Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (2024)

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (1)



A LH should never replace a LL. Generic lord & hero options for all races involved in a DLC. May Tzeentch change the ways for the better.


Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (2)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (3)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (4)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (5)

a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 1:27:27 PM

With the new DLC coming, we have 4 new LLs to place on the map and I thought we'd have a discussion of where to place the people that might come. As a baseline, we can focus on the following candidates:


Khorne: Arbaal

Ogres: Golgfa*g or Ghark

Greenskins: Morglum or Snagla


Skulltaker or Gorfang (since he is already in the game, he isn't going to be the DLC LL, just like Boris and Red Duke)

Going by lore and logic possibilities, my own throughts fall on the following setup:

Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (6)

Essentially, we have two base-scenarios:
Either we get Ind and Khuresh opened up with this DLC and Arbaal is placed in Ind

Ind and Khuresh remains locked

Khorne: Arbaal is placed in Ind, somewhere in the central parts (this to leave the northern mountain range to Monkey King when he comes), as per his End Times lore of ravaging there together with Dechala. If Ind isn't opened up, then have him in southern Cathay, inbetween Gelt and Nakai awaiting this opening. And if Skulltaker makes the FLC spot, have him down in the Southern Wastes fighting the minor Slaanesh faction and eventually Kairos and Oxyotl.

Ogres: If we begin with Ghark it is fairly obvious that he would be placed in the northern part of the Mourns. Although technically Grimgor occupies Gash Kadrak where the Ironskin hold is originally located, Ghark would be equally at home in Path to the East (or if Grimgor is moved down to Bone Road making it easier for him to roll into Cathay as per his ET-lore and Ghark can be put in Gash Kadrak). As for Golgfa*g though, my mind goes to Naggaroth and for him to replace Ostankya on the Bleak Coast, providing the Ogres both with a start in the west and allowing for Ostankya to be moved back closer to Kislev in the Skull Road. Combine that with moving Boris further west in the Wastes and we can have a more sensible Kislev setup.

Greenskins: Beginning with Morglum, he basically has 2 options, either the Wolf Lands or the Western Border Princes (technically his loreful location is in the Vaults, but I don't wanna move Belegar). In the former, he'd be fighting Chaos Dwarfs, Ogres and eventually square off with Grimgor, as to what they did in the End Times. In the latter, he'd likely be Belegar's first opponent on way to Karak Eight Peaks, would be battling Skrag and likely also Aranessa. If we instead have Snagla, we have two options. Either in the Black Pit, where he lorefully is, to serve as early opponents of Todbringer and Khazrak (and Karl Franz). But frankly, the Empire really doesn't need more wreckers at the moment, so if Khuresh is opened up the new DLC, then Snagla should be there, as Khuresh is know to host a Forest Goblin population in the northern parts. Now, assuming Gorfang makes the FLC spot, then there is no place for him other than Black Crag.

Additional notes:

Wurrzag should be moved down to the Central Jungles of the Southlands. THis is both loreful in that he originates from there, but it also clears out the Badlands for a more appropriate Greenskin to take over (either if Gorfang, Morglum or hell even Gorbad is placed there) and creates a roadblock inbetween the Lizardmen trifecta of Tiktaqto, Kroq-Gar and Zlatlan down there.

Skarbrand moved up to Eastern Badlands province. This in order to give Queek someone to have to fight through in order to reach Karak Eight Peaks, just like Belegar has to fight through Skrag and Wurrzag currently and Skarsnik has to clear out Thorgrim.

So, what do you all think?

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (7)


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a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 1:42:40 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:
And if Skulltaker makes the FLC spot, have him down in the Southern Wastes fighting the minor Slaanesh faction and eventually Kairos and Oxyotl.

That would be underwhelming. In the lore Skulltaker roamed Northern Chaos Waste hunting down champions of every other chaos god.

I would also put Golgfa*g in somewhere in the Badlands. In the lore he was often hired by Dwarfs, the Empire and Tileans, so him starting in that general area would be thematic.

Skrag, on the other hand, should probably be moved somewhere to the east.

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (12)



When push comes to shove,you gotta do what you love.Even if it's not a good idea.


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a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 1:45:25 PM

Golgfa*g was a DoW character before he became an OKs character. He should have a Southern Realms start to reflect that. He should start where Skrag is currently, and Skrag should be moved elsewhere.

Ghark would make sense in the northern MoM. Giving OKs another LL at home, while being next to the CDs that he frequently interacts with. Basically where Grimgor is now. Grimgor should be out in the Dark Lands anyway.

Gorfang belongs in Black Crag. Then Wurrzag can be moved to Southlands where he belongs.

Morglum would be somewhere in Dark Lands.

Snagla's loreful start position would be in the Black Pit. But a lot of people seem to want him in Kuresh, I assume just for variety.

Arbaal could be anywhere. His ETs storyline puts him in Ind.

Skulltaker should start in the Southern Wastes.


That would be underwhelming.

The perfect place for underwhelming LLs like the Heralds.

Updated a day ago.

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (22)




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a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 1:49:43 PM

Pretty good, Only minor tweaks I would make


- Ghark Perfect (Path to the East)

- I wouldn't be opposed to Golgfa*g going toSkeggi and getting into a fight with the Norscans there.


-Snagla Perfect (Black Pits not sure about Khuresh)

-Morglum Fine (Wolf Lands)


- Arbaal Perfect (Ind)

- Skulltaker Fine (Southern Chaos Wastes)


- Boris maybe Cold Mires or maybe Hellspring Mount, either or


Updated a day ago.

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (27)




Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (28)

Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (29)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (30)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (31)

a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 2:03:26 PM

Gorfang does not have a unique model in the game. And he is not playable. I don't see why he can't be upgraded into DLC character.

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (32)


Tomb King

Pyramid enjoyer


Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (33)

Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (34)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (35)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (36)

a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 2:09:37 PM

CA hasn’t and likely won’t move Ostankya even after the outcry against her start position, so I doubt her position is available.

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (37)


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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (38)

Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (39)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (40)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (41)

a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 2:13:39 PM

The Gorfang that's currently in the game just uses the Orc Warboss model; It's not an unique skin or anything. Basically a remnant from game 1.

An updated Gorfang would still make sense to come in this DLC.

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (42)



A LH should never replace a LL. Generic lord & hero options for all races involved in a DLC. May Tzeentch change the ways for the better.


Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (43)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (44)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (45)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (46)

a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 2:37:03 PM

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

CA hasn’t and likely won’t move Ostankya even after the outcry against her start position, so I doubt her position is available.

In that event, Ashen Coast on the other side of Morathi. Or Ironsand Desert just above.

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

Gorfang does not have a unique model in the game. And he is not playable. I don't see why he can't be upgraded into DLC character.

JungleElf#8229 wrote:

The Gorfang that's currently in the game just uses the Orc Warboss model; It's not an unique skin or anything. Basically a remnant from game 1.

An updated Gorfang would still make sense to come in this DLC.

This is true of course, but I'd rather be safe and assume that all in-game unplayable characters are in the same boat.

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (47)


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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (48)

Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (49)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (50)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (51)

a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 2:43:38 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

CA hasn’t and likely won’t move Ostankya even after the outcry against her start position, so I doubt her position is available.

In that event, Ashen Coast on the other side of Morathi. Or Ironsand Desert just above.

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

Gorfang does not have a unique model in the game. And he is not playable. I don't see why he can't be upgraded into DLC character.

JungleElf#8229 wrote:

The Gorfang that's currently in the game just uses the Orc Warboss model; It's not an unique skin or anything. Basically a remnant from game 1.

An updated Gorfang would still make sense to come in this DLC.

This is true of course, but I'd rather be safe and assume that all in-game unplayable characters are in the same boat.

They aren't in the same boat from the start, as Gorfang Rotgut isn't available in multiplayer or custom matches, either. The Red Duke and Boris Todbringer are.So, he's not the same as them, and only served as a named starting enemy for Grimgor in game 1. There probably were no plans for this Khorne/Ogres/Greenskin DLC back then.

He is more than a viable candidate for the DLC-spot. Especially with Snagla not fitting the theme, and Morglum basically being the beta-version of Grimgor Ironhide. It's quite arbritrary to not consider him as a possible DLC-option.

Anyway, his starting position is quite clear: Black Crag. Though I wonder if the upcoming DLC will still support the RoC-campaign.

Updated a day ago.

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (57)




Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (58)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (59)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (60)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (61)

a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 3:28:33 PM

JungleElf#8229 wrote:

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Passthechips#4366 wrote:

CA hasn’t and likely won’t move Ostankya even after the outcry against her start position, so I doubt her position is available.

In that event, Ashen Coast on the other side of Morathi. Or Ironsand Desert just above.

Maedrethnir#1968 wrote:

Gorfang does not have a unique model in the game. And he is not playable. I don't see why he can't be upgraded into DLC character.

JungleElf#8229 wrote:

The Gorfang that's currently in the game just uses the Orc Warboss model; It's not an unique skin or anything. Basically a remnant from game 1.

An updated Gorfang would still make sense to come in this DLC.

This is true of course, but I'd rather be safe and assume that all in-game unplayable characters are in the same boat.

They aren't in the same boat from the start, as Gorfang Rotgut isn't available in multiplayer or custom matches, either. The Red Duke and Boris Todbringer are.So, he's not the same as them, and only served as a named starting enemy for Grimgor in game 1. There probably were no plans for this Khorne/Ogres/Greenskin DLC back then.

He is more than a viable candidate for the DLC-spot. Especially with Snagla not fitting the theme, and Morglum basically being the beta-version of Grimgor Ironhide. It's quite arbritrary to not consider him as a possible DLC-option.

Anyway, his starting position is quite clear: Black Crag. Though I wonder if the upcoming DLC will still support the RoC-campaign.

I agree with your point except for ''the beta version of Grimgor''. They are quite different to be honest. Morglum is more a strategist, a cunning ''black orc'' while Grimgor is the ultimate warrior, the champion. Probably one of the oldest/weirdest creations of CD.

I think he could fit very well as the LL slot with especially if they bring more Black orcs. Him or Gorfang as my top choices. I think Snaggla is interesting aswell but should wait a bit because we need orc + his theme doesn't fit with ''brute'' DLC (ogres and khorne).

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (62)




Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (63)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (64)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (65)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (66)

a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 3:30:09 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

With the new DLC coming, we have 4 new LLs to place on the map and I thought we'd have a discussion of where to place the people that might come. As a baseline, we can focus on the following candidates:


Khorne: Arbaal

Ogres: Golgfa*g or Ghark

Greenskins: Morglum or Snagla


Skulltaker or Gorfang (since he is already in the game, he isn't going to be the DLC LL, just like Boris and Red Duke)

Going by lore and logic possibilities, my own throughts fall on the following setup:

Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (67)

Essentially, we have two base-scenarios:
Either we get Ind and Khuresh opened up with this DLC and Arbaal is placed in Ind

Ind and Khuresh remains locked

Khorne: Arbaal is placed in Ind, somewhere in the central parts (this to leave the northern mountain range to Monkey King when he comes), as per his End Times lore of ravaging there together with Dechala. If Ind isn't opened up, then have him in southern Cathay, inbetween Gelt and Nakai awaiting this opening. And if Skulltaker makes the FLC spot, have him down in the Southern Wastes fighting the minor Slaanesh faction and eventually Kairos and Oxyotl.

Ogres: If we begin with Ghark it is fairly obvious that he would be placed in the northern part of the Mourns. Although technically Grimgor occupies Gash Kadrak where the Ironskin hold is originally located, Ghark would be equally at home in Path to the East (or if Grimgor is moved down to Bone Road making it easier for him to roll into Cathay as per his ET-lore and Ghark can be put in Gash Kadrak). As for Golgfa*g though, my mind goes to Naggaroth and for him to replace Ostankya on the Bleak Coast, providing the Ogres both with a start in the west and allowing for Ostankya to be moved back closer to Kislev in the Skull Road. Combine that with moving Boris further west in the Wastes and we can have a more sensible Kislev setup.

Greenskins: Beginning with Morglum, he basically has 2 options, either the Wolf Lands or the Western Border Princes (technically his loreful location is in the Vaults, but I don't wanna move Belegar). In the former, he'd be fighting Chaos Dwarfs, Ogres and eventually square off with Grimgor, as to what they did in the End Times. In the latter, he'd likely be Belegar's first opponent on way to Karak Eight Peaks, would be battling Skrag and likely also Aranessa. If we instead have Snagla, we have two options. Either in the Black Pit, where he lorefully is, to serve as early opponents of Todbringer and Khazrak (and Karl Franz). But frankly, the Empire really doesn't need more wreckers at the moment, so if Khuresh is opened up the new DLC, then Snagla should be there, as Khuresh is know to host a Forest Goblin population in the northern parts. Now, assuming Gorfang makes the FLC spot, then there is no place for him other than Black Crag.

Additional notes:

Wurrzag should be moved down to the Central Jungles of the Southlands. THis is both loreful in that he originates from there, but it also clears out the Badlands for a more appropriate Greenskin to take over (either if Gorfang, Morglum or hell even Gorbad is placed there) and creates a roadblock inbetween the Lizardmen trifecta of Tiktaqto, Kroq-Gar and Zlatlan down there.

Skarbrand moved up to Eastern Badlands province. This in order to give Queek someone to have to fight through in order to reach Karak Eight Peaks, just like Belegar has to fight through Skrag and Wurrzag currently and Skarsnik has to clear out Thorgrim.

So, what do you all think?

I like it. But I prefer Skulltaker in the northern chaos wastes than south if I can choose. Or they move Skarbrand there if they make the map bigger and we put Skulltaker in the south or Skarbrand in the south. I really don't like the SP of Skarbrand in the badlands (I have said it many times in the old forum..) it aged very poorly IMO.

I hope they will make the map bigger (ind/khuresh and eastern wastes... and why not southern wastes after all ?)

Updated a day ago.

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (68)



A LH should never replace a LL. Generic lord & hero options for all races involved in a DLC. May Tzeentch change the ways for the better.


Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (69)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (70)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (71)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (72)

a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 3:33:50 PM

Nazjax#2857 wrote:

JungleElf#8229 wrote:

They aren't in the same boat from the start, as Gorfang Rotgut isn't available in multiplayer or custom matches, either. The Red Duke and Boris Todbringer are.So, he's not the same as them, and only served as a named starting enemy for Grimgor in game 1. There probably were no plans for this Khorne/Ogres/Greenskin DLC back then.

He is more than a viable candidate for the DLC-spot. Especially with Snagla not fitting the theme, and Morglum basically being the beta-version of Grimgor Ironhide. It's quite arbritrary to not consider him as a possible DLC-option.

Anyway, his starting position is quite clear: Black Crag. Though I wonder if the upcoming DLC will still support the RoC-campaign.

I agree with your point except for ''the beta version of Grimgor''. They are quite different to be honest. Morglum is more a strategist, a cunning ''black orc'' while Grimgor is the ultimate warrior, the champion. Probably one of the oldest/weirdest creations of CD.

I think he could fit very well as the LL slot with especially if they bring more Black orcs. Him or Gorfang as my top choices. I think Snaggla is interesting aswell but should wait a bit because we need orc + his theme doesn't fit with ''brute'' DLC (ogres and khorne).

And frankly, since Morglum rides a Boar, he'd be the replacement cav-focused lord for the Greenskins, since Gorbad is dead and gone for long.

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (73)


Supreme Patriarch


Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (74)

Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (75)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (76)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (77)

a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 3:35:18 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Nazjax#2857 wrote:

JungleElf#8229 wrote:

They aren't in the same boat from the start, as Gorfang Rotgut isn't available in multiplayer or custom matches, either. The Red Duke and Boris Todbringer are.So, he's not the same as them, and only served as a named starting enemy for Grimgor in game 1. There probably were no plans for this Khorne/Ogres/Greenskin DLC back then.

He is more than a viable candidate for the DLC-spot. Especially with Snagla not fitting the theme, and Morglum basically being the beta-version of Grimgor Ironhide. It's quite arbritrary to not consider him as a possible DLC-option.

Anyway, his starting position is quite clear: Black Crag. Though I wonder if the upcoming DLC will still support the RoC-campaign.

I agree with your point except for ''the beta version of Grimgor''. They are quite different to be honest. Morglum is more a strategist, a cunning ''black orc'' while Grimgor is the ultimate warrior, the champion. Probably one of the oldest/weirdest creations of CD.

I think he could fit very well as the LL slot with especially if they bring more Black orcs. Him or Gorfang as my top choices. I think Snaggla is interesting aswell but should wait a bit because we need orc + his theme doesn't fit with ''brute'' DLC (ogres and khorne).

And frankly, since Morglum rides a Boar, he'd be the replacement cav-focused lord for the Greenskins, since Gorbad is dead and gone for long.

Gorbad should indeed stay dead.

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (78)




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a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 3:38:16 PM

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Nazjax#2857 wrote:

JungleElf#8229 wrote:

They aren't in the same boat from the start, as Gorfang Rotgut isn't available in multiplayer or custom matches, either. The Red Duke and Boris Todbringer are.So, he's not the same as them, and only served as a named starting enemy for Grimgor in game 1. There probably were no plans for this Khorne/Ogres/Greenskin DLC back then.

He is more than a viable candidate for the DLC-spot. Especially with Snagla not fitting the theme, and Morglum basically being the beta-version of Grimgor Ironhide. It's quite arbritrary to not consider him as a possible DLC-option.

Anyway, his starting position is quite clear: Black Crag. Though I wonder if the upcoming DLC will still support the RoC-campaign.

I agree with your point except for ''the beta version of Grimgor''. They are quite different to be honest. Morglum is more a strategist, a cunning ''black orc'' while Grimgor is the ultimate warrior, the champion. Probably one of the oldest/weirdest creations of CD.

I think he could fit very well as the LL slot with especially if they bring more Black orcs. Him or Gorfang as my top choices. I think Snaggla is interesting aswell but should wait a bit because we need orc + his theme doesn't fit with ''brute'' DLC (ogres and khorne).

And frankly, since Morglum rides a Boar, he'd be the replacement cav-focused lord for the Greenskins, since Gorbad is dead and gone for long.E

Exactly ! I think we have the exact same idea of what we want in the GS DLC. I want Morglum also because he will be focusing cavalry :)

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (83)


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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (85)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (86)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (87)

a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 3:53:58 PM

Nazjax#2857 wrote:

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Nazjax#2857 wrote:

JungleElf#8229 wrote:

They aren't in the same boat from the start, as Gorfang Rotgut isn't available in multiplayer or custom matches, either. The Red Duke and Boris Todbringer are.So, he's not the same as them, and only served as a named starting enemy for Grimgor in game 1. There probably were no plans for this Khorne/Ogres/Greenskin DLC back then.

He is more than a viable candidate for the DLC-spot. Especially with Snagla not fitting the theme, and Morglum basically being the beta-version of Grimgor Ironhide. It's quite arbritrary to not consider him as a possible DLC-option.

Anyway, his starting position is quite clear: Black Crag. Though I wonder if the upcoming DLC will still support the RoC-campaign.

I agree with your point except for ''the beta version of Grimgor''. They are quite different to be honest. Morglum is more a strategist, a cunning ''black orc'' while Grimgor is the ultimate warrior, the champion. Probably one of the oldest/weirdest creations of CD.

I think he could fit very well as the LL slot with especially if they bring more Black orcs. Him or Gorfang as my top choices. I think Snaggla is interesting aswell but should wait a bit because we need orc + his theme doesn't fit with ''brute'' DLC (ogres and khorne).

And frankly, since Morglum rides a Boar, he'd be the replacement cav-focused lord for the Greenskins, since Gorbad is dead and gone for long.E

Exactly ! I think we have the exact same idea of what we want in the GS DLC. I want Morglum also because he will be focusing cavalry :)

Hmmm, I don't know about him. Both Wurrzag and Grom have mounts, too.

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (88)




Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (89)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (90)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (91)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (92)

a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 4:02:43 PM

JungleElf#8229 wrote:

Nazjax#2857 wrote:

TheWattman#7460 wrote:

Nazjax#2857 wrote:

JungleElf#8229 wrote:

They aren't in the same boat from the start, as Gorfang Rotgut isn't available in multiplayer or custom matches, either. The Red Duke and Boris Todbringer are.So, he's not the same as them, and only served as a named starting enemy for Grimgor in game 1. There probably were no plans for this Khorne/Ogres/Greenskin DLC back then.

He is more than a viable candidate for the DLC-spot. Especially with Snagla not fitting the theme, and Morglum basically being the beta-version of Grimgor Ironhide. It's quite arbritrary to not consider him as a possible DLC-option.

Anyway, his starting position is quite clear: Black Crag. Though I wonder if the upcoming DLC will still support the RoC-campaign.

I agree with your point except for ''the beta version of Grimgor''. They are quite different to be honest. Morglum is more a strategist, a cunning ''black orc'' while Grimgor is the ultimate warrior, the champion. Probably one of the oldest/weirdest creations of CD.

I think he could fit very well as the LL slot with especially if they bring more Black orcs. Him or Gorfang as my top choices. I think Snaggla is interesting aswell but should wait a bit because we need orc + his theme doesn't fit with ''brute'' DLC (ogres and khorne).

And frankly, since Morglum rides a Boar, he'd be the replacement cav-focused lord for the Greenskins, since Gorbad is dead and gone for long.E

Exactly ! I think we have the exact same idea of what we want in the GS DLC. I want Morglum also because he will be focusing cavalry :)

Hmmm, I don't know about him. Both Wurrzag and Grom have mounts, too.

Yes but grom is a chariot and Wurrzag is a shaman from warhammer 1 so... A lord that could focus on cavalry ? Morglum would be the perfect choice.

I have to be honest, I hope it's Morglum but I would be a bit sad if we never see Gorfang leading Black Crag. I really hope that CA will make Gorfang FLC and Skulltaker FLC.

The only thing that is wrong with that is ... the 100th lord ? They said it would be special etc... Maybe it will be ''an old friend''. Gorfang could be him, because afterall... he is there since warhammer 1 without being there.

And maybe CA changed their plans since they wanted to do Slaanesh first and now it's khorne. I think they changed their mind with slaanesh to improve it and the team that worked on khorne got their work advanced.

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (93)



A LH should never replace a LL. Generic lord & hero options for all races involved in a DLC. May Tzeentch change the ways for the better.


Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (94)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (95)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (96)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (97)

a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 4:08:38 PM

Nazjax#2857 wrote:

Yes but grom is a chariot and Wurrzag is a shaman from warhammer 1 so... A lord that could focus on cavalry ? Morglum would be the perfect choice.

I have to be honest, I hope it's Morglum but I would be a bit sad if we never see Gorfang leading Black Crag. I really hope that CA will make Gorfang FLC and Skulltaker FLC.

A word of advice would be though to not discount Gorbad either. I mean, his dead ass is sitting there in prime position in 8th edition armybook and festering until it gets the Repanse treatment.

I hope CA can recognize thought that this is a time where blind adherence to the armybooks is not the best choice.

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (98)



When push comes to shove,you gotta do what you love.Even if it's not a good idea.


Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (99)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (100)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (101)Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (102)

a day ago

Jun 15, 2024, 5:26:11 PM

Nazjax#2857 wrote:
The only thing that is wrong with that is ... the 100th lord ? They said it would be special etc

Golgfa*g is special. He's been a consistent part of the world since the oldhammer days.

Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (103)

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Possible placements and movings with the new DLC - Total War: Warhammer (2024)
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