The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York (2024)

rk stn Timiumu BaaowThe awrTaat aer MMBrint tVJL PLUIPTOM Ancnoirrra. IlctropoUtan Theatre. -i Tn Ubmw TotttrJt Bvrlitbii orgsairatloB aader tbo above asms baa boea effected aadjbo members already earonod.togetbbr with those wisbJutg to ealist, are aotified to attead at tba rooms of tba Tooag Meats Bepablieaa aab, thie aveatog at o'clock, wbea tba fBow-lag ConeHtnUoawiU be snbsmJOed to the aseetiag: BBAMBiaL 'I. i We, tba oaderstgaed, yeoag atea of the City Bagnio, deetroaa of aecarlag tho aoceadeacy aad perpetoUy of taa prtaaipma af tho Bepaalleaa Party, aad tho eleetioa of im eaadidatso far efiUo te all pisoes of benor aad trswt ia the Owveramaat. do hereby explicitly declare oar entire devotioa to the Conatttotioa aad the Union, ear opposition to iataofbreace with Slavery ia the Sutea wbora it aow Mgelly exists, aad oar aaqaali4ed aad.aaalter-able deterssiaatiOB to reeist by ait.

coaatitntioBal means its further extension. To aeoompiish these objects we do hereby adopt for oar geytraasenttbe foUowiag Coaatltatioa: COBBTITL'VJOB. Art The aane of thia Aesociacioa eball ba Tbe Lincoln Wido-Awskes of Bnnalo." Aav IL Thia Associatioa shali. by serctisgs held nader ita di recti on, by its gearal iBflaeaee', aad tho personal influence of lu numbers, seek to attala the objeot set forth ia the preamble. Abt IIL Stetiom The officers of this Associatioa shall consist of a Captaia, bia Lteateaaata, a Seoretaty aad Treaaarer, aad aa Bxeoatf vo Com.

mitteo of six, who together shall constitute a Board of Control. See. The Captaia, Secretary and Treasurer, and the Executive Committee shall bo elected by tbo Association, aad shall bold their respective offices for tho term of six naeath. Bee. 3, Tho Lieatenanta shall be of equal rank, aad ap pointed by tbe Captaia by aad wita tha ad-vkse aad eon sent af tbo Board of Control, who fa making aad conferring each appointments shall exercise their diaerettoa with regard to tbe aam-ber, of such Una tenants aad the duties which shall be aasiawed toeaeh.

Abt IV. Tbe meetings of the Association shall bo called at saeh timea ae the Board of Control shall deem expedient. abt. One-fourth of the membere aball be repaired to bo prcaeat at aay meetiag to oonatitoe a quorum: Abt. VI It eball be tbo.

doty of tha Board of Control to provide toreaea for tho Club, soluble head-cj carters, aad adopt each meanass they eball deem best calculated te farther the objects of the i I. tr it. faabioaabla travel atay be said to bavf hoea fairly looaeaed, and pariTartoaa watering laeea are begtaalag ta fvalata with tba gay, tba grata, the yoang aad old. 5 Among (be favorite plsisevof ra aor aar bwa Hiagara, as ever, etaade preemfaeat. We are gratifled to know that thettae af travel baa thaa early ssmmenssil.snd thoCeteJe are evea aow Mberally filed at Xlsgara Tin.

The lnter-aatJoaal Hotel by Cbtaauw, bo Cataract Itoaee, by Wamrar, JaasaxB 'Co aad the Cliftoa-are all ta their way apleadid apeoimeae of what good hotels ehoald hrsad'we are pleased to kaow that tba traveUag puMle are praaipt to appreciate Darlag tba past winter, the proprietors' of the Cataract Seaao have added some thirty roome to their exteael ve eeUbUahaseat, beilt a splewdid aa-loea eases (set by CO eiao, with 18 feet walla directly overhanging tba great Americas rapidr, aad overlooblag the bridge, Goat Island, aad all taa lovely scenery 'eroeedf they alee la trod need gee, remodeled other part of tha bojase, aad re- ftrraiehec the whole at aa expense of between thirty aad forty taeweead dollars, la additioa to this they bave aoaeUacted a beaatlfnl aad per feotly safe raetlc bridge aad walk leediag from the hooea ever canal, aad along the rushing torrent of the Niagara, to tha Goat bland bridge, formerly one of tba moot aaiqoe end romaotio promenadaa to be fooad ta tba world. All these Bobb) aad liberal improvement era cbaracteriaed by a mendacioae scribbler la the V. T. Htrmid as "Two rooms are to be added to oue tavere, and the wropriotora have geaeroaaly ooaetrncted a plaak road from thai boaee to tba river, a dis. taaccaamaeh at a hundred yards!" What may bo tha anlmna of aaeb a daetardly fling at one of tho beat kept hotels la tha country, it la difficult to imagine, bat coming from the Htrmid, it la easy to aappoaa that soma pet black mail operation has beea fraotrated, to bave produced such a wanton outpouring of bile.

Tbxatbb Mb. Botisji's Bsjcbfit. The honee laat eveaing waa fall. Bad the acting at Improve, meat oa anything wa have aeea tble season. Although a seven acplay, Tha Romance of a Poor Toueg Maa oecBplea only three hours -asd daring that time tbe Interest is eneessing.

The laa-gaage terse, aad sometimes brilliant. Indeed Mr. SoraBBB's version Is unquestionably better, and more la harmony with the original work thaa that prodneed at Waixack'b. It Is leee talky, and tore effective. No one should Judge Mr.

Both. Ban by a aiagle act, or two, or three. They ahonld watch him closely through aa entire performance and If at its conclusion they don't acknowledge blm to be one of tbe most careful and lniohed actors oa tho stage, we are bo Judge of eterllag-artfetie merit. There Is no necessity of advising our readers to see tbe Bomance." Every one who witnessed the piece last night ia a walking advertisem*nt. We object to but one thing la tbe whole drama, and that ia tbe Jump it is onaeceasarily high.

It would be eqoally or at all eveata sufficiently affective were It abont half aa high. When Mr. Botbsbm sprang from tba tower there was a general feeling or terror, and there to no object la hie running snch a risk of seme eveaing neck. 27 feet from a tower through a trap door is a foolhardy excursion that can bo dispensed with without deteriorating from the merits of the piece. Tbb le the name of a beautiful gem of a minlatare propeller wbloh wae laaached laot week, aad which will be entirely finished the early part of the present week.

Tbe Ellin is a finely-modeled boat, abont 28 feet long, and sits upon the water like a dock. She Is to be propelled by an engine built in part by her projector, end baa a locomotive boiler of ample capacity for all practical purposes. Tble ia tha eeeond steam yacht which baa beea prod a cad ia Buffalo the past few years. The first, the John Barleycorn," waa projected and built for Mr. War.

Mor fat. Tha eeeond Is the Elfin," aad thia haa been designed and ia part built by her designer, Mr. Cbabus E. Baoox. The boat is pronounced by all who have seen her as a most complete model, ot eiegeat proportion and aneommonly light draft.

Those who delight ia thia atyle of aavai arehltectoro will eooa bave aa opportunity of see ing the graceful movements af the Elfla npon Bar. Aixak Btbbib. The Lockport Journml of yeeterday conteina the following notice of Rev. Allan Btbilb, recently of thia city: Rev. AixAK Stbblb preached yesterday (Ssndsy) morning at Vr.

Wisnbb's church, and was listened to by a larga aad lata rested aadieaee. The return of Bev. Mr. Stbblb ta take charge of tbe First Methodist Episcopal Church and the renewal of old associations, after aa absence of many years, is moat cordially welcomed on the part of enr eiti- is. The sermon alluded to yesterday waa mark ed by the nsnal eloquence of the speaker, and by that liberal Christian aplrit which characterises bia eermons and lectures.

Fbujv Tbadb at Clbvblabd. The Ltadtr of yeeterday mjrnlng rev iewa the fruit business at that point, aad name It np as follows: We have here at aggregate of thrt thouttmd eeeea hundrtd and itptmty boshels of straw berrlee and cherries shipped daring the three weeks of June, from five dealers, to eay nothing of tbe nurserymen aad gardenera who bave shipped on their own ae ooaat. -The peaches, blackberries and currants are still to come, aad we sbaU bave eaongb of eecb to supply ear Bister cities. It will taks big figures to express the total fruit trad of Cleveland for 1860." Blackwood tob Juxb. Old Ebony" for June, beintSooTT's republication, haa beea received by Hawka.

ThaooBteata are: The Bohoolataater at Home; Night; Milton; Captain 8peke'a Adven tures la Bomall Land; Norman Sinclair; Scottish National Character; Domitiaa aad the Tnrbot; UBivaraal Solfrsge la Savoy aad Nice; tha Fight for the Belt; tha Balance of Party. KlaOabab anb FiLUtOBxa. In the Courwr of thia moralng there waa published a report of a match game betweea tha above Clubs. We are req Meted by oaa of the Niagaras to say that it was aot a match, bat merely a praetloe game. Taa Zovatb Ckallbnos Aocbttbd.

It is re ported that tha famous DaasvlUe corps, known aa the Canaeeragaa, have intimated their intention ta accept tba challenge ot the Zoaavee ot Chica go for a drill for the championship, according to any system of tactics which may bo presented. Vbiob Cobmbt Babtbw The aew instruments for the Coraet Bead are expected to arrive to-day, aad will be used la peblio for tbe first time, oa tho Foartb of Jely. Tho Laayette street ebnreh Babbatb School ia requested to meet (unleea tbe weather la atormy.) promptly atl o'clock, to-morrow (Wednesday) af. teraoea, at the charch. The Boa Tea aad Monthly Report of Paris Fashions for July are ready at Hawks' literary depot, This week's Ledger, H.

T. Illustrated News, etc. bave beea received by T. 9. Hawks.

i Wo aotioo ta Cbvabtfum'b splendid Drug Store, opposite tho American Hotel, a superb Soda apparatus. The aea of the silver tamblar holder prevents tho coiling of ladies' gloves. Byrapa of the beat quality, aad Cream Byrop freeb every day. i STBAWBaaBT Fbsttval The ladlee af Grace Charch, Black Rock, will bold tbeir annnal festival oa Thnraday afternoon next, commencing at twaVclock, oa tbo Fort Groeada. Cars will raa from tha abarehea every twenty miaatee, for tba eoommedatloa of thoee going from tba city.

Thia festival. If mayjadg frem tba oaa of mat year, wOl ba a moat delightful affair, aad those wishing to spend a Urn hoars moat pleasantly, should avaQ themeelvea of the opportunity, ZLxccBWKiB to LbBot. The Ftrst rjaiversaUst Saaday acboot will meet the schools from Rochester and other plaeee, at LeBoy, oa Wsdaeeday, Jnne JTth. Cars' leave tbe Ne w. York Erie Railroad depot oa Miebigaa street, at 8 o'clock A.

railroad time. -i Ticktts 60 eente; Saaday school tickets 20 eeBtv Tickets for othc ehildrea 30 ceata. tba Uatoa Coraet Baad will ba ia attendance. White Kid Glome of tho celebrated Josephine aty atay be foaad at Taoe. XawiiXTT'a, 183 Mais at.

r-avrJly; jeSotTT TBXiMBiaMAj.AaaBAaarajm:i1tl4 Baaiarxa keptat A. aUrxxwa Drag Store, Mala sravs, iur ui as aowra eaeug aooa. Juae Mr r-" r. do uill 4, at w. M.

ur.a. a a. t.4S a. AJA AJ MJ TBM MOM MM LUTM THIS MOJUVWG'S DESPATCH. 1 1 3 WAasjiaarwaV Jaaa 35tb.

Tbo committee to inform tho eaadidetea of tbeir aominarJoa, waited oa Gov. Herchell Y. Jobaeoa to-oJgat at the fiadaaal Hotel. Ho received them la the larga dining room of tho Hotel, which waa crowded with ladies aad goaf essea. He accepted tbe aomiBatioaweadorsisg the platform ia everv perticolar, aad declaring tbat tba 8oeth would suetaiB tho prlaciplea laid dowa la it.

lavfais opiaioa, tbe doctrine) eg aoa-iaterveatioa waa a BciseeaUy to the presorvaaoa of tbe Union, (sp-plaase) aad bo should quietly, firmly, aad he hoped bravely aeeept tho responsibility imposed apoa him. He cherished the hope that Providence will lead aa oat of oeur civil disasters, aad ia hia good time eondaet wa to trasqaility aad peace. (Long contissed cheering.) Senator Davie followed ia aa eloqaeai atraia on the personal and pnblio eharacter of Breekearldgo aad Lmma. The democracy waa aot tbo party that seeks for epotle, or rests itself apoa tho claims of maa. Whea Mr.

Tan Bnrea proved an true, they oat him oa aa a dieeeeed member, aad whea at a raore recent period, another democrat proved recreant, it remained for tho party, faithful to ita institutions, to separate bim also from tbo body. Let spoilsmen go where Inclination leads them. Tba democracy honor Mr. Buchanan for all he baa done, and cast tbe complaints of office-seekers ta tho winds. (Lsnghter.) He spoke of ths Con-atitatioBv state right, justice and tratemitjr aa the principles under which Breckenridgo and JLane will be elected.

(Applause.) Messrs. Toombs and Halleit followed, the latter insisticg, aa the framer of the Cincinnati platform, tbat there ia aotbing there la the least eoante-nancing aqoatter sovereignty. Tho Wilmot proviso having beea removed from Congress, it waa adapted with a view of keeping slavery oat of tbe territories, and to gain abolition votes ander a spurious democracy. Mr. Hegaa, of Ky, made some amorous remarks.

The procession proceeded to Brown's Hotel, where an immense crowd had previously gathered. -s Gen. Lane, after the. performsaco of aa air, appeared and tendered bis thanks to the- eesembly for their manifestations of kindness. He wae proud of the nominee of the Baltimore Convention.

He waa a maa whom he had long knowa oa tbo battle field and in the eonneileof tbe nation, and be felt deeply honored at being placed on-tbe eame ticket with bim. He (Lane) accepted tha nomination ot tbe national democracy assembled at Baltimore, and with them believed In tbe equality and rights of the states ander tbe Constitution. Hone exceeded himself in loyalty and devotion to hie country, aad for tha perpetuation Of the Uaioa he wsa ready to lay dowa hia life. Gen. 1 waa londly applauded throughout his speech.

nr. xaacey followed, saving met tne country was in a crista from which it wae the duty ot tho democracy to relieve it. He spoke at considerable length, and waa fre quently applauded. ine demonstration continued beyond audnignt. Frem New Orleans, Nbw Oblbaxb, Jane 25.

Several small dwellings were burned on Apollo StT today. Lose, $12,500 Mostly insured. Tbe U. b. District court bus decided tbat tbe Juexicaa Steamers are aot lawful Ths 8.

S. Austin has arrived hero with tJrtzot dates of the zoth inst. and $50,000 in specie Mine thousand liberals were concentrated at Guansjato. summon witn euou men wse at unerete, ana a- battle wae expected to take place near Celega. Fire New York.

Nbw Tobx, Jnne 26. Tbe five story building No. 119 Fulton street and 43 Ann street, waa almoet entirely deetroyed by fire thia morning. It was occupied by Lewis Co. clothiers, aad Whfteboru Co.

printers. A policemen was badly injured, and eeverat firemen narrowly escaped being crushed by the falling of sbewallf. Loss $25,000. No signs of the Great Eastern at 9 A. M.

THIS AFTERNO.ON'8 DE SPA TCH if ram Washington. Washington, June 26. The report brought by tbe Overland Mail from Csllforois in regard to the Pony Express being discontinued is nntrue. We are now running semi-weekly from each end of tbe route, and will arrive regularly hereafter, as tbe Indian difficulties bave been euppresaed by tbe regular troops. (Signed) w.

H. UC88BLL, President. Toboxto, June 26. The Hamilton Timee states that Ogle K. Gowan, M.

P. for Leeds, has been arrested for criminal ahlt on two girls, respectively tea and twelve years of age. uowaa aeaiea ue enarge aa a conspiracy. Mavrketa ay TelearapB i XawToas. Txocs--Receipts are bbls.

The market is without material change. The sales are 13400 bbls st it 5 42 for enperflne state; ti 535 for extra State; to at at BjrsBPMfias weatardf at Sta 10 for common to medium extra western; i ,0 so tor inferior ta coed sblasinc broads extra round haa Ohio. -Canamsii Boer leas setive bat prie, anchuif cd Sales of 400 bbls at tSteOTBOb Bje nous steady at tt4 of wheat is 76,661 bn. Market is with-. out striking ebaose Sales sre tBjm bosh at $1 Wl 10 for ugwaakeeelBb; SI SO for white Canadian; Bl tsl SO (oar whtta Keatocky.

Kj qniet. Sales 1300 bn at 82e Barley nominal. Receipts corn 13980 bn. Market is quite firm with. niir domaad in part for export.

Sales ba st 67 67Xe for aaroond, nd 68c A-soand mixed western. Oals quiet at STgiU for wastem, Canadian and S'ate. Psovisioaa Pors; dnB sad unchanged. Sales 90 bbls st $15 00 for old moss; $182(008 7S for new bbsm; tit frffor prime. $13 ai for new prime.

Beef quist and nnchansTd. Sales S7t bbls. Cut meats arm. Ssles packages at 7J TX; shooldsni tXgX Lard qnfet and firm. Sales 40 hols Batter ia fair request, at for Ohio; end Ugg for State.

Cheese steady at 7lo. Watmm DnD. Sslssof SOObbUst (SMJ4. -'Mossy as SrsauaiQ Kxckamum OncbJLDgad. Btocxs Not very brisk and dosed firmer awd iloufe llaod RvbuMi.

S6T WinMMppi and Milwaukee 6 Chicago. Burlington A Qaincy 7S CUveiaod and loleoo Buirxd 31 fla'eoa and Chiasr 2 lluaoia ventral scrip asa eicaigan Southern and I Bailzosd 13 Mich. Mieb 4H Raadiog SOW Hudson 47 En 18 iew York Ontrsi j. Sl Pscine Mail i OV Peon. Coul Co l.

8 Deiawarssnd Hndoa 87 Dataware S4K Tmumm Sa. Calubrnia Ts-. aUokicaa 8 2d bonds 913S 4. fwn.snm.rHiA. Jaaa 36 Tubc Quiet.

Saperfioe 30. WBXAW-Aevanced. Sslas 2s00 ba red at $1 S7l; white $1 esgil 33 Coaa Baoyaat. Sales 3008 yellow at KtSTCe. FmoTiBiOss Oawersilj elcoa, with ungfrnaant tsadracy.

WmsaaT rirmatnHo. BUSINESS CAKIXS. PHItLIPa SON. Carpel Jittejs and Upholsterers. OTMK 99 MAIN 8TXMJBT, BUFFALO.

Matrasses, Son and Charch Cashless), Curtains Sludss, Ae. aiado to order. fJarDetCavan oa Hire hr Tkitiaa. armtaie Be-Stnned and Covered. myMta FOSTER CO- Shipping and Com'n Merchants.

EW Proprirtor of Iaermtionsl Dock and 8tors Svtum. enrne idver st sad Feeeeck'a Blip, opposite the r'rsighf oww at BHuaio mmq lmwm ttaroa tumway. Wa. foama, a Cbas. H.

Fosme, BCFFAIO, Is. T. BBALBBS rrwdlaeo dh Fi eilslasw, ool, Irra.HwJt, Cafclwot Agents Korth (CsnadaJ Shore Frorellerssnd Tear els. U. B.

SANbVaiy Broker and General Coxrimig'A Merchant aptl Wo. 19 Oerral Wmmrt, BwBalav. P1IILO DUKFEE, PRODUCE, COMMISSION, ASD FOB WARDING MERCHANT, K. 3 lestrsl epsMapO U. CUKliXK.

Barrister and Attorney at Law Coavyajsocr Notmry Pabllc, dfee. dkew BT. CATHABTJTEa, C. W. JOSEPH OURRIER, a BaTAflu Qroeer, DmpgiAt ft Commis'it XCerelutiit wo.

xava wsm miece, BPffALO, H. CT Agent for Daramra and Basanrs Powdor Coa ESr" Cash paid for Batter aad hmn." I I inn, mmrn aad rroaaeo SCToraiiy. seistaais CHAS, J. MANN, Produce Com Tniswon Merchant, Tie is CKNTRAI WHARF. BUFFALO.

H. S. GUTJHKIE, (Lata eg tha Ba-mef Omrk.OmtmrU A- Produce CcrLmission Merchant, amw ro. is. sjssstrwl Watn, cl*tTKK KAJlS.

SoTOTnission Produce Merchants A. 1. CPTrem, O. L. Maa Haurd-trsLre, ArjicultraJ Implemants, ilH( dfe e.

dfc e. 4 Jsa Be. ITS fata i ADUIAN 11. ROOT, warn vs ill pxaox I PEODUCE, PCOVISIOITS, Bo. fg xazb Etsmt.

PDIflbv, LOCAL" AND itOSCEUMVi Oar German friend, met at tb Waste sj 0s( am Delaware etreat. the yarpeea of csUbreUsf Bt Jobb. DT 'Owlet, fleeee they bad ef Teako, 'How-eitfsena. maor A to the Spirit of this leetivel with a 3Be Ml area the BMMt hnnnons -ctkmt," 11 ww bmj jtKlr front airpeeiBai teey take te wafts. lng, pretsel ld' weep aa4 UabwrfW wlt-Batarslaeas coaarMBdAble.

Tb atteoJe tola 7W wm neb larger thaa aeoeV Delaware street tela all with 'row-J aniviac. Tae Teraera'rJoel- were eef. force la tbe Bad, ft jaded fry the Uoioa Corset Band tare obm af the principal streets. Before tsklsg a Uaa to tdka Gssdeav Tee ordar of exereiees was aa follows 1. Great rtatiTal Overture by taa Uaioa Coraat Band, 'i.

Address by taa First Spaakat of the Taraar Yerwarts. V. 3. Poioaaiaa tarosfU the place of tha Festival ad taltlatiea af tha Bewrv-bellt deaelef ball a. Cbaraa af tha.

BaSaio Baaagarbaai sad o. Popalar Bportt, as the eMmbrng of polee, bag- oppiag, 1 a. GjmaMtie FaaU by sae ethers of tbe Taraetf AjjocUUoo. 7. Cboraa by tba Lledertarel aad Basaagarba4 8.

Graad Pyramid atede ay an tha members 'of tba Taraara Association. Dorlog tha festivities, a aambar of aida plays wees kept sack aa target ihaotiag, awlogiag. aad altogether sseltitnde appeared to ba la floe spirits. 4 la tba evening larga Betaeere of tba pleeeere seekere sasembled at Taraar aad GJUIg'a flails. and aloaad tha festivitiee of too day with dancing.

Tha Jeffaraoa atraat gardaaa Uo.TialUd by larga tha day waa vary tboraagb- ly oalebraUd. Altogatber, we ahoald aay, aad. Is faet, wa gia it aa oar exporicaaa, that a day (peat with aar Taatoalo brttbraa la aara ta ba a pleaaaat one. Their Idaaa of enjoyment are comprebeo-aive, aad at the eame time aaaxeeptleaablai aad there la a aplrit of hearty frieadllaeae aad iood aeliag manifested at all titelr aiaaaiblagaa which causae then to be looked forward to with pleaa-fa*g aatlelpatlODB. We were informed tbta aaoraiog that the aew bill-room, recently ereoted at tba garden, by Jfr.

Bicxiar, the preeent proprietor, waa deetroyed by Are last sight abont elerea o'clock. The building wee eo Detracted at a coet of eome $800, and aa there wee no inaoraaee, the loea felle bearlly npon Mr. Riccaar. It waa doabdeea the work of aa la-oeodiery. ,4 ahilL4 Bioabi.

It may not ba nnlatereeting to the habitual amoker to koow that a really good of aegar la now! regalarty Imported from Manilla, end can be bad af almoet all one regnlar dealers at a moderate price. Tba repfdly eng. meeting price of geaalaa Havana aegare, and the diffloalty of finding a really good article at' any. thing like a reaaonabla eom, bae for a long time' ceased many Inveterate smokera eerlonely to debate npon tha propriety of either dieeontiaaing the habit, or procuring some cheaper aobetttwte. For a while tha pipe seemed to have attained quite a general popnlarity, aad mecraohaame aad a variety of othera grew Into demaad, aad anxiona were their owners to observe tba progress of coloring," in fact, many seemed to smoke the pipe more for the satisfaction; of eeeiag the color tbereoa deepen, than for tha mere la-fa station of the fragrant amoke.

Still It an not be said that tha pipe has attained anything' like popalarity it la ioeoevenleat-iaad there those who tor a ap their aoaea at IV end we are free to confess that a two or three year's old meerschaum, which baebeea indnstrionsly smoked. Is aot exactly preferable la email to soma of LubiiTs extraote. Tastea dlflVr, however. Bat we don't think the pipe" will ever become so popalar aa to baa lab eegate, or to va aitala a great er popnlarity thaa tba weed im punt aow Baa. Therefore, with good Havanaa ranging from oity to eighty dollars per thousand, it beoomea those who will smoke, and ctnnot adopt the ptpe, to neck some other economical sabetitote, and aa la dnrated emoker at oor elbow eaggeota thae the general introduction of the Manilla Begaa is the eonseqaenoe.

Formerly the Inhsh*tanta off tbJe favored of the Pbllllpino Jeleaes aaaaatactnred only the green aad ill-ahaped ebereot," Which but comparatively few took to," but at the preeent day a very neat "Londoaahape aad alia la made, which" has attained quite a popularity here. -a I Accldbkt. During the perform, anoe at the HetropoliUn, last evening, Mr. Tuba as Duncan, who for year has been the machinist at the theatre waa struck npon tho bead by a felting brlok while engaged la shifting! tha eoeoee. Tha blaw rendered bin Insensible, aad ba waa shortly afterwards conveyed front tho stage in a sadly wonaded eooditioa.

Thia casualty will, be sis-eerely regretted by the boat who deBght to estl Mr, Puhcak frleed, and who will eagerly Wk for the aaauranee that bia lejariea are aot really as aerione as was originally supposed. Ike brick ty which ha waa struck was reported to have faliea from the paint gallery, which le la aa alevated pe el ion above the rear of the stage. Cow mtJ We are glad to announce to-day that Mr. 'Den cam la much better. The falling brick, whlejt wsa a very large one, aid aot strike aim airly the the bead; bad It doao so tba coaeeqoeaoee most have beea Immediately fetal.

The corner of tho brlok struck tho back part of tho bead aad gUaeed olf, aad, although tho woaad la vary eoverf aad psiBful, we are Informed that tha Injury la net so bad ae wsa at flrat anppooed. Ho la under the care of Dr. LooMia, aad la able to aoarena with lie friends to-day. UIOBWAT KOBSBBT MBaa Nl AO ABA. FaVLS.

The Eoohester Union of yesterday says that soma of the moat noted tbteroa of thia country appear to be operatlag jaet aow la Canada West, at To ronto, HamiltoB, aad fliagara Falls. Borne of them have beea arrested aa wa have already pb liehed. -s Joaa BxaiQuiB and Habbt Oirvoaa, two noted rogues from Hndaoa, are said to bo operating near the Fella oai the Can eda side. OaBatordsy, week they committed a vary bold robbery near Praav moadvilla. They were ia a occluded place a tha road and saw aa old gentleman approaohlag with a team.

at then they pretended to cagmge in a dispute about changing a bill. -Aa -tho atraaget drove ap they apppealed to blm to asttle tha dia-pate. and ba consented to change tba Be -took out hie pocket-book, containing $43, which one of them Instantly grabbed, aad both rea for the woode. Tha ataa Jemped from bU wsgoa to pursue them.whea they drew ptetola and told blm that ir ha foUowe they woald ahoot him. Be gave ap the chaee aad went to Drummoadville to I aform as to tba tranaectloa, Tbe rascals eecaped and are atut at.

largo. Thia web dona la broad light of day, within three bailee af Kisgara IwqtrasY at NbwstbaBw Coroaer Rakbau. waa called to biewetead yeeterday to bold aa laqmeet apoa the body of Mrs. Abauxx CuXHutes, wifti of Aaaov cnu*tiMoa, who died ea the ldtb last. The husband bad beea la the habit af abasing hi wife, aad bad beea, free neatly board ta lb rea tea Hfe, aad aa aba died somewhat suddenly, aaa pieloa was aroused ia tba minds of the neighbors that ho had caused bar Thia saspieioa a Jengtoenes by the laot that, a abort time pra- vtoua to her death ba bad administered to her medicine ot a peeallar taete, which aha, after the flrat two or three doaea.

direeted her daaahtor ta throw onu. The body wsa disinterred, and poet morum Mammauoa BeW, Imt BO mark of vio- aov aay evldeaea af tbe adaunmteriag ot On. luaga was wwa Biuuu ue jury retnraed a ver dict of death from dieeaaa of tha laag. Do-e eased waa aboat 40 ytara old The affair ereaV ti much excitement in the neighborhood, and strong InVIgnatioB waa maaifested toward tba baa- band. The evidence of one of tha phystcUsa examined', we are informed by Caroaer Babbau, went to enow tna cvmcdiob waa aot a aaaa of sound mind.

V. Comtow Cotnrcn. The Cooaell yeaterday aot having a quorum at baU-past two, adjoaraod yrithoattraaeaotlag aay bsainose, Tbe Mayor ia-1 asd a caa Tor a special meeting, which, win be held this afternoon. Crrr Dibbctobt. tm the rw' 4a aa and CSe publlo.

the Justice to correct rta wboteaale bluodor es the aaaber of aaarea la APC'TlOf A KB) aiMJtIOr BSJCUCHAjrT. Mam gerae. TT" T' A. AT- PI IMPTOJT 11 (tve Us nil I iwl atteooon te the esla of Post Kowte. gtotha, Comvat muahaadiaa ami tieoaHtoM rarnoa trcakiac a boBskpuc, eaa bav thoir fanwrare i rnxkae at thai svaMoaos oVtb Aocboasvsosa.

CombJ fr, Auction and Ccmmtezicl Store. A s- ru. nod. in ary part at the CMp i2rpwdTMaalamotro. WW.

saa.iiio are siaa; ap, wiUiid- to Store thoir "EV bob mmm rwKBtaa a cooiiininsig, fmf itJliabAi(vaeaBiSs oa opbbm A. o. BAZI. mylBt B. SBtdJIOM.

Aa by expoiu th IOlpOBIOS bCIWFULa, BLtlTCH 8i PfcULLT) M1AL DlKA-SC DROPS SmVttMAA ij hrrHiurin aiti-it iiiCKlurv iB, UU DOU. xu TIOW. UttSIPKLAa. IlMI HH I.T A. rtolt 'd LRS, Sad trd th whol eiaa of eosnnjaiats ansiaciram 1m? PUBITT OP Taa HlAHHi.

anawsirom la This eompoBBd wiM loood a srsaf promotar of hvalth. wt oa takoa ia the rrin. to xiI ti. al bamor which eaeareoi tarouea whieh th s.rtso, wiH in.o to ill lustf "fTBia, if bbi MC.LO lu in, tlii. UMWB(k mmlm- rai rbaaoois or lb.

boa. a. mm i. baisj.3 ihrooah too ski hBpMa. oiaiMXMo.

mmnt cteaaa It wai oa Sou ia otou Bated aad ati ia i ho VBiom; fJBUM it I. i. mBi ytmt t.BiAiawi-1 taUyoa oho. -hvaa aha. fmit peopi snjoy brtur haslu.

aad Ui. an r. Imr alms, as tie bioud. Aep th hiuod l.r.llbn. sod ml! aa hut ailb bamm Ufa awerdaixL thor eaa ba no tol a.

lotiBtitioa af th Mat UvvvMsMbmorwi. ovkmr doeeivaa bv pr parstiom of iU mu Up armnie th eraeuon has not all th lrt. ih te aiiaed fur ii. hat i BBmBBBBiaoy arparanoos, pi ndu (tob eoneo ootodestracmot Aosaiam sWtll.tle ef vhbueal car-mPBitite oresn thim; erne. UI.

I WouJos, piBtondin. wciiaaeaart of ajtuMtottiarpaparilia oaoaotluB. Moot of tiM Lo bora I aad bd-jb tha dk, for they avt oolv oooiaia if any Marwuanla, bat oftoBBo oarstiT prnporiiM Bene, btbsr atd paiofal dwppoiatBiBut ha. followed tb am oi th vrteoa Ktraet of ertoparum Woh toad to aisrk.t, ii to B.0B ito.ll jiuiij 4r.puM,.Bd ha bnsm ayaoovmoas with bnpoalnoa sn-l c1mp.L bu.1 call ibis eouip Bad iateod to napply oaeh a roweuy rsst-ae the name from ths load ot obloqor ahith nm up- a it. Aad wo Ihi- haBBsrvoad for boui.lrK bo virla.

which ar irrosi.t hlaby rb ordiaw rua or tho uhnsi i it kiatsaosdloeor. from th. aystcm. tL mumjj ahouia he jadMaoasly takssj acooroim to duoeuoas oa to bouia, it I f-s ja LOWELJL' MASS. iV Is? ja.

Ayeis rryii Pectoral 'EnSJor VT eare ef ovorv variety Throat and Laas Oootpbdai, that i oit aa. iim.Bi-y iwc a a roceiuii. taa aMfBca of it. vlrtao mTir 11 As it has kmc oa bs eOBStant thrOuahOBt lllU untln. mm mm, fC mm.m than bmo-o tbe aromm its qaalHy if kept np to tbo bow It eaa.i that it may Kliedoa to a lor Una be proalo its qasilry if kept np to tb JfS ifj-i04 be relied oa to a lor pf all It has bora fbaod to do.

asaan AYEE'S CATHARTIC Fills, TOM TBS CURB OF Bt, rn.rmmu.mmj mmm Dimimm comaLm. yPf' ur, tammreamarau Khemmt, Warms Umat, JAar Pitt, mam Jar rwrif us SewViiag them pteasaatlr.aad thv a- tb br.iaosrtoat la Bbe world ha- all ta aarposr of a huiily phy mmmmm wgcl Pries 23 eenU per Box; Fire Boxes for tl Oiwrt aaaibm "of ClrTTOeB. Fhfridax, Btatesmea. sad OBBinaot paiBuuMBS. ha, mat IBM to cortiSr ih oa-paiaoBlBd ammiosm ot tb rarordiox.

bat mmmrm hmra will out permit th irwcrtioa of tbetn. T.i. Anm below wrati. car Amkshiab XT.hwtb tiu. ar iftvont with alas fall doacrvtiom of to moore and the that stioalo foIlaafor oar.

rtot sat aB by wpnadpled deeLnB with otlr preo. arstkw tosy smke asor proet-oo. Uomsod Avsn'a, aad bb Bsouiors. i sick want tn beat aid than is tor whom aad they shoald have It AU aar reawdw ar for sale by BOTXISTEB A LA TBB-ACK. bblbUo.

st Wholeakle and Beta by all ia'. J.iCtswAeaowtil Baffalo IlorticriUnral iotlttj. rrHK IXaiBITION ot the Koeiery will heM st i.OI.JJJlHHJLb, OB KEUIA 0-t TUljtU. nciet of VW.f.rn K.w T. la.wtin tL Bnir ork ani pn-ssnt and xhib I With th HflAOtT.

ana d.l sal other Sortori. Th KabihitiaB will ha mwmm ta thm nh? at 7 P.M.,aou doriaa tha saceeediE day and aeeutat. Mmbia will be ofltamod at ay jiman pi Mnlii, thatr Meaata, which msy obtsisod al tho.door.orof either of the AsasoilB CusBUtto. Oompetitor toe prism wostlisotieB BwtetleiTfJfcBd all ar-empUtioa ML ST bpreat4MedBed.y. Bxriibitorsniiirt reports Hat of thab'Srti'lestatbcSee- awyouore vjov sr.

Baeseapoa tha taajss. sposayimj the leomteta. 15- TtcaoU lor inaojbersr tanJili sa twotrtalned st I if riSmWlttf. Per boat I variety, 1 wnarf fl Per bast 3 rariotws, I pint aacn Tar baat le I pint each beat I vartetsr, qoart 1 bto 3 varU. pti.1 -toli.

ntt vanrtv (forodi 1 bojuiif. S'or bto' 3 vartati'. ran cli. 'or bnt vanrtv (forodi 1 ban. In-.

or For ksst 3 TBrieua. (fgrBoui 3 baache aaab ......3 basil varfety pot 3 Jk Ou net e. mrnca hrb 3r MieaBuB nuts BsAi SitmfUmJ yFRTlTB. Bests for tost iriot'e bloom, of say variety For bsBtl i ty, 3 biooms mom liim Fo boo 3 border bloom. MM Par best 3 eiuubm varieiia.

3 btooaw aacb 1 I .3 For b.t 1 1 BiMclsn bs bio Bate Par tost 3 eerbaeaoiMi vartim 8 blmmi w- mm BBiwcnon, 1 1 or a nioaLOOBS a b.oai faaslsi bast 3 3 fevonaj sth For beat II vaile'tr. 3 bhiuui. aacb Pinks Pol bp st 3 oouie re-h Petaatss For ba-t ari.lip, 3 bhwrn. Potflaot For b. i.

Par he.Lt Pur bM eiitoctloe, nut tree ibao Banc lot basset or pot, with best iiBt BoBorPor be enlloetioo Boeaae-Pr bt 3 for tb hand For ba-tioandfor tb band i Por bt round for tbe parlor For bast ftai for tb parlor Tat b-t mirror to ptrlor For best bom th sto hoas TBUBTABI.K8. -ror east hair peek told crop) For bast otapstv, not boa thaa 3 BtyRT WATERd. Bee t-ec'y. I Gas Fixttires. rTWWV r.

wantef sBYthror th wit of CAB FIX- A 1 It fcs.nber thrift. Horn, otharwwo Will tad at tbettWIwhatoBSes'thesahaCTm. 5 BCatBBK Bome ef the SMist bsaatlsaJ aottera ewor iotrodnord la the eiiy. Day win a pos op oa aor wee, aoe at Msretos. mjsa mmi.

ttiB A ToY. For ale Everywhere, GUERNSETS BALH 1 IB'TIli. STONE, Solo -Proprietor. Bold by A. ATdE W6.

Mala J. X. PRAKCIB 3b Mate st aad O. tL P. CU AMPLIM.

31? UmlaJL kLmZ WKLUI FKOTOST, wkabMl Aaoavto, sjaatB BIB Ac mil Froot-Bt Mow Ysrku UaTaas Cigarsatlmjiorters'l'iices I nn nvm ssvrirnriMr ro Bneat Bfaods or UaVaHa CIxAhstobeoBidby mooa i amiln ma. si the nal east of Importstioa. unoscat whca ais -y FIUAAIOM, BLBUAlafA, MRITAANJCA, CABAMAjs, rKAMA1.0, MBMea, Mertsi Btssih BO BOOtad BUflM tm Sm9w tttieB, aad to tham I eaU Ui suuiUua of the 'tradseaso-smiiy. win b. sold oa'y 3 tad to awacttUosao lam Oum hsdf a thoBoaod.

A SMhakpiJy st raori.m by osca at 'L Hob nuasKra, so tbat they wni aeitoataot-lyoBLaaj. ssmlron tAOCmaraBBl wot tLa. www. mrsltoaist a. DaMALW VlLt k.

ua Msln mi. ie-vjiiTicsri BILLB OP PIN TZMBEA. tor BaOroad Brbifea, at other pvpaowcsa bbmW sriihia liiuty any by apply- aasilBirsJhtnr'rf ant wTHhi at ramwsahle moss. aVavoWM.Atont. m-rhv QwsatrotlktuBsla.

AYStMf COMFOCJtO JCKTILAIT OF HARSA-PAktiLLA. fT Ayav'sCaibortto'ins. i -Bos aaloot ojaBoaaUomia rrVo. by HolXIsl-kM LATFKACK, hbbwos KBtau acaoi. mi Choanerwi Btore.

aa mijvons tt. ftOTM'at. LOtTIS MATHFWB ABB WM TALMAJT horier thkr day pajli.d tho hatoirat of mi. J. n.

aLtiaJUiie. io th Bna of hw kldridao a Co, tho boaio w.d I kum i Bw 1 by I oma. noiw io bbbjb arm or BaAsla, Jan 1333 1 mm.iim iiiiiin Btr. i. tL KLwkJMB mmrmmar nui imil.

hi. mieros onto bm fmaus aod tb post' feeemily, asd trast. ihT wid osnnoo bBoatoBd to th aow. ems th mm Abnal bortomroa.Odby I mwrtC Bantlo. Jmuaa, w.

jvh) n. sLii.imi i. B. i. Li) bl DO a.

MiLLIAKST rtOrwi. A CPIAT VA8IKTY of hnrpsiitoa aad 8tnw EooBota, Jim. sw. w-w. sivwiii, niiMtrt, Htrmw otlaa, tnpa a Pioaeh Pooara.

tfuooos, zomad Loss, veils, Aa, 8 RfyFXATT a fcQ p.iacuit. DK4HI FIM 1 Coma Sbaher Bromra' jea OBSoaored atora. tat Wthamrum rtroot. ty AUaLB lT-BorW, Jsosooaabola, Byo, BoStchsa. 1 Ai ih inUkoy Or aM by ih.

ami or nliea, AuiLLoaui et Utiasi lLtiBiwtAM. Ft BOTTL rwht Jmrm mmm I mm. mmm to um to hay rait MoitMa, aod th pises to bar. Btrrrrs ,17 Mmsm wi.r.t. VlWAliM j.

-X ata tL. Bmit eof hM ill rf Booor auL Tbow tn i ata pcrtoctiy raLabov i am -xm itiuo. 4 a 1 amrly at a mmmmSMmmfmft LlulBIWO, tiwww at max. I7 fc.tBBBvet. 6HU a.

K. Barsaparilla A WE31BDT. dr-Tf-d to-1 b. tie most ef-tm Mtmrmmet thml cau b. mma.

h.l rrBoa.tra-sbWuS 3 o-ramoriiU ae onbio.d wUa otoor eraaiar aiowtv pewr aa te aBord uieamVllm'aS 2arriitothrSiaiLIh'lr eum "Br3ro ofiommmo nentoa snaayof loa mmrmt 4MB Aortr ocs imrp. Jami, ne'd aad tor tai ray mmmmS A CWm WPOltT Aenaw a Svaaa 1 U. i. BP Boors opea I jininly. at7Mer rb.

stCAjux or PRicjc-f. -Lacy end Oeai THIS BYKXIKe, iintm M. WB taoarwoe the essat JW esessatlsed by Mr. JUHHANCai OB A f*ck TOTJKfil KAN. tfr-Bothora.

Caoasnaaanv Jenavy Biaa-ey. ttaliar to flii of Hi. WW a. Exclusion to ITiagara ralls. TOE CETBEL SUNDAY SCnOOL, ON TCB8BAY, JVUT 3, 18oW Carstoave BoAaloatSaSi aUlmiatnc.

leae raMaatsas. Te bs had at the Beak and Stores, GROCERIES Cheap for Cash ArEEt 0 Ll B. KVB, 183 ANO 17 AXA1N 8TRBBT, J- "otf ltit AT HOLXSAIJt AMD BXTAO Sugars ot all Descriptions Good Brown Sugar at 8c Kghty ChetU BUck and Graen OT DiFTtAJUTT 8BADKS; Tear too su 69 Cease mam Old lata. Mocha, ttva, togwtia, Ae. Proah SYIUPS Ain) MOLASSES.

9 Ities, asasy B.Hnr Powder, KaMn. Traits Mats bptcoa, ma, Sa ta aaaanaas to salt porehasers. PDBE WINES AND UQTJ0BS. Uosd UookUsB atmavdr BA oor awBew. TOBAC'VO ABO UMJAKS, HNVFW, TAXKTB Otis, Tankkkea sva4 Biaehisf Of iisj Orade and Psasi Iptlii.

100 doz. Fails, Tubs and Brooms AT MANUTACTCBXBS PKICXS. SOOO boxes Window CHaas riafih, AWlia mA dianeWaCMp Also, larf rmximXT of VIAL.S, BOTTLES, AT MANVIACTUBSBS' PRICIS. Toiether wift a Lorco Asaerwaaot ef Drng8) Medicines, Dye Stalls, Adds, PATENT MCDICINEB. PERFUMERY, fee.

AT TUB LOWKoT BATCSI 3T" WaatwaV Baatew.Tlseews. White Beaaat' Orteel Frait, eVe. A. KBYNOLlDPS dw CO. iim As 17 Kara Oetoeorea.taeg.

aoUAetnoW-T TEN YEAKS' TRIAL Has folly desaonstratsd the fact that JEWETT'S RIEFRI GE BATOR are psstravr svwksb. wo sans snowd a witaoat oaa, as the arieas are as low, and Ir efaeap, they are aa object of eom ert and eeonosny to alL rich and poor. Frie es tress to $23. TOBHETH fO WIMTTK ICE CREAM PBEEZERS AT MAXfjrACTURXBS PRICKS. Allewed by all to be the BEST sad CHEAPEST Treesei us.

Xrery lanuly eaa ssase Uenr own ICS CRKAM. Jevretfs Water Cootera. freaa $3 ta to. JeweffB Water Filters, to B4. Tlltoro slbmI Cootore l'eswh4a4, rrosa 84 so fjl.

Jewett's Double Ice Pitcher OnlV 81 SS. commands MrivetMT esteem. rronirMotflT two peaad of lep duly. Tli rit of thi. ICh, fit CHAM command if maa orory where, and by vQ body.

Toilet Ware Besutifal Setts, from Sen bimiA Stop Jara, Slop Pails, 1 star Camera, Foot Baths, tea- Singly, made of. Zinc, win not rnst, and not Jabtoto broke a. 4BWBTTt Bay Heme Mans fact lire. Case treat-apwsrds. Bast Bowtero.

wriea tl. A Stocls ion au coat maa. Mew Yarh Parlor Grates. (Mlver Plate it Ware, Brittsnxda, Tin and. Jspaanod Ware, Weedea Were, Ac Ac Shiaiere Pathos Carpet Mweooera Trie reduced to B3.

Creates BO BoiaS. BO ommL. litn, amw Carpets and aaaitur. i JEWKTT sV ROOT'S BRICK 0VEJT C00E 8T0VE, COMBINATION I The ealy "Briea Oven" "stove ia the WeriA JEWKTT ate BOOT'S IB1PRO KMBNT Cookinr Htore, with the Patoat Broilto Beerth." the most scoaoBueai uoolMtn bso. Hay Home suowtae ton.

Conuuoa Coi'h Sums bam BU to Sas, extra hoar call tor oatawsue ef Boa Pomishias Aa, to be had only at JBWBTIM UoaaehsaBr Bsaaortasn, atT Iflata street, wry 35 MsnnBMitory We. 31 Main street. REPUBLICAN DOCUMENTS THE AfJTHtaNTIO EDJTION LIFf AND SPEECHCw ABIMHAH LUICOLir, WV aA3lTIJBTT. WsaMaetaa Celts, pes seat ef the Mew Tork Bveafnf Poet, end InaopeBdant, end tbe wall knows Aataor of "LiMef Loay aao wey sussia ae. Owe sVorare 1 3ao.

wlehFlav Htorl Plato of -aisn. ins assy, Pomphtti Edition, anthout Speeches. Price eU. Agents, Please to Bead This. Too eaa arfc mora wmaay I soUmr Barnett' Llfb taaa oaa saaar eaMHaa aaUitrntd.

Lit. it ia Aay UMlh mmm oMihia aad will' bo amanuad a. Maukdard Aataonty. annas toe Capua sj il Bd, it a Larsw and Boaa-rJral eok tor tho lea, and will fumUd ta Saoats as tow. ef aot lamer, than mmf ataar adttiem oat Assad iaak nun1 Tj iuri vr UKK OP LINCOLN WILL BK BNT BV MAIL, (XT AGS FAlIX iN MECiarT OP OR A 8AMPLS OP THE PAMPHLET AO MOM POM 3 CSMTA.

oaod for saam-pw, and then tf yoa wish to aasaeo sa tha aale of to wora, will saad tob oor ta dreads, which eaaaot aul to fivamliilariina, Aloiaa, H. DATTOX, raatiaher. 33 toward st. W. T.

BALLY, BOYS, BALLY! THE V.BBhli.SB I'amniifam V.bmI.b SSVSAlOVSB BSUMIJaAgSB DVAlPtiA BOmO MX WILLIAM B- BCTBLDaH, tma fl Paget, llmo. Price la Cene. BerMch was knowa to the pabHa, aad aaSBvawb ssaBeioatBaaaty taassas wore si wsu aoae. a NO KBnTBt.lCAR' CtfJB CAM A FFORB TO OO WITHOUT IT. BHaTIT HAIL.

rOSTV. AOS PAID, OB BUtCBIFTOF 19 kbpubucan cMAirnm asvrp'iAMO ot yi Agents "wanted tm sell the Ahmgater. At. DATTON, FaJbltiher, S3 Bwrard St. B.

T. Facts for tfie'f cople I-Eepnblicaii Pistol If Ja voiSAVtmx Facts, Opfixic and Argriinents FOB-liiEiiiaxABL BaHTEWBr WlfjOAMH. BtCBLJUUH. Bo PabBsh-d mantMeJhrmm.lg:, I .1 WaPmf 18aao Praia Coate" Thoorjaet oft work wffl. V.

to aawl, Is Jhoamet -Ummbbm. o. the pnoeiples and aoae of tbafca-paadeaa Party, to. a iBTotvad io ils aasaast wna too Smvrn rweme em Albea; tba aiatiaimts of a at ue OMfitrr. Bast and Bpaaoat.

hi a lau 4 bob. bbu on owwr mmuwum mm bbs ivoa ta la arorfom of toe aositcat awe have entered; bit ovary wora-i orsua, ia ta way of faet.aroaBot wit sad Bar bis aetshhorc to miorm arraawm ooaat iaw iwrpooiiss-sadoowioat. -uuae tha ow-jafiicos, aed otiswlate the e.von la tne Pocket Pistol mnmm, tn a oar hopoVieaa Cmbs to sot soapy ot it mt mwmr waxmr who emm remit. rocaaaranoiwiii aassmaanoe Rmi fry wilt xort th.awaiw to make ap Clah for tho 1 lrVmi. It will fmm txmmumttm oatat of BKtt mat I ati wm wiuca otmort ta uibbu uhbiiw.

-i' Alliiss, XJAxPCUt, POhBaher. miTtryt mm mmmmrq st, rcath'r Dnrters, CcnUca asters i maa, JpriPT wi-- tasraaamtL taHoasss, format. wtoi oavm of aay s.mbii wiM mm vot By bmR. pbbbhp. rtBBtor casta.

Por BS-oma bVwm. maArd Jt Bar mm, BIAS. a Bow later Abase diwrst Pamlra.atwfsca, jaa Xa. bsbbwoA at mtwrm Boaosaosoor-i nsilsss. ff 'iSBy''' BIT a ijb.

tIKKrJ AIT BAR17r3 if 205 lUia Strwet, IU a. au jtow orrxxDro. -t Yard wide Foulard Silks, at 56c ZA 37c. AMD UOOD I li at zbs AaroKiaHrii.T ixw nicx Forty pr e9asi. Uiasi mmm iwriitj trf hkw 5po oozcir.

a. THE OH BAP EST AU Lineii Handkerchiefj, -5 Si. "trf JP Sa.1i i lit ASXKRtCA. OJTLT, 10 SHILLINGS PER DOZEN. Just Opened by i muKKAY, cvsimrsa ev grant, BMMsiaat, Smarirea Hotol Block.

Jea FOULARD SILKS; 1 371-2 cents per yd. worth 62 SOW OFFMMXD BAT, CVnMDiO Ma AAHTd. Ansertema Hotel Block. PRINTED LAWNS, 12 1-2 eta. per yard worth 25 eta.

p. yd. HUB RAY, CtTBfMXNO dk UBANT, -Aaserleaa Hotel Block. REMOVAL. The Sobocriber has BgMOTCD HIS- STOCK.

OT A A EI AORIX7 (7 JlTUKAIj TOOAS dfc 8IIDB, to btobs, ITS MAIN BTKIB BlT MO. One door from flc of Senses, forsieriy eeeapied by Mossn. Titos. Frauen Co. where no wonia no asppy so see his triends and the public 1 Bare, a iarfs and ebeiee 01 and Flower Seeds, To which I would iarito Kwcial attearJosu Mr utack of PLOWS is ths hmmt fat Wanton Maa York.

rnclndinc Starhnck's cetebrated Flows, the Krie Co. nnr ixom ooam rtW aau owar eooa vaneiies. FLOW-FOISTS LAHE-SIDES, "3T flesis aall ssd examine stock aad prices. WAIiTBK P. KKL.L.OUO, sshSStf 178 Bfala street.

BIB GrxH 1T4 MAIN STBBBT. The rahserlbers haviar formed a copartnership as ire now receiTirw direct from tbe mo-t DonoJar Fao- torios of Karopo and AuMrica their iin( 40k ot PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, WINDOW CURTAIUM, dfce. dVe. all tbo hi and BoS koaatifai aoaicaa. Oar Wholesale Department Is annsoally fall.

Alt of which aro iliii il to the trade at Mew York prices at tha old stand. NO. 174 MAIM, M. H. BIRflE.

H. M. MONlSOMCTT. sabttseB 1860. Spring Stock.

1860. PAPER HANGINGS, Whofesmle eV Retail, AT RDBBIK 973 MAIN STKBBT, (Opposite the Chnrchas.) H. WHITE, Ben to inform his Mandatha ho Im mow In. hi. SPiUMO STOCK of Paper Hangings, Borders DECORATION Fross tbe sect AMERICAN, ANO INGI48B whieh.

with his farawr stock, nvkee tba lariMt sod arart vviod anooronaao sest of Haw York, whieh ba offered lower ikas eanhs bmcht else here. "great liidoeementsto cash apl3trrl3 JUL J. B. QIFF0E1)'3 HOMCEBATHIO REMEDIES. -v OT It is bopeaaihle to jadf-s ajtythia- of tho vahM of a Bwdicine by tbe manoor la which rk Is po.

Bad aad as tolled in iioaspapar advorttsasssata. Ws sse aot easapoUee to resort to aay seek BMthods to diwsa of oar iibi Iii. Bar their tntrinaie sserits atooa are solllas thoasaaSMtas wa can prepare tbeav, AU who are ia want of a SATX, CONTKiTIBNT AMD XmCUUTT MBmClNK, ar. iifoini to tho foBowinc list af Oittora't pare aad taMahle Hoaaeeethis CATARRH AND HBADACHX noaaaono, vororo, aosssissa. ana carra VI LU.

Ull.ll, uuwi IN COUttH nuM, for Coochs, aa, Bore Tnioau aausna. CROUP PUIS, tat and hoarse Coach, an DTdPBPTU) PILL. Cor rjisijuala, OeostipattDa, IndV taction, weak and soar Btonaith, Xpilopsy Menial Vecoeodiasa, Myaoeaoadrav Lrror aad Kio- Mr BILXJOUti PILLS. af Ltm, Laat sad peprarod Appetiw, sad Jaandio. lalkotom, Cboiora hvurbaa.

Choke, (iriplas. aad sA a U1AJUU1 a WJM LWTBM. vnsiRT. I Byssntery, Cholara PILK3 PILLS, tbr Constipation. Blind aad Btosdiaf Pfiaa MTIR PILLS, foraU foima of rrots, Coasastioaa.

Ij- BaBaxi ulnatlona and PMarisy. 'MEUKOTIO, for HarroBS BTtlaaOKy, I Siai TuothamdM. SiMualais. aad ali awl ina. iliiiM SCROFULA PILLS ittt flrt-itslsr ntr-lHnta.

IrrmpUaa.of tha okia, Krypolas, Bora diKharaa from tha Kara. FKMALE PILLS, for acaaty, sashfal aad saprissatd Manstroatiosv, Laaearrhes, Psoras Manses, aad If taring WORM PTLL8, tor Worms, Wens levee. asosavaaa wvnui us OT Thess re ms flies sre wot Bp ta hssatlfnUy We hare also prepared Cases, whieh esolaia one box of eaehof tho twalronawiio. tor the Baa of; slao, assaU Cases, osotaiaise; six boxes oaeh, lor tho aa of tra- vollerajfce. frico oftsree Caass, eosdaiulas twelve Baaaay situ.

of 32 Maw ssaafl Casss, $133. For siasi hexes, with rati J. MX. eiPPORO CO. tmT" Bold by O.H.P.

CHAVPUM, SB) Mate eLaoraorel Fast sawJa. Whols.als snd Botafl Aaaa SW ath Life, Eire and TJarine Insurance Co. DapthW aWWBApa. Oaprtal tLSSajes. Hew Torsi Ufa I) cspflaisurtfune.

ArtAansPal E3rRhiktakra (rem Oad to Twentv-Ptva TBoasaad OoXSra. ApoHcattaoosa he mado to OA VIS LUUB. M.eahaahy Jksrbaaa. or GtU, W. AU.F.B, BarT.ya April J877 BewHsatiiiisi ssis risirswmiattajsao thsr uaiB.ii.

i. aaai i ma a a. tL. AJaawy, Mow Tarh AO) P.M aad 3PM Thoti imn af tks fwi balHI i atf.M OagaaoayealyoaoaBiilmatBaia ateaias- at Aal P.BL, eapolyiBn aa th. exaepuas the smsS way rUjarpWaaod WaeBamtsaAotrrat--- aad Varssas, saul, ra Atuas, caSy, tmuam BoBdayaJat 3 33 A.

aU Momsilsont eotlisTwMoooao- 2S nro daily (exeoot Pwodayr at U3 A. B. mmm nwiwug, mmij, tBaaaaa eaa las vmaitaTly, is MBtBw w.otl P. I onaosro, I BOB! 1 latt P.M Wont Fslla. aailyAaxaaat oaBdvra,) af I a I kme H.MIB1II ii umma.

f-- am- Tails. dui saaaTa3 ttrM Al. IteBeBptOBOitav.t bi B3 A. M. ft, MaoaioaBd Luaumi SL SL aBHT.amt roa BL M.

mA. tnoflu-, v. ay. IIMl melllil' 11 ii mibimbub BmlM- A saenod Mau ia smdaap tor Bhtsh BseV.tor Bars sstiu at Aat P. tr-o win a onaaao ate A.

m. aea rims, ir.M. oi Bw4d hssaspbs.stek an isssss ot oa- 0oidm, TTaavaiaass. IsBasw 1 all nauiat traohiasof too IAso mmm frtro bAbw Coaanmay. Haw Xewff.

fi ensue wMtaewssi.siinsss 5 TTn vTii nrr'Tta iff ifllim ln1.i.aBllhi..aHj aad 3 P. M. way mail ta ChMBawd at a A. JUaad ahoM. snosofthe BestoraMail atSP.kT Lockport Mad, dtaW, oxopt at AJSP, Bta.

1 Baa P.M. kaaaoo Mtfu. nL i-ollllEED, BUTLEU ft Ca OeeeBseorstondneoyftOa.) KO. IBM' MAIN ATatBBT' aaad the Pahrkarioa. ef tha IlW lerk, Boitom uiri THiflafrtTLyy Vj i Hew Books.

blBl. IB.11- tmhrna, ailBa-aa tar. J. 1 awUorapf. I.

Jsroosivod aad for sale br vf -sii BHTCTV, BTmjBSdfcO-' gotiBwu fhtiw.T a r. ws m. BW 1M30JL31 th fiarmtt. or th Woadarfal rrtrr.i. ajmusmmiM.

-rmr aamaep era! I lararim. th book aaaeaoawy sspr.piiaia on, ta the aot-uo of amy. east. Mtaot jadr, this eaas of Uteratax so recoWad. to Uaraa HarBrit.asBOttiB:olyaadT)BBfamaflaiiiM imlwbm raofle whbb eTBoa.

Abraham Lhacorn: Just rcaeived sad lor sswbr BKKED, BUTLxB ft jel8 tsPhhwey i mC. IMS slaJa atreeX. Vl A -TP- Ai A A Ah.0 Patent IndeHble Pencils IOK M1BK1NO CLOTHIMei PatsatadMayBLUaa. Warranted Perfectly Indelible rpHIS arttola has tt fbBowhw aMIaw'to "pabli stteetfna: A IteaabeaosdBithfraatawe in writias apoa aB kiads efdotoi will not dry aplikeink; willebarpoa waUwithoot biBakisa-. Bosh Poacil will snark ovor sues aniatas.

i Those Panols will last aay length ef time, ia any olimala. BBBM-toftfii S. Hawks, 10 East Seneca St, 'fiUtM Coosa J. 1VI. cTOHNSQN, FIRST CLASS BLANK BOOKS DlllMi BBBDHad at tha UmmTmrm Bams MsaafSftiirBd tn nriln nf eraoahty.

BLANK WORK aaA rTUMTIMBoaoasredal na Copying presses. JUST BKCBITEO A hwa amorlmaot of Oopyinf Pros as, of aa Daw pawarn. which will aoM ehea-par th a ever osfor tfrad ia is l.a, SltSII.BBBJBlllSS. jlt lal Main atr t. BaibdoT Copy ins; Books, Kft PAGZB FraehOmyws Psper.

JUxr 700 pases Preach Copymc rapsr. sue pesos Msao's Copyio; PaBer. ia Biadine warrsaMd. Tersmby M.S.B,, 3M TRANtSPOKTATlON. LAKE STEAMERS! 1860.

th Lake Brie sal Befihle Btessnbeet Company' Splendid Passenger Steamers, CITY OF BUFFALO! 3.100 TOMS BUBTBKM, A. D. PKRKIK0 WESTERN METROPOLIS! TOMS BDBTHEF, tm B. GOLOSM1TU Tl "ii WUI Move Beed Wharf tor CLXTELAMDw altaraamty 1 EJR XKGr. At 1-9 Oleek, Bxeept Baadjry.

co*knectinq at cliviland with expek3s txaiks fob Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, CHICAGO. BT. X.OD1B, dko. BALUtOAD TIOSHTd TALUi FOR OB 8TXAMXB9. "i pm lint ClMm Pusstje Inchidew BwOs sad Stfttw Boom.


T. KDrSMAM, i Ba eommencd her reveler trips toe the toUUIPPK WA, euuaostiaa with the AthtlB AMD O.NTMMIO A1UUAJ. For KIA0ABA FALLS, STJSPK NBIOM BAlOQCsad HIA-; tiAJtA, sad with the STEAMER ZlMMloaMAir, i -h, PUU TOMONTO. The CLIPTOW vitt bm tUtrt mt Brio mtimm 3 A.M. and 3 M.

DAl lUturaior. laave hiatsr Paiii atp.ojABLssmP.M..aart,iJjbailBot 1 P.M and ONB TRIP ONI. ON BCNDATS Lrarlnr Baffalo ot A. Bt end re ta rains, leavine the sail, at 4, and amv at war. a.

Pare to Bhtfars 1'' Bar to Alaaua sails and rstar. Far to Palosowood 3 83 laaviaw BaKhk, atS A. wtn mmm k. st the F-dia. aad at rive at Toronto at 3 P.

at, aad ia of anv otbor raato. ruMfin to tb rail. BWdar rstwra saast dsy, win hT iobj boors st th sahv Mo ethor roato eaa prot ths moil attreettene of sosso-ry and aMsaoncant view. IsXCTJaWlOn FARTIEH ia Paleoowood sod Mlasara Palls wiUb sicoaiamj ibid at gdpiekracaabproearedstth prhxrlpal BstaKea iatk IfWmtaatWB 4W3U1WS1. mBFfrWlm tea P.

BTJBl.PU 1860. Seuan Arras I860. BUFFALO). Port Stanley AOPorl Dorer JAKOOTt dfe FORTBTAKLBT KAIXWATS. Tn Jlrit Clam Btaam Propsnar.

I JST TXT tyaptata oLSBBT FCBLB WmeOmmoBatrr. mhw Blpeea MOTOAT, A pee) 3s, tosae humMteemj Monday and loaves PertBUatey ory WodBaoaay aad o.tBi- day WLt AM. i vproHrbt romivod at FOfrrXK et OOV Dock ot aB ttmoa pad ooiiBBiod te Proaeller ea ailuif daj rro of Ware-hoBMchars'a. -osAlUr hoard.orB apfl A Jr J. JV Vday sod aataniays, fco th abor Porta.

I T- pOTPtBishtorrWappiy to 'WW I1 daatat tsisht the Ctovalaod, lolado aad adsafcy Liaos bock, a. raa um. ana iiim r- juaoi etMMOaasl T.M.UOLK, juse TURNER'S 0 Forest T7ine 5 tWU aHti'la fnmm msmmm. VraH. Jmmmm mm Barks, wnith are salsetod with creat ear tram th ehpineot ar 1UM siao wa proaoeu of many eommm aoaiBtBcd ta ochaBwumor aa to form the BkT ud aUJOr FLKAAAMT Unmmmaemmaxoamaadtatmaaamm.

Th JwJe of borrtaa. Tin nil film lii il Ihi mi II ii nKm'i fisin. Tha hrwht wild fi.siiio Tho op.nio I tho hark offaeaat tr tee Be' It ta aeermra afeBsedy tor Oyaossa all BH- Woman ami taa Ammmtitm aarfatroarihOBtho ayosms thraash t. Aa a Smiip, lt mptoasaot to tho taste. I.

will praovrr th jbeaitb of the aprifLlii taaaai aoana vieo, which ia so iavortaataad aataral tt willprodoosstioneth aad add rosy hiosaa totboaailii 3rior powor both body sad anad. The both tho same wdl fully lismiim tint it. great raJae. AU hoarm 3 aosoaporysaooa. Try oaa aad aB atad to mveistinai utiie moron sesUoamr.

tti TUIaIJEII BBOTIlXltS, Ginger "Wine, Syrups, Cerrlials, BlTrSBB. BATITB WTJfBS, ata. ahv -AT BIBW TOB1C. BVFFALdB, Sbu TnuteiBOO. CmL DEAR FAMILIAR "HAIRS f-TTVbj a 3haweea of ssaaye aff.

tho lno of Bawy hearts aad Myoa nrt has aoa particomT hear tanod OB mod. yB tmm kmmm ia MBir plae loco that yoa sow pamis i. tor no hair a i I bi sj 1000 ae to ao. Anna's Eirs Drc? asd HedJeiae Store Viesh. line Ani rrAoreo o-aJ, sad prim ardor, ma UjmdlseMieaF tO AUtB) OF FKOAlLCB.

A.LaA.MR dke a LL Ooocrifirloo. of Ctaft far stharaoia. sod AvmimtT. a B. BAXslThL woooiaiBraV sSfatm-v tat Mem street, pernor Booth BMstaaw jf BVmewtfceavSimrefcaW Association.

A bt. II. Each member eball provide for him self, et bia owb expense, a glazed bat aad cape. ana bobii pay into tne treasury taa aam ot seventy-five oeata, whieh aball entitle bia to the see ot a torch for parade. Abt.

VI1L It shall bo the daty of members to appear la each torch-light procession daring the ensuing Presidential campaign. Abt IX- See. 1. No boisterona or disorderly eondaet or unnecessary demoastratioa of any kind shslt be allowed. Ste.

2. Any member who refuses or neglects to obey tbe eoekmende of tho officers, or whose conduct te aot ia accordance with this requirement, eball bo liable to be expelled from tho Associa tion. Abt. X. Every maa who will declare bis ad-heeioa to the canoe we maintain, aad that he will be governed by thie Constitution, may enrol his name npon ths list nnd be considered a member.

How is this, Jaxs? The Rochester Democrat, ander the head "Solo," gives the following ae count of officer Exxbick'b practice in Rochester. Jacob, doubtless, acta npon tbe idea that it la better to Murpect ninety-nine innocent atea, thaa that one guilty one should be suffered to escspe. The Democrat has it: Offier Emerick, of Buffalo, waa here last Saturday with a boy earned Uiley, destined for the House of Refuge, and having safely disposed of bis prisoner, sot himself about a sesreb after two boys wbo left Buffalo for Rochester a day or two before be did. It seems tbat wbea tbe boys paid for their tickets at tbe railroad office, they made a big ehow of funds having apparently large rolls Of bills in their possession and the astute Boffalo officer jumped at once to the conclusion that they bed been stealing. Bo when Emerick eame dowa he thought be would be very eharp aad find eat where the lads obtained so maoa money.

He louad the objects of his suspicion in a billiard saloon, we believe, and having taken them into a frivate room, solemnly searched their pockets. he big rolls were there yet, bnt oa examination it waa found that all the money la them did aot amount to more than fifteen or sixteen dollars. One of the boys bad wrapped hia pile around an old stocking to make it look large, while the basic of tbe other-ooy's roll waa a piece of a newspaper. Mr. Emerick eonclnded that be wse sold and took the next train for Bafleto, leaving-the boys to obacklo over bia diooomQture." PoUCB COUBT.

BlFOBB JrjBTICB BlDWXLL. Tbe hooks of the Police Jostice did not furnish a single case this morning, from which it may ba inferred that everybody Is behaving him and her self with decency aad in order. Sgr-OvBBHBBT's Balm Is the beat external remedy la existence. 25 eta a bottle. ap26t24 WiobI Wwb! 1 Wioil I Batchblob'b Wioa and TotrrxBS surpass alL They are elegant, light, easy and durable.

Fitting to a charm no turning np behind bo shaking off the head; indeed, thia ia the only Establishment where' these things are properly understood and made 10 Bond Street, New York. Bhl6tl5dAc. Hi ib Dtx! Haib Dtb! 1 HaibDtbI 11 Wx. A. Batchblob'b Haib Dtb! 7b Original and bett as the World 1 1 AH othera are mere Imitations, aad should be avoided, if yea wish to escape ridicule.

Ubat. Rbd, or Rubtt Haib Dyed Instantly to a beantiful and Natural Brown or Black, without injury to the Hair or Skin. Fiptbbx Mbbaxb abd Diplomas have been awarded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1839, aad over applications have been made to the Hair of the Patrons of this famous Dye.

Wm. A. Batchblob'b Haib Dtb produces a col or not to be distinguished from nature, and ia war ranted aot to injure ia tbe least, however long it rasy be continued, and the ill-effects of Bad Dye remedied; the Hair invigorated for Life by tbia Splendid Dye. Sold In all cities and towns of tbe United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Tbe Genuine haa tbe name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four eidea of each Box, of William A- Batorblob, mhl6U5dAo 16 Bond Street, New York.

tW Moffat's Li fb Pills abb Phoinix Bittbbs In oases or Scrofula, Ulcer, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the skin, the operation of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing, in a few days, every vestige ot these loathsome diseases, by tbeir parirying effecte on the blood. Bilious and Liver Complaints, fever aad Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, aad la abort, meet all diseases, cooa yield to their curative properties. No family should ba without them; aa by their timely use much suffering aad expense may be caved. ease by William B. Moffat, M.

No. 335 Broadway, New York. And by all druggists. mj74ctmy Dbad Shot 1 The neatest aad most reliable ox- fob I terminator ia nee. Faithfully ap- so-duos puea, tt remains one year a trap, ready aet for these noxious tormentors of our nihilf rest, tbb I Destroys Flies instantly.

Every LiGBTHixe I Sheet will kiU a Quart. Commence Fit Killbsl. early and tbe howse may bfr-kept clear of Fliee all Summer. Both articles for sale by the draggiata everywhere. Send a lor a sam ple sheet to L.

L. DriTCHXB tt Sox, St. Albans, Tt McKbsoox A RosBras, New-York, M. Tottlb, Aubnrn, Wholesale Agents. btawt A bTBATro a CXAix or Katiobal MsaCAMTTLSrCoLLXOxa.

The moat extensive sa tabliabment ot tho kind lata United States. Boosts opea day aad For further information -call a the CbDege Rooms; or aend for tha aew Clrc alar aad Cata logue. Address Bbtaxt A Btbatwov, At BaSblo, Albaay, Cleveland or Cbieage M. TAYLOR'S ADVERIIS KATXONAJ. EDITION OW IRVXlSTGr'S -WORKS.

'I'his rn rompH or tbb works or wasb- mtstvix in i mi mrianins ine UM am Umo wta arm not pobliMiiaa, TUB oDBaCBXSCU OMLT, Ot MOiiTBXY TOLPbTSSL Si atXAca. Beantifally pristed oa heavy Bamorlee Kasa-tlBted Taper, af tha vory seat aaaety. and anbtaatiallv fcrnoa ia baavy kv4lad board. AWuA FateaM tiimMrmUd witk Kirmtttm am SUM mm Taa odi.Mo will easoid esetaarvar sabsBribsrs, aad I 1 TT imr liiitms masil CaUi M. TATLOK, Mate Street.

Sole Asat far SaAala aad CrJeGaury. BieoxAiwT a SMUKrr IsTnrs inclodincliis aom eCbvlns'a ocas. oabscrJntiew reeervad by Asbwot fob Bl Imnw a Ca's SosacBamasr Baou bdadne the Maw luriesa Sgyrlopl ami Xsassa's Abrieiit af twsatasia Gaaanaa. ATM.TATXOBTS ml ZL TAYLOR, 293 UAUT T8 speeM araot for tba i BebneaUeos af tho Jbnawkaj I a a. JiAKN Ka BUBtC, I oHELDON OU BHELDON CO, Aa BlINTLEiWB.

I dee SSU'S, TAOOEO ms CHA8X, W. RtgVB. G(il, l.l A tmd an nana a no mil at at. TATLOR, BB) Xaia street. eAJs-BabiOMSonjaataea.

'is Wa KtaOBBoa, i bass Laeairs i SO sacs Jaanoca CoOra. i Farsslaattbe lswaat aaarket erice br Chequered atwra. TJt WsBhingtoajt. VI Of) sales Otaaro Bon fm )rr A.ikfcjLSA.taeatrsl arkarf. waaa at rafciisearr oriuas.

-aaayte -jp. ettm. 'Jm'i msts Ki. tip tm ft i t.I riJf Uf. dV A.

The Buffalo Commercial from Buffalo, New York (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.