What Religion Doesn't Believe in Cremation? (2024)

For many, the choice between burial and cremation is a religious one, as some religions accept cremation, while others do not depend on their traditions. There are tons of different religions and belief systems all around the world, and even right here in South Holland. Each religion or belief has its own ideas about cremation services in South Holland, IL, sometimes going back centuries into the past.

Take, for example, Christianity. Cremation is fully accepted in Christianity. In fact, there are even verses in the Bible that seem to encourage the practice, such as Genesis 3:19, “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.” However, there are some Christians that cite biblical examples in support of traditional burial, such as Christ being buried, or various Old Testament burials. All in all, when it comes to Christianity and burial, it really depends on what the individual prefers.

Spiritism, or Reincarnation, is a kind of belief system that promotes the idea that all humans carry immortal spirits that will go to another host after death. Cremation is also widely accepted in Spiritism. However, believers do require a certain period of time between the death and the cremation as they believe that the spirit can sometimes remain with the body for a time after death.

The Hindu religion pretty much mandates cremation. Hindus believe that fire is a purifying agent that can help release the deceased’s spirit from its physical body so it can move on to a spiritual dimension. Hinduism also calls for a memorial service after the cremation to keep memories of the deceased alive. The Jewish faith, on the other hand, does not allow cremations, as per scripture in the Torah. However, some more modern Jewish families do choose cremation if it coincides with their personal beliefs. It all depends on the family, their sect of Judaism, and their personal preferences for cremation.

There are tons of options for you to honor and remember your lost loved one, be it through traditional burial or a cremation. No matter what you believe or what your religion is, the only important thing is that the deceased is treated with respect and remembered fondly by those that loved him or her. You are sure to find the right solution for you, your family, and your beliefs with the help of Cage Memorial Chapel Funeral & Cremation Services, Inc.

We here at Cage Memorial Chapel Funeral & Cremation Services, Inc. offer compassionate and accepting cremation services designed to help you in your time of grief. We cater to many different religions and beliefs and would be happy to help you in your time of loss and have years in industry experience ready to put at your disposal in your time of loss. If you want to learn more about our South Holland, IL cremation services, you can stop by and visit us or give us a call today.

Do Catholics allow cremation?

While the Catholic Church has historically discouraged cremation, the practice is now permitted under certain circ*mstances. The church’s official position is that burial should be the preferred method of disposing of the body, as it allows for the physical resurrection of the body at the end of time. However, cremation is allowed if it is done for reasons of public health or personal choice. The funeral Mass may still be celebrated in the presence of the cremated remains, and the remains may be buried in a cemetery or entombed in a mausoleum. In addition, Catholic cemeteries often have columbariums where the cremated remains can be placed. As a result, while Catholics are not required to choose cremation, it is an option that is available under certain circ*mstances.

Why do you have to wait 3 days to cremate a body?

In the United States, the law requires that a body must be held for three days before it can be cremated. This waiting period gives family and friends time to plan a funeral or memorial service. It also allows for an autopsy to be performed if there is a suspicion of foul play or if the death was sudden and unexplained. In addition, the wait time provides an opportunity for the body to be inspected for contagious diseases. Once these legal and health concerns have been addressed, the body can be cremated. The three-day waiting period may seem like a burden, but it serves an important purpose. Giving loved ones time to grieve and ensuring that all necessary precautions are taken, it helps to ensure that cremation is carried out in a respectful and safe manner.

How many hours does cremation take?

The process of cremation requires intense heat to reduce a human body down to bone fragments and ashes. The amount of time it takes to complete the cremation process depends on numerous factors, including the size and weight of the individual, the type of cremation chamber being used, and the temperature of the chamber. In general, it takes between two and four hours to fully cremate a body. After the cremation is complete, the bone fragments are then pulverized into what is commonly known as "ashes." These ashes are then returned to the family of the deceased.

What does the Torah say about Cremation?

The Torah, or Jewish law, does not explicitly forbid cremation. However, it does state that the dead must be buried in the ground as soon as possible after death. This is because Judaism teaches that the body is a holy vessel and should be treated with respect. Cremation, which leaves the body in an unrecognizable state, goes against this belief. Additionally, cremation makes it impossible to perform certain religious rituals, such as taharah (purification) and shmira (watching). For these reasons, most Jews choose to be buried rather than cremated. Nonetheless, some liberal denominations of Judaism have begun to accept cremation as a valid option, and it is increasingly common among secular Jews. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to cremate is a personal one.

What Religion Doesn't Believe in Cremation? (2024)


What Religion Doesn't Believe in Cremation? ›

Muslims are in fact forbidden to even witness the act of cremation. The Eastern Orthodox Church — including the Greek Orthodox and Russian Orthodox churches — is another faith that is opposed to cremation for its followers.

Why did Christians reject cremation? ›

History. In Christian countries, cremation fell out of favor due to the Christian belief in the physical resurrection of the body. Christians also used burial as a mark of difference from the Iron Age European pre-Christian Pagan religions, which usually cremated their dead.

Can Catholics be cremated? ›

Catholic cremation is permitted. But there are a strict set of rules that need to be followed in order to uphold the integrity of the cremated remains: All cremated remains must be buried in a cemetery or entombed in a mausoleum or columbarium Keeping them in private residences or funeral homes is not permitted.

Do Mormons believe in cremation? ›

That said, the Mormon faith does not prohibit cremation, it simply discourages it, and cremation is not seen as a hindrance to the ultimate resurrection of the body. Mormons who have been cremated can still receive a Mormon funeral service as well.

Which branch of Christianity still opposes cremation? ›

Eastern Orthodox Catholicism (Greek and Russian)

Eastern Orthodox churches strongly oppose cremation. This is because these orthodox religions associate cremation with a deliberate desecration of the body. These churches prefer the natural decomposition of a traditional burial.

What does Jesus say about cremation? ›

It's important to remember that the Bible does not explicitly prohibit or endorse cremation or the keeping, spreading or burying of ashes. Ultimately, the decision of what to do with the ashes of a loved one is a personal one, and should be made based on what feels right for you and your family.

Can you still go to heaven if you're cremated? ›

No matter what a person's preference is, from the Christian perspective, cremation does not prevent one from going to Heaven. So there's no need to worry, if God can create life from dust, surely he can restore life from ashes.

Do baptists believe in cremation? ›

There is no ban on cremation for members of the Baptist faith, and cremation may take place either before or after the funeral service. To learn more about cremation, see our article Cremation.

Which part of the body does not burn during cremation? ›

During cremation, the body parts that do burn consist of organs, soft tissue, hair, and skin, while the water in our bodies evaporates. The body parts that do not burn are bone fragments. Teeth usually burn during cremation, but not entirely.

Which religions prohibit cremation? ›

Which religions do not cremate?
  • Judaism. Traditionally, Judaism holds that burial is part of the tradition of mitzvah or burying the dead with proper respect. ...
  • Islam. ...
  • Eastern Orthodox Church. ...
  • Hinduism. ...
  • Buddhism. ...
  • Catholicism. ...
  • Anglicanism. ...
  • Methodism.
Aug 1, 2017

Do you wear your bra over or under LDS garments? ›

Catch up quick: "Temple garments" are white clothes that resemble long shorts and short-sleeved tops. They are generally worn in place of underwear, and under bras.

Should you be buried or cremated? ›

Cremation or burial:

Direct cremations are more cost effective than direct burials, as they do not require embalming. In addition, you have the option of keeping the body in an alternative container instead of a coffin. Cremation is a simpler process that also helps save floor space, unlike in the case of a burial.

Do Mormons believe they will go to heaven? ›

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that all people dwelt with God before this life and that every individual has the opportunity to dwell with God after this life in a state of eternal joy.

Where does the Bible say a cremated body can't rise? ›

But the Bible does not say a cremated body can't rise. In fact, the Vatican explicitly approved cremation in 1963 as a final disposition as long as the practice remains in line with the fundamental belief in the resurrection.

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in cremation? ›

According to Jehovah's Witnesses, cremation is permissible. Whether a dead person is cremated or not, Jehovah is not limited in his ability to restore the person to life with a new body.

What does God say about keeping ashes? ›

The Bible neither advocates nor condemns the act of cremation or keeping your loved one's cremated remains in your home. The closest thing to keeping cremains at home that the Bible mentions is the story of King Saul's men burning his son's bodies to cleanse them and respect their memories.

Why is cremation forbidden in the Bible? ›

According to most Biblical study websites, there is no explicit scriptural command for or against cremation. There are no passages that forbid cremation, according to most Biblical scholars.

Why was the church against cremation? ›

How the physical body is treated after death is important because of the Catholic belief that followers of Christ will one day be raised up with Christ to new life. For centuries, many believed that cremation prevented the possibility of the body being resurrected.

Why was Jesus buried and not cremated? ›

The burial of Christ is specifically mentioned in the Apostles' Creed, where it says that Jesus was "crucified, dead, and buried." The Heidelberg Catechism asks "Why was he buried?" and gives the answer "His burial testified that He had really died."

What did Billy Graham say about cremation? ›

But, Billy Graham says, “God is able to bring together whatever has been scattered: 'And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens' (Mark 13:27).” This also answers the question: “Does the Bible say a cremated body can't rise?”

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