Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)

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Bristol Herald Courieri

Bristol, Tennessee

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ihCTlON JiKiSTOl iult AII) roUWKlt UKIVTOI KUNUAY MOHNUaj JANUAltY tl I'jtJ! Kentucky Here for tr Days This Wcck i -Nfc -V a 1 Cowboy and the Due at Cameo "a wr d- $iltt Ul UH si Ji 1 liv-tolegi 4 4 u4 Mf IU fLa ii 4 14 i Lc klfai Iie4 bT tvdh fir 1 Kl'FkU a 044 tM )YuJ 4al I ht ci3 If A -1 Utfi oiw 23 cK 4J4 I -v-W a 1 I a A wTft" wa art if I fcJM Ui ji I -a 4 iul I4 aj4J hu- 1 i j1 ltj i it kj" iu l- 1 fc1 trd I tusyu (( Ij Ail an in 4WS4 li a ti 4 toJ u4 I in luM- -i a I i -fi lfwu Vivi wtixn IV 1 0-i lal-rn Jak 7aua witn Utl VnW gjj mh Ivj UlMJ 4 f4 1 'Tl-x ft -S t' 1 7 4 a 14 VI Hi a-1 iai feai-ti rut at a Dva 4 )' t-v wr I 4a4 l'-f Pmiu i I-a fitl tiaM a Ua fy lf a 4 Mar btoiuA Ail faSi Ms pu-11 a a by a 4laltal t-rp'auUn Laa-1-fd ar1 dim- aiuf will MIDGET JIUTO RB IS THEME Of NEW FILM -i Cm (utf (11 feed 7 I fv I fc-'ai4 rf ilf a JU 1 V- Ji Unvt) tot Rent JM 'J Uk Ml I ru4 Mi b-aUaH in Vi i Iu 7-a U- -6n is- and WIUM 1 it tulull4 Lctuil' t'l lti U'l I rvMm ii fl 4 Xll ku I- in- t- ViJfWr in h'rJH aeu rid cl it CAI fc7- Uy UM n'4 fcnc cl 1M i -4 S14 ltvIM Ui Lk- ronu And U-rA In Mi Vl in i1 rif UMd In 4nU r--v4 t'f IM fUf -Kr1 LU Im 1 Ue 7 1 Riri-n- It I 't I ih 1 y- 1 DM I n- i mf4 in --t- Ur ti in t-4 fivn IU tni Ii'-n 11 1 it)iii'iit 0 l4k tUl'l Tf-f C-l4 in V9 I tiit ilh lvoll in fMtd Crf rtl horvvt 71 iJnrL lUclf i'J li undid U'rund tiitnjUi UWi l-i rl dftrntlM C-mti In lh film trthr ny In I Un Crru 14 do i'ii wj tDia cj-4 tn ID '4 (tcMrv in fivti tf nun Jvtlv CJikjU cl PiK 4 Kvpny Ttv MUtk el U4 Civil Wf form wtil (HM lm tef-d prclojj to in nuUtiiM fv4 Kln AtUmafti Alii (t4 7mm ttl n4 Hon Mwllit C01UMSII Ike or M(1 rtrl UUt ttl krlnt Wiwr Uat 4aiJ' paaetKjivt new tiuayn uMrdy -iwtuftte tj tg I Si irs ecaauTi Airul trot ta UH wlllhg tot Wvj a luxtu aid llorUa maiaioaa euMaated Witi li picLwiai lea! of If a sat era tUin loty and D-e W-LMa a tot IT- gcL jlarla dauP-laf of a nawr plad by Marie tdw'un la Sui mart Jy ay bes on th Fk kali la wtiie 4 nifft-aiulr aiarxtai la brewing In it la Irvnlvel Lwed wLh a -I eel: ad a i-xiaiila'a ate a 'a gw tul on "blind date' maid atfcl ck fvminin tit land 1 a fnda aro a 'd fT rfr Merle is paired hutf-ai 'd robutt Gary a a Cowboy ttto tot golden tot Tt wtuDie II tan i Spired With ruined and farce galbl tu an useclrd Climax CMr Du tUoti silent tyja of Jiero who dr! 4 Biroufh Ui oJia'fl and giiUey tot ao-CWiied cafe wa lety returns la ts kird of mte whit firt made hj-n famoua hark In len-gaiiun hat lUgh-hee led btU dungaree and fojour owns Arrtriuji No 1 he-man of the silver sheet turn tn hi moat stirring and dynamic per forrranr to dal ilh furf Vlitll lit M4 IklVt Ifttvli kkktil IWk (nluf-Nil Jllttl rliili mm rl bwwtiUl iknl Tit iiltit tytM Miilt 1 Km iivmttl TVtbt (tar tmpr 4 Mwt ftbraa ha area fraai laaail f14 tfca 1 bf ia4 Iha D4 hU itaxt la Ika too 7tMatr Mm a 4 4a a lit a t'elt4 ArtbU (tlaaea PUNS NOT READY FOR ADDITION TQ SCHOOL A (-ci4 t't UauUuft glciag? I Lli4 JJf (M U-l Iwf 'hunt tt li'-l JJaTtiftlaj? (J 'J'- hr' I C'4 bf wttcT Cuh f- fcA'itcry 01 tbviaj tit Jk4 iit lutillif fiil Uh-af I uva lJ ufjef Butt "Jitum tl tsJUeW Tanl ta aerie of iptnt fraturea whirh M-ti-M Otll (xidut 'll leaftw lamria O'Keefa and Caela Parker fur Fral tin and also mark felain tot Fdwsrd htotgakk M-U-Ms fmUy of ar dtreetur O'Keefe a ho virtual! leaped from the estra lank to Ue 0-mante lead in "Tl lud Man of pitrays a farmer boy with an api-ett fur ped and beeurre a aeruatiunsl at driver Mrs Parker the (Laughter of Jinsed facing autu manufacturer who fnally learn to lov him fur hi hunt I and courage Fanis eoutalocd wiib ur-pf la party Mrs birthday Aland fifty trieoda called during evening Mr Try Slate enurufned the A Wednesday evening Mrs Jt Riu'Jt Mr Clarence Maiden end Mias IojIj Rhannun entertained the Fidel! Sunday frtuoj (7aa at th hme of Mr Mden Thursday even Mrs Buchanan and baby daughter Jean Jen hav r-turoed home from the Mathleson HortuL TOLER SIM 1 II ar giving thl pictur our PERSONAL ENDORsem*nT wad urging you to BE SURE AND SEE IT Bwcause KNOW It'a on of th GREATEST pictures! Th Management i 1 Slllim li SllfflO IN II Am yovw-f guru fcUt Uv tri! whls i1t Mm btc-k rvtH lt Cl-flt fitarrll nmn In in Cnlumb 1 Txalr jkTrm rrnttf In Colum bit'i T7r TTiurutflnf WI" I hrrirVd tt lm whirlwind nlrrtlnmdt Inn wills m't front uri to finuis 'Th Thundrrlr Wnl" 19' miU lh popuUr ooldixif c-unn rur mJ mrmlwr fi in outlaw ftig wfio bmitJ iwy frvwn II I in ordr to Protpr Mimtr rmefide who hid bron bdly I wounded In hold -up lead to hi iponlnlnwmt mm fhonfl of tn cowlown of Or i Crwnde poaition of Irutt whlrtl th btndil errpt not only b-' Cuj witfvet to korp faith with th ntnpl who tlitv In htm but rwcut be hu fllrn in lov with yourve townfirl I GlmarUr tcmn of Thundering how SUrrelt rld-i din th hrued eountrytld of the very fang with which had one been laaorlated The final ejunc Mid to be gun-fiUed end ctlon-ten Pretty Irla Meredith provide the romantic Intere of th new production Tuneful new aongi of the old Weet are aung and played aa only the Sona of the Pioneer can render them Added: Chapter No 2 of the new aerial "Hawk of the Wil-demea" And Clyde In a comedy entitled Away" and Than Fiction" MARION Sy to Tto (Mito ABlNGnuN Va an IL )7sn for the cwntwpUted ooa stry brisk aJJthwt to the Brut I hul la w-is el which would itlo sogwtd eofuiitum among its pupil has fv Jrt been wriiel here from ftayrrv nd Lsg architect for th llale board t( aducaLan It was stated today by Sufwftnlmd ent Brrkhead Upon recsipt of lh plan from Mr Lc they will forwarded for fnsl approval lo th Atlanta distrirt office of the lijblic Wjfks Adniimstration Corutruction bid will be jkcd by the county whfsol board Im mediately following thi apruVel end it is hoped Uut work will get inter way within the neat few week SOGIETT LEADER HELD IN BRACELET THEFT RIVnUIEAD Jan 11 Socially prominent Foster Blaktley-Baseley 27 cliarged with grand larceny In the theft of a S400 diamond bracelet from Mrs Muriel (Honey Johnson Berlin International aociety beauty was locked up In Suffolk county Jail last night tn default of 1-000 bell TN bail wai aet by County Judge Barron Hill at an arraignment late yesterday when Blakeley-Baneley waived examination No member of hi hi mother la Mr John Kiser of Park Avenue nor lawyer were present although he mentioned a prominent Manhattan law firm a hi counsel He wa arrested Thursday night In the theft which occurred at the lavish Southampton estate of the late Cob Henry Huddleston Rogers oil millionaire in 1934 The bracelet wa found In a pawn (hop Blakelcy-Baseley wa questioned 11 night by local police end late trooper about other recent iewel robberies totalling $100000 th victims Including actress Luella Gear and the state police superintendent Major John Warner on-ln-law of former Gov Alfred Smith Unles ihey give bond the two will have to stay in Jail until the next grand jury convene In April rllEATBE Picturixitlon of Popular Clause I Booked For Repeat Engagement RAO fUdw rtrlurrs "iJIll Women" whoa sl-eef I ffi sentiment rd simple tuty cap-lured miii-orj of screen fans when Ttlroaed return Vi lh prree-n III rH hundred of rtxieeU md by local for rfrsl engagement tt will aliown 1 IM Columbia theater on Monday and Tuesday Tbe f-lm sViry prfduced by ItKO Radio wlen the four gut heroine are entering young womanhood and have Just beun to lake Ihemaelvr seriously It tell the strange story of Beth her brautsful life and more beautiful death It carries the complete moulding of Ju from the advanced mix of her time who haled marriage through her romance with Laurie and Istcr w-th Irof Blvaer whom ahe marries in the end Today trie story Is rated a classic The Uuk is read and studied In achool thmugliout Ue nation It la a sort of girls' lessen in life because In its mysterious fashion and Its genius It make of doing good and being good the happiest of accomplishment Prom "Lttl Women thl "bibl of trp some of the moat popular of Jlolly-wtxid' person lilies Katharine Hepburn play Jo the romping restless genius sister Amy i enacted by Joan Bennett Paul Lukaa bring the quiet dignity of the old country to the role of Frit Bhiier the professor fiance Meg i played by France Doe Edna May Oliver is Aunt March from whom many a storm looted Douglass Montgomery I the young aristocratic grand-aon of Mr Laurence the rich end irascible nelgiifwr played by Henry Slephenaon Another feature-length picture will be shown on the same program It atari Frankie Darro with Dick Purcell end Judith Allen Added attractions will a Merry Melody technicolor certoon called "Sneezing end Leon Never and hi orchestra RETURNED FOR YOU WHO MISSED IT ADMISSION 15e Until PM Ido After PM Children 10c MAY ROBSON WALTER BRENNAN and Once come II OF ii 17 Allah' of Lairing JatV (kikry 1)4 Bill wtl feature No at on Wednesday and Thursday The aeturxl feature at trwetion ill be Jbne wo rlvsl rr lers boy nd a girl tey Vs dcuhle-r vatM escii other on a bet story and how the back-fires provides the cijedy-myiry al-uation In whuh D'O'teea Kent and Frank Jenks find themaelves In Universal Face The winning comedy combine tkm of Take a ring" rrnrrgr as a full-fledged co-aUr-ring tram In Ue current flm which Universal studio aeletted for Cit s'rllar debut Both player are given their best opportunity for tii comedy croosfire that baa earned them stardom Andy Devine Hobart Cavanaugh Frank Timm Rmit Riano Lrun Ames and Mary Trve-n are in the cL Added: night" a novelty nd adventure wort end chapter Nx 14 of the aenal Web" SALTVILLE SroOl to TV Hmi CaarWf SALTVILLE Va Jan 21 Tuesday evening Circle No 1 of Madam Russell Church entertained circle No two nd three at the home of the president of the Missionary Society Mr Archer Mr Brown and Mr Mullln greeted th guests at the door Mrs People gave a talk welcoming the member of the other circle Mr Cahill gave brief report of the work of Circle No three end Mr Lambert gave a report of circle number two Mr Mullln opened the meeting with prayer Mr Frank Bennett gave the devotional and Mr Kent gave a report of the meeting of officer that wa held In Abingdon Mrs Archer then discussed plans for the work Mrs Brown closed the meeting with prayer After the business meeting delicious refreshment were served by the hostesses On Monday evening Mrs Henderson and her daughters Mrs Joe Vernon and Mrs Mark DOORS OPEN A DAILY PIIONE 1248 FEATURE TIME RETURNED FOR YOU WHO HAVE SEEN IT MONDAY TUESDAY in Technicolor mMEMIL THE PICK OF THE HiTSI THURSDAY Sjth widely Mtrtd point New Yk and IlKlIw-eod unit to mail th tv that Chan In Hoonlulj" play Triday at th Paramount Theatre of lh ulmod Inlrreit nd Ins-jmrtan to ayteen fan Tit theatre I Hem jmnU out that tht li the rmt inwaranr of hiilney Trier Chan the fa-miiiii futionl ileulh created by tarl Derr Bigger The new from York nd Hollywood mruem the enthuai-ti arcorded per forma re In th rl both In the newtpaper and the film trade prea aa follow a the Oriental detective turn In an eirellent per Dally Variety 71 happy thought Indeed to nominal Sidney Toler to carry Hollywood Reporter la In tafe National Bo Office la a amart choice for Lo Angela E-aminer new Intriguing Charlie Chan" Dna Angelee Time And "Toler I a aplendid choice" Picture Report This confirmation of th Judgment of 20th Century-Fox executive in selecting Toler aa the actor most worthy to carry on the great tradition of Charlie Chnn'a adventure repay them for th monthi of Intensive effort they spent before making the final selection COEBURN Ip-rbl Ts Tb Btniia Criw COFnURN Jan Mr end Mr William Smith and voung aon Tommy of Norfolk Va were visitor at th former home of Mr Smith the past week Mrs Smith before her marriage wa Mlaa Virginia Fates Rev Ballard with several other pastors in the Big Stono Gap district spent the week In Atlanta attending the Candler School of Theology at Emory University Mr Ballard slater Mr Willie Nea of Tennessee spent the week with her Mr and Mr Stuart Campbell of North Fork West Virginia were recent gueita of Mr Campbell' relatives Mr nd Mrs Wm Phillips Mr and Mr Rant Davis former reldents of Coeburn but who have been living In Johnson City the past year are planning to return to Coeburn oon and will live in the Hattie Harlsock property recently vacated by Dr Eversole and family Mr and Mr Carl Whitlock of Charlotte ville Va Mr Dotson Mrs Emma Merritt and son Tommy of Wise were guests in the home of Air and Mrs Kyle Friday Mr Johnson who has been confined to her home by illness the past six your is very much worse Her daughters Mrs Billie Cavendish who has lived in Buchanan county tlie past year and Mrs Frank Kibler of Appalachia have spent the week at her bedside Last week-end her daughters Mrs William Lewis of Pineville West Va and Mr Mc-Claugherty Jr and Mr Mc-Cluughcrty of Blucfleld West Va were here Mias Margaret Corn county nurse of Buchanan county located at Grundy was Sunday visitor in the home of her cousin Mrs Etta Meade The youngest child of Dan Wilis died at his home in Meadow Thursday afternoon with asthma The mother of the baby died recently Mis Ruth Khoten scnt the past week-end at her home in Dungannon Aven Cavendish and little daughter Bettie Sue are visitors at tire home of Mr urwie A A Johnson Mr and Mrs John Kilgore Counlii and Mrs Ballard attended a Methodist Steward Conference at Big Stone Gap Thursday night The regular monthly meeting of the Methodist Missionary Society will meet at the chuivh Wednesday afternoon January 25th at 2:30 Rush Horne located at Appalachia spent the past week-end Ws brother Raymond atj Eversole Hotel thrIj MONDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Beautiful worn on 'chivalrous men magnificent thoroughbreds! The sport of kings climaxing when the silks flash by In fho famed Kentucky Derby! A 'gnat prefure has captvnd a gnot tradition I ADDED MICKEY MOUSE AND LATEST NEWS ROMANCE THRILLS WITH SPEED TO BURN LATEST NEWS NOVELTY ACT AND ON OUR STAGE OWEN in a year perhaps once tn a decade a picture of such heartwarming sincerity and power euch laughter and tenderness and tears GREAT! hMl tli RraM Cwib MARION Va Jan Marlon Parent Teacher Awoclallon met in th grammar achool auditorium Wednesday afternoon A program wa given by achool children and member of th Beethoven Mucclub The devotional wa In charge of Mr I OUn Dillard Report were given the achool nurae Mrs Legard and the committee chair men Mr Andrew mem-' berahip chairman reported 108 paid memberthlp Holaton chapter United Daugh- I ter of the Confederacy held it annual Lee-Jackaon tea at Hotel I I Lincoln Friday afternoon from I three to five A musical pro gram waa in charge of Mlaa Mari gold Scott Mr Joe Stephenson 1 Mr AL Brown and Mr William Seaver Mr Hawkins and Mr Goolsby presided at the a table In th receiving line II were Mr Glenn Anderson Mr Frank Dillard Mr Haywood Mis Marigold Scott Mr Herman Hubble Mr Kill i and Mr William Seaver New MUD Hold Organisation Meeting An organiiation meeting for the Royal Oak Hosiery Mill we held here Tuesday at which the fol-2 lowing officer were elected: Wallner of Pulaski president 7 end treasurer Spencer Love of Greensboro first vice-president James Tate Chll-howie second vice-president Coulter of Greensboro ecretary and A Wolfe of Marion one of the five members Of the board of directors Ray Blevins charged with assault on Fauline Pruitt on Dec 17 sent to the grand Jury for the Smyth county term of circuit court in Trial Justice court here Thursday Blevins threw a pop bottle at Lon Kell missing Kell the bottle ttruck Pauline Pruitt At the meeting of the Monday Aitemoon Music Club of Marion SIDNEY TOLER ASCHAtlieCHAN Nmus isoou sin rvNt IDDII COtllNS JOHN (INS cum pods etotoi rucco (0WT IMUT-MMC UWIa NEWS EVENTS NOVELTY ACT AND ALL DAY Big Party" WE URGE YOU TO ATTEND MATINEE AND REGISTER THERE ARE MANY REASONS Registration Close 6:30 Bar Special Added Attraction Vaudeville Matinee 1 and Night NEXT WEEK I COMING SOON IStarring KOZAK and FRIKA TEX GAYLOR WATTS and MORELAND SEROR TWINS 45 MINUTES OF SONGS DANCING AND COMEDY li i It li at Hotel Lincoln it was voted to have a federation luncheon at the WED THUR FRANCH0T TONE MON TUE LUISE RAINER February meeting with the state president Mrs George Hurt of Roanoke guest speaker using as her aubject Modern Church Mu- sic Mrs Copenliaver pres- ldent appointed a nominating committee for the election of of-i fieers for the yea? Mins France Eller was In charge of the pro- gram which was on Virginia poser given by Mr Cloyd Kent Miss Eller Virginia Rousa Mary Payne Copenhaver Mr John Crockett and Cecil Vine Mm Marvin Copenhaver and th Rhythm Band directed by Mr Jo Stephenson CLAUDETTE COLBERT IN WITH JOAN CRAWFORD AND WALLACE BEERY AND ROBERT TAYLOR TOMMY KELLY in -J.

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Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 5838

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.