Lawrence County News from Lawrenceville, Illinois (2024)

I i s- i I (5; i i W' it. i ii s-WM -j n. SSSK5 LavrrnMiyille, Illinois, Wednesday -Evening, Volume XXX -Na ITT ZONK, AD. WBIIHI6 CONTEST ANOTHER SOLDIER PASSES fHINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN J. A.

KELLER 01E0 TUESDAY COUNCIL MITTEES Was Police Magistrate for Eight Years Vote of (Sty Election Canvuaed sod and Well Known In City. Committees Named Tuesday Night. New" Have Opportunity ta Earn $5 a Week George W. Kyger Answers the Final Can ta Bert John A. wsiisr passed away at his A special meeting of the City Counhome on South Twelfth street at 3:40 eU was held Tuesday night at which, a.

ul Tuesday, following an illness ex- time the vote of the recent city election tending over a period of six or seven was canvassed and L. C. David, A. years. The Immediate cause of death! Daugherty, Ed U.

Bailey and WOl V' Tracy were declared duly elected alder-, men from their respective wank for a. period iff two yean each. The vote on. the ixwiwg proposition was also canvassed and declared carried. The expenses of holding the election were ordered paid, the judges and Clerks receiving $1 each for their services.

Aldermen David, Bailey and Tracy' took the oath of office, which was administered by City Clerk Ashbaugh. and the council adjourned to meet the first Friday night In May, when Alderman Daugherty will take Ms teat as the representative of the ward. was chronic nephritis. About two yean ago he suffered a light stroke of paralysis, but regained the us eof his limbs, although he had been confined to Ms home most of the time since then. Last summer he had a seven attack of pneumonia and his life was despaired of, hut Me wonderful vitality wan the battle.

Again in January Ms condition was alarming, but again he rallied and seemed -to have recovered Ms former strength. In an these -yean he was patient and uncomplaining, and his faithful, wife was his constant attendant. Mr. Keller was bom at Chambers-burg, Penn, January 4, 1850, making Following a gradual decline In health, George W. Kyger passed away at his home on North Eleventh street Thursday atemoon at 3:30.

Death came peacefully, the worn-out mortal machinery simply stopped running and the spirit left Its abode of clay for the realms above. For several hours preceding his demise Mr. Kyger had been In a state of coma, being unable to swallow food or drink although apparently suffering no great pain. Mr. Kyger was one of the few remaining veterans iff the Civil war.

He was bom in Petty town, February 33, 1840, and moved with his parents to Allison Prairie In 1853, where be continued to reside until the outbreak of the Civil War. He enlisted In Co. 11th Mo. VoL Inft, on July 38, 1861, and was sent to Jefferson Barracks, near St. Louis.

After six months service In Missouri, he was sent home on a fur- lough on account of 111 health. Two months later he rejoined his regiment, but suffered a relapse and was sent to a hospital in Evansville, where he was discharged In August, 1863, and sent home as a confirmed Invalid. Par a number of years he was unable to; perorm manual labor of any kind, but be gradually regained his health and resumed his farming operations. On February 16, 1878, be was married Beginning next week and continuing sixteen weeks, the Lawrence County News win give to some reader $5 each week for a little easy work It will require no outlay of capital, eery little time and the work Is both pleasant and educational. The contest Is open to every subscriber and members of his or her family, the only 'exception' being employes of newspapers.

Briefly the pi" is this: Next week win be rniMi a large ad. containing the miw of twelve awrenpeville firms, an you have to do Is write an advertisem*nt for one of these firms and man it to the Lawrence County News on or before Saturday noon of each week. The firms wUl be taken in regular order, one each week, and the person writing the best advertisem*nt win be given $5 each week There Is no limit to the number of ads you may send in, but not more than four prises win be awarded any contestant during the sixteen weeks. In order to avoid any show of favoritism, the names of the contestants win not. be given to the Judges, but each piece of advertising copy win be numbered so the Judges win have no knowledge of who submitted the ad.

Here Is your opportunity to do some pleasant and highly instructive work with a chance of winning $5 each week hla age at death 78 yean, 3 months and Following adjournment Mayor Hol-20 days. He came to Tiunnis when sen presented the following list of about 30 yean old and was married to committee appointments for the year: Miss Mary Garard at Robinson on July and Grounds Lewis, Guln-12, 1888. They went to housekepeing ea, Tracy. at West York, where Mr. Keller served Finance Guinea, Alexander, Bailey, as police magistrate for sixteen yean1 Fire David, Alexander, Daugherty, and also served two terms on the Board Purchasing Daugherty, Tracy, Lewie, of Supervisors.

He was school director Light and Water Alexander, Seitx-for many yean and always took an lnger, Bailey. active Interest In the affaln of Ms Ordinance Bailey, Guinea, Seitzlng-comm unity. i er. In August, 1907, Mr. and Mrs.

Keller moved to Lawrencevllle and for several years he was employed at the Tndian Bailey. Seitzlnger, Daugherty. It Is not style and size of type to be used In the blessed tiffs union, four of but no copy should contain more than 300 words. Simply write what you would consider a good advertisem*nt joob with a selling punch to It, sign your name and mail or bring It to this oflee not later than Saturday noon. The prise-winning ad.

together with the name of the winner will be printed the following week select the to Miss Mary Organ. BALDBIDGE-BEEL WEEDING Amos Isaac Baldridge and Mias Pearl Reel, both of Lawrencevllle, were united In marriage Sunday afternoon at about 5:00 o'clock In the evening at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. O.

Ramsey, of the United Brethren church, of which Mrs. Baldridge Is a member. The wedding was followed by a dinner when plates were laid or twenty- Tincennes and engaged in business until church organizations and societies are seven. Those present were Pearl Hkr-1800. Coming to Lawrencevllle twenty- permitted to bid cm the gold.

Red Ar-! ing, of St. Louis, who was best man, eight years ago, he adllved a retired row money and high bidder vouchers and Miss Iva Johnson, of Lawrence-, life since that time. About two years: being used. This is the last bag of gold; ville, who was bride's maid; Mr. and Co, Lawrencevllle Drug Co Abernathy ago he disposed of his property interests that win tie sold.

The first one went Mrs. John Baldridge, of Mt Vernon, Brae, Lawrencevllle Hotel, Avalon Theatre, Skidmore Lumber Yard, Humphrey's market. here and moved to California, but af-1 to the Presbyterian church for 85,000. the groom's parents; Mr. and Mrs Del-ter a little more than a year's residence Three months later the ladles of the bert Smith, of Mt Vernon, (Mrs Smith there he returned, to Lawrencevllle to united Brethren church were the sue-: Is the grooms sister).

Those of with! Law-1 Rules of the contest and fun Instruct spend his declining days i cestful Mddersthe mark being $12400 tVucevilto were and Mrs Amos i tlons will be published next week Watch For more than fifty years he had r.t January the Methodist ladlm car- Reel, the brides parents; Mr. and Mrs for them. Get your minds working now been a stalwart follower of the Christ rted off the prise for $25,475. What win Jack Reel and children, Marie wiin and be ready to win the first prise of his preference being the Christian the gold taring this month? and Pauline, Mr. and Mrs Ellis Reel $540.

church, and he was a faithful member Auction blocks close against further and Garnett Mr. and Mrs Clarence until the weight of Increasing years bidding at 6:00 p. m. today. There are Reel and Billy, Mr.

and Mrs Ralph FORMER RESIDENT DEAD I prevented his attendance. Even then a number of articles to be sold at public Reel and Bobby. Mrs Ed Ashbaugh and aunt Mrs he was a constant reader of the Word suction on Thursday. The yt and The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs Mattie Adams, of Chicago, left Monday of God.

He realised the end was fast possibly the last Red Arrow auction will 1 John BaidhrMge. of Mt Vernon, and Refinery, While an employe of that company he was elected police magistrate and was re-elected at the explra-tion of Ms first term, serving eight years. It was during his second term that his health failed and he was unable to give the proper attention to his vid, Daugherty, Seltslnger. duties for days on account of ill health. Since Ms retirement from active life, he has spent practically all of Me time In the house.

He was a member of the Masonic fraternity and took Ms Masonry seriously. He served as Worshipful Master of York lodge for a number of years and when the lodge hall was destroyed by fire the lodge was transferred to West Union where he again served Me brethren aa Blaster. He retained his membership In that lodge until hk death, although he was a frequent visitor at the meetings of Edward Dobbins lodge and waa known aa a Mason of the old school. Six children were bom to Mr. and Mrs.

Keller, three of whom preceded the father and husband In death. The surviving children are Mrs. Maude Collins, of this dty; Mrs. Gladys Frederick, of Milwaukee, Wls, and Edgar Keller of Seattle, Wadi. Three grandchildren also survive, together with the aged mother and wife.

Funeral services will be held at the home Thursday afternoon and will be In charge iff the Masonic fraternity; burial will be made In the Lawrencevllle cemetery. Kindly, courteous and with a hsart that beat in sympathy with suffering humanity, Mr. Keller win be sadly missed In a large circle of friends and acquaintances. He was not a member of any church, but for many years was a regular attendant at the services of the Christian church. Police Board David, Seltslnger.

Cemetery Seltslnger, Street and Alley Daugherty, David. Board of Local Improvements OLNEY WOMAN Mrs. Ralph Lashbrook, of a number of serious automobile accident Tuesday The accident happened farm west of town. Blr. Lashbrook were on their about 9:00 after visiting sister, Mrs.

Ed King, and this dty. A Paige coming west crashed Into the Dtxfee Mr. Lashbrook and both damaged. Mrs. brought to the office of Dr.

where her Injuries She had a live the right knee cap, two ugly the right forearm and a However, her Injuries are serious and she was to her home In Olney. SUPERVISOR'S MOTHER Mrs. Lucinda Farmer, T. Beckes, supervisor of died at her home In Monday morning. Bhe with bronchial truoble weeks.

Funeral services wsre the Christian church in Tuesday afternoon and burial In the TeWalt cemetery. Mrs. Fanner was 83 yean addition to MT. Beckes to two sons by another A. Hodges, of Oaktown, I) I i I employed at the shoe factory at Vincennes, Ind.

Mr. Baldhridge Is a member of the church in Mt. Vernon. However, he an active worker In the U. B.

church here In all the organisations' of the church, especially in the Christian Endeavor and Sunday school. The bride the youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs. Amos Reel, 1106 Cherry street She a graduate of the local high school and the Vincennes Business college and now In the employ of the Indian Refining Co. She a member of the united Brethren church being very active In Christian Endeavor work and In the Otterbein Guild work as well as the Sunday school. They wUl be at home after April 30th et 1106 Cherry street Six children1: approaching, taut he had no fear of the outcome.

His faith was secure, and he passed on to a better and brighter world at the age of 88 yean, 1 month and 28 days Funeral services were held at the First Christian church Saturday after- noon, at 3:00 o'clock. On account of the absence of Rev. Harmon, who was attending a convention at Columbus Ohio, Rev. KeUo, of Carml, preached the funeral sermon. His kindly words were a benediction to those who knew and loved the deceased.

He spoke very feelingly of the sacrifices and dangers of those noble defenders of the Union in the dark days of the early 60k and praised the stand deceased had always taken In religious matters Three fellow veterans their gray heads showing the rapid flight of time and their feeble steps the weight of advancing years were present to pay the last tribute of respect to one whom they were proud to can a comrade J. E. Piper, John Havill and Geo. W. Mills The ranks of the G.

A. R. are rapidly dwindling and a few short years wUl see the last survivor answer the final roll call. May their remaining days be peaceful. Lyman Butte sang The Old Rugged Cross" and a mixed quartet composed of Mrs AL Kirkwood, Mrs Geo.

W. Olover, Lyman Butte and D. B. Whitaker, with Mrs R. R.

Trueblood at the organ, rendered two of Mr. Kygert favorite hymns after which the mortal remains were laid to rest In the Lawrencevllle cemetery to await the resurrection morn. POWERS HOME FROM HOSPITAL Sheridan B. Powers supervisor of Lawrence town, was brought home from the Good Samaritan Hospital last Thursday and is now at Ms home on West State street. Mr.

Powers suffered a broken back about a month ago when he fell from the roof of a house. He Is incased in a plaster parts cast from hit shoulders to below the knees and Is getting along very He suffers no pain and Is able to use his arms and move his toes, showing that the spinal cord was Dot' His complete recovery It only matter of time, it ta said. your husband not at home and you want him can Alexander. Lewie, Guinea. Bailey, Da- INJURED Olney, suffered cute In an night near the Klan and Mrs.

way home' the farmer's husband tax from the driven by. cars were badly Lashbrook was Tom Kirkwood were given attention. Inch gash over gashes on badly cut nose. not considered able to return, DEAD mother of DL Russell tows, Russellville early had bees IB for a evsral conducted from RussdMDfc was made old and tax survived by marriage, Ik. W.

and J. R. Hodges, of Bassett, Okls. Loans made oa good ti -J. R.

LEMMONS I tuns loan Aerscr. March Winds Blow -And when they blow, look outt Mild at first; in the $hort space of an hour, they're apt to become raging; tearing gates! I thsk ravages; Wen write a stores tnsurawes pelky for yea at Law Rates! J.N.Rosboroogh&Son Phone 128 LA WHENCE VILLE, vt.v- afternoon for Lone Wolf, Oklahoma; where they were called by the death of thefOrmerS mother, Mrs Phyllis Bu- Mrs Buchanan died Monday, morning, having been In pom health for some time. Deceased was about flf-tyeltfit yean Old. Funeral services an being held today. She Is survived by her husband.

J. G. Buchanan, and four children, three girls and one boy, namely, Mrs T. C. Ford, iff Dunnellen.

N. Mrs John Baxter, of Holton, Kansas; John Buchanan, of Lone Wolf, and Mrs Arii-taaugh, of this city. Mr. and Mrs Buchanan wen former residents of this county, having lived In Denison town. They have lived In Oklahoma for several years Mr.

Buchanan Is a brother of Mrs John Derr, of east iff Plnkstaff. CAB THIEVES ABBES TED George Chaptman and Lewis Faith, were arrested by Sheriff Jkmes Turn-day morning at the George Rogers dark speedway east of town and were turned over to Vincennes officers this It Is. charged the two men stole a sedan belonging to a Mr. Becker In Vincennes drove the. car to Flora puid were on their way back when they ran out of gasoUns.

They, visited the Jtane of JOhn NewpD, drained the gas ut of his tractor ud' wentj the speedway where was parked. Sheriff James' wag 'ptrfified and the men under TOSS ABERNATHY ILL D. Ross Abernathy, senior member of the firm of Abernathy Bros, is confined to his home on East Walnut with a severe 'ease iff erysipelas At this time only his face Is affected and every precaution Is being taken to the spread of the disease. EDGAR TANQUAeY. IN HOSPITAL Bdgar Tanquary was taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital in Vincennes late Saturday evening and underwent an Immediate operation-'' for appendicitis.

His base was serious but reports Indicate that be Is very ny-fiy Alalm Mmba f'j at this time. i Money to loan on real estate and personal security. J. E. LEMMONS.

be held on Thursday, May 24. a VOICE FROM WASHINGTON Oakville, Wash, April 19, 1828. Lawrence County News Lawrencevllle, HL please and enclosed a two doll bill to pay my subscription to the "News for one year. 1 look for the Blllett items soon after receiving the papOr. The names Act-man, England, Lelghty, Mieure, Richardson, Bhort, Blehl Akin Payne and Ryan are all familiar to me Tell them "Howdy" for ms We are having lots of rain and business dull.

Fires are being kindled under the political pots All but the politicians hold their noses as they pass by the P. P. C. M. EATON, A native son of Lawrence county, HI.

FUGITIVE FORGES CAPTURED Ned Bolton, who escaped from the Vabash county Jail where he was awaiting a hearing on a charge of forgery, was captured near Birds last Thursday night and returned to his old quarters at Mount Carmel after being at liberty about a week. -Wabash county officers suspecting that Bolton would return to Ms old home In this county, enlisted aid of Deputy Lee Kirkwood and Thursday night went to Plnkstaff In search of him. The officers learned that he had started for Birds, walking on the Big Four tracks, and started after him. Bolton was picked up Just as he arrived at the railroad station In Birds and was given' a free ride back to Mount Carmel. VINCNNEg COUPLE WAwmim Bernard La Costs and Gretchen Wolfe, of were married at nine o'clock Saturday evening at the M.

parsonage by Rev. Reeeho Robertson. They were accompanied by Miss Dorothy Adams and Roscoe BehL both of Vincennes, Mr. and Mrs. LaCoste will make their home in Vincennes.

he. former being employed at the glam Money to' loan ou real estate and personal security. J. E. LEMMONS Loan 'Agency.

WAS NOT IN JAIL Last week the News mentioned Mrs. Ellis Baldwin aa being one of the chicken thieves arrested and placed in JalL Mrs. Baldwin says this Is a mistake, that She was not placed In Jail at all, although in the course of the conversation she admitted that She was Implicated In the theft of the chickens But she wants It distinctly understood she was not In Jail for her part of the crime. Of course. It possible she msy yet lend behind the bars, but so far she has escaped Imprisonment.

The only objection she had to the article, which by the way she road In a neighbors paper, was that said ahe waa placed In JalL She offered no excuse for her complicity in the crime, tax fact did not admit that ahe stole the chickens at aU, but with a rather knowing smile sh esald she did not Relieve the officers would say that she had been placed tax Jafi. We hasten to assure our readers, inducing Mrs. Baldwin if the kind neighbor again allows her to road this paper that we do not believe she has anything on the TO CHICKEN OWNERS Complaint has been made that many residents of allow their chickens to range in neighbor's yards There a city ordinance requiring that chickens be confined on owners premises, and this ordinance will be strictly enforced. C. HOLSEN, BCSyor.

MARRIAGE LICENSES Claude Drake, 38, to Goldie Vester, 20. both of Oaktown, Ind. David Wilson, 18, to Velma Hawkins, 18, both of Vincennes. Albert Goff, 34, of Bond town, to Inle Howell, 19, of Lawrencevllle. Wbi.

R. Rogers, 37, of York, to Lottie Thomas, 17, of Vincennes. Thomas R. Gaddy, 26, of Lawrencevllle, to Edna M. Fulk, 26, of Berry-ville.

Glenn Phillips, 33, to Ressa Hacket, 19, both of Vincennes. Amos Baldridge, 28, to Pearl May ReeL 21, both of Lawrencevllle. Bernard LaCoste, 35, to Gretchen Wolfe, 18, both of Vincennes. FATHER AND SON BANQUET The regular meeting of the Lawren-ceville Rotary Club will be held at the Christian church Thursday evening; Dinner wlU be served by the ladles at 6:15. This to a father and son banquet, and every member to expected to bring his eon or some boy In whom he ta particularly Interested.

The program will include a number of selections by the Zlpprodt Boy Choir and an address by F. J. Kolb, of Mount CarmeL former district goveroor. CIRCUIT COURT Friday is the tost day for filing cases for the. Msy term of circuit court.

Thirty-six new cases have been filed so far, 13 of them for divorce. Why are the 8 9 9 9 Hapyy?.

Lawrence County News from Lawrenceville, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.