St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


Louis Daily Market Reporter: BEANS Easier. CABBAGE Good quality firm. CARROTS Steady to firm. CA LIFLOW ER Easy. GREENS Home-grown weak, spots lower.

TOMATOES Easy'. RAPES Easier. PRUNES Stronger. POTATOES 100-lb sks, west. red.

No. 1. $3 3.25: white. No. 1.

$2.50 3.25: russets. nor, red, white, b-g, box, wliite. straw cobs, 100 lbs, $2.50. ONIONS 50-lh sks, west, yel. 75c $1.40: wldte.

$1.351.50: nor yel. 85 aOc: white, $1.40: Sou, S5i90c: h-g yel. 75c $7 $1 white. white pickling, $34; 111. 15 lbs, $1.10.

BEANS H-g hoi $1.500 2.25: mainly $2 'o 2.25; flats $1 it 1.25; Ky. round 2 2.25. HITTER BEANS H-g shelled pks $3.75 4.50; Mich, limas 12 Qts $1.75 (it 2. BEETS H-g dos bchs 25 40c; boxes cut BRUSSELS SPROTTS Calif. 25 lbs $4.50.

BROCCOLI Nor. 50 ska CABBAGE Nor. 50 1b sks red h-g bu 65c. SPROUTS H-g box 50c. CARROTS West, crts Nor.

50 lbs $1.40: h-g bchs 2561 30c. CAULIFLOWER Colo, crts $2.15 2.40: N.T. crts $3.25. CELERY Mich, doz bchs 50 6 55c; West. Vz crts pascal $2i 2.75.

CELEKT CAJ1BAUE H-g box 75c. CORN H-g per dos 30 6 41c; net to CHICAGO, Sept. 26 AF) A ni 21-year high lor wheat futures was established In the grain piu today, but the market bid difficult) In maintaining extreme adrauccs. The January wheat delivery rose above $2.04. Corn advanced to the best levels since Aug.

Ion busing stimulated by possibility ceilings vill lie removed, or at least temporarily suspended, on cattle ami hogs. Oats were under profit -taking throughout biom of the session and showed independent weakness. In cavh markets cm nas strong as processors bid for the grain in fear of a drying tin of supplies in commercial channels If livestock ceilings are abolished. Hid for new crop shipped by Oct. 15 rose to $1.65, up 2.0 cent- a bushel.

Weakness in oat spread to other pits toward the close and final price mere lower. Wheat cloed doira to 1 Vie, Jamiars 52.02: cirn was off to Jannari $1.41 'slS i. and oats dropped to lWc, jsotember SOU He. LOCAL CASH GRAIN. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, Sept.

26 In the cash grain market today wheat was lc higher; dales six cars. Oats we-e lc higher, aale. twr cam. Two cars of com sold. Wheat No.

1 red winter $2.13 2.14; sample grade red winter. $2 04 i 2.05 sample grade light garlicky 12.05; No. 2 hard. $2.07. corn 1 yellow, No.

2 yellow, $2 01. Oats No. 1 white. 86c: No. 1 mixed, 86c.

LOCAL GRAIN RECEIPTS. Local gain receipts today, a week ago am! Is year ago were: Wheat, 26 cars, 16 and 20; corn. 15. 1 and 29; oats, 11, 13 and 14; barley, 15. 11 and 14.

growers growers CI 'CI ENDIVE (JARLIC J2 Cfl j5r. COI.LAitli.K H-g bu 35c. HERS Nor. bu $3 9 4. H-g boi $1J 1.50.

H-g box 25(40c. Calif, per lb 20 24c. ONIONS H-g do bchs 2535c. ll-g pks 4 qts 50c. HORSERADISH Bulk per cwt net to No.

1 $15f-(16: No. 2 $7 SS. KALE Hg bu 25i 30c. KOHLRABI H-g bchs doi 65 (5 75c. LEEKS H-g bchs doa 75c.

LETT LCE West crts 4s-5s $3.5034.50: leaf bu 15 30c. SI1KUOMS Mldw Dts 30 0135,.. ih, 65c. STARI) H-g box 10(g25c. PARSLEY H-g bchs box PARSNIPS Nor.

bu Sl.35fil.50: bu $1.40: No. 7 75c. PEAS Colo, bu $4 Son. Mack eve and per lb h-g crowder bu eve CiRAFES Calif, lugs, fat auction) $3.15 itnfandel. S3.

40; Mich, 12 uts, PLUMS Mich, damson, bu. northwest Italian prunes bu. $2.653. CANTALOUPES Calif, jumbo crts, S3.2S 4.25: Colo and Kan. $2 (S3.

HONET DEW MELONS West, crts, $1.75 2.50. WATERMELONS 111, 35c each; Mo, 15 25c. EGGS ADYANCE I TO 2 CENTS, BUTTER ANOTHER CENT UP ST. LOUIS BUTTER AND POULTRY EXCHANGE, Sept. 26 The egg and poultry market as reported by "The St.

Louis Daily Market Eggs were 1 to 2c higher. Young hen turkeys were 2c higher. Butter, 89 score, lc higher. ElitiS iiasc price of receiers to ahippers, cases returned. Wholesale reselling generall? above these prices.

Extras, 50c; standards, 46c; current receipts. 44c; pullets, 34c. Poultry Paying prices of wholesale receivers to shippers: Fowls, heavy breeds. 34c; leghorn, 28c; nearby roasters, fryers and broilers. 44c; Ark.

and similar roasters, fryers and broilers (load lotsi, 47(4Sc: leshoru fryers, 36c; black chickens. 30c: No. 2 chickens. 15i 18c. eld roosters.

21c; ducks, vouog white 25c old dark or email 20c: geese. 22c; turkeys young hens 41c, young toms 36c; old hens 33c, old toms 29c; guineas, young 47c. old 20c: dressed squabs '9 lbs per dos and tip SOc- under 9 lbs. 60c; pigeons (dozen), $1 BUTTER Extras. 78r; 90 score, 77c; and S9 scores.

75 He per lb. BUTTE RF AT No. 1 at 78c; No. 2 at 75e net country stations. FUNERAL DIRECTORS NORTH LEIDNER UNDERTAKING 2223 St.

Louis. CH. 1654. Established 1859 NORTHWEST CALVIN T. EEI TZ FUNERAL HOME, 4828 Natural Bridge.

EV. 2787. DREIIMANN HAHI1AL CHAPEL, 1905 Union hi. M1J. 4783.


7027 Gravois. FL. 2600. WEST EDITH E. A.MP.R1STER Serving St.

Louis since 1S97. 4053 Lindell bL JK. 9100. ALEXANDER A. SONS' Service Chapel 6175 Delniar.

CA. 0337. CEMETERIES MOUNT HOPE MAUSOLEUM the on! mausoleum in South St. Louis; select choice crypts now. small down payment, easy terms, no interest: non sectarian; perpetual care In the garden of beauty.

Street car or bus to entrance for one fare. Mount Hope Cemetery Mausoleum 1215 Lemay Ferry rd. HI 8600. OAK GROVE The finest cemetery, mausoleum, crematory; non-sectarian: perpetual charter and car. 7800 SU Charles rd.

CA. 8606. LAKE CHARLES The Burial Tark of Natural Beauty. 7725 St. Charles rd.

PA. 1760. SUNSET BURIAL PARK Beautiful non-sectarian; perpetual care: terms. 101S0 Gravois rd. SWifton 2661.

SECURE two well located crypts in Valhalla mausoleum at reduced price. Box K-153. Post-Dispatch. FLORISTS THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL beautiful spray of large Picardy gladi-olas and bow to match, $5. Call CE.

5000. GRIMM ft COHLET. NETTIE'S FLOWER GARDEN Funeral spravs, $3.50 up: baskets, $5 up. 3801 S. Grand, GR.

9600. Open daily to 8:30 p.m., closed Sundays all day. FUTURE MATRICES MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. Sept. 26.

High. Low. Close. PrerTl'lose. h-g 60 WHEAT.

Ml MI h-g crouder Oil Jan 2044 201 202 203iib Chi 199 3w 197U 197 si 19i.i hi May 195 193-U 194, KCDec 196H 195 195 195'g Mav 1S7', 18i 17 lK7w Min 202 i-j 200 201 1,3 201 Va oiacK CORN. lingers Chi Jn 1441-i 141 Chi Mar 140. 13S Chi May 139U 1361 141 --a142iw 138H-2l3S7, 136S 137H 1391 1401 136b 134n 1411,3 139 KC Jan KC Mar PEPPERS H-g green box, 25 75c; Bulgarian, 90c: green finger 40c; red pks. pimento, 40c. RADISHES H-g dos bchs, 10 15c; white, 15c.

RHCliAltR H-g hchs doz 30 50c. KOMAINE Wis. bu. $2.25. Rl TARAUAS Con.

50 lbs. $1.101.25. SALSIFY H-g dos 70c. SPINACH H-g bu- box, 151 40c. SQIASH H-g white box aeom.

75S90c; hubbard. 75c; pie pumpkin 60 65c. SWEET POTATOES Sou crts Puerto Riran, h-g nanoT hall, bu, $lfc 1.25: Puerto Rican, S1.251.50. TOMATOES H-g. $1 2.50.

select $2.7533: Mich. 12 qts, J1.25(&1.50; 111. 10 lh. 85c TCRNirs H-g dod bchs, 25 35c; box 50 65c. TURNIP TOPS H-g box 15 25e.

rhi Not 81 SOU 80J.4-H 81 Chi re0 79 1 7S i-j 78 79 a- hi Mar 7R1 74 7a 75 76U Chi Mav 75H 734 73 75-1 Mm Dec 751a 7 3 7 7 514 BARLEY. Chi Not 146 145U 146 1454 Chi Dec 146b 1459 146b 145 Opening prices at Chicago were: Wheat $2.04: March. $1.984 Mav. 3.9514. lorn $1.43 i 1.42'i March, 31.39Lj: M.

$1.38 Oats S1H 81c; 79H 783-ic; March. 7 6 14 St 75c: May, 751,4 75c. liarley J1.45U. FRUIT MARKET. NEW APPLES 111.

bu. Tarious varieties No. 1. $2 44.25; Man-colored. $2.75 (5 4.25: lower grades $1.50 (ft 3.25 Mich, ion.

$3i 3.50: east green. $2.25: Jon $2.10 i3: Wash, box, h-g box $li 2: culls and drops. 50(5 75c CRANBERRIES Mass, 25 lbs, $7.75 8 25 BANANAS Impt. per cwt, bchs, $6.99 ft cut. $7.50 7.64: 30 lbs, $2.25 (n 2.30.

CRAB APPLES Mich, hu, 3.50. TEACHES Mich, bu, elbertas, $2.75 small. $2.50. GRAPEFRUIT Calif, box (at auction $1.501 1.60. UNIT QUOTATIONS.

Nomina! unit bid Quotations as furnished by the National Association of Security Dealers. toe AernnautSee AffiliatedFlnc AmRusShrs BullockFuud CenturyShrsTr ChemicalFund "nividendShrs V.31 4.52 MasslnvestTr 4.26 do2dFdInc 14.36 26. 48 14.26 18.33 Nor.niTrShl956 2.82 30.07 PutnamGFund 15.32 14.23 RepublnvFund 1.51 SeleotedAmSh 24.4S StateStlnvest 3.69 12.81 50.00 18.75 18.32 7.96 24.23 WelMngtonGund ORANGES Calif, box (at auction), $3.50 6.55. LEMONS Calif, box (at auction), $5 7.75. I PEARS West, box, h-g.

box.1 kiefer. 75f90r: graded, ripe. nroupSecAriation Tneorplnvest NOTICE! CREMATORIES OAK GROVE CHAPEL and Crematory; tne newest and finest in St. Louis. 7S00 St.

ChaMes rd. CA. 8606. VALHALLA CHAPEL OF MEMORIES Crematory, mausoleum cemetery, 7800 St. Charles rd.

CA. 4900. MISSOURI CHAPEL AND CREMA- 1QKT, Sublette. HI. 4305.

DEATHS BR0CKSM1TH, LOUIS F. 7203 Michigan. Sept. 25. 1946, 12:40 beloved husoand of Epuie Brock- smith fnee Martini, dear father of lara Herold.

Lucille Paule. Alary Dressier and Herman L. Brocksmlth. our ear Drotner. brother-m-law.

father-m aw, grandfather, sreat-crandfather and uncle. Funeral Sent. 28. 10 a.m.. rom JOS.

P. FENDLEH JR. Funeral Home. 7128 Michigan at Naeel. In- ernient Park Laun Cemetery.

CLARKE, OWEN JOHN Entered Into Test Sept. 24. 1946. at Al buquerque, New Meiico, beloved husband of Adele Thomas Clarke, dear son of Anns lirady Clarke and the late Owen larke, our dear nephew and cousin. Funeral from the LAWRENCE MUL LEN A SON'S Funeral Parlors.

5165 Delmar Sept. 27. 8:30 a.m.. to Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery.

Remains will mre in a.m. CORONA, CLARA (nee Lynch) 7218 Minnesota. Sept. 25. 1946, 11:15 a.m..

beloved wife of Christ Co rona, dear mother of Flora Holte, Marita-ret McDonald, Alice Jolinson, Delores, Oscar, Carlos and Lawrence, our dear sister, sister-in-Jaw, mother-in-law, grandmother and aunt. Funeral Sept. -js, 1:30 p.m., from JOSEPH P. FENULER JR. Funeral Home.

712S Michigan at Nagel. Interment PaH- Lawn Cemetery-. 0 A MS, THEODORE Formerly of 3422 Wyoming. Sept. 23.

1946, beloved husliand of First Lt. Sallle V. Dahms, A.N.C.. dear son of Mary Oahms, our dear son-m-iaw, oroinei. brother-in-law and uncle.

Funeral from C. HOFFMEISTEU Chapel, 7814 S. Broadway. 27, 8:30 a.m., to Holy family nurrn. Interment National cemetery.

Menioer St. Lonis Chapter No. 1, D.A.V. D.A.V. services 8 p.m.

DAVIS, VERONICA (nee Finnejan) Sept5. 1946. beloved wife of the lute Ri Davis, daughter of Catherine Finneyan and the late Daniel J. sister of John William. Hugh, Judte James P.

Finneean, Sister Miriam Catherine and Ms. Joseph atnran. Funeral from ARTHUR J. DON NELLY Parlors. 3840 Lindell Sept.

27. 8:30 a.m.. to Church of the Epiphanv, Smiley and Ivanhoe. Inter ment Calvary. DUGAN, MARY AGNES 4617 Bircher Sept.

24. 1946, beloved sister of Mrs. Michael Gilfovle. Mrs. Harry T.

Quick. Mrs. Michael Burke. Thomas A. and John W.

Dugan. and the late Katherine Dugan, dear aunt of John A. Dugan. Funeral from BENS1EK NIEHAUS Mortuary. 1431 Union Sept.

27, 8:30 a.m.. to St. Engelbert's Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery. DAVIS, WILLIAM THOMAS 3803 Oakridge.

entered into rest Tr- Sept. 24, 1946. dear husband or uie late Kathryn Davis, dear father of Nona Mae Bibb, Estelle Prott and Pauline Ezell. our dear brother, grandfather and uncle. Mr.

Davis will lie In state at SHEP- ARI) Funeral Home. 1167 Hamilton, until 12 noon Sept. 27. Funeral same day at 2:30 p.m. from West Tark Haptist Church.

Hodiamont at Wells. Interment Memorial Park Cemetery. Mr. Davis was a member of Carpenter's Union No. 185.

PFTFH 1 fil rTrTvT Sept. 24. 1946. beloved husband of Agnes Farek (nee Peknik), dear father of Agnes and William Farek, dear broth' er, brother-in-law and uncle. Funeral Sept.

28, 8:30 a.m. from MOYDELL'S, Mississippi and Allen to Holy Trinity Church, 9th and Soulard. Interment New SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Member of St.

Mary society and St. tncent Dc Paul Sncity. GLAtSSER, NICHOLAS W. Sept. 25, 1946.

brother of Albertina Kahlcker and Augusta Bau and friend of Edward J. Adams. Funeral from the ALEXANDER Chapel, 6175 Delmar 2 p.m to Hiram Cemetery. Member of Brewers ar-d Maltsters I nion. Loral No.

GRIMM. WILLIAM E. 3044 Tennyson Overland, fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church. Sept 26. 1946, 4:25 a.m..

beloved husband of Clara J. Grimm (nee (leersl. dear father ot Mrs. Clara Stangl. Mary L.

and Thomas Grimm, our dear father-in-law, grandfather, brother-in-law and uncle. Funeral from CALVIN F. FEITZ Funeral Home, 4828 Natural Bridge, Sept. 28. 8 a.m..

to St. Gregory Church in St. Ann's Village. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Parking rear of chapel.

GROTE. HERMAN Beloved husband of Clara Grote (nee Miller), dear father of Blanche Pais and George -Nine, dear brother of Theodore. Hugo. Otto. Martha Krollinan and Agnes Behring, dear uncle, nephew and brother-in-law.

Funeral Sent. 28. 9:30 a.m.. from GOODHART GOODHART Funeral Home, 2228 St. Louis to New Betn-lehem Cemetery.

HARDT. AMANDA D. (nee Sehaersf) 5745 Tholozan, Sept. 24, 1946, dearly beloved wife of John T. Hardt, dear mother of John w.

ana James ri. Hardt. dear daughter of Mrs. Emma Schaerpf, dear sister, sister-in-law, mother-in-law and aunt. Funeral from KRIEGSHAUSETt Mor tuary, 4228 S.

Kingshighway Sept. 27, 2 p.m. to auiaua cnapei of Memories. HESS. ARDIE D.

Sept. 1946, beloved husband of Katherine Hess. dear son of Mrs. Caroline Hess, aear brother of Mabel Kaye, dear uncle and brother-in-law. Funeral from EDITH E.

AMBRI STEH Chapel F'uneral Home. 4053 Lindell. 2 p.m. Interment Memorial i-ara; r.m,t,rv. HOFFM ANN," MARY JANE Of 1, Bluff Court, St.

Clair Hills. Sept 23. 1946, mother of Mrs. Margaret Shultz, Mrs. Catherine Schoenstein, Miss Helen Hoffmann.

Funeral from BURKE Funeral Home, 3300 State East St. Louis. 111., a.m., to et. j-nnnp tnurcn. interment armei emerery.

JANSSEN. ERNEST C. Sept. 25. 1946, uncle of Mrs.

Talton J. F'raneis and Mrs. Eugene T. Senseney of St- Louis. Mrs.

Ward Gifford and Mrs. Jay Wooldridge of Kansas City, Paul Coste of Jamestown, R.I. F'uneral service 1:30 p.m.. WAGONER Chapel. 4161 Lindell.

JETT, SARAH ISABELLE (BELL) Sept. 25. 1946, 5 a.m., dear sister of Mrs. Leona Love of Laverne, Robert Jett of Bell, Mrs. Linda Holt of Sedalia, and the late Amanda Jett, dear aunt, great-aunt and sister-in-law, Funeral from SCHNUB Funeral Home, 3125 Lafayette, Sept.

28, 2 p.m. Interment Oak Grove Cemetery. JOBE, ALFRED M. 3846 Lincoln, entered into rest at Hines, 111., Sept. 23.

1946. 12:30 a.m.. beloved husband of Kate Jobe (nee Schaefer), dear father of Hardee and Mary E. Falk. dear brother of Harry and Edward Jobs and Mrs, Annie Mitchler, our dear father-in-law, brother-in-law and uncle.

Funeral Sept. 27. 1 p.m., from MATH HERMANN SON'S Chapel. Fair and W. Florissant av.

Interment National Cemetery. Jefferson Barracks. Mo. A memlier of Hamilton Fish Camp No. 1 Spanish War Veterans.

KILLINGER. JOHN C. 2328 Albion pi. Sept. 24, 1946.

5:25 p.m., dear husband of the late Lena Michler Killincer (nee Moeder). dear stepfather of Alfred and Walter Michler. Mrs. Clara Maher and Mrs. James Morrissey, dear brother, father-in-law, uncle, grandfather and great-grandfather, at the age of 77 years.

Funeral from SCHNX'R Funeral Home. 3125 Lafayette, Sept. 27, 2:30 p.m. Interment Concordia Cemetery. Deceased was member of Carpenters Union Local 73.

Tlease note change of time. KRAMER, DIEDRICH H. (DICK) On Sept. 25, 1946, beloved husband of Emilie Kramer, dear father of Maria K. Bohlfing, Richard and Carl Kramer and our dear father-in-law, brother-in-law, grandfather and uncle.

Funeral from WITT Chapel, 2929 S. Jefferson 2 p.m., to Sunset Burial Park. Deceased was a member of St. Louis Butchers' Verein and Brewery Workers Local No. 259.

KRIEG, MARY (ne Fetsch) 3S44A Juniata, fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church, Sept. 24, 1946, Beloved mother of Marie A. Connelly, dear sister, mother-in-law, nand-tnother. great-grandmother and aunt. Funeral Sept.

27. 8:30 a.m. from MOYDELL'S. Mississippi and Allen to Pope Pius Church. Interment Old SS.

Peter and Paul's Cemetery LEWIS, M0R1TZ Sept. 25. 1946, be-loved husband of Annie Lewis, dear father of William D. and Walter Lewis. Mrs.

Tetta Niman, Mrs. Birdie Katz and Mrs. Celia Glaser of San Francisco, our dear father-in-law, brother-in-law and uncle. Funeral from the BINDSKOPP Chapel. 5212 Delmar 1 p.m., to B'Nai Amoona Cemetery.

McN ALLEY, MARY E. (AUNT MOL-LIE) (Nee Mathews). Sept. 26. 1946.

6 a.m.. beloved wife of the late Michael McNalley, dear sister of Mrs. Ann Hussey. our dear aunt. Funeral from JOSEPH J.

QUINNS Parlors, 1389 Union Sat. Tune later. MUELLER. LOUIS F. 22 Parkland, Glendale, Sept.

26. 1946. dear father of Louis George, Elsie, Sophie and Mrs. Charles J. Boda, dear brother, brotber-in-law, father-in-law.

grandfather and uncle. Funeral 2 p.m.. from MIVI'EL-BERG Funeral Home, 23 W. Lock wood Groves. NEGRIN.

ANNA M. 2601 Union Sept. 26. 1946, beloved wife of Louis F. (Murphy) N'egrin, dear mother of Mrs.

Lvdia Shelton and Clara L. N'egrin. our dear sister and aunt. Fun-ral from DREHMANN-HARR AL Chapel, 1905 Union Sept. 28.

2 p.m. Interment Memorial Park carpet, auG cleaning ACE BUG CO. NEwstead 3314; 9il2 rug chemically cleaned: S3.25; 2-pc. tiling room set. $8.95: all work guarantied and insured; fra.

pickup and delivery. ACTS RUO 2631 Delmar EXTRA SPECIAL 9x12 chemically reno-vated through and through. sized free. FURNITURE SERVICE. 3404 Walnut.

NE. 38.18. SPECIAL' 9x12 rug. cleaned and aized, $3.25. Fenrtwe Cleaners, 3825 West Florissant.

EV. 9136. FROM foundation to roof; genera) con-structton and repair. Evans Contracting Company. 862 Greeley.

RK, 7828. RESIDENTIAL REPAIRS Torches raised: book shelves made to order. Calvert, 7114 Greenway. CO. 536S.

ALL KINDS REPAIRING 25 years. Kelly. 4554 Lexington. GO. 6228.

CARPENTERS and general repair work. SULL1NS. 3538 Magnolia. SI. 3259.

CARPENTRY and repair work. Ragland, 4066 Lindell. FH. 3893. CARPENTER Building and repairing.

MOORE. 4448 Cottage. mi. 2667. GENERAL repairs, porches, garage.

Lester. 4415 Ashland. EV. 1147. REPAIR homes, porches.

Cheney, 5533A Holly Hills. PL. 1665. CARPENTUY and repair work. W.

B. Broadway, 3634 Garfield. FR. 4758. AUARVEL rug cleaning, carpet cleaning.

Veteran, cn. 4458. 15Q3 Chestnut. CONCRETE, CEMENT WORK CONCRETE Waterproofing, general carpentry work; floor sanding; yeterans; estimates. Oct.

516 Buthland Lemav. LO. 7648. DRIVEWAYS Concrete and asphalt. BRITTON, 1320 Glasgow.

JE. 3767. DETECTIVES EDITH WINSTON, manager of Allied Detective Agency; we specialize In marital troubles, shadows, investigates, locates missing persons. Strictly confidential. Licenses, bonded.

3564 Olive. FR 4547. Nights. SldneT 1093. DETECTIVE WILKERSON shadows, lri- Testigates, locates missing people; asso ciated agents in principal cities: con sultation free and confidential: licensed, bonded.

320 N. Grand. JE. 8894. DETECTIVE MARIAM shadows, traces- locates ererywhere; strictly confidential; licensed, bonded.

CA. 0776. DE, 3527. 6826 Bartmer. DETECTIVE ELDER shadows, investi gates, locates missing persons: consultations free: licensed; bonded; 24-hour service.

511ZA Jamison. PL, 2518. DRESSiviAKiNG TAILORING SEWING Rrasonable. Marie. 38 ff -Utah.

LA. 6064, EL. 9064, FL 2320. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING APPLIANCE repairing: washers. sweeD ers, fans and beaters: also all kinds of clocks; work guaranteed.

St. Louis Clock lc. Electrical Repairing FK. APPLIANCE SERVICE We service re frigerators, washers, vacuums. etc.

guaranteed service. Bailey's Service, i. ujrji, Jbbs Blame. GRUNOW refrigeration's authorized serv ice; genuine parts. SHOW BOAT, 2618 nouteau 3.

PR. 7030. WASHERS Hehuilt: bought and unld 1 1A1T SHOP, 5262 Delmar. FO. 9105 ELECTRIC WIRING.

ETC. COMPLETE ELECTRIC WIRING Re. pairing, licensed, bonded, insured; union snop. L. KRAMER ELEXTBIC CO.

7iu Hamilton, DE. 4669. ELECTRICAL installations; license's! Worthen. 2718 S. 59tlt.

HI. 2085, ELECTRICAL wiring, repairing, licensed. MiLLEH, bU22 Arsenal. HI. 3194 ELECTRICAL contracting and repairing.

ojs IN. ytn. CE. Iib3. FURNACE REPAIRING WE install, repair, clean out, all make or turnacea, guttenngs, spouting, yen tilating; immediate serrlce.

A IRA CON SHEET METAL CO. 0040 or GO. 3786. 4912 Margaretti. WE clean all makes of turnaces.

also In atall furnaces, stokers and blowers. Baldwin 827 S. 23d. CE. 0303 FURNACE repairing and cleaning.

H. G. Heating Service, EV. 6773. 5728 Flov.

Prompt service. BOILER REPAIRING, steam neat and hot-water systems. Bob Hayt 6713 Scoficld. DE. 5684.

COMPLETE heating service; gas, oil, coal; repairs: Installations. Stockmoor Eng. 1309 N. Grand. NE.

5793 H. C. FURNACE CO. New installations, cleaning; repairing; immediate work. 2123 Edmund.

CO. 3409. CUTTERS cleaned; work done expertly by veteran. Richard A. Smith, 7220 wise, HI.

5743. FURNACE REPAIRING Joa. Gaines, 3423 Olive. DE. 1234.

FUR REMODELING FUR remodeling, repairing and storage: expert workmanship. SPKY FURS, 705 Olive. Suite 225. GA. 6238.

GENERAL HAULING FAST EXPRESS Light hauling; niinofs or Missouri; safe, dependable. Sidney it. BAlXAlE, 2J.26 Lafayette. ASHPITS CLEANED General hauling. S.

J. Mudd, 4215A Virginia. HU. 7402. LIGHT HAULING EXPBESS- La Porte.

6289A Bartmer. CA. 5721. ASHES, rubbish and general hauling. BAliTLETT, 4060 Evans.

NE. 6807. FIELDS EXPRESS and light hauling. 42b2 Clarence. GO.

5419. MU. 7563. ASHES, rubbish, general hauling. SANDERS, 3630 Blair.

GA. 5590. LIGHT HAULING and express; reason- able. O'Xei). RO.

8780, 5446 Easton. HAIR REMOVED NEWLY ESTABLISHED St. Louis "office makes 90-day offer, reduction In all charges. Removes unwanted hair by multiple needle electrolysis method. Safetly, scientifically, permanently.

Consultation free. All work done by graduate nurses. Electrolysis Professional, 231 Metropolitan Grand av. and Olive st. JE.

4141. Niva Phelps, R.N.. Mabel Schaffner. R.N. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, WARTS REMOVED Permanently; by multiple needle electrolysis: best medical references; years of experience: consultation without charge.

ESTHER L. Fox, 898 Arcade 8th and Olive. CH. 5213. PERMANENTLY Multiple needle el trolysis; 35 years' experience in St.

Louis: best medical reference: office comfortably air-conditioned. AIDA L. MATHAM, 546 N. Euclid, corner Pershing. FO.

6180. UNWANTED hair, guaranteed removed improved electronic or multiple-needle method; treatments $2 and up: consultation free. RUPERT RUPERT, 818 Olive. Suite 467. GA.

1936. UNWANTED HAITI REMOVED FOR-EVER Best references; expert work; 20 years experience; thoroughly reliable. THERESA T. HEICK, 457 N. Kingshighway, FO.

6528. HAIR Moles, removed; experienced. Callen, 1823 By. Ex. Bldg.

CH. 1269 HAIR, MOLES. WARTS removed forever. MARIE T. PARIS.

705 Olive.CH.3435 HARDWOOD FLOORS CALL FO. 0208 Floors and stairs sanded and refinished; just like new; reasonable; guaranteed work; estimates cheerfully given; immediate service: new floors installed; no job too large or too small. Midwest Floor 6919 Corbitt LENOX FLOOR 5047 Ridge; we specialize in laying and refinlshing new floors: sanding old floors, and stairs; hardwood or pine; all work guaranteed. Call FO. 5124.

WE SPECIALIZE in sanding and refinlshing old floors: new floors installed: satisfaction guaranteed; prompt service; rail for estimate. H. L. Floor 1535 Odgen. EV.

8172. STRAIT At SON FLOOR FO. 3750. FLOORS, staira refinished: new floors installed: reasonable. 5091 Ridge.

FLOOR CO. Refinishing it iu best; special rates. 6132 Victoria. HI. 6302.

INSULATION BEAT THE HEAT Insulate with rock wool from Hill-Behan 6515 Page. DE. 1111. Lumber BOCK WOOL blown in by experts; estimates given; terms. COMFORT, 5731 Goener, HIJ.

59S5. LANDSCAPING QUALITY SOD AND SEED C07Ve specialise In sodding and seeding Illinois bluegrass; it's time to do your sodding or seeding; let us do lt for you: we have lawn seeds, fertilizer, sod and top soil at 3838 Bates FL. 2920; estimates given; we deliver. LANDSCAPING BY PllING Specialist: this is the month to sod your lawn; we cultivate your ground to the depth of 6 inches, hand grade for drainage-fertilize, lay sod, tamp, roll, water and add pure blue grass see to the turf, all for 50 cents a square yard. 4211 Botanical.

cl. 4U3U. DANGEROUS TREES aafely serviced; have us trim or remove those dangerous trees expertly; completely Insured; relishle. Petroe Brothers. 5958 Pl)-outh.

OA. 5958. WAhash 1999-M. BEMOV1NG TREES Trimming, wood sawing. KELLER, 2616 Siattery.

NE. 5679. RICHARD P. W1CHMAN Complete landscape service. 55 Marshall Webster Groves.

RE. 6226. BODDING, seeding, toil soil, cattle manure. W. H.

Baup, Freguaon, ATwater 2. EXPERT TREE TRIMMING Removing estimates. Owens Brothers, 6825 Bu Charles CO. 3981. WE specialize in tree removing, fall trimming and cutting bark.

4208 Chouteau. FR. 2133. PAINTING RESIDENTIAL and lndustriaT painting; the best in lead and oil. Call now; lmmediatate action; union; fully insured.

Rose and McClam. NE. 7 SO 8. JE. 1665.

A-DAMMEYER DECORATING CO. F-x-terior. interior painting, wall washing, paper cleaning; prompt aervice; years ef experience: estimates gladly given; guaranteed. PA. 6429, BS21 Clemens.

PAPERING Painting; prompt- Bay Ap-peiraAn. LA- 0194, 3921 Winnebago. LOST AND FPU ND LOST or strayed Small black and white spotted hound; light tan head; reward. 6212 Hanco*ck. HI.

6047. FACKAGE Lost towels from Famous: downtown; reward. R. 4021 evenings. PEKINESE Lost: male, black.

Th-inity Morris Hill Sunday; $25 reward for Information leading to recovery; answers Kitn. COIlinwille 1421 or EAst 3054. FIN Lost; yellow gold goose with blua stona wing; Granada Theater or vicinity: Sept. 19: reward. 1131 Chil-dress.

ST. 5998. FIN Lost: gold, wings with crown set with pearls. A. 3750.

1'CKSEi Lost; large black patent; Satur-day. Woolworth Maplewood. Ke-ward. HI. 3174.

i'LRSE Lost; black', containing silver rosary; name on crucifix; ward. JE. 8699. liberal rsr RONSON LIGHTER Lost: Initials W.H.F.: liberal reward. PR.

5547. SCOTTIE Lost: black, male, 2 years old; vicinity Fyler snd Jamison; answers Mickey. Reward. ST. 5727.

SOCK Lost; blue heather wool, partly knit: on Brentwood near Clayton Red Cross office; reward. CA. 0481. TIKE Lost: new. and rim; 7.00i20; 110 reward.

Notify T. t. Patterson, Nohle, 111. TOOL BOX LOST Forest Park, FrL Reward. WAbash 4449R.

TOY COLLIE Lost: male: reddish and white color; hob tail; name Busty; reward. SI. 1854. WRIST WATCH Lost: lady's! solid gold Bulora; crippled yeteran: between Locust and Washington on 9th; reward-Si. 5343.

WRISTWATCH Lost: Elgin: Sept. 21, from Carter Carburetor on St. Louis av. side to 3714 St. Louis; reward.

JE. 4544. WUISTWATCH Lost: lady's: Elgin; in 2500 block Sullivan or Hebert; reward. GA. 1908.

WRIST WATCH Lost; lady's Bulova: green stones: south; reward. PL. 1054 WRISTWATCH Lost: gold, black cord. PA. 692a.

artr 5:30. FOUND POLICE DOG Found; male, on StT Charles Rock road, near St. Anns; brown with black markings. collar. WAbash 4431R.

SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICE I. Henry T. Som-mers, formerly of 2104 Waverly City of St. Louis. State of Missouri, do hereby give notice that 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted after this date by anvone except mvself.

(SI gnedt HENRY T. SOMMERS. SPECIAL NOTICE Harry Lempe, of 1529 Salerno City of Wellston. State of Missouri, do hereby aire notice that 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted after this date by anyone except myself. (Signed) HARRY LEMPE.

"SPECIAL NOTICE: I. William S. Con-well, of 4437A N. 20th. City of St.

Louis, State of Missouri, do hereby give notice that 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted after this date by anvone except myself. (Signed) WILLIAM S. CONWET.L. BUSINESS PERSONALS FREE Vitamin and mineral chart; send your and address on pen- ny post card to Vitamin Store, 719 Olive, St. Louis 1, and receive free copy of Vitamin and Mineral chart: gives best food sources, for vitamins, plus adult and children's requirements.

It's free, no cost or obli gation. SOLEMN NOVENA in honor of Our Ladv of Victory begins Oct. 2: NINE CONSECUTIVE WEDNESDAYS at 8 a.m.. 5:35 p.m. and 7:45 p.m.

St. Alary of Victories Church, 748 S. Third st. GOLFERS Hare your old cut balls recovered and made lika new. R.

Grady, 6120 Garesrhe, EV. 2U3. "WATCH REPAIRS 10-day service, TISHK-MYERS. 510 Pine. CH.

7162. PERSONAL FOOTBALL tickets wanted for Notre Dame-Illinois game. FO. 5038. COAL.

WOOD. KINDLING WEST VIRGINIA lump or egg. Cantino 10- inch stoker. Franklin County 10-mesh stoker: cash or budget plan. BRAUDIS COAL, 4251 Laclede.

NE. 6363. POTEAU CHIEF Okla. hard cleanTump coal: Ark. lump.

Little Fjrypt 011- treated stoker coal. $6.10 ton; W. $10.95. Baldwin 827 S. 23rd.

CE. 0303. ARKANSAS LUMP OR EGG Fresh, better quality; less slack; directly off car to you. BRAUDIS COAL 4251 Laclede. NE.

6363. KINDLING WOOD Sawed; $10 per load. 4117 N. Broadway. CE.

5124. AMERICAN WRECKING CO. $4.55 STOKER, Arkansas lump, egg. $11.35. WILCOX, 1600 Poplar.

CH. 6879. STOKER COAL All grades: 10" mesh. C. McGowan, 2813 Lafayette, GR.

ZI41. KINDLING Chopped, 30c bushel bas ket. Wells. 1512A Palm. CE.

KINDLING 10 baskets or bundles, $3. Seehs. 6914 Southwest. ST. 6171 VARIOUS grades of coal and wood.

Do- mestlc. PR. 9283, 2643 Chouteau. 10 BASKETS kindling. $2.50 delivered.

GO. 2280. 6125 Natural Bridge. JEWELRY DIAMONDS MAN'S BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND and ruby yellow gold ring. Will sacrifice.

7049 Pershing av. PERLES 807 Pine; fine diamonds; jewelry, watrhes: new and unredeemed. JEWELRY. DIAMONDS WTD. WANTED DIAMONDS.

OLD GOLD Jewelry, silver: condition no object: our immense retail business enables us to pay you more. Get Sparber free esti mate before selling; we are known as the largest buyers and sellers of used jewelry in the city; we are not pawnbrokers; no packages accepted by mail or express. H. SPARBER 705 Olive st. (1) CH.

S143. WHEN SELLING old gold, jewelry, sil verware, diamonds, watches, consult Sparber: appraisals and valuations cheerfully given without see your old friend Sparber; established m. Louis over 27 years. 705 Olive St. (1) "ANTIQUE JEWELRY Sterling silver and broken jewelry; high cash prices; bring or mail to B.

Lowe, 211 IV 7tn, 4th floor Holland ua. oe. Free mailing containers sent upon re quest DIAMONDS Wtd. All kinds: sell now at present high prices to B. LOWTi, 211 N.

7th. 4th floor. Holland GA. 4678. Free mailing containers sent upon request.

DIAMONDS Wtd. We psy high market prices for diamonds and jewelry estates. BAUMAN MASSA JEWELRY 720 Olive. 2d floor. MAin DS95.

WHY keen your diamonds, old gold and jewelry in a safe deposit box! Sell to H. MILLER. 505 Olive. GA. 5471.

Established -1888. THE DIAMOND SHOP Get our price before selling diamonds, rings, bracelets, brooches, watches; established 35 years. 14 Locust st. in. HESS CULBERTSON JEWELRY CO.

will buy diamonds, old gold and suves, 826 Olive St. Louis 1. mo. at. i r.nrn.

broken lewelrv. silver. dia monns. roaaKs. jonn aimer, uj rt.

ma "DIAMOND, broken jewelry, gold, silver, antiques. Friedman Jewelry. 106 N.7th. SWAPS WILL SWAP new 1946 Westlnghouse refrigerator. 9 cu.

ft. to purchase 1946 automobile at celling price, fit. zoo. 3-9 p.m. FARM-ALL tractor and equipment for car.

LO. 3792. INTERNATIONAL 1-ton chassis, 1933: for car. LO. 3792.

ASH HAULING ASHES, rubbish, top soil Fsuled. Hooker, 1549A Tamm. ST. 7250. ASHES and rubbish hauled.

Thomas Short. EV. 4840. HAULING Ashpits, basem*nts cleaned. GEORGE, 2336 S.

13th. SI. 23b7 AUTO REPAIRING AUTO GLASS AUTO CLASS A broken glass Is dangerous; installed while you wait; come in now. WALD- MA.N 4444 Easton. NE.

4313. BRICKLAYING. TUCKPQINTING IF YOUR chimney needs tuckpointing or your roof leaks. Call Edward Potter, 120 Larkin Williams Valley Park TUCKPOINTING and roof repairs: rea- sonable. Call Owen.

NE. 3985, 4040 O'ive. iuCKPOINTING1. nlasferine." brick work" Dennis, 4563 North Market. FO.2990 TUCKP01NTING lnuuediate service, free estimates.

Cov. Hardwick, 1741 FK. eon. IUCKPOINTING. ROOF REPAIRS Reasonable.

Owens. 4040 Olive St. FR. 3830. after 8 p.m.

TUCKP01NTING. painting, roof repair. BILLINGS. 3231 Eads. GR.

7866. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS BE1LENS0N SALES AND SERVICE CO. Gen-ral carpentry and home mod ernization; complete remodeling of kitchens and bathrooms a specialty; special cabinet work; roofing, siding. Insula tion, etc. 5914 Clayton.

HI. 4S8S. ATTICS Finished, enlarged or altered nothing impossible; another home within a home. Major Building 7m n. Kinshiihwav.

RO. 0700. Ext. 305. GENERAL REPAIRS of buildings and equipment.

MIKE POLITO, 1112 Montgomery. CE. 7794. CARPENTER and general repair, kitchen eaolnets, screen work, storm windows. STOLIAK.

6323 CorMtt. CA. CARPENTRY AND GENERAL BEPAIR-1NG Light roofing. MULLEN, 2602 Hadler. I E.

7960. CARPENTERS For your new home or remodeling call Henry Bichter, 3960 Wyoming. PR. 5530. FOR BUILDING, general repairing and remodeling.

E. w. EMMJJVEGGLii, 3(13 Jjav'eaa. Pie, 17 SO. ATTENTION DON'T HESITATE, DECORATE: minting, papering, sieara scraping and floor sanding; fully In sured: eommerciai ana resiaenuaa painting.

LANTERK, 2S49 Chippewa. GR. 4201. VETERAN Fainting beautiful homes our specialty; interior and exterior; prompt service. BAILEY, 1908 Angel- rodt.

GA. 5727. SOUTHWEST PAINTERS Interior, ex- terior painting, caulking, plastering, general building repairs. If it require a hammer or bruh, call us. 6511 Pennsylvania.

LO. 1712. PAINT WASHING, paper cleaning, yene- tian blind washing: estimates: 20 years-experience. Gereau, 6061 Garesch. CO.

0101. LET SUNSHINE PAINTERS paint sun shine in your homes and business: interior and exterior and basem*nts. 5072 Minerva. RO. 6451.

WE can do sour painting now; 25 years in business; pur Dutch Boy wnlte lead and oil. PATTERSON, 714 Walton. FO. 9625. AAA PAINTING No job too small: esti mates, best material, prompt service; veteran.

E. Hall, 7405 -Nottingham, ST. 5347. EXTERIOR. AND INTERIOR ResidcrT- tial and commercial.

Insured. leacsei, 7fi'0 Lvnn. PA. 7409. PAINTING Interior, exterior; tuccpoint- mg; chimney, roof repair, afctain.

4251 W. St. Ferdinand. JT. 8445.

FOR FROMPT SERVICE on Interior and exterior painting, call Tobey, HI. Jotl. 6439 Hoffman. FAINTING Interior and exterior: wall washing; work tuaranteed; reasonaoie. Malone.

5972 Page. FA. 8898. SIGN. For everytlung in sigug.

C. Buth, 6180 Delmar. PA. 7600. PAPER HANGING.

CLEANING MODERN Decorators, paper hanging. painting, old paper removed, piaster repaired: prompt service; quality workmanship guaranteed; veterans. GA. Sin 1909 Hickory. FIRST CLASS PAPER HANGING, paint- ing work; old paper removed; patca plastering: cleaning: guaranteed: prompt service.

L. Butler, 2644 Russell. LA. 2746. ALL PAPER scraping, clean enough to paint.

CaU Bell, PA. 5706. 1156 Meyer. PAPER HANGING, painting; plaster repairs: immediate service; first-class work: get my estimates. Coy Hardwick, 1741 Preston pi.

PR. 8011. rAPERHANGING. painting. cleaning; reasonable; prompt and efficient service.

Smith CH. 9699. 1707A B. 9th PAPERING, nainting. steam scraping; arches built.

ATCH1SS0N. 7114 Lin- dJnwood. HI. 3031. PAPER CLEANING, paint washing: veteran resuming business.

P. B. Hansen, 5105 Dflmar. RO. 7147.

PAPERING, painting, steam acraping; 15 years' experience: do own work. PFE1FER. 2706A Ann. GR. 2368.

PAPERING. PAINTING Work myself. Lotus, 5305 Catts, HO. PAPER HANGING Patch plastering. J.

GAINES, 3424 Olive. DE. 1234. WALL washing, paper cleaning. Searcy, 5381 Geealdine.

GO. 1161. PAPERHANG1NG. paper d. REESE, 1216A Hodiamont.

CA. 1885 WALLPAPER cleaning, paint washing. J. h. VEST.

HI. 3978. 1328A Tamm FIRST-CLASS PAPERING. painting. plast-rlng.

Wolf, 292 felt. PAPERING, nainting: work guaranteed. Schnemchl. 6311 riymoutn. no.

puoi. ALT MAN raper hanging: 20 years' ex perience. 1431 macKstone. iu. aval? PAPERING.

PAINTING: estimates. Stevens. GA. 0'JS2. 1923 tn.

PAPERING, painting, patch plastering; Stover. NE. 8651. 620 N. Sarah.

PAPER I1ANGING, painting, plaster inc. Lee. 5061 Lotm, RO. 1744. PLASTERING PLASTERING Ceiling patches: arches made and plastered.

C. w. WELJxS, 1652 S. Jetferson. CE.

4708. FLASTERING Over 30 years in busi ness. Jos. B. Tegethoff, 8750 Eulalie.

6067. PLASTERING H. GERLACH, 6421 Hoffman. STerlmt 5779. CALL ESS IXM EVER for any lng job.

1942A Arsenal. LA. 4559. PLUMBING H. W.

EASTER Plumbing, beating: work reasonable. 4338 Papin. JE. U43 PLUMBING Overhauling; repair work. GIESLER.

2926 Harper. JE. 8529. SEWER. SERVICE Repairing a special- ty.

Kellogg. 3157 Watson, HI. 2217. SEWER CLEANING OLSON'S ROTO ROOTER, CA. 5654.

1326 Ferguson. ROOFING AND SIDING SHINGLE and flat roofs, brick and as- bestos siding for frame homes, rock wool insulation, blown in; union roofers, fully insured: estimates given. HILL- BEHAN LUMBER 6515 Page. SHINGLE and flat roof supplied: roof repairs: rock wool Insulation blown in; all work guaranteed. Alladin 227 Newell.

GO. 2458 evenings. ATwate 2274-J. FRANKLIN ROOFING AND SIDING Quality materials expertly applied in sulated brick siding, composition smn-gles. roofs, repairs: 36 months to pay.

1058 Jackson. CA. 7881. CALL Central Roof and Siding JE. 0751 or FO.

1556: leaks in roofs or new roofs; brick and asbestos siding experts: union labor; 3 years to pay. 3665 Market St. ONE-DAY SER ICE on roof repairs. new roofs; work guaranteed. BLADES, 4207 Swan.

FK. 3b71 ROOFS, SIDING. INSULATION applied; terms. Home Comfort, 6146 Delmar. DE.

069o. BOOFS, SIDING. INSULATION applied; terms. Home Comfort, blb Deimar. UK.

ObMU. EOOFS AND CniMXEYS patched and repaired; guaranteed. Patterson, 714 Walton. FO. 9625.

SLATE, tile rep.l.ed; new roofs applied. R. C. Roofing. 6438 Ridge.

GO. GLINES for roof and gutter repairs. 1227 Morrison. FR. 8156.

STORAGE, MOVING, EXPRESS MOVING Emerienced: local and long distance; low rates: insured and licensed to any point in Missouri and Illinois, to any point in Missouri and Illinois. Gregory Moving GR. 3456. STORAGE Low rate: modern ware house; local and distance moving. VON DER AHE, 4601 Olive.

FO. 6647. UPHOLSTERING UPHOLSTERING Slipcovers, repairing. St. Louis 933 Walton, FO.5047 WATERPROOFING Is'EW miracle wateruroofer and sesler.

for brick and masonry walla, applied by spray gun method. Greene, Wx. ia. 1269 Walton rd. WINDOW SHADES.

BLINDS Consolidated Metal Weatherstrip Co. Metal weatherstripping, caulking, sssh cords and chains replaced reasonable estimates. MU. 8S51. 4473 St.

Louis. VENETIAN BLINDS New and used; wood; refinishing, alterations. ADAKT, 1364 Hodiamont. GO. isiz.

BEAUTY CULTURE SCHOOLS SHORTAGE OF BEAUTY OPERATORS everywhere: learn now and be placed; day and evening classes. Call or write Moler College, 521 Washington. CE. JD8I. DANCING SCHOOLS FEL DUTTO DANCE STUDIO lam Dance Correctly.

Private Balcony of Tune Town. 3523 Olive St. NE. 0218 SCHOOLS AND INTRUCTION ATTENTION VETERANS Start flying immediately; yeterans train entirely at government expense, under G.l. Bill of Rights; government approved school and instructions; subsistence while flying.

For full details call FO. 1459. 8 a.m.' 7 p.m., and t. representative will explain your advantages in starting to fly right now. Michael r-hea.

5540 Cates. CARTOONING taught by profesaioiuU. Miliard Glaser, FO. 4848. THE "FAMOUS" BAILEY SCHOOLS announces: We can accept a.

limited number of enrollments for evening classes tnis van. Make reservations now. Diesel Commercial Electricity Refrig eration Air Conditioning Commercial Kadio. Whether you want a small business of your own or want to work In industry; whether you want to work In a small town or in a large eity, the training programs here are designed to prepare you to reach the highest degree or success in these arowina flrlda. Approved for Veterans training tinder the G.I.

Bill of Rights. For complete Information, visit, phone or write lit, JSAJLEY SCHOOLS. 1651 K. Grand St. Louis 4, Mo.

Nation aliy recognized. TELEVISION ELECTRONICS BADIO- eterans train entirely at Government expense under G.I. Bill of Bights: Gov ernment subsistence while training: part time employment also available now. io AMERICAN' TELEVISION LABORA TORIES INCORPORATED, a manufac turing and training organization. Chemical Building.

721 Olire st. AVIATION TRAINING Veterans train at Government expense, with subsist ence; new class In airplane and engine mechanics starting Sept. 30: private, commeruaL instrument. Instructor flight training; available immediately. St.

Louis School of Aeronautics, Krati Air. port. TE. 5-3130. Downtown office Chamber of Commerce 511 Lo-cn'-t.

Room 400. CH. 2962. AIR LINE and commercial radio training and placement full-time classes; licensed Instruction: finest lab equipment. For Information, visit, write or phone CENTRAL RADIO SCHOOLS.

Boom 1409. 722 Chestnut. CH. 9994. Veteran approved.

ETEILAN This Is the deall I Learn to fly now I I CI approved school: for information call EV. 3686. Boy Miller. 6071 Emerson av. RADIO ANNOUNCING, ncttng.

writingf st Midwest School for Radio Broad-easting: "Learn hy Doing." Call CK. OS09 or writ 705 Olive, Boom 308. LOWENSTEIN, MARY ANN (nea Was- ner) 4910 Theodore Sent. 26. 1946.

beloved mother of Mrs. Irene Wallington. dear grandmother of Mrs. Huth McCuistion and David A. Wellington, dear sister of Trances and Nicholas Wagner, our dear BTeat-grandmoiher, mother-in-law, sister-in- law, aunt and cousin.

Services Sent. 28. 3 P.m.. KRAEGER-VOSS Funeral Horn. 3402 N.

Kingshighway, to St. Matthew Cemetery. OBERMOELLER. ALICE T. Gallagher) Fortified with the sacraments of Holv Mother Church, Sept.

25. 1946. 7 p.m., widow of Ibe lata Officer John H. Obermoeller, dear mother of William, Mrs. Alice Gregg.

Mrs. Jane Sellers. Mrs. Sue Chapman and Mrs. Doris M.

Rvan. dear sister of Mrs. M. G. Mullally, Neil Gallagher and Mrs.

Frances X. Burke, dear sister-in-law of Mrs. Linda Meyers, our dear mother-in-law. aunt, grandmother, great -grandmother and great-great-grand-mother. Funeral from family residence, 4815 Anderson.

Sept. 28. 10 a.m., to St. Engelbert's Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery.

Deceased was a member of St. Ann's Married Ladies' Sodal-itv of St. Engelbert's Parish and Protected Circle No. 105. SULLIVAN'S Service.

O'BRIEN, DAVID VVi-523lA Alaska. Sept. 24. 1946, fonirled Ki the sacraments of Holy Mother Church, beloved husband of Edna A. O'Brien (nea Mueller), our dear brotlwr, brother-in-law, son-in-law, uncle, great-uncle and nephew.

Funeral from ZIEGENHETN BROS. Mortuary. 6409 Gravois at HoIIt Hills, Sept. 28, 8:30 a.m., to St. Cecilia Church.

Interment Sunset Burial Park. Mr. O'Brien was member of Victory Lodge, No. 394. International Association of Machinists.

A.F. of and veteran of World War No. 1, Company 138th Infantry. O'SHEA, AGNES ELLEN (nea Broean) 6358 Henner. Sept.

24. 1946. 11 p.m.. beloved wife -of Joseph O'Shea, dear mother of Joseph Mark-ham William H. O'Shea.

and Mrs. Vera Jenkins, our dear sister, grandmother, mother-in-law and aunt. Funeral from ARTHUR J. DONNELLY Parlors. 3840 Lindell Sept.

28. 10:30 a.m.. to St. Paul the Apostle Church, Pine Lawn. Interment alvary.

PACE Y. DANIEL THOMAS 715 Bom-part, Webster Groves, Sept. 24, 1946, beloved husband of Grace H. Pacey, dear father of Shirley Pacey Bennett and Daniel Joseph Pacey, our dear son and grandfather. Mr.

Pacey In state at PARKER Parlors. Services at Our Holy Redeemer Church. Joy and Lockwood, Sept. 27. 8:30 a.m.

Interment Oak Hill emetery. PINCKERT, ELUISA (ne. Eikmann) 2111 Linton, Sept. 24, 1946. beloved wife of the late Herman Pinck-ert, dear mother of the late Georga Pinckert.

mother-in-law of Anna Pinck-ert, dear grandmother of Richard, Robert and Marvin Pinckert, dear sister, sister-in-law and aunt. Funeral Sept. 27. 1:30 p.m.. from STI1OOT-CARR0LL Funeral Home.

4600 Natural Bridge. Interment Val- halla Cemetery. POHLMAN, EMILIA 5248 Delor, Sept. 25. 1946, dear daughter of the late Emilia Pohlman, dear sister of William Pohlman, the late Walter Pohlman and Mrs.

Mathilda Reher. dear sister-in-law. aunt, niece and cousin. F'uneral from KR1EGSHAUSEB Mortuary, 4228 S. Kingihighwav, Sept.

28, 8:30 a.m., to Our Lady of Sorrows Chnurch. Interment New SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. QUIRK, CATHERINE (nea MiTzarkT 4947 Claxton. entered into rest Sept.

24. 1946, 5:30 p.m.. beloved wife of the late John P. Quirk, dear mother of James C. Quirk, dear sister of Mrs.

Christ Horstmeyer. Mrs. Theresa -Murphy, John V. and George Milzark, dear grandmother, mother-in-law, sister-in-law arid aunt-Funeral Sept. 27? 8:30 from MATH HERMANN SON'S Chapel.

Fair and West Florissant, to St. Philip Neri Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery. RICH, WILLIAM" 25. 1946, dear father of Dr.

Wm. T. Rich of Neo-desha, dear brother of Mrs. Ella Glassev and dear uncle. Remains in state at EDITH E.

Colonial Funeral Home, 4053 Lindell. Services 8 p.m. Interment 11 a.m.. Benton City. Mo.

(motor). ROBEROS. WILLIAM E. 1560 La-fayette. Sept.

25. 1946. beloved husband of Allie Roberds, dear father of Eleanor Roberds. Funeral 3 p.m.. from MCLAUGHLIN'S.

2301 Lafayette. ln- ternient St. Matthew's Cemetery. ROGERS. THOMAS H.

25. 1946, husband of Boxane Rogers, brother of Mrs. Mary E. Tucker of Tulsa, R. Lee Rogers of St.

Joseph, and Stephen C. Rogers. F'uneral from the ALEXANDER Chapel. 6175 Delmar 2 p.m. to Valhalla Cemetery.

Member of Jeffer-son Lodge No. 43. A. F. and A.

M. SI EMS, EDGAR N. Entered into rest Sept. 25, 1946, beloved husband of Loretta Siems (nee Donohue), dear father of Harold Siems. dear son of Mr.

and Mrs. William Siems. our dear brother, son-in-law, brother-in-law, uncle and cousin. Funeral Sept. 28.

8:30 a. from PASCHEDAG-HENKE Funeral Home. 2825 N. Grand to Theresa Church. Interment Calvary Cemeterv.

(Parking rear of chapel.) STAGUN. EDWARD CHARLES 1835A Rauschenbach. Sept. 24. 1946.

husband of the late Carrie Stagun (nee Kindermanl, father of Mrs. Lillian Marie Makler. father-in-law. grandfather, brother of Henry Stagun and uncle. Funeral from LEIDNER.

Chapel. 2223 St. Louis. Sept. 28.

3 p.m. In- tprment St. Peter's Cemeterv. STEINMETZ, CHARLES J. 4239 Botanical.

Sept. 26, 1946. beloved brother of Charlotte and Oscar, dear brother-in-law and uncle. Funeral from ROBERT'S Funeaal Home. 1905 S.

Grand Sept. 28. 9:30 a.m., to St. Margaret's Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery.

A member of St. Hr. Slotor Coach Employes, Loral No. 788. STIEGLER, JOSEPH A.

3429 Michigan, Sept. 25. 1946, 12:50 a.m.. dearly beloved husband of Mary Stiegler (nee Huckshold), dear father of Joseph Elmer Edna Stiegler and Hilda Zercher (nee Stiegler). dear father-in-law, grandfather, brother-in-law and uncle.

Funeral from WACKliTR-HELDERLB Chapel, 3634 Gravois Sept. 28, 1:30 p.m. Interment St. Matthew's Cemetery Deceased was a member of Magnolia Camp No. 394.

W.O.W., and Walker Jennings Camp No. 4, U. S. A. V.

WALL." CPL. VERNON into rest Sept. 24. 1946. 10 p.m., at New York City, dear son of sir.

and Mrs. Frank Wall of Iberia, our dear father, brother, uncle and cousin. Interment Ibe-ia. Mo. LOST AND FOUND ALBUM Lost; containing wedding pie- tures; renard.

EV. 0237. BILLFOLD Lost: Saturday night: Union and Delmar; containing cards and papers; keep money, return other contents. Call Martha Jones. FO.

4378. BILLFOLD Lost; man'e black, vicinity 3900 Washington or in cab; contained valuable papers and currency; liberal reward. JE. 8768. BILLFOLD Brown; ex papers, etc RO.

2303. Reward. BILLFOLD Lost: man's: money and cards: liberal reward. LO. 2493.

BLOUSES Lost: Southhampton Car; Wed. reward. LA. 5475. BOSTON BULL PUP Lost; black and white, childs' pet, vicinity Watson rd.

and Scanlon av. reward. HI. 6506. BOWKN'OT PIN Lost; Sunday night or Monday; sentimental value to owner; reward.

RO. 3375 before 9 a.m. or between 5-7 p.m. BRIEF CASE Lost; between Security and Arcade BMgs. reward.

904 Se-cority GA. 5222. BROWN" WALLET Lost; west end; keep monev. FO. 1353.

BUNDLE OF DRY CLEANING Lost; 14 dresses. 4 skirts, 2 slacks, 6 men's suits, 1 lady's suit, 3 pairs pants, 1 siflt coat, 1 robe, 1 overcoat: white tags on garments; reward. 0777. CLASS RING Lost; Howe 1946; washroom Union Station Sept. 17.

reward. J-206, Post-Dispatch. COAT Lost: black. vi -length: on Ad- miral Friday night; reward. FO.

4100. Ask for Mr. Fitter; please re-call. COSTUME PIN Lost; pelican design, brown stones; reward. FR.

4626. DIAMOND DINNER RING Lost downtown or vicinity Grand-Ifayette; keepsake; reward. GR. 1908. DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING- $100 reward.

NE. 4559 evenings. Diamond plv LosT: platinum, IT stones: about 2 weeks ago; keepsake; reward. FO. 8039.

EARRING Yellow gold: blue stones: on Admiral: Sunday night; reward. BL 5918. FOUNTAIN TEN Lost: Eversharp: maroon; engraded "Earl reward. FQ. 5891.

GLASSES Lost; reward. HI. 4452. GLASSES Lost; in brown Vat her pen-cilease: reward. LA.

8996. GLASSES Lost: Chippewa bus. Sepu 22: reward. 4334 Lee. CE.

9700. GLASSES Lost; in pencil case; brown" leather: reward. LA. 8996. HOUND Lost; male, tan with white breast and seat, dark back: Ticinity of Walnut Park; reward.

5130 Oriole. EV. 8167. IRISH SETTER Lost; aolld red frma'v young. Cell after 5 p.m..

WAD.607J. IRISH SETTER. Lost; large, male, vi-rinity Iaduf: reward. WY. 0654.

KEYS Lost, on gas cap. Sept. 21; be- tween Arro and 14th and Chouteau; reward. FL 32S9. LAPEL PIN Lost! flower designed; on or in vicinity of S.E.

Admiral, Sept- 21; sentimental Talus. FO. 0673. NTLONS Lost; gloves: girdle: ia kalt-Ung bag-. t'ti.

BU. 9108. The undersigned banks and taist companies heretofore gave notice that they would not be open Saturdays, beginning Saturday, July 13, 1946, through Saturday, September 28, 1946, except for the following purposes: 1 The payment of Secretary's Checks, Cashier's Checks, Certified Checks, Certificates of Deposit or other obligations of their own issue. 2. Payment of notes payable on Saturday and presented in person by others to the bank or trust company at which they are payable.

3 Payment of bonds and coupons payable on Saturday at the bank or trust company. (This does not include payment of coupons due on installment accounts.) 4 Limited service to Safe Deposit Boxholders by all banks and trust companies that have not notified their boxholders of closing. No Checks Cashed No Deposits Received They now give notice that they will continue this policy on Saturdays after September 28, in conformity with the above notice. BOATMES'S XAT10XAL BAM FIRST SATIOXAL BAM 15 ST. LOUIS MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST CO.


St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.