University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent … · 2016. 3. 8. · Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (2024)

University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent …· 2016. 3. 8.· Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (1)

University of Groningen

New diagnostic developments to prevent unnecessary invasive procedures in breast cancerdiagnostic work-upDorrius, Monique D.

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New diagnostic developments to prevent

unnecessary invasive procedures in

breast cancer diagnostic work-up

University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent …· 2016. 3. 8.· Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (3)

Monique Dorrius

New diagnostic developments to prevent unnecessary invasive procedures

in breast cancer diagnostic work-up

PhD thesis University of Groningen, with a summary in Dutch

ISBN: 978-90-367-4896-4

Copyright 2011 Monique Dorrius

No part of this thesis may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form

or by any means, without permission from the author.

Cover design: Gonda de Jonge & Monique Dorrius

Layout: Monique Dorrius

Printed by: Gildeprint BV, Enschede

The publication of this thesis was financially supported by:

The University of Groningen, Tromp Medical BV, Oldelft Benelux.

University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent …· 2016. 3. 8.· Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (4)

New diagnostic developments to prevent

unnecessary invasive procedures in

breast cancer diagnostic work-up


ter verkrijging van het doctoraat in de

Medische Wetenschappen

aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

op gezag van de

Rector Magnificus, dr. E. Sterken,

in het openbaar te verdedigen op

woensdag 8 juni 2011

om 13.15 uur


Monique Danielle Dorrius

geboren op 31 maart 1977

te Delfzijl

University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent …· 2016. 3. 8.· Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (5)

Promotor: Prof. dr. M. Oudkerk

Copromotores: Dr. R.M. Pijnappel

Dr. P.E. Sijens

Beoordelingscommissie: Prof. dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali

Prof. dr. E.G.E. De Vries

Prof. dr. V. Subramaniam

University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent …· 2016. 3. 8.· Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (6)

voor René en Josephine

University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent …· 2016. 3. 8.· Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (7)

University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent …· 2016. 3. 8.· Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (8)




Chapter 1: General Introduction 9

Chapter 2: Breast magnetic resonance imaging as problem solving 25

modality in mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions Cancer Imaging 2010; 10 Spec no A: S54-58

Chapter 3: The negative predictive value of breast Magnetic 37

Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of print]

Chapter 4: Computer-aided detection in breast MRI: a systematic 51

review and meta-analysis Eur Radiol. 2011 Mar 15. [Epub ahead of print]

Chapter 5: Quantitative multivoxel proton chemical shift imaging 71

of the breast Magn Reson Imaging 2010; 28(3):314-319

Chapter 6: Determination of choline concentration in breast lesions: 85

Quantitative multivoxel proton MR spectroscopy as a

promising noninvasive assessment tool to exclude

benign lesions Radiology 2011 Apr 1. [Epub ahead of print]

Chapter 7: The added value of quantitative multi-voxel MR 103

spectroscopy in breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Submitted to Radiology

Chapter 8: Summary 119

Chapter 9: Nederlandse Samenvatting 127

Chapter 10: Dankwoord 135

Chapter 11: Curriculum Vitae 143

Chapter 12: List of publications 147

University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent …· 2016. 3. 8.· Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (9)

University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent …· 2016. 3. 8.· Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (10)

Chapter 1

General Introduction

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University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent …· 2016. 3. 8.· Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (12)

General Introduction



Worldwide incidence of breast cancer is higher than incidence of other malignancies among

women. In the Netherlands approximately one out of eight women will develop breast

cancer during life [1]. Five to ten per cent of all breast cancers are hereditary. In the

Netherlands, approximately 20% of familial breast cancer is caused by BRCA1, 5% is

caused by BRCA2 and the remainder of 75% is non-BRCA1/BRCA2 [2]. Although the

incidence has increased, mortality has decreased during the last two decades and at the

moment the risk of dying of breast cancer is 1 of 26 [3]. This reduction in mortality is partly

due to early detection of malignancies in screening and partly due to more and better

adjuvant therapies [4].


Mammography is the primary imaging modality for the early detection of breast cancer.

Despite advances in mammographic techniques (digital), mammography still has its

limitations with regard to both sensitivity (39%-86%) and specificity (88%-94%), which

depends on age and breast density [5,6,7]. Younger women have more fibroglandular

tissue, resulting in a dense mammogram, with a low sensitivity.

A diagnostic mammographic examination usually consists of craniocaudal and mediolateral

oblique views in accordance with the National Breast Cancer Consultation in the

Netherlands (NABON) and the American College of Radiology (ACR) standards [8,9].

Today, the ACR Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) is the

communication tool in mammography reports. Each mammographic feature is described in

the BI-RADS lexicon. The lexicon includes the following mammographic images: masses,

micro/macrocalcifications, architectural distortions and special cases including ductal

ectasia, intramammary lymph node or focal asymmetric density. After mammographic

assessment by the radiologist, the mammograms are coded using the ordered categories of

the ACR BI-RADS lexicon: category 1, negative (normal finding); category 2, benign

finding; category 3, probably benign; category 4, suspicious finding; category 5, highly

suggestive of malignancy and category 6, pathologically proven breast cancer [9].

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Chapter 1


The diagnostic work-up of breast lesions depends on the BI-RADS classification of the

breast lesions. The guideline for non-invasive diagnostic tests for breast abnormalities of

the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality in the United States (AHRQ) and the

guideline of the NABON state that breast lesions classified as BI-RADS 1 and 2 require no

further work-up or follow-up other than routinely required [8,10]. The probability of a BI-

RADS 3 lesion being cancer is considered to be less than 2 %. The work-up of a BI-RADS

3 lesion should be a biopsy or follow up mammography after six months [8,10]. In practice,

the work-up of BI-RADS 3 lesions is decided by the possibilities for biopsy procedures, but

also the wish of the patient and the preference of the radiologist. The additional value of

breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as a non-invasive tool for the work-up of BI-

RADS 3 lesions is still under debate [8,10]. The chance of malignancy for a BI-RADS 4

lesion varies from 2 to 95% and for a BI-RADS 5 lesion the chance of malignancy is higher

than 95%. Therefore, the work-up for these categories requires an invasive (biopsy)

procedure [8,10]. This biopsy procedure cannot be replaced by breast MRI, because

histology is obligatory in these cases.

BI-RADS classification remains a radiological classification with disregard of clinical and

prognostic factor. Inter and intra observer variability thus is a recognised problem in images

which are difficult to classify, especially in the BI-RADS 3 and 4 categories [11-15]. In

conjunction with this limited accuracy of both physical examination and mammography

results in a large majority of patients referred for biopsy with a BI-RADS 3 lesion to a final

(pathologically proven) benign diagnosis.

Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Breast MRI has emerged as a clinically useful additional diagnostic modality [16]. At

present the major validated clinical indications for breast MRI are: the identification of

breast cancer in high risk patients, the evaluation of multicentricity or multifocality in

primary breast cancer detected by other methods, the detection and location of

mammographic and ultrasound occult cancer in women with axillary metastases, the

evaluation of treatment response during neoadjuvant chemotherapy, the evaluation of

nipple discharge, imaging of the breast after conservative therapy, imaging of prothesis and

the evaluation of inconclusive findings in conventional imaging [16-20]. Scientific

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General Introduction


evidence supports the use of breast MRI for specific clinical indications, although data are

lacking to support the use of MRI for clinical scenarios [17,18]. It is not yet common

practice to use breast MRI as problem solving modality, because thorough data validating

its use in the case of challenging or inconclusive mammographic findings are not yet

available [21-27].

Kuhl [16] described in detail why the evidence for the effectiveness of breast MRI in

helping to solve focal mammographic problems is relatively weak. The reason is that

ultrasonography- or mammography-guided core or vacuumbiopsy can obtain histological

proof of equivocal lesions. A variety of minimally invasive procedures is widely available,

relatively safe, inexpensive and giving diagnosis without surgical intervention.

Furthermore, breast MRI has its limitations which include higher costs, longer examination

time, and lower availability when compared with mammography and ultrasound [16,17].

However, in general MRI can be used as problem solving modality when the findings of

conventional imaging are inconclusive, because the sensitivity of breast MRI, which

usually exceeds 90%, is the highest of all imaging techniques for breast lesions [21,28,29].

Furthermore, a negative breast MRI meets a sufficiently high negative predictive value

(NPV) (91.7%-100%) for non-calcified breast lesions to safely rule out malignancy

[24,27,30,31] and thus prevent unnecessary invasive diagnostic procedures.

As for mammography and ultrasound, also for contrast-enhanced MRI an ACR BI-RADS

breast lexicon was published in 2003 based on the same objectives and methodology [9].

The lexicon includes the following MR findings: focus/foci, mass enhancement and non-

mass-like enhancement. For imaging analysis the dynamic breast MR images are used. In

the contrast-enhanced dynamic sequence the uptake of contrast medium in breast lesions is

followed in time. With the use of the dynamic breast MR images the morphological

characteristics (shape, margin, spatial distribution and internal architecture) and the

enhancement pattern of breast lesions are assessed [32-34]. Specific patterns of dynamic

enhancement curves have been defined as persistent (type 1), plateau (type 2) and washout

(type 3). Persistent enhancement is characterized by a monotonic increase, plateau

enhancement by a constant level or “plateau” and the washout pattern has a characteristic

peak followed by an immediate decrease in the signal intensity. Type 1 contrast

enhancement has been shown to be suggestive of a benign lesion, whereas type 3 contrast

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Chapter 1


enhancement is highly associated with breast cancers. However, a type 2 plateau

enhancement pattern can be seen in both benign and malignant lesions [35-36]. After breast

MRI evaluation by the radiologist, the MRI scans are also coded using the ordered

categories of the ACR BI-RADS lexicon [9] and in analogy with the guideline of AHRQ

and NABON the diagnostic work-up of breast lesions also depends on the BI-RADS

classification [8,10].

Because the postprocessing and interpretation of breast MRI data is time consuming and

operator dependent, Computer Aided Detection (CAD) programs for MR imaging of breast

lesions have been developed attempting to standardize and facilitate the interpretation of

breast MRI [37,38].

Computer Aided Detection system

The first CAD system for breast MRI (CADstream by Confimra, Inc) was launched in

January 2003. It was not primarily developed to identify breast lesions, because most

lesions are already detected by the radiologist. CAD for breast MRI can be defined as: “The

automated analysis of enhancement kinetics, highlighting features related to malignancy”

[38] and can, therefore, assist the radiologist in determining which lesions are benign and

which are malignant.

CAD systems help the radiologist to interpret breast MRI by automating extraction and

interpretation of kinetic curves (the enhancement pattern of lesions). Using a CAD system,

curve extraction and thresholding result in angiogenesis maps, which standardize the

interpretation of breast MRI according to the BI-RADS lexicon. The angiogenesis maps

provide a fast and reproducible way to take images from nearly any breast MR acquisition

protocol and highlight features correlated with malignancy.

The automated kinetic assessment of CAD generates a colour-coding based on the signal

intensity changes in voxels during the enhancement of the breast tissue. Colour-coding

provides a quick way for radiologists to find areas of significant enhancement and to

interpret the kinetic curve (persistent, plateau and washout curve) [37,38]. The angiogenesis

maps and colour-coding may help radiologists to identify lesions based on morphological

and kinetic features and to make a more “evidence based” decisions regarding management

of suspicious breast lesions. Therefore the implementation of CAD software for breast MRI

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General Introduction


should automatically identify (almost) all non-calcified lesions suspected of malignancy at

mammography. This is reflected by a very high sensitivity and NPV for these non-calcified

breast lesions.

MR spectroscopy

Despite good evidence that breast MRI has a high NPV for non-calcified breast lesions,

there is overlap in enhancement between benign and malignant breast lesions in a

subcategory of patients [31-36]. Carcinomas tend to enhance faster and washout earlier than

benign lesions do, but there are numerous exceptions to this pattern, for example

fibroadenomas incidentally demonstrate an enhancement pattern similar to that of invasive

cancer [39]. Therefore, in some cases, enhancement patterns may be equivocal and

additional diagnostic methods may be needed for clarifications. This is mostly the case for

breast lesions which are classified as BI-RADS 3 on MRI (unequivocal enhancement curve,

type 2). The probability of MRI BI-RADS 3 lesions being cancer is not yet clear. Although

this percentage should be less than 2 %, in the literature the chance of malignancy for MRI

BI-RADS 3 lesion varies from 0.6% to 10% [30,40-43].

In addition to morphological and kinetical analysis, metabolic information is expected to be

promising for the final diagnosis of breast lesions. In vivo proton (1H) MR spectroscopy of

the breast provides metabolic information about the investigated tissue in a non-invasive

manner. It has shown that substantial levels of choline-containing compounds can be

detected in breast cancer, whereas choline generally is at least one order of magnitude

lower in concentration in normal fibroglandular tissue [44]. However, it has been suggested

that choline levels may not be highly elevated in all breast cancers. This might be

determined by the biologic aggressiveness; thus, the ability of MR spectroscopy to

demonstrate abnormal choline levels in breast cancer has been variable [45].

MR spectroscopic studies of the human breast have been either single-voxel [44-64] or

multivoxel [65-70] investigations. Single-voxel spectroscopy is based on one voxel (one

single rectangular volume of interest) placement in the breast lesion. In this voxel elevated

levels of choline compounds which yield a signal at a chemical shift of 3.2 ppm are

detected in the case of malignant tumor [46,47]. With rare exceptions [44,47,55,57], in the

above clinical studies the metabolites detected by single-voxel MR spectroscopy were

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Chapter 1


documented in, at best, a semiquantitative fashion such as assessment of the signal-to-noise

ratio in the choline peak, peak visibility, or nonreferenced arbitrary peak area units. In

several single-voxel MR spectroscopic studies performed on 1.5T MR imagers,

investigators have reported sensitivities of 70%-100% and specificities of 82%-100% [46-

52,56]. However, the single-voxel technique has limitations in terms of lesion coverage,

which may affect the sensitivity of assessing choline from just one voxel in view of tumor

heterogeneity [65]. Furthermore, the study of local pathology by single-voxel MR

spectroscopy will always be hampered by the impossibility to study tissue heterogeneity or

to compare the metabolite signals in a breast lesion directly to those in unaffected tissue

[65]. Problems inherent to single-voxel MR spectroscopy may thus have influenced the

diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity, specificity) of this novel MRI method in a negative way.

Multivoxel technique or chemical-shift imaging (CSI) can be used to acquire spectroscopic

information from a large volume of interest subdivided into an array of voxels measured in

a single measurement, and hence is suitable for analyzing the regional distribution of tumor

metabolites. Therefore, the multivoxel MR spectroscopic technique is suitable for analyzing

the regional distribution of tumor metabolites and to study tissue heterogeneity. Another

opportunity of multivoxel MR spectroscopy is presented by the possibility of metabolic

mapping of breast lesions. Although it is commonly used in the brain and prostate, only six

studies with breast lesions have been reported [65-70]. In 3 of these studies [65-67] the

diagnostic value of combined contrast-enhanced MRI and multivoxel MR spectroscopy in

evaluating breast lesions is assessed. It appears that multivoxel MR spectroscopy is a

promising technique for classification of breast lesions when contrast-enhanced MRI results

are equivocal. However, multivoxel MR spectroscopic studies, while potentially allowing

for truly quantitative tissue characterization, have up to now also been far from quantitative

with the use of the choline signal-to-noise ratio as measure of tumour activity [65-70].

Quantitative tissue characterization is necessary because choline signals are not only

detected in malignant lesions but also in benign breast lesions and normal fibroglandular

tissue. Therefore, the presence of a Cho-related peak in breast MR spectroscopy is not

sufficient for a final non-invasive diagnosis of malignancy.

With the development of a protocol for quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopy for the

examination and metabolic mapping of breast lesions, the choline compounds peak could

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General Introduction


be determined more accurately leading to enhancement of the diagnostic use of MR

spectroscopy. A quantitative measurement of choline concentrations would thus increase

the accuracy of contrast-enhanced MRI in the assessment of breast lesions. In this way it

should be possible to exclude patients with benign breast lesions from further invasive

diagnostic work-up.

Purpose and outline

The focus of this PhD thesis is to investigate new non-invasive diagnostic developments to

prevent unnecessary invasive procedures in breast cancer diagnostic work-up for women

with a probably benign (BI-RADS 3) breast lesion. Therefore, in a meta-analysis (chapter

2) the usefulness of breast MRI as a problem solving modality in patients with

mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions is analyzed. In chapter 3 the NPV of breast MRI in

mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions is investigated. The purpose is to determine whether

breast MRI can provide a sufficient NVP to safely rule out malignancy and decrease the

percentages of invasive diagnostic procedures. In a systematic review and meta-analysis in

chapter 4 the sensitivity and specificity of radiologist and resident in the assessment of

breast lesions on MRI with and without a commercial available CAD system is evaluated.

In chapter 5 a quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopic method for the examination and

metabolic mapping of breast lesions is presented. The optimal cutoff of choline

concentration in quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopic data to safely prove benignancy

in breast lesions is examined in chapter 6. Lastly, in chapter 7 the added value of

quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopy in breast MRI is investigated. If multivoxel MR

spectroscopy can increase the accuracy of breast MRI, this could prevent unnecessary

invasive diagnostic work-up for patients with benign lesions.

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Chapter 1



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General Introduction


43. Sadowski EA, Kelcz F. Frequency of malignancy in lesions classified as probably benign after

dynamic contrast-enhanced breast MRI examination. J Magn Reson Imaging 2005; 21(5):556-


44. Bolan PJ, Meisamy S, Baker EH, et al. In vivo quantification of choline compounds in the

breast with 1H MR spectroscopy. Magn Reson Med 2003; 50(6):1134-1143.

45. Yeung DK, Yang WT, Tse GM. Breast cancer: in vivo proton MR spectroscopy in the

characterization of histopathologic subtypes and preliminary observations in axillary node

metastases. Radiology 2002; 225(1):190-197.

46. Kvistad KA, Bakken IJ, Gribbestad IS, et al. Characterization of neoplastic and normal human

breast tissues with in vivo (1)H MR spectroscopy. J Magn Reson Imaging 1999; 10(2):159-


47. Roebuck JR, Cecil KM, Schnall MD, Lenkinski RE. Human breast lesions: characterization

with proton MR spectroscopy. Radiology 1998; 209(1):269-275.

48. Cecil KM, Schnall MD, Siegelman ES, Lenkinski RE. The evaluation of human breast lesions

with magnetic resonance imaging and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Breast Cancer

Res Treat 2001; 68(1):45-54.

49. Huang W, Fisher PR, Dulaimy K, Tudorica LA, O'Hea B, Button TM. Detection of breast

malignancy: diagnostic MR protocol for improved specificity. Radiology 2004; 232(2):585-


50. Jagannathan NR, Kumar M, Seenu V, et al. Evaluation of total choline from in-vivo volume

localized proton MR spectroscopy and its response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in locally

advanced breast cancer. Br J Cancer 2001; 84(8):1016-1022.

51. Tse GM, Cheung HS, Pang LM, et al. Characterization of lesions of the breast with proton

MR spectroscopy: comparison of carcinomas, benign lesions, and phyllodes tumors. AJR

2003; 181(5):1267-1272.

52. Yeung DK, Cheung HS, Tse GM. Human breast lesions: characterization with contrast-

enhanced in vivo proton MR spectroscopy--initial results. Radiology 2001; 220(1):40-46.

53. Bartella L, Thakur SB, Morris EA, et al. Enhancing nonmass lesions in the breast: evaluation

with proton (1H) MR spectroscopy. Radiology 2007; 245(1):80-87.

54. Baek HM, Chen JH, Nalcioglu O, Su MY. Proton MR spectroscopy for monitoring early

treatment response of breast cancer to neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. Ann Oncol 2008;


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Chapter 1


55. Baik HM, Su MY, Yu H, Mehta R, Nalcioglu O. Quantification of choline-containing

compounds in malignant breast tumors by 1H MR spectroscopy using water as an internal

reference at 1.5 T. MAGMA 2006; 19(2):96-104.

56. Bartella L, Morris EA, Dershaw DD, et al. Proton MR spectroscopy with choline peak as

malignancy marker improves positive predictive value for breast cancer diagnosis: preliminary

study. Radiology 2006; 239(3):686-692.

57. Bakken IJ, Gribbestad IS, Singstad TE, Kvistad KA. External standard method for the in vivo

quantification of choline-containing compounds in breast tumors by proton MR spectroscopy

at 1.5 Tesla. Magn Reson Med 2001; 46(1):189-192.

58. Gribbestad IS, Singstad TE, Nilsen G, et al. In vivo 1H MRS of normal breast and breast

tumors using a dedicated double breast coil. J Magn Reson Imaging 1998; 8(6):1191-1197.

59. Joe BN, Chen VY, Salibi N, Fuangtharntip P, Hildebolt CF, Bae KT. Evaluation of 1H-

magnetic resonance spectroscopy of breast cancer pre- and postgadolinium administration.

Invest Radiol 2005; 40(7):405-411.

60. Lee J, Yamaguchi T, Abe A, et al. Clinical evaluation of choline measurement by proton MR

spectroscopy in patients with malignant tumors. Radiat Med 2004; 22(3):148-154.

61. Stanwell P, Gluch L, Clark D, et al. Specificity of choline metabolites for in vivo diagnosis of

breast cancer using 1H MRS at 1.5 T. Eur Radiol 2005; 15(5):1037-1043.

62. Baek HM, Chen JH, Nie K, et al. Predicting pathologic response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy

in breast cancer by using MR imaging and quantitative 1H MR spectroscopy. Radiology 2009;


63. Sardanelli F, Fausto A, Di Leo G, de Nijs R, Vorbuchner M, Podo F. In vivo proton MR

spectroscopy of the breast using the total choline peak integral as a marker of malignancy.

AJR 2009; 192(6):1608-1617.

64. Tozaki M, f*ckuma E. 1H MR spectroscopy and diffusion-weighted imaging of the breast: are

they useful tools for characterizing breast lesions before biopsy? AJR 2009; 193(3):840-849.

65. Baek HM, Chen JH, Yu HJ, Mehta R, Nalcioglu O, Su MY. Detection of choline signal in

human breast lesions with chemical-shift imaging. J Magn Reson Imaging 2008;; 27(5):1114-


66. Jacobs MA, Barker PB, Bottomley PA, Bhujwalla Z, Bluemke DA. Proton magnetic

resonance spectroscopic imaging of human breast cancer: a preliminary study. J Magn Reson

Imaging 2004; 19(1):68-75.

67. Jacobs MA, Barker PB, Argani P, Ouwerkerk R, Bhujwalla ZM, Bluemke DA. Combined

dynamic contrast enhanced breast MR and proton spectroscopic imaging: a feasibility study. J

Magn Reson Imaging 2005; 21(1):23-28.

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General Introduction


68. Geraghty PR, van den Bosch MA, Spielman DM, et al. MRI and (1)H MRS of the breast:

presence of a choline peak as malignancy marker is related to K21 value of the tumor in

patients with invasive ductal carcinoma. Breast J 2008; 14(6):574-580.

69. Su MY, Baik HM, Yu HJ, Chen JH, Mehta RS, Nalcioglu O. Comparison of choline and

pharmaco*kinetic parameters in breast cancer measured by MR spectroscopic imaging and

dynamic contrast enhanced MRI. Technol Cancer Res Treat 2006; 5(4):401-410.

70. Stanwell P, Mountford C. In vivo proton MR spectroscopy of the breast. Radiographics 2007;

27 Suppl 1:S253-S266.

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Chapter 2

Breast magnetic resonance imaging

as a problem-solving modality in

mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions

Monique D. Dorrius

Ruud M. Pijnappel

Marijke C. Jansen-van der Weide

Matthijs Oudkerk

Cancer Imaging 2010; 10 Spec no A: S54-58

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Chapter 2



The probability of a mammographic Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-

RADS) 3 lesion being cancer is considered to be less than 2 %. Therefore, the work-up of a

mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesion should be biopsy or follow-up mammography after 6

months. However, most patients referred for biopsy have benign disease. Although the

negative predictive value (NPV) of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is highest of all

imaging techniques, it is not yet common practise to use breast MRI as problem-solving

modality to exclude patients for further diagnostic work-up. Therefore, in this meta-

analysis, the usefulness of breast MRI as a problem-solving modality in mammographic BI-

RADS 3 lesions is investigated. After a systematic search only 5 out of 61 studies met the

inclusion criteria. The NPV in 2 of those studies was reported to be 100%. It was concluded

that MRI can be used as an adjunctive tool to mammographic BI-RADS 3 findings to

exclude patients for further diagnostic work-up. The other 3 studies assessed the accuracy

of MRI in mammographic BI-RADS 3 microcalcifications. These studies reported a NPV

of MRI between 76% and 97%. Therefore, MRI cannot be implemented as a diagnostic tool

to evaluate mammographic microcalcifications at this time. The first solid data indicate that

breast MRI might be useful as a problem-solving modality to exclude patients with non-

calcified mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions for further diagnostic work-up. However,

further research is needed to verify these results.

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Breast MRI as a problem-solving modality



Mammography is the primary imaging modality for the early detection of breast cancer.

Despite advances in mammographic techniques (digital), mammography still has its

limitations with regard to both sensitivity (65.6-85.5%) and specificity (87.7-94.3%) [1,2].

Mammograms are coded using the ordered categories of the American College of

Radiology (ACR) Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) lexicon:

category 1, negative; 2, benign finding; 3, probably benign; 4, suspicious finding; 5, highly

suggestive of malignancy [3]. The diagnostic work-up of breast lesions depends on the BI-

RADS classification of the breast lesions. The guideline for non-invasive diagnostic tests

for breast abnormalities of the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality in the United

States (AHRQ) states that breast lesions classified as BI-RADS 1 and 2 require no further

work-up or follow-up other than routinely called for [4]. The chance of a BI-RADS 4 lesion

to be malignant varies from 2% to 95%, whereas this chance is over 95% for a BI-RADS 5

lesion [4]. Therefore, the work-up for these categories demand a biopsy procedure. This

biopsy procedure cannot be replaced by breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), because

histology is obligatory in these cases [4]. The most difficult mammographic lesions are the

lesions which are classified as BI-RADS 3. The probability of a BI-RADS 3 lesion being

cancer is considered to be less than 2 %. For the work-up of BI-RADS 3 lesion biopsy or

follow-up mammography after six months is advised [4]. In practice, the decision on the

work-up of BI-RADS 3 lesions depends on the possibilities for biopsy procedures, the

wishes of the patient and the preference of the radiologist. Most patients who are referred

for a biopsy have benign disease because of the low predictive value of both physical

examination and mammography [5,6]. The value of breast MRI in BI-RADS 3 lesions is

not yet clear [4]. Breast MRI is emerging as a clinically useful additional diagnostic tool

[4,7] and has an excellent sensitivity and negative predictive value (NPV), which usually

exceeds 90% [8-10]. However, the overall specificity of breast MRI varies between 67%

and 72% [8-10]. The diagnostic accuracy of breast MRI varies with the expertise of the

radiologist and the particular patient population studied. It is important that breast MRI is

used for those groups of patients for whom there is evidence of acceptable diagnostic

accuracy. Breast MRI as first-line imaging modality is performed by screening women at

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Chapter 2


increased risk for breast cancer [7,11-14]. As second-line modality, breast MRI can be used

for the following indications: inconclusive findings in conventional imaging, preoperative

staging, axillary node malignancy and unknown site of primary tumor, the evaluation of

therapy response in the neoadjuvant chemotherapy setting [7,11-14], imaging of the breast

after conservative therapy, prothesis imaging [7,13], nipple discharge [7,14] and MR-

guided biopsy and lesion localization [13]. Although the NPV of MRI in breast cancer is

the highest of all imaging techniques [8;15,16] and in most of the cases a negative breast

MRI excludes malignancy [17-19], it is not yet common practise to use breast MRI as

problem-solving modality in excluding patients for further diagnostic work-up.

Therefore, in this meta-analysis, the usefulness of breast MRI as a problem-solving

modality in patients with mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions is investigated.

Materials and methods

Search strategy

A computerized search was performed to identify relevant studies in Medline and Embase

up to 2010. The following strategy was followed in Medline: "Magnetic Resonance

Imaging" [Mesh term] OR “Magnetic Resonance Imaging” [Text Word] OR “MRI” [Text

Word] OR “MR imaging” [Text Word] AND "probably benign lesions" [Text Word] OR

“microcalcifications” [Text Word] OR “inconclusive findings” [Text Word] AND

“mammography” [Mesh term] OR “mammography” [Text Word] AND "Sensitivity and

Specificity" [Mesh term] OR “specificity OR sensitivity” [Text Word]. In Embase the same

strategy was used. All languages were considered.

Eligibility criteria and study selection

Medline and Embase were searched for studies that used breast MRI as problem-solving

modality in mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions. Studies were included if the following

inclusion criteria were met: (1) all patients underwent a mammography and breast MRI; (2)

study population had mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions or mammographic BI-RADS 3

microcalcifications; (3) accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV)

and/or negative predictive value (NPV) was/were measured; (4) studies with original data

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Breast MRI as a problem-solving modality


which were published in peer-reviewed journals. The selected relevant studies were based

on title, abstract and full paper. All selected studies were published in English language.

The complete search yielded 61 studies, of which 9 studies were duplicates. Forty-one out

of the 52 studies were excluded based on the title. From the 11 remaining studies the

abstract or full paper was reviewed. Four studies were excluded because no BI-RADS

classification was used and 2 studies were reviews. Only 5 studies [20-24] met the inclusion



In the 5 selected studies 376 breast lesions were reported, of which 213 were

microcalcifications, 110 were asymmetric mammographic finding, 36 were non-calcified

regular shaped lesions, 12 were architectural distortion and 5 were scar lesions. In 2 [22,23]

studies mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions were included; one [22] only included category

3 lesions, the other [23] also included BI-RADS 0 and 4 lesions. In the other 3 [20,21,24]

studies mammographic BI-RADS 3 microcalcifications were included but

microcalcifications that were classified as BI-RADS 4 and 5 were also included (Table 1).

Mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions

In one study [22], the role of MRI in the evaluation of mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions

was investigated. MRI was performed on 56 lesions described as BI-RADS 3 by

mammography in 43 patients. The 56 mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions were distributed

into non-calcified regular shaped lesions (64.3%), focal asymmetric densities (21.4%),

generalized microcalcifications (12.6%) and a cluster of tiny calcifications (1.7%). The

sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, PPV and NPV of MRI in the determination of malignancy

in these mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions were calculated as 100%, 96.4%, 96.4%,

33.3% and 100%, respectively. Gokalp et al. [22] concluded that MRI may be helpful in the

evaluation of focal asymmetric densities as MRI confirmed that nine of the 12

mammographic focal asymmetric densities were breast tissue and that the other 3 were


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Table 1 Study characteristics (P, prospective; R, retrospective; c, consecutive; NR, not reported).

Study (first author, year of publication)

Moy 2009[23] Gokalp 2006[22] Akita 2009[20] Cilotti 2007[21] Uetmatsu 2007[24]

No. of patients 115 43 53 55 96

Study design R,c P,c NR NR P,c

No. of lesions 115 56 50 55 100

Mammographic findings

Asymmetry 98 12

Architectural distortion 12

Scar lesion 5

Non-calcified regular-shaped lesions 36

Generalized calcifications 7

A cluster of tiny calcifications 1

Microcalcifications 50 55 100

Mammogrraphic BI-RADS

0 78



3 15 56 9 23 55

4 22 41 25 27

5 7 18

Gold standard Pathology Pathology, Pathology Pathology Pathology

FU 6 months


Sensitivity NR NR 100% 77% NR

Specificity 80.7% NR 24% 59% NR

PPV 8.7% NR NR 63% 67%

NPV NR NR NR 74% 93%

Accuracy 78.3% NR 44% 67.2% NR


Sensitivity 100% 100% 85%b 73% NR

Specificity 91.7% 96.4% 100%b 76% NR

PPV 40% 33.3% NR 73% 86%

NPV 100% 100% NR 76% 97%

Accuracy 92.2% 96.4% 96%b 74.5% NR

a In the analysis of Moy et al., Cilotti et al. and Uematsu et al. BI-RADS 3 lesions were considered as benign and BI-RADS 4 and 5 as malignant.

b Mammography+MRI.

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Breast MRI as a problem-solving modality


Another study [23] evaluated the usefulness of breast MRI in cases of inconclusive

mammographic or sonographic findings. In this study, not only mammographic BI-RADS 3

lesions (n=15) were included, but also BI-RADS 4 lesions (n=22) and mammographic BI-

RADS 0 lesions (n=78). In total, 115 breast MRI scans were used as adjunctive tool and the

findings were correlated with pathology. The equivocal mammographic findings for which

MRI was performed were asymmetry without associated microcalcifications (85.2%),

architectural distortion (10.4%) and change in the appearance of the site of a previous

benign biopsy finding (4.3%). MRI had a sensitivity of 100%, NPV of 100% and compared

with mammography had significantly higher specificity (91.7% versus 80.7%, p=0.029),

PPV (40% vs 8.7%, p=0.032), and overall accuracy (92.2% vs 78.3%, p=0.00052). Moy et

al. [23] concluded that breast MRI can be a useful adjunctive tool when equivocal findings

at conventional mammography are asymmetry or architectural distortion.

Mammographic BI-RADS 3 microcalcifications

Three published studies [20,21,24] evaluated the role of MRI in patients with

mammographic BI-RADS 3 microcalcifications. Akita et al. [20] included also

mammographic BI-RADS 4 microcalcifications and Cilotti et al. [21] and Uetmatsu et al.

[24] included mammographic BI-RADS 4 and 5 microcalcifications.

In the study of Akita et al. [20] the clinical value of additional breast MRI in patients with

microcalcifications on mammography and negative ultrasound findings was evaluated.

Fifty patients with mammographic microcalcifications (9 BI-RADS category 3 and 41 BI-

RADS category 4) were included. These patients underwent MRI before stereotactic

vacuum-assisted biopsy. Mammography had a sensitivity of 100%, a specificity of 24% and

an accuracy of 44%, whereas mammography plus MRI had a sensitivity of 85%, a

specificity of 100% and an accuracy of 96%. They concluded that breast MRI compared

with mammography alone significantly improved the rate of diagnosis of malignancy in

breast lesions which were detected as mammographic BI-RADS 3 or 4 microcalcifications


In the study of Uematsu et al. [24], breast MRI was performed in 100 microcalcifications

detected at screening mammography in 96 patients. These patients also underwent a

stereotactic vacuum-assisted biopsy as gold standard. PPVs and NPVs were calculated on

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Chapter 2


the basis of a BI-RADS category and the absence or presence of contrast uptake in the area

of microcalcifications. NPV of BI-RADS mammography 3 was 93% versus 97% NPV of

MRI (p=0.167). The PPV of contrast uptake of MRI was 86%, which is significantly higher

than the 67% PPV of BI-RADS mammography 4 and 5 (p=0.033). Uematsu et al. [24]

concluded that the imperfect PPVs and NPVs of MRI in the evaluation of

microcalcifications detected at screening cannot replace stereotactic vacuum-assisted


Also Cilotti et al. [21] concluded that the PPV and NPV of MRI in the characterization of

microcalcifications are not high. In their study, 55 patients with mammographic

calcifications classified as BI-RADS categories 3, 4 or 5 underwent MRI and stereotactic

vacuum-assisted biopsy. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and diagnostic accuracy

were 73%, 76%, 73%, 76% and 74.5%, respectively. Their conclusion is that MRI cannot

be considered a diagnostic tool for evaluating microcalcifications [21].


The AHRQ guideline states that the work-up for mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions should

be biopsy or follow-up imaging after 6 months [4]. There is not yet a role for breast MRI,

because ultrasonography- or mammography-guided core or vacuumbiopsy can obtain

histological proof of a BI-RADS 3 lesion. A variety of minimally invasive procedures is

widely available, relatively safe, inexpensive and provide a diagnosis without surgical

intervention. Furthermore, breast MRI has its limitations, which include higher costs,

longer examination time, and lower availability compared with mammography and

ultrasound [7,11]. If breast MRI wants to be an effective addition to the work-up of a

mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesion, the NPV of breast MRI must be sufficiently high to

definitively rule out further work-up with biopsy. Although there were only 5 studies which

investigated the usefulness of MRI as problem-solving modality in mammographic BI-

RADS 3 lesions, the NPV was 100% in non-calcified mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions

and 76-97% in mammographic BI-RADS 3 microcalcifications. On the other hand Kuhl [7]

indicated that the evidence for the effectiveness of breast MRI is relatively weak in helping

to solve mammographic problems, because in a multicenter trial of Bluemke et al. [8] the

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Breast MRI as a problem-solving modality


NPV was not high enough to exclude malignancy with sufficient confidence in case of an

equivocal or suspicious lesion seen at conventional imaging. The diagnostic accuracy of

MRI was studied in 821 patients with a suspicious mammographic BI-RADS 4 or 5 lesion

(85%) or a suspicious clinical finding with a negative or benign conventional work-up

(15%) before biopsy. MRI had a NPV of 85% with cancer missed in 48 of 329 negative

MRI examinations. This NPV is not sufficiently high to avoid biopsy in suspicious

mammographic BI-RADS 4 or 5 lesions [8]. This widely referenced multicenter study was

performed in 14 hospitals from 1998 to 2001 and therefore used now outdated MR

equipment. Furthermore, the study of Bluemke et al. [8] included patients with

microcalcifications of the breast which have a negative influence on the NPV. In this meta-

analysis 3 studies [20,21,24] assessed the role of MRI in mammographic BI-RADS 3

microcalcifications. These studies also included microcalcifications BI-RADS 4 and 5. A

NPV between 76% and 97% was reported [21,24] in concordance with Bluemke results [8].

Therefore, MRI cannot be implemented as a problem-solving modality in mammographic

microcalcifications at this time. Mammography and stereotactic biopsy remain the only

techniques for characterising microcalcifications [21,24].

According to Kuhl et al. [7] MRI can be useful as an additional tool in patients with

calcifications: it can be helpful in demonstrating or excluding underlying invasive cancer,

because MRI has a high NPV for invasive cancer. An important application of MRI

associated with suspicious microcalcifications could be to evaluate disease extension [7].

However, the studies which comply with the inclusion criteria of the meta-analysis, i.e.

non-calcified mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions [22,23], reported a NPV of 100% and

concluded that MRI can be a useful tool in mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions, especially

when mammographic findings are asymmetry or architectural distortion [22,23].

Although there are sparse data, the first solid data indicate that breast MRI might be useful

as problem-solving modality to exclude patients with non-calcified mammographic BI-

RADS 3 lesions from further diagnostic work-up. However, further research is needed to

verify these results.

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Chapter 2



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mammographic findings? AJR 2009; 193(4):986-993.

24. Uematsu T, Yuen S, Kasami M, Uchida Y. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging in

screening detected microcalcification lesions of the breast: is there any value? Breast Cancer

Res Treat 2007; 103(3):269-281.

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Chapter 3

The negative predictive value of breast

Magnetic Resonance Imaging in

noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions

Monique D. Dorrius

Ruud M. Pijnappel

Paul E. Sijens

Marijke C. Jansen-van der Weide

Matthijs Oudkerk

Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of print]

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Chapter 3



Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine whether breast MRI can provide a

sufficient NPV to safely rule out malignancy in mammographic BIRADS 3 lesions.

Materials and methods: In a 3-years consecutive mammographic examination study 176

out of 4391 patients had a lesion classified as BIRADS 3. 76 out of 176 patients underwent

breast MRI as diagnostic work-up. Lesions which MRI classified as BIRADS 1 or 2 were

considered negative for malignancy. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV were calculated.

Results: In 27 out of 76 (35.5%) patients MRI showed no enhancement and was classified

as BIRADS 1. In 25 (32.9%) patients MRI showed focal or mass enhancement classified as

BIRADS 2. In these 52 (68.4%) patients no malignancy was found during at least 2 years

study follow-up. The other 24 (31.6%) patients had a lesion classified as BIRADS≥3.

Thirteen of these 24 lesions were malignant by pathology. MRI had a sensitivity of 100%

(95% CI: 75-100%), specificity of 82.5% (95% CI: 71-91%), PPV of 54.2% (95% CI: 33-

74%) and NPV of 100% (95% CI: 93-100%).

Conclusions: Breast MRI should be used in a diagnostic strategy for the work-up of

noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions. Malignancy is ruled out with a very high level of

confidence in the majority of patients (68%), herewith avoiding invasive diagnostic


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The negative predictive value of breast MRI



Diagnostic mammography is commonly used to identify possible breast cancers in women

and is the primary imaging modality for the early detection of breast cancer. However,

mammography has its limitations with regard to both sensitivity (65.6-85.5%) and

specificity (87.7-94.3%), which are depended on age and breast density [1,2].

Mammograms are coded using the ordered categories of the American College of

Radiology (ACR) Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BIRADS) lexicon: category

1: negative; 2: benign finding; 3: probably benign; 4: suspicious finding; 5: highly

suggestive of malignancy [3]. The diagnostic work-up of breast lesions depends on the

BIRADS classification of the breast lesions. The guideline for non-invasive diagnostic tests

for breast abnormalities of the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality in the United

States (AHRQ) and the guideline of the National Breast Cancer Consultation in the

Netherlands (NABON) state that breast lesions classified as BIRADS 1 and 2 require no

further diagnostic work-up or follow-up other than routinely required. The work-up for a

BIRADS 4 or BIRADS 5 lesion demands a biopsy procedure, because the chance of

malignancy for a BIRADS 4 lesion varies from 2% to 95% and for a BIRADS 5 lesion

higher than 95% [4,5]. The probability of a BIRADS 3 lesion to be malignant is considered

to be less than 2%. Therefore, the work-up of a BIRADS 3 lesion can be a biopsy or

follow-up mammography after six months. In practice, the work-up of BIRADS 3 lesions is

decided on the possibilities for biopsy procedures, but also on the wish of the patient and

the preference of the clinician. Because of the low predictive value of both physical

examination and mammography, a large majority of patients referred for biopsy have a

benign lesion [6,7].

Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is emerging as a clinically useful additional

diagnostic tool [5,8], but according to AHRQ the additional value of breast MRI in

BIRADS 3 lesion is not yet clear [4,5]. There are sparse data available to support the use of

breast MRI as problem solving modality in mammographic BIRADS 3 lesions [9,10] and

therefore it has not been implemented in common practice. However, breast MRI has the

highest overall sensitivity, which usually exceeds 90% [11-13], of all imaging techniques.

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Chapter 3


In selected populations a negative breast MRI shows a sufficient high negative predictive

value (NPV: 91.7-100%) to safely exclude malignancy [9,10,14,15].

The purpose of this study is to determine whether breast MRI can be used as a problem

solving modality for mammographic BIRADS 3 lesions by providing a sufficient negative

predictive value (>98%) for early work-up and there by safely rule out malignancy and to

decrease the percentages of invasive procedures.

Materials and Methods

Patient population

Patients, referred with clinical suspicious for breast cancer, were included consecutively

from January 2005 until January 2008 at the University Medical Center Groningen

(UMCG). 4391 patients underwent a mammographic examination and diagnostic work-up

at the department of radiology.

Over this period in 188 patients mammograms were classified as BIRADS 3 (Table 1).

Table 1 Mammographic BIRADS classification (2005-2008).

BIRADS category Number of mammography examination

0 need additional imaging evaluation 7 (0.2)

1 negative 89 (2.0)

2 benign finding 3884 (88.4)

3 probably benign 188 (4.3)

4 suspicious abnormality 112 (2.6)

5 highly suggestive of malignancy 111 (2.5)

Total 4391(100)

Note. Values in parentheses are percentage.

Twelve women were excluded: 10 patients did not have a work-up in the UMCG and 2

patients died of cardiovascular disease before study follow-up was done. Seventy-six out of

176 patients with a mean age of 52 years (range, 30-73 years) underwent a breast MRI as

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The negative predictive value of breast MRI


diagnostic work-up of the BIRADS 3 lesion. The final diagnosis was confirmed by

pathology or a clinical and diagnostic follow-up of at least 2 years. The remaining 100

patients underwent different work-up strategies (biopsy procedure, surgical intervention,

follow-up mammogram or ultrasound) (Fig.1). This study was approved by the Medical

Ethical Committee of the University of Groningen.

Fig. 1 Flow chart of patient inclusion and with reasons for exclusion.

4391 patients underwent mammography

188 patients with mammographic BIRADS 3 lesion

176 patients

12 patients excluded:

- 10 patients did not have a work-up in


- 2 patients died of cardiovasculair disease

before study follow-up was made

76 patients with 76 lesions underwent MRI

100 patients underwent different work-up:

- biopsy procedure

- follow-up mammogram or ultrasound

- surgical intervention

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Chapter 3



Mammography was obtained on a mammomat Novation system with a Selenium detector

(Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany). In all cases, at least standard

mammography was performed in craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique views. The

radiologist coded the mammograms by using the ordered categories of the ACR BIRADS

lexicon (3). All imaging examinations were assessed by 3 breast radiologists, with at least

10-20 years experience in breast imaging.


MR scans were obtained on a 1.5 Tesla whole body MR scanner (Avanto; Siemens Medical

Solutions, Erlangen, Germany) using a dedicated bilateral breast coil with the patient in

prone position. In cases of premenopausal women, the MRI was performed in the second

week of the menstrual cycle. The standard MRI protocol included a T2 Turbo Spin Echo

(TR/TE 4500/102ms, FOV 340mm and slice thickness 4mm) in the transversal plane. A T1

weighted three-dimensional (3D) fast low-angle shot (FLASH) sequence (TR/TE/FA

7.5ms/4ms/25deg, FOV 320mm and slice thickness 1.50mm, totally 1.08min) in the

coronal plane was made before and 6 times after Gd intravenous contrast agent

(0.2mmol/kg Dotarem) administration. The contrast-enhanced dynamic sequence was

performed approximately 30 seconds after injection and was followed by 5 additional

consecutive sequences. The total duration of the dynamic study was approximately 8

minutes. Subtracted images were obtained by subtracting pre-contrast images from the

post-contrast images using the machines commercially available software. The protocol

also included a T1-3D FLASH water excitation (TR/TE/FA 11ms/3.93ms/25deg, FOV

350mm, slice thickness 0.90mm) in the transversal plane. MRI scans were coded using the

ordered categories of the ACR BIRADS lexicon [3]. All imaging examinations were

assessed by 2 breast radiologists, with at least 10 years experience in breast imaging.

Image and data analysis

Demography and indication for mammography were obtained from the patient records. In

each case the category of findings for which the breast MRI was recommended was

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The negative predictive value of breast MRI


analyzed. The mammographic BIRADS 3 findings were noncalcified solid masses,

asymmetric densities and microcalcifications [16].

The MR images were classified as normal if no enhancement was seen in the expected

location of the mammographic finding (BIRADS 1) or only hom*ogeneous or stippled

enhancement was found in the breast, representing normal enhancing breast parenchyma or

fibrocystic changes (BIRADS 2). The lesions which were detected on the MRI and

corresponded with the area to the mammographic finding were classified as focus, mass

enhancement or non-mass enhancement. From the enhancing lesion the location, lesion

type, shape, border, distribution, internal enhancement and kinetic curves according to the

BIRADS lexicon were assessed and the lesions were classified as BIRADS 3, 4 or 5 [3].

Statistical methods

Lesions which MRI classified as BIRADS 1 or 2 were considered negative for malignancy.

Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value

(NPV) were calculated on the basis of final pathology reports or long-term clinical and

diagnostic follow-up findings of at least 2 years. The 95% confidence intervals (CI) were

calculated using the binomial distribution. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC)

analysis was used to quantify the diagnostic accuracy of MRI for the assessment of

mammographic BIRADS 3 lesions. Data were analyzed in STATA SE version 11.0

(STATA, College Station, TX.) and SPSS (SPSS 16.0 for Windows, SPSS Inc.).


Mammographic and MRI findings

The 76 mammographic BIRADS 3 findings were assessed as a noncalcified solid mass

(n=56, 73.7%), asymmetric density (n=12, 15.8%) or microcalcifications (n=8, 10.5%)

(Table 2).

In 37 (66.1%) out of 56 mammographic noncalcified solid masses MRI showed an

enhancement. These 37 enhancements were foci in 22 (59.5%) patients, mass enhancement

in 14 (37.8%) patients and non-mass enhancement in 1 (2.7%) patient. Nineteen (33.9%)

mammographic noncalcified solid masses showed no abnormal enhancement on MRI.

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Chapter 3


In 9 (75%) out of 12 mammographic asymmetric densities were assessed by MRI as foci in

4 (33.3%) patients and as mass enhancement in 5 (41.7%) patients. Three (25.0%) patients

had no abnormal enhancement on MRI.

In 5 (62.5%) out of 8 mammographic microcalcifications there was no abnormal

enhancement seen on the MRI. Three (37.5%) patients with microcalcifications had a mass

enhancement on the MRI (Table 3).

Table 2 Mammographic BIRADS 3 findings.

Mammographic BIRADS 3 findings Number

Noncalcified solid mass 56 (73.7)

Asymmetric density 12 (15.8)

Microcalcifications 8 (10.5)

Total 76 (100)

Note. Values in parentheses are percentage.

Table 3 Mammographic BIRADS 3 findings and MRI findings.

MRI findings


No abnormal Foci Mass Non-mass

enhancement enhancement enhancement

Mammographic BIRADS 3 findings

Noncalcified solid mass (n=56) 19 22 14 1

Asymmetric density (n=12) 3 4 5 0

Microcalcifications (n=8) 5 0 3 0

Total 27 (35.5) 26 (34.2) 22 (29.0) 1 (1.3)

Note. Values in parentheses are percentage.

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The negative predictive value of breast MRI


MRI BIRADS category

In 27 (35.5%) out of 76 patients the breast MRI showed no abnormal enhancement in the

area corresponding to the mammographic finding and was classified as BIRADS 1. In these

patients no malignant lesion was seen during at least 2 years study follow-up.

In 26 (34.2%) out of 76 patients the MRI showed foci in the breast which were classified as

BIRADS 2 in 21 (80.8%) patients and as BIRADS 3 in 4 (15.4%) patients. The study

follow-up or pathology of these patients showed no malignancy. In one (3.8%) patient the

focus was classified as BIRADS 4. This patient had a surgical excision which showed

normal fibroglandular tissue with pathology.

Twenty-two (28.9%) patients had a mass enhancement on the MRI. The mass

enhancements were classified as BIRADS 2 in 4 (18.2%) patients, as BIRADS 3 in 8

(36.4%) patients, as BIRADS 4 in 5 (22.7%) patients and as BIRADS 5 in 5 (22.7%)

patients. The 4 BIRADS 2 lesions and 6 out of the 8 BIRADS 3 lesions showed no

malignancy by study follow-up or pathology. The other masses were malignant by


In only 1 (1.3%) patient a non-mass enhancement was detected on the MRI. This non-mass

enhancement was classified as BIRADS 4 and pathology confirmed malignancy (Table 4).

Table 4 MRI BIRADS classification and pathologic proven breast cancer.

MRI BIRADS category


1 (n=27) 2 (n=25) 3 (n=12) 4 (n=7) 5 (n=5)

_________ _________ _________ _________ __________

Number of breast cancer - + - + - + - + - +

MRI findings

No abnormal enhanc. (n=27) 27 0

Foci (n=26) 21 0 4 0 1 0

Mass enhancement (n=22) 4 0 6 2 0 5 0 5

Non-mass enhancement (n=1) 0 1

Total 27 0 25 0 10 2 1 6 0 5

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Chapter 3


The breast MRI had a sensitivity of 100% (95% CI: 75-100%), specificity of 82.5% (95%

CI: 71-91%), PPV of 54.2% (95% CI: 33-74%) and NPV of 100% (95% CI: 93-100%).

ROC analysis revealed an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.98±0.03 (95% CI: 0.85-0.98)

for breast MRI in the differentiation between benign and malignant mammographic

BIRADS 3 lesions (Fig. 2).

Thirteen (17.1%) out of the 76 mammographic BIRADS 3 lesions were malignant.

Fig. 2 ROC curve for the accuracy of breast MRI to rule out malignancy in mammographic

BIRADS 3 lesions.


In 24 (31.6%) out of 76 patients the final diagnosis was based upon pathology findings of

the specimen. Eighteen (75.0%) patients underwent a biopsy procedure and 6 (25.0%)

patients a surgical intervention after the MRI scan. Ten (41.7%) out of these 24 patients had

invasive ductal carcinoma, 2 (8.2%) patients had an invasive lobular carcinoma and 1

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The negative predictive value of breast MRI


(4.2%) patient had a metaplastic carcinoma. Normal fibroglandular tissue was found in 10

(41.7%) patients and a lipoma was found in 1 (4.2%) patient.

Fifty-two (68.4%) out of 76 patients had a study follow-up of at least 2 years. In these

patients no malignant tumor was detected.


According to the guideline of AHRQ and NABON the diagnostic work-up of

mammographic BIRADS 3 lesions should be a biopsy or a follow-up mammography after 6

months [4,5]. In our study, we established that there is a role for breast MRI in

mammographic BIRADS 3 lesions, because a non-invasive imaging modality with high

NPV can lower the percentage of invasive procedures. The accuracy of the MRI in our

study is excellent (AUC=0.98) and the NPV is near to 100% (95% CI: 93-100%).

Therefore, further diagnostic work-up is not needed in patients with a breast MRI classified

as BIRADS 1 or 2. In our study this is 68.4% (52/76) of the patient group. To our

knowledge there is only one other report published which deals with the role of MRI in the

evaluation of probably benign lesions (BIRADS 3) in mammography [9]. In this

publication a NPV of 100% was reported [9]. Furthermore, other single-center studies,

which characterize breast lesions independent on BIRADS classification with MRI, have

shown that the NPVs of breast MRI have been as high as 97% [10,14,15].

Kuhl [8] on the other hand described that the evidence for the effectiveness of breast MRI

is relatively weak in helping to solve mammographic interpretations problems, because in a

multicenter trial of Bluemke et al. the NPV is not high enough to exclude malignancy with

sufficient confidence in case of an equivocal or suspicious lesion seen at conventional

imaging [11]. The diagnostic accuracy of MRI was studied in 821 patients with a suspicious

(BIRADS 4 or 5) mammographic finding (85%) or a suspicious clinical finding with a

negative or benign conventional work-up (15%) prior to biopsy [11]. MRI had a negative

predictive value of 85% with cancer missed in 48 of 329 negative MRI examinations.

Therefore, a biopsy of suspicious mammographic findings (BIRADS 4 or 5) or clinical

findings based on the absence of a suspicious MRI correlate can not be avoided [11].

However, this widely referenced multicenter study was performed in 14 hospitals from

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Chapter 3


1998 to 2001 and therefore used now outdated MR equipment. Furthermore, Bluemke et al.

[11] included microcalcifications of the breast which have negative influence on the NPV.

There are 3 studies [17-19] which investigated the role of breast MRI in

microcalcifications. The NPV of these studies varies between 76% and 97% which is in

accordance with Bluemke results. In our study only 8 patients with mammographic

BIRADS 3 microcalcifications underwent MRI. If the MRI showed no abnormal

enhancement no malignant lesion were detected by stereotactic biopsy or 2 years study

follow-up. However, a definitive conclusion cannot be drawn because our group of

microcalcifications is too small.

For mammographic BIRADS 3 lesions it is difficult to decide which work-up strategy

(biopsy or follow-up after 6 months) is suitable and thus depending on the preference of the

clinician and the wish of the patient. Therefore, in this group it can be expected that MRI

has an additional value.

The majority of mammographic BIRADS 3 findings in our study were noncalcified solid

masses and asymmetric densities. When these mammographic lesions in our study showed

no abnormality or foci (lesions smaller than 5 mm) on the MRI, malignancy could be

excluded. This was in accordance with the publication of Gokalp et al. [9] and Moy et al.

[10]. In the report of Gokalp 85% of the 56 mammographic BIRADS 3 lesions were

noncalcified shaped lesions or asymmetric densitities which were correctly classified as

benign [9].

In the study of Moy et al. [10] 115 breasts MRI’s were used as adjunctive tool and the

findings were correlated with pathology. The equivocal mammographic findings for which

MRI was performed were asymmetry without associated microcalcifications (85.2%),

architectural distortion (10.4%) and change in the appearance of the site of a previous

benign biopsy finding (4.3%). MRI had a sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 91.7%, NPV of

100%, PPV of 40.0% and overall accuracy of 92.2%. Moy et al. concluded that breast MRI

could be an useful adjunctive tool when equivocal findings at conventional mammography

are asymmetry or architectural distortion [10].

In our study the chance of malignancy in the mammographic BIRADS 3 lesions is

approximately 17%. This is considerably higher than is stated in the guideline of AHRQ

and NABON (< 2%) [4,5]. It is not likely that the high percentage of malignancy is due to

University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent …· 2016. 3. 8.· Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (50)

The negative predictive value of breast MRI


the selection of lesions for MRI. Taken into account the total group of 176 BIRADS 3

lesions, also 17.6% (n=31) of 176 breast lesions were malignant. This result confirms that

classifying lesions in the BIRADS category 3 is difficult with a very high inter- and

intraobserver variability in interpretation of mammographic features [20]. Therefore, breast

MRI can be helpful in cases of mammographic BIRADS 3 lesions. MRI not only has

shown to give near to 100% (95% CI: 93-100%) prediction of benign lesions, which means

that no further invasive diagnostic work-up is needed, it also gives a better prediction of

malignant lesions assessed as BIRADS 3 on mammogram.

In conclusion, MRI can be used as problem solving modality in noncalcified BIRADS 3

lesions, because the NPV of MRI is high enough to rule out malignancy with sufficient

confidence. When the MRI is assessed as BIRADS 1 or 2, no further invasive diagnostic

assessment is needed. Further multicenter research is needed to verify and implement these

results in regular care.


1. Barlow WE, Lehman CD, Zheng Y, et al. Performance of diagnostic mammography for

women with signs or symptoms of breast cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 2002; 94(15):1151-1159.

2. Carney PA, Miglioretti DL, Yankaskas BC, et al. Individual and combined effects of age,

breast density, and hormone replacement therapy use on the accuracy of screening

mammography. Ann Intern Med 2003; 138(3):168-175.

3. American College of Radiology (ACR): Illustrated breast imaging reporting and data system

(BI-RADS), 1998.

4. Nationale Borstkanker Overleg Nederland; NABON versie 1.1; type: landelijke richtlijn,


5. Agency for Health Care Research and Quality Effectiveness of non-invasive diagnostic test

for breast abnormalities. AHRQ publication no. 06-EHC005-EF, 2006, 2009.

6. Kerlikowske K, Grady D, Barclay J, Sickles EA, Ernster V. Likelihood ratios for modern

screening mammography. Risk of breast cancer based on age and mammographic

interpretation. JAMA 1996; 276(1):39-43.

7. Meyer JE, Eberlein TJ, Stomper PC, Sonnenfeld MR. Biopsy of occult breast lesions.

Analysis of 1261 abnormalities. JAMA 1990;263(17):2341-2343.

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Chapter 3


8. Kuhl CK. Current status of breast MR imaging. Part 2. Clinical applications. Radiology 2007;


9. Gokalp G, Topal U. MR imaging in probably benign lesions (BI-RADS category 3) of the

breast. Eur J Radiol 2006; 57(3):436-444.

10. Moy L, Elias K, Patel V, et al. Is breast MRI helpful in the evaluation of inconclusive

mammographic findings? AJR 2009; 193(4):986-993.

11. Bluemke DA, Gatsonis CA, Chen MH, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of the breast prior

to biopsy. JAMA 2004; 292(22):2735-2742.

12. Hrung JM, Sonnad SS, Schwartz JS, Langlotz CP. Accuracy of MR imaging in the work-up of

suspicious breast lesions: a diagnostic meta-analysis. Acad Radiol 1999; 6(7):387-397.

13. Peters NH, Borel Rinkes IH, Zuithoff NP, Mali WP, Moons KG, Peeters PH. Meta-analysis of

MR imaging in the diagnosis of breast lesions. Radiology 2006; 246(1):116-124.

14. Kuhl CK, Schmutzler RK, Leutner CC, et al. Breast MR imaging screening in 192 women

proved or suspected to be carriers of a breast cancer susceptibility gene: preliminary results.

Radiology 2000; 215(1):267-279.

15. Vassiou K, Kanavou T, Vlychou M, et al. Characterization of breast lesions with CE-MR

multimodal morphological and kinetic analysis: comparison with conventional mammography

and high-resolution ultrasound. Eur J Radiol 2009; 70(1):69-76.

16. Sickles EA. Probably benign breast lesions: when should follow-up be recommended and

what is the optimal follow-up protocol? Radiology 1999; 213(1):11-14.

17. Akita A, Tanimoto A, Jinno H, Kameyama K, Kuribayashi S. The clinical value of bilateral

breast MR imaging: is it worth performing on patients showing suspicious microcalcifications

on mammography? Eur Radiol 2009; 19(9):2089-2096.

18. Cilotti A, Iacconi C, Marini C, et al. Contrast-enhanced MR imaging in patients with BI-

RADS 3-5 microcalcifications. Radiol Med 2007; 112(2):272-286.

19. Uematsu T, Yuen S, Kasami M, Uchida Y. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging in

screening detected microcalcification lesions of the breast: is there any value? Breast Cancer

Res Treat 2007; 103(3):269-281.

20 Ciatto S, Houssami N, Apruzzese A, et al. Reader variability in reporting breast imaging

according to BI-RADS assessment categories (the Florence experience). Breast 2006;


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Chapter 4

Computer-aided detection in breast MRI:

a systematic review and meta-analysis

Monique D. Dorrius

Marijke C. Jansen-van der Weide

Peter M.A. van Ooijen

Ruud M. Pijnappel

Matthijs Oudkerk

Eur Radiol. 2011 Mar 15. [Epub ahead of print]

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Chapter 4



Objectives: To evaluate the additional value of computer-aided detection (CAD) in breast

MRI by assessing radiologists’ accuracy in discriminating benign from malignant breast


Methods: A literature search was performed with inclusion of relevant studies using a

commercially available CAD system with automatic colour mapping. Two independent

researchers assessed the quality of the studies. The accuracy of the radiologists’

performance with and without CAD was presented as pooled sensitivity and specificity.

Results: Of 587 articles, 10 met the inclusion criteria, all of good methodological quality.

Experienced radiologists reached comparable pooled sensitivity and specificity before and

after using CAD (sensitivity: without CAD: 89%; 95% CI: 78-94%, with CAD: 89%;

95%CI: 81-94%) (specificity: without CAD: 86%; 95% CI: 79-91%, with CAD: 82%; 95%

CI: 76-87%). For residents the pooled sensitivity increased from 72% (95% CI: 62-81%)

without CAD to 89% (95% CI: 80-94%) with CAD, however, not significantly. Concerning

specificity, the results were similar (without CAD: 79%; 95% CI: 69-86%, with CAD:

78%; 95% CI: 69-84%).

Conclusions: CAD in breast MRI has little influence on the sensitivity and specificity of

experienced radiologists and therefore their interpretation remains essential. However,

residents or inexperienced radiologists seem to benefit from CAD concerning breast MRI


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Computer-aided detection in breast MRI



Dynamic contrast-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is increasingly used to

evaluate pathological features of the breast. Applications for MRI of the breast include

diagnostic and screening indications [1-6]. Image analysis is based on the enhancement

pattern of lesions in dynamic breast MRI and on morphological characteristics [7-9]. Using

those two criteria for the interpretation of the images, breast MRI has a very high

sensitivity, which usually exceeds 90% [10-12] and a negative breast MRI shows a

sufficient high negative predictive value (NPV) (97%) to safely rule out malignancy [13-

15]. However, breast MRI has several limitations, the overall reported specificity varies

between 67% and 72%, which therefore results in a high number of false-positive results

[10,12,16]. Furthermore, MRI requires significant time for image acquisition, processing

and interpretation [17,18]. In order to try to overcome those limitations, Computer Aided

Detection (CAD) programs for MR imaging of the breast have been developed [18]. In

general, CAD software was developed to identify suspect features on the image and bring

them to the attention of the radiologist, in order to decrease false-negative readings [19].

However, in breast MRI, most lesions were regarded as having already been detected by the

radiologist. Therefore, the primary aim to develop CAD for breast MRI was not to identify

lesions, but to assist the radiologist in determining which lesions are benign and which are


Computer-aided detection systems automate many processing and analysis functions, which

would normally have to be performed manually by MRI technologists and radiologists. The

automated kinetic assessment of CAD generates a colour-coding based on the signal

intensity voxel changes during the enhancement of the breast tissue. This provides an easier

way of interpreting the patterns of contrast enhancement (persistent, plateau and washout

enhancement) across a series of images, which may help identify lesions and their

likelihood of being malignant.

The implementation of CAD software may improve the accuracy of breast MRI by

reducing the number of false-positive diagnoses and by shortening the time needed to

interpret breast MRI images [17,18,20,21]. Furthermore, a state of the art CAD system

should automatically identify (almost) all non-calcified lesions suspected of malignancy at

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mammography. This is reflected by a very high sensitivity and NPV for these non-calcified

breast lesions.

The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to assess the radiologists’

accuracy in discriminating benign from malignant breast lesions regarding breast MRI with

and without CAD implementation in terms of sensitivity and specificity.

Materials and Methods

Search strategy

A computerised search was performed to identify all relevant studies in Medline and

Embase up to 2010. The following search terms were used in Medline: "Diagnosis,

Computer-Assisted" [Mesh term] OR “computer-aided-diagnosis” [Text Word] OR

“computer-aided-detection” [Text Word] OR “computer-aided” [Text Word] OR “CAD”

[Text Word] OR “three-time-point method” [Text Word] AND "Magnetic Resonance

Imaging" [Mesh term] OR “Magnetic Resonance Imaging” [Text Word] OR “MRI” [Text

Word] OR “MR imaging” [Text Word] AND "Breast Neoplasms" [Mesh term] OR “breast

cancer” [Text Word] OR “mamma carcinoma” [Text Word] OR “malignant breast lesions”

[Text Word] AND "Sensitivity and Specificity" [Mesh term] OR “specificity OR

sensitivity” [Text Word]. In Embase the same strategy was used. All languages were


Eligibility criteria and study selection

We searched for studies assessing the value of CAD for a radiologist in the discrimination

between benign and malignant breast lesions with MRI. Studies were included if the

following inclusion criteria were met: (1) all patients had undergone breast MRI; (2) a

commercially available CAD system was used; (3) the study population had benign and

malignant breast lesions; (4) accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value

and/or negative predictive value was/were measured or could be derived, and (5) studies

had to be published with original data in peer-reviewed journals. Studies in which an

institution-specific CAD system was used were excluded, as well as reviews, editorials and

case reports.

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Fig. 1 Flow chart of search results, with reasons for exclusion and the total number of studies


Two researchers (MDD, MCJW) independently selected relevant studies based on title and

abstract or full article. Any discrepancies concerning the study selection were resolved by

discussion of the full article. The complete search yielded 587 studies. 519 out of 587

studies were excluded based on the title. After removing duplicates (n=12), 56 studies were

screened on title and abstract. Twenty-nine studies did not meet the inclusion criteria

(technical article (n=20), overview (n=8) and case report (n=1)). From the remaining 27

studies the full article was reviewed. Seventeen studies were excluded because CAD was an

institution-specific CAD system. Ten studies [20-29] fulfilled our inclusion criteria (Fig. 1).

Eight studies were in the English language [20-24,26,27,29]; the other 2 were in the

German Language [25,28].

Search result: n= 587

(319 Pubmed; 268 Embase)

Excluded based on title (n= 519)

Papers retrieved for more detailed evaluation (n=56)

Selection based on full paper (n=27)

Excluded (n=29)

- technical paper: 20

- overview: 8

- case report: 1

Excluded (n=17)

- institution-specific CAD systems

Included in the review (n=10)

Duplicates (n=12)

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Data collection and quality assessment

The following study descriptives were extracted: population descriptives (age, number of

patients, number of benign and malignant lesions), study design, type of MRI used, type of

CAD software used, minimum threshold enhancement used, number of radiologists that

assessed the MR images with and without the use of CAD and diagnostic accuracy numbers

(true-positives, false-positives, true-negatives and false-negatives).

Study quality was assessed independently by the same two observers using the QUADAS

tool [30,31], disagreement was resolved by arbitration. This evidence-based tool is

developed specifically to assess the quality of diagnostic accuracy studies and includes 14

quality items. The 14 items can be scored as “yes”, “no” or “unclear”. The total score can

range from 0 to 14, in which 14 is the maximum attainable score.

Statistical analysis

The performance of the radiologist in distinguishing breast lesions on MRI with and

without the implementation of CAD was assessed. Besides the use of CAD, comparisons

were made between radiologists with experience in imaging assessment and residents or

radiologists with no or minor experience. Primary outcome was sensitivity and specificity

at tumour level. Pooling of data was performed within the bivariate mixed-effects binary

regression modelling framework. Model specification, estimation and prediction were

carried out with xtmelogit in STATA. Using the model summary sensitivity and specificity

were calculated, and a summary ROC curve was drawn (with AUC and confidence

intervals). A forest plot was generated containing the individual study sensitivities and

specificities with 95% confidence intervals (CI) and the pooled sensitivity and specificity


A test for heterogeneity was applied, using the I2 statistic [32]. This statistic calculates the

percentage of total variation across studies that can be attributed to inter-study

heterogeneity, ranging from 0 (no heterogeneity) to 100% (all variance due to

heterogeneity). The presence of publication bias was visually assessed by producing a

funnel plot. In STATA linear regression was performed of log odds ratios on the inverse

root of effective sample sizes as a test for funnel plot asymmetry. The log odds ratios are

defined as the log transformed diagnostic odds ratios, which are needed for the performance

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of linear regression. Publication bias was considered present if there was a significant non-

zero slope coefficient, (p < 0.10), suggesting that only the small studies reporting a high

sensitivity with CAD had been published, whereas the small studies reporting a lower

sensitivity had not been published. Data were analysed in SPSS 16.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL,

USA), Meta Disc [33] and STATA SE version 11.0 (STATA, College Station, TX, USA).


Study descriptives

The 10 studies included a total of 895 patients (range 29-329) with a total of 1264 breast

lesions (range 33-469) of which 606 were classified as malignant (range 9-279) and 658 as

benign (range 22-190) [20-29].

In 5 [23,24,26-28] studies a selection was made of patients with suspect findings based on

mammography and ultrasound examinations. In the other 5 studies [20-22,25,29] patients

with a suspect lesion on MRI were included. One of these 5 studies retrospectively searched

the database of an ongoing MRI screening study of patients at high risk of breast cancer for

BIRADS 3-5 lesions that were detected with MRI [22], and 2 studies included lesions that

were not palpable and were not visible on mammography or ultrasound [20,21]. In all 10

studies histology was used as the gold standard. In 4 studies a follow-up MRI after 6 or 24

months was performed [23,25,28,29]; in the case of positive findings biopsy provided

further histological assessment.

Mean study quality was 12.6, ranging from 10 to 14. Four studies were of maximum quality

(Table 1) [20,21,26,27].

CAD systems

In all 10 studies the CAD systems (CADstream, DynaCAD, Fulltime point, 3-Time-Point

Method and CAD-Gaea) incorporated precontrast medium (unenhanced) images and 2

(immediate and delayed) or all postcontrast medium (enhanced) images [20-29]. The CAD

systems compared pixel intensity values on the precontrast medium and immediated

postcontrast medium series. If a pixel value increased above a user-specified minimum

enhancement threshold, such as a 50 or 100% increase in enhancement, the pixel was

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Table 1 Study characteristics of the 10 included studies (SD standard deviation, NR not reported, P prospective, R retrospective, c consecutive, TB


Study (author, ref., No. of Study Quality Mean age No. of No. of No. of Type of MRI CAD

year of publication) patients design score (SD or range) lesions malignant benign analysis system

Arazi [22] 2009 53 R, c 13 47 (26-68) 56 22 34 TB 1.5T CAD-Gaea

Meeuwis [27] 2009 65 R, c 14 49 (29-71) 71 49 22 TB 3.0T CADstream

Baltzer [23] 2009 51 R, c 12 51 (13) 90 46 44 TB 1.5T DynaCAD

Baltzer [24] 2009 329 P, c 13 53 (15-83) 469 279 190 TB 1.5T DynaCAD

Veltman [29] 2009 NR R,c 11 NR 52 25 27 TB 1.5T 3-Time-Point

Renz [28] 2008 48 P, c 11 51 (31) 88 43 45 TB 1.5T DynaCAD

Full-time point

Hauth [25] 2008 137 R 10 NR 183 61 122 TB 1.5T 3-Time-Point

Williams [21] 2006 126 R, c 14 52 (27-86) 154 41 113 TB 1.5T CADstream

Lehman [20] 2005 29 R, c 14 NR 33 9 24 TB 1.5T CADstream

Kelcz [26] 2002 57 P, c 14 52 (31-80) 68 31 37 TB 1.5T 3-Time-Point

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regarded as meeting threshold enhancement. Once a pixel was identified as enhancing

above the established threshold, the CAD systems compared pixel signal intensity values on

the immediate and delayed postcontrast medium series to indicate washout enhancement,

plateau enhancement or persistent enhancement. A specific colour or colour intensity was

assigned to each pixel for different types of tissue enhancement. The end result of all CAD

systems was a colour overlay on each MRI slice indicating regions of significant

enhancement and providing details about enhancement type and extent.

CAD threshold enhancement

Six [20-24,27] studies analysed the presence or absence of “threshold enhancement” at

different minimum thresholds. Lehman et al. [20], Williams et al. [21] and Meeuwis et al.

[27] used the CAD system CADstream. The sensitivity at the minimum thresholds of 50,

80% and 100% remained the same. The specificity increased at higher minimum

thresholds. The study by Meeuwis et al. [27] showed a higher specificity than the other two

studies. In the studies by Baltzer et al. [23,24] DynaCAD was used. In these studies, the

Table 2 The sensitivity and specificity of a CAD system using the presence or absence of lesion

enhancement at the user-specified minimum thresholds.

Study MRI CAD No. of MRI assessed Sensitivity Specificity

system lesions by using

Arazi [22] 1.5T CAD-Gaea 56 Threshold 50% 100% 0%

Threshold 80% 95.5% 14.7%

Threshold 100% 72.7% 44.1%

Baltzer [23] 1.5T DynaCAD 90 Threshold < 50% 100% 0%

Threshold 50%-100% 84.8% 45.4%

Threshold > 100% 52.1% 72.7%

Baltzer [24] 1.5T DynaCAD 469 Threshold < 50% 100% 0%

Threshold 50%-100% 86.4% 53.2%

Threshold > 100% 52.0% 83.7%

Meeuwis [27] 3.0T CADstream 71 Threshold 50% 97.9% 86.4%

Threshold 100% 97.9% 90.9%

Williams [21] 1.5T CADstream 154 Threshold 50% 92.7% 8.9%

Threshold 100% 92.7% 23.0%

Lehman [20] 1.5T CADstream 33 Threshold 50% 100% 25.0%

Threshold 80% 100% 33.0%

Threshold 100% 100% 50.0%

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Table 3 The performance of radiologists and residents in breast MRI diagnosis in terms of sensitivity and specificity with and without the use of a CAD

system, specified for type of CAD and MRI system, number of lesions, and experience (RAD radiologist RES resident).

Study MRI CAD system No. of lesions MRI assessed by using Experience Sensitivity Specificity

Arazi [22] 1.5T CAD-Gaea 56 CAD+RAD 5 years 73.0% 56.0%

Meeuwis [27] 3.0T CADstream 71 CAD+RAD1 > 5 years 88.5% 75.0%

71 CAD+RAD2 > 5 years 92.3% 87.5%

71 CAD+RES1 6 months 88.5% 93.8%

71 CAD+RES2 0 months 84.6% 81.3%

42 RAD (manual)a 84.6% 68.8%

Baltzer [23] 1.5T DynaCAD 90 CAD+RAD 1-3 years 80.4% 72.7%

Baltzer [24] 1.5T DynaCAD 469 CAD+RAD >300 MRIs 78.8% 73.2%

469 RAD (manual)a 75.3% 76.3%

469 RAD (visual)b 72.4% 77.4%

Renz [28] 1.5T DynaCAD 88 CAD+RAD1 > 500 MRIs 100% 86.7%

88 CAD+RAD2 > 500 MRIs 95.3% 93.3%

88 CAD+RAD3 < 50 MRIs 90.7% 73.3%

Full-time point 88 CAD+RAD1 100% 84.4%

88 CAD+RAD2 95.3% 91.1%

88 CAD+RAD3 100% 66.7%

88 RAD1 (visual)b 97.7% 84.4%

88 RAD2 (visual)b 93.0% 93.3%

88 RAD3 (visual)b 86.0% 77.8%

Veltman [29] 1.5T 3-Time-point 52 CAD+RES1 0 months 80% 78%

52 CAD+RES2 3 months 80% 81%

52 CAD+RES3 5 years 80% 85%

52 CAD+RAD4 15 years 80% 78%

52 RES1 (manual)a 68% 67%

52 RES2 (manual)a 52% 81%

52 RES3 (manual)a 72% 85%

52 RAD4 (manual)a 84% 85%

Hauth [25] 1.5T 3-Time-point 183 CAD+RAD 3 years 60.7% 83.6%

Kelcz [26] 1.5T 3-Time-point 68 CAD+RAD >500 MRIs 87.0% 84.0%

a Manual: manual curve analysis by using the region of interest (ROI) method. b Visual: visual evaluation of contrast enhancement.

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Fig. 2 Forest plot of pooled sensitivity and specificity of radiologists and residents assessing breast lesions on MRI with the use of a CAD system.

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sensitivity decreased and the specificity increased at higher minimum thresholds. CAD-

Gaea [22] had the same results as DynaCAD with respect to sensitivity and specificity,

although CAD-Gaea had a lower level of specificity. Meeuwis et al. [27], using

CADstream, reported the highest sensitivity and specificity (Table 2).

Radiologist with or without CAD

In 8 out of 10 studies [22-29] the sensitivity and specificity of the radiologist or resident in

assessing MR images with the use of CAD were measured (Table 3). The enhancement

thresholds used were set up individually according to the radiologist’s preference.

Furthermore, in 4 [24,27-29] out of these 8 studies the sensitivity and specificity of the

radiologist or resident was also calculated without the use CAD. In these four studies the

radiologists or residents assessed the MR images as visual evaluation of contrast

enhancement or by making a manual curve analysis by using the region of interest (ROI)

Fig. 3 Summary ROC curve regarding the studies of radiologists and residents using a CAD system.

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method [24,27-29]. The pooled sensitivity and specificity of radiologists and residents

assessing breast lesions on MRI without the implementation of CAD was 82% (95% CI:

72-90%) and 81% (95% CI: 74-87%), respectively. With CAD implementation they

attained higher sensitivity scores (sensitivity: 89%, 95% CI: 83-93%; specificity: 81%, 95%

CI: 76-85%) (Fig. 2). The sROC curve showed an AUC of 0.89 (Fig. 3). In 3 studies

differentiation was made between radiologists with experience and residents with no or

minimal experience [27-29]. The experience of those radiologists varied from 5 to 15 years

(or > 500 MRIs). Residents had no more than 6 months (or < 50 MRIs) breast MRI

experience. After stratification, the experienced radiologists showed a comparable pooled

sensitivity of 89% with (95% CI: 81-94%) and without (sensitivity: 89%; 95% CI: 78-94%)

CAD implementation. The pooled specificity of 86% (95% CI: 79-91%) decreased to 82%

(95% CI: 76-87%) with CAD. Residents or radiologists with less experience showed a

pooled sensitivity of 72% (95% CI: 62-81%) and a pooled specificity of 79% (95% CI: 69-

86%) when assessing breast lesions on MRI without CAD. With the use of CAD, their

sensitivity increased to 89% (95% CI: 80-94%), whereas their specificity remained

comparable (specificity: 78%; 95% CI: 69-84%) (Table 4).

Table 4 Results of pooled sensitivity and specificity (95% CI) of the radiologist in assessing breast

lesions on MRI with and without the use of a CAD system in general, stratified for experienced

radiologists and residents with no or less experience (RANDOM effects model).

Outcome or subgroup Studiesa Sensitivity (95% CI) Specificity (95%CI)

Radiologist no CAD, general 4b 82% (72%-90%) 81% (74%-87%)

Radiologist with CAD, general 8c 89% (83%-93%) 81% (76%-85%)

Experienced radiologist no CAD 4b 89% (78%-94%) 86% (79%-91%)

Experienced radiologist with CAD 8c 89% (81%-94%) 82% (76%-87%)

Residents no CAD 3d 72% (62%-81%) 79% (69%-86%)

Residents with CAD 3d 89% (80%-94%) 78% (69%-84%)

a In studies in which more than one radiologist/resident (blinded) assessed the images, the pooled calculation was

based on all relevant radiologists in that study. b Meeuwis [27], Baltzer [24], Renz [28], Veltman [29]. c Arazi-Kleinmann [22] Meeuwis [27], Baltzer [23], Baltzer [24], Renz [28], Veltman [29], Hauth [25], Kelcz [26]. d Meeuwis [27], Renz [28], Veltman [29].

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Analyses of heterogeneity

Moderate to substantial heterogeneity was observed among the eight studies exploring the

sensitivity and specificity of radiologists assessing MR images with and without the

implementation of CAD (sensitivity: no CAD: I2: 78%, p<0.0001, with CAD: I2: 80%,

p<0.0001; specificity: no CAD: I2: 46%, p=0.007, with CAD: I2: 55%, p=0.002). After

stratification of radiologists with experience and residents with no or minimal experience,

heterogeneity did not change for experienced radiologists (sensitivity: no CAD: I2: 79%,

p<0.0001, with CAD: I2: 83%, p<0.0001), and residents (sensitivity: no CAD: I2: 79%,

p=0.009; with CAD: I2: 64%, p=0.02). Concerning specificity, heterogeneity dropped to

low to moderate (radiologists without CAD: specificity: I2: 56%, p=0.04, radiologists with

Fig. 4 Funnel plot with log odds ratios on the inverse root of effective sample sizes for visualisation

of publication bias.

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CAD: specificity: I2: 62%, p=0.01; residents without CAD: specificity: I2: 33%, p=0.22;

residents with CAD: specificity: I2: 24%, p=0.26). Because of heterogeneity and possible

unmeasured variance at the study level a random-effects model was used to obtain all

pooled estimates, as this model interprets the available data with more caution and uses

broad confidence intervals.

Assessment publication bias

A non-significant non-zero slope coefficient (p-value = 0.16) indicated that there was no

evidence of publication bias (Fig. 4). This suggests that we most likely did not miss studies

with a negative outcome.


This meta-analysis shows that the pooled sensitivity and specificity of the experienced

radiologist for the assessment of breast lesions with MRI remains comparable with the

implementation of CAD. Residents or radiologists with less experience seem to attain a

higher sensitivity with CAD implementation, although not significant.

All selected studies were of high quality, so it is likely that the quality of the studies did not

have a significant impact on the results of the meta-analysis. Furthermore, there was no

evidence of publication bias and therefore it is not expected that the meta-analysis

overestimates the effect of CAD evaluation.

The ten studies used different indications for breast MRI and there was a wide variation in

the number and tissue type of lesions selected [20-29]. This resulted in the greater

heterogeneity. Therefore, we used a random-effects model that interprets the results with

more caution. Furthermore, there was an indication of selection bias. In all studies the

radiologists only assessed MRIs with lesions (≥ BIRADS 2) and discriminated between

benign and malignant. This selection increased the prevalence of breast malignancy in the

study population compared with the target population. The lesion selection could have

influenced the performance of the radiologist.

Six studies analysed the influence of the presence or absence of “threshold enhancement” at

different minimum thresholds [20-24,27]. Of those six, the study by Meeuwis et al. [27]

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Chapter 4


resulted in the highest sensitivity and specificity. This result could be explained by the fact

that a 3.0T MRI system was applied, which has a better performance than the 1.5T MRI

scanner which was used in the other studies.

With CADstream the sensitivity at a higher enhancement threshold remained the same, i.e.

the same malignant lesions enhanced at the 50%, 80% and 100% thresholds [20]. The

remaining false-negative enhancing malignant lesions showed no enhancement with

CADstream due to a noise filtering process leading to failure of automatic analysis of small

areas of enhancement [21,27]. The specificity of CADstream increased at higher

enhancement thresholds, which means that at a higher threshold benign lesions did not

enhance [20]. Therefore, absence of lesion enhancement at higher thresholds helps to

improve the discrimination between benign and malignant lesions. In comparison to the

study by Meeuwis et al. [27], the low specificity of the study by Williams et al. [21] is most

likely due to the high prevalence (n= 22/71 versus n= 113/154) and the large tissue type

variation of benign lesions.

With the DynaCAD software the specificity performance was analogous to that of the

CADstream software. The sensitivity of DynaCAD however, decreased at higher threshold

enhancements, not visualising all malignant enhancements, resulting in false-negative

lesions [23].

Residents or radiologists with no or less experience achieved a higher sensitivity when they

were accompanied by a CAD system for discrimination between breast lesions on MRI.

The change in sensitivity after using CAD was not significant. Nevertheless, a considerable

increase could be seen (sensitivity from 72%; 95% CI: 62-81% to 89%; 95% CI: 80-94%).

This increase could be a result of the fact that CAD brings more enhancing lesions to the

attention of the resident or inexperienced radiologist. Therefore, it seems that they benefit

from CAD when assessing breast lesions with MRI. However, more research must be

conducted to verify these results.

The performance of the experienced radiologists showed a non-significant decrease in

specificity from 86% (95% CI: 79-91%) without CAD to 82% (95% CI: 76-87%) with

CAD. A clarification for this observation could be that CAD systems are only based on the

enhancement dynamic, without regarding the morphology of the lesion. As a consequence,

the use of CAD could lead to a higher number of enhancing lesions, part of which could be

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assigned as benign on the basis of morphology. The experienced radiologists can be

mislead by the enhancement pattern of CAD, resulting in a decrease in specificity.

Therefore, it is important that experienced radiologists are aware of this.

In conclusion, concerning the assessment of MR images CAD has little influence on the

sensitivity and specificity of the performance of radiologists experienced in breast MRI

diagnosis. Therefore, breast MRI interpretation by radiologists remains essential. Residents

or radiologists with less experience seem to benefit from a CAD system when performing

breast MRI evaluation.


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22. Arazi-Kleinman T, Causer PA, Jong RA, Hill K, Warner E. Can breast MRI computer-aided

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Computer-aided detection in breast MRI


25. Hauth EA, Jaeger H, Maderwald S, Muhler A, Kimmig R, Forsting M. Quantitative

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26. Kelcz F, Furman-Haran E, Grobgeld D, Degani H. Clinical testing of high-spatial-resolution

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28. Renz DM, Baltzer PA, Kullnig PE, et al. Clinical value of computer-assisted analysis in MR

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30. Whiting P, Rutjes AW, Reitsma JB, Bossuyt PM, Kleijnen J.The development of QUADAS: a

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Chapter 5

Quantitative multivoxel proton

chemical shift imaging of the breast

Paul E. Sijens

Monique D. Dorrius

Peter Kappert

Paul Baron

Ruud M. Pijnappel

Matthijs Oudkerk

Magn Reson Imaging 2010; 28(3):314-319

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Chapter 5



The study of focal pathology by single voxel magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is

hampered by the impossibility to study tissue heterogeneity or compare the metabolite

signals in breast lesion directly to those in unaffected tissue. Multivoxel MRS studies while

potentially allowing for truly quantitative tissue characterization, have up to now also been

far from quantitative with, for example, the signal-to-noise ratio of the choline (Cho) signal

serving as measure of tumor activity. Shown in this study is that in a standard clinical

setting with a regular 1.5T magnetic resonance scanner, it is possible to perform

quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopy. With the use of literature values for the T1 and

T2 relaxation times of Cho and water in fibroglandular breast tissue and tumors one can

determine the concentrations of Cho in different tumor compartments and surrounding

tissues in two brief multivoxel MRS measurements. This opens excellent perspectives to

quantitative diagnostic and follow-up studies of focal pathology such as lesions suspected

of breast cancer.

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Quantitative multivoxel proton chemical shift imaging



Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) studies of the human breast published to

date have been either single voxel [1-16] or multivoxel investigations [15,17-20]. With

some exceptions [3,7,16], the metabolites detected by single voxel MRS were documented

in, at best, a semi-quantitative fashion such as assessment of the signal-to noise ratio in the

choline (Cho) peak, peak visibility, or non-referenced arbitrary peak area units.

Furthermore, the study of focal pathology by single voxel MRS will always be hampered

by the impossibility to study tissue heterogeneity or compare the metabolite signals in a

breast lesion directly to those in unaffected tissue. Multivoxel MRS studies while

potentially allowing for truly quantitative tissue characterization, have up to now also been

far from quantitative with the use of the Cho signal-to-noise ratio as measure of tumor

activity [15,17-20]. This is a rather arbitrary and irreproducible parameter affected by

multiple factors such as the B0 and B1 field distributions and patient movement. The

purpose of this study is to present a quantitative multivoxel MRS method for the

examination and metabolic mapping of pathology in the human breast.

Materials and Methods

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and proton (1H) MRS were performed at 1.5T using a

Magnetom Avanto system with a body RF coil for excitation and a commercially available

circularly polarized breast array receiver coil equipped with automatic tuning and electronic

decoupling (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). The MRI protocol included transverse and

sagittal T2 weighted fast spin-echo series covering both breasts (TR/TE 4500/102),

performed without distortion correction to optimise MRS planning. After acquisition of the

MRS series, T1-weighted MRI (FLASH 2D, 10º pulse angle, TR/TE 4.2/1.3) was

performed in the transverse direction and repeated after Gd-contrast agent (0.2 mmol/kg,

Dotarem; Guerbet, Villepinte, France) administration.

The multivoxel MRS technique used was an institutional modification of two-dimensional

chemical shift imaging (CSI) point-resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) double spin-echo [21,22]

with phase-encoding gradients between the slice selective 90◦ pulse and the first slice-selective

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Chapter 5


optimized 180◦ pulse [23]. Two-dimensional CSI of the breast was performed twice, first

without suppression of the water and fat signals to serve as a reference measurement and

subsequently with suppression of the water and fat signals to be able to detect Cho. The field of

view was 8x8 cm to roughly cover the transverse cross section of the examined breast,

subdivided into 144 phase encode steps to yield voxels of 0.67x0.67x1 cm at the used slice

thickness of 1 cm. In this hybrid CSI technique the volume of interest was smaller than the

field of view (3x3x1 cm) in order to end up with essentially measuring the watery part of the

breast (glandular breast tissue, pathology). Unwanted water and lipid signals were suppressed

by band selective inversion with gradient dephasing [24,25]. This was realized by

implementing a frequency selective 180◦ RF pulse surrounded by two crusher gradient pulses

of opposite signs, with PRESS excitation to suppress both water and lipid signals using a

minimum phase bandstop pulse designed to pass Cho to N-acetylaspartate resonances and

suppress water and lipid signals [25]. Six additional nine-lobe sinc outer volume suppression

pulses were applied before excitation, resulting in 6 outer volume suppression slabs of at least 3

cm thickness each on all sides of the volume of interest. Further reduction of the water signal

was achieved by chemical shift-selective presaturation [26] and by water reference post-

processing (next paragraph). 512 data points were acquired at a band width of 1250 Hz

resulting in a data acquisition time of 410 ms. In the first measurement without suppression of

any signal the repetition time (TR) and echo time (TE) were set at 1500 ms and 30 ms,

respectively [27]. The TE was kept small in order to minimize loss of water and fat peak

intensities due to T2 relaxation and the TR was set at 1500 ms in order to limit the acquisition

time to 4:46 min. The second measurement was performed at the same TR and at a longer TE

(135 ms) in order to be able to presaturate the water signal and to reduce the impact of residual

fat signals on the spectral baseline (acquisition time 4:46 min).

In the postprocessing the 12x12 phase encode steps were interpolated into a 16x16 matrix, i.e.

voxels appearing as 0.5x0.5x1 cm3. The number of peaks fitted included the chemical shift

ranges restricted to 3.15-3.3 ppm for the N(CH3)3 group of Cho, 2.9-3.1 for the NCH3 group of

creatine (Cr), 4.5-5.0 ppm for water, and 1.0-1.5 ppm for the main resonance of fat (-CH2-).

Using standardized postprocessing protocols, the raw data were processed automatically,

allowing for operator-idependent quantifications. The postprocessing protocol for the water

and fat suppressed series consisted of water reference processing, hanning filtering (width

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Quantitative multivoxel proton chemical shift imaging


700 ms, center 0 ms), zero filling from 512 to 1024 data points, Fourier transformation,

polynomial baseline correction (with the above peak ranges excluded), phase correction

and curve fitting to Gaussian line shapes using the standard scanner software.

The concentrations of the metabolites Cho and Cr were calculated from the relative peak

areas of the resonances of Cho (N(CH3)3 at 3.23 ppm) or Cr (NCH3 at 3.01 ppm), denoted

SM, and water (H2O at 4.7 ppm) using the following formula:

[M] = SM/SH2O x TWC x 1/MwH2O x nH2O/nM x T1satH2O/T1satM x T2satH2O/T2satM (1)

In order to report concentrations in a molar (moles per liter of tissue volume) unit, literature

values were adapted for the tissue water contents (TWC) of voxels containing breast tumor

tissue, 82% [28] and fibroglandular breast tissue, 65.3% [29]; nH2O is 2, nCr is 3 and nCho is

9. MwH2O stands for the molecule weight of water. [For simplicity and in order to reduce

reliance on literature values, one might want to leave out the TWC correction and report

metabolite concentrations per liter of water. One then obtains tumor and fibroglandular

tissue metabolite levels that are (1/0.82*100%=) 22% higher and (1/0.653*100%=) 53%

higher than the values reported here].

Any difference in receiver gain or scaling factor between the subsequent MRS

measurements was corrected for. Furthermore, the processing of all MRS data was repeated

without water reference processing to make certain that no lipid artifacts were introduced

near the frequencies of Cho end Cr.

The T1-saturation factors and T2-saturation factors for water, Cr and Cho were calculated

using the following formulas:

T1sat = 1 – exp (-TR/T1) (2)

T2sat = exp (-TE/T2) (3)

For the T1 of water in fibroglandular breast tissue we used the means of the values

published by Graham et al. [29] (1301 ms) and Rakow-Penner at al. [30] (1333 ms), i.e.

1317 ms. For the T1 of water and Cho in breast tumor we adapted the value of 746 ms and

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Chapter 5


a b c

d e f

g h

Fig. 1 Volume of interest (36 voxels of 0.25 cm3 each) centered on an adenocarcinoma in the left

breast of a 53 year old patient (a-c) and a spectral map showing intense water and minor fat peaks in

the lesion (d). After application of water and fat suppression, an intense Cho peak is detected in tumor

(e) as compared with no signal in adipose tissue (f). The tumor shows up as hyperintense in the Cho

map (g). After administration of Gd-contrast, tumor and surrounding areas are hyperintense on T1-

weighted MRI (h).

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Quantitative multivoxel proton chemical shift imaging


1513 ms, respectively, published by Baik et al. [12]. Lacking literature values, we used the

T1 of Cho in normal brain tissue (1240 ms) [31] as the value to be expected in

fibroglandular tissue. For the T2 of water in fibroglandular tissue we used the means of the

values published by Graham et al. [29] (40 ms) and Rakow-Penner at al. [30] (58 ms),

i.e.49 ms. For the T2 of water in breast tumor, we adapted the value of 97 ms published by

Baik et al. [12]. For the T2 of Cho in breast tumor, we used the means of the values

published by Bakken (340 ms) [32] and Baik (269 ms) [12], i.e. 305 ms. Lacking literature

values, we used the T2 of Cho in normal brain tissue (311 ms) [31] as the value to be

expected in fibroglandular tissue. For the T1 and T2 of the N-CH3 group of Cr (3.01 ppm),

detected in fibroglandular tissue only, the relaxation times published for normal brain tissue

(T1 = 1580 ms, T2 = 225 ms) were used [31].


The feasibility of the CSI method is demonstrated in two patients (examined by MRI/MRS

with informed consent) whose pathologies were confirmed by biopsy. For a 53 year old

patient suffering from an invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast, figure 1 shows the

volume of interest (36 voxels of 0.25 cm3 each) centered on the tumor (a-c). The spectral

a b c

Fig. 2 Volume of interest (36 voxels of 0.25 cm3 each) centered on fibroglandular tissue in the left

breast of a 32 year old control subject with CSI spectral map showing intense water and minor fat

peaks in most voxels (a). After application of water and fat suppression, minor Cho and Cr peaks are

detected in the fibroglandular tissue (b). A similar result is obtained in the same subject reexamined

by the same method 4 weeks later (c).

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Chapter 5


a b c

d e f


Fig. 3 Volume of interest (36 voxels of 0.25 cm3 each) centered on an invasive ductal carcinoma in

the left breast of a 38 years old patient (a-c) and a spectral map showing intense water and minor fat

peaks in the lesion (d). After application of water and fat suppression, an intense Cho peak is detected

in tumor (e). The tumor shows up as hyperintense in the Cho map (f). After administration of Gd-

contrast, the tumor is amongst those areas that are hyperintense on T1 weighted MRI (g).

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Quantitative multivoxel proton chemical shift imaging


map of the first CSI measurement without any suppression of the water and fat signals

shows intense water (left side, 4.7 ppm) and minor fat peaks (right side 1.3 ppm) for each

voxel containing lesion (Fig.1d). After application of water and fat suppression, in 4 tumor

voxels an intense Cho peak is detected at 3.23 ppm (Fig.1e) as compared with no signal in 9

voxels containing adipose tissue (Fig.1f) and the minor Cho and Cr signals in the

fibroglandular tissue of a healthy control subject aged 32 years examined twice (Fig.2). The

tumor shows up as hyperintense in the metabolic map of Cho (Fig.1g). At 10 minutes

afterthe administration of Gd-contrast agent, tumor and surrounding areas are hyperintense

on T1 weighted MRI acquired with a water-only excitation pulse (Fig.1h). Figure 3 shows

similar results for an invasive ductal carcinoma in a patient of 38 years old.

Using equations 1 to 3 and the relaxation times cited in Materials and Methods, the

following concentrations are calculated: In the 4 tumor voxels of the first example (Fig.1e)

the mean concentration of Cho is 2.8 mM. The highest level encountered in one of the 4

tumor voxels is 4.1 mM. Mere noise was measured in the adipose tissue from the same

volume of interest. In the fibroglandular breast tissue of the healthy younger woman

serving as control (Fig.2) Cho and Cr concentrations of 0.3 and 0.8 mM, respectively, are

calculated at the first examination (Fig.2b) and of 0.6 and 0.8 mM at another examination

performed 4 weeks later (Fig.2c). The mean Cho concentration in the second tumor

example is 3.4 mM (means of 8 voxels) and the maximum is 4.6 mM.


In this study, we have shown that in a standard clinical setting with use of a regular 1.5T

MR scanner, it is possible to perform quantitative multivoxel MRS. With the use of

literature values for the T1 and T2 relaxation times of Cho, Cr and water in fibroglandular

breast tissue and tumors, one can determine the concentrations of metabolites in different

tumor compartments and surrounding tissues in two brief multivoxel MRS measurements.

As is always the case in quantitative MRS, one has to rely on multiple assumptions.

However, the great advantage of converting metabolite peak areas into concentrations

(mM) is that true comparisons can be made, between different patients and pathologic

entities as well as in the monitoring of tumor metabolism while the patient is treated for

University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent …· 2016. 3. 8.· Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (81)

Chapter 5


breast cancer. This opens excellent perspectives to quantitative diagnostic and follow-up

studies of focal pathology such as lesions suspected of breast cancer.

Breast tumor levels of Cho, widely accepted as prime tumor marker in proton MRS [33]

near 2 mM have been observed by single voxel MRS using the water signal as internal

reference [7,16]. Considering, also, that in brain metastases of breast cancer Cho

concentrations of up to 4 mM have been observed [34], the tumor Cho concentration of up

to 4.1 mM observed here, exceeding that in fibroglandular tissue by one order of

magnitude, appears in agreement. Noted here is that in normal brain, the level of Cho also

is rather high, 1.72 mM in white matter tissue and 1.54 mM in gray matter tissue [35]. It

should be noted that these two patients were the first ones with confirmed breast cancer

examined at our institution. Different levels may be detected in subsequent patients. We

have thus shown that multivoxel CSI is able to detect tumor Cho at low concentrations. In

our CSI method, as in any quantitative MRS approach of tumor characterization, a

limitation is the use of literature T1 and T2 values for determining the saturation factors

affecting quantification. It is obvious that T1 and T2 varies between tumor types and

patients and may even change significantly during therapy [36]. Our healthy volunteer data,

yielding fibroglandular Cho contents of 0.3 and 0.6 mM in the same person reexamined 4

weeks apart, indicate that the reproducibility of breast CSI measured Cho content is in the

order of 0.3 mM.

We believe that the current widespread practice of single voxel or non-quantitative

multivoxel MRS examination of breast cancer is inadequate. Quantitative multivoxel MRS

can now be performed in less than 10 minutes, even when using a daily routine 1.5T MRI

system, and should therefore be used for the examination and metabolic mapping of

pathology in the human breast.

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Quantitative multivoxel proton chemical shift imaging



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3. Roebuck JR, Cecil KM, Schnall MD, Linkenski RE. Human breast lesions: characterization

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4. Yeung DKW, Cheung HS, Tse CMK. Human breast lesions: characterization with contrast-

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University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent …· 2016. 3. 8.· Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (86)

Chapter 6

Determination of choline concentration in

breast lesions: Quantitative multivoxel proton

MR spectroscopy as a promising noninvasive

assessment tool to exclude benign lesions

Monique D. Dorrius

Ruud M. Pijnappel

Marijke C. Jansen-van der Weide

Liesbeth Jansen

Peter Kappert

Matthijs Oudkerk

Paul E. Sijens

Radiology 2011 Apr 1. [Epub ahead of print]

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Chapter 6



Purpose: To determine the optimal cutoff of choline (Cho) concentration in quantitative

multivoxel magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopic data to safely prove benignancy in

breast lesions.

Materials and Methods: The study was institutional review board approved, and informed

consent was obtained from each patient. Between July 2009 and July 2010, multivoxel MR

spectroscopy was performed in 24 consecutive patients with 25 breast lesions assessed as

Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System 3 or 4 and larger than 1 cm in diameter at

mammography. Two-dimensional point-resolved spatially localized spectroscopy chemical

shift imaging was first performed without signal suppression (repetition time msec/echo

time msec, 1500/30) as reference measurement and was performed subsequently with

suppression of water and fat signals (1500/135) to detect Cho. Differences in mean and

highest Cho concentration in the breast lesions were tested for significance by using the

independent sample t test. The final diagnosis was confirmed with pathologic findings.

Results: Fourteen of 25 breast lesions were malignant. The mean Cho concentration varied

between 0.3 and 1.3 mmol/L (0.84 mmol/L ± 0.32 [standard deviation]) in benign lesions

and between 1.3 and 9.5 mmol/L (3.10 mmol/L ± 2.21) in malignant lesions. The highest

Cho concentrations in benign and malignant lesions were 0.4–1.5 mmol/L (1.19 mmol/L ±

0.33) and 1.7–11.8 mmol/L (4.08 mmol/L ± 2.81), respectively. Mean and highest Cho

concentrations in benign and malignant breast lesions differed significantly (P = .02 for


Conclusions: The study, in a relatively small patient population, shows that quantitative

multivoxel MR spectroscopy can be applied to exclude benign breast lesions from further

invasive diagnostic work-up with the implementation of a Cho concentration of 1.5 mmol/L

or lower as a cutoff. Further larger studies will be needed to confirm these results.

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Determination of choline concentration in breast lesions



In vivo proton magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy is a noninvasive technique that can

provide tumor metabolic information. MR spectroscopy has been increasingly applied for

the evaluation of breast lesions and therapy response monitoring [1-28]. The diagnostic

value of MR spectroscopy is generally based on the detection of elevated levels of choline-

containing compounds (Cho), which are markers of an active malignant breast tumor.

MR spectroscopy can be performed as single- [1-21] or multivoxel [22-28] technique. The

single-voxel technique has limitations in terms of lesion coverage, which may affect the

sensitivity of the assessment of Cho from just one voxel in view of tumor heterogeneity

[22,26]. Multivoxel MR spectroscopy, referred to as spectroscopic imaging or chemical

shift imaging, acquires spectroscopic information from a large volume of interest

subdivided into an array of voxels measured in a single measurement [22-28]. Therefore,

the multivoxel MR spectroscopic technique is suitable for analyzing the regional

distribution of tumor metabolites and studying tissue heterogeneity. Another advantage of

multivoxel MR spectroscopy is the possibility of metabolic mapping of breast lesions [26].

Several single-voxel MR spectroscopic studies conducted at 1.5T have shown the results of

the single-voxel technique for differentiating between malignant and benign breast lesions

on the of the detection of Cho (peak visibility or Cho signal-to-noise ratio) [1-21].

However, in studies Cho signals were also detected in benign lesions and normal breast

tissues [3-5,11,13]. Therefore, the presence of a Cho-related peak in breast MR

spectroscopy is not sufficient for a noninvasive diagnosis of malignancy. Quantification of

the peak of Cho is required to determine the accurate levels of Cho.

Although, with the possibility of mapping Cho distributions, the multivoxel MR

spectroscopic technique is potentially suited for performing truly quantitative tissue

characterization, previous multivoxel MR spectroscopic studies have up to now been far

from quantitative, with the use of the Cho signal-to-noise ratio as measure of tumor activity

[22,24,25,28]. One recent study [26] presented a quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopic

method for the examination and metabolic mapping of disease in the human breast. With

the use of literature values for T1 and T2 relaxation times of Cho and water in

fibroglandular breast tissue and tumors, the concentration of Cho can be determined in

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different tumor compartments and surrounding tissues in two brief multivoxel MR

spectroscopic measurements [26]. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal

cutoff of Cho concentration in quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopic data to exclude

benign lesions from further invasive diagnostic work-up.

Materials and Methods

Patient population

This prospective study was conducted between July 2009 and July 2010 at the University

Medical Center Groningen. Twenty-four consecutive patients (mean age, 48.4 years; age

range, 32–69 years) with 25 breast lesions (irrespective whether the lesion was palpable or

not) assessed as Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) 3 or 4 and larger

than 1 cm in diameter at mammography underwent multivoxel MR spectroscopy. Patients

were excluded if there was a history of breast cancer, hematoma of the breast, or previous

breast surgery including breast implants. Referral indication for mammography was

recorded. The final diagnosis of the breast lesions was confirmed by using histologic or

cytologic findings of the breast lesion. Tissue samples were obtained by using

ultrasonographically (US) guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (n = 3), US-guided core

biopsy (n = 21), or MR-guided vacuum-assisted core biopsy (n = 1). This study was

approved by the Medical Ethical Committee of the University Medical Center Groningen.

Informed consent was obtained from each patient prior to the study. The clinicians and

patients were not informed of the results from MR spectroscopy.

MR imaging and MR spectroscopy

MR imaging was performed at 1.5 T by using a whole-body MR imager (Magnetom

Avanto; Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany) with a body radiofrequency coil

for excitation and a commercially available circularly polarized bilateral breast phased-

array receiver coil with automatic tuning and electronic decoupling (Siemens Medical

Solutions), with the patient in the prone position. The MR imaging protocol included

diffusion-weighted imaging with b values of 0, 50, 200, 500, 800, and 1000 sec/mm2 and

transverse T2-weighted turbo spin-echo imaging (repetition time msec/echo time msec,

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Determination of choline concentration in breast lesions


4500/102; field of view, 340 mm; section thickness, 4 mm). A transverse and sagittal T2-

weighted fast spin-echo series covering both breasts (4500/102) was performed without

distortion correction for MR spectroscopy planning. For the spectroscopic imaging

technique, the MR spectroscopic protocol of Sijens et al. [26] was used. This protocol

included two-dimensional chemical shift imaging with double-spin-echo point-resolved

spatially localized spectroscopy with phase-encoding gradients between the section-

selective 90° pulse and the first section-selective optimized 180° pulse. Two-dimensional

chemical shift imaging of the breast was performed twice, first without suppression of

water and fat signals (1500/30) to serve as a reference measurement. The echo time was

kept small to minimize loss of water and fat peak intensities due to T2 relaxation, and the

repetition time was set at 1500 msec to limit the acquisition time to 4 minutes 46 seconds.

The second measurement was with suppression of water and fat signals (1500/135) to be

able to detect Cho. The same repetition time and a longer echo time (135 msec) were used

to be able to presaturate the water signal and to reduce the effect of residual fat signals on

the spectral baseline (acquisition time, 4 minutes 46 seconds). The total MR spectroscopic

acquisition time therefore was less than 10 minutes.

The field of view was 8 × 8 cm to roughly cover the transverse cross section of the examined

breast and was subdivided into 144 phase-encode steps at the used section thickness of 1 cm. In

this hybrid chemical shift imaging technique, the volume of interest, on which the automated

adjustments of B0 field (shimming), frequency, transmitter gain, and receiver attenuation were

performed, was smaller than the field of view (3 × 3 × 1 cm) to end up with essentially

measuring the watery part of the breast (glandular breast tissue and/or disease). The bandwidth

was 1300 Hz (corresponding with a section-select gradient of approximately 1 mT/m), which

caused a chemical shift displacement error of 1.5 mm between the metabolic maps of Cho and

water. In our data analysis, this small effect was not corrected for. Unwanted water and lipid

signals were suppressed with band-selective inversion with gradient dephasing [26].

No intravenous contrast material at MR imaging was administered to the patients prior to

the MR spectroscopy to prevent possible interference of metal chelate with the detectability

of Cho [29,30]. Contrast material was administered afterward, but, in this study, the results

of dynamic contrast material–enhanced MR imaging were not assessed, which prohibited

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us from evaluating the incremental benefit of the incorporation of MR spectroscopy into the

MR imaging diagnostics of breast cancer.

Data analysis

The MR spectroscopic measurements were performed in breast lesions larger than 1 cm in

diameter at mammography that were localized on diffusion- and T2-weighted images; the

results of MR spectroscopy then were projected on the transverse T2-weighted MR imaging

series. A standard software package (Syngo; Siemens) was used for postprocessing MR

spectroscopic data. The 12 × 12 phase-encode steps were interpolated into a 16 × 16 matrix

(ie, voxels appearing as 0.5 × 0.5 × 1 cm). The number of peaks fitted included the

chemical shift ranges restricted to 2.9–3.1 ppm for creatine, 3.1–3.4 ppm for Cho, 4.5–5.0

ppm for water, and 1.0–1.5 ppm for the main resonance of fat (-CH2-). By using

standardized postprocessing protocols, the raw data were processed automatically, allowing

for operator-independent quantifications. To further minimize the amount of arbitrary

operator input, no use was made of the possibility of retrospective voxel shifting.

The concentration of the metabolite Cho was calculated from the relative peak areas of the

resonances of Cho (N(CH3)3 at 3.23 ppm), denoted SM, and water (H2O at 4.7 ppm) by

using the following equation:

[Cho] = SM/SH2O x TWC x 1/MwH2O x nH2O/nM x T1satH2O/T1satM x T2satH2O/T2satM

where S is signal, M is metabolic Cho, TWC is tissue water content, Mw is molecular

weight, n is number of hydrogen nuclei, and sat is saturation. To make the method robust,

concentrations were reported in a molar unit (ie, in moles per liter of voxel volume

regardless of the composition, such as tumor, extracellular fluids, glandular tissue). For this

purpose, the water signal (peak area) in the lesion voxels is considered to be equal to 91

mol/L, that is, the literature value for the tissue water content of voxels containing breast

tumor tissue, or 82% [28] of the molar proton content of pure water (2 · 1000/18 = 111

mol/L); nH2O is 2 and nM is 9. The T1 and T2 saturation factors for water and Cho were

calculated by using literature values for T1 and T2 relaxation times of water and Cho as

described by Sijens et al [26].

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Determination of choline concentration in breast lesions


Lesion voxels were defined as voxels matching the lesion location at MR imaging and

having a water signal larger than the fat signal. The above procedure of deriving lesion Cho

concentrations from the unsuppressed water signal thus led to values corrected for partial

volume effect of adipose tissue (characterized by intense lipid signals and very little water,

resulting in decreasing water reference signal in proportion to the adipose fraction). Note

that the metabolic maps of Cho, as shown in the figures, are not corrected for partial

volume effect, which means that these reflect the distribution of Cho signals over the entire

volume of interest regardless of the spatial distributions of water and fat, rather than the

water-fraction Cho concentrations as could be calculated by using the respective water

fractions on a voxel-by-voxel basis.

Statistical analysis

The mean and standard deviation of the Cho peak, the mean Cho concentration, and the

highest Cho concentration of all benign and malignant lesions were calculated. Differences

between benign and malignant breast lesions concerning the Cho measurements were tested

for significance by using the independent sample t test. A P value less than .05 was

considered to indicate a statistically significant difference. Data were analyzed with

software (SPSS, version 16.0, 2009; SPSS, Chicago, Ill).


The indication for undergoing mammographic examination was a palpable breast lesion in

16 (67%) patients. In three (13%) patients, a suspicious (nonpalpable) lesion was found at

screening mammography performed by the Dutch National Breast Cancer Screening

Program. Three (13%) patients were screened outside the National Screening Program

because they were at high risk for breast cancer at young age, and two (8%) patients had an

enlarged lymph node in the axilla without any breast symptoms.

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Chapter 6


a b

c d

Fig. 1 Transverse MR image shows volume of interest (36 voxels of 0.25 cm3 each) centered on an

invasive ductal carcinoma in the left breast of 38-year-old woman (a).Spectral map shows intense

water and minor fat peaks in the lesion (b). After application of water and fat suppression, an intens

Cho peak is detected in the tumor , as shown on spectra. MR images are inset (c). Cho map shows

intense Cho peak as hyperintense (d). Cr = creatine

Breast lesions

Twenty-five breast lesions exceeding 1 cm on the mammogram were assessed. (One patient

had a mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesion and a BI-RADS 4 lesion in the left breast.) Ten

(40%) of 25 breast lesions were classified as BI-RADS 3, and 15 (60%) were classified as

BI-RADS 4 on the mammogram. One (10%) of 10 mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions was

malignant, and 13 (87%) of 15 BI-RADS 4 lesions were malignant (Table 1). The size of

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Determination of choline concentration in breast lesions


the benign lesions as seen at MR imaging varied between 10 and 21 mm. For malignant

lesions, the size was between 10 and 58 mm.

Table 1 Mammographic BI-RADS classification and disease in 25 breast lesions.

BI-RADS Classification and Disease Size on MR image (mm) Biopsy method

BI-RADS 3 (n=10)

Fibroadenoma (n=4) 13, 12, 10, 10 US-guided core biopsy

No malignant cells (n=3) 12.5, 14, 10 Fine-needle aspiration biopsy

Fibrosis with apocrine metaplasie (n=1) 13 MR-guided vacuum-assisted

core biopsy

Lobular hyperplasia without atypia (n=1) 19 US-guided core biopsy

Invasive ductal carcinoma (n=1) 10 US-guided core biopsy

BI-RADS 4 (n=15)

Invasive ductal carcinoma (n=10) 33, 29, 24, 17, 27 US-guided core biopsy

34, 15, 16, 21, 41

Invasive lobular carcinoma (n=2) 15, 20 US-guided core biopsy

Metaplastic carcinoma (n=1) 11 US-guided core biopsy

Fibroadenoma (n=1) 15 US-guided core biopsy

Epithelial hyperplasia without atypia (n=1) 10 US-guided core biopsy

Multivoxel MR spectroscopy

The volume of interest (36 voxels of 0.25 cm3 each after postprocessing) was centered on

the breast lesion (Fig. 1, 2). For malignant lesions, after application of water and fat

suppression, Cho peak was intense in voxels containing malignant tumor and was

negligible outside the lesion (Fig. 1c, 1d). For benign lesions, the Cho peak was not nearly

as prominent as in malignant tumors, although, as seen on the metabolic map, still exceeds

the levels of Cho in voxels outside the lesion (Fig. 2c, 2d).

The number of voxels used for calculating the mean and the highest Cho concentration in

25 breast lesions varied from 2 to 7 voxels, with an average of 4 voxels. The Cho peak of

14 malignant and 11 benign breast lesions was detected in the spectrum between 3.08 and

3.23 ppm (3.18 ppm ± 0.05 [standard deviation]) and 3.14 and 3.34 ppm (3.24 ppm ± 0.07)

(P = .04), respectively (Tables 2, 3).

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Chapter 6


a b

c d

Fig. 2 Transverse MR image shows volume of interest (36 voxels of 0.25 cm3 each) centered on a

benign fibroadenoma in the left breast of 44-year- old woman (a).Spectral map shows intense water

and minor fat peaks in most of the volume of interest (b). After application of water and fat

suppression, a small Cho peak is detected (also some creatine [Cr}) in the lesion, as shown on spectra.

MR images are inset (c). Cho map shows small Cho peak as hyperintense (d).

For the 14 malignant breast lesions, the mean Cho concentration varied between 1.3 and 9.5

mmol/L (3.10 mmol/L ± 2.21), and the highest Cho concentration varied between 1.7 and

11.8 mmol/L (4.08 mmol/L ± 2.81). For the 11 invasive ductal carcinomas, the highest Cho

concentration ranged from 1.7 to 6.8 mmol/L, and for two invasive lobular carcinomas, it

ranged from 2.3 to 11.8 mmol/L. The metaplastic carcinoma had a highest Cho

concentration of 3.9 mmol/L (Table 2).

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Determination of choline concentration in breast lesions


The mean Cho concentration of the 11 benign breast lesions was between 0.3 and 1.3

mmol/L (0.84 mmol/L ± 0.32), and the highest Cho concentration was between 0.4 and 1.5

mmol/L (1.19 mmol/L ± 0.33). For the five fibroadenomas, the highest Cho concentration

ranged from 0.4 to 1.3 mmol/L. For the three breast lesions that showed no malignant cells

after fine-needle aspiration biopsy, the highest Cho concentration varied between 0.8 and

1.5 mmol/L. The lobular hyperplasia and epithelial hyperplasia lesions had a highest Cho

concentration of 1.0 and 1.4 mmol/L, respectively. Fibrosis with apocrine metaplasia

showed a highest Cho concentration of 1.5 mmol/L (Table 2).

Table 2 Number of voxels, Cho peak, and mean and highest Cho concentration for 14 malignant and

11 benign breast lesions.

Disease No. of Cho peak Mean Cho Highest Cho

Voxels (ppm) conc (mmol/l) conc (mmol/l)

Malignant lesions (n=14)

Invasive ductal carcinoma (n=11) 2 3.14 1.6 1.7

2 3.23 1.3 1.8

2 3.20 1.6 1.8

3 3.14 2.1 2.2

4 3.23 1.4 2.4

3 3.14 1.7 2.5

4 3.23 2.8 4.1

4 3.20 4.1 4.4

6 3.20 3.4 4.6

7 3.18 4.7 6.8

4 3.23 4.9 6.8

Invasive lobular carcinoma (n=2) 2 3.14 2.0 2.3

5 3.08 9.5 11.8

Metaplastic carcinoma (n=1) 7 3.18 2.4 3.9

Benign lesions (n=11)

Fibroadenoma (n=5) 6 3.32 0.3 0.4

6 3.17 0.9 1.3

2 3.16 1.0 1.3

2 3.22 1.1 1.3

2 3.17 1.3 1.3

No malignant cells (n=3) 4 3.31 0.4 0.8

2 3.27 0.9 1.3

4 3.34 0.8 1.5

Fibrosis with apocrine metaplasie (n=1) 4 3.30 0.6 1.5

Lobular hyperplasia without atypia (n=1) 4 3.20 0.7 1.0

Epithelial hyperplasia without atypia (n=1) 5 3.14 1.2 1.4

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There was a similar significant difference between benign and malignant lesions for the

mean and the highest Cho concentration (P = .02 for both) (Table 3). Furthermore, with

regard to the highest Cho concentration, there was no overlap between the values for benign

(0.4–1.5 mmol/L) and malignant (1.7–11.8 mmol/L) lesions. With regard to the mean

benign and malignant Cho concentration, the ranges overlapped at 1.3 mmol/L (0.3–1.3 vs

1.3–9.5 mmol/L, respectively).

Table 3 The mean and the standard deviation for Cho peak and mean and highest Cho concentration

in benign and malignant lesions.

Measurement Benign lesions (n=11) Malignant lesions (n=14) P-value

Cho peak (ppm) 3.24 ± 0.07 3.18 ± 0.05 .04

Mean Cho concentration (mmol/L) 0.84 ± 0.32 3.10 ± 2.21 .02

Highest Cho concentration (mmol/L) 1.19 ± 0.33 4.08 ± 2.81 .02


MR spectroscopy is a noninvasive technique that has not yet fulfilled its potential of being

able to help reliably differentiate between benign and malignant breast lesions. Most of the

studies published to date used single-voxel MR spectroscopic method [1-21]. The

remainder are multivoxel studies, preferable in oncology, because those studies are able to

provide improved metabolic assessment, given the inherent tissue heterogeneity, owing to

improved sampling approaches with high spectral resolution and large spatial coverage.

Qualitative or semiquantitative multivoxel measurements were previously used for the

detection of Cho (i.e. detectibility or Cho signal-to-noise ratio) [22-25,27,28]. In our study,

a recently published multivoxel MR spectroscopic method based on quantitative

measurement was implemented [26]. We provided a strong indication that the lesion Cho

concentration in millimolars as a cutoff, namely 1.5 mmol/L, can be applied to exclude

benign breast lesions, such as fibroadenomas, from further invasive diagnostic work-up.

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Determination of choline concentration in breast lesions


However, with respect to the small sample size, larger studies are needed to verify these


A limitation was the larger than 1 cm lesion size that we required for study inclusion. With

MRI systems of 3.0T or higher, the expected gain in signal-to-noise ratio should enable

implementation of our MR spectroscopic method at higher spatial resolution (smaller

voxels enabling the detection of smaller tumors).

There have been single-voxel MR spectroscopic studies proposing quantification of Cho

peak by using an external reference method with known concentrations or an internal

reference method [2,5,13,21]. With the use of an external reference method, there is no

correction for partial volume of adipose tissue in the voxel [21]. Alternatively, using water

as an internal reference automatically compensates for partial volume effect and does not

require separate calibration experiments [2,5]. A limitation was the assumption that water

content does not change during varying pathological conditions [2,5]. Moreover, the

variation of water content may be quite large, depending on the placement of the voxel, but

internal referencing may correct for this. Whereas these single-voxel studies [2,5,13,21]

have demonstrated their use for quantification of Cho concentrations in breast lesions,

single-voxel MR spectroscopic technique will always be hampered by a lack of direct

comparison of the metabolite signals in breast lesions with those in unaffected tissue.

Furthermore, there is a loss of sensitivity of the assessment of Cho from just one single

voxel in view of tumor heterogeneity [22,26].

The high spectral resolution and large spatial coverage of multivoxel technique make it

advantageous over the single-voxel technique. The external and internal reference methods

that had been used in single-voxel techniques are not practical for the multivoxel technique

because of the requirement of a long imaging time to measure correction factors (eg,

receiver gain, partial volume effects, and T1 and T2 relaxation times, etc.). Furthermore, a

good reference acquisition and good water and fat suppression are needed for

quantification, which may not be achieved given the field inhom*ogeneity across the large

chemical shift imaging grid [22]. In our study, the latter problem was overcome by

measuring a volume of interest considerably smaller than the entire chemical shift imaging

grid (3x3x1 cm of 8x8x1 cm). Nevertheless, the method applied here also has technical

limitations related to partial volume averaging effects, water and fat suppression, spatial

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Chapter 6


under-sampling, whole breast coverage in acceptable imaging times and quantification. At

the modest volume of interest used in this study, B0 inhom*ogeneity and B1 inhom*ogeneity

did not present problems, but with large chemical shift imaging volumes, the effectivity of

water and fat suppression may be compromised. The wings or sidebands of the much larger

residual water and lipids signals could lead to ambiguous detection of the Cho signal

because of the overlap. We acknowledge that for 8 of 25 lesions with only 2 out of 36

voxels (Table 2) the chemical shift imaging approach cannot be substantially different from

a single-voxel approach. The fact remains that in our quantitative multivoxel MR

spectroscopic study, improved methods for water and fat suppression [26] have enhanced

the detectability of Cho and thus facilitated the measurements of its mean and highest

concentration in both benign and malignant lesions.

In previous chemical shift imaging studies of breast tumors [22,24,25], the peak intensity of

Cho was measured in the lesion and expressed relative to the background noise level

(signal-to-noise ratio), which is a far from quantitative measurement of Cho because signal-

to-noise ratio depends on multiple unpredictable factors that vary among examinations. In

the study of Beak et al. [22] which yielded the highest accuracy, at the optimal cutoff of

Cho, signal-to-noise ratio greater than 3.2, the number of false-negative cases was five [22].

The present study indicates that with the highest Cho concentration of 1.5 mmol/L or lower

as a cutoff, rather than a signal-to-noise ratio, no malignant lesions were falsely scored as

benign. Nevertheless, our quantitative approach also has drawbacks, including assumptions

as to the water content of the lesion and its relaxation times, factors affecting the precision,

and accuracy of the Cho concentrations.

In our study, a significant difference between benign and malignant lesions is found both in

the mean (P = .02) and the highest (P = .02) Cho concentration. However, this statistical

analysis was based on comparisons between groups of lesions. For the diagnosis of an

individual patient, the highest Cho concentration is advised rather than the mean Cho

concentration, because in the former data set there was no overlap between the outcome of

benign and malignant lesions at 0.4–1.5 mmol/L versus 1.7–11.8 mmol/L, respectively.

Another argument for the highest Cho concentration method is that, especially in large

tumors covered by multiple MR spectroscopic voxels, the maximum Cho level encountered

in a cross section is a more objective measure than the lesion average. The latter is

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Determination of choline concentration in breast lesions


determined by the arbitrary setting of the borders of the lesion and decisions as to whether

to include necrotic and cystic areas.

Furthermore, there is a tendency of chemical shifts of Cho in malignant and benign breast

lesions to be different (P = .04). Stanwell et al. [14] and Stanwell and Mountford [27]

suggested that the spectrum obtained in a malignant breast lesion has a resonance at 3.23

ppm, interpreted as representative of phosphocholine, whereas the spectrum obtained in

fibroadenoma has a resonance at frequency of 3.28 ppm because of differences in the

biochemical contents of the nonmalignant tissue (eg, in the individual or combined levels of

glycerophosphocholine, taurine, or myoinositol) [14,27]. However, in our data, overlap

between the position of Cho peak in the spectrum for malignant and benign lesions was

large, 3.08-3.23 ppm versus 3.14-3.34 ppm, respectively. This indicates that there is no

specific frequency of the Cho peak in the spectrum related to malignancy.

A limitation in our present study was that we did not assess the results of dynamic contrast-

enhanced MR imaging, which prohibited us from evaluating the incremental benefit of the

incorporation of MR spectroscopy into the MR imaging diagnostics of breast cancer.

In conclusion, the finding in this feasibility study that breast lesions with a volume of 1 cm3

or greater and a Cho concentration of 1.5 mmol/L or lower are benign indicates that, in this

patient group, multivoxel MR spectroscopy can potentially replace invasive diagnostic

work-up. However, further research is needed to verify the cutoff of 1.5 mmol/L in a

prospective analysis with a larger sample size.


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14. Stanwell P, Gluch L, Clark D, et al. Specificity of choline metabolites for in vivo diagnosis of

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15. Yeung DK, Cheung HS, Tse GM. Human breast lesions: characterization with contrast-

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16. Baek HM, Chen JH, Nie K, et al. Predicting pathologic response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy

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Determination of choline concentration in breast lesions


17. Sardanelli F, Fausto A, Di Leo G, de Nijs R, Vorbuchner M, Podo F. In vivo proton MR

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20. Yeung DK, Yang WT, Tse GM. Breast cancer: in vivo proton MR spectroscopy in the

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21. Bakken IJ, Gribbestad IS, Singstad TE, Kvistad KA. External standard method for the in vivo

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22. Baek HM, Chen JH, Yu HJ, Mehta R, Nalcioglu O, Su MY. Detection of choline signal in

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Chapter 7

The added value of

quantitative multi-voxel MR spectroscopy

in breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Monique D. Dorrius

Ruud M. Pijnappel

Marijke C. Jansen-van der Weide

Liesbeth Jansen

Peter Kappert

Matthijs Oudkerk

Paul E. Sijens

Submitted to Radiology

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Chapter 7



Purpose: To determine whether quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopy improves the

accuracy of MRI in the assessment of breast lesions.

Materials and Methods: Twenty-five consecutive patients with 26 breast lesions ≥1 cm

assessed as BI-RADS 3 or 4 with mammography underwent quantitative multivoxel MR

spectroscopy and contrast-enhanced MRI. The MR spectroscopic technique used was 2D-

CSI with PRESS to measure the choline (Cho) concentration as calculated from the

unsuppressed water signal. ROC analysis was used to quantify the diagnostic accuracy of

MRI and MR spectroscopy in the assessment of breast lesions.

Results: Mean Cho concentrations in 26 breast lesions classified by MRI as BI-RADS 2

(n=5), 3 (n=8), 4 (n=5) and 5 (n=8) were 1.16±0.43SD, 1.43±0.47SD, 2.98±2.15SD and

4.94±3.10SD mM, respectively. Two of the BI-RADS 3 lesions and all BI-RADS 4 and 5

lesions were malignant on pathology and had Cho concentrations between 1.7-11.8mM

(4.03±2.72SD), which was significantly higher (P = .01) than the Cho in the 11 benign

lesions (all BI-RADS 2 lesions and 6 out of 8 BI-RADS 3 lesions) of 0.4-1.5mM

(1.19±0.33SD). Furthermore, Cho concentrations between the benign and malignant breast

lesions in BI-RADS 3 category differed (P = .01). The accuracy of multivoxel MR

spectroscopy added to the breast MRI BI-RADS classification (AUC = 1.00) exceeded the

accuracy of MRI alone (AUC = 0.96±0.03).

Conclusions: These preliminary data indicate that multivoxel MR spectroscopy improves

the accuracy of MRI in the assessment of breast lesions, especially in BI-RADS 3 category.

If further research confirms that breast lesions with a volume ≥1cm3 and Cho

concentrations up to 1.5mM are benign, this could prevent invasive procedures in the

diagnostic work-up.

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The added value of quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopy



Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is emerging as an important diagnostic

modality. With the use of morphological characteristics and kinetic analysis of breast

lesions on MRI, the sensitivity of breast MRI approaches 90% whereas the overall

specificity of breast MRI varies between 67% and 72% [1-3]. Although the negative

predictive value (NPV) of MRI in breast cancer is the highest of all imaging techniques

(97%) [4-6], meaning that in most cases a negative breast MRI can safely rule out

malignancy, breast MRI alone is still not the perfect modality.

The fourth edition of the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) Atlas

includes a new lexicon for breast MRI that promotes the standardization of lesion

descriptors and assessment categories [7]. This lexicon is based on the results of

International Working Group on Breast MRI and the American College of Radiology

(ACR) Breast MRI Lexicon Committee and includes a BI-RADS 3 assessment category [7-

10]. The suggested work-up of these probably benign findings is a short-time interval

follow-up or biopsy. At this moment most approaches are intuitive [11,12]. It can be

expected that the majority of patients thus referred for biopsy have a benign lesion.

In addition to morphologic and kinetic analysis, metabolic information is considered useful

for the assessment of breast lesions. A promising approach to clarify the precise nature

(benign or malignant) of a lesion is the use of a non-invasive MRI method which is referred

to as MR spectroscopy [13,14]. The diagnostic value of MR spectroscopy is typically based

on the detection of elevated levels of choline (Cho) compounds. MR spectroscopic studies

of the breast have been either single-voxel [13-33] or multivoxel [34-40] investigations.

The single-voxel technique has limitations in terms of lesion coverage. The general practice

of including either the entire lesion or just its center in the voxel, may result in dilution of

the elevated Cho levels in vital malignant tumor by contributing necrotic and cystic tumor

areas with low Cho levels, resulting in false negatives [34,38].

The multivoxel MR spectroscopic technique or chemical-shift imaging (CSI) acquires

spectroscopic information from a large volume of interest subdivided into an array of

voxels measured in a single measurement and has potential for performing truly

quantitative tissue characterization [34-40]. This is necessary because Cho signals are not

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Chapter 7


only detected in malignant breast lesion but also in benign breast lesions and normal

fibroglandular tissue [13,14,17,23,25,36]. Recently, multivoxel MR spectroscopy was used

for measurement of the Cho concentrations encountered in breast lesions [38].

The purpose of this study is to determine whether the Cho level measured by quantitative

multivoxel MR spectroscopy can increase the accuracy of contrast-enhanced MRI in the

assessment of breast lesions.

Materials and Methods

Patient population

This prospective study was conducted between July 2009 and July 2010 at the University

Medical Center Groningen and was approved by the Medical Ethical Committee of the

University of Groningen. Informed consent was obtained form each patient prior to the


Twenty-five consecutive patients (mean age: 48.7 years, age range: 32-69) with 26 breast

lesions ≥ 1cm assessed as BI-RADS 3 or BI-RADS 4 with mammography underwent

multivoxel MR spectroscopy and contrast-enhanced MRI. Patients were excluded if there

was a history of breast cancer, a hematoma of the breast or previous breast surgery

including breast implants. The final diagnosis of the breast lesions was based on cytology

or histology, considered as the gold standard. Tissue samples were obtained by ultrasound-

guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) (n=3), ultrasound-guided core biopsy (n=5),

MR-guided vacuum-assisted core biopsy (n=1) or surgery (n=17).

MR imaging

MR scans were performed at 1.5T using a whole body MRI system (Avanto; Siemens

Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany) with a dedicated bilateral breast coil and the patient

in prone position. The standard MRI protocol included diffusion weighted imaging (DWI)

with b-values 0, 50, 200, 500, 800 and 1000. A T2 turbo spin echo (Repetition Time (TR)/

Echo Time (TE) 4500/102ms, FOV 340mm and slice thickness 4mm) was performed in the

transversal plane. A T1 weighted three-dimensional (3D) DynaVIEWS sequence

(TR/TE/FA 4.17ms/1.29ms/10deg, FOV 340mm and slice thickness 0.97mm, totally

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The added value of quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopy


1.04min) in the transversal plane was made before and 7 times after intravenous

administration of 0.1 mmol/kg DOTAREM (0.5mmol Gd/ml). The total duration of the

dynamic study was approximately 9 minutes.

Multivoxel MR spectroscopy

The breast lesion was localized on DWI and T2 weighted images. After the location of the

breast lesion was determined the transverse and sagittal T2-weighted fast spin-echo series

covering both breasts (TR/TE 4500/102ms) performed without distortion correction were

used for MR spectroscopy planning. The spectroscopic imaging protocol [38] included 2D-

CSI with point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) double spin-echo with phase-encoding

gradients between the slice selective 900 pulse and the first slice-selective optimized 1800

pulse. 2D-CSI of the breast was performed twice, first without suppression of the water and

fat signals (TR/TE 1500/30ms) to serve as a reference measurement. The second

measurement was with suppression of the water and fat signals (TR/TE 1500/135ms)

(acquisition time 4:46 min). The field of view was 8x8 cm to roughly cover the transverse

cross section of the examined breast, subdivided into 144 phase encode steps to yield voxels of

0.67x0.67x1 cm at the used slice thickness of 1 cm. In this hybrid CSI technique the volume of

interest was smaller than the field of view (3x3x1 cm) in order to end up with essentially

measuring the watery part of the breast (glandular breast tissue, pathology). Unwanted water

and lipid signals were suppressed by band selective inversion with gradient dephasing

(BASING) [38].

The multivoxel MR spectroscopy was performed before the T1-weighted images with

contrast administration to prevent possible interference of metal chelate with the

detectability of Cho [41,42].

Data analysis

MR imaging

Subtracted images were obtained by subtracting pre-contrast images from the post-contrast

images using commercially available software. MRI scans were coded using the ordered

categories of the ACR BI-RADS lexicon [7]. The MR images were classified as normal if

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Chapter 7


no enhancement was seen in the expected location of the mammographic finding (BI-

RADS 1) or only hom*ogeneous or stippled enhancement was found in the breast,

representing normal enhancing breast parenchyma or fibrocystic changes (BI-RADS 2).

The lesions which were detected on the MRI and corresponded with the area to the

mammographic finding were classified as focus, mass enhancement or non-mass

enhancement. From the enhancing lesions the location, lesion type, shape, border,

distribution, internal enhancement and kinetic curves according to the BI-RADS lexicon

were assessed and the lesions were classified as BI-RADS 3, 4 or 5 [7].

Multivoxel MR spectroscopy

In the post-processing 12x12 phase encode steps were interpolated into a 16x16 matrix, i.e.

voxels appearing as 0.5x0.5x1 cm3. The number of MR spectroscopic peaks fitted included

the chemical shift ranges restricted to 3.1-3.3 ppm for Cho, 4.5-5.0 ppm for water, and 1.0-

1.5 ppm for the main resonance of fat (-CH2-). Standardized postprocessing protocols were

used for processing the raw data automatically, allowing for operator-independent


For each lesion the highest concentration of the metabolite Cho amongst the various

corresponding voxels was calculated from the relative peak areas of the resonances of Cho

(N(CH3)3 at 3.23 ppm), denoted SM, and water (H2O at 4.7 ppm) using the following


[SM] = SM/SH2O x TWC x 1/MwH2O x nH2O/nM x T1satH2O/T1satM x T2satH2O/T2satM

To express concentrations in molar units (mol/L of tissue volume), literature values were

adapted for the tissue water contents (TWC) of voxels containing breast tumour tissue, 82%

[28]: nH2O is 2, and nCho is 9. MwH2O stands for the molecule weight of water.

The T1 saturation factors and T2 saturation factors for water, Cr and Cho were calculated

using literature values for T1 and T2 relaxation times of water and Cho as described

elsewhere [38].

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The added value of quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopy


Statistical analysis

Breast lesions which MRI classified as BI-RADS 2 were considered benign and BI-RADS

3, 4 and 5 lesions were considered positive for malignancy. Sensitivity, specificity, positive

predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of breast contrast-enhanced

MRI were calculated on the basis of final pathology reports.

The mean and standard deviation of the highest Cho concentration of, respectively, all

benign and malignant lesions were calculated. Differences between the Cho measurements

of benign and malignant breast lesions were tested for significance using the independent

sample T test. A P-value < .05 was considered as statistically significant. Receiver

operating characteristics (ROC) analysis was used to quantify the diagnostic accuracy of

contrast-enhanced MRI and multivoxel MR spectroscopy in the assessment of breast

lesions. Data were analyzed in SPSS 16.0 (SPSS inc 2009, Chicago) and STATA SE

version 11.0 (STATA, College Station, Tex.).


The indication for undergoing mammographic examination was a palpable breast lesion in

17 (68.0%) patients. In 3 (12.0%) patients a suspicious lesion was found during the

National Dutch Breast Cancer Screenings Programme. Three (12.0%) patients were

screened because of high risk for breast cancer. Two (8.0%) patients had a mammography

because of an enlarged lymph node in the axilla.

Breast lesions

Twenty-six breast lesions were assessed (1 patient had both a mammographic BI-RADS 3

lesion and a BI-RADS 4 lesion in the same breast). Ten (38.5%) out of 26 breast lesions

were classified as BI-RADS 3 and 16 (61.5%) breast lesions as BI-RADS 4 on the

mammogram. The size of the benign lesions as seen on MRI varied between 10 and 21 mm.

For malignant lesions the size was 10 to 80 mm.

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Chapter 7


Table 1 MRI BI-RADS classification, number of voxels and the mean and standard deviation (SD) of

the highest Cho concentration in benign and malignant breast lesions.

MRI BI-RADS Classification Number of Highest Cho concentration (mM)

(number of benign+malignant lesions) voxels (range) (mean±SD)


Total Benign Malignant P-value

5 BI-RADS 2 lesions (5+0) 2-6 1.16±0.43 1.16±0.43

8 BI-RADS 3 lesions (6+2) 2-6 1.43±0.47 1.22±0.26 2.05±0.35 .01

5 BI-RADS 4 lesions (0+5) 2-7 2.98±2.15 2.98±2.15

8 BI-RADS 5 lesions (0+8) 3-14 4.94±3.10 4.94±3.10

Total 1.19±0.33 4.03±2.72 .01

MRI BI-RADS classification and multivoxel MR spectroscopy

MRI classified the 26 breast lesions as BI-RADS 2 (n=5; 19.2%), as BI-RADS 3 (n=8;

30.8%), as BI-RADS 4 (n=5; 19.2%) and as BI-RADS 5 (n=8; 30.8%). The means of the

highest Cho concentrations detected in these BI-RADS categories were 1.16±0.43SD for

five BI-RADS 2 lesions, 1.43±0.47SD for eight BI-RADS 3 lesions, 2.98±2.15SD for five

BI-RADS 4 lesions and 4.94±3.10SD for eight BI-RADS 5 lesions (Table 1).

a b c

Fig. 1 Volume of interest (36 voxels of 0.25 cm3 each) centered on an invasive lobular carcinoma in

the right breast of a 67-year- old patient and spectral map showing intense water and minor fat peaks

in the lesion (a). After application of water and fat suppression intense Cho signals are detected in the

whole lesion as shown in green on the metabolic map (b). The highest detected Cho level (the red

voxel in the metabolic map) is used for quantification. The sum of all tumor MR spectra together is

shown in (c).

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The added value of quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopy


The five BI-RADS 2 lesions with a mean Cho concentration of 1.16mM were benign: 3

fibroadenomas and 2 showed no malignant cells after FNAB.

Two out of eight BI-RADS 3 lesions turned out to be malignant and showed a mean Cho

concentration of 2.05mM. These 2 breast lesions were an invasive ductal carcinoma and an

invasive lobulair carcinoma. The other six MRI BI-RADS 3 lesions were benign and had a

mean Cho concentration of 1.22mM. One out of 6 benign breast lesions showed no

malignant cells in the FNAB and the histology of the other five lesions were: 2

fibroadenomas, lobular hyperplasia without atypia, epithelial hyperplasia without atypia

and fibrosis with apocrine metaplasia. There was a significant difference in Cho

concentration between the benign and malignant breast lesions in BI-RADS 3 category


All five MRI BI-RADS 4 lesions and all eight MRI BI-RADS 5 lesions with a mean Cho

concentration of 2.98mM and 4.94mM, respectively, showed malignancy after surgery: 10

invasive ductal carcinomas, 2 invasive lobular carcinoma (Fig. 1) and 1 metaplastic


Fig. 2 ROC curves for the comparison of breast MRI and multivoxel MR spectroscopy in the

assessment of breast lesions.

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Chapter 7


There was a significant difference between all benign and malignant lesions for the Cho

concentration (P = .01). Furthermore, there was no overlap between the ranges in benign

(0.4-1.5mM (1.19±0.33SD)) and malignant lesions (1.7-11.8mM (4.03±2.72SD)) (Table 1,


Breast MRI without multivoxel MR spectroscopy had a sensitivity of 100%, specificity of

45.5%, PPV of 71.4% and NPV of 100%. ROC analysis revealed an area under the curve

(AUC) of 0.96±0.03 (95% CI: 0.91-1.00) for the accuracy of breast MRI in the assessment

of breast lesions. Using a threshold of the Cho concentration of 1.5mM as the distinction

between benign en malignant lesions, the ROC analysis for multivoxel MR spectroscopy

revealed an AUC of 1.00 (95% CI: 1.00-1.00) (Fig. 2).

Table 2 Mammographic and MRI BI-RADS classification, number of voxels, the highest Cho

concentration and pathology for 26 breast lesions.

Mammographic MRI BI-RADS No. of Highest Cho Pathology

BI-RADS categroy category voxels conc (mmol/l)

10 BI-RADS 3 4 BI-RADS 2 6 0.4 Fibroadenoma

2 1.3 Fibroadenoma

2 1.3 No malignant cells

4 1.5 No malignant cells

5 BI-RADS 3 6 1.3 Fibroadenoma

2 1.3 Fibroadenoma

4 1.5 Fibrosis with apocrine metaplasie

4 1.0 Lobular hyperplasia without atypia

4 0.8 No malignant cells

1 BI-RADS 4 4 2.4 Invasive ductal carcinoma

16 BI-RADS 4 1 BI-RADS 2 2 1.3 Fibroadenoma

3 BI-RADS 3 5 1.4 Epithelial hyperplasia without atypia

2 1.8 Invasive ductal carcinoma

2 2.3 Invasive lobular carcinoma

4 BI-RADS 4 2 1.7 Invasive ductal carcinoma

2 1.8 Invasive ductal carcinoma

3 2.2 Invasive ductal carcinoma

7 6.8 Invasive ductal carcinoma

8 BI-RADS 5 3 2.5 Invasive ductal carcinoma

4 4.1 Invasive ductal carcinoma

4 2.4 Invasive ductal carcinoma

6 4.6 Invasive ductal carcinoma

4 6.8 Invasive ductal carcinoma

5 11.8 Invasive lobular carcinoma

14 3.4 Invasive lobular carcinoma (Fig. 1)

7 3.9 Metaplastic carcinoma

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The added value of quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopy



Breast MRI is an important diagnostic modality and with a NPV of 97% [4-6] it can safely

exclude malignancy. Also in this study the NPV of breast MRI is very high (100%) and

therefore no further invasive diagnostic work-up is needed when breast lesions are assessed

as BI-RADS 2 with MRI. However, breast MRI is still not perfect. Today BI-RADS is the

communication tool in breast MRI reports and the most difficult breast lesions are the

lesions which are classified as BI-RADS 3 with MRI. The probability of a mammographic

BI-RADS 3 lesion being cancer is considered to be less than 2 % by AHQR [11], but the

acceptable cancer yield is not clearly defined for MRI BI-RADS 3 lesions. There are 5

articles that included data in the MRI BI-RADS 3 assessment category, with a resulting

wide range of cancer yields (0.6-10%) [4,43-46]. Although, the diagnostic work-up of a BI-

RADS 3 lesion can be a biopsy (instead of a follow-up breast MRI after six months) over

90% of patients who are referred for biopsy have a benign disease.

This present study indicates that non-invasive quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopic

technique can be an additional tool for contrast-enhanced MRI in the assessment of breast

lesions. The accuracy of breast MRI is excellent, but according to our preliminary results

multivoxel MR spectroscopy show an AUC of 1.00. There was no overlap between the

outcomes of benign and malignant lesions for the highest Cho concentration, 0.4-1.5 mM

and 1.7-11.8 mM, respectively. Cho concentrations over 1.5 mM are not found in benign

lesions, such as fibroadenomas. In our study benign breast lesions which were classified as

BI-RADS 3 with MRI had a highest Cho concentration ≤ 1.5mM and were significantly

different (P = .01) from malignant BI-RADS 3 lesions. In this way patients with benign BI-

RADS 3 lesion can be excluded from further invasive diagnostic work-up. Accordingly, it

can be expected that the added value of noninvasive multivoxel MR spectroscopy applies to

the MRI classified BI-RADS 3 lesions.

There are only 3 previous studies featuring the diagnostic value of combined contrast-

enhanced MRI and multivoxel MR spectroscopy in evaluating breast lesions. The

conclusion of these 3 studies is that multivoxel MR spectroscopy appears to be a promising

technique for classification of breast lesions when contrast-enhanced MRI results are

equivocal. Since of the clinical practice in the use of contrast-enhanced MRI as diagnostic

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Chapter 7


tool is to reach a high sensitivity at the cost of the specificity, the metabolic information

measured by multivoxel MR spectroscopy may be used to improve the specificity in the

diagnosis of breast tumors [34,36,37]. In the study of Beak et al. [34] multivoxel MR

spectroscopy had a sensitivity of 81%, specificity of 78% and overall accuracy of 81% with

the use of ROC analysis. These outcomes show a lower sensitivity and specificity then the

results in our study. A limitation of the 3 studies is that the area of the Cho was measured in

the lesion and expressed relative to the background noise level (signal-to-noise ratio),

which is no quantitative measurement of Cho [34,36,37]. In our quantitative multivoxel MR

spectroscopic study the detectability of abnormalities in Cho level is improved by the

measurement of the highest lesion Cho concentration with the ability to analyze the

regional distribution of tumor metabolites.

A limitation of our study is that a small patient population is included. Despite this, it is

clear that in these breast lesions there is no overlap between the Cho concentration of

benign and malignant breast lesions. Another limitation is that only breast lesions ≥ 1cm3

were included, reflecting the limited sensitivity of MR spectroscopy (voxels sixes were

0.25 cm3). Smaller breast lesions will have the problem that the measured lesion Cho levels

are reduced by partial volume effects, reducing the changes of being able to demonstrate a

malignant Cho profile. In the future the use of more sensitive MRI scanners operating at 3T

and up may be expected to allow for the inclusion of smaller lesions. Also, in this study the

breast lesions were assessed on DWI and T2-weighted imaging for the MR spectroscopy

planning and not on the contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images to avoid the likely

influence of contrast medium on the measured Cho concentration. This can be a problem if

the breast lesion is not visible with the first two sequences (DWI and T2). Furthermore, the

methodology of this study has some technical limitations regarding to partial volume

effects, water and fat suppression, whole breast coverage in acceptable scan times and

quantification. Nevertheless, in this quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopic study Cho

concentrations are measured more accurately and a significant difference (P=.01) between

benign and malignant lesions for the highest Cho concentration is shown.

In conclusion, this study indicates that the noninvasive quantitative multivoxel MR

spectroscopic technique can improve the accuracy of contrast-enhanced MRI in the

assessment of breast lesions, especially for breast lesions classified as BI-RADS 3. A Cho

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The added value of quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopy


concentration over 1.5 mM is not found in benign breast lesions with a volume ≥1cm3 and

therefore these lesions can be excluded from further diagnostic work-up. Nevertheless,

larger patient samples are needed to strengthen these conclusions.


1. Bluemke DA, Gatsonis CA, Chen MH, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of the breast prior

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tumors using a dedicated double breast coil. J Magn Reson Imaging 1998; 8(6):1191-1197.

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26. Stanwell P, Gluch L, Clark D, et al. Specificity of choline metabolites for in vivo diagnosis of

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27. Yeung DK, Cheung HS, Tse GM. Human breast lesions: characterization with contrast-

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33. Bakken IJ, Gribbestad IS, Singstad TE, Kvistad KA. External standard method for the in vivo

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Chapter 8


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Worldwide incidence of breast cancer is higher than incidence of other malignancies among

women. In the Netherlands approximately one out of eight women will develop breast

cancer during life. Although the incidence has increased, mortality has decreased during the

last two decades and at the moment the risk of dying of breast cancer is 1 of 26. This

reduction in mortality is partly due to early detection of malignancies in screening and

partly due to more and better adjuvant therapies.

In chapter 1 of this thesis a general introduction is given concerning mammography, breast

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computer Aided Detection (CAD) systems and MR

spectroscopy (MRS).

Mammography is the primary imaging modality for the early detection of breast cancer.

Despite advances in mammographic techniques (digital), mammography still has its

limitations with regard to both sensitivity (39%-86%) and specificity (88%-94%), which

depends on age and breast density. Mammograms and breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging

(MRI) are coded using the ordered categories of the Amercian College of Radiology (ACR)

Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) lexicon: category 1, negative

(normal finding); category 2, benign finding; category 3, probably benign; category 4,

suspicious finding; category 5, highly suggestive of malignancy and category 6,

pathologically proven breast cancer. The diagnostic work-up of breast lesions depends on

the BI-RADS classification of these lesions. The most difficult mammographic lesions are

the lesions which are classified as BI-RADS 3 of which it is not possible to decide whether

they are malignant or benign. The probability of a BI-RADS 3 lesion to be malignant is

considered to be less than 2%. In recent publications, this percentage seems to have been

increased up to approximately 15% in the last 5 years. The diagnostic work-up of a BI-

RADS 3 lesion can be a biopsy or follow-up mammography after six months. Because of

the limited accuracy of both physical examination and mammography, a large majority of

patients referred for biopsy has a benign lesion. Breast MRI is emerging as a clinically

useful additional diagnostic tool, but there are sparse data available to support the use of

breast MRI as problem solving modality in mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions and,

therefore, it has not been implemented in common practice. However, breast MRI has the

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Chapter 8


highest overall sensitivity, which usually exceeds 90%, of all imaging techniques. In non-

calcified lesions a negative breast MRI shows a sufficient high negative predictive value

(NPV>98%) to safely exclude malignancy. Thus, in chapter 2 the usefulness of breast MRI

as a problem solving modality in patients with mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions is

investigated in a meta-analysis. Five out of 61 studies met the inclusion criteria. In two out

of these 5 studies the role of breast MRI in non-calcified mammographic BI-RADS 3

lesions was investigated. These 2 studies reported a NPV of 100%. In the other 3 studies,

mammographic BI-RADS 3 microcalcifications were included. The NPV of MRI was

between 76%-97%. Therefore, breast MRI cannot be implemented as a primary diagnostic

tool to evaluate mammographic microcalcifications at this time. Although solid data are

sparse, the first ones indicate that breast MRI might be useful as problem solving modality

to exclude patients with non-calcified mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions for further

diagnostic work-up.

Therefore, in chapter 3, 76 patients with a mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesion underwent

breast MRI as diagnostic work-up. The purpose of the study was to investigate whether

breast MRI can provide a sufficient NPV to safely rule out malignancy and decrease the

percentages of invasive diagnostic procedures in mammographic BI-RADS 3 lesions.

Lesions classified as BI-RADS 1 or 2 with MRI were considered negative for malignancy.

This was the case for 52 (68.4%) out of 76 patients and no malignancies were found during

at least 2 years study follow-up. MRI had a sensitivity of 100% (95% CI: 75-100%),

specificity of 82.5% (95% CI: 71-91%), positive predictive value of 54.2% (95% CI: 33-

74%) and NPV of 100% (95% CI: 93-100%). In conclusion, breast MRI should be used in a

diagnostic strategy for the work-up of non-calcified BI-RADS 3 lesions, because the NPV

of MRI is high enough (>98%) to rule out malignancy with sufficient confidence. In the

majority of patients (68%) no further invasive diagnostic assessment is needed, when the

MRI is assessed as BI-RADS 1 or 2.

The postprocessing and interpretation of breast MRI data is time consuming and operator

dependent. Computer Aided Detection (CAD) programs for MR imaging of breast lesions

have been developed attempting to standardize and facilitate the interpretation of breast


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CAD systems help the radiologist to determine which lesions are benign and which are

malignant by automating extraction and interpretation of kinetic curves (the enhancement

pattern of lesions). A state of the art CAD system should automatically identify (almost) all

non-calcified lesions suspected of malignancy at mammography. This is reflected by a very

high sensitivity and NPV for these non-calcified breast lesions. In a systematic review and

meta-analysis (chapter 4) the additional value of a CAD system in breast MRI is

investigated by assessing radiologists’ accuracy in discriminating benign from malignant

breast lesions with and without CAD implementation. Experienced radiologists reached

comparable pooled sensitivity and specificity before and after using CAD (sensitivity:

without CAD: 89%; 95% CI: 78-94%, with CAD: 89%; 95%CI: 81-94%) (specificity:

without CAD: 86%; 95% CI: 79-91%, with CAD: 82%; 95% CI: 76-87%). For residents

the pooled sensitivity increased from 72% (95% CI: 62-81%) without CAD to 89% (95%

CI: 80-94%) with CAD, however, not significantly. Concerning specificity, the results were

similar (without CAD: 79%; 95% CI: 69-86%, with CAD: 78%; 95% CI: 69-84%). In

conclusion, the assessment of MR images with CAD has little influence on the sensitivity

and specificity of the performance of radiologists experienced in breast MRI diagnosis.

Therefore, breast MRI interpretation by radiologists remains essential. Residents or

radiologists with less experience seem to benefit from a CAD system when performing

breast MRI evaluation.

Breast MRI seems to have a sufficiently high NPV for non-calcified breast lesions, when

the criteria for these lesions, which are partly based on kinetic and morphological analysis,

are applied strictly. The remaining breast lesions (approximately 30%) show considerable

overlap in enhancement between benign and malignant breast lesions. Therefore, in some

cases (mostly BI-RADS 3 lesions), enhancement patterns may be equivocal and additional

diagnostic methods may be needed for clarifications. In addition to morphological and

kinetical analysis, metabolic information is expected to be promising for the final diagnosis

of breast lesions. In vivo proton (1H) MR spectroscopy of the breast provides metabolic

information about the investigated tissue in a non-invasive manner. MR spectroscopy can

be performed as single-voxel or multivoxel technique. The diagnostic value of MR

spectroscopy is generally based on the detection of elevated levels of choline (Cho)

containing compounds, which are, to a certain extent, a marker of an active malignant

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Chapter 8


breast tumor. Namely, in recent studies Cho signals were also detected in benign lesions

and normal breast tissues. Therefore, the presence of a Cho-related peak in breast MR

spectroscopy is not sufficient for a non-invasive diagnosis of malignancy. Quantification of

the Cho compounds peak is required to determine the accurate levels of Cho. Multivoxel

MR spectroscopic studies, while potentially allowing for truly quantitative tissue

characterization, have up to now also been far from quantitative with the use of the Cho

signal-to-noise ratio as measure of tumor activity. Therefore, in chapter 5 a quantitative

multivoxel MR spectroscopy method for the examination of pathology in the human breast

is presented. The concentration of Cho can be determined in different tumor compartments

and surrounding tissues in two brief multivoxel MR spectroscopic measurements, even

when using a daily routine 1.5T MRI system. In chapter 6 the optimal cutoff of Cho

concentration in quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopic data to exclude benign lesions

from further invasive diagnostic work-up is determined. Multivoxel MR spectroscopy was

performed in 24 consecutive patients with 25 breast lesions assessed as BI-RADS 3 or 4,

and larger than 1 cm diameter at mammography. Mean and highest Cho concentrations in

benign and malignant breast lesions differed significantly (P =.02, both). The results of this

study, in a relatively small patient population, show that quantitative multivoxel MR

spectroscopy can be applied to exclude benign breast lesions with a volume ≥1 cm3 from

further invasive diagnostic work-up with the implementation of a Cho concentration ≤ 1.5

mM as cutoff. Whether the Cho level measured by quantitative multivoxel MR

spectroscopy can increase the accuracy of contrast-enhanced MRI in the assessment of

breast lesions is investigated in chapter 7. Twenty-five consecutive patients with 26 breast

lesions ≥1 cm assessed as BI-RADS 3 or 4 with mammography underwent quantitative

multivoxel MR spectroscopy and contrast-enhanced breast MRI. The Cho concentration of

15 malignant breast lesions was significantly higher (P = .01) than the Cho concentration in

the 11 benign lesions. Furthermore, Cho concentrations between the benign and malignant

lesions which were classified as BI-RADS 3 by MRI differed (P = .01). This study

indicates that the accuracy of multivoxel MR spectroscopy added to the breast MRI BI-

RADS classification (AUC=1.00) exceeded the accuracy of MRI alone (AUC=0.96±0.03).

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The focus of this PhD thesis is to prevent unnecessary invasive procedures in breast cancer

diagnostic work-up for women with a probably benign (BI-RADS 3) breast lesion. For

mammographic non-calcified BI-RADS 3 lesions breast MRI can provide a sufficiently

high NPV (>98%) for early diagnostic work-up and thereby safely rule out malignancy in a

majority of patients (68%), herewith avoiding unnecessary invasive diagnostic procedures.

The use of a state of the art CAD system should automatically identify (almost) all non-

calcified lesions suspected of malignancy, but the implementation of a CAD system for

these breast MRIs’ evaluation has little influence on the accuracy of the performance of an

experienced radiologist. However, short time (10 minutes), non-invasive quantitative

multivoxel MR spectroscopy on a 1.5T system can increase the accuracy of breast MRI. A

Cho concentration >1.5mM is not found in benign breast lesions with a volume ≥1cm3 and

therefore these lesions can be excluded from further unnecessary invasive diagnostic

procedures. Nevertheless, larger patient samples are needed to strengthen this conclusion

and to implement this result in regular care.

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Chapter 9

Nederlandse Samenvatting

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Nederlandse Samenvatting



De wereldwijde incidentie van borstkanker is hoger dan de incidentie van andere vormen

van kanker onder vrouwen. In Nederland krijgt ongeveer 1 op de 8 vrouwen borstkanker.

Hoewel de incidentie is gestegen, is de mortaliteit de laatste twee decennia afgenomen en

op dit moment is het risico op overlijden aan borstkanker 1 op 26. Deze afname in

mortaliteit komt gedeeltelijk door het vroegtijdig opsporen van borstkanker door screening

en gedeeltelijk door meer en betere aanvullende behandelingen.

In hoofdstuk 1 van dit proefschrift wordt een algemene introductie gegeven over

mammografie, mamma Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computer Aided Detection

(CAD) systemen en MR spectroscopie (MRS).

Mammografie is de eerste keus voor het vroegtijdig opsporen van borstkanker. Ondanks de

voordelen van mammografie (digitaal), heeft mammografie nog steeds beperkingen met

betrekking tot de sensitiviteit (39%-86%) en specificiteit (88%-94%), die afhankelijk zijn

van de leeftijd van de vrouw en de dichtheid van het borstweefsel. Mammogrammen en

mamma MRI’s worden gecodeerd aan de hand van de categorieën van de “Amercian

College of Radiology (ACR) Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS)”

lexicon: categorie 1, negatief (normale bevindingen); categorie 2, benigne laesie

(=goedaardige afwijking); categorie 3, waarschijnlijk benigne; categorie 4, waarschijnlijk

maligne (=kwaadaardig); categorie 5, zeer verdacht voor maligniteit; categorie 6,

pathologisch bewezen voor borstkanker. De keuze voor diagnostisch onderzoek van

mamma-afwijkingen is afhankelijk van welke BI-RADS categorie is gegeven aan de

afwijking. Over de afwijkingen die op het mammogram als BI-RADS 3 geclassificeerd zijn

is het niet mogelijk een uitspraak te doen in termen van maligniteit of benigniteit. De kans

dat een BI-RADS 3 afwijking maligne is, was voorheen kleiner dan 2% en is tot op heden

het uitgangspunt. Dit percentage neemt echter de laatste 5 jaar toe tot circa 15%, gelet op de

meer recente publicaties. Het vervolg-diagnostisch onderzoek bij BI-RADS 3 afwijkingen

bestaat uit een biopsie procedure of een follow-up na 6 maanden. Vanwege het feit dat het

klinisch borstonderzoek en mammografie een beperkte diagnostische accuraatheid hebben,

blijkt het merendeel van de patiënten, die een biopsie procedure ondergaan, een benigne

afwijking te hebben. Mamma MRI is een klinisch bruikbaar aanvullend diagnostisch

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Chapter 9


onderzoek, maar er is maar een beperkt aantal studies gedaan die het gebruik van een

mamma MRI als probleemoplossend diagnostisch onderzoek bij mammografische BI-

RADS 3 afwijkingen ondersteunt. Daarom wordt een mamma MRI niet gebruikt in de

dagelijkse praktijk. Echter, mamma MRI heeft, in zijn algemeenheid, de hoogste

sensitiviteit van alle beeldvormende technieken, die in de meeste studies de 90%

overschrijdt. In niet-gecalcificeerde mamma-afwijkingen heeft een negatieve mamma MRI

een zeer hoog negatief voorspellende waarde (NVW>98%) waardoor een maligniteit met

een zeer hoge betrouwbaarheid kan worden uitgesloten. Vandaar dat in hoofdstuk 2 het

gebruik van een mamma MRI als probleemoplossend diagnostisch onderzoek in patiënten

met een BI-RADS 3 afwijking wordt onderzocht in een meta-analyse. Vijf van de 61

studies voldeden aan de inclusiecriteria. In 2 van deze 5 studies werd de rol van MRI in

mammografische niet-gecalcificeerde BI-RADS 3 afwijkingen onderzocht. Deze 2 studies

rapporteerde een NVW van 100%. In de ander 3 studies werden mammografisch BI-RADS

3 microcalcificaties geїncludeerd. De NVW van de MRI bij deze ongeselecteerde

patiëntengroep was tussen de 76%-97%. MRI dient dan ook niet te worden toegepast als

primair diagnosticum bij de aanwezigheid van microcalcificaties. Ondanks het feit dat er

weinig studies zijn, tonen de eerste goed opgezette studies aan dat mamma MRI bruikbaar

kan zijn als probleemoplossend diagnostisch onderzoek bij patiënten met niet-

gecalcificeerde BI-RADS 3 afwijkingen. Om dit in de praktijk vast te stellen ondergingen

in de studie in hoofdstuk 3 76 patiënten met een mammografische BI-RADS 3 afwijking

een mamma MRI als diagnostisch onderzoek. Het doel van deze studie is om te

onderzoeken of de NVW van mamma MRI zo hoog is dat een maligniteit betrouwbaar kan

worden uitgesloten bij klinische implementatie, met als gevolg dat het percentage invasieve

diagnostische procedures in mammografische BI-RADS 3 afwijkingen substantieel wordt

verminderd. Afwijkingen die geclassificeerd werden als BI-RADS 1 of 2 op de MRI

werden beschouwd als negatief voor maligniteit. Dit was het geval voor 52 (68.4%) van de

76 patiënten, waarbij geen maligniteit werd gevonden gedurende tenminste 2 jaar studie

follow-up. MRI had een sensitiviteit van 100% (95% CI: 75-100%), specificiteit van 82.5%

(95% CI: 71-91%), positief voorspellende waarde (PVW) van 54.2% (95% CI: 33-74%) en

NVW van 100% (95% CI: 93-100%). Conclusie is dat mamma MRI gebruikt kan worden

als diagnostisch onderzoek voor niet-gecalcificeerde BI-RADS 3 afwijkingen, omdat de

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Nederlandse Samenvatting


NVW van MRI zo hoog is (>98%) dat maligniteit betrouwbaar kan worden uitgesloten

voor de klinische praktijk. In de meerderheid van de patiënten (68%), wanneer de afwijking

op de MRI wordt beoordeeld als BI-RADS 1 of 2, is geen verdere invasief diagnostisch

onderzoek nodig.

De postprocessing en het beoordelen van een mamma MRI kost tijd en is afhankelijk van

de radioloog. Er zijn Computer Aided Dectection (CAD) programma’s ontwikkeld voor het

standaardiseren en het vergemakkelijken van het beoordelen van MRI beelden met

mamma-afwijkingen. Een CAD systeem helpt de radioloog om een mamma MRI te

beoordelen door automatische extractie van beelden en de interpretatie van kinetische

curven (het aankleuringspatroon van de afwijkingen). Een “state of the art” CAD syteem

zal automatisch alle niet-gecalcificeerde afwijkingen verdacht voor maligniteit op

mammografie moeten herkennen. Dit vanwege de hoge sensitiviteit en NVW van niet-

gecalcificeerde mamma-afwijkingen. In een systematische review en meta-analyse

(hoofdstuk 4) wordt de aanvullende waarde van een CAD systeem in mamma MRI

onderzocht door te beoordelen hoe nauwkeurig de radioloog is in het onderscheiden van

benigne en maligne mamma- afwijkingen met en zonder een CAD systeem. Ervaren

radiologen hadden een vergelijkbare gepoolde sensitiviteit en specificiteit voor en na het

gebruik van een CAD systeem (sensitiviteit: zonder CAD: 89%; 95% CI: 78-94%, met

CAD: 89%; 95%CI: 81-94%) (specificiteit: zonder CAD: 86%; 95% CI: 79-91%, met

CAD: 82%; 95% CI: 76-87%). Voor arts-assistenten steeg de gepoolde sensitiviteit van

72% (95% CI: 62-81%) zonder CAD naar 89% (95% CI: 80-94%) met CAD, maar dit was

niet significant. De resultaten van de specificiteit waren gelijk (zonder CAD: 79%; 95% CI:

69-86%, met CAD: 78%; 95% CI: 69-84%). Geconcludeerd is dat een CAD systeem

weinig invloed heeft op de sensitiviteit en specificiteit van de ervaren radioloog in het

beoordelen van mamma MRI beelden. Daarom blijft de visuele interpretatie van de

radioloog van essentieel belang. Arts-assistenten of onervaren radiologen hebben wel baat

bij het gebruik van een CAD systeem bij het evalueren van een mamma MRI.

Bij strikte toepassing van de criteria voor een negatieve afwijking die ten dele ook op grond

van kinetische en morfologische gegevens gemaakt wordt, blijkt dat een mamma MRI een

zeer hoge NVW heeft voor niet-gecalcificeerde mamma afwijkingen. De overige

afwijkingen (circa 30%) toont een grote overlap in aankleuringspatronen tussen benigne en

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Chapter 9


maligne afwijkingen. Daarom zal er in een aantal gevallen (vooral bij BI-RADS 3

afwijkingen) geen duidelijkheid over de afwijking zijn en is een aanvullend diagnostisch

onderzoek nodig. Als aanvulling op de morfologische en kinetische analyse wordt verwacht

dat metabole informatie veelbelovend is voor de einddiagnose van een mamma-afwijking.

Met in vivo proton (1H) MR spectroscopie van de mamma wordt op een niet-invasieve

methode metabole informatie verkregen van het mammaweefsel. MR spectroscopie kan als

single-voxel of als multivoxel techniek worden uitgevoerd. De diagnostische waarde van

MR spectroscopie is gebaseerd op het detecteren van verhoogde choline bevattende

componenten (Cho), die tot op zekere hoogte als een marker van een actieve maligne

mamma afwijking kunnen dienen. In recente studies werden namelijk ook Cho signalen

gevonden in benigne mamma afwijkingen en gezond klierweefsel. Dit is de reden dat de

aanwezigheid van een Cho piek in mamma MR spectroscopie niet toereikend is voor een

niet-invasieve diagnose van een maligne afwijking. Kwantificatie van de Cho piek is vereist

om nauwkeurig de hoogte van de Cho concentratie te bepalen. Multivoxel MR

spectroscopie studies hebben de potentie om Cho in het mammaweefsel te kwantificeren,

maar in de tot nu toe gepubliceerde studies wordt op een niet-kwantitatieve manier,

namelijk de Cho signaal-ruis verhouding gemeten voor de tumor activiteit. Daarom wordt

in hoofdstuk 5 een kwantitatieve multivoxel MR spectroscopie methode voor het

beoordelen van pathologie in de mamma gepresenteerd. De concentratie van Cho kan

bepaald worden in verschillende tumor compartimenten en het omliggende weefsel in 2

korte multivoxel MR spectroscopiemetingen, zelfs bij het gebruik van een 1.5T MRI

systeem. In hoofdstuk 6 wordt het optimale afkappunt van Cho concentratie in

kwantitatieve multivoxel MR spectroscopiedata bepaald om benigne afwijkingen uit te

sluiten voor verder invasief diagnostisch onderzoek. Multivoxel MR spectroscopie werd

toegepast bij 24 vrouwen met 25 mamma-afwijkingen ≥ 1 cm en geclassificeerd als BI-

RADS 3 of 4 op het mammogram. De gemiddelde en hoogste Cho concentraties in benigne

en maligne mamma- afwijkingen verschilden significant van elkaar (P = .02). Deze studie,

in een kleine studiepopulatie, laat zien dat kwantitatieve multivoxel MR spectroscopie

gebruikt kan worden om patiënten met benigne afwijkingen ≥ 1cm uit te sluiten van verder

diagnostische procedures als de Cho concentratie van deze afwijkingen ≤ 1.5mM.

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Nederlandse Samenvatting


Of de gemeten Cho concentratie van mamma afwijkingen met kwantitatieve multivoxel

MR spectroscopie methode de nauwkeurigheid kan verhogen van een mamma MRI

beoordeling wordt onderzocht in hoofdstuk 7. 25 Patiënten met 26 mamma afwijkingen ≥1

cm en beoordeeld als BI-RADS 3 of 4 op het mammogram ondergingen kwantitatieve

multivoxel MR spectroscopie en mamma MRI. De Cho concentratie van 15 maligne

mamma-afwijkingen was significant (P = .01) hoger dan de Cho concentratie in 11

benigne afwijkingen. Verder verschilde de Cho concentratie tussen de benigne en maligne

afwijkingen die door de MRI geclassificeerd waren als BI-RADS 3 significant (P = .01).

Uit deze studie blijkt dat de nauwkeurigheid van multivoxel MR spectroscopie toegevoegd

aan de mamma MRI BI-RADS classificatie (AUC=1.00) in vergelijking met de

nauwkeurigheid van mamma MRI alleen (AUC=0.96±0.03) overschrijdt.


De essentie van dit proefschrift is vrouwen met een waarschijnlijk benigne afwijking (BI-

RADS 3) onnodige invasieve procedures in diagnostisch borstkanker work-up te besparen.

Voor niet-gecalcificeerde mammografische BI-RADS 3 afwijkingen blijkt mamma MRI

een zo hoge NVW (>98%) te hebben, dat een maligniteit betrouwbaar kan worden

uitgesloten in de meerderheid (68%) van de patiënten met deze classificatie. Hierdoor

kunnen onnodige invasieve diagnostische onderzoeken worden voorkomen. Gebruik van

een “state of the art” CAD systeem dat is ontworpen om automatisch alle niet-

gecalcificeerde afwijkingen verdacht voor maligniteit te herkennen, blijkt bij een ervaren

radioloog weinig toe te voegen aan zijn visuele beoordeling van deze mamma MRI’s. Wel

kan een kortdurend (10 minuten), niet-invasief kwantitatief multivoxel MR-

spectroscopieonderzoek op een 1.5T MRI-systeem de nauwkeurigheid van mamma MRI

verhogen. In benigne mamma-afwijkingen met een volume ≥1cm3 werden geen choline

concentraties >1.5mM gevonden, waardoor deze afwijkingen uitgesloten kunnen worden

van verdere onnodige invasieve diagnostisch procedures. Echter, meer onderzoek in een

nog grotere patiëntengroep is nodig om uitspraken te kunnen doen over de implementatie

van deze techniek in de dagelijkse praktijk.

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Chapter 10


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In 2007 begonnen als arts-onderzoeker verbonden aan de NELSON studie, maar na een jaar

erachter gekomen dat mijn passie ligt bij mammaonderzoek. Uit het niks werd een mooi

onderzoek opgebouwd met als resultaat dit proefschrift. Dit was niet mogelijk geweest

zonder de hulp van velen. Daarom wil ik iedereen bedanken die een bijdrage heeft geleverd

aan de totstandkoming van dit proefschrift! Een aantal mensen wil ik graag in het bijzonder


Allereerst wil ik graag mijn promotor prof. Oudkerk bedanken. U heeft mij de mogelijkheid

gegeven mijn promotieonderzoek op het gebied van de mammadiagnostiek te doen. Het

opstarten van dit onderzoek verliep niet altijd even gemakkelijk, maar u heeft mij altijd

gesteund en vertrouwen gegeven. Daar ben ik u dan ook erg dankbaar voor. Daarnaast

hebben de besprekingen met u mij erg geïnspireerd. Ik hoop dan ook nog heel veel jaren

met u samen te werken op het gebied van mammaonderzoek.

De leescommissie, prof. dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali, prof. dr. E.G.E. De Vries en Prof. dr. V.

Subramaniam dank ik voor hun kritische beoordeling en goedkeuring van dit proefschrift.

Mijn co-promotoren Ruud Pijnappel en Paul Sijens wil ik graag bedanken voor hun

waardevolle informatie en nuttige uitleg tijdens onze besprekingen.

Beste Ruud, wie had ooit gedacht dat ik zou promoveren op mammaonderzoek en wie had

ooit gedacht dat jij dan mijn copromotor zou zijn. Dit konden wij allebei niet bedenken 13

jaar geleden toen ik voor het eerst met jou kennis maakte in het Martini Ziekenhuis. Jij was

toen al radioloog en ik liep mijn stage als radiodiagnostisch laborant. Ik denk dat jij toen

mij het allerbeste advies heb gegeven: “Waarom ga je niet geneeskunde studeren?” Ja, en

nu vele jaren later wil ik mammaradioloog worden en kan ik niet anders zeggen dan dat ik

de juiste keuze heb gemaakt. Ik vind het een verrijking om met jou samen te werken. Ik heb

veel geleerd van jouw ruime kennis, maar ook jouw goede begeleiding en kritische blik op

mijn manuscripten heeft dit proefschrift tot een goed einde gebracht. Ik waardeer jou als

persoon en onze vriendschap. Ik hoop in de toekomst nog heel veel van je te leren!

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Chapter 10


Beste Paul, het eerste wat mij opviel was hoe snel jij een goed manuscript in elkaar kon

zetten. Van jou kreeg ik dan ook altijd een snelle reactie en goed commentaar op mijn

manuscripten. Ik heb daar heel veel van geleerd. Daarnaast kon ik elk moment van dag bij

je aankloppen. Maar wat heb ik ook erg genoten van jouw humor. Ik hoop dat wij samen op

het gebied van de spectroscopie nog heel veel bereiken.

Ik wil de rest van de mensen die in mijn mammaprojectgroepje zaten ook persoonlijk

bedanken voor hun bijdrage. Beste Martine, jij zou mij helpen met de statistiek, maar jij

hebt veel meer gedaan dan dat. Jij kwam met het idee om voor mij een mammaprojectgroep

op te starten, waar mensen uit verschillende disciplines zouden deelnemen. Wat was dat een

goed idee van jou! Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat ik mijn onderzoek nooit zo goed had kunnen

afronden als ik niet zo’n projectgroepje had. Daarnaast was je ook zo kritisch over mijn

geschreven stukken. “Monique, ik wil de rode draad door het manuscript zien” zei je altijd.

Alleen met die opmerking wist ik wat mij te doen stond. Martine, bedankt voor alles!

Beste Peter Kappert, als systeemspecialist MRI zijn jouw meningen voor mij erg belangrijk

geweest. Jij wist het onderzoek spectroscopie op de werkvloer in goede banen te leiden.

Maar wij hebben samen meer gedaan met maar één doel voor ogen: alleen het allerbeste

voor de mammadiagnostiek. Wij zijn dan ook nog lang niet klaar en ik kijk dus uit naar

onze verdere samenwerking.

Beste Liesbeth, als mammachirurg en als persoon ben ik erg blij dat jij wilde deelnemen in

mijn mammaprojectgroep. Jouw kijk op mammaonderzoek uit het oogpunt van de chirurg

is erg kostbaar geweest. We hebben samen veelzijdige gesprekken gehad in en buiten het

ziekenhuis. Ik heb daar als persoon erg veel aan gehad. Na dit proefschrift zullen wij

blijven samenwerken op het gebied van mammaonderzoek en ik kan dan ook niet wachten

wat daar allemaal uit zal komen rollen.

Beste Peter van Ooijen, wij hebben samen een mooi artikel gepubliceerd, maar tussendoor

zijn wij ook bezig geweest met andere onderzoeken. Ik wil je graag bedanken voor jouw

goede begeleiding en prettige samenwerking, maar vooral vanwege het feit dat de deur

altijd bij jou open staat. Ik weet zeker dat ik daar in de toekomst nog heel veel gebruik van

ga maken.

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Irene en Annemarie wil ik heel erg bedanken voor het altijd per week een gaatje vrij te

plannen voor een spectroscopie onderzoek. En daarnaast waren jullie erg flexibel met het

inplannen en keken jullie ook of er een patiënt geschikt was voor mijn onderzoek. Bedankt

voor jullie inzet!!

Ik wil de MRI laboranten bedanken voor het scannen. Het was bij jullie ook geen probleem

als het tijdens het avondprogramma moest gebeuren. Heel erg bedankt!!

Theo en Sibylle, ik wil jullie graag bedanken voor jullie laagdrempeligheid voor overleg. Ik

kon altijd bij jullie aankloppen als er iets gedaan moest worden voor een patiënt. Daarnaast

heb ik jullie interesse en steun in mijn onderzoek erg gewaardeerd.

Kees en Arieke, de nurse practioners van de chirurgie, wil ik graag bedanken voor hun

toegankelijkheid. Ik kon altijd bij jullie ééndagsdiagnostiek besprekingen aanwezig zijn,

waardoor ik veel patiënten kon includeren in mijn studie. Ook heb ik jullie meedenken erg

op prijs gesteld.

Gonda en Stella, mijn paranimfen, mijn collega’s en mijn vriendinnen, graag wil ik jullie

als eerste bedanken dat jullie er altijd voor mij zijn en voor het onvoorwaardelijke

vertrouwen in mij. Lieve Gonda, bedankt voor de hele mooie voorkant van mijn boekje,

maar ook bedankt voor alle gezellige en mooie gesprekken. Wij zijn dan wel op sommige

vlakken precies het tegenovergestelde (op tijd - laatste moment, opruimerig - niet

opruimerig), maar op de belangrijkste dingen in ons leven voelen wij elkaar vlekkeloos aan.

Lieve Stella, ik weet nog dat ik voor het eerst met je kennismaakte. Ik wist op dat moment

gelijk dat het goed zat, het voelde als thuiskomen. Tijdens mijn onderzoeksproject heb je

veel voor mij gedaan: jouw steun, jouw luisterend oor en jouw kijk op dingen hebben niet

alleen veel bijgedragen aan dit proefschrift, maar ook voor mij als persoon.

Mijn collega’s en medeonderzoekers, Hildebrand, Daniël, Wouter, Alain, Jolanda, Paul,

Petra, Anne, Wisnu, Ying, Yingru, Dongming, en alle anderen wil ik graag bedanken voor

de fijne sfeer op de G2 en de gezellige etentjes. Lieve Hildebrand, bedankt voor alle

“kleine” dingetjes voor mijn manuscripten. Ik kijk uit naar de samenwerking die gaat


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Chapter 10


Mijn vrienden, Mirjana, Martin, Peter, Juliette, Sophie, Bas, Esther, Olivier, Jasper, Joyce,

Gideon, Inge, Hans en Jonina: jullie hebben het voor mij makkelijker gemaakt om dit

proefschrift af te ronden, vanwege al die gezellige uitjes en relaxte avondjes. Lieve

Mirjana, al zo lang een hele mooie vriendschap, bedankt voor altijd je interesse in mij, maar

vooral bedankt voor al je steun tijdens mijn promotieonderzoek en zwangerschap. Jij wist

altijd het juiste te zeggen op de juiste momenten. Ik kan niet wachten op al die vakanties

die gaan komen met Martin, Isabel, Evelien, René en Josephine.

Mijn familie tante Greet, Wenda, Rick, Erwin, Elmora, Sifra, Yamila, Bryan, Fairleen,

Ellen, Nel, Frans, Wesley, Maaike, Lydia, Ciska en Nathalie wil ik bedanken voor hun

moral support (zelfs als je in Amerika woont). Lieve tante Greet, ik hoef voor jou eigenlijk

niks op papier te zetten, want wij begrijpen elkaar al zonder woorden. Maar toch wil ik van

deze gelegenheid gebruik maken om je te bedanken voor al je steun en toeverlaat in mijn

leven, vooral tijdens mijn studie geneeskunde en promotietraject. Jij bent altijd op de

hoogte van wat erin mijn leven speelt. Jouw wijze adviezen en inzicht hebben ervoor

gezorgd dat veel dingen op zijn plaats vielen.

Lieve Nel en Frans, bedankt dat ik altijd een slaapplek heb gehad tijdens mijn studie

geneeskunde, maar vooral bedankt voor de belangstelling die jullie hadden voor mijn

opleiding en mijn promotieonderzoek en natuurlijk voor de ontspannen gesprekken tijdens

het avondeten.

Lieve Wenda, jij bent 3 jaar geleden gepromoveerd en weet dus precies wat ik doormaak.

Bedankt dat jij er altijd voor mij bent op de belangrijke momenten in mijn leven.

Lieve pap en mam, woorden schieten te kort om jullie te bedanken, want het is te veel om

op te noemen. Hier dus de korte versie: ik ben jullie erg dankbaar voor jullie

onvoorwaardelijke liefdevolle steun tijdens mijn leven. Bedankt dat jullie mij de

mogelijkheid hebben gegeven om te studeren. Maar het meest bedankt voor het grote

vertrouwen in mij. Ik ben zo trots dat ik altijd kan terugvallen op zulke lieve ouders. Ik hou

van jullie!

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Als laatste maar als allerbelangrijkste wil ik graag mijn man en dochter bedanken.

Lieve René, ik weet hoe bescheiden je bent, maar dit proefschrift was er echt niet gekomen

als jij mij niet zo gesteund had. Jij gaf mij de vrijheid en daardoor de mogelijkheid om mij

bezig te houden met mammaonderzoek. Jij klaagde nooit als ik in weekends en tijdens mijn

zwangerschapsverlof aan het werk was. Wij zijn samen zo goed op elkaar ingespeeld dat er

altijd tijd voor elkaar is. Ik geniet van jouw nuchterheid en humor waardoor alles in

perspectief blijft. Ik hou ontzettend veel van jou en ik wens mijzelf dan ook nog heel veel

gelukkig jaren met jou!

Lieve Josephine, als je dit later als je groot bent leest, dan kom je erachter dat jij ook

deelnam aan het ontstaan van mijn proefschrift. Je zat namelijk in mijn buik toen ik bezig

was mijn laatste manuscripten te schrijven. Jij gaf mij hier onbewust een deadline voor,

want ik wilde al mijn manuscripten opgestuurd hebben als ik met zwangerschapsverlof zou

gaan. Maar dit gaf mij totaal geen stress, want het enige wat ik in die tijd kon denken was

“ik heb jou in mijn buik” en niks is mooier dan dat. Ook toen je geboren was gaf jij mij de

ruimte om mijn proefschrift af te ronden. Jij bent een pracht meid en ik kan niet wachten op

wat wij samen nog meer gaan beleven. Ik hou van jou, poppedijntje!

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Chapter 11

Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum vitae


Curriculum Vitae

Monique Dorrius was born on the 31th of March 1977 in Delfzijl, the Netherlands. She

grew up in Delfzijl and attended high school at the Ommelander College in Appingedam. In

September 1997 she studied Medical Imaging and Radiotherapeutic Technology at the

Hanzehogeschool in Groningen, where she graduated in 2001.

In September 2000 she started her study in Medicine at the VU University Amsterdam.

During her study, she worked for four years in the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital as

radiotherapeutic technician. Her clinical rotations were done in VU University Amsterdam,

Sint Lucas Andreas hospital in Amsterdam, Spaarne hospital in Hoofddorp and University

Medical Center Groningen. She graduated as Medical Doctor in June 2006. She also

received a certificate Masterclass Medicine for the research project “Preoperative staging of

uterine cervical carcinoma with multichannel CT compared with clinical examination under

general anaesthesia”, which was done at the University Medical Center Groningen.

After her graduation, she worked during 6 months as a resident at the Internal Medicine

Department of the Scheperhospital in Emmen. In January 2007, she started at the

department of Radiology of the University Medical Center Groningen performing research

for the NELSON study (Dutch-Belgian randomized controlled trail for lung cancer

screening in high-risk subjects). After a year, she decided to change her research topic to

breast cancer research, which resulted in this PhD thesis. She had several poster

presentations at various international congresses, including Radiological Society of North

America (RNSA 2008, 2009), European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2010) and European

Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC 2008, 2010). Furthermore, in 2010 she was invited to

lecture at the Dutch Society Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy, MRI Conference and the

Oncology Days. She graduated for the course “Basic course in Regulations and

Organization of Clinical Trials (BROK)” in 2010.

In May 2011, she started her residency in Radiology at the University Medical Center


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Chapter 12

List of publications

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List of publications


List of publications

1. Dorrius MD, Van Ooijen PMA. Computer-Aided Detection in Breast Magnetic

Resonance Imaging: A Review. Imaging Decisions MRI 2008; 12:29-36.

2. Xu DM, van Klaveren RJ, de Bock GH, Leusveld AL, Dorrius MD, Zhao Y, Wang

Y, de Koning HJ, Scholten ET, Verschakelen J, Prokop M, Oudkerk M. Role of

baseline nodule density and changes in density and nodule features in the

discrimination between benign and malignant solid indeterminate pulmonary

nodules. Eur J Radiol. 2009; 70(3):492-498.

3. Sijens PE, Dorrius MD. Spectroscopic imaging of breast cancer. Imaging Decisions

MRI 2009; 13:122-125.

4. Dorrius MD, Pijnappel RM, Oudkerk M. Breast magnetic resonance imaging as a

problem-solving modality? Imaging Decisions MRI 2009; 13:126-129.

5. Wang Y, de Bock GH, van Klaveren RJ, van Ooyen P, Tukker W, Zhao Y, Dorrius

MD, Proença RV, Post WJ, Oudkerk M. Volumetric measurement of pulmonary

nodules at low-dose chest CT: effect of reconstruction setting on measurement

variability. Eur Radiol. 2010; 20(5):1180-1187.

6. Sijens PE, Dorrius MD, Kappert P, Baron P, Pijnappel RM, Oudkerk M.

Quantitative multivoxel proton chemical shift imaging of the breast. Magn Reson

Imaging 2010; 28(3): 314-319.

7. van der Vegt B, Wesseling J, Pijnappel RM, Dorrius MD, den Heeten GJ, de Roos

MA, de Bock GH. Aggressiveness of 'true' interval invasive ductal carcinomas of the

breast in postmenopausal women. Mod Pathol. 2010; 23(4):629-636.

8. Baron P, Dorrius MD, Kappert P, Oudkerk M, Sijens PE. Diffusion-weighted

imaging of normal fibroglandular breast tissue: influence of microperfusion and fat

suppression technique on the apparent diffusion coefficient. NMR Biomed. 2010;


9. Dorrius MD, Pijnappel RM, Jansen-van der Weide MC, Oudkerk M. Breast

Magnetic Resonace Imaging as problem solving modality in mammographic

BIRADS 3 lesions. Cancer Imaging 2010; 10 Spec no A:S54-58.

University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent …· 2016. 3. 8.· Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (151)

Chapter 12


10. Dorrius MD, Pijnappel RM, Jansen-van der Weide MC, Oudkerk M. The negative

predictive value of breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging in mammographic BIRADS

3 lesions. Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of print].

11. Dorrius MD, Jansen-van der Weide MC, van Ooijen PMA, Pijnappel RM, Oudkerk

M. Computer Aided Detection in breast MRI: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Eur Radiol. 2011 March 15. [Epub ahead of print].

12. Dorrius MD, Pijnappel RM, Jansen-van der Weide MC, Jansen L, Kappert P,

Oudkerk M, Sijens PE. Determination of choline concentration in breast lesions:

Quantitative multivoxel proton MR spectroscopy as a promising noninvasive

assessment tool to exclude benign lesions. Radiology 2011 Apr 1. [Epub ahead of


13. Dorrius MD, Pijnappel RM, Jansen-van der Weide MC, Jansen L, Kappert P,

Oudkerk M, Sijens PE. The added value of quantitative multi-voxel MR

spectroscopy in breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Submitted to Radiology.

University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent …· 2016. 3. 8.· Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (152)


Behorend bij het proefschrift

New diagnostic developments to prevent unnecessary invasive procedures

in breast cancer diagnostic work-up

1. Breast MRI can rule out malignancy with high confidence due to the very high

negative predictive value. (dit proefschrift)

2. Breast MRI should be used in any diagnostic strategy for the work-up of non-calcified

BI-RADS 3 lesions to avoid unnecessary invasive procedures. (dit proefschrift)

3. The clinical implication for CAD systems in assessing breast MRI is to provide easier

and faster ways of interpreting the patterns of contrast enhancement. (dit proefschrift)

4. The diagnostic performance of the experienced radiologist in evaluating breast lesions

with breast MRI is not influenced by the use of CAD. (dit proefschrift)

5. Unlike multivoxel MR spectroscopy, measurement outcomes of single-voxel MR

spectroscopy cannot be related with certainty to the region of interest of the relevant

breast tissue. (dit proefschrift)

6. In breast MR spectroscopy, choline concentrations as a measurement of cell membrane

metabolism have to be quantified to discriminate benign from malignant lesions.

(dit proefschrift)

7. Quantitative multivoxel MR spectroscopy can be applied to exclude benign breast

lesions ≥ 1 cm3 from further invasive diagnostic work-up. (dit proefschrift)

8. The impact of sensitivity of diagnostic tests is generally underestimated as a tool to

exclude patients from further diagnostic work-up.

9. De kosteneffectiviteit van een goed inlevingsvermogen in de patiënt is nauwelijks te


10. De integrale samenwerking tussen de afdelingen radiologie en chirurgie moet eigenlijk

vanzelfsprekend zijn.

11. We can suffer our entire life over a thought that may not be true. (Byron Katie)

12. Er is geen betere deadline dan je uitgerekende datum.

Monique Dorrius

8 juni 2011

University of Groningen New diagnostic developments to prevent … · 2016. 3. 8. · Resonance Imaging in noncalcified BIRADS 3 lesions Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of - [PDF Document] (2024)


Do I need a biopsy with BIRAD 3? ›

If the mass is indeterminate or has any suspicious characteristics, a BI-RADS 3 category should not be issued and biopsy should be pursued. In these cases, a wait period is not justified and may delay diagnosis of cancer.

What imaging is most sensitive for ductal carcinoma? ›

MR imaging is particularly sensitive for identifying high-grade and intermediate-grade DCIS.

What is a Birad 3 mammogram result? ›

Category 3 means the findings are probably benign. While a mass, calcification or other abnormality may have been found, it's most likely not cancerous. Follow-up care calls for another mammogram in six months to check for changes, knowing that a cancerous mass changes over time.

Does PI RADS 3 need biopsy? ›

At many institutions, lesions that are categorized as PI-RADS category 3 or higher typically prompt a recommendation for biopsy,” explained the lead author Enis C. Yilmaz, MD, postdoctoral fellow at the NCI's Molecular Imaging Branch.

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