it to get magic powers and put a stranglehold on Neverland.

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (5)

July 30, 2016 0.0

S2E5 - Don't mess with Momma

Wendy is tired of her brothers always bothering her for help with this, that and the other. Once they get to Neverland, they ask her to team up with them for the big bake-off contest. Wendy flat out refuses. They can fend for themselves! Piqued, John and Michael decide to go look for a the finest ingredient in the universe for their recipe: a Swamp Monster egg... Maybe it's not such a good idea...

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (6)

July 31, 2016 0.0

S2E6 - Copy Cat

Michael is deep in an “I do everything like John” phase, but John is quickly fed up being constantly imitated. On Neverland, John eventually tells him to get lost… Which the vexed Michael does, fleeing to the Mermaids’ Lagoon.

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (7)

Aug. 1, 2016 0.0

S2E7 - Gold, Gold, Gold

Once again, John’s feelings are seriously hurt when the other children on the school playground pick him last for their team. Oh how he’d like to be tall and strong… and not wear glasses! Once in Neverland, John can’t resist the temptation and races to the Murmuring Tree to make a wish for his braininess to be turned to brawniness. Wish granted!

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (8)

Aug. 2, 2016 0.0

S2E8 - Peters Lieutnant

John is fed up with being the middle child. Michael always gets his way and Wendy is permanently allowed to boss them both around. But John is never allowed to decide on anything!

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (9)

Aug. 3, 2016 0.0

S2E9 - We Broke Neverland

In Neverland, John and Michael encounter a young Native making some “Valiant Potion”, a traditional potion for the entire tribe that is supposed to give strength and courage. It’s a great honor to prepare it because it is a complicated and delicate matter. John and Michael offer to help the young Native. They gather all the necessary ingredients together… Except that Michael, rushing things as usual, adds the wrong ingredient at the wrong time. The potion spills on the ground and Neverland begins to tremble… It doesn’t take long for the three boys to realize that something is seriously wrong with the island: invisible walls appear from nowhere, geysers of energy shoot from the ground and a magical portal opens between the Jolly Roger and the NeverTribe village. Neverland’s energy has become completely unstable!

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (10)

Aug. 4, 2016 0.0

S2E10 - Say Cheeeeese

To win the photo contest organised by his favorite magazine, Michael wants to take pictures of all the wonderful thing on Neverland ! John reminds him last time they brought a camera on Neverland, they couldn’t develop the pictures , but Michael already foresaw this problem : this time, he’s bring his parents’ old polaroid camera, so pictures get developped IN Neverland ! There, problem solved ! But John and Wendy warn him – You don’t know how technology can turn out on Neverland – but Michael ignores their advice.

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (11)

Aug. 5, 2016 0.0

S2E11 - Teamwork People

John has been docked points on his homework because he did all the work on a group project by himself in order to save time. As John complains, Michael is jumping around holding a DVD of “CAPTAIN MUSCLES 2”. They are going to watch it tonight in Neverland! It’s gonna be AWESOME! So awesome, in fact, that even Sienna wants to watch it… So she decides to hide in a corner of the NeverTree to watch it without being noticed.

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (12)

Aug. 6, 2016 0.0

S2E12 - The Discord Stone

After having a major argument about who can use the computer, Wendy and her brothers break it! As a result, they are all punished! All three sulk big-time and swear they’ll never speak to each other again! Luckily Peter knows a way to reconcile them… A way unique to Neverland… The Discord Stone!

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (13)

Aug. 7, 2016 0.0

S2E13 - The Great Chumbalaya

In London, Michael has been unbearable since he started doing everything that Walter, his older (and quite stupid) cousin, tells him to do. Wendy and John are fed up and quite happy when Peter comes to get them; going to see other friends should help their brother forget about Walter.

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (14)

Aug. 8, 2016 0.0

S2E14 - Neverland's Got Talent

John is feeling low because he sees how talented Wendy is in dancing and what splendid artwork Michael does. He feels like he has no talent whatsoever. Even with his piano pratice, he has to work like crazy to make any progress. Things don’t get any more encouraging for him in Neverland when he sees how well Chubs can cook and Meera can sing. Would he be the only one without a natural gift? So when he learns, quite by chance, that Sienna has stolen Hook’s collection of hooks to find the famous invisibility hook, but couldn’t find it in there, John has an idea : if he can locate this hook, which, according to legend is somewhere in Neverland, he’ll finally have a sign of some kind of talent!

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (15)

Aug. 9, 2016 0.0

S2E15 - When Problems Multiply

Michael dreams of having a pet, but Mrs. Darling doesn’t share his opinion: it’s too much responsibility, he won’t take care of it and blah, blah, blah… Luckily on Neverland the Great Indian Chief gives Michael a lovely blue frog! Michael just has to make sure it never eats red ants, that he doesn't wave a red handkerchief in front of it and MOST OF ALL, never tickle its belly…

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (16)

Aug. 10, 2016 0.0

S2E16 - The Traitor

London. Wendy’s furious. She’s been punished for breaking the vase in the living room. Except no one but Michael knew about this, so he must have told on her ! Michael may very well keep protesting his innocence but Wendy won’t believe him.

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (17)

Aug. 11, 2016 0.0

S2E17 - Rebel Girls

Wendy is very annoyed because she wasn’t accepted in the school’s cricket club. John laughs because he doesn’t find anything odd about this. After all, cricket is a “gentleman’s” sport and there are girl things and boy things; everyone should know his or her “place”. Wendy can’t believe it; what kind of old-fashioned comment is that?! In Neverland, Peter informs them that today, the young natives boy need to pass a series of physical and intellectual challenges to prove themselves before the tribe. The Lost Kids go to the Native village to watch the show, but they see something else instead: a scene. Lily wants to participate in the contest but her mother is adamantly opposed in the name of “tradition”. Wendy stands up for Lily.

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (18)

Aug. 12, 2016 0.0

S2E18 - The Topsyturvy Spheres

Jake Sorrow, who is on look-out, can’t help joining the concert. He takes a deep breath and belts out… A horribly out of tune note! Frightened, the stars fall from the sky with a scream and the musical creatures scatter in a terrible cacophony. The frightened sun abruptly sets! For the Lost Kids and the Nevertribe, this is a catastrophe! If they don’t manage to gather all of the musical creatures and the stars so they perform the “Song of the Spheres” together, eternal night will reign over Neverland…

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (19)

Aug. 13, 2016 0.0

S2E19 - Forever Young

The Darlings’ parents have now decided Michael would have his own room ! John and Wendy agree : it’s awesome to have your own room, and Michael is grown-up now… But Michael isn’t convinced : if being a grown-up means you have to sleep all by yourself, well that sucks… When Peter suddenly arrives to pick them up for new adventures : the Nightmare Door has escaped ! The Darlings’ siblings enthusiastically fly off to Neverland…

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (20)

Aug. 14, 2016 0.0

S2E20 - Monkey See, Monkey Do

According to Peter, who appears forthwith, it’s time for John to meet his TOTEM in Neverland. John smells a rat. What is with this Totem thing ? Peter explains that the Indians believe that each person has a part of him that is Animal, still linked to Nature, and which is indispensable for his well-being! It’s an opportunity for John to get to know himself better, and above all to relax a little bit during the stressful time of exams.

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (21)

Aug. 15, 2016 0.0

S2E21 - The Water Fairy

Michael comes back from his school outing to the pool completely furious, swearing he’ll never set foot in there again. Wendy and John advise him to go back and try once more : it’s not by refusing to go in the water that one can get better at swimming. Suddenly Peter bursts excitedly in to lead everyone to Neverland, where the water is mysteriously disappearing.

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (22)

Aug. 16, 2016 0.0

S2E22 - Childs Play

In London, Wendy gets in an argument with her mother after discovering that she had sewed up the holes in her jeans. And the holes were exactly what gave them style! Seconds later, Peter Pan and Tinkerbell appear to take the Darlings to Neverland….

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (23)

Aug. 17, 2016 0.0

S2E23 - Wendy Disperses Herself

Alone in his bedroom, Michael is drawing the shack of his dreams, in a tree with people inside it. He suddenly hears John and Wendy arriving. Quick ! He puts things back where they belong. But John and Wendy find out their felt pens are almost dry, and they are clearly unhappy about this. Oh come on ! Geeeez ! Is Michael capable of understanding he isn’t the king of the world ?! Living in community implies a minimum of rules. He should have asked before borrowing !

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (24)

Aug. 18, 2016 0.0

S2E24 - The Neverland Prophecy Part 1

Nobody ever asks Michael for anything: when Wendy needs help she asks John and when John needs help, he asks Wendy… and when Mrs. Darling needs something from her children, she asks her two eldest children! It’s as if Michael doesn’t know how to do anything. He’s tired of feeling useless… but he can’t seem to think of anything that he does better than his older siblings (and that really irritates him). Peter happens to drop by just at that moment. Noticing that Michael is sulking, he suggests that they forget all about it for a few hours, and take a quick trip to Neverland. Nobody there cares about being useful or not! And off they go to the Imaginary Land.

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (25)

Aug. 19, 2016 0.0

S2E25 - The Neverland Prophecy Part 2

Hook grabs the conch, holds it up with a cry of victory and calls out to Barrum to wake him. All is lost… or would be, if anything happened- but nothing does! It’s not the right one either: our heroes look at each other in confusion !

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (26)

Aug. 20, 2016 0.0

S2E26 - The Neverland Prophecy Part 3

Peter, Wendy and John are still pursuing Asbjörn and Dagan who are carrying off Michael. Peter flies hastily after them. The pirates are almost at the point of giving up … when Peter suddenly crashes to the ground: he can’t fly anymore! What is going on? He gets up and marches with a determined air towards the pirates… but suddenly disappears. Wendy and John are aghast. Asbjörn and Dagan – surprised but relieved – take off towards the Jolly Roger with Michael. Wendy and John come back to their senses, and rush to follow, all the while desperately hoping that nothing serious has happened to Peter…

The New Adventures of Peter Pan (2013) (2024)


What is the solution in Peter Pan? ›

The main conflict in J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan is between Peter Pan and Captain Hook, representing the struggle between childhood innocence and adult responsibility. The resolution occurs when Peter defeats Hook, symbolizing the triumph of youthful freedom and imagination over the constraints of adulthood.

Did Mrs. Darling know Peter Pan? ›

"But who is he, my pet?" "He is Peter Pan, you know, mother." At first Mrs. Darling did not know, but after thinking back into her childhood she just remembered a Peter Pan who was said to live with the fairies.

How old is the first Peter Pan? ›

As of 2020: 118 years old from the original story. In the subsequent plays and movies, between 12 and 13 years old.

What happened in chapter 17 of Peter Pan? ›

Peter returns for Wendy the following year, though she is embarrassed that her old Neverland dress is too short. Peter has forgotten about all their old adventures, even about Hook and Tinker Bell. Peter explains that she has probably died, since fairies do not live for very long.

Is Captain Hook a lost boy? ›

In this version, Hook is revealed to be an old friend of Peter's and the first Lost Boy, but he left Neverland because he missed his mother. Years later, he returned to Neverland as a pirate, being rejected by Peter because he had grown up.

Is Captain Hook good or bad? ›

Return to Never Land. Captain Hook in Return to Never Land. Captain Hook once again returns as the main antagonist of the sequel.

Why didn't Peter Pan marry Wendy? ›

An-chan Like others have said, the kind of love Wendy had for Peter was something he couldn't comprehend and something that ultimately terrified him. She wanted to be a mother, even as a child, and that was simply not possible in Neverland.

What is Wendy Syndrome? ›

Named after Barrie's fictional character Wendy Darling, who was created in 1904 as Peter Pan's friend, Wendy syndrome also isn't an official diagnosis, but a popular psychology term used to describe an adult who is empathetic, nurturing and even self-sacrificing.

Is Captain Hook Wendy's father? ›

Some come from the original stage play by J.M. Barrie, where the story began, while others are purely the creation of this production. In the process, it breaks with a long-standing tradition for Peter Pan adaptations: casting the same actor to play both Captain Hook and Wendy's father, George Darling.

Did Tinker Bell love Peter Pan? ›

After Peter's memory is restored, Tinker Bell "wishes" herself into a human-size woman to share a kiss with Peter. After Peter returns to London, Tinker Bell appears to him one last time on the Peter Pan statue in Kensington Gardens to tell him that she will always love him.

What is Peter Pan syndrome? ›

Peter Pan Syndrome is a pop psychology term used to describe an adult who is socially immature. It refers to “never-growing” adults who have reached an adult age, but cannot face their adult sensations and responsibilities. The term is a metaphor based on the concept of not growing up and being trapped in childhood.

How much older is Wendy than Peter Pan? ›

Answer and Explanation: Wendy's exact age is never specified in J.M. Barrie's works, but she is said to be the same size as Peter, suggesting that the two are roughly similar in age, perhaps twelve years old.

Why did Peter Pan turn pink? ›

After Wendy kisses Peter, he turns pink and sparkly. The lost boys say how powerful that kiss was in order to reinforce to the audience that it is the kiss (and therefore Wendy) that gave the power to Peter.

What did Peter Pan call Wendy? ›

Wendy is often referred to as the "mother" of the Lost Boys and, while Peter also considers her to be his "mother", he takes on the "father" role, hinting that they play a married couple in their games.

Does Wendy grow up? ›

In this Afterthought Wendy has grown up and married, although it's not known whom she married, and has a daughter, Jane. When Peter returns looking for Wendy, he does not understand at first that Wendy is no longer a young girl, as he has no notion of time when in Neverland.

What is the medicine in Peter Pan? ›

The "tonic" given to the children by Nana may have been morphine. It was quite common in the early 20th century to give children "soothing syrups" and "tonics" to control their behavior. These concoctions turned out to consist of several different narcotics.

What is the conclusion of Peter Pan? ›

In the end, they decide to return home and grow up, rather than stay young (and orphaned) forever. The Lost Boys also return, and only Peter Pan remains in Neverland forever.

What is the problem in the story of Peter Pan? ›

The main conflict in Peter Pan is one of values: the value of childlike innocence and imagination, and the value of growing up and experiencing the challenges and pleasures of adulthood. This conflict is most clearly seen in Wendy's journey from her nursery in Bloomsbury to the magical land of Neverland.

What's the deal with Peter Pan? ›

Peter Pan Syndrome — when grown men avoid the personal and professional responsibilities of adulthood — isn't recognized as a psychological disorder, but it can explain a certain pattern of behavior.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.