Pike County News from Louisiana, Missouri (2024)

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Louisiana, Missouri

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WALL PAPER AT COST We are determined to close out our stock of Wall Paper and in or der to do this we have put our mammoth line on sale at cost and less than cost Remember this is no fake sale but you have the lat est and most beautiful to select from Practice economy by buying Wall Paper while you can get it cheap ALSO REMEMBER that our Ice Cream Soda is the fin est in tow which we can demon strate to you Try a refreshing drink from our soda fountain PHARMACY 215 GEORGIA ST PERSONAL Orr is a St Louis visitor this week Miss Carrie Jordan is visiting St Louis friends John Robertson was a St Louis visitor yesterday Jacquin was a St Louis visitor yesterday Nolin made a business trip to St Louis Wednesday Clements made a business trip to St Louis Wednesday Mrs Nalley is spending several weeks at Eureka Springs Hon Anderson of Hannibal was a Louisiana visitor Saturday Miss Lena Conrad of Trenton Mo is visiting Miss Effie Stambaugh Miss Ora McIlroy returned Saturday from a visit to friends at La Grange Will oster and wife are visiting St Louis relatives and friends this week Martin Maurer the machinist made a business trip to Madison Mo Saturday Miss Cora Reid of Hannibal spent Sunday with Louisiana friends and rela tives Mike and Miss Sallie Genzberger are attending the St Louis Exposition this week Max Michael attended the Veiled ball at St Louis on Tuesday night Mrs Holloway of St Joseph is visiting her parents Ogden and family Mrs Thomas John returned Saturday from a pleasant visit with relatives at Vandalia Blackwell of Kingman Kans is visiting his daughter Mrs Wm Conrad and family Mrs A Gunn left last week on a month's visit to her mother at Middle town Ohio Wells of Paynesville was in the city yesterday and made the News a pleasant call Charles Pollman and wife were the guests of Palmyra relatives several days the past week Mr and Mrs ranh Tucker and Mrs rank Haley Jr attended court at Mexico Monday afternoon Dan McAlister spent Saturday and Sunday with hie parents McAlis ter and family in St Louis Griffin Stephenson of Noblesville Ind has been the guest of 1 Pratt and family several days this week lagg attended a meeting of the Republican state committee at the Lin dell hotel in St Louis on Monday Miss Julia Walz of Boonville Mo spent several days with her cousin Mrs Elenora Goodman the past week Nolin who was the guest of his brother Nolin the past week left for his home at Shelbina Tuesday Mrs rank Boehm Sr and son Luke left Tuesday for St Louis to attend the fair and spend a week with relatives Mrs Addie Curry of Mt Sterling Ill is visiting her mother Mrs annie Eng lish and other relatives in this city Mrs A Paine and her mother Mrs Margaret Milroy are attending the Ex position and visiting friends at Omaha Mrs Germann and daughter Miss Mabel of Rolla Mo have been the guests of Mrs Wm Sternes this week Miss Daisy Vanmeter who was the guest of Mrs A Stewart returned to her home at Annada Saturday evening Mrs Urban and daughter Miss Eula left Sunday for St Louis where they will visit her sons and attend the fair Miss annie Jacobson who has been the guest of Mrs Adam Wald the past week left Monday to visit friends at Mexico Dr Jake Pettibone a promising young dentist and the handsomest young gen tleman in Louisiana spent several days here this week with his uncle Joe Block Elsberry News Tinsley and wife returned Sun day from a two trip to Salt Lake City and the Omaha exposition Mrs Baker and babe and Miss Kate Hogue went to Ashburn Saturday to visit Mrs parents McD Smith and family Ben Burbridge of Ashley was in the city Monday on his return home from spending several days with friends in Calumet township Kissinger and wife and Mrs A Runyan and daughter Lillian of Clarksville were the guests of Sam Sparrow and wife Sunday Mrs Walker and daughter Julia Mrs Chris Walker and Miss Wiseman of Hannibal were the guests of Mrs rank Boehm Jr last Thursday Bert Love and wife of New London Conn were in the city a short time Wednesday morning leaving on the noon train for Marshall this state Miss lora Wakefield who was the guest of Mas Henshaw for several weeks left Monday for St Louis where she will visit friends before returning to her home at Smithton Mo Prof Geo Gross of Mexico at tended the picnic last Thurs day and assisted opera house band He was the guest of his sister Mrs rank Boehm Jr while in the city King better known as the Kan dy Kitchen man who is now in business at Sutton Neb was shaking hands with Louisiana friends Monday He reported prosperous times in that section of coun try Witch Hazel Salve has the largest sale of any salve in the world This fact and its merit has led dishonest people to attempt to tounterfeit it Look out for the man who attempts to deceive you when yon call for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the great pile Wehr man Duncan MARRIAQES The marriage of Mr Ike ielder and Miss Mollie Netherland was announced last week to take place at the Cumber land Presbyterian Church at Clarksville on Wednesday afternoon Oct 5th at 4:30 A beautiful home wedding was cele brated at the residence of James Good man near Dover on Tuesday afternoon Oct 4tb the contracting parties being Mr Charles of Clarksville and Miss Emma Goodman Rev Biggs officiating Miss Katie Goodman was maid of honor and Clifford Mackey the best man The bridesmaids were Misses Ora Stark Lucy Oglesby Mattie McCune and Ora McIlroy A sumptuous feast was enjoyed by the guests in attendance and the occasion was a most happy one Mr and Mrs Wirick left that night on a visit to the Omaha Exposition Wednesday evening September 28th Miss Ida McCuen and Mr Ila Lake son of John Lake of this city were united in marriage at the home of the bride's brother Ed McCuen corner 11th and Georgia streets Rev Pearson offici ating The parlors were tastefully dec orated with house plants and cut Howers The bridal party entered the parlors at 8 to the beautiful strains of Men wedding march played by Miss Ora Long The prospective bride and groom were preceded by the groomsman Mr Herman Caldwell and bridesmaid Miss Claudine Baird and by the maid of honor Miss Maude Lake The bride was dressed in green novelty trimmed in pink silk and green velvet and carried Bride's roses The bridesmaid and maid of honor were both dressed in green broadcloth and carried roses The bride and groom are both well known in this city and the well wishes of a large circle of friends go with them They will make their future home in Chicago where the groom has a lucrative position When you call for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure ac cept anything else be talked In to accepting a substitute for piles for sores for Wehrman Duncan Martha Weaver a maiden lady was awarded the prize offered for the oldest settler at the Clark county meeting last week The theatrical business pay at ulton The opera house there has been sold for $1 00 Three mortgages were on the property The report of the Kansas fish commis sion shows that the stock of fish in 8000 miles of rivers in that state is yalued at $500000 A GRAPE CREAM TARTAR POWDER DIL yWffj CREAM BAKING POWDIR Awarded Highest Honors air Gold Medal Midwinter air inoYou I "want Lonsirnipiiwi? We are sure you do not Nobody wants it But it comes to many thousands every year Itcomes to those who have had coughs and colds until the throat is raw and the lining membranes of the lungs are inflamed Stop your cough when it first appears and you remove the great danger of future trouble ICherry Deciorai stops coughs of all kinds It does so because it is a sooth ing and healing remedy of great power This makes it the great est preventive to consumption Put one of Cherry Pectoral Plasters over your lungs 4 wftofe Hltdlcal Ubrtry or four cents in stamps to pay pott age we will send you sixteen medical books MacMoa Advlc We have the exclusive servicea of some of the most eminent physician in the United States Unusual oppor tunities and lotitf experience emi nently flt them for giving you medical advice Write freelv all the partic ulars in your case You will receive a nromrt replv without cost Address UR AYER Lowell Maas DEATHS Wm liddaka who returned last Sat urday from the hospital at Quincy died at his home in Clinton on Wednesday morning Oct 5th at 6:15 o'clock of a complication of diseases Mrs Sebastin Smoker died at her home on the rankford road on Wednesday morning Oct 5th rt 4:30 of ty phoid fever The deceased leaves three daughters and two sons Simon Genzberger of Alexandria Va a cousin of Mike and Henry Genzberger of this city died at his home in the above named city on Saturday evening at 4 He was manager of Genzberger Bros Vandalia store and was well known in this city The remains of Matthew Walker col ored who died at Kansas City last Satur day of consumption were brought to this city on Sunday night by his mother and brother Bose and taken to the home of Bent James uneral services were held on Monday afternoon Dr Benjamin Griffith of Springfield Ill and a sou of Griffith of this city died Monday after a long illness at the age of 68 years He first studied medicine in this city and afterward prac ticed at Rockport 111 He removed to Springfield thirty years ago and was one of the most eminent physicians in that part of the State Mrs A Abbott wife of Rev A Abbott corresponding secretary of the State Board of Missions of the Christian church in this State died riday morning at their residence 4760 Kennerly avenue The funeral will take place at Corinth church near oley Mo Sunday morn ing Rev Dr Lampton of Louis iana and Rev Dr Corwin of New London officiating Rev Mr Abo is one of tlie leading ministers of the church in the State and only Thursday was re elected to the position of Secretary which he has held for five years and his wife was his greatest helper Globe Dcmo crat At her home in Vienna Va on riday Sept 23 Mrs isher wife of Rev isher after a painful illness of ten months She was cheerful and hope ful during her long sickness and died peacefully and triumphantly Mr isher was pastor of the irst Presbyterian church in this city for several years and left some three of four years ago for their present home in Virginia in hopes of Improving their health A kinder more cheerful nor better woman than Mrs isher never lived and the News joins a host of friends in this city in ex tending their sympathies in this sad hour Reduced Rates Via Burlington Route Omaha Neb June 1 to Oct 30 Expo sition Yellowstone National Park August 1 to September 28 Home Seekers August 2 1 and 16 Sep tember 6 and 20 October 4 and 18 Certain points in Colorado Idaho In dian Territory Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dacotah Ok lahoma South Dakotah Utah and Mich igan The News gives all the news A BRUTAL ASSAULT Mina Hattie Haley ormerly of This City Beaten by a Drunken Man 4 in St Louis The Post Dispatch of September 29th says that on a cot in the prison ward of the city hospital Thursday morning was a beautiful and refined young woman who had been cruelly assaulted by Will iam Condon a burly young ruffian now locked up at the our Courts The girl had given the uame of Har riet Haley but she admitted that her real name was Margaret Davis and her home Louisiana Mo where her father is a prominent and wealthy real estate dealer Later it developed that she had purposely given the wrong name as par ties who are acquainted with both the Haley and Davis families called at the Post Dispatch office riday morning and stated positively that the young woman is Harriet Haley and her father Haley was formerly street commissioner of Louisiana Misses Davis and Haley were schoolmates together and it is sup posed by Miss friends that when Miss Haley saw she was going to gain unenviable notoriety she sought to ward it off by assuming the name of her old school friend Sergt Johnson who is acting as night chief of police was returning to the our Courts from lunch at 2 Thursday morning On the pavement at Ninth and Chestnut streets he saw a well dressed young woman who was crying piteously Her clothes were torn and blood was streaming from her mouth and nose Standing over her in a threatening atti tude was a powerful man evidently un der the influence of liquor When the sergeant arrived the girl begged him to take the man away The sergeant called Patrolman Hickey who arrested the fel low who gave the name of William Con don and took him to the holdover The girl told the sergeant that she had gone out riding with Condon and while in the buggy with him he had attempted to assault her When she declined to ac company him to a place that he suggest de be struck her in the face with bis fist The battered condition of her face and the torn condition of her clothing told of the terrible struggle she had undergone She was sent to the city hospital where the physicians said that aside from the slight injury from the blows on her face and the severe nervous strain she had undergone she was uninjured fn her statement to a Post Dispatch re porter she said that she was at her board ing house near Dayton street and Jeffer son avenue talking with Mrs Shreever her landlady when Condon drove up and they were introduced by Mrs Shreever He asked her to take a little ride with him and she declined Mrs Shreever then asked her to get into the buggy and ride with him which she did with the above result To James Johnson and wife Monday Oct 3rd a son To Eugene Stark and wife Wednes day Sept 28 a son To Rev Don Nichols and wife at Kew Kiang Chinn on August twin sons The Brookfield lyiis wants Linn county to build either a new poor house or a court house it doesn't care which A man with a biblical name of Ephriam Angel is in the Lancaster jail on the charge of horse stealing Hobson is examining the Viscaya pre paratory to beginning to raise that valua ble vessel The Hawaiian commission has return ed having completed the work of inspec tion there Beauty and The secret of a woman 's her complete 'ii 5 womanliness both phys 7 dBSlJWical and mental This TX does not mean per fection of outline nor regularity of features It does not mean wit nor talents nor a in plishnients It means that physical at tractiveness that comes from perfect bodily condi tint! nnil bright happy cheerfulness of disposition which only complete health can insure A woman with a bright eye clear com plexion mantling color in the cheeks and buoyant elastic step and manner has a natural attractiveness that no artificial agency can counterfeit A woman who is afflicted with the morti fying misfortune of a dull sallow piniplv complexion or that listless movement and attitude which provokes only disgust and revulsion in the opposite sex ought to avail herself of the purifying invigorating power of Dr Golden Medical Discovery which makes a strong healthy stomach and digestive organism purifies the blood and imparts a natural stimulus to the ex cretory functions insures healthy weight clear skin bright eyes and the animated manner and bearing of perfect health A lady living in West Virginia Miss Anna Callow of Kyger Roane Co writes: "It is with pleasure I write you after using a few bottles of Dr Pierce's 1 avorite Prescription and Medical Discovery' and I think them valuable medicines for female troubles anti weaknesses I could hardly go about my work I had such inward weakness and constant misery in the womb It worried me so that I would give out in walking a short distance I had a bad cough and my lungs hurt me all the time I got very thin my complexion was bad and ray eyes would get so heavy in the evening they seemed stiff in the lids I could hardly move them Many persons were alarmed about me I looked so bad and had such a cough they were afraid I would go into consumption felt so badly every day that I had no life about me 1 used only five bottles in all I shall ever speak in praise of your grand medicines They are blessings to suffering females Another good thing to have in the house is a vial of Dr Pleasant Pellets They cure biliousness and constipation and never gripe It ARREK loyd Smith and wife epent Sunday in Vandalia Gilliland and wife went to Wells ville Sunday Escue Brandon and family spent Sun day in Bowling Green Misses Dell Peery and Josie Gilliland leave this afternoon for St Louie Mrs Oeterbaut spent last week visit ing friends in the country and Wellsville Mr Johnson of Mexico was the guest of his son Johnson near Vandalia Sunday Edmund Brining wife and mother are spending this week in the country with relatives Simeon Roes returned riday from Illinois where he was called by the death of bis brother rank General Schroll who was hurt last week while at work with the fence gang is slowly improving Rev Beauchamp filled his regular ap pointment Sunday He gave a talk to the children on Sunday afternoon The protracted meeting at the Chris tian church conducted by Elder Dorsy closed riday night with twenty additions to the church Bad weather kept the meeting from being a greater success Pete Breshears of near Perry conduct ed the Binging The Mexico Tribune edited by Henry Robbins made its appearance again last week It seems it was a false prophet that said when its editor joined the army the Ti ibune would probably be the last Republican paper ever published in Audrain We welcome the pa per and wish it success Audrain Re publicans ought to give it abundant sup port Mrs Susie Heckart and sons of near Montgomery City came over Sunday after her mother Mrs Martha Carroll who has been visiting friends here for some time Mrs Lizzie Carroll accom panied them home and will spend a few days there Mrs Oliver a daughter of Mrs Martha Carroll returned last weekfrom Oregon where she has lived for several years A Marrow Ei cape Thankful words written by Mrs Ada Hart of Groton taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs cough set in and finally terminat ed in Consumption our Doctors gave me up saying I could live but a short time I gave myself up to ray Sayior determined if 1 could nor stay with my friends on earth I would meet ray ab sent ones above My husband was ad vised to get Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds I gave it a trial took in all eight bottles It has cured me and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman Trial bottles free at Chap man's drugstore Regular size 50c and $100 Guaran teed or price refunded 1 La Grippe allowed by Heart Disease Cured by DR HEART CURE IBwliPI MR SHULTS of Winterset Iowa Inventor and manufacturer of Shults' Safety Whiffletree Coupling writes of Dr Miles' Heart Cure years ago an attack of LaGrippe left me with a weak heart I had run down in flesh to mere skin and bone I could not sleep lying down for smothering spells: frequent sharp darting pains and palpitation caused a con stant fear of sudden death nothing could induce me to remain away from home over night My local physician prescribed Dr Miles' Heart Cure and in a few days I was able to sleep well and the pains gradually lessened and finally ceased I reduced the the doses having gained fifteen pounds and am now feeling better in every way than I have for years" Dr Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee first bottle benefits or money re funded Book on dis eases of the heart and nerves free Address DR MILES MEDICAL OO Rtkhut Ind 'Mn LYNOTT A II DRAPER LYNOTT CO SUCCESSORS TO Hill Co ire and Tornado Insurance OLLOWING COMPANIES REPRESENTED: ASSETS Phoenix of Hartford 5538397 Royal 7400200 Commercial Union 3674436 Liverpool London Globe 9681864 Springfield Marine 4507276 North British and Mer cantile 4380505 ire Association 6236334 Connecticut 3559327 New York Underwriters 10 819 629 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OMAHA EXPOSITION June 1st to October 31st Advertised Letters Louisiana Mo Oct 8 1898 The following is the list of advertised letters remaining in the postoffice: Allen Allen Esq Jake Brooks Isaac Cauaughty Henry Davis Eberhardt Louis rederick Miss Wallace Hawkins Hall Hall Yeast Co Hines Gluel Illiway Mr and Mrs Jno McQuay Mrs II Mitchell Miss Sallie Owens 219 Eli St Sam Por ter Prof Robinson Prof Rob inson Andy Rogers Star lour Mills Please call for advertised letters with in 20 days Persons calling for above letters will please mention agg $1OO Rewanl 1OO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitution al disease requires a constitutional treat ment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list of Testimonials Address CHENEY Co Toledo Sold by Druggists 75c amily Pi Ils are the best To Our Delinquents The News is again compelled to urge all those who are owing us for subscrip tion or on account to kindly favor us with the amount due on such account We have been quite lenient with our subscribers during the hard times but we must now have money with which to meet our obligations aud to this end have begun sending out statements to those who owe us If you receive one of these please remember it is only sent you because we need the money badly and sincerely hope you will at once send us the full amount or as much as you can spare at this time and thus help us to meet our obligations promptly Harvest Excursions THE GRANDEST EXPOSITION (except air) ever planned in the United States Located within cheap and access of the entire Missouri and Mississippi Valleys at your own doors Through tickets beyond Omaha allow stop overs Reduced excursion rates to Omaha Take the Darlington Route the old and firmly established line to and through Omaha in any direction Howard Elliott General Manager St Louis Mo Wakeley General Passenger Agent St Louis Mo THE NEW WAY OMEN used to think fe rn a le diseases could only be treated after a 1 examina by physi cians Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering The in troduction of Wine of Cardui has now demon strated that nine tenths of all the cases of menstrual disorders do not require a attention at all The simple pure taken in the privacy of a own home insures quick relief and speedy cure Women need not hesitate now Wine of Cardui re quires no humiliating examina tions for its adoption It cures any disease that comes under the head of troubles" disordered menses falling of the womb change of life It makes women beautiful by making them well It keeps them young by keeping them healthy $100 at the drug store or advice In cases requiring special directions address giving symptoms the Advisory The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chatta nooga Tenn I ADDISON MD Cary Miss cays: "I use Wine ot Cardui extensively in my practice and find it a most excellent preparation for female troubles' OUK Via Burlington Route Sept 5th and 20th and Oct 4th and 18th to points in the South West West and North West Tickets for these excursions will be sold at very low rates Cheap rates to Omaha up to Oct 30th Leave orders for Job Work at this office Job Department or Neat Work at low prices.

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Pike County News from Louisiana, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.