Morris J. Brown, Pankaj Sharma, Fraz A. Mir, Peter N. Bennett - Clinical Pharmacology (2018, Elsevier) - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)

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Clinical Pharmacology

And I will use regimens for the benefit of the ill in accordance with my ability and my judgement. The Hippocratic Oath c.400 BC But doctors are lucky: the sun shines on their successes and the earth hides their failures. Michael de Montaigne 1533–1592 Morals do not forbid making experiments on one’s neighbour or on one’s self … among the experiments that may be tried on man, those that can only harm are forbidden, those that are innocent are permissible, and those that may do good are obligatory. Claude Bernard 1813–1878 It may seem a strange principle to enunciate as the very first requirement in a Hospital that it should do the sick no harm. Florence Nightingale 1820–1910 The ingenuity of man has ever been fond of exerting itself to varied forms and combinations of medicines. William Withering 1741–1799 A desire to take medicine is, perhaps, the great feature which distinguishes man from other animals. William Osler 1849–1920 All things are poisons and there is nothing that is harmless, the dose alone decides that something is no poison. Paracelsus 1493–1541 Medical science aims at the truth and nothing but the truth. William J Mayo 1861–1939 What we find in books is like the fire in our hearths. We fetch it from our neighbors, we kindle it at home, we communicate it to others, and it becomes the property of all. Voltaire 1694–1778

Clinical Pharmacology Twelfth edition Morris J. Brown MA MSc FRCP FAHA FBPharmacolS FMedSci Professor of Endocrine Hypertension, William Harvey Research Institute of the Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK

Pankaj Sharma MD PhD FRCP Professor of Neurology and Director, Institute of Cardiovascular Research, Royal Holloway College, University of London; and Consultant Neurologist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK

Fraz A. Mir MA, FRCP Consultant Clinical Pharmacologist, Division of Experimental Medicine and Immunotherapeutics, Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK

Peter N. Bennett MD FRCP Formerly Reader in Clinical Pharmacology, University of Bath; and Consultant Physician, Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK

Edinburgh London New York Oxford Philadelphia St Louis Sydney 2019

© 2019, Elsevier Limited. All rights reserved. First edition 1960 Second edition 1962 Third edition 1966 Fourth edition 1973 Fifth edition 1980 Sixth edition 1987 Seventh edition 1992 Eighth edition 1997 Ninth edition 2003 Tenth edition 2008 Eleventh edition 2012 No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds or experiments described herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made. To the fullest extent of the law, no responsibility is assumed by Elsevier, authors, editors or contributors for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. ISBN: 978-0-7020-7328-1 IE: 978-0-7020-7329-8 Printed in China Last digit is the print number: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Content Strategist: Pauline Graham Content Development Specialist: Fiona Conn Senior Project Manager: Manchu Mohan Design: Amy Buxton Illustration Manager: Teresa McBryan Marketing Manager: Deborah Watkins

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Contents Preface  .......................................................................vii List of contributors  ................................................... ix Acknowledgements  ................................................xiii

Section 1: General   1 Clinical pharmacology  ....................................2 Mike Schachter   2 Topics in drug therapy  ....................................5 Mike Schachter   3 Discovery and development of drugs  ................................................................28 Patrick Vallance   4 Evaluation of drugs in humans  ...................37 Ian Hudson, June Raine   5 Health technology assessment  .....................56 Michael Rawlins   6 Regulation of medicines  ...............................63 Ian Hudson, Keith MacDonald, June Raine   7 Classification and naming of drugs  ............ 71 Morris J. Brown

Section 2: From pharmacology to toxicology   8 General pharmacology  ..................................76 Mike Schachter, Munir Pirmohamed   9 Unwanted effects and adverse drug reactions  ........................................................ 112 Mike Schachter

10 Poisoning, overdose, antidotes  ................. 125 Stephen Haydock 11 Drug dependence  ........................................ 139 Stephen Haydock

Section 3: Infection and inflammation 12 Chemotherapy of infections  ..................... 166 David A. Enoch, Mark Farrington 13 Antibacterial drugs  ...................................... 178 David A. Enoch, Mark Farrington 14 Chemotherapy of bacterial infections  ..... 198 David A. Enoch, Mark Farrington, Surender K. Sharma 15 Viral, fungal, protozoal and helminthic infections  .......................................................221 Sani Aliyu 16 Drugs for inflammation and joint disease  ........................................................... 248 Clare Thornton, Justin C. Mason 17 Drugs and the skin  ..................................... 269 Thomas K. K. Ha

Section 4: Nervous system 18 Pain and analgesics  ..................................... 288 Michael C. Lee, Mark Abrahams 19 Anaesthesia and neuromuscular block  ..............................................................308 Jerry P. Nolan v

Contents 20 Psychotropic drugs  ...................................... 324 David Nutt, Simon Davies, Blanca M. Bolea-Alamanac 21 Neurological disorders – epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis  ................... 365 Paul Bentley, Pankaj Sharma

Section 5: Cardiorespiratory and renal systems 22 Cholinergic and antimuscarinic (anticholinergic) mechanisms and drugs  ..................................................... 392 Morris J. Brown, Fraz A. Mir 23 Adrenergic mechanisms and drugs  ...........403 Morris J. Brown 24 Arterial hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and heart failure  ...................................................415 Morris J. Brown 25 Cardiac arrhythmia  ......................................451 Andrew Grace 26 Hyperlipidaemias  ........................................ 468 John P. D. Reckless 27 Kidney and genitourinary tract  ................. 479 Thomas F. Hiemstra 28 Respiratory system  ...................................... 495 Lucinda Kennard

Section 6: Blood and neoplastic disease

Section 7: Gastrointestinal system 32 Oesophagus, stomach and duodenum  ................................................... 562 Devinder Singh Bansi, Charlotte Hateley, John Louis-Auguste 33 Intestines  .......................................................570 Devinder Singh Bansi, Charlotte Hateley, John Louis-Auguste 34 Liver and biliary tract  ..................................581 Graeme Alexander

Section 8: Endocrine system, metabolic conditions 35 Adrenal corticosteroids, antagonists, corticotropin  ................................................ 594 Diana C. Brown, Morris J. Brown 36 Diabetes mellitus, insulin, oral antidiabetes agents, obesity  ....................... 608 Mark Evans, Rahat Tauni 37 Thyroid hormones, antithyroid drugs  ............................................................. 625 Diana C. Brown 38 Hypothalamic, pituitary and sex hormones  ..................................................... 635 Karim Meeran 39 Vitamins, calcium, bone  ............................ 655 Chrysothemis Brown Index  ....................................................................... 667

29 Drugs and haemostasis  ...............................512 Mike Laffan, Trevor Baglin 30 Red blood cell disorders  ............................ 528 M. Hasib Sidiqi, Wendy N. Erber 31 Neoplastic disease and immunosuppression  .................................. 543 Harpreet Wasan vi


For your own satisfaction and for mine, please read this preface!1 A preface should tell the prospective reader about the subject of a book, its purpose and its plan. This book is about the scientific basis and practice of drug therapy. It addresses medical students and doctors in particular, but also anyone concerned with evidence-based drug therapy and prescribing. The scope and rate of drug innovation increase. Doctors now face a professional lifetime of handling drugs that are new to themselves – drugs that do new things as well as drugs that do old things better – and drugs that were familiar during medical training become redundant. We write not only for readers who, like us, have a special interest in pharmacology. We try to make pharmacology understandable for those whose primary interests lie elsewhere but who recognise that they need some knowledge of pharmacology if they are to meet their moral and legal ‘duty of care’ to their patients. We are aware, too, of medical curricular pressures that would reduce the time devoted to teaching clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, and such diminution is surely a misguided policy for a subject that is so integral to the successful practice of medicine. Thus, we try to tell readers what they need to know without burdening them with irrelevant information, and we try to make the subject interesting. We are very serious, but seriousness does not always demand wearying solemnity. All who prescribe drugs would be wise to keep in mind the changing and ever more exacting expectations of patients and of society in general. Doctors who prescribe casually or ignorantly now face not only increasing criticism but also civil (or even criminal) legal charges. The ability to handle new developments depends, now more than ever, on comprehension of the principles of pharmacology. These principles are not difficult to grasp and are not so many as to defeat even the busiest doctors who take upon themselves the responsibility of introducing manufactured medicines into the bodies of their patients. The exercise of prescribing calls for the meticulous selection of medicines and so the avoidance of polypharmacy, which now seems rampant. The principles of pharmacology and drug therapy appear in Chapters 1–11 and their application in the subsequent specialist chapters, where we draw on the knowledge and authority of a range of experts, to whom we express our gratitude. The names of those who contributed to the present and previous editions appear on subsequent pages. We seek to offer a reasonably brief solution to the problem of combining practical clinical utility with an account of the principles on which clinical practice rests. The quantity of practical technical detail to include is a matter of judgment. In general, where therapeutic practices are complex, potentially dangerous or commonly updated, e.g. anaphylactic shock, we provide more detail, together with websites for the latest advice; we give less or even no detail on therapy that specialists undertake, e.g. anticancer drugs. Nevertheless, especially with modern drugs that are unfamiliar, prescribers should consult formularies, approved guidelines or the manufacturer’s current literature, relevant to their country of practice. 1

St Francis of Sales: Preface to Introduction to the devout life (1609).


Preface Use of the book. Francis Bacon2 wrote that ‘Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.’ Perhaps elements of each activity can apply to parts of our text. Students and doctors are, or should be, concerned to understand and to develop a rational, critical attitude to drug therapy, and they should therefore chiefly address issues of how drugs act and interact in disease and how evidence of therapeutic effect is obtained and evaluated. To this end, they should read selectively and should not impede themselves by attempts to memorise lists of alternative drugs and doses and minor differences among them, which should never be required of them in examinations. Thus, we do not encumber the text with exhaustive lists of preparations, which properly belong in a formulary, although we hope that enough has been mentioned to cover much routine prescribing, and many drugs have been included solely for identification. The role and status of a textbook. In this computer age, a textbook still plays a coveted role. Unlike electronic search engines, a textbook allows one to browse and amble a route to the question posed, perhaps acquiring information along the way that one had never thought existed. We aspire to provide one such route. A useful guide to drug use must offer clear conclusions and advice. If it is to be of reasonable size, it may often omit alternative acceptable courses of action. What it recommends should rest on sound evidence, where this exists, and on an assessment of the opinions of the experienced where it does not. Increasingly, guidelines produced by specialist societies and national and international bodies have influenced the selection of drugs. We provide or refer to these as representing a consensus of best practice in particular situations. Similarly, we assume that the reader possesses a formulary, local or national, that will provide guidance on the availability, including doses, of a broad range of drugs. Yet the practice of medicinal therapeutics by properly educated and conscientious doctors working in settings complicated by intercurrent disease, metabolic differences or personality, involves challenges beyond the rigid adherence to published recommendations. The role of a textbook is to provide the satisfaction of understanding the basis for a recommended course of action and to achieve an optimal result by informed selection and use of drugs. In this our twelfth edition, we can but reassert our belief in this principle. The textbook is dead: long live the textbook. MJB, PS, FAM, PNB


Francis Bacon (1561–1626) Essays (1625) ‘Of studies’. Philosopher and scientist, Bacon introduced the idea of the experimental or inductive method of reasoning for understanding nature.



Mark Abrahams MB ChB DA FRCA

Trevor Baglin MA MB Ch B PhD




Clinical Director, Musculoskeletal Services, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK Chapter 18 Pain and analgesics

Consultant Haematologist, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Cambridge, UK Chapter 29 Drugs and haemostasis

Wellcome Trust Post-doctoral Clinical Research Fellow, Institute of Child Health, UCL, London, UK Chapter 39 Vitamins, calcium, bone


Devinder Singh Bansi BM DM

UCL Professor, Institute for Liver and Digestive Health, Royal Free Hospital Pond St, Hampstead, London, UK. Chapter 34 Liver and biliary tract


Consultant Endocrinologist, BUPA Cromwell Hospital, London, UK Chapter 35 Adrenal corticosteroids, antagonists, corticotrophin, Chapter 37 Thyroid hormones, antithyroid drugs

Graeme Alexander MB ChB, MA,

Sani Aliyu MBBS FRCP FRCPath Consultant in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK Chapter 15 Viral, fungal, protozoal and helminthic infections

John Louis-Auguste BA MB ChB MRCP

Specialist Registrar in Gastroenterology, Charing Cross Hospital, London, UK Chapter 32 Oesophagus, stomach and duodenum, Chapter 33 Intestines

Consultant Gastroenterologist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK Chapter 32 Oesophagus, stomach and duodenum, Chapter 33 Intestines

Paul Bentley MA, MRCP, PhD Clinical Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Neurology and Stroke Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK Chapter 21 Neurological disorders – epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis

Blanca M. Bolea-Alamanac MD

Chrysothemis Brown MA MBBS

Diana C. Brown MD MSc FRCP

Simon Davies DM (Oxon) MBBS MRCPsych MSc (Epidemiol) MSc (Affective Neuroscience) Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto and Staff Psychiatrist, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Canada Chapter 20 Psychotropic drugs

David A. Enoch BSc MBBS MSc

MSc (Affective Neuroscience) PhD


Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto and Staff Psychiatrist, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Canada Chapter 20 Psychotropic drugs

Consultant Medical Microbiologist, Clinical Microbiology & Public Health Laboratory, National Infection Service Public Health England, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK Chapter 12 Chemotherapy of infections, Chapter 13 Antibacterial drugs, Chapter 14 Chemotherapy of bacterial infections


Contributors Wendy N. Erber MBBS MD DPhil FRCPath FRCPA FAHMS

Charlotte Hateley MBBS MRes

Michael C. Lee MBBS FRCA PhD



Pro Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean and Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia Chapter 30 Red blood cell disorders

ST3 Gastroenterology and Hepatology Registrar, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK Chapter 32 Oesophagus, stomach and duodenum, Chapter 33 Intestines

Consultant and University Lecturer, Department of Medicine, Division of Anaesthesia, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK Chapter 18 Pain and analgesics

Stephen Haydock PhD FRCP

Mark Evans MD FRCP

Consultant Physician, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, UK Chapter 10 Poisoning, overdose, antidotes, Chapter 11 Drug dependence

Keith MacDonald MSc BSc (Hons) DipRadPharmSci FRPharmS

University Lecturer, University of Cambridge; Honorary Consultant Physician, Wellcome Trust/MRC Institute of Metabolic Science, Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK Chapter 36 Diabetes mellitus, insulin, oral antidiabetes agents, obesity

Mark Farrington MA MB BChir FRCPath

Consultant Medical Microbiologist, National Infection Service, Public Health England, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK Chapter 12 Chemotherapy of infections, Chapter 13 Antibacterial drugs, Chapter 14 Chemotherapy of bacterial infections

Andrew Grace MB PhD FRCP FACC

Deputy Director, Licensing Division, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, London, UK Chapter 6 Regulation of medicines

Thomas F. Hiemstra PhD FRCPE

Justin C. Mason PhD FRCP

University Lecturer in Trials, University of Cambridge; Honorary Consultant Nephrologist, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK Chapter 27 Kidney and genitourinary tract

Professor of Vascular Rheumatology, Imperial College, London, UK Chapter 16 Drugs for inflammation and joint disease

Ian Hudson BSc MBBS MD DCH DipPharmMed FFPM FRCP

Chief Executive, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency Chapter 4 Evaluation of drugs in humans,Chapter 6 Regulation of medicines

Karim Meeran MD FRCP FRCPath Professor of Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK Chapter 38 Hypothalamic, pituitary and sex hormones


Honorary Professor of Resuscitation Medicine, School of Clinical Sciences, University of Bristol; Consultant in Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine, Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK Chapter 19 Anaesthesia and neuromuscular block


Lucinda Kennard BSc MBBS

Research Group Head, Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge; Consultant Cardiologist, Cambridge University Health Partners, Cambridge, UK Chapter 25 Cardiac arrhythmia

Specialist Registrar in Clinical Pharmacology & Allergy, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK Chapter 28 Respiratory system


Mike Laffan DM FRCP FRCPath

David Nutt DM FRCP FRCPsych

Professor of Haemostasis and Thrombosis, Centre for Haematology, Imperial College, London, UK Chapter 29 Drugs and haemostasis


Consultant Dermatologist, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK Chapter 17 Drugs and the skin



The Edmond J Safra Chair in Neuropsychopharmacology, Imperial College, London, UK Chapter 20 Psychotropic drugs

Contributors Sir Munir Pirmohamed MB ChB

Mike Schachter MB BSc FRCP

Clare Thornton PhD MRCP (Rheum)


Principal Teaching Fellow in Clinical Pharmacology, Imperial College, London, UK Chapter 1 Clinical pharmacology, Chapter 2 Topics in drug therapy, Chapter 8 General pharmacology, Chapter 9 Unwanted effects and adverse drug reactions

Consultant Rheumatologist, Homerton University Hospital, London, UK Chapter 16 Drugs for inflammation and joint disease

David Weatherall Chair of Medicine and NHS Chair of Pharmacogenetics, University of Liverpool; Associate Executive Pro-Vice Chancellor for Clinical Research, University of Liverpool; Director, MRC Centre for Drug Safety Science and Wolfson Centre for Personalised Medicine, Liverpool, UK Chapter 8 General pharmacology

June Raine BM BCh MSc FRCP Director, Vigilance and Risk Management of Medicines, Medicines and Healthcare Products, Regulatory Agency, London, UK Chapter 4 Evaluation of drugs in humans, Chapter 6 Regulation of medicines

Sir Michael Rawlins GBE MD FRCP FMedSci

Chair, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), London, UK Chapter 5 Health technology assessment

John P. D. Reckless DSc, MD, FRCP Honorary Reader, University of Bath, Bath, UK Chapter 26 Hyperlipidaemias

Surender K. Sharma MD PhD Chief, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine; Head, Department of Medicine; All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India Chapter 14 Chemotherapy of bacterial infections

Patrick Vallance FRCP FMedSci FRS President Research and Development, GlaxoSmithKline, Brentford, UK Chapter 3 Discovery and development of drugs

Harpreet Wasan MBBS FRCP Consultant & Reader in Medical Oncology, Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK Chapter 31 Neoplastic disease and immunosuppression

M. Hasib Sidiqi MBBS FRACP FRCPA Advance Hematology Fellow, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, USA; Clinical Lecturer, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia Chapter 30 Red blood cell disorders

Rahat Tauni BSc MBBS (Hons) MRCP CertMedEd

Specialist Registrar, Diabetes and Endocrinology, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK Chapter 36 Diabetes mellitus, insulin, oral antidiabetes agents, obesity


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The present work reflects our wide reuse of material by those who wrote chapters for previous editions of this book. The editors have pleasure in acknowledging their proficiency and take this opportunity of expressing to them our grateful thanks. Those who contributed to the tenth edition are: Dr Nigel S Baber (Chapters 4, 5, 7, 8), Professor Sir Peter Rubin (Chapter 3), Dr Francis Hall (Chapter 16), Dr Charles R J Singer (Chapter 30), Dr Pippa G Corrie and Dr Charles R J Singer (Chapter 31), Dr Michael Davis (Chapters 33, 34, 35), Dr Gerard S Conway (Chapter 38). MJB, PS, FAM, PNB


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Section | 1 | General

1 2 3 4

Clinical pharmacology 2 Topics in drug therapy 5 Discovery and development of drugs 28 Evaluation of drugs in humans 37

5 Health technology assessment 56 6 Regulation of medicines 63 7 Classification and naming of drugs 71


1 Clinical pharmacology Mike Schachter

SYNOPSIS Clinical pharmacology comprises all aspects of the scientific study of drugs in humans. Its objective is to optimise drug therapy and it is justified in so far as it is put to practical use. The use of drugs 1 to increase human happiness by elimination or suppression of diseases and symptoms and to improve the quality of life in other ways is a serious matter and involves not only technical, but also psychosocial considerations. Overall, the major benefits of modern drugs are on quality of life (measured with difficulty), and exceed those on quantity of life (measured with ease).2 In some situations we can attempt both objectives. Medicines are part of our way of life from birt when we may enter the world with the aid o drugs, to death, where drugs assist (most of) us to 'A World Health Organization scientific group-.tias defi ed a drug as 'any substance or product that is used or inteni:Jed to be used to modify or explore physiological systems or pathological states for the benefit of the recipient' (WHO 1966 Technic-al Report Series no. 341:7) A less restrictive definition is 'a substance that changes a biological system by interacting with it'. (Laurence DR, Carpenter J 1998 A dictionary of pharmacology and allied topics. Elsevier, Amsterdam, p 106) A drug is a single chemical substance that forms the active ingredient of a medicine (a substance or mixture of substances used in restoring or preserving health). A medicine may contain many other substances to deliver the drug in a stable form, acceptable and convenient to the patient. The terms will be used more or less interchangeably in this book. To use the word 'drug' intending only a harmful, dangerous or addictive substance is to abuse a respectable and useful word. 'Consider, for example, the worldwide total of suffering relieved and prevented each day by anaesthetics (local and general) and by analgesics, not forgetting dentistry which, because of these drugs, no longer strikes terror into even the most stoical as it has done for centuries.


depart with minimal distress and perhaps even with a remnant of dig ity. In between these events we regulate our fertility, often, with drugs. We tend to ta e such usages for granted. But during the intervals remaining, an average family experiences illness on 1 day in 4 and between the ages of 20 and 45 years a lower-middle-class man experiences approximately one life-endangering illness, 20 disabling (temporarily) illnesses, 200 non-disabling illnesses anc:l 1000 symptomatic episodes: the average persom in the USA can expect to have about 12 years of bad health in an average lifespan,3 and meaicines play a major role: 'At any time, 40-50% of adults [UK] are taking a prescribed medicine.'4 Over the centuries humans have sought relief from discomfort in 'remedies' concocted from parts of plants, animals and other sources; numerous formularies attest to their numbers and complexity. Gradually, a more critical view emerged, recognising the need for proper investigation of medications. In 1690, John Locke 5 was moved to write, 'we should be able to tell beforehand that rhubarb will purge, hemlock kill, and opium make a man sleep ...'. Yet it was only in the early years of the 20th century that we began to see the use of specific chemical substances to achieve particular 3Quoted in: USA Public Health Service 1995. 'George C F 1994 Prescribers' Journal 34:7. A moment's reflection will bring home to us that this is an astounding statistic which goes a long way to account for the aggressive promotional activities of the highly competitive international pharmaceutical industry; the markets for medicines are colossal. 5Locke J 1690 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Clarendon Press, Oxford, book iv, chapter iii, p. 556. T he English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) argued that all human knowledge came only from experience and sensations.

Clinical pharmacology biological effects; that is, the exact science of drug action, which is pharmacology. Subsequently the discipline underwent a major expansion resulting from technology that allowed the understanding of molecular action and the capacity to exploit this. The potential consequences for drug therapy are enormous. All cellular mechanisms (normal and pathological), in their immense complexity, are, in principle, identifiable. What seems almost an infinite number of substances, transmitters, local hormones, cell growth factors, can be made, modified and tested to provide agonists, partial agonists, inverse agonists and antagonists. Moreover, the unravelling of the human genome opens the way for interference with disease processes in ways that were never thought possible before now. Increasingly large numbers of substances will deserve to be investigated and used for altering physiology to the advantage of humans. With all these developments, and their potential for good, comes capacity for harm, whether inherent in the substances themselves or resulting from human misapplication. Successful use of the power conferred (by biotechnology in particular) requires understanding of the growing evidence base of the true consequences of interference. The temporary celebrity of new drugs is not a new phenomenon. Jean Nicholas Corvisart6 (1755–1821) reputedly expressed the issue in the dictum: ‘Here is a new remedy; take it fast, as long as it still works’. Clinical pharmacology provides the scientific basis for: • the general aspects of rational, safe and effective drug therapy • drug therapy of individual diseases • the safe introduction of new medicines.

The drug and information explosion of the past six decades, combined with medical need, has called into being a new discipline, clinical pharmacology.7 The discipline finds recognition as both a health-care and an academic 6

He was Emperor Napoleon’s favourite physician. The term was first used by Paul Martini (1889–1964). He addressed issues that are now integral parts of clinical trials, including the use of placebo, control groups, sample size, relationship between dose and response and probability of efficacy. His monograph Methodology of Therapeutic Investigation (Springer, Berlin, 1932), was published in German and went largely unnoticed by English speakers (Shelly J H, Baur M P 1999 Paul Martini: the first clinical pharmacologist? Lancet 353:1870–1873). 7



specialty; indeed, no medical school can be considered complete without a department or sub-department of clinical pharmacology. A signal pioneer was Harry Gold8 (1899–1972), of Cornell University, USA, whose influential studies in the 1930s showed the qualities needed to be a clinical pharmacologist. In 1952, he wrote in a seminal article: a special kind of investigator is required, one whose training has equipped him not only with the principles and technics of laboratory pharmacology but also with knowledge of clinical medicine … Clinical scientists of all kinds do not differ fundamentally from other biologists; they are set apart only to the extent that there are special difficulties and limitations, ethical and practical, in seeking knowledge from man.9 Willingness to learn the principles of pharmacology, and how to apply them in individual circ*mstances of infinite variety is vital to success without harm: to maximise benefit and minimise risk. All of these issues are the concern of clinical pharmacology and are the subject of this book. More detailed aspects comprise: 1. Pharmacology

Pharmacodynamics: how drugs, alone and in combination, affect the body (young, old, well, sick). ■ Pharmaco*kinetics: absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion or how the body – well or sick – affects drugs. 2. Therapeutic evaluation ■ Whether a drug is of value. ■ How it may best be used. ■ Formal therapeutic trials. ■

8 Gold H 1952 The proper study of mankind is man. American Journal of Medicine 12:619. The title is taken from An Essay on Man by Alexander Pope (English poet, 1688–1744), which begins with the lines: ‘Know then thyself, presume not God to scan,/The proper study of mankind is man’. Indeed, the whole passage is worth appraisal, for it reads as if it were relevant to modern clinical pharmacology and drug therapy. 9 Self-experimentation has always been a feature of clinical pharmacology. A survey of 250 members of the Dutch Society of Clinical Pharmacology evoked 102 responders of whom 55 had carried out experiments on themselves (largely for convenience) (van Everdingen J J, Cohen A F 1990 Self-experimentation by doctors. Lancet 336:1448). A spectacular example occurred at the 1983 meeting of the American Urological Association at Las Vegas, USA, during a lecture on pharmacologically induced penile erection, when the lecturer stepped out from behind the lectern to demonstrate personally the efficacy of the technique (Zorgniotti A W 1990 Self-experimentation. Lancet 36:1200).





Surveillance studies for both efficacy and safety (adverse effects) – pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance. 3. Control ■ Rational prescribing and formularies. ■ Official regulation of medicines. ■ Social aspects of the use and misuse of medicines. ■ Pharmacoeconomics. ■

Clinical pharmacology finds expression in concert with other clinical specialties. Therapeutic success with drugs is becoming more and more dependent on the user having at least an outline understanding of both pharmacodynamics and pharmaco*kinetics. This outline is quite simple and easy

to acquire. However humane and caring doctors may be, they cannot dispense with scientific skill. Knowledge of clinical pharmacology underpins decisions in therapeutics, which is concerned with the prevention, suppression or cure of disease and, from the point of view of society, is the most vital aspect of medicine. Pharmacology is the same science whether it investigates animals or humans. The need for it grows rapidly as not only scientists, but now the whole community, can see its promise of release from distress and premature death over yet wider fields. The concomitant dangers of drugs (fetal deformities, adverse reactions, dependence) only add to the need for the systematic and ethical application of science to drug development, evaluation and use, i.e. clinical pharmacology.

Guide to further reading Baber, N.S., Ritter, J.M., Aronson, J.K., 2004. Medicines regulation and clinical pharmacology. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 58 (6), 569–570 (and other articles in this issue). Dollery, C.T., 2006. Clinical pharmacology – the first 75 years and a view of the future. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 61, 650–665. FitzGerald, G.A., 2007. Clinical pharmacology or translational medicine and therapeutics: reinvent or rebrand and expand? Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 81 (1), 19–20.


Honig, P., 2007. The value and future of clinical pharmacology. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 81 (1), 17–18. Laurence, D.R., 1989. Ethics and law in clinical pharmacology. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 27, 715–722. Rawlins, M.D., 2005. Pharmacopolitics and deliberative democracy. Clin. Med. (Northfield Il) 5, 471–475. Rawlins, M.D., 2015. National Institute for Clinical Excellence: NICE works. J. R. Soc. Med. 108 (6), 211– 219.

Reidenberg, M.M., 2008. A new look at the profession of clinical pharmacology. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 83 (2), 213–217 (and other articles in this issue). Report. Pricewaterhouse Cooper 2016 Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. The case for savings in the NHS 168:1–25. Waldman, S.A., Christensen, N.B., Moore, J.E., Terzic, A., 2007. Clinical pharmacology: the science of therapeutics. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 81 (1), 3–6.


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Topics in drug therapy Mike Schachter

SYNOPSIS Drug therapy involves considerations beyond the strictly scientific pharmacological aspects of medicines. These include numerous issues relating to prescribers and to patients:

• • • • • • • • • • • •

The therapeutic situation. Treating patients with drugs. Iatrogenic disease. Benefits and risks. Public view of drugs and prescribers. Criticisms of modern drugs. Drug-induced injury. Complementary and alternative medicine. Placebo medicines. Guidelines, ‘essential’ drugs and prescribing. Compliance – patient and doctor. Pharmacoeconomics.

The therapeutic situation Some background Alleviating effects of disease and trauma has been a major concern of human beings from the earliest times. Records of the ancient civilisations of Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), India, China, Mexico and Egypt, from about 3000 BC, describe practices of diagnosis and treatment predicated on differing, often complex, concepts of disease: the supernatural, religious theories (sin, punishment of sin, uncleanness), omens, deities and rites. Among many modes of therapy, a reliance on diet and use of herbs figured prominently (the Mexicans knew of 1200 medicinal plants).

From about 500 BC, the Greek system of humoural medicine began to replace the supernatural with thinking that was rational, scientific and naturalistic. Its core concept was that health was an equilibrium, and disease a disequilibrium, of the four constituent fluids or ‘humours’ of the body (yellow bile, phlegm, blood and black bile). It followed that the condition was correctable by evacuation techniques to re-establish the balance, and hence came blooding, leeching, cathartics, sweating and emetics. Here, the focus was on the patient, as the degree of humoural imbalance was specific to that individual. Remarkably, this system persisted among ‘learned and rational’ (i.e. university-trained) physicians until it was challenged in the 17th century. Thomas Sydenham1 (1624–1689) showed that during epidemics, many people could suffer the same disease, and different epidemics had distinct characteristics. Later, Giovanni Morgagni (1682–1771), by correlating clinical and autopsy findings, demonstrated that diseases related to particular organs. Now the study of disease, rather than the patient, became the centre of attention. Yet it was only in the 19th century that medicine developed as a science, when the microscope revealed the cell as the basic construction unit of the body and specific entities of pathology became recognisable, most notably in the case of infection with microorganisms (‘germ theory’). The one major dimension of medicine that remained underdeveloped was therapeutics. An abundance of preparations in pharmacopoeias compared with a scarcity of genuinely effective therapies contributed to a state of ‘therapeutic nihilism’, expressed trenchantly by Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809–1894): ‘Throw out opium …; throw out a few specifics …; throw out wine, which is a food, and the vapours 1 His work had such a profound influence on medicine that he was called the ‘English Hippocrates’.





which produce the miracle of anaesthesia, and I firmly believe that if the whole materia medica, as now used, could be sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would be all the better for mankind, – and all the worse for the fishes…’ 2 The writer was exaggerating to emphasise his point, but the position was to change throughout the 20th century as understanding of human physiology and pathophysiology deepened and agents that could be relied on to interfere with these processes became available. Modern physicians have at their disposal an array of medicines that empowers them to intervene beneficially in disease but also carries new responsibilities. Drug therapy involves a great deal more than matching the name of the drug to the name of a disease; it requires knowledge, judgement, skill and wisdom, but above all a sense of responsibility.

Treating patients with drugs A book can provide knowledge and contribute to the formation of judgement, but it can do little to impart skill and wisdom, which are the products of example of teachers and colleagues, of experience and of innate and acquired capacities. But: ‘It is evident that patients are not treated in a vacuum and that they respond to a variety of subtle forces around them in addition to the specific therapeutic agent.’3 When a patient receives a drug, the response can be the result of numerous factors:

• The pharmacodynamic effect of the drug and • • • • •

interactions with any other drugs the patient may be taking. The pharmaco*kinetics of the drug and its modification in the individual by genetic influences, disease, other drugs. The act of medication, including the route of administration and the presence or absence of the doctor. What the doctor has told the patient. The patient’s past experience of doctors. The patient’s estimate of what has been received and of what ought to happen as a result.

2 Medical Essays (1891). American physician and poet, and Dean of Harvard Medical School; he introduced the term ‘anaesthesia’ instead of ‘suspended animation’ or ‘etherisation’. Address delivered before the Massachusetts Medical Society, 30 May 1860 (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Medical Essays. Kessinger Publishing, p. 140). 3 Sherman L J 1959 The significant variables in psychopharmaceutic research. American Journal of Psychiatry 116:208–214.


• The social environment, e.g. whether it is supportive or dispiriting. The relative importance of these factors varies according to circ*mstances. An unconscious patient with meningococcal meningitis does not have a personal relationship with the doctor, but patients sleepless with anxiety because they cannot cope with their family responsibilities may respond as much to the interaction of their own personality with that of the doctor as to anxiolytics. The physician may consciously use all of the factors listed above in therapeutic practice. But it is still not enough that patients get better: it is essential to know why they do so. This is because potent drugs should be given only if their pharmacodynamic effects are needed; many adverse reactions have been shown to be due to drugs that are not needed, including some severe enough to cause hospital admission.

Drugs can do good Medically, this good may sometimes seem trivial, as in the avoidance of a sleepless night in a noisy hotel or of social embarrassment from a profusely running nose due to seasonal pollen allergy (hay fever). Such benefits are not necessarily trivial to recipients, concerned to be at their best in important matters, whether of business, pleasure or passion, i.e. with quality of life. Or the good may be literally life-saving, as in serious acute infections (pneumonia, septicaemia) or in the prevention of life-devastating disability from severe asthma, from epilepsy or from blindness due to glaucoma.

Drugs can do harm This harm may be relatively trivial, as in hangover from a hypnotic or transient headache from glyceryl trinitrate used for angina. The harm may be life-destroying, as in the rare sudden death following an injection of penicillin, rightly regarded as one of the safest of antibiotics, or the destruction of the quality of life that occasionally attends the use of drugs that are effective in rheumatoid arthritis (adrenocortical steroids, penicillamine) and Parkinson’s disease (levodopa). There are risks in taking medicines, just as there are risks in food and transport. There are also risks in declining to take medicines when they are needed, just as there are risks in refusing food or transport when they are needed. Efficacy and safety do not lie solely in the molecular structure of the drug. Doctors must choose which drugs to use and must apply them correctly in relation not only to their properties, but also to those of the patients and their disease. Then patients must use the prescribed medicine correctly (see Compliance, p. 19).

Topics in drug therapy

Uses of drugs/medicines Drugs are used in three principal ways: • To cure disease: primary and auxiliary. • To suppress disease. • To prevent disease (prophylaxis): primary and secondary.

Cure  implies primary therapy, as in bacterial and parasitic infections, that eliminates the disease and the drug is withdrawn; or auxiliary therapy, as with anaesthetics and with ergometrine and oxytocin in obstetrics. Suppression  of diseases or symptoms is used continuously or intermittently to avoid the effects of disease without attaining cure (as in hypertension, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, asthma), or to control symptoms (such as pain and cough) while awaiting recovery from the causative disease. Prevention  (prophylaxis). In primary prevention, the person does not have the condition and avoids getting it. For malaria, vaccinations and contraception, the decision to treat healthy people is generally easy. In secondary prevention, the patient has the disease and the objective is to reduce risk factors, so as to retard progression or avoid repetition of an event, e.g. aspirin and lipidlowering drugs in atherosclerosis and after myocardial infarction, antihypertensives to prevent recurrence of stroke. Taking account of the above, a doctor might ask the following questions before treating a patient with drugs: 1. Should I interfere with the patient at all? 2. If so, what alteration in the patient’s condition do I

It is a salutary thought that each year medical errors kill an estimated 44 000–98 000 Americans (more than die in motor vehicle accidents) and injure 1 000 000.5 Among inpatients in the USA and Australia, about one-half of the injuries caused by medical mismanagement result from surgery, but therapeutic mishaps and diagnostic errors are the next most common. In one survey of adverse drug events, 1% were fatal, 12% life-threatening, 30% serious and 57% significant.6 About one-half of the life-threatening and serious events were preventable. Errors of prescribing account for one-half and those of administering drugs for one-quarter of these. Inevitably, a proportion of lapses result in litigation, and in the UK 20–25% of complaints received by the medical defence organisations about general practitioners follow medication errors. The most shameful act in therapeutics, apart from actually killing a patient, is to injure a patient who is but little disabled or who is suffering from a self-limiting disorder. Such iatrogenic disease,7 induced by misguided treatment, is far from rare. Doctors who are temperamentally extremist will do less harm by therapeutic nihilism than by optimistically overwhelming patients with well-intentioned polypharmacy. If in doubt whether or not to give a drug to a person who will soon get better without it, don’t. In 1917 the famous pharmacologist Sollmann felt able to write:

hope to achieve?

5. 6. 7. 8.

Physician-induced (iatrogenic) disease They used to have a more equitable contract in Egypt: for the first three days the doctor took on the patient


at the patient’s risk and peril: when the three days were up, the risks and perils were the doctor’s. But doctors are lucky: the sun shines on their successes and the earth hides their failures.4

Pharmacology comprises some broad conceptions and generalisations, and some detailed conclusions, of such great and practical importance that every student and practitioner should be absolutely familiar with them. It comprises also a large mass of minute details, which would constitute too great a tax on human memory, but which cannot safely be neglected.8

3. Which drug is most likely to bring this about? 4. How can I administer the drug to attain the right

concentration in the right place at the right time and for the right duration? How will I know when I have achieved the objective? What other effects might the drug produce, and are these harmful? How will I decide to stop the drug? Does the likelihood of benefit, and its importance, outweigh the likelihood of damage, and its importance (i.e. the benefit versus risk, or efficacy against safety)?


The doctor’s aim must be not merely to give the patient what will do good, but to give only what will do good – or 4

Michel de Montaigne (1533–1592). French essayist. Kohn L, Corrigan J, Donaldson M (eds) for the Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine 2000 To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System. National Academy Press, Washington, DC. 6 Bates D W, Cullen D J, Laird N et al 1995 Incidence of adverse drug events and potential adverse drug events. Journal of the American Medical Association 274:29–34. 7 Iatrogenic means ‘physician-caused’, i.e. disease consequent on following medical advice or intervention (from the Greek iatros, physician). 8 Sollman T A 1917 Manual of Pharmacology. Saunders, Philadelphia. 5





at least more good than harm. The information explosion of recent decades is now under better control such that prescribers can, from their desktop computer terminals, enter the facts about their patient (age, sex, weight, principal and secondary diagnoses) and receive suggestions for which drugs should be considered, with proposed doses and precautions.

injected insulin, and even sophisticated technology cannot yet exactly mimic the normal physiological responses. The criteria are still further from realisation, for example in some cancers and schizophrenia. Some reasons why drugs fail to meet the criteria of being risk-free include the following:

• Drugs may be insufficiently selective. As the

Benefits and risks of medicines Modern technological medicine has been criticised, justly, for following the tradition of centuries by waiting for disease to occur and then trying to cure it rather than seeking to prevent it in the first place. Although many diseases are partly or wholly preventable by economic, social and behavioural means, these are too seldom adopted and are slow to take effect. In the meantime, people continue to fall sick, and to need and deserve treatment. We all have eventually to die from something and, even after excessive practising of all the advice on how to live a healthy life, the likelihood that the mode of death for most of us will be free from pain, anxiety, cough, diarrhoea or paralysis (the list is endless) seems so small that it can be disregarded. Drugs already provide immeasurable solace in these situations, and the development of better drugs should be encouraged. Doctors know the sick are thankful for drugs, just as even the most dedicated pedestrians and environmentalists struck down by a passing car are thankful for a motor ambulance to take them to hospital. The reader will find reference to the benefits of drugs in individual diseases throughout this book, and further expansion is unnecessary here. But a general discussion of the risk of adverse events is appropriate.

Unavoidable risks Consider, for the sake of argument, the features that a completely risk-free drug would exhibit:

• The physician would know exactly what action is required and use the drug correctly.

• The drug would deliver its desired action and nothing else, either by true biological selectivity or by selective targeted delivery. • The drug would achieve exactly the right amount of action – neither too little nor too much. These criteria may be completely fulfilled, for example in a streptococcal infection sensitive to penicillin in patients whose genetic constitution does not render them liable to an allergic reaction to penicillin. These criteria are partially fulfilled in insulin-deficient diabetes. But the natural modulation of insulin secretion in response to need (food, exercise) does not operate with


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concentration rises, a drug that acts at only one site at low concentrations begins to affect other target sites (receptors, enzymes) and recruit new (unwanted) actions; or a disease process (cancer) is so close to normal cellular mechanisms that perfectly selective cell kill is impossible. Drugs may be highly selective for one pathway, but the mechanism affected has widespread functions, and interference with it cannot be limited to one site only, e.g. atenolol on the β-adrenoceptor, aspirin on cyclo-oxygenase. Prolonged modification of cellular mechanisms can lead to permanent change in structure and function, e.g. carcinogenicity. Insufficient knowledge of disease processes (some cardiac arrhythmias) and of drug action can lead to interventions that, although undertaken with the best intentions, are harmful. Patients are genetically heterogeneous to a high degree and may have unpredicted responses to drugs. Dosage adjustment according to need is often unavoidably imprecise, e.g. in depression. Prescribing ‘without due care and attention’.9

Reduction of risk Strategies that can limit risk include those directed at achieving:

• Better knowledge of disease (research) – as much as 40% of useful medical advances derive from basic research that was not funded towards a specific practical outcome. • Site-specific effect – by molecular manipulation. • Site-specific delivery – drug targeting: ■ by topical (local) application. ■ by target-selective carriers. • Informed, careful and responsible prescribing.

Two broad categories of risk 1. First are those that we accept by deliberate choice. We do

so even if we do not exactly know their magnitude, or 9

This phrase is commonly used in the context of motor vehicle accidents, but applies equally well to the prescribing of drugs.

Topics in drug therapy we know but wish they were smaller, or, especially when the likelihood of harm is sufficiently remote though the consequences may be grave, we do not even think about the matter. Such risks include transport and sports, both of which are inescapably subject to potent physical laws such as gravity and momentum, and surgery to rectify disorders that we could tolerate or treat in other ways, as with much cosmetic surgery. 2. Second are those risks that cannot be significantly altered by individual action. We experience risks imposed by food additives (preservatives, colouring), air pollution and some environmental radioactivity. But there are also risks imposed by nature, such as skin cancer due to excess ultraviolet radiation in sunny climes, as well as some radioactivity. It seems an obvious course to avoid unnecessary risks, but there is disagreement on what risks are truly unnecessary and, on looking closely at the matter, it is plain that many people habitually take risks in their daily and recreational life that it would be a misuse of words to describe as necessary. Furthermore, some risks, although known to exist, are, in practice, ignored other than by conforming to ordinary prudent conduct. These risks are negligible in the sense that they do not influence behaviour, i.e. they are neglected.10

Elements of risk Risk has two elements: • The likelihood or probability of an adverse event. • Its severity.

In medical practice in general, concern ceases when risks fall below about 1 in 100 000 instances, when the procedure then is regarded as ‘safe’. In such cases, when disaster occurs, it can be difficult indeed for individuals to accept that they ‘deliberately’ accepted a risk; they feel ‘it should not have happened to me’, and in their distress they may seek to lay blame on others where there is no fault or negligence, only misfortune (see Warnings and consent). The benefits of chemicals used to colour food verge on or even attain negligibility. Although some cause allergy in humans, our society permits their use. There is general agreement that drugs prescribed for disease are themselves the cause of a significant amount of disease (adverse reactions), of death, of permanent disability, of recoverable illness and of minor inconvenience. In one major



UK study the prevalence of adverse drug reactions as a cause of admission to hospital was 6.5% (see Chapter 9 for other examples).

Three major grades of risk These are: unacceptable, acceptable and negligible. Where disease is life-threatening and there is reliable information on both the disease and the drug, then decisions, though they may be painful, present relatively obvious problems. But where the disease risk is remote, e.g. mild hypertension, or where drugs are to be used to increase comfort or to suppress symptoms that are, in fact, bearable, or for convenience rather than for need, then the issues of risk acceptance are less obvious. Risks should not be weighed without reference to benefits any more than benefits should be weighed without reference to risks. Risks are among the facts of life. In whatever we do and in whatever we refrain from doing, we are accepting risk. Some risks are obvious, some are unsuspected and some we conceal from ourselves. But risks are universally accepted, whether willingly or unwillingly, whether consciously or not.11

Whenever a drug is taken a risk is taken The risk comprises the properties of the drug, the prescriber, the patient and the environment; it is often so small that second thoughts are hardly necessary, but sometimes it is substantial. The doctor must weigh the likelihood of gain for the patient against the likelihood of loss. There are often insufficient data for a rational decision to be reached, but a decision must yet be made, and this is one of the greatest difficulties of clinical practice. Its effect on the attitudes of doctors is often not appreciated by those who have never been in this situation. The patient’s protection lies in the doctor’s knowledge of the drug and of the disease, and experience of both, together with knowledge of the patient. We continue to use drugs that are capable of killing or disabling patients at doses within the therapeutic range where the judgement of overall balance of benefit and risk is favourable. This can be very difficult for the patient who has suffered a rare severe adverse reaction to understand and to accept (see below). In some chronic diseases that ultimately necessitate suppressive drugs, the patient may not experience benefit in the early stages. Patients with early Parkinson’s disease may experience little inconvenience or hazard from the condition, and premature exposure to drugs can exact such a price in


Sometimes the term ‘minimal risk’ is used to mean risk about equal to going about our ordinary daily lives; it includes travel on public transport, but not motor bicycling on a motorway.


Pochin E 1975 The acceptance of risk. British Medical Bulletin 31:184–190.





unwanted effects that they prefer the untreated state. What patients will tolerate depends on their personality, their attitude to disease, their occupation, mode of life and relationship with their doctor (see Compliance, p. 19).

Public view of drugs and prescribers The current public view of modern medicines, ably fuelled by the mass media, is a compound of vague expectation of ‘miracle’ cures and ‘breakthroughs’ (often with the complicity of doctors) with outrage when anything goes wrong. It is also unreasonable to expect the public to trust the medical profession (in collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry) to the extent of leaving to them all drug matters, and of course this is not the case. The public wants benefits without risks and without having to alter their unhealthy ways of living; a deeply irrational position, but then humans are not perfectly rational. It is easy to understand that a person who has taken into his or her body a chemical with intent to relieve suffering, whether or not it is self-induced, can feel profound anger when harm ensues. Expectations have been raised, and now, at the beginning of the 21st century, with the manifest achievements of technology all around us, the naïve expectation that happiness can be a part of the technological package is increasingly seen to be unrealisable. Patients are aware that there is justifiable criticism of the standards of medical prescribing – indeed doctors are in the forefront of this – as well as justifiable criticism of promotional practices of the profitably rich, aggressive, transnational pharmaceutical industry. There are obvious areas where some remedial action is possible:

• Improvement of prescribing by doctors, including better communication with patients, i.e. doctors must learn to feel that introduction of foreign chemicals into their patients’ bodies is a serious matter, which many or most do not seem to at present.12 • Introduction of no-fault compensation schemes for serious drug injury (some countries already have these). 12

Doctors who seek to exculpate themselves from serious, even fatal, prescribing errors by appealing to undoubted difficulties presented by the information explosion of modern times, allied to pressures of work, are unlikely to get sympathy, and increasingly are more likely to be told, ‘If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen’ (a dictum attributed to Harry S Truman, US President 1948–1952, though he assigns it to US Army General Harry Vaughn). Pharmacists and nurses stand ready and willing to relieve doctors of the burden of prescribing.


• Informed public discussion of the issues between the medical profession, industrial drug developers, politicians and other ‘opinion-formers’ in society, and patients (the public). • Restraint in promotion by the pharmaceutical industry including self-control by both industry and doctors in their necessarily close relationship, which the public is inclined to regard as a conspiracy, especially when the gifts and payments made to doctors get into the news. (This is much less prevalent than it was in the 1990s.) If restraint by both parties is not forthcoming, and it may not be, then both doctor and industry can expect even more control to be exercised over them by politicians responding to public demand. If doctors do not want their prescribing to be restricted, they should prescribe better.

Criticisms of modern drugs Extremist critics have attracted public attention for their view that modern drug therapy, indeed modern medicine in general, does more harm than good; others, while admitting some benefits from drugs, insist that this is medically marginal. These opinions rest on the undisputed fact that favourable trends in many diseases preceded the introduction of modern drugs and were due to economic and environmental changes, sanitation, nutrition and housing. They also rest on the claim that drugs have not changed expectation of life or mortality (as measured by national mortality statistics), or at least it is very difficult to show that they have, and that drugs indisputably can cause illness (adverse reactions). If something is to be measured, then the correct criteria must be chosen. Overall mortality figures are an extremely crude and often an irrelevant measure of the effects of drugs whose major benefits are so often on quality of life rather than on its quantity. Two examples of inappropriate measurements will suffice: 1. In the case of many infections, it is not disputed that

environmental changes have had a greater beneficial effect on health than the subsequently introduced antimicrobials. But this does not mean that environmental improvements alone are sufficient in the fight against infections. When comparisons of illnesses in the pre- and post-antimicrobial eras are made, like is not compared with like. Environmental changes achieved their results when mortality from infections was high and antimicrobials were not available; antimicrobials were introduced later against

Topics in drug therapy a background of low mortality as well as of environmental change; decades separate the two parts of the comparison, and observers, diagnostic criteria and data recording changed during this long period. It is evident that determining the value of antimicrobials is not simply a matter of looking at mortality rates. 2. About 1% of the UK population has diabetes mellitus, a figure which is increasing rapidly, and about 1% of death certificates mention diabetes. This is no surprise because all must die and insulin is no cure13 for this lifelong disease. A standard medical textbook of 1907 stated that juvenile-onset ‘diabetes is in all cases a grave disease, and the subjects are regarded by all assurance companies as uninsurable lives: life seems to hang by a thread, a thread often cut by a very trifling accident’. Most, if not all, life insurance companies now accept young people with diabetes with no or only modest financial penalty, the premium of a person 5–10 years older. Before insulin replacement therapy was available, few survived beyond 3 years14 after diagnosis; they died for lack of insulin. It is unjustified to assert that a treatment is worthless just because its mention on death certificates (whether as a prime or as a contributory cause) has not declined. The relevant criteria for juvenile-onset diabetes are change in the age at which the subjects die and the quality of life between diagnosis and death, and both of these have changed enormously.

Drug-induced injury15 (see also Ch. 9) Responsibility for drug-induced injury raises important issues affecting medical practice and development of needed new drugs, as well as of law and of social justice.



Negligence and strict and no-fault liability All civilised legal systems provide for compensation to be paid to a person injured as a result of using a product of any kind that is defective due to negligence (fault: failure to exercise reasonable care).16 But there is a growing opinion that special compensation for serious personal injury, beyond the modest sums that general social security systems provide, should be automatic and not dependent on fault and proof of fault of the producer, i.e. there should be ‘liability irrespective of fault’, ‘no-fault liability’ or ‘strict liability’.17 After all, victims need assistance (compensation) regardless of the cause of injury and whether or not the producer and, in the case of drugs, the prescriber deserves censure. The question why a person who has suffered injury due to the biological accident of disease should have to depend on social security payments while an identical injury due to a drug (in the absence of fault) should attract special added compensation receives no persuasive answer except that this is what society seems to want. Many countries are now revising their laws on liability for personal injury due to manufactured products and are legislating Consumer Protection Acts (Statutes) which include medicines, for ‘drugs represent the class of product in respect of which there has been the greatest pressure for surer compensation in cases of injury’.18 Issues that are central to the debate include:

• Capacity to cause harm is inherent in drugs in a way that sets them apart from other manufactured products; and harm often occurs in the absence of fault. • Safety, i.e. the degree of safety that a person is entitled to expect, and adverse effects that should be accepted without complaint, must often be a matter of opinion and will vary with the disease being treated, e.g. cancer or insomnia. • Causation, i.e. proof that the drug in fact caused the injury, is often impossible, particularly where it



A cure eliminates a disease and may be withdrawn when this is achieved. Even if given the best treatment. ‘Opium alone stands the test of experience as a remedy capable of limiting the progress of the disease’, wrote the great Sir William Osler, successively Professor of Medicine in Pennsylvania, McGill, Johns Hopkins and Oxford universities, in 1918, only 3 years before the discovery of insulin. 15 This discussion is about drugs that have been properly manufactured and meet proper standards, e.g. of purity, stability, as laid down by regulatory bodies or pharmacopoeias. A manufacturing defect would be dealt with in a way no different from manufacturing errors in other products. 14

A plaintiff (person who believes he or she has been injured) seeking to obtain compensation from a defendant (via the law of negligence) must prove three things: (1) that the defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff; (2) that the defendant failed to exercise reasonable care; and (3) that the plaintiff has suffered an actual injury as a result. 17 The following distinction is made in some discussions of product liability. Strict liability: compensation is provided by the producer/ manufacturer. No-fault liability or scheme: compensation is provided by a central fund. 18 Royal Commission on Civil Liability and Compensation for Personal Injury 1978. HMSO, London: Cmnd. 7054. Although the Commission considered compensation for death and personal injury suffered by any person through manufacture, supply or use of products, i.e. all goods whether natural or manufactured, and included drugs and even human blood and organs, it made no mention of tobacco and alcohol.





increases the incidence of a disease that occurs naturally. • Contributory negligence. Should compensation be reduced in smokers and drinkers where there is evidence that these pleasure drugs increase liability to adverse reactions to therapeutic drugs? • The concept of defect, i.e. whether the drug or the prescriber or indeed the patient can be said to be ‘defective’ so as to attract liability, is a highly complex matter and indeed is a curious concept as applied to medicine. Nowhere has a scheme that meets all the major difficulties yet been implemented. This is not because there has been too little thought, it is because the subject is so difficult. Nevertheless, no-fault schemes operate in New Zealand, Scandinavia and France.19 The following principles might form the basis of a workable compensation scheme for injury due to drugs:

• New unlicensed drugs undergoing clinical trial in small numbers of subjects (healthy or patient volunteers): the developer should be strictly liable for all adverse effects. • New unlicensed drugs undergoing extensive trials in patients who may reasonably expect benefit: the producer should be strictly liable for any serious effect. • New drugs after licensing by an official body: the manufacturer and the community should share liability for serious injury, as new drugs provide general benefit. An option might be to institute a defined period of formal prospective drug surveillance monitoring, in which both doctors and patients agree to participate. • Standard drugs in day-to-day therapeutics: there should be a no-fault scheme, operated by or with the assent of government that has authority, through tribunals, to decide cases quickly and to make awards. This body would have authority to reimburse itself from others – manufacturer, supplier, prescriber – wherever that was appropriate. An award must not have to wait on the outcome of prolonged, vexatious, adversarial, expensive court proceedings. Patients would be compensated where: 20 ■ causation was proven on ‘balance of probability’ ■ the injury was serious ■ the event was rare and remote and not reasonably taken into account in making the decision to treat.


Gaine W J 2003 No-fault compensation schemes. British Medical Journal 326:997–998. This is the criterion for (UK) civil law, rather than ‘beyond reasonable doubt’, which is the criterion of criminal law.



Complementary, alternative and traditional medicine Practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)21 are severely critical of modern drugs, and use practices according to their own special beliefs. It is appropriate, therefore, to discuss such medical systems here. The term ‘complementary and alternative medicine’ covers a broad range of heterogeneous systems of therapy (from acupuncture to herbalism to yoga), and diagnosis (from bioresonance to pulse and tongue diagnosis). The present discussion relates largely to CAM but recognises that traditional or indigenous medicinal therapeutics has developed since before history in all societies. This comprises a mass of practices varying from the worthless to highly effective remedies, such as digitalis (England), quinine (South America), reserpine (India) and atropine (various countries). It is the task of science to find the gems and to discard the dross,22 and at the same time to leave intact socially valuable supportive aspects of traditional medicine. There is no doubt that the domain of CAM has grown in popularity; a survey estimated that about 20% of the UK population had consulted a CAM practitioner in the previous year.23 In Germany, the figure exceeds 60%, with $2.06 billion in over-the-counter sales in 2003.24 Usage rises sharply among those with chronic, relapsing conditions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, psoriasis and rheumatological diseases. It is difficult to resist the conclusion that when scientific medicine neither guarantees happiness nor wholly eliminates the disabilities of degenerative diseases in long-lived populations, and when drugs used in modern medicine cause serious harm, public


The definition adopted by the Cochrane Collaboration is as follows: ‘Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a broad domain of healing resources that accompanies all health systems, modalities and practices and their accompanying theories and beliefs, other than those intrinsic to the politically dominant health system of a particular society or culture in a given historical period. CAM includes all such practices and ideas self-defined by their users as preventing or treating illness or promoting health and well-being. Boundaries within CAM and between the CAM domain and that of the dominant system are not always sharp or fixed.’ 22 Traditional medicine is fostered particularly in countries where scientific medicine is not accessible to large populations for economic reasons, and destruction of traditional medicine would leave unhappy and sick people with nothing. For this reason, governments are supporting traditional medicine and at the same time initiating scientific clinical evaluations of the numerous plants and other items employed, many of which contain biologically active substances. The World Health Organization is supportive of these programmes. 23 Ernst E 2000 The role of complementary and alternative medicine. British Medical Journal 32:1133–1135. 24 De Smet P A 2005 Herbal medicine in Europe – relaxing regulatory standards. New England Journal of Medicine 352:1176–1178.

Topics in drug therapy disappointment naturally leads to a revival of interest in alternatives that alluringly promise efficacy with complete safety. These range from a revival of traditional medicine to adoption of the more modern cults.25 Features common to medical cults are: absence of scientific thinking, naïve acceptance of hypotheses, uncritical acceptance of causation, e.g. reliance on anecdote or opinion (as opposed to evidence), assumption that if recovery follows treatment it is due to the treatment, and close attention to the patient’s personal feelings. Lack of understanding of how therapeutic effects may be measured is also a prominent feature. An extensive analysis of recommendations of CAM therapies for specific medical conditions from seven textbook sources revealed numerous treatments recommended for the same condition – for example, addictions (120 treatments recommended), arthritis (121), asthma (119) and cancer (133) – but there was lack of agreement between these authors as to the preferred therapies for specified conditions.26 The question must arise that if numerous and heterogeneous treatments are effective for the same condition, could they not have some common feature, such as the ability of the practitioner to inspire confidence in the patient? A proposition belongs to science if we can say what kind of event we would accept as refutation (and this is easy in therapeutics). A proposition (or theory) that cannot clash with any possible or even conceivable event (evidence) is outside science, and this in general applies to cults where everything is interpreted in terms of the theory of the cult;


A cult is a practice that follows a dogma, tenet or principle based on theories or beliefs of its promulgator to the exclusion of demonstrable scientific experience (definition of the American Medical Association). Scientific medicine changes in accord with evidence obtained by scientific enquiry applied with such intellectual rigour as is humanly possible. But this is not the case with cults, the claims for which are characterised by absence of rigorous intellectual evaluation and unchangeability of beliefs. The profusion of medical cults prompts the question why, if each cult has the efficacy claimed by its exponents, conventional medicine and indeed the other cults are not swept away. Some practitioners use conventional medicine and, where it fails, turn to cult practices. Where such complementary practices give comfort, they are not to be despised, but their role and validity should be clearly defined. No community can afford to take these cults at their own valuation; they must be tested, and tested with at least the rigour required to justify a therapeutic claim for a new drug. It is sometimes urged in extenuation that traditional and cult practices do no harm to patients, unlike synthetic drugs. But, even if that were true (which it is not), investment of scarce resources in delivering what may be ineffective, though sometimes pleasing, experiences, e.g. dance therapy, exaltation of flowers or the admittedly inexpensive urine therapy, means that resources are not available for other desirable social objectives, e.g. housing, art subsidies, medicine. We do not apologise for this diversion to consider medical cults and practices, for the world cannot afford unreason, and the antidote to unreason is reason and the rigorous pursuit of knowledge, i.e. evidence-based medicine. 26 Ernst E (ed) 2001 The Desktop Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Harcourt, Edinburgh.



the possibility that the basis of the cult is false is not entertained. This appears to be the case with medical cults, which join freudianism, and indeed religions, as outside science (after Karl Popper). Willingness to follow where the evidence leads is a distinctive feature of conventional scientific medicine. A scientific approach does not mean treating a patient as a mere biochemical machine. It does not mean the exclusion of spiritual, psychological and social dimensions of human beings. But it does mean treating these in a rational manner.

Some common false beliefs of CAM practitioners are that synthetic modern drugs are toxic, but products obtained in nature are not.27 Scientific medicine is held to accept evidence that remedies are effective only where the mechanism is understood, that it depends on adherence to rigid and unalterable dogmas, and recognises no form of evaluation other than the strict randomised controlled trial. Traditional (pre-scientific) medicine is deemed to have special virtue, and the collection and formal analysis of data on therapeutic outcomes, failures as well as successes, is deemed inessential. There is also a tenet that if the patient gets better when treated in accordance with certain beliefs, this provides evidence for the truth of these beliefs (the post hoc ergo propter hoc28 fallacy). Exponents of CAM often state that comparative controlled trials of their medicines against conventional medicines are impracticable because the classic double-blind randomised controlled designs are inappropriate and in particular do not allow for the individual approach characteristic of

27 Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), taken for hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms (but no better than placebo in clinical trial), can cause serious liver disorder. Herbal teas containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids (Senecio, Crotalaria, Heliotropium) cause serious hepatic veno-occlusive disease. Comfrey (Symphytum) is similar but also causes hepatocellular tumours and haemangiomas. Sassafras (carminative, antirheumatic) is hepatotoxic. Mistletoe (Viscum) contains cytotoxic alkaloids. Ginseng contains oestrogenic substances that have caused gynaecomastia; long-term users may show ‘ginseng abuse syndrome’ comprising central nervous system excitation; arterial hypertension can occur. Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza) has mineralocorticoid action. An amateur ‘health food enthusiast’ made himself a tea from ‘an unfamiliar [to him] plant’ in his garden; unfortunately this was the familiar foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) and as a result he became very ill, but happily recovered. Other toxic natural remedies include lily of the valley (Convallaria) and horse chestnut (Aesculus). ‘The medical herbalist is at fault for clinging to outworn historical authority and for not assessing his drugs in terms of today’s knowledge, and the orthodox physician is at fault for a cynical scepticism with regard to any healing discipline other than his own’ (Penn R G 1983 Adverse reactions to herbal medicines. Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin 102:376–379). The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency provides advice at: 28 Latin: after this; therefore on account of this.





complementary medicine. But modern therapeutic trial designs can cope with this. There remain extremists who contend that they understand scientific method, and reject it as invalid for what they do and believe, i.e. their beliefs are not, in principle, refutable. This is the position taken up by magic and religion where subordination of reason to faith is a virtue. CAM particularly charges that conventional medicine seriously neglects patients as whole integrated human beings (body, mind, spirit) and treats them too much as machines. Conventional practitioners may well feel uneasily that there has been and still is truth in this, that with the development of specialisation some doctors have been seduced by the enormous successes of medical science and technology and have become liable to look too narrowly at their patients where a much broader (holistic) approach is required. It is evident that such an approach is likely to give particular satisfaction in psychological and psychosomatic conditions for which conventional doctors in a hurry have been all too ready to think that a prescription meets all the patients’ needs. CAM does not compete with the successful mainstream of scientific medicine. Users of CAM commonly have chronic conditions and have tried conventional medicine but found that it has not offered a satisfactory solution, or has caused adverse effects. The problems, when they occur, are often at the interface between CAM and mainstream medicine. A doctor prescribing a conventional medicine may be unaware that a patient is taking herbal medicine, and there is ample scope for unwanted herb–drug interaction by a variety of mechanisms.29 These include the following:

of CAM (notably herbal medicines), according to agreed standards of qualification. The following will suffice to give the flavour of hom*oeopathy, the principal complementary medicine system involving medicines, and the kind of criticism with which it has to contend.

hom*oeopathy hom*oeopathy30 is a system of medicine founded by Samuel Hahnemann (German physician, 1755–1843) and expounded by him in the Organon of the Rational Art of Healing.31 Hahnemann described his position: After I had discovered the weakness and errors of my teachers and books I sank into a state of sorrowful indignation, which had nearly disgusted me with the study of medicine. I was on the point of concluding that the whole art was vain and incapable of improvement. I gave myself up to solitary reflection, and resolved not to terminate my train of thought until I had arrived at a definite conclusion on the subject.32 By understandable revulsion at the medicine of his time, by experimentation on himself (a large dose of quinine made him feel as though he had a malarial attack) and by search of records he ‘discovered’ a ‘law’ that is central to hom*oeopathy,33 and from which the name is derived: Similar symptoms in the remedy remove similar symptoms in the disease. The eternal, universal law of Nature, that every disease is destroyed and cured through the similar artificial disease which the appropriate remedy has the tendency to excite, rests on the following proposition: that only one disease can exist in the body at any one time.

• CYP450 enzyme induction – St John’s wort (by reducing the plasma concentration or therapeutic efficacy of warfarin, ciclosporin, simvastatin, oral contraceptives). • CYP450 enzyme inhibition – piperine (by increasing the plasma concentration of propranolol and theophylline). • Additive action – St John’s wort on serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors (by increasing their unwanted effects). More troubling is the issue of conflicting advice between CAM and mainstream drugs, as witnessed by the advice to travellers from some hom*oeopathic pharmacies to use their products for malaria prophylaxis in place of conventional drugs (an action that drew criticism from the Society of hom*oeopaths). Regulations being introduced by European Union Directive (and voluntarily in the UK) will move towards formal registration of practitioners of some forms 29

Hu Z, Yang X, Ho P C et al 2005 Herb–drug interactions: a literature review. Drugs 65:1239–1282.


In addition to the above, Hahnemann ‘discovered’ that dilution potentiates the effect of drugs, but not of trace impurities (provided the dilution is shaken correctly, i.e. by ‘succussion’), even to the extent that an effective dose may not contain a single molecule of the drug. It has been pointed

Greek: hom*os = same; patheia = suffering. 1810: trans. Wheeler C E 1913 (Organon of the Rational Art of Healing.) Dent, London. 32 Hahnemann S 1805 Aesculapius in the Balance. Leipzig. 33 By contrast, allopathy was a system of medicine based on the principle that induction of a new disease would drive out an existing disease. It was practised by measures that included purging, bleeding and sweating. Use of the word to distinguish hom*oeopathy from conventional scientific medicine is clearly incorrect. 30 31

Topics in drug therapy



out34 that the ‘thirtieth potency’ (1 in 1030), recommended by Hahnemann, provided a solution in which there would be one molecule of drug in a volume of a sphere of literally astronomical circumference. The therapeutic efficacy of a dilution at which no drug is present (including sodium chloride prepared in this way) is explained by the belief that a spiritual energy diffused throughout the medicine by the particular way in which the dilutions are shaken (succussion) during preparation, or that the active molecules leave behind some sort of ‘imprint’ on solvent or excipient.35 The absence of potentiation of the inevitable contaminating impurities is attributed to the fact that they are not incorporated by serial dilution. Thus, writes a critic: ‘We are asked to put aside the whole edifice of evidence concerning the physical nature of materials and the normal concentration–response relationships of biologically active substances in order to accommodate hom*oeopathic potency’.36 But no hard evidence that tests the hypothesis is supplied to justify this, and we are invited, for instance, to accept that sodium chloride merely diluted is no remedy, but that ‘it raises itself to the most wonderful power through a well prepared dynamisation process’ and stimulates the defensive powers of the body against the disease. Pharmacologists have felt, in the absence of conclusive evidence from empirical studies that hom*oeopathic medicines can reproducibly be shown to differ from placebo, that there is no point in discussing its hypotheses.37 But empirical studies can be made without accepting any particular theory of causation; nor should the results of good studies be disregarded just because the proposed theory of action seems incredible or is unknown. A meta-analysis of 186 double-blind and/or randomised placebo-controlled trials of hom*oeopathic remedies found that 89 had adequate data for analysis. The authors concluded that their results ‘were not compatible with the hypothesis

that the clinical effects are completely due to placebo’, but also found ‘insufficient evidence from these studies that hom*oeopathy is clearly efficacious for any single clinical condition’.38 A subsequent analysis of 110 hom*oeopathic and 110 conventional medicine trials found that there was ‘weak evidence for a specific effect of homeopathic remedies, but strong evidence for a specific effect of conventional interventions’. The authors concluded: ‘This finding is compatible with the notion that the clinical effects of homeopathy are placebo effects’.39 These studies evoked strong reactions from practitioners of hom*oeopathy and others, but they raise the possibility that patients’ reactions to hom*oeopathy, and indeed some other forms of CAM, may rest within an understanding of the complex nature of the placebo response and, in particular, its biology (see below).


A placebo40 is any component of therapy that is without specific biological activity for the condition being treated. Placebo medicines are used for two purposes:

Clark A J 1937 General pharmacology. In: Hefter’s Handbuch. Springer, Berlin. hom*oeopathic practitioners repeatedly express their irritation that critics give so much attention to dilution. They should not be surprised, considering the enormous implications of their claim. 36 Cuthbert A W 1982 Pharmaceutical Journal (15 May):547. 37 Editorial 1988 When to believe the unbelievable. Nature 333:787. A report of an investigation into experiments with antibodies in solutions that contained no antibody molecules (as in some hom*oeopathic medicines). The editor of Nature took a three-person team (one of whom was a professional magician, included to detect any trickery) on a week-long visit to the laboratory that claimed positive results. Despite the scientific seriousness of the operation, it developed comical aspects (codes of the contents of test tubes were taped to the laboratory ceiling); the Nature team, having reached an unfavourable view of the experiments, ‘sped past the (laboratory) common-room filled with champagne bottles destined now not to be opened’. Full reports in this issue of Nature (28 July 1988), including an acrimonious response by the original scientist, are highly recommended reading, both for scientific logic and for entertainment. See also Nature (1994) 370:322. 35

Conclusion There is a single fundamental issue between conventional scientific medicine and traditional, complementary and alternative medicine (although it is often obscured by detailed debates on individual practices); the issue is: What constitutes acceptable evidence, i.e. what is the nature, quality and interpretation of evidence that can justify general adoption of modes of treatment and acceptance of hypotheses? When there is agreement that a CAM treatment works, it becomes conventional and, in respect of that treatment, there is no difference between CAM and orthodox scientific medicine. In the meantime, we depend on the accumulation of evidence from empirical studies to justify the allocation of resources for future research.

Placebo medicines

• As a control in scientific evaluation of drugs (see Therapeutic trials, p. 45).


Linde K, Clausius N, Melchart D et al 1997 Are the clinical effects of hom*oeopathy placebo effects? A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials. Lancet 350:834–843. 39 Shang A, Huwiler-Müntener K, Nartey L et al 2005 Are the clinical effects of homeopathy placebo effects? Comparative study of placebo-controlled trials of homeopathy and allopathy. Lancet 366:726–732. 40 Latin: placebo = shall be pleasing or acceptable. For a comment on its historical use, see Edwards M 2005 Lancet 365:1023.





• To benefit or please a patient, not by any pharmacological actions, but for psychological reasons. All treatments have a psychological component, whether to please (placebo effect) or, occasionally, to vex (negative placebo or nocebo41 effect). A placebo medicine is a vehicle for ‘cure’ by suggestion, and is surprisingly often successful, if only temporarily.42 All treatments carry a placebo effect – physiotherapy, psychotherapy, surgery, entering a patient into a therapeutic trial, even the personality and style of the doctor – but the effect is most easily investigated with drugs, for the active and the inert can often be made to appear identical to allow comparisons. The deliberate use of drugs as placebos is a confession of therapeutic failure by the doctor. Failures, however, are sometimes inevitable, and an absolute condemnation of the use of placebos on all occasions would be unrealistic. A placebo-reactor is an individual who reports changes of physical or mental state after taking a pharmacologically inert substance.

Placebo-reactors are suggestible people who are likely to respond favourably to any treatment. They have misled doctors into making false therapeutic claims. Negative reactors, who develop adverse effects when given a placebo, exist but, fortunately, are fewer. Some 30–80% of patients with chronic stable angina pectoris and 30–50% with depression respond to placebos. Placebo reaction is an inconstant attribute: a person may respond at one time in one situation and not at another time under different conditions. In one study on medical students, psychological tests revealed that those who reacted to a placebo tended to be extroverted, sociable, less dominant, less self-confident, more appreciative of their teaching, more

Latin: nocebo = shall injure; the term is little used. As the following account by a mountain rescue guide illustrates: ‘The incident involved a 15-year-old boy who sustained head injuries and a very badly broken leg. Helicopter assistance was unavailable and therefore we had to carry him by stretcher to the nearest landrover (several miles away) and then on to a waiting ambulance. During this long evacuation, the boy was in considerable distress and we administered Entonox (a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen, 50% each) sparingly as we only had one small cylinder. He repeatedly remarked how much better he felt after each intake of Entonox (approximately every 20 minutes) and after 7 hours or so, we eventually got him safely into the ambulance and on his way to hospital. On going to replace the Extonox we discovered the cylinder was still full of gas due to the equipment being faulty. There was no doubt that the boy felt considerable pain relief because he thought he was receiving Entonox.’ 41 42


aware of their autonomic functions and more neurotic than their colleagues who did not react to a placebo under the particular conditions of the experiment. Modern brain-scanning techniques provide evidence that the placebo effect has a physiological basis. Positron emission tomography showed that both opioid and placebo analgesia were associated with increased activity in the same cortical area of the brain, the greatest responses occurring in high placebo responders.43 Functional magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated that strong cortical activation correlated with greater placebo-induced pain relief.44 It is important that all who administer drugs should be aware that their attitudes to the treatment may greatly influence the outcome. Undue scepticism may prevent a drug from achieving its effect, and enthusiasm or confidence may potentiate the actions of drugs. Tonics are placebos, often expensive multivitamin supplements. They may be defined as substances that aspire to strengthen and increase the appetite of those so weakened by disease, misery, overindulgence in play or work, or by physical or mental inadequacy, that they cannot face the stresses of life. The essential feature of this weakness is the absence of any definite recognisable defect for which there is a known remedy. As tonics are placebos, they must be harmless.45

Guidelines, ‘essential’ drugs and prescribing Increasingly, doctors recognise that they need guidance through the bountiful menu (thousands of medicines) so seductively served to them by the pharmaceutical industry. Principal sources of guidance are the pharmaceutical industry (‘prescribe my drug’) and governments (‘spend less’), and also the developing (profit-making) managed care/insurance bodies (‘spend less’) and the proliferating drug bulletins offering independent, and supposedly unbiased advice (‘prescribe appropriately’). Even the pharmaceutical industry, in its more sober moments, recognises that their ideal world in which doctors, advised and informed by industry alone, were free to prescribe 43

Petrovic P, Kalso E, Petersson K et al 2002 Placebo and opioid analgesia – imaging a shared neuronal network. Science 295:1737–1740. 44 Wager T D, Rilling J K, Smith E S et al 2004 Placebo induced changes in fMRI in anticipation and experience of pain. Science 303:1162–1167. 45 Tonics (licensed) available in the UK include: Gentian Mixture, acid (or alkaline) (gentian, a natural plant bitter substance, and dilute hydrochloric acid or sodium bicarbonate); Labiton (thiamine, caffeine, alcohol, all in low dose).

Topics in drug therapy whatever they pleased,46 to whomsoever they pleased, for as long as they pleased with someone other than the patient paying, is an unrealisable dream of a ‘never-never land’. The industry knows that it has to learn to live with restrictions of some kinds, and one of the means of restriction is the formulary, a list of formulations of medicines with varying amounts of added information. A formulary may list all nationally licensed medicines prescribable by health-care professionals, or list only preferred drugs. It may be restricted to what a third-party payer will reimburse, or to the range of formulations stocked in a hospital (and chosen by a local drugs and therapeutics committee, which all hospitals or groups of hospitals should have), or the range agreed by a partnership of general practitioners or primary care health centre. All restricted formularies are heavily motivated to keep costs down without impairing appropriate prescribing. They should make provision for prescribing outside their range in cases of special need with an ‘escape clause’. Thus, restricted formularies are in effect guidelines for prescribing. There is a profusion of these from national sources, hospitals, group practices and specialty organisations (e.g. epilepsy, diabetes mellitus).

‘Essential’ drugs Economically disadvantaged countries may seek help to construct formularies. Technical help comes from the World Health Organization (WHO) with its ‘Model List of Essential Medicines’,47 i.e. drugs (or representatives of classes of drugs) ‘that satisfy the health care needs of the majority of the population; they should therefore be available at all times in adequate amounts and in the appropriate dosage forms’. Countries seeking such advice can use the list as a basis for their own choices (the WHO also publishes model prescribing information).48 The list, updated regularly, contains about 300 items. The pharmaceutical industry dislikes the concept of drugs classed as essential, as others, by implication, are therefore judged inessential. But the WHO programme has attracted


It is difficult for us now to appreciate the naïve fervour and trust in doctors that allowed them almost unlimited rights to prescribe in the early years of the UK National Health Service (founded in 1948). Beer was a prescription item in hospitals until, decades later, an audit revealed that only 1 in 10 bottles reached a patient. More recently (1992): ‘There could be fewer Christmas puddings consumed this year. The puddings were recently struck off a bizarre list of items that doctors were able to prescribe for their patients. They were removed by Health Department officials without complaint from the medics, on the grounds they had “no therapeutic or clinical value”.’ (Lancet (1992) 340:1531). 47 Available on the WHO website: 48 There is an agency for WHO publications in all UN countries.



much interest and approval (see WHO Technical Report series: ‘The use of essential drugs’: current edition).

Cost-containment Cost-containment in prescription drug therapy attracts increasing attention. It may involve two particularly contentious activities: 1. Generic substitution, where a generic formulation (see

Ch. 7) is substituted (by a pharmacist) for the proprietary formulation prescribed by the doctor. 2. Therapeutic substitution, where a drug of different chemical structure is substituted for the drug prescribed by the doctor. The substitute is of the same chemical class and is deemed to have similar pharmacological properties and to give similar therapeutic benefit. Therapeutic substitution is a particularly controversial matter where it is done without consulting the prescriber, and legal issues may be raised in the event of adverse therapeutic outcome. The following facts and opinions are worth some thought:

• UK National Health Service (NHS) spending on drugs • • •

has been 9–11% per year (of the total cost) for nearly 50 years. General practitioners (i.e. primary care) spend some 80% of the total cost of drugs. In the past 25 years, the number of NHS prescriptions has risen from 5.5 to over 13 per person. The average cost per head of medicines supplied to people older than 75 years of age is nearly five times that of medicines supplied to those below pensionable age (in the UK: women 62 years, men 65 years, but under revision). Under-prescribing can be just as harmful to the health of patients as over-prescribing.

It is crucially important that incentives and sanctions address quality of prescribing as well as quantity: ‘it would be wrong if too great a preoccupation with the cost issue in isolation were to encourage under-prescribing or have an adverse effect on patient care’ (Report). Reasons for under-prescribing include: lack of information or lack of the will to use available information (in economically privileged countries there is, if anything, a surplus of information); fear of being blamed for adverse reactions (affecting doctors who lack the confidence that a knowledge of pharmacological principles confers); and fear of sanctions against over-costly prescribing. Prescription frequency and cost per prescription are lower for older than for younger doctors. There is no evidence that the patients of older doctors are worse off as a result.





Taking a drug history The reasons for taking a drug history from patients are as follows:

• Drugs are a cause of disease. Withdrawal of drugs, if abrupt, can also cause disease, e.g. benzodiazepines, antiepilepsy drugs. Drugs can conceal disease, e.g. adrenal steroid. Drugs can interact, producing a positive adverse effect or a negative adverse effect, i.e. therapeutic failure. This is an increasing problem with polypharmacy, especially in the elderly. Drugs can give diagnostic clues, e.g. ampicillin and amoxicillin causing rash in infectious mononucleosis – a diagnostic adverse effect, not a diagnostic test. Drugs can cause false results in clinical chemistry tests, e.g. plasma cortisol, urinary catecholamine, urinary glucose, serum renin and aldosterone. Drug history can assist choice of drugs in the future. Drugs can leave residual effects after administration has ceased, e.g. chloroquine, amiodarone. Drugs available for independent patient self-medication are increasing in range and importance.

• •

• • • •

(See also Appendix: the prescription.) Prescribing should be appropriate:49 Appropriate [prescribing is that] which bases the choice of a drug on its effectiveness, safety and convenience relative to other drugs or treatments (e.g. surgery or psychotherapy), and considers cost only when those criteria for choice have been satisfied. In some circ*mstances appropriateness will require the use of more costly drugs. Only by giving appropriateness high priority will [health providers] be able to achieve their aim of ensuring that patients’ clinical needs will be met. (Report) Prescribing that is inappropriate is the result of several factors:

• Giving in to patient pressure to write unnecessary prescriptions. The extra time spent in careful explanation will, in the long run, be rewarded. • Continuing patients, especially the elderly, on courses of medicinal treatment over many months without proper review of their medication.


The text on appropriate prescribing and some quotations (designated ‘Report’) are based on a UK Parliamentary Report (The National Health Service Drugs Budget 1994 HMSO, London). Twelve members of Parliament took evidence from up to 100 organisations and individuals orally and/or in writing.


• Doctors may ‘prescribe brand-name drugs rather than cheaper generic equivalents, even where there is no conceivable therapeutic advantage in so doing. The fact that the brand-name products often have shorter and more memorable names than their generic counterparts’ contributes to this (Report). (See also Ch. 7.) • ‘Insufficient training in clinical pharmacology. Many of the drugs on the market may not have been available when a general practitioner was at medical school. The sheer quantity of new products may lead to a practitioner becoming over-reliant on drugs companies’ promotional material, or sticking to “tried and tested” products out of caution based on ignorance’ (Report). • Failure of doctors to keep up to date (see below, Doctor compliance). Computerising prescribing addresses some of these issues, for example by prompting regular review of a patient’s medication, by instantly providing generic names from brand names, by giving ready access to formularies and prescribing guidelines.

Repeat prescriptions About two-thirds of general (family) practice prescriptions are for repeat medication (half issued by the doctor at a consultation and half via the practice nurse or receptionist without patient contact with the doctor). Some 95% of patients’ requests are acceded to without further discussion; 25% of patients who receive repeat prescriptions have had 40 or more repeats; and 55% of patients older than 75 years of age are on repeat medication (with periodic review). Many patients taking the same drug for years are doing so for the best reason, i.e. firm diagnosis for which effective therapy is available, such as epilepsy, diabetes, hypertension, but some are not.

Warnings and consent Doctors have a professional duty to inform and to warn, so that patients, who are increasingly informed and educated, may make meaningful personal choices, which it is their right to do (unless they opt to leave the choice to the doctor, which it is also their right). Patients now have access to a potentially confusing quantity of detail about the unwanted effects of drugs (information sheet, the Internet, the media), but without the balancing influence of data on their frequency of occurrence. It would be prudent for doctors to draw attention at least to adverse effects that are common, serious (even if uncommon), or avoidable or mitigated if recognised.

Topics in drug therapy

Warnings to patients are of two kinds: • Warnings that will affect the patient’s choice to accept or reject the treatment. • Warnings that will affect the safety of the treatment once it has begun, e.g. risk of stopping treatment, occurrence of drug toxicity.

Just as engineers say that the only safe aeroplane is the one that stays on the ground in still air on a disused airfield or in a locked hangar, so the only safe drug is one that stays in its original package. If drugs are not safe, then plainly patients are entitled to be warned of their hazards, which should be explained to them, as to probability, nature and severity. There is no formal legal or ethical obligation for doctors to warn all patients of all possible adverse consequences of treatment. It is their duty to adapt the information they give (not too little, and not so much as to cause confusion) so that the best interest of each patient is served. If there is a ‘real’ (say 1–2%) risk inherent in a procedure of some misfortune occurring, then doctors should warn patients of the possibility that the injury may occur, however well the treatment is performed. Doctors should take into account the personality of the patient, the likelihood of any misfortune arising and what warning was necessary for each particular patient’s welfare.50 Doctors should consider what their particular individual patients would wish to know (i.e. would be likely to attach significance to) and not only what they think (paternalistically) the patients ought to know. It is part of the professionalism of doctors to tell what is appropriate to the individual patient’s interest. If things go wrong, doctors must be prepared to defend what they did or, more important in the case of warnings, what they did not do, as being in their patient’s best interest. Courts of law will look critically at doctors who seek to justify under-information by saying that they feared to confuse or frighten the patient (or that they left it to the patient to ask, as one doctor did). The increasing availability of patient information leaflets (PILs) prepared by the manufacturer indicates the increasing trend to give more information. Doctors should know what their patients have read (or not read, as is so often the case) when patients express dissatisfaction. Evidence that extensive information on risks causes ‘unnecessary’ anxiety or frightens patients suggests that this is only a marginal issue and it does not justify a general policy of withholding of information.


Legal correspondent 1980 British Medical Journal 280:575.



Legal hazards for prescribers Doctors would be less than human if, as well as trying to help their patients, they were not also concerned about protecting themselves from allegations of malpractice (negligence). A lawyer specialising in the field put the legal position regarding a doctor’s duty pungently: The provision of information to patients is treated by (English) law as but one part of the way a doctor discharges the obligation he owes to a patient to take reasonable care in all aspects of his treatment of that patient. The provision of information is a corollary of the patient’s right to self-determination which is a right recognised by law. Failure to provide appropriate information will usually be a breach of duty and if that breach leads to the patient suffering injury then the basis for a claim for compensation exists.51 The keeping of appropriate medical records, written at the time of consultation (and which is so frequently neglected), is not only good medical practice; it is the best way of ensuring that there is an answer to unjustified allegations, made later, when memory has faded. At the very least, these should include records of warning about treatments that are potentially hazardous.

Compliance Successful therapy, especially if it is long term, comprises a great deal more than choosing a standard medicine. It involves patient and doctor compliance.52 The latter is liable to be overlooked (by doctors), for doctors prefer to dwell on the deficiencies of their patients rather than of themselves.

Patient compliance Patient compliance is the extent to which the actual behaviour of the patient coincides with medical advice and instructions; it may be complete, partial, erratic, nil, or there may be over-compliance. To make a diagnosis and to prescribe evidence-based effective treatment is a satisfying experience


Ian Dodds-Smith. The term ‘compliance’ meets objection as having undertones of obsolete, authoritarian attitudes, implying ‘obedience’ to doctors’ ‘orders’. The words ‘adherence or concordance’ are preferred by some, the latter because it expresses the duality of drug prescribing (by the doctor) and taking (by the patient), i.e. a therapeutic alliance. We retain compliance, pointing out that it applies equally to those doctors who neither keep up to date, nor follow prescribing instructions, and to patients who fail, for whatever reason, to keep to a drug regimen. 52





for doctors, but too many assume that patients will gratefully or accurately do what they are told, i.e. obtain the medicine and consume it as instructed. This assumption is wrong. The rate of non-presentation (or redemption) of prescriptions in the UK is around 5%, but is up to 20% or even more in the elderly (who pay no prescription charge). Where lack of money to pay for the medicine is not the cause, this is due to lack of motivation or apprehension about drugs. Having obtained the medicine, some 25–50% (sometimes even more) of patients either fail to follow the instruction to a significant extent (taking 50–90% of the prescribed dose), or they do not take it at all. Patient non-compliance or non-adherence is identified as a major factor in therapeutic failure in both routine practice and in scientific therapeutic trials; but, sad to say, doctors are too often non-compliant about remedying this. All patients are potential non-compliers;53 clinical criteria cannot reliably predict good compliance, but non-compliance often can be predicted. In addition to therapeutic failure, undetected noncompliance may lead to rejection of the best drug when it is effective, leading to substitution by second-rank medicines. Non-compliance may occur because:

• Unintentional non-compliance, or forgetfulness,55 may

• •

• the patient has not understood the instructions, so cannot comply,54 or

• the patient understands the instructions, but fails to carry them out. Prime factors for poor patient compliance are:

• Frequency and complexity of the drug regimen. Many studies attest to polypharmacy as an inhibitor of compliance, i.e. more than three drugs taken concurrently or more than three drug-taking occasions in the day (the ideal of one occasion only is often unattainable).


Even where the grave consequences of non-compliance are understood (glaucoma: blindness) (renal transplant: organ rejection), significant non-compliance has been reported in as many as 20% of patients; psychologists will be able to suggest explanations for this. 54 Cautionary tales. (1) A 62-year-old man requiring a metered-dose inhaler (for the first time) was told to ‘spray the medicine to the throat’. He was found to have been conscientiously aiming and firing the aerosol to his anterior neck around the thyroid cartilage, four times a day for 2 weeks (Chiang A, Lee J C 1994 New England Journal of Medicine 330:1690). (2) A patient thought that ‘sublingual’ meant able to speak two languages; (3) another that tablets cleared obstructed blood vessels by exploding inside them (E A Kay) – reference, no doubt, to colloquial use of the term ‘clot-busting drugs’ (for thrombolytics). These are extreme examples; most are more subtle and less detectable. Doctors may smile at the ignorant naïvety of patients, but the smile should give way to a blush of shame at their own deficiencies as communicators.



be addressed by associating drug-taking with cues in daily life (breakfast, bedtime), by special packaging (e.g. calendar packs) and by enlisting the aid of others (e.g. carers, teachers). ‘Intelligent’ or wilful non-compliance.56 Patients decide they do not need the drug (asymptomatic disease) or they do not like the drug (unwanted effects), or take 2–3-day ‘drug holidays’. Illness. This includes cognitive impairment and psychological problems, with depression being a particular problem. Lack of information. Oral instructions alone are not enough; one-third of patients are unable to recount instructions immediately on leaving the consulting room. Lucid and legible labelling of containers is essential, as well as patient-friendly information leaflets, which are increasingly available via doctors and pharmacists, and as package inserts. Poor patient–doctor relationship and lack of motivation to take medicines as instructed offer a major challenge to the prescriber whose diagnosis and prescription may be perfect, yet loses efficacy by patient non-compliance. Unpleasant disease symptoms, particularly where these are recurrent and known by previous experience to be quickly relieved, provide the highest motivation (i.e. self-motivation) to comply. But particularly where the patient does not feel ill, adverse effects are immediate, and benefits are perceived to be remote, e.g. in hypertension, where they may be many years away in the future, doctors must consciously address themselves to motivating compliance. The best way to achieve compliance is to cultivate the patient–doctor relationship. Doctors cannot be expected actually to like all their patients,

Where non-compliance, whether intentional or unintentional, is medically serious, it becomes necessary to bypass self-administration (unsupervised) and to resort to directly observed (supervised) oral administration or to injection (e.g. in schizophrenia). 56 Of the many causes of failure of patient compliance, the following case must be unique. On a transatlantic flight the father of an asthmatic boy was seated in the row behind two doctors. He overheard one of the doctors expressing doubt about the long-term safety in children of inhaled corticosteroids. He interrupted the conversation, explaining that his son took this treatment; he had a lengthy conversation with one of the doctors, who gave his name. Consequently, on arrival, he faxed his wife at home to stop the treatment of their son immediately. She did so, and 2 days later the well-controlled patient had a brisk relapse that responded to urgent treatment by the family doctor (who had been conscientiously following guidelines recently published in an authoritative journal). The family doctor later ascertained that the doctor in the plane was a member of the editorial team of the journal that had so recently published the guidelines that were favourable to inhaled corticosteroid (Cox S 1994 Is eavesdropping bad for your health? British Medical Journal 309:718).

Topics in drug therapy but it is a great help (where liking does not come naturally) if they make a positive effort to understand how individual patients must feel about their illnesses and their treatments, i.e. to empathise with their patients. This is not always easy, but its achievement is the action of the true professional, and indeed is part of their professional duty of care.

• Form a non-judgemental alliance or partnership with •

• • • • •

Directly observed therapy  (DOT) (where a reliable person supervises each dose). In addition to the areas where supervision is obviously in the interest of patients, e.g. a child, DOT is employed (even imposed) among free-living uncooperative patients who may be a menace to the community, such as those with multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis. What every patient needs to know57 • An account of the disease and the reason for prescribing.


After: Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin 1981; 19:73. Patient information leaflets. In economically privileged countries, original or patient-pack dispensing is becoming the norm, i.e. patients receive an unopened pack just as it left the manufacturer. The pack contains a patient information leaflet (PIL) (which therefore accompanies each repeat prescription). Regulatory authorities increasingly determine its content. In this litigious age, requirements to be comprehensive and, to protect both manufacturer and regulatory authority, impair the patient-friendliness of PILs. But studies have shown that patients who receive leaflets are more satisfied than those who do not. Doctors need to have copies of these leaflets so that they can discuss with their patients what they are (or are not) reading.


• The name of the medicine. • The objective: to treat the disease and/or to relieve symptoms, i.e. how important the medicine is, whether the patient can judge its efficacy and when benefit can be expected to occur. • How and when to take the medicine. • Whether it matters if a dose is missed and what, if anything, to do about it (see p. 22). • How long the medicine is likely to be needed. • How to recognise adverse effects and any action that should be taken, including effects on car driving. • Any interaction with alcohol or other medicines.

Suggestions for doctors to enhance patient compliance/adherence the patient, giving the patient an opportunity to ask questions. Plan a regimen with the minimum number of drugs and drug-taking occasions, adjusted to fit the patient’s lifestyle. Use fixed-dose combinations, sustained-release (or injectable depot) formulations, or long t1/2 drugs as appropriate; arrange direct observation of each dose in exceptional cases. Provide clear oral and written information adapted to the patient’s understanding and medical and cultural needs. Use patient-friendly packaging, e.g. calendar packs, where appropriate; or monitored-dose systems, e.g. boxes compartmented and labelled (Dosette boxes). See the patient regularly and not so infrequently that the patient feels the doctor has lost interest. Enlist the help of family members, carers, friends. Use computer-generated reminders for repeat prescriptions.


A remarkable instance of non-compliance, with hoarding, was that of a 71-year-old man who attempted suicide and was found to have in his home 46 bottles containing 10 685 tablets. Analysis of his prescriptions showed that over a period of 17 months he had been expected to take 27 tablets of several different kinds daily.58 From time to time there are campaigns to collect all unwanted drugs from homes in an area. Usually the public are asked to deliver the drugs to their local pharmacies. In one UK city (population 600 000), 500 000 ‘solid dose units’ (tablets, capsules, etc.) were handed in (see below, Opportunity cost); such quantities have even caused local problems for safe waste disposal. Factors that are insignificant for compliance are: age59 (except at extremes), sex, intelligence (except at extreme deficiency) and educational level (probably).

Over-compliance.  Patients (up to 20%) may take more drug than is prescribed, even increasing the dose by 50%. In diseases where precise compliance with frequent or complex regimens is important, for example in glaucoma where sight is at risk, there have been instances of obsessional patients responding to their doctors’ overemphatic instructions by clock-watching in a state of anxiety to avoid the slightest deviance from timed administration of the correct dose, to the extent that their daily (and nightly) life becomes dominated by this single purpose.

Evaluation of patient compliance.  Merely asking patients whether they have taken the drug as directed is not likely


Smith S E, Stead K C 1974 Non-compliance or mis-prescribing? Lancet i:937 [letter]. But the elderly are commonly taking several drugs – a major factor in non-compliance – and monitoring compliance in this age group becomes particularly important. The over-60s in the UK are, on average, each receiving two or three medications.






to provide reliable evidence.60 It is safest to assume that any event that can impair compliance will sometimes happen. Estimations of compliance come from a variety of measures. DOT (above) is the most accurate, and identification of the drug or metabolites in plasma (or an artificial biological marker in the case of a clinical trial) is persuasive at least of recent compliance. Requiring patients to produce containers when they attend the doctor, who counts the tablets, seems to do little more than show the patient that the doctor cares about the matter (which is useful); a tablet absent from a container has not necessarily entered the patient’s body. On the other hand, although patients are known to practise deliberate deception, to maintain effective deception successfully over long periods requires more effort than most patients are likely to make. Memory aids, such as drug diaries, monitored-dosage systems (e.g. compartmented boxes) and electronic containers that record times of opening are helpful. Some pharmacodynamic effects, such as heart rate with a β-adrenoceptor blocker, provide a physiological marker as an indicator of the presence of drug in the body. Monitoring plasma drug concentrations is possible, but to do so without informing the patient raises ethical issues.

Doctor compliance Doctor compliance is the extent to which the behaviour of doctors fulfils their professional duty:

• not to be ignorant • to adopt new advances when they are sufficiently proved (which doctors are often slow to do)

• to prescribe accurately61 • to tell patients what they need to know • to warn, i.e. to recognise the importance of the act of prescribing (see also p. 6). In one study in a university hospital, where standards might be expected to be high, there was an error of drug use (dose, frequency, route) in 3% of prescriptions and an error of prescription writing (in relation to standard hospital instructions) in 30%. Many errors were trivial, but many could have resulted in overdose, serious interaction or under-treatment.

In other hospital studies, error rates in drug administration of 15–25% have been found, with rates rising rapidly where four or more drugs are being given concurrently, as is often the case; studies of hospital inpatients show that each receives about six drugs, and up to 20 during a stay is not rare. Merely providing information (on antimicrobials) did not influence prescribing, but gently asking physicians to justify their prescriptions caused a marked fall in inappropriate prescribing. On a harsher note, in recent years doctors who gave drugs about which they later admitted ignorance (e.g. route of administration and/or dose) stood charged with manslaughter62 and were convicted. Shocked by this, fellow doctors have written to the medical press offering understanding sympathy to these, sometimes junior, colleagues, in effect saying ‘There, but for the grace of God, go I’.63 The public response, however, is not sympathetic. Doctors put themselves forward as trained professionals who offer a service of responsible, competent provision of drugs that they have the legal right to prescribe. The public is increasingly inclined to hold them to that claim, and, where doctors seriously fail, to exact retribution.64 If you do not know about a drug, find out before you act, or take the personal consequences, which, increasingly, may be very serious indeed.

Underdosing Use of suboptimal doses of drugs in serious disease occurs, sacrificing therapeutic efficacy to avoid serious adverse effects. Instances are commonest with drugs of low therapeutic index (see Index), i.e. where the effective and toxic dose ranges are close, or even overlap, e.g. heparin, anticancer drugs, aminoglycoside antimicrobials. In these cases, dose adjustment to obtain maximum benefit with minimum risk requires both knowledge and attentiveness.

The clinical importance of missed dose(s) Even the most conscientious of patients will miss a dose or doses occasionally. Patients should therefore be told 62


Hippocrates (460–377 BC) noted that patients are liars regarding compliance. The way the patient is questioned may be all important, e.g. ‘Were you able to take the tablets?’ may get a truthful reply, whereas ‘Did you take the tablets?’ may not, because the latter question may be understood by the patient as implying personal criticism (Pearson RM 1982 Who is taking their tablets? British Medical Journal 285:757). 61 Accuracy includes legibility: a doctor wrote Intal (sodium cromoglicate) for an asthmatic patient; the pharmacist read it as Inderal (propranolol) – the patient died. See also, Names of drugs (Ch. 7).


Unlawful killing in circ*mstances that do not amount to murder (which requires an intention to kill), e.g. causing death by negligence that is much more serious than mere carelessness; reckless breach of the legal duty of care. 63 Attributed to John Bradford, an English preacher and martyr (16th century), on seeing a convicted criminal pass by. 64 A doctor wrote a prescription for isosorbide dinitrate 20 mg 6-hourly, but because of the illegibility of the handwriting the pharmacist dispensed felodipine in the same dose (maximum daily dose 10 mg). The patient died, and a court ordered the doctor and pharmacist to pay compensation of $450 000 to the family. Charatan F 1999 Family compensated for death after illegible prescription. British Medical Journal 319:1456.

Topics in drug therapy whether this matters and what they should do about it, if anything.

Missed dose(s) may lead to: • Loss of therapeutic efficacy (acute disease). • Resurgence (chronic disease). • Rebound or withdrawal syndrome.

Loss of therapeutic efficacy involves the pharmaco*kinetic properties of drugs. With some drugs of short t1/2, the issue is simply a transient drop in plasma concentration below a defined therapeutic concentration. The issues are more complex where therapeutic effect may not decline in parallel with plasma concentration, as with recovery of negative feedback hom*oeostatic mechanisms (adrenocortical steroids). A single missed dose may be important with some drugs, e.g. oral contraceptives, but with others (long t1/2), omission of several doses is tolerated without any serious decline in efficacy, e.g. levothyroxine. These pharmaco*kinetic considerations are complex and important, and are, or should be, taken into account by drug manufacturers in devising dosage schedules and informative data sheets. Manufacturers should aim at one or two doses per day (not more), and this is generally best achieved with drugs with relatively long biological effect t1/2 or, where the biological effect t1/2 is short, by using sustained-release formulations. Discontinuation syndrome (recurrence of disease, rebound, or withdrawal syndrome) may occur due to a variety of mechanisms (see Index).


have obtained from increasingly reluctant healthy members of the public. The purchasers of health care are now engaged in serious exercises to contain drug costs in the short term without impairing the quality of medical care, or damaging the development of useful new drugs (which is an enormously expensive and long-term process). This can be achieved successfully only if reliable data are available on costs and benefits, both absolute and relative. The difficulties of generating such data, not only during development, but later under conditions of actual use, are enormous and are addressed by a special breed of professionals: the health economists. Economics is the science of the distribution of wealth and resources. Prescribing doctors, who have a duty to the community as well as to individual patients, cannot escape involvement with economics.

The economists’ objective The objective is to define needs, thereby enabling the deployment of resources according to priorities set by society, which has an interest in fairness between its members. Resources can be distributed by the outcome of an unregulated power struggle between professionals and associations of patients and public pressure groups – all, no doubt, warm-hearted towards deserving cases of one kind or another, but none able to view the whole scene. Alternatively, distribution can occur by a planned evaluation that allows division of the resources based on some visible attempt at fairness. A health economist66 writes:

Pharmacoeconomics (see also Ch. 5) Even the richest societies cannot satisfy the appetite of their citizens for health care based on their real needs, on their wants and on their (often unrealistic) expectations. Health-care resources are rationed65 in one way or another, whether according to national social policies or to individual wealth. The debate on supply is not about whether there should be rationing, but about what form rationing should take; whether it should be explicit or concealed (from the public). Doctors prescribe, patients consume and, increasingly throughout the world, third (purchasing) parties (government, insurance companies) pay the bill with money they


The economist’s approach to evaluating drug therapies is to look at a group of patients with a particular disorder and the various drugs that could be used to treat them. The costs of the various treatments and some costs associated with their use (together with the costs of giving no treatment) are then considered in terms of impact on health status (survival and quality of life) and impact on other health care costs (e.g. admissions to hospital, need for other drugs, use of other procedures). Economists are often portrayed as people who want to focus on cost, whereas in reality they see everything in terms of a balance between costs and benefits.


The term ‘rationing’ is used here to embrace the allocation of priorities as well as the actual withholding of resources (in this case, drugs).


Professor Michael Drummond





A report on clinical pharmacologists in the UK National Health Service (NHS) by the international accountancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers ‘…explores the costs and financial benefits of hiring … additional clinical pharmacologists for the UK and quantifies significant social, clinical and financial benefits as a result of this investment.’ The key finding was ‘… each £1 spent to hire additional clinical pharmacologists has the potential to reduce NHS costs by almost £6.’67 Four economic concepts have particular importance to the thinking of every doctor who makes a decision to prescribe, i.e. to distribute resources:

• Opportunity cost means that which has to be sacrificed


in order to carry out a certain course of action, i.e. costs are benefits foregone elsewhere. Money spent on prescribing is not available for another purpose; wasteful prescribing is as an affront to those who are in serious need, e.g. institutionalised mentally handicapped citizens who everywhere would benefit from increased resources, or patients requiring hip replacement. Cost-effectiveness analysis is concerned with how to attain a given objective at minimal financial cost, e.g. prevention of post-surgical venous thromboembolism by heparins, warfarin, aspirin or external pneumatic compression. Analysis includes the cost of materials, adverse effects, any tests, nursing and doctor time and duration of stay in hospital (which may greatly exceed the cost of the drug). Cost-benefit analysis is concerned with issues of whether (and to what extent) to pursue objectives and policies; it is thus a broader activity than cost-effectiveness analysis and puts monetary values on the quality as well as on the quantity (duration) of life. Cost-utility analysis is concerned with comparisons between programmes, such as an antenatal drug treatment which saves a young life, or a hip replacement operation which improves mobility in a man of 60 years. Such differing issues are also the basis for comparison by computing quality-adjusted life years (see below). An allied measure is the cost-minimisation analysis, which finds the least costly programme among those shown or assumed to be of equal benefit. Economic

Report. PricewaterhouseCoopers 2016 Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. The case for savings in the NHS 168:1–25.


analysis requires that both quantity and quality of life be measured. The former is easy; the latter is hard to determine. In the UK the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) appraises the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of drugs, devices and diagnostic tools, and advises health-care professionals in the NHS on their use. The NHS is legally obliged to make resources available to implement NICE guidance, so avoiding differential treatment according to a patient’s area of residence – so-called ‘postcode prescribing’.

Quality of life Everyone is familiar with the measurement of the benefit of treatment in saving or extending life, i.e. life expectancy: the measure is the quantity of life (in years). But it is evident that life may be extended and yet have a low quality, even to the point that it is not worth having at all. It is therefore useful to have a unit of health measurement that combines the quantity of life with its quality, to place individual and social decision-making on a sounder basis than mere intuition. Economists met this need by developing the qualityadjusted life year (QALY) whereby estimations of years of life expectancy are modified according to estimations of quality of life. Quality of life has four principal dimensions:68 1. 2. 3. 4.

Physical mobility. Freedom from pain and distress. Capacity for self-care. Ability to engage in normal work and social interactions.

The approach for determining quality of life is by questionnaire, to measure what the subject perceives as personal health. The assessments are refined to provide improved assessment of the benefits and risks of medicines to the individual and to society. The challenge is to ensure that these are sufficiently robust to make resource allocation decisions between, for example, the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated, the old and the young, as well as between groups of patients with very different diseases. Plainly, quality of life is a major aspect of what is called outcomes research.


Williams A 1983 In: Smith G T (ed) Measuring the Social Benefits of Medicine. Office of Health Economics, London.

Topics in drug therapy



Guide to further reading Buetow, S., Elwyn, G., 2007. Patient safety and patient error. Lancet 369, 158–161. De Smet, P.A., 2004. Health risks of herbal remedies. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 76 (1), 1–17. Ernst, E., 2008. A historical perspective on placebo. Clin. Med. (Northfield Il) 8 (1), 9–10. Kandela, P., 1999. Sketches from The Lancet: doctors’ handwriting. Lancet 353, 1109. Ker, K., Edwards, P., Roberts, I., 2011. Misadventures to patients during surgical and medical care in England and Wales: an analysis of deaths and hospital episodes. J. R. Soc. Med. 104, 292–298. Loudon, I., 2006. A brief history of homeopathy. J. R. Soc. Med. 99, 607–610. Mason, S., Tovey, P., Long, A.F., 2002. Evaluating complementary

medicine: methodological challenges of randomised controlled trials. Br. Med. J. 325, 832–834. McGuffin, M., 2008. Should herbal medicines be regulated as drugs? Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 83 (3), 393–395. Maxwell, S.R., 2016. Rational prescribing: the principles of drug selection. Clin. Med. (Lond) 16 (5), 459–464. Neale, G., Chapman, E.J., Hoare, J., Olsen, S., 2006. Recognising adverse events and critical incidents in medical practice in a district general hospital. Clin. Med. (Northfield Il) 6 (4), 157–162. Osterberg, L., Blaschke, T., 2005. Adherence to medication. N. Engl. J. Med. 353 (5), 487–497. Panesar, S.S., Cleary, K., Sheikh, A., 2009. Reflections on the National

Patient Safety Agency’s database of medical errors. J. R. Soc. Med. 102, 256–258. Posadzki, P., Watson, L.K., Alotaibi, A., Ernst, E., 2013. Prevalence of use of complementary and alternative medicine. Clin. Med. (Lond.) 13 (2), 126–131. Rawlins, M.D., 2004. NICE work— providing guidance to the British National Health Service. N. Engl. J. Med. 351 (3), 1381–1385. Simpson, S.H., Eurich, D.T., Majumdar, S.R., et al., 2006. A meta-analysis of the association between adherence to drug therapy and mortality. Br. Med. J. 333, 15.





Appendix: the prescription The prescription is the means by which patients receive medicines that are considered unsafe for sale directly to the public. Its format is officially regulated to ensure precision in the interests of safety and efficacy, and to prevent fraudulent misuse; full details appear in national formularies, and prescribers have a responsibility to comply with these. Prescriptions of pure drugs or of formulations from the British National Formulary (BNF)69 are satisfactory for almost all purposes. The composition of many of the preparations in the BNF is laid down in official pharmacopoeias, e.g. British Pharmacopoeia (BP). There are also many national and international pharmacopoeias. Traditional extemporaneous prescription-writing art, defining drug, base, adjuvant, corrective, flavouring and vehicle, is obsolete, as is the use of the Latin language. Certain convenient Latin abbreviations do survive for lack of convenient English substitutes. They appear below, without approval or disapproval. The elementary requirements of a prescription (now usually viewed on-screen by a computer programme) are that it should state what is to be given to whom and by whom prescribed, and give instructions on how much should be taken, how often, by what route and for how long, or the total quantity to be supplied, as below. 1. Date. 2. Address of doctor. 3. Name and address of patient: date of birth is also

desirable for safety reasons; in the UK it is a legal requirement for children younger than 12 years of age. 4. ℞. This is a traditional esoteric symbol70 for ‘Recipe— take thou’, which is addressed to the pharmacist. It is pointless; but as many doctors gain a harmless pleasure from writing it with a flourish before the name of a proprietary preparation of whose exact nature they may be ignorant, it is likely to survive as a sentimental link with the past. 5. Name and dose of the medicine. Abbreviations. Only abbreviate where there is an official abbreviation. Never use unofficial abbreviations or invent your own; it is not safe to do so.

Quantities (after BNF): 1 gram or more: write 1 g, etc. ■ less than 1 g: write as milligrams (e.g. 500 mg, not 0.5 g) ■ less than 1 mg: write as micrograms (e.g. 100 μg, not 0.1 mg) ■ for decimals, a zero should precede the decimal point where there is no other figure (e.g. 0.5 mL, not .5 mL; for a range, 0.5–1 g) ■ do not abbreviate microgram, nanogram, or unit ■ use millilitre (mL or ml), not cubic centimetre (cc) ■ for home/domestic measures, see below. State dose and dose frequency; for ‘as required’, specify minimum dose interval or maximum dose per day. 6. Directions to the pharmacist, if any: ‘mix’, ‘make a solution’. Write the total quantity to be dispensed (if this is not stated in 5 above) or duration of supply. 7. Instruction for the patient, to be written on container by the pharmacist. Here brevity, clarity and accuracy are especially important. It is dangerous to rely on the patient remembering oral instructions. The BNF provides a list of recommended ‘cautionary and advisory labels for dispensed medicines’, representing a balance between ‘the unintelligibly short and the inconveniently long’, for example: ‘Do not stop taking this medicine except on your doctor’s advice’. Pharmacists nowadays use their own initiative in giving advice to patients. 8. Signature of doctor. ■

Example of a prescription for a patient with an annoying unproductive cough:  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1., 2., 3., as above ℞ Codeine Linctus, BNF, 5 mL Send 60 mL Label: Codeine Linctus (or NP). Take 5 mL twice a day and on retiring 6. Signature of doctor. Computer-issued prescriptions must conform to recommendations of professional bodies. Computer-generated facsimile signatures do not meet the legal requirement. If altered by hand (undesirable), the alteration must be signed.

Medicine containers.  Reclosable child-resistant containers 69

Supplied free to all doctors practising in the UK National Health Service. 70 Derived from the eye of Horus, Ancient Egyptian sun god.


and blister packs are now standard, as is dispensing in manufacturers’ original sealed packs containing a patient information leaflet. These add to immediate cost but may

Topics in drug therapy save money in the end (increased efficiency of use, and safety).



Weights and measures

Unwanted medicines.  Patients should be encouraged to return these to the original supplier for disposal.

Drugs liable to cause dependence  or be the subject of misuse. Doctors have a particular responsibility to ensure that: (1) they do not create dependence, (2) the patient does not increase the dose and create dependence, (3) they do not become an unwitting source of supply to addicts. To many such drugs, special prescribing regulations apply (see BNF).

Abbreviations  (see also Weights and measures, below)

b.d.: bis in die

twice a day (b.i.d. is also used)


British National Formulary


British Pharmacopoeia


British Pharmaceutical Codex

i.m.: intramuscular

by intramuscular injection


International Unit

i.v.: intravenous

by intravenous injection

NP: nomen proprium

proper name

o.d.: omni die

every day

o.m.: omni mane

every morning

o.n.: omni nocte

every night

p.o.: per os

by mouth

p.r.: per rectum

by the anal/rectal route

p.r.n.: pro re nata

as required. It is best to add the maximum frequency of repetition, e.g. aspirin and codeine tablets, 1 or 2 p.r.n., 4-hourly

p.v.: per vagin*m

by the vagin*l route

q.d.s.: quater die sumendus

four times a day (q.i.d. is also used)

rep.: repetatur

let it be repeated, as in rep. mist(ura), repeat the mixture

s.c.: subcutaneous

by subcutaneous injection

stat: statim


t.d.s.: ter (in) die sumendus

three times a day (t.i.d. is also used)

In this book, doses are given in the metric system, or in international units (IU) when metric doses are impracticable.

Equivalents: 1 litre (L or l) = 1.76 pints 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.2 pounds (lb).

Abbreviations: 1 1 1 1 1 1

gram (g) milligram (mg) (1 × 10–3 g) microgram71 (1 × 10–6 g) nanogram71 (1 × 10–9 g) decilitre (dL) (1 × 10–1 L) millilitre (mL) (1 × 10–3 L).

Home/domestic measures.  A standard 5-mL spoon and a graduated oral syringe are available. Otherwise the following approximations will serve: 1 tablespoonful = 14 mL (or ml) 1 dessertspoonful = 7 mL (or ml) 1 teaspoonful = 5 mL (or ml).

Percentages, proportions, weight in volume Some solutions of drugs (e.g. local anaesthetics, adrenaline/ epinephrine) for parenteral use are labelled in a variety of ways: percentage, proportion, or weight in volume (e.g. 0.1%, 1:1000, 1 mg/mL). In addition, dilutions may have to be made by doctors at the time of use. Such drugs are commonly dangerous in overdose, and great precision is required, especially as any errors are liable to be by a factor of 10 and can be fatal. Doctors who do not feel confident with such calculations (because they do not do them frequently) should feel no embarrassment,72 but should recognise that they have a responsibility to check their results with a competent colleague or pharmacist before proceeding.


Spell out in full in prescriptions. Called to an emergency tension pneumothorax on an intercontinental flight, two surgeons, who chanced to be passengers, were provided with lidocaine 100 mg in 10 mL (in the aircraft medical kit). They were accustomed to thinking in percentages for this drug and ‘in the heat of the moment’ neither was able to make the conversion. Chest surgery was conducted successfully with an adapted wire coat-hanger as a trocar (‘sterilised’ in brandy), using a urinary catheter. The patient survived the flight and recovered in hospital. Wallace W A 1995 Managing in-flight emergencies: a personal account. British Medical Journal 311:374. 72



| 3  |

Discovery and development of drugs Patrick Vallance


Preclinical drug development. Discovery of new drugs in the laboratory is an exercise in prediction. Selecting the target for a drug is probably the key decision.

Techniques of discovery. Several approaches, including using small molecules, large proteins and nucleic-based approaches, and cells broaden what we think of as a medicine.

Studies in animals. Some are required by regulation (for safety), others give insight into the effect of the drug in the whole body, but none replaces the need for clinical testing. Experimental medicine. Getting the medicine into the clinic to test its properties and its effects on biological systems in humans is a key step.

• • •

Ethical issues.

Orphan drugs and diseases.

Need for animal testing. Prediction. Failures of prediction occur, and a drug may be abandoned at any stage, including after marketing. New drug development is colossally expensive, and it is important to consider commercial return to fund drug discovery and development.

Making a new medicine Discovering and developing a new medicine requires combining the skills of biology, chemistry, clinical medicine and, of course, pharmacology. There are four key decision points along the way:


1. Selecting the molecular target you want the drug to

act on to produce the desired effect. 2. Choosing the right chemical as the drug candidate.

All the promise and all the faults become fixed at this point. 3. Designing the right clinical experiment to show that the medicine will really do what you want it to do. 4. Showing how the medicine improves health and benefits health-care systems. Medicinal therapeutics rests on the two great supporting pillars of pharmacology: 1. Selectivity – the desired effect alone is obtained: ‘We

must learn to aim, learn to aim with chemical substances’ (Paul Ehrlich).1 2. Dose – ‘The dose alone decides that something is no poison’ (Paracelsus).2 Once a target has been selected, the process of finding the right chemical to act as an antagonist, agonist, inhibitor, activator or modulator of the protein function depends on a process of screening. For decades, the rational discovery of new medicines depended on modifications of the structures of natural chemical mediators. This may still be the route to find the drug, but more often now large libraries

1 Paul Ehrlich (1845–1915), a German scientist, who pioneered the scientific approach to drug discovery. The 606th organic arsenical that he tested against spirochaetes (in animals) became a successful medicine (Salvarsan 1910); it and a minor variant were used against syphilis until superseded by penicillin in 1945. 2 Paracelsus (1493–1541) was a controversial figure who has been portrayed as both ignorant and superstitious. He had no medical degree; he burned the classical medical works (Galen, Avicenna) before his lectures in Basle (Switzerland) and had to leave the city following a dispute about fees with a prominent churchman. He died in Salzburg (Austria), either as a result of a drunken debauch or because he was thrown down a steep incline by ‘hitmen’ employed by jealous local physicians. But he was right about the dose.

Discovery and development of drugs of compounds are screened against the target in robotic high-throughput screens. However, it is worth remembering that the exact molecular basis of drug action may remain unknown, and this book contains frequent examples of old drugs whose mechanism of action remains mysterious. The evolution of molecular medicine (including recombinant DNA technology) in the past 30 years has led to identification of many thousands of potential drug targets, but the function of many of these genes remains unknown. The hope was that the identification of targets identified by genetics coupled with high throughout screening would lead to a great increase in the productivity of drug discovery. This has turned out not to be the case since it is clearly important to understand both the function of the target and the nature of the interaction of the chemical drug with the target in order to make a selective and safe medicine. However, the advent of modern clinical genetics means that it is increasingly possible to identify causal pathways of human diseases. This leads to a much more certain starting point for drug discovery. Of discovering a truly novel medicine, i.e. one that does something valuable for patients that had previously not been possible (or that does safely what could previously have been achieved only with substantial risk), are increased when the discovery and development programme is founded on precise knowledge of the biological processes it is desired to change. The commercial rewards of a successful product are potentially enormous and provide a great incentive for developers to invest and risk huge sums of money. Most projects in drug discovery and development fail. Indeed the chances of making it through from target selection to having a medicine on the market are in order of 2–3 in 100. The huge increase in understanding of molecular signalling – both between cells and within cells – has opened many new opportunities to develop medicines that can target discrete steps in the body’s elaborate pathways of chemical reactions.3 The challenge, of course, is to do so in a way that produces benefit without harm. The more fundamental the pathway targeted, the more likely there is to be a big effect, whether beneficial, harmful or both. No benefit comes without some risk. The molecular, industrialised and automated approach to drug discovery that followed sequencing of the genome and application of high-throughput chemical approaches led to two consequences: 1. More potential drugs and therapeutic targets were

identified that could be experimentally validated in animals and humans. This ‘production line’ approach also led to a loss of integration of the established specialties (chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology) 3

Culliton B J 1994 Nature Medicine 1:1 [editorial].



and to an overall lack of understanding of how physiological and pathophysiological processes contribute to the interaction of drug and disease. 2. Theoretically, new drugs could be targeted at selected groups of patients based on their genetic make-up. This concept of ‘the right medicine for the right patient’ is the basis of pharmacogenetics (see p. 106), the genetically determined variability in drug response. Pharmacogenetics has gained momentum from recent advances in molecular genetics and genome sequencing, due to:

• rapid screening for gene variants • knowledge of the genetic sequences of target genes such as those coding for enzymes, ion channels and other receptor types involved in drug response. These opportunities have been enhanced by the recent advent of gene editing techniques that allow precise manipulation of genetic sequences and subsequent testing of the phenotypic consequences of such changes. These techniques can now be applied at industrial scale and can lead to much more rapid identification of promising drug targets. Expectations of pharmacogenetics and its progeny, pharmacoproteomics (understanding of and drug effects on protein variants) remain high, but the applicability will not be universal. They include the following:

• The identification of subgroups of patients with a disease or syndrome based on their genotype. The most extreme of obvious examples of this are diseases caused by single gene defects. The ability accurately to subclassify based on common genetic variation is less clear. • Targeting of specific drugs for patients with specific gene variants. This is most advanced in the field of cancer (usually targeting somatic changes in cancers) and increasingly in the field of the pharmacogenetics of safety (i.e. unwanted drug effects). Consequences of these expectations include: smaller clinical trial programmes with well-defined patient groups (based on phenotypic and genotypic characterisation), better understanding of the pharmaco*kinetics and dynamics according to genetic variation, and improved monitoring of adverse events after marketing. New drug development proceeds thus:

• Idea or hypothesis. ‘This protein causes this disease/ these effects which I could stop by affecting protein function (drugs usually affect protein function as a primary mechanism).’ • Design and synthesis of substances. ‘This molecule produces the wanted effect on protein function and has the physico-chemical characteristics that make it a





potential medicine.’ This is true for traditional small molecules, for antibody therapies and for nucleic acid-based approaches. Studies on tissues and whole animal (preclinical studies). ‘When I test it in appropriate models it does what I expect and that allows me to believe it would do the same in humans.’ Studies in humans (clinical studies) (see Ch. 4). ‘Initially I want to know whether the molecule has drug-like properties in terms of its kinetics. I then want to know that it does what I need it to do in terms of the effect on disease.’ Granting of an official licence to make therapeutic claims and to sell (see Ch. 6). ‘Is my medicine better than placebo? Does it do more than existing medicines and is it well tolerated? What effect does it have on populations as used in practice?’ Post-licensing (marketing) studies of safety and comparisons with other medicines. ‘Now many thousands of patients have taken it, am I still sure that it is safe?’

The (critical) phase of progress from the laboratory to humans is often termed ‘translational science’ or ‘experimental medicine’. It was defined as ‘the application of biomedical research (pre-clinical and clinical), conducted to support drug development, which aids in the identification of the appropriate patient for treatment (patient selection), the correct dose and schedule to be tested in the clinic (dosing regimen) and the best disease in which to test a potential agent’.4 It will be obvious from the account that follows that drug development is an extremely arduous, highly technical and enormously expensive operation. Successful developments (1% of compounds that proceed to full test eventually become licensed medicines) must carry the cost of the failures (99%).5 It is also obvious that such programmes are likely 4 Johnstone D 2006 pA2 online (E-journal of the British Pharmacological Society) 4(2). Available at: volume=5&issue=13&article=54. 5 The cost of development of a new chemical entity (NCE) (a novel molecule not previously tested in humans) from synthesis to market (general clinical use) is estimated at over $1.6 billion; the process may take as long as 15 years (including up to 10 years for clinical studies), which is relevant to duration of patent life and so to ultimate profitability; if the developer does not see profit at the end of the process, the investment will not be made. The drug may fail at any stage, including the ultimate, i.e. at the official regulatory body, after all the development costs have been incurred. It may also fail (due to adverse effects) within the first year after marketing, which constitutes a catastrophe (in reputation and finance) for the developer as well as for some of the patients. Pirated copies of full regulatory dossiers have substantial black market value to competitor companies, who have used them to leapfrog the original developer to obtain a licence for their unresearched copied molecule. Dossiers may be enormous, even a million pages or the electronic equivalent, the latter being very convenient as it allows instant searching.


to be carried to completion only when the organisations and the individuals within them are motivated overall by the challenge to succeed and to serve society, as well as to make the company profitable. A previous edition of this chapter included a quote from a paper I wrote from my time in academia, and I leave it here: Let us get one thing straight: the drug industry works within a system that demands it makes a profit to satisfy shareholders. Indeed, it has a fiduciary6 duty to do so. The best way to make a lot of money is to invent a drug that produces a dramatically beneficial clinical effect, is far more effective than existing options, and has few unwanted effects. Unfortunately most drugs fall short of this ideal.7

Techniques of discovery (See Fig. 3.1) The newer technologies, the impact of which has yet to be fully felt, include the following:

Molecular modelling and structural biology  aided by three-dimensional computer graphics (including virtual reality) allows the design of structures based on new and known molecules to enhance their desired, and to eliminate their undesired, properties to create highly selective targeted compounds. In principle all molecular structures capable of binding to a single high-affinity site can be modelled. The advent of really high power computing is likely to lead to significant advances ‘in silico drug discovery’.

High throughput screening allows the screening of millions of compounds against a single target or a cell-based screen to determine activity against the target. Traditionally these are large robotic screens but newer technologies, including use of small molecules using coding tags, allow miniaturisation of the process. The quality of the ‘hit’ which is the starting point for medicinal chemistry ‘lead optimisation’, depends on the quality of the molecules in the compound collection and the nature of the biochemical target used for the screen.

Fragments.  If the crystal structure of the protein target is known, it is possible to screen small fragments of potential drugs to find those that bind and where they bind. It is then possible to construct a drug by adding fragments.

Proteins as medicines: biotechnology. The targets of most drugs are proteins (cell receptors, enzymes), and it 6

Held or given in trust (OED). Vallance P 2005 Developing an open relationship with the drug industry. Lancet 366:1062–1064. 7

Discovery and development of drugs


Sources of compounds

Therapeutic targets

Chemical libraries Historical compound collections Natural product libraries Combinatorial libraries

Traditional medical uses of natural products


Empirical understanding of physiology and pathology

Rational synthesis

Molecular cloning of receptors and signalling molecules

Antisense oligonucleotides


Drug discovery screening assays

Lead optimisation and candidate selection

Drug development

Fig. 3.1  Drug discovery sources in context. Different types of chemical compounds (top left) are tested against bioassays that are relevant to therapeutic targets, which are derived from several possible sources of information (right). The initial lead compounds discovered by the screening process are optimised by analogue synthesis and tested for appropriate pharmaco*kinetic properties. The candidate compounds then enter the development process involving regulatory toxicology studies and clinical trials.

is only lack of technology that has hitherto prevented the exploitation of proteins (and peptides) as medicines. This technology is now available, and some of the most successful new medicines of the last few years have been biological – antibodies or peptides. The practical limitations are that (1) they need to be injected, as they are digested when swallowed and (2) they target soluble factors and targets on the cell membrane but are generally unable to target intracellular proteins. However, these limitations are offset by their high degree of specificity, their often very long half-life (for antibodies) that means that the medicine may be given by monthly injections, and the more predictable toxicity when compared to the rather unpredictable effect of classical small-molecule drugs (the usual ‘white pills’). Biotechnology involves the use of recombinant DNA technology/genetic engineering to clone and express human genes, for example in microbial (Escherichia coli or yeast) cells so that they manufacture proteins. Such techniques can deliver hormones and autacoids in commercial amounts (such as insulin and growth hormone, erythropoietins, cell growth factors and plasminogen activators, interferons, vaccines and – probably most important – antibodies, for example for the treatment of cancers and inflammatory diseases).

Transgenic animals (that breed true for the gene) are also used as models for human disease as well as for production of medicines. Human cell systems – increasingly human cells systems are used for drug discovery. This approach is particularly valuable when specific genetic changes can be made to mimic disease change. Cells can also be grown in ‘organoids’ that mimic some of the features of specific organs. Phenotypic screening, the process of screening molecules in cell models and then working backwards to find the molecular target, is becoming a much more common approach.

Antisense approaches.  Nucleic acid approaches are being developed to silence gene expression and therefore reduce the expression of culprit proteins. There are various ways of achieving this including antisense, locked nucleic acids, small interfering RNAs and interfering with microRNAs. The problems are (1) delivery – they are injectables, (2) the distribution in the body – mainly liver and kidney, and (3) the difficulty in getting the nucleic acid into cells. Nonetheless, where the treatment aim is local (intraocular injection or inhalation to the lung), or where a liver effect is desired, it is clear that this approach works and provides a potentially





attractive approach to targeting those proteins or protein– protein interactions that are intractable to a small molecule, peptide or antibody approach.

Gene therapy of human genetic disorders is ‘a strategy in which nucleic acid, usually in the form of DNA, is administered to modify the genetic repertoire for therapeutic purposes’, e.g. in diseases caused by single gene defects. Once again significant problems remain, in particular the methods of delivery and the safety and efficiency of the vectors used to deliver the genes. So far success has been seen in the treatment of certain rare haemopoetic disorders and genetic immunodeficiency states where the gene transfer can be done ex vivo and the modified cells reinjected. Such approaches are also being used to treat cancers. Cells removed from the body can be manipulated either to express a new gene or to modify expression of a gene and then the cells re-infused. Successful treatment of some haematological cancers through use of genetically modified T lymphocytes suggests that this will become a new type of ‘drug treatment’. Stem cells.  Stem cells are impacting drug discovery as they potentially provide a source of human cells, or even diseasespecific human cells that can be used for screening and safety testing. Stem cell therapy is a reality in the form of bone marrow transplants, but in other areas is still at a very early stage. However, the promise is of regenerative treatments based either on stem cell replacement or chemical stimulation of endogenous stem cells. Immunopharmacology.  Understanding of the molecular basis of immune responses has allowed the definition of mechanisms by which cellular function is altered by a legion of local hormones or autacoids in, for example, infections, cancer, autoimmune diseases, or organ transplant rejection. These processes present targets for therapeutic intervention – hence the rise of immunopharmacology. Stimulation of the immune system has become an important way to treat certain types of cancer. So manipulation of specific parts of the immune system to achieve activation or suppression is an important therapeutic approach.

amber 40 million years ago), fungi, plants and animals. Developing countries in the tropics (with their luxuriant natural resources) are prominent targets in this search and have justly complained of exploitation and many now require formal profit-sharing agreements to allow such searches. Historically, natural products have been particularly successful for finding antibiotics, as evolution has done over a much longer time period what medicinal chemists struggle to do. The problem with natural product drug discovery is often that identifying the precise active ingredient is hard and the molecules usually cannot easily be synthesised. • Traditional medicine, which is being studied for possible leads to usefully active compounds. This is particularly true in China where traditional medicines are being re-evaluated for effects. The most notable example in recent years is the rediscovery of artemisinin for malaria treatment. • Modifications of the structures of known drugs: these are obviously likely to produce more agents with similar basic properties, but may deliver worthwhile improvements. It is in this area that the ‘me too’ and ‘me again’ drugs are developed. However, such approaches are very unlikely to be commercially successful in a world that rightly demands true advances in patient care as a prerequisite for making profits and charging high costs to cover the price of innovative discovery. • New uses for drugs already in general use as a result of intelligent observation and serendipity,8 or advancing knowledge of molecular mechanisms, e.g. aspirin for antithrombotic effect. Once a good drug is on the market, new uses are often discovered. A recent example is rituximab, a monocloncal antibody that kills B cells. Initially developed for the treatment of B cell lymphoma, it was found to be effective for suppressing B cell autoimmunity in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Older approaches  to the discovery of new medicines that continue in use include:

• Animal models of human disease or an aspect of it of varying relevance to humans. It is always the case that the animal model is never a true model of human disease and can only model parts of the disease process. The trend in industry is to use more human tissue and cell approaches, move fast to the clinic and not to rely too heavily on animal models. • Natural products: modern technology for screening has revived interest and intensified the search. Companies look across the world for leads from microorganisms (in soil or sewage or even from insects entombed in


Drug quality It is easy for an investigator or prescriber, interested in pharmacology, toxicology and therapeutics, to forget the fundamental importance of chemical and pharmaceutical aspects. An impure, unstable drug or formulation is useless. Pure drugs that remain pure drugs after 5 years of storage 8 Serendipity is the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by general sagacity or by accident; the word derives from a fairytale about three princes of Serendip (Sri Lanka) who had this happy faculty.

Discovery and development of drugs in hot, damp climates are vital to therapeutics. The record of manufacturers in providing this is impressive. Much of the early work in drug discovery is spent trying to identify the right molecule with the appropriate physical and chemical properties to make it reliable as a medicine.

Studies in animals

Pharmacodynamics  – to investigate the actions relating to the proposed therapeutic use. In addition, there is a need to investigate potential undesirable pharmacodynamic effects of the substance on physiological functions. Pharmaco*kinetics  – the study of the fate of the active substance and its metabolites within the organism (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of these substances). The programme should be designed to allow comparison and extrapolation between animal and human.

Toxicology  – to reveal physiological and/or histopathological changes induced by the drug, and to determine how these changes relate to dose.10 These involve:

• Acute toxicity: single-dose studies that allow qualitative and quantitative assessment of toxic reactions. • Chronic and subchronic toxicity: repeat-dose studies to characterise the toxicological profile of a drug following repeated administration. This includes the identification of potential target organs and exposure–response relationships, and may include the potential for reversibility of effects. Generally, it is desirable that tests be performed in two relevant species, based on the pharmaco*kinetic profile, one a rodent and one a non-rodent. The duration of the studies depends on the conditions of clinical use and is defined by Regulatory Agencies (Tables 3.1 and 3.2). 9

Mouse, rat, hamster, guinea-pig, rabbit, cat, dog, and sometimes monkey are used (but not all for any one drug). Non-clinical (pharmacotoxicological) studies must be carried out in conformity with the provisions of internationally agreed standards known as Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). In Europe, regulations ensure that all tests on animals are conducted in accordance with Council Directive 86/609/EEC. Certain studies in animals can be substituted by validated in vitro tests provided that the test results are of comparable quality and usefulness for the purpose of safety evaluation. The pharmacological and toxicological tests must demonstrate the potential toxicity of the product and any dangerous or undesirable toxic effects that may occur under the proposed conditions of use in human beings; these should be evaluated in relation to the pathological condition concerned. The studies must also demonstrate the pharmacological properties of the product, in both qualitative and quantitative relationship to the proposed use in human beings. 10 Details can be found at:


Table 3.1  Single and repeated dose toxicity requirements to support studies in healthy normal volunteers (Phase 1) and in patients (Phase 2) in the European Union (EU), and Phases 1, 2 and 3 in the USA and Japan1 Minimum duration of repeated-dose toxicity studies


Generally, the following are undertaken:


Duration of clinical trial

Rodents 2


Single dose

2 weeks

2 weeks

Up to 2 weeks

2 weeks

2 weeks

Up to 1 month

1 month

1 month

Up to 3 months

3 months

3 months

Up to 6 months

6 months

6 months

>6 months

6 months


1 In Japan, if there are no Phase 2 clinical trials of equivalent duration to the planned Phase 3 trials, conduct of longer-duration toxicity studies is recommended as given in Table 3.2. 2 In the USA, specially designed single-dose studies with extended examinations can support single-dose clinical studies. 3 Regulatory authorities may request a 12-month study or accept a 6-month study, determined on a case-by-case basis.

Table 3.2  Repeated-dose toxicity requirements to support Phase 3 studies in the EU, and marketing in all regions1 Minimum duration of repeated-dose toxicity studies Duration of clinical trial



Up to 2 weeks

1 month

1 month

Up to 1 month

3 months

3 months

Up to 3 months

6 months

3 months

>3 months

6 months


1 When a chronic non-rodent study is recommended if clinical use more than 1 month. 2 Regulatory authorities may request a 12-month study or accept a 6-month study, determined on a case-by-case basis.





Genotoxicity  – to reveal the changes that a drug may cause in the genetic material of individuals or cells. Mutagenic substances present a hazard to health because exposure carries the risk of inducing germline mutation (with the possibility of inherited disorders) and somatic mutations (including those leading to cancer). A standard battery of investigations includes: a test for gene mutation in bacteria (e.g. the Ames test); an in vitro test with cytogenetic evaluation of chromosomal damage with mammalian cells or an in vitro mouse lymphoma thymidine kinase (tk) assay; an in vivo test for chromosomal damage using rodent haematopoietic cells (e.g. the mouse micronucleus test). Carcinogenicity – to reveal carcinogenic effects. These studies are performed for any medicinal product if its expected clinical use is prolonged (about 6 months), either continuously or repeatedly. These studies are also recommended if there is concern about their carcinogenic potential, e.g. from a product of the same class or similar structure, or from evidence in repeated-dose toxicity studies. Studies with unequivocally genotoxic compounds are not needed, as they are presumed to be trans-species carcinogens, implying a hazard to humans.

Reproductive and developmental toxicity  – these tests study effects on adult male or female reproductive function, toxic and teratogenic effects at all stages of development from conception to sexual maturity and latent effects, when the medicinal product under investigation has been administered to the female during pregnancy. Embryo/fetal toxicity studies are normally conducted on two mammalian species, one a non-rodent. If the metabolism of a drug in a particular species is known to be similar to that in humans, it is usual to include this species. Studies in juvenile animals may also be required prior to developing drugs for use in children. Local tolerance  – to ascertain whether drugs are tolerated at sites in the body at which they may come into contact in clinical use. The testing strategy is such that any mechanical effects of administration or purely physicochemical actions of the product can be distinguished from toxicological or pharmacodynamic ones. Biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals – present a special case, and the standard regimen of toxicology studies is not appropriate. The choice of species used depends on the expression of the relevant receptor. If no suitable species exists, hom*ologous proteins or transgenic animals expressing the human receptor may be studied and additional immunological studies are required. The study of biopharmaceutical safety provides challenges different from small molecules. Whereas the promiscuity of small molecules can lead to unexpected scaffold-related toxicity, this is usually not the case for biopharmaceuticals. But biopharmaceuticals may produce very different kinetics, binding and immunological effects in different species and therefore predictions of


receptor occupancy and detailed analysis of immunological differences between species become of key importance. Sometimes antibody treatments need to be tested in primates as rodents and other species may not respond to the agent. A new challenge in toxicology is how to consider effects of nucleic acid and gene therapies. The latter present a particular challenge as gene insertion may cause disruption of normal genes and can increase the chance of inducing cancer-promoting mutations.

Ethics and legislation Controversy surrounding the use of animals in scientific research is not new. The renowned Islamic physician Avicenna (980–1037) was aware of the issues for he held that ‘the experimentation must be done with the human body, for testing a drug on a lion or a horse might not prove anything about its effect on man’.11 Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) predicted that one day experimentation on animals would be judged a crime, but Descartes12 asserted that ‘Animals do not speak, therefore they do not think, therefore they do not feel’. Later, Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832), the founding father of utilitarian philosophy, asked of animals: ‘The question is not, Can they reason? nor Can they talk? but Can they suffer?’. In our present world, billions of animals are raised to provide food and many to be used for scientific experiments. The arguments that evolve from this activity centre on the extent to which non-human animals can be respected as sentient beings of moral worth, albeit with differences among species. In recent years, a boisterous animal rights movement, asserting the moral status of animals, has challenged their use as experimental subjects.13 Mainstream medical and scientific opinion around the world accepts that animal research continues to be justified, subject to important protections. This position is based on the insight that research involving animals has contributed hugely to advances in biological knowledge that have in turn allowed modern therapeutics to improve human morbidity and mortality. However, each experiment must be justified and its results must be expected to deliver insight into safety or efficacy. Animal models do contribute to the understanding of human physiology and disease because we share so many biological 11

Bull J P 1959 The historical development of clinical therapeutic trials. Journal of Chronic Diseases 10:218–248. René Descartes (1596–1650), French philosopher, mathematician and scientist, acknowledged as one of the chief architects of the modern age. 13 The publication of Animal Liberation (New York: New York Review/ Random House) by Peter Singer in 1975 is widely regarded as having provided its moral foundation. 12

Discovery and development of drugs characteristics, and a medicine when introduced into the organism is exposed to a vast array of conditions that we do not fully understand and are unable to reproduce outside the living body. The study of a drug in the whole organism remains an essential step in the process of discovery and development of medicines. Safety testing in animals is at present the only reliable way to evaluate risks before undertaking clinical trials of potentially useful medicines in humans. The investigation of reproductive effects and potential carcinogenicity would not be undertaken in humans for both ethical and practical reasons. Animal testing eliminates many unsafe test materials before clinical testing on humans and minimises the risk of possible adverse effects when people are exposed to potential new medicines. In other words, experiments in animal models provide a critical safety check on candidate drugs; potentially hazardous or ineffective drugs can be eliminated, and for those drugs that do progress to clinical trials, target organs identified in animal studies can be monitored. Animal research has contributed to virtually every area of medical research, and almost all best known drug and surgical treatments of the past and present owe their origins in some way to evidence from animals. The antibacterial effectiveness of penicillin was proved in tests on mice. Insulin came about because of research on rabbits and dogs in the 1920s. Poliomyelitis epidemics, which until the 1950s killed and paralysed millions of children, were consigned to history by vaccines resulting from studies on a range of laboratory animals, including monkeys. Major heart surgery, such as coronary artery bypass grafts and heart transplants, was developed through research on dogs and pigs. The BCG vaccine for tuberculosis was developed through research on rats and mice. Meningitis due to Haemophilus influenzae type b, formerly common especially in children, is now almost unknown in the UK because of a vaccine developed through work on mice and rabbits. Almost all of the highly effective drug treatments we currently use were developed using animals: β-adrenoceptor blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, cytotoxics, analgesics, psychotropics and so on. Given this evidence, there is broad public support for the position that experiments on animals are a regrettable necessity that should be limited to what is deemed essential while alternatives are developed. In the UK, for example, this reservation is expressed in progressively more stringent legislation. The Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 makes it an offence to carry out any scientific procedure on animals except under licence, the requirements of which include that:

• animals are only used as a last resort. • every practical step is taken to avoid distress or suffering.



• the smallest possible number of animals is used. • the potential benefits have to be weighed against the cost to the animals; the simplest or least sentient species is used. • the work is realistic and achievable, and the programme designed in the way most likely to produce satisfactory results. • the results must impact the decision-making process for discovery or development of the medicine. Despite the continued necessity of animal studies in drug discovery and development, there is now a very clear aim to move medicines into the clinic as soon as safely possible. Detailed clinical experimentation is often a better way to sort out questions related to effects on human biology and pharmaco*kinetics.

Safety prediction Knowledge of the mode of action of a potential new drug obviously greatly enhances prediction from animal studies of what will happen in humans. Whenever practicable, such knowledge should be obtained; sometimes this is quite easy, but sometimes it is impossible. Many drugs have been introduced safely without such knowledge, the later acquisition of which has not always made an important difference to their use (e.g. antimicrobials). Pharmacological studies are integrated with those of the toxicologist to build up a picture of the undesired as well as the desired drug effects. In pharmacological testing, the investigators know what they are looking for and choose the experiments to gain their objectives. In toxicological testing, the investigators have a less clear idea of what they are looking for; they are screening for risk, unexpected as well as predicted, and certain major routines must be done. Toxicity testing is therefore liable to become a routine to meet regulatory requirements to a greater extent than the pharmacological studies. The predictive value of special toxicology (above) is particularly controversial. All drugs are poisons if enough is given, and the task of the toxicologist is to find out whether, where and how a compound acts as a poison to animals, and to give an opinion on the significance of the data in relation to risks likely to be run by human beings. This will remain a nearly impossible task until molecular explanations of all effects can be provided. Toxicologists are in an unenviable position. When a useful drug is safely introduced, they are considered to have done no more than their duty. When an accident occurs, they are invited to explain how this failure of prediction came about. When they predict that a chemical is unsafe in a major way for humans, this prediction is never tested. The easiest





decision to make in drug discovery is to stop a project, and it is the only decision that can never be shown to be wrong. However, it is also a decision that may deny the world a new and effective medicine.

Orphan drugs and diseases A free-market economy is liable to leave untreated both rare diseases, e.g. some cancers (in all countries), and some common diseases, e.g. parasitic infections (in poor countries). In order to stimulate drug discovery and development in rare diseases, legislation in some countries has provided specific incentives to industry to develop medicines for

‘orphan diseases’. Interestingly, many rare diseases are monogenic and the cause is clear. This, unlike most common diseases, means that the drug target is absolutely clear. In view of the greater certainty around cause, the smaller clinical trials and the more receptive regulatory environment, several pharmaceutical companies are working assiduously in this area. It is also the case that some rare diseases give significant insights into common diseases and how to approach them. The natural accidents of nature that cause a rare disease through a genetic change will often give an insight into a pathway or phenotype that has relevance to understanding common diseases. Many of the new approaches such as gene therapy also tend to be applied first in severe rare diseases.

Guide to further reading Dollery, C.T., 2007. Beyond genomics. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 82 (2), 366–370. Evans, W.E., Relling, M.V., 2004. Moving towards individualized medicine with pharmacogenomics. Nature 429, 464–468. Garattini, S., Chalmers, I., 2009. Patients and the public deserve big changes in the evaluation of drugs. Br. Med. J. 338, 804–806. Lean, M.E.J., Mann, J.I., Hoek, J.A., et al., 2008. Translational research. Br. Med. J. 337, 705–706.


Lesko, L.J., 2007. Personalized medicine: elusive dream or imminent reality? Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 81 (6), 807–816. MacPherson, R., 2015. The curious stories of drugs with two lives: a new paradigm in drug development. J. Roy. Soc. Med. 108 (7), 255–258. Meyer, U.A., 2004. Pharmacogenetics – five decades of therapeutic lessons from genetic diversity. Nat. Rev. Genet. 5 (9), 669–676. Pound, P., Ebrahim, S., Sanderco*ck, P., et al., 2004. Where is the evidence

that animal research benefits humans? Br. Med. J. 328, 514–517. Vallance, P., Levick, M., 2007. Drug discovery and development in the age of molecular medicine. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 82 (2), 363–365. Weinshilboum, R., Wang, L., 2004. Pharmacogenomics: bench to bedside. Nat. Rev. Drug Discov. 3 (9), 739–748.


| 4 |

Evaluation of drugs in humans Ian Hudson, June Raine

SYNOPSIS This chapter is about evidence-based drug therapy. New drugs are progressively introduced by clinical pharmacological studies in rising numbers of healthy and/or patient volunteers until sufficient information has been gained to justify formal therapeutic studies. Each of these is usually a randomised controlled trial (RCT), in which a precisely framed question is posed and answered by treating equivalent groups of patients in different ways. The key to the ethics of such studies is informed consent from patients, efficient scientific design and review by an independent research ethics committee. In an age of transparency, regulation and publication are key interpretative factors in the analysis of trial results as are calculations of confidence intervals and statistical significance. Potential clinical significance develops within the confines of controlled clinical trials. This is best expressed by stating not only the percentage differences, but also the absolute difference or its reciprocal, the number of patients who have to be treated to obtain one desired outcome. Surveillance studies and the reporting of spontaneous adverse reactions respectively determine the clinical profile of the drug and detect rare adverse events. Further trials to compare new medicines with existing medicines are also required. These form the basis of cost-effectiveness comparisons. Topics include:

• • •

Experimental therapeutics. Ethics of research. Rational introduction of a new drug.

• • • •

Need for statistics. Types of trial: design, size. Meta-analysis. Pharmacoepidemiology.

Experimental therapeutics After preclinical evidence of efficacy and safety have been obtained in animals, potential medicines are tested in healthy volunteers and volunteer patients. Studies in healthy normal volunteers can help to determine the safety, tolerability, pharmaco*kinetics and, for some drugs (e.g. anticoagulants and anaesthetic agents), their dynamic effect and likely dose range. For many drugs, the dynamic effect and hence therapeutic potential can be investigated only in patients, e.g. drugs for parkinsonism will have no measurable efficacy in subjects without the relevant movement disorder. Modern medicine is sometimes accused of dispassionate application of science to human problems and of subordinating the interest of the individual to those of the group (society).1 Official regulatory bodies rightly require scientific 1 Guidance to researchers in this matter is clear. The World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki (Edinburgh revision 2000) states that ‘considerations related to the well-being of the human subject should take precedence over the interests of science and society’. The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted in 1966 the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, of which Article 7 states, ‘In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation’. This means that subjects are entitled to know that they are being entered into research even though the research is thought to be ‘harmless’. But there are people who cannot give (informed) consent, e.g. the demented. The need for special procedures for such is now recognised, for there is a consensus that, without research, they and the diseases from which they suffer will become therapeutic ‘orphans’.





evaluation of drugs. Drug developers need to satisfy the official regulators, and they also seek to persuade the medical profession to prescribe their products. Patients, too, are more aware of the comparative advantages and limitations of their medicines than they used to be. To some extent, this helps encourage patients to participate in trials so that future patients can benefit, as they do now, from the knowledge gained from such trials. An ethical framework is required to ensure that the interests of the individual participant are protected (and, more obviously, those of an individual or corporate investigator).

Research involving human subjects The definition of research continues to present difficulties. The distinction between medical research and innovative medical practice derives from the intent. In medical practice the sole intention is to benefit the individual patient consulting the clinician, not to gain knowledge of general benefit, though such knowledge may incidentally emerge from the clinical experience gained. In medical research the primary intention is to advance knowledge so that patients in general may benefit; the individual patient may or may not benefit directly.2 Consider also the process of audit, which is used extensively to assess performance, e.g. by individual health-care workers, by departments within hospitals or between hospitals. Audit is a systematic examination designed to determine the degree to which an action or set of actions achieves predetermined standards. Research seeks to address ‘known unknowns’ and often discovers ‘unknown unknowns,3 audit is limited to the monitoring of ‘known knowns’: maybe important, but clearly limited.

Ethics of research in humans4 Some dislike the word ‘experiment’ in relation to humans, in what is done. It is better that all should recognise from

2 Report: Royal College of Physicians of London 1996 Guidelines on the Practice of Ethics Committees in Medical Research Involving Human Subjects. Royal College of Physicians, London. 3 American Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, on 12 February 2002, at a press briefing where he addressed the absence of evidence linking the government of Iraq with the supply of weapons of mass destruction to terrorist groups. 4 For extensive practical detail, see Council for International Organisations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) 2002 International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects. CIOMS, Geneva. (WHO publications are available in all UN member countries.) See also: Guideline for Good Clinical Practice, International Conference on Harmonisation Tripartite Guideline. EU Committee on Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP/ ICH/135/95). Smith T 1999 Ethics in Medical Research: A Handbook of Good Practice. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


the true meaning of the word, ‘to ascertain or establish by trial’,5 that the benefits of modern medicine derive almost wholly from experimentation and that some risk is inseparable from much medical advance. The issue of (adequately informed) consent is a principal concern for Research Ethics Committees (also called Institutional Review Boards). People have the right to choose for themselves whether or not they will participate in research, i.e. they have the right to self-determination (the ethical principle of autonomy). They should be given whatever information is necessary for making an adequately informed choice (consent) with the right to withdraw at any stage. Consent procedures, especially information on risks, are of central importance in research. This is appropriate given that in research, patients may be submitting themselves to extra risks, or simply to extra inconvenience (e.g. more or longer visits). It is a moot point whether more consent in routine practice might not go amiss. It is also likely that patients participating in well-conducted trials receive more, and sometimes better, care and attention than might otherwise be available. Sometimes the unintended consequences of ethical procedures include causing unnecessary apprehension to patients with long, legalistic documents, and creating a false impression of clinical researchers as people from whom patients need protection. The moral obligation of all doctors lies in ensuring that in their desire to help patients (the ethical principle of beneficence) they should never allow themselves to put the individual who has sought their aid at any disadvantage (the ethical principle of non-maleficence).6 In principle, it may be thought proper to perform a therapeutic trial only when doctors (and patients) have genuine uncertainty as to which treatment is best.7 Not all trials are comparisons of different treatments. Some, especially early-phase trials of new drugs, are comparisons of different doses. Comparisons of new with old should usually offer patients the chance of receiving current best treatment with one which might be better. Since this is often rather more than is offered in resource-constrained routine care, the obligatory patient information sheet mantra that ‘the decision whether to take part has no bearing on your usual care’ may be an over-simplification. But it is also simplistic to view the main purpose of all trials with medicines as comparative.

5 Oxford English Dictionary. See also: Edwards M 2004 Historical keywords: Trial. Lancet 364:1659. 6 Kety S. Quoted by Beecher H K 1959 Journal of the American Medical Association 169:461. 7 This is the uncertainty principle: the concept that patients entering a randomised therapeutic trial will have equal potential for benefit and risk is referred to as equipoise.

Evaluation of drugs in humans The past decade has seen the pharmaceutical industry make great efforts to match the pace of new understanding about disease pathogenesis, and models of research are being adapted to the complexity of common disease that is now apparent. In diseases where many good medicines already exist, the industry spent much time developing minor modifications which were broadly equivalent to current therapy with possible advantages for some patients. With many of the standard blockbusters now off patent, new drugs for such diseases are unattractive, and the industry is concentrating more on harder therapeutic targets where no satisfactory treatment yet exists. Just as in basic science, non–hypothesis-led ‘fishing expedition’ research – genome wide association studies, microarrays – is no longer frowned upon, so the imaginative clinical investigator must throw his stone – a new medicine – into the pond, and be able to make sense of the ripples. One such approach is to move away from trial design in which the average response of the group is of interest towards the design in which the investigator attempts to match differences in response to differences – ethnic, gender, genetic – among the patients. Matches at a molecular level give clues both to how the drug may best be used, and who will benefit most. Other types of new approach are referred to as ‘umbrella and basket trials’, ‘real world trials’ and ‘novel endpoints’.

The ethics of the randomised and placebo-controlled trial Providing that ethical surveillance is rooted in the ethical principles of justice,8 there should be no difficulty in clinical research adapting to current needs. And even if the nature of early phase research is changing, the randomised controlled trial (RCT) will remain the cornerstone of how cause and effect is proven in clinical practice, and how drugs demonstrate the required degree of efficacy and safety to obtain a licence for their marketing. The use of a placebo (or dummy) raises both ethical and scientific issues (see placebo medicines and the placebo effect, Ch. 2). There are clear-cut cases when placebo use would be ethically unacceptable and scientifically unnecessary, e.g. drug trials in epilepsy and tuberculosis, when the control groups comprise patients receiving the best available therapy. The pharmacologically inert (placebo) treatment arm of a trial is useful: 8 The ‘four principles’ approach (above) is widely utilised in biomedical ethics. A full description and an analysis of the contribution of this and other ethical theories to decision making in clinical, including research, practice can be found in: Beauchamp T L, Childress J F 2013 Principles of Biomedical Ethics, 7th edn. Oxford University Press, Oxford.



• To distinguish the pharmacodynamic effects of a drug from the psychological effects of the act of medication and the circ*mstances surrounding it, e.g. increased interest by the doctor, more frequent visits, for these latter may have their placebo effect. Placebo responses have been reported in 30–50% of patients with depression and in 30–80% with chronic stable angina pectoris. • To distinguish drug effects from natural fluctuations in disease that occur with time, e.g. with asthma or hay fever, and other external factors, provided active treatment, if any, can be ethically withheld. This is also called the ‘assay sensitivity’ of the trial. • To avoid false conclusions. The use of placebos is valuable in Phase 1 healthy volunteer studies of novel drugs to help determine whether minor but frequently reported adverse events are drug related or not. Although a placebo treatment can pose ethical problems, it is often preferable to the continued use of treatments of unproven efficacy or safety. The ethical dilemma of subjects suffering as a result of receiving a placebo (or ineffective drug) can be overcome by designing clinical trials that provide mechanisms to allow them to be withdrawn (‘escape’) when defined criteria are reached, e.g. blood pressure above levels that represent treatment failure. Similarly, placebo (or new drug) can be added against a background of established therapy; this is called the ‘add on’ design. • To provide a result using fewer research subjects. The difference in response when a test drug is compared with a placebo is likely to be greater than that when a test drug is compared with the best current, i.e. active, therapy (see later). Investigators who propose to use a placebo, or otherwise withhold effective treatment, should justify their intention. The variables to consider are:

• The severity of the disease. • The effectiveness of standard therapy. • Whether the novel drug under test aims to give only symptomatic relief, or has the potential to prevent or slow up an irreversible event, e.g. stroke or myocardial infarction. • The length of treatment. • The objective of the trial (equivalence, superiority or non-inferiority; see p. 45). Thus it may be quite ethical to compare a novel analgesic against placebo for 2 weeks in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip (with escape analgesics available). It would not be ethical to use a placebo alone as comparator in a 6-month trial of a novel drug in active rheumatoid arthritis, even with escape analgesia.





The precise use of the placebo will depend on the study design, e.g. whether crossover, when all patients receive placebo at some point in the trial, or parallel group, when only one cohort receives placebo. Generally, patients easily understand the concept of distinguishing between the imagined effects of treatment and those due to a direct action on the body. Provided research subjects are properly informed and give consent freely, they are not the subject of deception in any ethical sense; but a patient given a placebo in the absence of consent is deceived, and research ethics committees will, rightly, decline to agree to this. (See also: Lewis et al (2002) in Guide to further reading, at the end of this chapter.)

Injury to research subjects9 The question of compensation for accidental (physical) injury due to participation in research is a vexed one. Plainly there are substantial differences between the position of healthy volunteers (whether or not they are paid) and that of patients who may benefit and, in some cases, who may be prepared to accept even serious risk for the chance of gain. There is no simple answer. But the topic must always be addressed in any research carrying risk, including the risk of withholding known effective treatment. The CIOMS/ WHO Guidelines4 state: Research subjects who suffer physical injury as a result of their participation are entitled to such financial or other assistance as would compensate them equitably for any temporary or permanent impairment or disability. In the case of death, their dependants are entitled to material compensation. The right to compensation may not be waived. Therefore, when giving their informed consent to participate, research subjects should be told whether there is provision for compensation in case of physical injury, and the circ*mstances in which they or their dependants would receive it. 9 Injury to participants in clinical trials is uncommon, and serious injury is rare. In March 2006, eight healthy young men entered a trial of a humanised monoclonal antibody designed to be an agonist of a particular receptor on T lymphocytes that stimulates their production and activation. This was the first administration to humans; preclinical testing in rabbits and monkeys at doses up to 500 times those received by the volunteers apparently showed no ill effect. Six of the volunteers quickly became seriously ill and required admission to an intensive care facility with multi-organ failure due to a ‘cytokine release syndrome’, in effect a massive attack on the body’s own tissues. All the volunteers recovered but some with disability. This toxicity in humans, despite apparent safety in animals, may be due to the specifically humanised nature of the monoclonal antibody. Testing of perceived high-risk new medicines is likely to be subject to particularly stringent regulation in future. See Wood A J, Darbyshire J 2006 Injury to research volunteers – the clinical research nightmare. New England Journal of Medicine 354:1869–1871.


Payment of subjects in clinical trials Healthy volunteers are usually paid to take part in a clinical trial. The rationale is that they will not benefit from treatment received and should be compensated for discomfort and inconvenience. There is a fine dividing line between this and a financial inducement, but it is unlikely that more than a small minority of healthy volunteer studies would now take place without a ‘fee for service’ provision, including ‘out of pocket’ expenses. It is all the more important that the sums involved are commensurate with the invasiveness of the investigations and the length of the studies. The monies should be declared and agreed by the ethics committee. There is an intuitive abreaction by physicians to pay patients (compared with healthy volunteers), because they feel the accusation of inducement or persuasion could be levelled at them, and because they assuage any feeling of taking advantage of the doctor–patient relationship by the hope that the medicines under test may be of benefit to the individual. This is not an entirely comfortable position.10

Rational introduction of a new drug to humans When pre-clinical laboratory studies, in vitro and in animals, predict that a new molecule may be a useful medicine, i.e. effective and safe in relation to its benefits, then the time has come to put it to the test in humans. When a new chemical entity offers a possibility of doing something that has not been done before or of doing something familiar in a different or better way, it can be seen to be worth testing. But where it is a new member of a familiar class of drug, potential advantage may be harder to detect. Yet these ‘me too’ drugs are often worth testing. Prediction from animal studies of modest but useful clinical advantage is particularly uncertain and, therefore, if the new drug seems reasonably effective and safe in animals it is rational to test it in humans. From the commercial standpoint, the investment in the development of a new drug can currently be over £500 million, but will be substantially less for a ‘me too’ drug entering an already developed and profitable market.

Phases of clinical development Human experiments progress in a commonsense manner that is conventionally divided into four phases (Fig. 4.1).


Freedman B 1987 Equipoise and the ethics of clinical research. New England Journal of Medicine 317:141–145.

Drug Discovery


FDA review

Clinical trials




Number of volunteers 20-100

100-500 6-7 YEARS











5,000 - 10,000 Compounds



Evaluation of drugs in humans

0.5 - 2 YEARS

Fig. 4.1  The phases of drug discovery and development. (With permission of Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America.)

These phases are divisions of convenience in what is a continuous expanding process. It begins with a small number of subjects (healthy subjects and volunteer patients) closely observed in laboratory settings, and proceeds through hundreds of patients, to thousands before the drug is agreed to be a medicine by a national or international regulatory authority. It is then licensed for either general or restricted licensable prescribing (though this is by no means the end of the evaluation). The process may be abandoned at any stage for a variety of reasons, including poor tolerability or safety, inadequate efficacy and commercial pressures. The phases are:

• Phase 1. Human pharmacology (20–50 subjects): healthy volunteers or volunteer patients, according to the class of drug and its safety: ■ pharmaco*kinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion) ■ pharmacodynamics (biological effects) where practicable, tolerability, safety, efficacy. • Phase 2. Therapeutic exploration (50–300 subjects): ■ patients

pharmaco*kinetics and pharmacodynamic dose ranging, in carefully controlled studies for efficacy and safety,11 which may involve comparison with placebo. • Phase 3. Therapeutic confirmation (RCTs; 250–1000+ subjects): ■ patients ■ efficacy on a substantial scale; safety; comparison either with placebo of current standard of care. with. • Phase 4. Therapeutic use (pharmacovigilance, post-licensing studies) (2000–10 000 + subjects): ■ surveillance for safety and efficacy: further formal therapeutic trials, especially comparisons with other drugs, marketing studies and pharmacoeconomic studies. ■


Moderate to severe adverse events have occurred in about 0.5% of healthy subjects. See Orme M, Harry J, Routledge P, Hobson S 1989 British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 27:125; Sibille M et al 1992 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 42:393.





Official regulatory guidelines and requirements12 For studies in humans (see also Ch. 6) these ordinarily include:

• Studies of pharmaco*kinetics and bioavailability and, in •

• •

the case of generics, bioequivalence (equal bioavailability) with respect to the reference product. Therapeutic trials (reported in detail) that substantiate the safety and efficacy of the drug under likely conditions of use, and justify the dose(s) to be used in patients. A drug for long-term use in a common condition will require a total of at least 1000 patients (preferably more), depending on the therapeutic class, of which (for chronic diseases) at least 100 have been treated continuously for about 1 year. Special groups. If the drug will be used in, for example, the elderly or children, then these populations should be studied. New drugs are not normally studied in pregnant women. Studies in patients having disease that affects drug metabolism and elimination may be needed, such as patients with impaired liver or kidney function. Fixed-dose combination products will require explicit justification for each component. Interaction studies with other drugs likely to be taken simultaneously. Plainly, all possible combinations cannot be evaluated; a rational choice, based on knowledge of pharmacodynamics, metabolic route and pharmaco*kinetics, is made. The application for a licence for general use (marketing application) should include a draft Summary of Product Characteristics for prescribers. A Patient Information Leaflet must be submitted. These should include information on the form of the product (e.g. tablet, capsule, sustained-release, liquid), its uses, efficacy, dosage (adults, children, elderly where appropriate), contraindications, warnings and precautions (less strong), side effects/adverse reactions, overdose and how to treat it.

The emerging discipline of pharmacogenomics seeks to identify patients who will respond beneficially or adversely to a new drug by defining certain genotypic profiles. 12

Guidelines for the conduct and analysis of a range of clinical trials in different therapeutic categories are released from time to time by the Committee on Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Commission. These guidelines apply to drug development in the European Union. Other regulatory authorities issue guidance, e.g. the Food and Drug Administration in the USA, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan. There has been considerable success in aligning different guidelines across the world through the International Conferences on Harmonisation (ICH). The source for CHMP guidelines is -mhra-website.


Individualised dosing regimens may be evolved as a result (see p. 103). This tailoring of drugs to individuals is consuming huge resources from drug developers but has yet to establish a place in routine drug development.

Therapeutic investigations There are three key questions to be answered during drug development: • Does it work? • Is it safe? • What is the dose? In addition, it is necessary to ascertain how best to use the drug, and in whom.

With few exceptions, none of these is easy to answer definitively within the confines of a pre-registration clinical trials programme. Efficacy and safety have to be balanced against each other. What may be regarded as acceptably ‘safe’ for a new oncology drug in advanced lung cancer would not be so regarded in the treatment of childhood eczema. The use of the term ‘dose’, without explanation, is irrational as it implies a single dose for all patients. Pharmaceutical companies cannot be expected to produce a large array of different doses for each medicine, but the maxim to use the smallest effective dose that results in the desired effect holds true. Some drugs require titration; others have a wide safety margin so that one ‘high’ dose may achieve optimal efficacy with acceptable safety. There are two classes of endpoint or outcome of a therapeutic investigation:

• The therapeutic effect itself (sleep, eradication of infection), i.e. the outcome.

• A surrogate effect, an early effect that can be reliably correlated with long-term therapeutic benefit, e.g. blood lipids or glucose or blood pressure, where improvement (usually reduction) predicts reduced risk of cardiovascular morbidity. A surrogate endpoint might also be a pharmaco*kinetic parameter, if it is indicative of the therapeutic effect, e.g. plasma concentration of an antiepileptic drug. Use of surrogate effects presupposes that the disease process is fully understood. They are best justified in diseases for which the true therapeutic effect can be measured only by studies which involve large numbers of patients, and/or take many years. Such long-term outcome studies are indeed always preferable but may be impracticable on organisational, financial and sometimes ethical grounds prior to releasing new drugs for general prescription. It is in areas such as these that the techniques of large-scale surveillance for efficacy, as well as for safety, under conditions of ordinary

Evaluation of drugs in humans



Table 4.1  Process of therapeutic evaluation Pre-registration

Purpose of therapeutic evaluation

Pharmaceutical company

Regulatory authority

Pharmaceutical company

Regulatory authority

To select best candidate for development and registration

To satisfy the regulatory authority on efficacy, safety and quality

To promote drug to expand the market

To add to indications (by variation to licence) and to add evolving safety information

use (below), would be needed to supplement the necessarily smaller and shorter formal therapeutic trials employing surrogate effects. Surrogate endpoints are of particular value in early drug development to select candidate drugs from a range of agents. In cases of unmet need, conditional approval may be provided for drugs on the basis of surrogate endpoints, pending results from larger or longer trials.

Therapeutic evaluation The aims of therapeutic evaluation are three-fold: 1. To assess the efficacy, safety and quality of new drugs,

either to meet clinical needs, or to supplement the existing drugs for a condition.13 2. To expand the indications for the use of current drugs (or generic drugs14) in clinical and marketing terms. 3. To protect public health over the lifetime of a given drug. The process of therapeutic evaluation may be divided into pre- and post-registration phases (Table 4.1), the purposes of which are set out below. When a new drug is being developed, the first therapeutic trials are devised to find out the best that the drug can do under conditions ideal for showing efficacy, e.g. uncomplicated disease of mild to moderate severity in patients taking no other drugs, with carefully supervised administration by specialist doctors. Interest lies particularly in patients who complete a full course of treatment. If the drug is ineffective in these circ*mstances, there is no point in proceeding with an expensive development programme. Such studies are sometimes called explanatory trials as they attempt to ‘explain’ why a drug works (or fails to work) in ideal conditions. 13


The latter are often considered ‘me-too’ drugs, but can prove invaluable either in individual patients who do not tolerate the alternatives, or because of an apparently minor difference which subsequently proves of importance. 14 A drug for which the original patent has expired, so that any pharmaceutical company may market it in competition with the inventor. The term ‘generic’ has come to be synonymous with the non-proprietary or approved name (see Ch. 7).

If the drug is found useful in these trials, it becomes desirable next to find out how closely the ideal may be approached in the uncontrolled environment of routine medical practice: in patients of all ages, at all stages of disease, with complications, taking other drugs and relatively unsupervised. Interest continues in all patients from the moment they are entered into the trial and it is maintained if they fail to complete, or even to start, the treatment; the need is to know the outcome in all patients deemed suitable for therapy, not only in those who successfully complete therapy.15 The reason some drop out may be related to aspects of the treatment, and it is usual to analyse these according to the clinicians’ initial intention (intention-to-treat analysis), i.e. investigators are not allowed to risk introducing bias by exercising their own judgement as to who should or should not be excluded from the analysis. In these real-life, or ‘naturalistic’, conditions the drug may not perform so well, e.g. minor adverse effects may now cause patient noncompliance, which had been avoided by supervision and enthusiasm in the early trials. These naturalistic studies are sometimes called ‘pragmatic’ trials. The methods used to test the therapeutic value depend on the stage of development, who is conducting the study (a pharmaceutical company, or an academic body or health service at the behest of a regulatory authority), and the primary endpoint or outcome of the trial. The methods include:

• Formal therapeutic trials. • Superiority, equivalence and non-inferiority trials. • Safety surveillance methods. Formal therapeutic trials are conducted during Phase 2 and Phase 3 of pre-registration development, and in the postregistration phase to test the drug in new indications. Equivalence trials aim to show the therapeutic equivalence of two treatments, usually the new drug under development 15

Information on both categories (method effectiveness and use effectiveness) is valuable (Sheiner L B, Rubin D B 1995 Intention-totreat analysis and the goals of clinical trials. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 57(1):6–15).





and an existing drug used as a standard active comparator. Equivalence trials may be conducted before or after registration for the first therapeutic indication of the new drug (see p. 47 below for further discussion). Safety surveillance methods use the principles of pharmacoepidemiology (see p. 52) and are concerned mainly with evaluating adverse events and especially rare events, which formal therapeutic trials are unlikely to detect.

Need for statistics In order truly to know whether patients treated in one way are benefited more than those treated in another, it is essential to use statistical methods. Statistics has been defined as ‘a body of methods for making wise decisions in the face of uncertainty’.16 Used properly, they are tools of great value for promoting efficient therapy. More than 100 years ago Francis Galton saw this clearly:

if there is, in reality, no difference between the treatments. Where the statistical significance test shows that an observed difference would occur only five times if the experiment were repeated 100 times, this is often taken as sufficient evidence that the null hypothesis is unlikely to be true. Therefore, the conclusion is that there is (probably) a real difference between the treatments. This level of probability is generally expressed in therapeutic trials as: ‘the difference was statistically significant’, or ‘significant at the 5% level’ or ‘P = 0.05’ (P is the probability based on chance alone). Statistical significance simply means that the result is unlikely to have occurred if there was no genuine treatment difference, i.e. there probably is a difference. If the analysis reveals that the observed difference, or greater, would occur only once if the experiment were repeated 100 times, the results are generally said to be ‘statistically highly significant’, or ‘significant at the 1% level’ or ‘P = 0.01’.

Confidence intervals.  The problem with the P value is that

A statistical significance test18  such as the Student’s t-test or the chi-squared (χ2) test will tell how often an observed difference would occur due to chance (random influences)

it conveys no information on the amount of the differences observed or on the range of possible differences between treatments. A result that a drug produces a uniform 2% reduction in heart rate may well be statistically significant, but it is clinically meaningless. What doctors are interested to know is the size of the difference, and what degree of assurance (confidence) they may have in the precision (reproducibility) of this estimate. To obtain this, it is necessary to calculate a confidence interval (see Figs 4.2 and 4.3).19 A confidence interval expresses a range of values that contains the true value with 95% (or other chosen percentage) certainty. The range may be broad, indicating uncertainty, or narrow, indicating (relative) certainty. A wide confidence interval occurs when numbers are small or differences observed are variable and points to a lack of information, whether the difference is statistically significant or not; it is a warning against placing much weight on (or confidence in) the results of small or variable studies. Confidence intervals are extremely helpful in interpretation, particularly of small studies, as they show the degree of uncertainty related to a result. Their use in conjunction with nonsignificant results may be especially enlightening.20 A finding of ‘not statistically significant’ can be interpreted as meaning there is no clinically useful difference only if the confidence intervals for the results are also stated in the report and are narrow. If the confidence intervals are wide, a real difference may be missed in a trial with a small number of subjects, i.e. the absence of evidence that there is a



The human mind is … a most imperfect apparatus for the elaboration of general ideas … In our general impressions far too great weight is attached to what is marvellous … Experience warns us against it, and the scientific man takes care to base his conclusions upon actual numbers … to devise tests by which the value of beliefs may be ascertained.17

Concepts and terms Hypothesis of no difference When it is suspected that treatment A may be superior to treatment B, and the truth is sought, it is convenient to start with the proposition that the treatments are equally effective – the ‘no difference’ hypothesis (null hypothesis). After two groups of patients have been treated and it has been found that improvement has occurred more often with one treatment than with the other, it is necessary to decide how likely it is that this difference is due to a real superiority of one treatment over the other. To make this decision, we need to understand two major concepts, statistical significance and confidence intervals.

Wallis W A, Roberts H V 1957 Statistics, A New Approach. Methuen, London. 17 Galton F 1879 Generic images. Proceedings of the Royal Institution. 18 Altman D G, Gore S M, Gardner M J, Poco*ck S J 1983 Statistical guidelines for contributors to medical journals. British Medical Journal 286:1489–1493.


Gardner M J, Altman D G 1986 Confidence intervals rather than P values: estimation rather than hypothesis testing. British Medical Journal 292:746–750. 20 Altman D G, Gore S M, Gardner M J, Poco*ck S J 1983 Statistical guidelines for contributors to medical journals. British Medical Journal 286:1489–1493.

Evaluation of drugs in humans


0 Treatment difference



Superiority not shown

Superiority shown more strongly Superiority shown


P = 0.2

Control better


P = 0.05

P = 0.002

95% Confidence Interval a


New treatment better

Fig. 4.2  Relationship between significance tests and confidence intervals for the comparisons between a new treatment and control. The treatment differences a, b, c are all in favour of ‘New treatment’, but superiority is shown only in A and B. In C, superiority has not been shown. This may be because the effect is small and not detected. The result, nevertheless, is compatible with equivalence or non-inferiority. Adequate precision and power are assumed for all the trials.

difference is not the same as showing that there is no difference. Small numbers of patients inevitably give low precision and low power to detect differences.

Types of error The above discussion provides us with information on the likelihood of falling into one of the two principal kinds of error in therapeutic experiments, for the hypothesis that there is no difference between treatments may either be accepted incorrectly or rejected incorrectly.

Plainly, trials should be devised to have adequate precision and power, both of which are consequences of the size of study. It is also necessary to make an estimate of the likely size of the difference between treatments, i.e. the target difference. Adequate power is often defined as giving an 80–90% chance of detecting (at 1–5% statistical significance, P = 0.01–0.05) the defined useful target difference (say 15%). It is rarely worth starting a trial that has a less than 50% chance of achieving the set objective, because the power of the trial is too low.

Type I error  (α) is the finding of a difference between treatments when in reality they do not differ, i.e. rejecting the null hypothesis incorrectly. Investigators decide the degree of this error which they are prepared to tolerate on a scale in which 0 indicates complete rejection of the null hypothesis and 1 indicates its complete acceptance; clearly the level for α must be set near to 0. This is the same as the significance level of the statistical test used to detect a difference between treatments. Thus α (or P = 0.05) indicates that the investigators will accept a 5% chance that an observed difference is not a real difference.

Types of therapeutic trial A therapeutic trial is: a carefully, and ethically, designed experiment with the aim of answering some precisely framed question. In its most rigorous form it demands equivalent groups of patients concurrently treated in different ways or in randomised sequential order in crossover designs. These groups are constructed by the random allocation of patients to one or other treatment … In principle the method has application with any disease and any treatment. It may also be applied on any scale; it does not necessarily demand large numbers of patients.22

Type II error  (β) is the finding of no difference between treatments when in reality they do differ, i.e. accepting the null hypothesis incorrectly. The probability of detecting this error is often given wider limits, e.g. β = 0.1–0.2, which indicates that the investigators are willing to accept a 10–20% chance of missing a real effect. Conversely, the power of the study (1 – β) is the probability of avoiding this error and detecting a real difference, in this case 80–90%. It is up to the investigators to decide the target difference21 and what probability level (for either type of error) they will accept if they are to use the result as a guide to action.

This is the classical RCT, the most secure method for drawing a causal inference about the effects of treatments. Randomisation attempts to control biases of various kinds when assessing the effects of treatments. RCTs are employed at all phases of drug development and in the various types


The target difference. Differences in trial outcomes fall into three grades: (1) that the doctor will ignore, (2) that will make the doctor wonder what to do (more research needed), and (3) that will make the doctor act, i.e. change prescribing practice.


Bradford Hill A 1977 Principles of Medical Statistics. Hodder and Stoughton, London. If there is a ‘father’ of the modern scientific therapeutic trial, it is he.





• • • • •

100 90

Power (%)


The aims of a therapeutic trial, not all of which can be attempted at any one occasion, are to decide:


• Whether a treatment is effective. • The magnitude of that effect (compared with other


remedies – or doses, or placebo).


• The types of patients in whom it is effective. • The best method of applying the treatment (how


• The disadvantages and dangers of the treatment.


Dose–response trials.  Response in relation to the dose

often, and in what dosage if it is a drug).

of a new investigational drug may be explored in all phases of drug development. Dose–response trials serve a number of objectives, of which the following are of particular importance:

0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 Standardised difference [*] Number of subjects per group

16 100

40 250

*Difference between treatments/standard deviation (based on a two-sided test at the 0.05 level)

Fig. 4.3  Power curves – an illustrative method of defining the number of subjects required in a given study. In practice, the actual number would be calculated from standard equations. In this example, the curves are constructed for 16, 40, 100 and 250 subjects per group in a two-limb comparative trial. The graphs can provide three pieces of information: (1) the number of subjects that need to be studied, given the power of the trial and the difference expected between the two treatments; (2) the power of a trial, given the number of subjects included and the difference expected; and (3) the difference that can be detected between two groups of subjects of given number, with varying degrees of power. Also see p. 48. (With permission from Baber N, Smith R N, Griffin J P, O’Grady J, D’Arcy P F (eds) 1998 Textbook of Pharmaceutical Medicine, 3rd edn. Queen’s University of Belfast Press, Belfast.)

and designs of trials discussed below. Fundamental to any trial are: A hypothesis. The definition of the primary endpoint. The method of analysis. A protocol.

Other factors to consider when designing or critically appraising a trial are:

• The characteristics of the patients. 46

general applicability of the results. size of the trial. method of monitoring. use of interim analyses.23 interpretation of subgroup comparisons.



• • • •

The The The The The

• Confirmation of efficacy (hence a therapeutic trial). • Investigation of the shape and location of the dose–response curve.

• The estimation of an appropriate starting dose. • The identification of optimal strategies for individual dose adjustments.

• The determination of a maximal dose beyond which additional benefit is unlikely to occur.

• Defining the upper limit of dosing from a safety viewpoint.

Superiority, equivalence and non-inferiority in clinical trials.  The therapeutic efficacy of a novel drug is most convincingly established by demonstrating superiority to placebo, or to an active control treatment, or by demonstrating a dose–response relationship (as above). In some cases the purpose of a comparison is to show not necessarily superiority, but either equivalence or noninferiority. Such trials avoid the use of placebo, explore possible advantages of safety, dosing convenience and cost, and present an alternative or ‘second-line’ therapy. Examples of a possible outcome in a ‘head to head’ comparison of two active treatments appear in Fig. 4.2. There are in general, two types of equivalence trials in clinical development: bio-equivalence and clinical equivalence. In the former, certain pharmaco*kinetic variables of a new formulation have to fall within specified (and regulated)


Particularly in large-scale outcome trials, an independent data monitoring committee is given access to the results as these are accumulated; the committee is empowered to discontinue a trial if the results show significant advantage or disadvantage to one or other treatment.

Evaluation of drugs in humans margins of the standard formulation of the same active entity. The advantage of this type of trial is that, if bioequivalence is ‘proven’, then proof of clinical equivalence is not required.

Design of trials Techniques to avoid bias The two most important techniques are:

• randomisation. • blinding. Randomisation  introduces a deliberate element of chance into the assignment of treatments to the subjects in a clinical trial. It provides a sound statistical basis for the evaluation of the evidence relating to treatment effects, and tends to produce treatment groups that have a balanced distribution of prognostic factors, both known and unknown. Together with blinding, it helps to avoid possible bias in the selection and allocation of subjects. Randomisation may be accomplished in simple or more complex ways, such as:

• Sequential assignments of treatments (or sequences in crossover trials).

• Randomising subjects in blocks. This helps to increase comparability of the treatment groups when subject characteristics change over time or there is a change in recruitment policy. It also gives a better guarantee that the treatment groups will be of nearly equal size. • By dynamic allocation, in which treatment allocation is influenced by the current balance of allocated treatments.24

Blinding.  The fact that both doctors and patients are subject to bias due to their beliefs and feelings has led to the invention of the double-blind technique, which is a control device to prevent bias from influencing results. On 24

Note also patient preference trials. Conventionally, patients are invited to participate in a clinical trial, give consent and are then randomised to a particular treatment group. In special circ*mstances, randomisation takes place first; the patients are informed of the treatment to be offered and are allowed to opt for this or another treatment. This is called ‘pre-consent randomisation’ or ‘prerandomisation’. In a trial of simple mastectomy versus lumpectomy with or without radiotherapy for early breast cancer, recruitment was slow because of the disfiguring nature of the mastectomy option. A policy of pre-randomisation was then adopted, letting women know the group to which they would be allocated should they consent. Recruitment increased sixfold and the trial was completed, providing sound evidence that survival was as long with the less disfiguring option (Fisher B, Bauer M, Margolese R et al 1985 Five-year results of a randomised clinical trial comparing total mastectomy and segmental mastectomy with and without radiotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer. New England Journal of Medicine 312:665–673). However, the benefit of enhanced recruitment may be limited by potential for introducing bias.



the one hand, it rules out the effects of hopes and anxieties of the patient by giving both the drug under investigation and a placebo (dummy) of identical appearance in such a way that the subject (the first ‘blind’ person) does not know which he or she is receiving. On the other hand, it also rules out the influence of preconceived hopes of, and unconscious communication by, the investigator or observer by keeping him or her (the second ‘blind’ person) ignorant of whether he or she is prescribing a placebo or an active drug. At the same time, the technique provides another control, a means of comparison with the magnitude of placebo effects. The device is both philosophically and practically sound.25 A non-blind trial is called an open trial. The double-blind technique should be used wherever possible, and especially for occasions when it might at first sight seem that criteria of clinical improvement are objective when in fact they are not. For example, the range of voluntary joint movement in rheumatoid arthritis has been shown to be influenced greatly by psychological factors, since the amount of pain patients will put up with is influenced by their mental state. Blinding should go beyond the observer and the observed. None of the investigators should be aware of treatment allocation, including those who evaluate endpoints, assess compliance with the protocol and monitor adverse events. Breaking the blind (for a single subject) should be considered only when the subject’s physician deems knowledge of the treatment assignment essential in the subject’s best interests. Sometimes the double-blind technique is not possible, because, for example, side effects of an active drug reveal which patients are taking it or tablets look or taste different. In principle, it never carries a disadvantage (‘only protection against biased data’), but can add substantially to the cost of doing trials, and an unblinded (or, partially blinded) trial might be considered preferable to a trial which is prohibited by cost. This is most likely to be a dilemma for late-phase studies of licensed medicines, and blinding of the medication should at the least be replaced by blinding of the measurements: that is, the measurers are unaware of treatment allocation. Blinding is not, of course, used with new chemical entities fresh from the animal laboratory, whose dose and effects in humans are unknown, although the subject may legitimately be kept in ignorance (single blind) of the time of administration. Some (e.g. ophthalmologists) are understandably disinclined to refer to the ‘double-blind’ technique; they call it ‘double-masked’. 25

Modell W, Houde R W 1958 Factors influencing clinical evaluation of drugs; with special reference to the double-blind technique. Journal of the American Medical Association 167:2190–2199.





Some common design configurations Parallel group design This is the most common clinical trial design for confirmatory therapeutic (Phase 3) trials. Subjects are randomised to one of two or more treatment ‘arms’. These treatments will include the investigational drug at one or more doses, and one or more control treatments such as placebo and/or an active comparator. Parallel group designs are particularly useful in conditions that fluctuate over a short term, e.g. migraine or irritable bowel syndrome, but are also used for chronic stable diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and some types of cancer. The particular advantages of the parallel group design are simplicity, the ability to approximate more closely the likely conditions of use, and the avoidance of ‘carry-over effects’ (see below).

Crossover design In this design, each subject is randomised to a sequence of two or more treatments, and hence acts as his or her own control for treatment comparisons. The advantage of this design is that subject-to-subject variation is eliminated from treatment comparison so that the number of subjects is reduced. Larger crossover studies have been used to study factors contributing to subject-to-subject variation in response, permitting recognition of ‘stratification variables’ which can help future groups of patients to be selected (or excluded) as more or less likely to respond to the drug. In the basic crossover design, each subject receives each of the two treatments in a randomised order. There are variations to this in which each subject receives a subset of treatments or ones in which treatments are repeated within the same subject (to explore the reproducibility of effects). The potential disadvantage of the crossover design is carry-over, i.e. the residual influence of treatments on subsequent treatment periods. This can often be avoided either by separating treatments with a ‘wash-out’ period or by selecting treatment lengths based on a knowledge of the disease and the new medication. The crossover design is best suited for chronic stable diseases, e.g. hypertension, chronic stable angina pectoris, where the baseline conditions are attained at the start of each treatment arm. The pharmaco*kinetic characteristics of the new medication are also important, the principle being that the plasma concentration at the start of the next dosing period is zero and no dynamic effect can be detected. The crossover design is often used for pharmaco*kinetic studies.

Factorial designs In the factorial design, two or more treatments are evaluated simultaneously through the use of varying combinations


of the treatments. The simplest example is the 2 × 2 factorial design in which subjects are randomly allocated to one of four possible combinations of two treatments A and B. These are: A alone, B alone, A + B, neither A nor B (placebo). The main uses of the factorial design are to:

• Make efficient use of clinical trial subjects by evaluating two treatments with the same number of individuals. • Examine the interaction of A with B. • Establish dose–response characteristics of the combination of A and B when the efficacy of each has been previously established.

Multicentre trials Multicentre trials are carried out for two main reasons. First, they are an efficient way of evaluating a new medication, by accruing sufficient subjects in a reasonable time to satisfy trial objectives. Second, multicentre trials may be designed to provide a better basis for the subsequent generalisation of their findings. Thus they provide the possibility of recruiting subjects from a wide population and of administering the medication in a broad range of clinical settings. Multicentre trials can be used at any phase in clinical development, but are especially valuable when used to confirm therapeutic value in Phase 3. Large-scale multicentre trials using minimised data collection techniques and simple endpoints have been of immense value in establishing modest but real treatment effects that apply to a large number of patients, e.g. drugs that improve survival after myocardial infarction.

N-of-1 trials Patients give varied treatment responses, and the average effect derived from a population sample may not be helpful in expressing the size of benefit or harm for an individual. The best way to settle doubt as to whether a test drug is effective for an individual patient might be the N-of-1 trial. This is a crossover design in which each patient receives two or more administrations of drug or placebo in random manner; the results from individuals can then be displayed. Two conditions apply. First, the disease in which the drug is being tested must be chronic and stable. Second, the treatment effect must wear off rapidly. N-of-1 trials are not used routinely in drug development and, if so, only at the Phase 3 stage.26,27 In some instances, such trials can now be replaced, or supplemented, by genomic (or other 26

Senn S 1997 N-of-1 Trials: Statistical Issues in Drug Development. John Wiley, Chichester, pp. 249–255. Jull A, Bennet D 2005 Do N-of-1 trials really tailor treatment? Lancet 365:1992–1994. 27

Evaluation of drugs in humans ‘omic’) measurements (cross-refer to Prof Pirmohamed’s pharmacogenetics section). In drug development, however, enthusiasm for finding the right drug for the right patient can be offset by potential difficulties or delays in finding the right patients for the right drug. In other words, it may prove quicker to recruit a larger number of unselected patients, and retrospectively analyse predictors of response, than to wait until enough ‘ideal’ patients have been found for a smaller study of likely responders. Where, however, a previously characterised subset of a chronic disease is available, development can be streamlined. An example is the rapid testing and approval of ivacaftor for the 5% of patients with cystic fibrosis with a G551D mutation of the CFTR gene.28

Historical controls Any temptation simply to give a new treatment to all patients and to compare the results with the past (historical controls) is almost always unacceptable, even with a disease such as leukaemia. The reasons are that standards of diagnosis and treatment change with time, and the severity of some diseases (infections) fluctuates. The general provision stands that controls must be concurrent and concomitant. Exceptions exist, such as some exploratory studies, and drugs for unmet need with large effects. Insulin therapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus has never been tested in a prospective study.

Size of trials Before the start of any controlled trial it is necessary to decide the number of patients that will be needed to deliver an answer, for ethical as well as practical reasons. This is determined by four factors: 1. The magnitude of the difference sought or expected on

the primary efficacy endpoint (the target difference). For between-group studies, the focus of interest is the mean difference that constitutes a clinically significant effect. 2. The variability of the measurement of the primary endpoint as reflected by the standard deviation of this primary outcome measure. The magnitude of the expected difference (above) divided by the standard deviation of the difference gives the standardised difference (see Fig. 4.3). 3. The defined significance level, i.e. the level of chance for accepting a Type I (α) error. Levels of 0.05 (5%) and 0.01 (1%) are common targets. 28

Ramsey B W, Davies J, McElvaney N G, et al. A CFTR potentiator in patients with cystic fibrosis and the G551D mutation. New Engl and Journal of Medicine 2011;365:1663–1672.



4. The power or desired probability of detecting the

required mean treatment difference, i.e. the level of chance for accepting a Type II (β) error. For most controlled trials, a power of 80–90% (0.8–0.9) is frequently chosen as adequate, although higher power is chosen for some studies. It will be intuitively obvious that a small difference in the effect that can be detected between two treatment groups, or a large variability in the measurement of the primary endpoint, or a high significance level (low P value) or a large power requirement, all act to increase the required sample size. Fig. 4.3 gives a graphical representation of how the power of a clinical trial relates to values of clinically relevant standardised difference for varying numbers of trial subjects (shown by the individual curves). It is clear that the larger the number of subjects in a trial, the smaller is the difference that can be detected for any given power value. The aim of any clinical trial is to have small Type I and II errors, and consequently sufficient power to detect a difference between treatments, if it exists. Of the four factors that determine sample size, the power and significance level are chosen to suit the level of risk felt to be appropriate. The magnitude of the effect can be estimated from previous experience with drugs of the same or similar action; the variability of the measurements is often known from published experiments on the primary endpoint, with or without drug. These data will not be available for novel substances in a new class, and frequently the sample size in the early phase of development is chosen on a more arbitrary basis. Numbers required to detect the difference in frequency of a categorical outcome, e.g. fractures in a trial of osteoporosis or remissions in a cancer trial, are generally larger than numbers required to detect differences in a continuous quantitative variable. As an example, a trial that would detect, at the 5% level of statistical significance, a treatment that raised a cure rate from 75% to 85% would require 500 patients for 80% power.

Fixed sample size and sequential designs Defining when a clinical trial should end is not as simple as it first appears. In the standard clinical trial, the end is defined by the passage of all of the recruited subjects through the complete design. However, it is results and decisions based on the results that matter, not the number of subjects. The result of the trial may be that one treatment is superior to another or that there is no difference. These trials are of fixed sample size. In fact, patients are recruited sequentially, but the results are analysed either at a fixed time-point, or (if the primary outcome is number of events), after a fixed number of events have occurred. The results of this type of trial may be disappointing if they miss the agreed and accepted level of significance, either





because of greater than predicted variability, or because of too few events. It is not legitimate, having just failed to reach the agreed level (say, P = 0.05), to take in a few more patients in the hope that they will bring P value down to 0.05 or less, for this is deliberately not allowing chance and the treatment to be the sole factors involved in the outcome, as they should be. An alternative (or addition) to repeating the fixed sample size trial is to use a sequential design in which the trial is run until a useful result is reached.29 These adaptive designs, in which decisions are taken on the basis of results to date, can assess results on a continuous basis as data for each subject become available or, more commonly, on groups of subjects (group sequential design). The essential feature of these designs is that the trial is terminated when a predetermined result is attained and not when the investigator looking at the results thinks it appropriate. Reviewing results in a continuous or interim basis requires formal interim analysis, and there are specific statistical methods for handling the data, which need to be agreed in advance. Group sequential designs are especially successful in large long-term trials of mortality or major non-fatal endpoints when safety must be monitored closely. Such sequential designs recognise the reality of medical practice and provide a reasonable balance between statistical, medical and ethical needs. Interim analyses, however, reduce the power of statistical significance tests each time that they are performed, and carry a risk of a false positive results if chance differences between groups are encountered before the scheduled end of a trial.

Sensitivity of trials Definitive therapeutic trials are expensive and on occasion may be so prolonged that aspects of treatment have been superseded by the time a result is obtained. A single trial, however well designed, executed and analysed, can answer only the question addressed. The regulatory authorities give guidance as to the number and design of trials that, if successful, would lead to a therapeutic claim. But changing clinical practice in the longer term depends on many other factors, of which confirmatory trials in other centres by different investigators under different conditions are an important part.

claim for a drug with the regulatory authorities. Investigators tend to be optimistic and frequently plan their trials to look for large effects. Reality is different. The results of a planned (or unplanned) series of clinical trials may vary considerably for several reasons, but most significantly because the studies are too small to detect a treatment effect. In common but serious diseases such as cancer or heart disease, however, even small treatment effects can be important in terms of their total impact on public health. It may be unreasonable to expect dramatic advances in these diseases; we should be looking for small effects. Drug developers, too, should be interested not only in whether a treatment works, but also how well, and for whom. The collecting together of a number of trials with the same objective in a systematic review30 and analysing the accumulated results using appropriate statistical methods is termed metaanalysis. The principles of a meta-analysis are that:

• It should be comprehensive, i.e. include data from all trials, published and unpublished.

• Only RCT should be analysed, with patients entered on the basis of ‘intention to treat’.31

• The results should be determined using clearly defined, disease-specific endpoints (this may involve a re-analysis of original trials). There are strong advocates and critics of the concept, its execution and interpretation. Arguments that have been advanced against meta-analysis are:

• An effect of reasonable size ought to be demonstrable in a single trial.

• Different study designs cannot be pooled. • Lack of accessibility of all relevant studies. • Publication bias (‘positive’ trials are more likely to be published). In practice, the analysis involves calculating an odds ratio for each trial included in the meta-analysis. This is the ratio of the number of patients experiencing a particular endpoint, e.g. death, and the number who do not, compared with the equivalent figures for the control group. The number of deaths observed in the treatment group is then compared with the number to be expected if it is assumed that the treatment is ineffective, to give the observed minus expected statistic. The treatment effects for all trials in the analysis 30

Meta-analysis The two main outcomes for therapeutic trials are to influence clinical practice and, where appropriate, to make a successful 29

Whitehead J 1992 The Design Analysis of Sequential Clinical Trials, 2nd edn. Ellis Horwood, Chester.


A review that strives comprehensively to identify and synthesise all the literature on a given subject (sometimes called an ‘overview’). The unit of analysis is the primary study, and the same scientific principles and rigour apply as for any study. If a review does not state clearly whether and how all relevant studies were identified and synthesised, it is not a systematic review (Cochrane Library 1998). 31 Reports of therapeutic trials should contain an analysis of all patients entered, regardless of whether they dropped out or failed to complete, or even started the treatment for any reason. Omission of these subjects can lead to serious bias (Laurence D R, Carpenter J 1998 A Dictionary of Pharmacological and Allied Topics. Elsevier, Amsterdam).

Evaluation of drugs in humans are then obtained by summing all the ‘observed minus expected’ values of the individual trials to obtain the overall odds ratio. An odds ratio of 1.0 indicates that the treatment has no effect, an odds ratio of 0.5 indicates a halving and an odds ratio of 2.0 indicates a doubling of the risk that patients will experience the chosen endpoint. From the position of drug development, the general requirement that scientific results have to be repeatable has been interpreted in the past by the Food and Drug Administration (the regulatory agency in the USA) to mean that two well controlled studies are required to support a claim. But this requirement is itself controversial and its relation to a meta-analysis in the context of drug development is unclear. In clinical practice, and in the era of cost-effectiveness, the use of meta-analysis as a tool to aid medical decisionmaking and underpinning ‘evidence-based medicine’ is well established. Fig. 4.4 shows detailed results from 11 trials in which antiplatelet therapy after myocardial infarction was compared with a control group. The number of vascular events per



treatment group is shown in the second and third columns, and the odds ratios with the point estimates (the value most likely to have resulted from the study) are represented by black squares and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) in the fourth column. The size of the square is proportional to the number of events. The diamond gives the point estimate and CI for overall effect.

Results: implementation The way in which data from therapeutic trials are presented can influence doctors’ perceptions of the advisability of adopting a treatment in their routine practice.

Relative and absolute risk The results of therapeutic trials are commonly expressed as the percentage reduction of an unfavourable (or percentage

Vascular events/patients Antiplatelet group


Odds ratio (95% Cl)

Control group



































1331/9877 (13.5%)

1693/9914 (17.1%)

Test for heterogeneity: χ210 = 12.3; P > 0.1

25% (SD 4) reduction (P < 0.0001)

0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 Fig. 4.4  A clear demonstration of benefits from meta-analysis of available trial data, when individual trials failed to provide convincing evidence (see text). (With permission of Collins R 2001 Lancet 357:373–380.)





increase in a favourable) outcome, i.e. as the relative risk, and this can be very impressive indeed until the figures are presented as the number of individuals actually affected per 100 people treated, i.e. as the absolute risk. Where a baseline risk is low, a statement of relative risk alone is particularly misleading as it implies large benefit where the actual benefit is small. Thus a reduction of risk from 2% to 1% is a 50% relative risk reduction, but it saves only one patient for every 100 patients treated. But where the baseline is high, say 40%, a 50% reduction in relative risk saves 20 patients for every 100 treated.

Whether a low incidence of adverse drug effects is acceptable becomes a serious issue in the context of absolute risk. Non-specialist doctors, particularly those in primary care, need and deserve clear and informative presentation of therapeutic trial results that measure the overall impact of a treatment on the patient’s life, i.e. on clinically important outcomes such as morbidity, mortality, quality of life, working capacity or fewer days in hospital. Without it, they cannot adequately advise patients, who may themselves be misled by inappropriate use of statistical data in advertisem*nts or on Internet sites.

To make clinical decisions, readers of therapeutic studies need to know: how many patients must be treated32 (and for how long) to obtain one desired result (number needed to treat). This is the inverse (or reciprocal) of absolute risk reduction.

Relative risk reductions can remain high (and thus make treatments seem attractive) even when susceptibility to the events being prevented is low (and the corresponding numbers needed to be treated are large). As a result, restricting the reporting of efficacy to just relative risk reductions can lead to great – and at times excessive – zeal in decisions about treatment for patients with low susceptibilities.33 A real-life example follows: Antiplatelet drugs reduce the risk of future non-fatal myocardial infarction by 30% [relative risk] in trials of both primary and secondary prevention. But when the results are presented as the number of patients who need to be treated for one nonfatal myocardial infarction to be avoided [absolute risk] they look very different. In secondary prevention of myocardial infarction, 50 patients need to be treated for 2 years, while in primary prevention 200 patients need to be treated for 5 years, for one non-fatal myocardial infarction to be prevented. In other words, it takes 100 patient-years of treatment in primary prevention to produce the same beneficial outcome of one fewer non-fatal myocardial infarction.34 32

See Cooke R J, Sackett D L 1995 The number needed to treat: a clinically useful treatment effect. British Medical Journal 310:452. 33 Sackett D L, Cooke R J 1994 Understanding clinical trials: what measures of efficacy should journal articles provide busy clinicians? British Medical Journal 309:755. 34 For example, drug therapy for high blood pressure carries risks, but the risks of the disease vary enormously according to severity of disease: ‘Depending on the initial absolute risk, the benefits of lowering blood pressure range from preventing one cardiovascular event a year for about every 20 people treated, to preventing one event for about every 5000–10 000 people treated. The level of risk at which treatment should be started is debatable’ (Jackson R, Barham P, Bills J et al 1993 Management of raised blood pressure in New Zealand: a discussion document. British Medical Journal 307:107–110).


Important aspects of therapeutic trial reports • Statistical significance and its clinical importance. • Confidence intervals. • Number needed to treat, or absolute risk.

Pharmacoepidemiology Pharmacoepidemiology is the study of the use and effects of drugs in large numbers of people. Some of the principles of pharmacoepidemiology are used to gain further insight into the efficacy, and especially the safety, of new drugs once they have passed from limited exposure in controlled therapeutic pre-registration trials to the looser conditions of their use in the community. Trials in this setting are described as observational because the groups to be compared are assembled from subjects who are, or who are not (the controls), taking the treatment in the ordinary way of medical care. These (Phase 4) trials are subject to greater risk for selection bias35 and confounding36 than experimental studies (RCTs), where entry and allocation of treatment are strictly controlled (increasing internal validity). Observational studies, nevertheless, come into their own when sufficiently large randomised trials are logistically and financially impracticable. The following approaches are used.

Observational cohort37 studies Patients receiving a drug are followed up to determine the outcomes (therapeutic or adverse). This is usually


A systematic error in the selection or randomisation of patients on admission to a trial such that they differ in prognosis, i.e. the outcome is weighted one way or another by the selection, not by the trial. 36 When the interpretation of an observed association between two variables may be affected by a strong influence from a third variable (which may be hidden or unknown). Examples of confounders would be concomitant drug therapy or differences in known risk factors, e.g. smoking, age, sex. 37 Used here for a group of people having a common attribute, e.g. they have all taken the same drug.

Evaluation of drugs in humans forward-looking (prospective) research. A cohort study does not require a suspicion of causality; subjects can be followed ‘to see what happens’ (event recording). Prescription event monitoring (below) is an example, and there is an increasing tendency to recognise that most new drugs should be monitored in this way when prescribing becomes general. Major difficulties include the selection of an appropriate control group, and the need for large numbers of subjects and for prolonged surveillance. This sort of study is scientifically inferior to the experimental cohort study (the RCT) and is cumbersome for research on drugs. Investigation of the question of thromboembolism and the combined oestrogen–progestogen contraceptive pill by means of an observational cohort study required enormous numbers of subjects38 (the adverse effect is, fortunately, uncommon) followed over years. An investigation into cancer and the contraceptive pill by an observational cohort would require follow-up for 10–15 years. Happily, epidemiologists have devised a partial alternative: the case–control study.

Case–control studies This reverses the direction of scientific logic from a forwardlooking, ‘what happens next’ (prospective) to a backwardlooking, ‘what has happened in the past’ (retrospective)39 investigation. The case–control study requires a definite hypothesis or suspicion of causality, such as an adverse reaction to a drug. The investigator assembles a group of patients who have the condition. A control group of people who have not had the reaction is then assembled (matched, e.g. for sex, age, smoking habits) from hospital admissions for other reasons, primary care records or electoral rolls. A complete drug history is taken from each group, i.e. the two groups are ‘followed up’ backwards to determine the proportion in each group that has taken the suspect agent. Case–control studies do not prove causation.40 They reveal associations, and it is up to investigators and critical readers to decide the most plausible explanation. A case–control study has the advantage that it requires a much smaller number of cases (hundreds) of disease and can thus be done quickly and cheaply. It has the disadvantage


The Royal College of General Practitioners (UK) recruited 23 000 women takers of the pill and 23 000 controls in 1968 and issued a report in 1973. It found an approximately doubled incidence of venous thrombosis in combined-pill takers (the dose of oestrogen was reduced because of this study). 39 For this reason, such studies have been named trohoc (cohort spelled backwards) studies (Feinstein A 1981 Journal of Chronic Diseases 34:375). 40 Experimental cohort studies (i.e. randomised controlled trials) are on firmer ground with regard to causation as there should be only one systematic difference between the groups (i.e. the treatment being studied). In case–control studies, the groups may differ systematically in several ways.



that it follows up subjects backwards, and there is always suspicion of the intrusion of unknown and so unavoidable biases in the selection of both patients and controls. Here again, independent repetition of the studies, if the results are the same, greatly enhances confidence in the outcome.

Surveillance systems: pharmacovigilance When a drug reaches the market, a good deal is known about its therapeutic activity but rather less about its safety when used in large numbers of patients with a variety of diseases, for which they are taking other drugs. The term pharmacovigilance refers to the process of identifying and responding to issues of drug safety through the detection in the population of drug effects, usually adverse, taking action to minimise risk and monitoring the effectiveness of that action. Over a number of years, increasingly sophisticated systems have been developed to provide surveillance of drugs in the post-marketing phase. For understandable reasons, they are strongly supported by authorities. Four kinds of logic can be applied to drug safety monitoring:

• To gain experience from regular reporting of suspected adverse drug reactions from health professionals during the regular clinical use of the drug. • To attempt to follow a complete cohort of (new) drug users for as long as it is deemed necessary to have adequate information. • To perform special studies in areas which may be predicted to give useful information. • To examine disease trends for drug-related causality.41 Drug safety surveillance relies heavily on the techniques of pharmacoepidemiology, which include the following:

Voluntary reporting.  Health-care professionals and patients may report suspected adverse reaction to drugs. In the UK, this is called the ‘Yellow Card’ system, and the Commission on Human Medicines advises the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency of the government on trends and signals. It is recommended that for:

• newer drugs: all suspected reactions should be reported, i.e. any adverse or any unexpected event, however minor, that could conceivably be attributed to the drug • established drugs: all serious suspected reactions should be reported, even if the effect is well recognised.


Edwards I R 1998 A perspective on drug safety. In: Edwards I R (ed) Drug Safety. Adis International, Auckland, p. xii.





Inevitably the system depends on the intuitions and willingness of those called on to respond. Surveys suggest that no more than 10% of serious reactions are reported. Voluntary reporting is effective for identifying reactions that develop shortly after starting therapy, i.e. at providing early warnings of drug toxicity, particularly rare adverse reactions. Thus, it is the first line in post-marketing surveillance. Reporting is particularly low, however, for reactions with long latency, such as tardive dyskinesia from chronic neuroleptic use. As the system has no limit of quantitative sensitivity, it may detect the rarest events, e.g. those with an incidence of 1:5000 to 1:10 000. Voluntary systems are, however, unreliable for estimating the incidence of adverse reactions as this requires both a high rate of reporting (the numerator) and a knowledge of the rate of drug usage (the denominator).

is highly remarkable or very frequent. If suspicions are aroused, then case–control and observational cohort studies will be initiated.

Strength of evidence A number of types of clinical investigation are described in this chapter, and elsewhere in the book. When making clinical decisions about a course of therapeutic action, it is obviously relevant to judge the strength of evidence generated by different types of study. This has been summarised as follows, in rank order:43 1. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses, for which a

Prescription event monitoring.  This is a form of observational cohort study. Prescriptions for a drug (say, 20 000) are collected (in the UK this was made practicable by the existence of a National Health Service in which prescriptions are sent to a single central authority for pricing and payment of the pharmacist). The prescriber is sent a questionnaire and asked to report all events that have occurred (not only suspected adverse reactions) with judgement regarding causality.42 However, the monitoring requires resource and is not currently undertaken in the UK.

Medical record linkage  allows computer correlation in a population of life and health events (birth, marriage, death, hospital admission) with history of drug use. It is being developed as far as resources permit. It includes prescription event monitoring (above). The largest UK medical record linkage is the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) at the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Containing more than 20 million records, this type of resource is a more practical mode of detecting events associated with a particular drug than individual prescription monitoring. Indeed, it is a very valuable resource for pharmacoepidemiological-type studies, answering some key public health questions and serving as a very valuable resource for evaluating drug safety signals.



4. 5. 6. 7.

prospective RCT is a now a preferred condition of inclusion. RCTs with definitive results (confidence intervals that do not overlap the threshold of the clinically significant effect).44 RCTs with non-definitive results (a difference that suggests a clinically significant effect but with confidence intervals overlapping the threshold of this effect). Cohort studies. Case–control studies. Cross-sectional surveys. Case reports.

In conclusion45 Drug development is a high risk business. Early hopes and expectations can later be substantially modified by the realities of clinical practice, when the risks as well as the benefits of a medicine emerge with the passage of time. Only 1 in 10 drugs entering humans, subsequently enters the clinic and use in the wider clinical population, and more than half (60%) fail at phase 2 (see Ch. 3).

Population statistics,  e.g. birth defect registers and cancer registers. These are insensitive unless a drug-induced event 43


Inman W H W, Rawson N S B, Wilton L V 1986 Prescription-event monitoring. In: Inman W H W (ed) Monitoring for Drug Safety, 2nd edn. MTP, Lancaster, p. 217.


Guyatt G H, Sackett D L, Sinclair J C et al 1995 Users’ guides to the medical literature. IX. A method for grading health care recommendations. Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group. Journal of the American Medical Association 274:1800–1804. 44 The reporting of randomised controlled trials has been systemised so that only high-quality studies will be considered. See Moher D, Schulz K F, Altman D G 2001 CONSORT Group. The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel group randomised trials. Lancet 357:1191–1194. 45 ‘Quick, let us prescribe this new drug while it remains effective’. Richard Asher.

Evaluation of drugs in humans



Guide to further reading Biomarkers Definitions Working Group, 2001. Biomarkers and surrogate endpoints: preferred definitions and conceptual framework. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 69 (3), 89–95. Bland, J.M., Altman, D.G., 2000. Statistical notes: the odds ratio. BMJ 320, 1468. Bracken, M.B., 2008. Why animal studies are often poor indicators of human reactions to exposure. J. R. Soc. Med. 101, 120–122. Chatellier, G., Zapletal, E., Lemaitre, D., et al., 1996. The number needed to treat: a clinically useful nomogram in its proper context. BMJ 312, 426–429. Doll, R., 1998. Controlled trials: the 1948 watershed. BMJ 317, 1217–1220 (and following articles). Egger, M., Smith, G.D., Phillips, A.N., 1997. Meta-analysis: principles and procedures. Br. Med. J. 315, 1533–1537 (see also other articles in the series entitled ‘Meta-analysis’). Emanuel, E.J., Miller, F.G., 2001. The ethics of placebo-controlled trials – a middle ground. N. Engl. J. Med. 345, 915–919. Garattini, S., Chalmers, I., 2009. Patients and the public deserve big changes in the evaluation of drugs. BMJ 338, 804–806. GRADE Working Group, 2008. GRADE: what is ‘quality of evidence’ and

why is it important to clinicians? BMJ 336, 924–929 (and the other papers of this series). Greenhalgh, T., 1997. Papers that report drug trials. Br. Med. J. 315, 480–483 (see also other articles in the series entitled ‘How to read a paper’). Kaptchuk, T.J., 1998. Powerful placebo: the dark side of the randomised controlled trial. Lancet 351, 1722–1725. Khan, K.S., Kunz, R., Kleijnen, J., Antes, G., 2003. Five steps to conducting a systematic review. J. R. Soc. Med. 96, 118–121. Lewis, J.A., Jonsson, B., Kreutz, G., et al., 2002. Placebo-controlled trials and the Declaration of Helsinki. Lancet 359, 1337–1340. Miller, F.G., Rosenstein, D.L., 2003. The therapeutic orientation to clinical trials. N. Engl. J. Med. 348, 1383–1386. Ramsey, B.W., Nepom, G.T., Lonial, S., 2017. Academic, Foundation, and Industry Collaboration in Finding New Therapies. N. Engl. J. Med. 376, 1762–1769. Rochon, P.A., Gurwitx, J.H., Sykora, K., et al., 2005. Reader’s guide to critical appraisal of cohort studies: 1. Role and design. BMJ 330, 895–897. Rothwell, P.M., 2005. External validity of randomised controlled trials: ‘to whom do the results of this trial apply? Lancet 365, 82–93.

Rothwell, P.M., 2005. Treating individuals 2. Subgroup analysis in randomised controlled trials: importance, indications, and interpretation. Lancet 365, 176–186. Sackett, D., Rosenberg, W., Gray, J., et al., 2009. Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn’t [editorial]. Can. Med. Assoc. J. 312, 1–8. Silverman, W.A., Altman, D.G., 1996. Patients’ preferences and randomised trials. Lancet 347, 171–174. Vlahakes, G.J., 2006. Editorial. The value of phase 4 clinical testing. N. Engl. J. Med. 354, 413–415. Waller, P.C., Jackson, P.R., Tucker, G.T., Ramsay, L.E., 1994. Clinical pharmacology with confidence [intervals]. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 37, 309. Williams, R.L., Chen, M.L., Hauck, W.W., 2002. Equivalence approaches. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 72, 229–237. Woodco*ck, J., Ware, J.H., Miller, P.W., 2016. Clinical Trial Series. N. Engl. J. Med. 374, 2167. Zwarenstein, M., Treweek, S., Gagnier, J.J., et al., 2008. CONSORT group: Pragmatic Trials in Healthcare (Practihc) group. Improving the reporting of pragmatic trials: an extension of the CONSORT statement. BMJ 337, a2390.



| 5 |

Health technology assessment Michael Rawlins

SYNOPSIS For pharmaceuticals, health technology assessment bridges the gap between licensing of pharmaceuticals and everyday clinical practice. It involves:

• •

Defining the scope of the assessment.

Assessing their cost-effectiveness.

Assessing the overall clinical effectiveness of the product (or products).

The critical steps comprise:

• • •

A systematic review of the evidence. Estimating cost-effectiveness. Drawing appropriate conclusions on which decision-makers can act.

A cost-effectiveness analysis attempts to provide a rational basis for decision-making in the face of resource constraints. It is used to estimate the extra cost to the health-care system of adopting a product, in relation to the additional benefit the product might bring. It therefore goes further than the criteria for licensing (quality, safety and efficacy), and health technology assessment has therefore sometimes been called ‘the fourth hurdle’. A health technology assessment may be used by a variety of agencies. It may inform the decisions of individual practitioners in the treatment of their own patients, or it may be used by a hospital to develop their treatment policies. Health technology assessment is critical for those involved in developing clinical guidelines for the management of specific conditions, and they may be used by policy makers for an entire health-care system. 56

The scope The term health technology encompasses all approaches to the prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment of disease. Treatments, in health technology assessments, not only encompass pharmaceuticals (including vaccines) but can include devices and interventional (surgical) procedures as well as techniques such as physiotherapy, speech therapy or cognitive behavioural therapy. Although this chapter is concerned with health technology assessment as it relates to pharmaceuticals, a similar approach is used in other therapeutic areas. Before embarking on the health technology assessment of a pharmaceutical product, the scope of the enquiry needs to be carefully defined: 1. Obviously the product, or group of products, under

investigation needs to be characterised. 2. The nature of the comparator health technology (or

technologies) also requires definition. Depending on the circ*mstances, the comparator might be another pharmaceutical product indicated for the same condition; it might be a device or procedure used for the same or similar purposes; or it might be ‘best supportive care’. In any event, the comparator should reflect current clinical practice. 3. Difficulties arise when a potential comparator is not licensed for a particular indication but is, nevertheless, widely used in routine clinical practice. This is a particular problem in the health technology assessment of products for use in children and for whom potential comparators reflect ‘custom and practice’ even though unlicensed. The wise course of action, in such circ*mstances, is to include comparators that reflect current clinical practice.

Health technology assessment 4. At the start of any health technology assessment, the

clinical outcome(s) of interest should be decided. The most desirable, of course, is the ‘ultimate outcome’, such as dead versus alive or recovered versus not recovered. There are circ*mstances, however, when an assessment is focused on an ‘intermediate’ (or surrogate) outcome where there is confidence that this reflects the ultimate outcome. For example, in the assessment of statins for the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia, a decision would need to be taken as to whether the long-term ‘ultimate’ outcome (i.e. reduction in coronary artery disease) should be used or whether the assessment should be concerned with an ‘intermediate’ outcome (i.e. a reduction in LDL cholesterol). 5. The type of evidence required to demonstrate the effectiveness of a product must also be determined. In many instances this may be restricted to the results of randomised controlled trials. There may be circ*mstances, however, where other study designs are more appropriate. In the assessment of a vaccine, for example, evidence from randomised controlled trials may usefully be supplemented by the results of observational studies that have examined its efficacy under circ*mstances that more closely reflect its performance in the ‘real world’. Sometimes historical controlled trials may be appropriate when the outcome is clear and unambiguous, particularly in the case of rare diseases. 6. Decisions must also be made about the form any economic evaluation should take. These include the economic perspective and the type of analysis that is most appropriate. Such matters are discussed later.

Clinical effectiveness An assessment of the clinical effectiveness of a product requires a full ‘systematic review’ of the available evidence. A systematic review involves four steps:

1.  Developing the protocol The development of a protocol for a systematic review is just as important in secondary research as it is for primary research. The objectives of the review will usually have been defined by the scope (as above). The protocol will, in addition, include the relevant:

• pharmacological product or therapeutic class • comparator(s), which may include a non-pharmacological procedure



• study designs for assessing the effectiveness of the product

• clinical endpoints used in the studies that are to be included in the review.

2.  Defining the methods The literature search will, at a minimum, involve a comprehensive search of the three major electronic databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE and CENTRAL). Although there is some overlap between each database, one alone is inadequate. The usual approach is to start the search in a broad manner by looking at the abstracts of all the studies that appear to be relevant and then only include those that match the criteria that have been established for the review. In a review of the clinical effectiveness of statins, for example, the review criteria may have required the assessment to be restricted to randomised controlled trials where the outcome is the secondary prevention of vascular death or disability. All other study designs, involving different patient populations or surrogate outcomes, would be excluded. The search will also include any relevant references gleaned from scrutiny of the list of publications in the included studies. One of the major problems in identifying appropriate studies in any systematic review is so-called ‘publication bias’. There is a tendency for negative studies, or those demonstrating only very modest benefits, to either remain unpublished or to be published in a non–English language journal. The inclusion of such studies is extremely important if a reliable indication of a product’s ‘effect size’ is to be made. Common techniques to avoid publication bias include enquiry of both the particular manufacturer as well as of known experts in the particular field. The assessment team must also decide whether to attempt to identify articles in non–English language journals and get them translated. This step substantially increases the cost of the review and is not invariably undertaken.

3.  Analysing the data After extracting the relevant data from each of the studies that meet the review inclusion criteria, an ‘evidence table’ is constructed. In such a table, the relevant data for each study are summarised and usually include:

• The study’s bibliographic reference. • The type of study (e.g. randomised controlled trial, • • • •

case–control study). Number of patients in each arm. Patient characteristics (e.g. age, gender). Study setting (e.g. hospital inpatients, GPs’ surgeries). Intervention(s) including dose(s) and route(s) of administration.





Quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis)

Table 5.1  Jadad score calculation Item


Was the study described as randomised?


Was the method of randomisation described and appropriate?


Was the study described as double blind?


Was the method of double blinding described and appropriate?


Was there a description of withdrawals and dropouts?


Deduct 1 point if the method of randomisation was described and was inappropriate?


Deduct 1 point if the study was described as double blind but the method of blinding was described and inappropriate?


• Comparator interventions (e.g. placebo, active comparator).

• Length of follow-up. • Outcome measure(s) and effect size(s). • Additional comments. The evidence table may also include some attempt to assess the quality of each study. There is no generally accepted approach to doing this, but one of the more common methods is to use the Jadad score (Table 5.1). This itemises those elements in the design and conduct of a study (i.e. randomisation and blinding) that contribute most to a study’s internal validity. A score of 5 would indicate that the particular study appeared to have avoided both selection and ascertainment biases. A score of 0 would cast considerable doubt on a study’s internal validity.

Qualitative synthesis Almost all systematic reviews include an element of narrative or ‘qualitative’ synthesis outlining, or expanding on, aspects of the included studies. Narrative syntheses become a more significant component in systematic reviews of complex interventions (such as a comparison between an antidepressant and cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of mild depression). The defining characteristic of a formal narrative synthesis is the use of a textual approach that provides an analysis of the relationships within and between studies, and an overall assessment of the robustness of the evidence. It is a more subjective process than meta-analysis and, when used, needs to be rigorous and transparent to reduce the potential for bias.


A qualitative synthesis of the results in a systematic review may itself be sufficient. It is very common, however, to attempt a quantitative synthesis – or meta-analysis – of the individual outcomes from each study so as to provide the most reliable estimate of the overall size of a product’s effects. A meta-analysis (see also, Ch. 4, p. 50) involves, at its most simple level, extracting the summary statistical data for each study. The relevant data are the mean differences in outcomes at the end of the study with their 95% confidence intervals. Estimates of the effect size of the included studies, and the pooled estimate from all the studies, are often depicted as a ‘forest plot’1; an example is shown in Fig. 5.1. This forest plot summarises the results of each of five placebo-controlled trials, designed to assess the effect of anticoagulation with warfarin on the frequency of ischaemic stroke in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation.2 In a typical forest plot, there is an abbreviated reference to each trial on the left. The point estimate (mean) of the results of each study is represented as a square; and the horizontal line running through the square is its 95% confidence interval. The size of each square is proportional to the size of the study compared to the others. The column on the right shows the individual odds ratios (the expression of benefit used in this meta-analysis), and their 95% confidence intervals, for each study. By convention, improvement (a decrease in the frequency of ischaemic stroke) is shown to the left of the vertical ‘no effect’ line; a worsening (an increase in the frequency of ischaemic stroke) is shown to the right. In the forest plot in Fig. 5.1, the outcome is expressed as odds ratios. In each of five studies, the frequency of ischaemic stroke is reduced by treatment with warfarin, and all five ‘squares’ are to the left of the ‘no effect’ (odds ratio = 1) vertical line. In three of the studies, the 95% confidence interval does not cross the ‘no effect’ line, and the results would be statistically significant with P values of less than 0.05. In the other two studies, the upper boundaries of the 95% confidence interval cross the ‘no effect’ line and would not reach conventional levels of statistical significance (i.e. the P value is more than 0.05). The overall pooled mean effect size, taking account of the results of all five studies, is shown as a diamond in Fig. 5.1; and the horizontal line again represents its 95% confidence interval. The value of a forest plot is that the results can be seen and interpreted

1 The ‘forest plot’ is so called because (to some – though not to the author’s – eyes) the ‘plot’ resembles a forest! 2 Aguilar M I, Hart R 2005 Oral anticoagulants for preventing stroke in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and no previous history of stroke or transient ischemic attacks. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 3, Art. No.: CD001927. DOI: 10.1002/14651858. CD001927.pub2.

Health technology assessment



Odds ratio (95% Confidence lnterval)

AFASAKI (1989)

0.37 (0.16, 0.85)

BAATAF (1990)

0.24 (0.08, 0.71)

CAFA (1991)

0.56 (0.19, 1.63)

SPAF 1 (1991)

0.40 (0.15, 1.02)

SPINAF (1992)

0.26 (0.11, 0.60)

Pooled estimate

0.34 (0.23, 0.52)


0.1 0.2 0.5 1 Odds ratios (95% confidence intervals)


Fig. 5.1  Forest plot of five placebo-controlled trials of warfarin’s efficacy in preventing ischaemic stroke in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. (Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals.)

almost at a glance. Although not all the studies in Fig. 5.1 were statistically significant, the mean effects of each study showed benefit, and the pooled estimate is highly significant.

4.  Drawing conclusions The final step in a systematic review is to discuss its strengths and weaknesses, and to draw conclusions. Both strengths and weaknesses will depend in large part on the range and quality of the included studies. The veracity of any conclusions will also depend on the extent to which there might have been publication bias so that important trials with negative results were never published. There are statistical techniques that can sometimes be helpful in establishing probable publication bias. Scrutiny of Fig. 5.1 suggests that it would be reasonable, by any standards, to regard warfarin as effective in the prevention of ischaemic stroke in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Moreover, the authors were able to estimate that about 25 strokes and about 12 disabling or fatal strokes would be prevented yearly for every 1000 patients with atrial fibrillation treated with warfarin.

Cost-effectiveness No health-care system is able to meet all the demands of its patients. The resources used to provide health care, in any individual country, are directly proportional to its wealth, so that wealthier nations with higher gross domestic products are able to devote more resources to health care than poorer ones. The manner in which health-care priorities are decided varies between countries, but rationing decisions are necessary – explicitly or implicitly – in all countries because resources are finite and demand is (almost) infinite. A cost-effectiveness analysis attempts to provide a healthcare system with a rational basis for decision-making in the face of resource constraints. In pharmacoeconomics, this involves trying to estimate the extra cost to the health-care system of adopting a product in relation to the additional benefit the product might bring. If a health-care system devotes very large sums of money to a product that gives only modest benefits, other people, with other conditions, will be denied the opportunity of cost-effective care. The cost-effectiveness component of a health technology





assessment thus attempts to provide some indication of the ‘opportunity cost’ of adopting a particular technology. In doing so, the assessment has to take account of: 1. The relevant costs. 2. The benefits expressed in an appropriate manner. 3. The type of analysis that will be used.

1. Costs The costs of using a particular pharmaceutical will include the acquisition costs of the product, as well as the costs associated with its use (such as any special monitoring requirements, additional visits to hospital). In using warfarin for the prevention of ischaemic stroke, the costs will therefore have to include the costs of the warfarin itself, the costs of attending a hospital anticoagulant clinic and the laboratory monitoring costs. The costs will also have to encompass the consequences of any adverse effects which, in the case of warfarin, would need to comprise the costs associated with warfarin-induced bleeding. The costs will also have to take account of any savings from which a health-care system would benefit. These are sometimes known as ‘cost offsets’ which, in the case of warfarin to prevent ischaemic stroke, would include the savings made by the reduction in strokes among treated patients. The costs might also include the wider costs and savings to society as a whole. In this case, the costs (and cost offsets) would be extended to include any reduction in time off work; or, continuing the warfarin example, the savings resulting from fewer strokes that would reduce the costs associated with unemployment or disability. Whether the economic perspective (as economists describe it) should be based on the costs and savings to the health-care system alone, or whether it should be societal, is a complicated and controversial issue. It is a political, fiscal (relating to government revenue, especially taxes) and governmental problem rather than an economic one. For this reason, there is considerable variation between countries as to the economic perspective taken. A societal perspective is adopted in Sweden, for example, but in the UK the perspective is limited to the National Health Service.

additional centimetres of height gained from the use of human growth hormone in the treatment of children with congenital growth hormone deficiency; or, again using the warfarin example, the number of strokes prevented. The use of natural units is relatively simple, and they can be used effectively in comparing the costs and benefits of products that are used to treat the same condition. The disadvantage is that it is impossible to use natural units for comparing the costs and benefits of treatments for different conditions. It is for this reason that most economic analyses prefer to use health ‘utilities’ as the measure of benefit.

Health utilities Utilities are numbers assigned to preferences according to a rule. There are a number of ways by which health utilities can be captured, and all are based on an assessment, by each person, of the improvement in their quality of life. These are then aggregated across the patients using the product of interest as well as those using the comparator(s). If the study itself did not collect health-related quality-of-life data, there are techniques that allow it to be imputed. The most widely used technique for capturing healthrelated quality-of-life data is the so-called ‘EuroQol EQ-5D questionnaire’. It is not disease-specific and captures patients’ preferences for particular health states. The health utility measure provided by the EQ-5D ranges from 0 (dead) to 1 (perfect health). When patients benefit from a particular treatment, their health state might move from (say) 0.5 to 0.8 with a corresponding utility gain of 0.3. This is multiplied by the number of years for which it is enjoyed to yield the ‘quality-adjusted life years’ (QALY). If patients could on average expect to enjoy a utility gain of 0.3 for 10 years, the number of quality-adjusted life years gained would be 3.0 (0.3 times 10).

3.  Type of analysis

For the purposes of an economic analysis, the benefits of a health technology can, broadly, be expressed either in ‘natural units’ (e.g. life years gained), or as ‘health utility’ gained.

Two types of analysis are possible depending on whether the benefits are expressed in natural units or as utilities. Both require calculating an ‘incremental cost-effectiveness ratio’ (ICER) by dividing the incremental costs by the incremental benefits. Treatment pathways, however, can be extraordinarily complicated; and in arriving at an ICER, health economists must of necessity construct an economic model. There is a great variety of these, and they vary in their complexity. No attempt is made to discuss them further here, and their interpretation requires considerable expertise.

Natural units

Cost-effectiveness analysis

The number of life years saved as a result of using a product is a commonly used natural unit for products that extend life. Other natural units might include the number of

In a cost-effectiveness analysis, the ICER is expressed as the incremental cost (£) per incremental gain in some natural unit. In the case of a product that, in advanced cancer, results

2. Benefits


Health technology assessment



Table 5.2  Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for some anti-cancer drugs appraised by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Treatment



Aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma



Metastatic ovarian cancer



Metastatic pancreatic cancer

12 500


Metastatic breast cancer

14 500


Early breast cancer

18 000


Neoadjuvant treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer

23 467


Inoperable or metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumour

32 000


Advanced non–small cell lung cancer

50 200


Metastatic colorectal cancer

62 860


Metastatic non–small cell lung cancer

in (say) a 6-month extension of life at a total cost of (say) £10 000, the ICER would be £20 000 per life year gained. As already discussed, although this measure is sometimes used, it is impossible to make comparisons across conditions. How would a decision-maker make a ‘value for money’ comparison between £20 000 per life year gained for treating advanced cancer, with £20 000 per centimetre height gained from the use of growth hormone in a child with congenital growth hormone deficiency?

Cost-utility analysis In this form of analysis, the ICER is expressed as the ratio of the incremental costs to the incremental utility gain. The most common expression of this form of ICER is as cost (£) per incremental gain in the quality adjusted life years (£ per QALY). Examples of ICERs for some cancer drugs are shown in Table 5.2. A health technology assessment may also include economic evaluations in subgroups of patients, such as those older than 65 years of age, or those with other identifiable prognostic characteristics. This is usually undertaken when the overall ICER for the product is likely to represent poor value for money, but when there may be subgroups who might gain greater benefit.

Incremental costeffectiveness ratio (£/QALY)

110 248

Bodies undertaking health technology assessments are not usually, however, decision-makers. Health technology assessments should provide decision-makers with a sophisticated analysis of the available data, together with a critical evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the assessment as well as the limitations in the economic analyses. One of the most critical issues, in the assessment of the clinical data, is the extent to which the benefits in trials can be extrapolated beyond the data. In the trials depicted in Fig. 5.1, the average duration of follow-up was 1.5 years. Does this mean that treatment should be stopped after this? The mean age of participants was 69 years of age, with very few younger than 50 years or older than 80 years of age. Does this mean that treatment should be denied to younger people? Or to the very elderly? These are the decisions that decision-makers themselves must make. A reasonable decision-maker could reasonably conclude that to stop warfarin treatment after 1.5 years would be wrong, and that denying the very likely benefits to those younger and older than those in the trials would be equally wrong. These decisions are ones, though, that require judgements to be made rather than strict adherence to the tenets of health technology assessment. Health technology assessment plays a crucial role in underpinning evidence-based clinical practice, but it does not supplant the place of judgement!3

In conclusion A health technology assessment is concerned with analysing the totality of the available clinical and economic evidence.

3 Rawlins M D 2010 The evaluation and provision of effective medicines. In: Warrell D A, Cox T M, Firth J D, Benz E J (eds) Oxford Textbook of Medicine, 5th edn. Oxford University Press, Oxford





Guide to further reading Higgins, J.P.T., Green, S. (Eds.), 2011. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions Version 5.1.0. The Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford. Matthews, J.N.S., 2006. An Introduction to Randomized Controlled Trials. Chapman and Hall, London.


Morris, S., Devlin, N., Parkin, D., 2007. Economic Analysis in Health Care. John Wiley, Chichester. Rawlins, M.D., 2011. Therapeutics, Evidence and Decision-Making. Hodder, London.

Rawlins, M.D., 2016. Cost, Effectiveness and Value: How to Judge. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 316, 1447–1448.


| 6 |

Regulation of medicines Ian Hudson, Keith MacDonald, June Raine

SYNOPSIS This chapter describes the background to why it became necessary to regulate the use and supply of drugs, and the ways in which these processes are managed:

• • • • • •

Basis for regulation: safety, efficacy, quality. Present medicines regulatory system. Present-day requirements. Counterfeit drugs. Complementary and alternative medicine. Medicines regulation: the future.

Basis for regulation Neither patients nor doctors are in a position to decide for themselves, across the range of medicines that they use, which ones are well manufactured, free of contamination, and stable, effective and safe. They need assurance that the medicines they are offered fulfil these requirements and are supported by information that permits optimal use. The information about, the benefit risk of medicines continually evolves during use, and there is an obligation on licence holders continually to review their licence with particular regard to safety. Marketing Authorisation Holders (MAHs), i.e. pharmaceutical companies, can also change the efficacy claims to their licence (e.g. new indications, extension of age groups) or change the safety information (e.g. add new warnings, or contraindications). The quality aspects may also need to be revised as manufacturing practices change. MAHs operate in a market economy and have strong profit motives for making claims about their drugs. Only independent regulators can provide the assurance about all those

aspects in the lifecycle of a medicine (insofar as it can be provided). The principles of official (statutory) medicines regulation are that:

• Clinical trials of investigational medicinal products require prior approval by the medicines’ regulator and a positive opinion from a research ethics committee. • No medicines will be marketed without prior licensing by the independent regulator. A licence will be granted on the basis of scientific evaluation of: ■ Safety, in relation to its use: evaluation at the point of marketing is provisional in the sense that it is followed in the community by a pharmacovigilance programme. ■ Efficacy (now often including quality of life). ■ Quality, e.g., purity, stability (shelf-life). ■ Supply, i.e. whether the drug is suitable to be unrestrictedly available to the public or whether it should be confined to sales through pharmacies or on doctors’ prescriptions; and what printed information should accompany its sale (labelling, leaflets). • A licence shall specify the clinical indications that may be promoted and shall be for a limited period (5 years), which is renewable on application, with further 5-year renewals depending on risk. A regulatory authority may review the risk:benefit balance or safety of a drug at any time and restrict the licence, or remove the drug from the market for good cause.1

1 As from 2006, the European Community regulations require one renewal at 5 years and a second at 10 years only if safety issues demand it, with safety update reviews every 3 years after licensing.





• A licence may be varied (altered) by an application from the pharmaceutical company to update efficacy, safety and quality sections; safety variations may be initiated by the regulatory authority, and/or restrictions on indication or claims for efficacy. The regulatory authority can insist on safety additions or can require restrictions in efficacy indications but cannot force additional efficacy indications. Plainly manufacturers and developers are entitled to be provided with guidance on what substances are regulated and what are not,2 and what kinds and amounts of data are likely to persuade a regulatory authority to grant a marketing authorisation (licence) and for what medical purpose. In summary, medicines regulation aims to provide an objective, rigorous and transparent assessment of efficacy, safety and quality in order to protect and promote public health but not to impede the pharmaceutical industry. Inevitably, an interesting tension exists between the regulators and the regulated depending on the circ*mstances; increasingly regulators feel it is part of their role to support innovation.3

Historical background The beginning of substantial government intervention in the field of medicines paralleled the proliferation of synthetic drugs in the early 20th century when the traditional and familiar pharmacopoeia4 expanded slowly and then, in mid-century, with enormous rapidity. The first comprehensive regulatory law that required pre-marketing testing was passed in the USA in 1938, following the death of about 107 people due to the use of diethylene glycol (a constituent of antifreeze) as a solvent for a stable liquid formulation of sulphanilamide for treating common infections.5 2 It is obviously impossible to list substances that will be regulated if anybody should choose 1 day to synthesise them. Therefore regulation is based on the supply of ‘medicinal products’, i.e. substances are regulated according to their proposed use; and they must be defined in a way that will resist legal challenge (hence the stilted regulatory language). The following terms have gained informal acceptance for ‘borderline substances’ (which may or may not be regulated): nutriceutical – a food or part of a food that provides medicinal benefits; cosmeceutical – a cosmetic that also has medicinal use. 3 However much doctors may mock the bureaucratic ‘regulatory mind’, regulation provides an important service, and it is expedient that doctors should have some insight into its working and some of the very real problems faced by public servants and their advisory committees who are trying to do good without risking losing their jobs and reputations. 4 Pharmacopoeia: a book (often official) listing drugs and, for example, their standards of purity, manufacture, assay and directions for use. 5 Report of the Secretary of Agriculture submitted in response to resolutions in the House of Representatives and Senate (USA) 1937 Journal of the American Medical Association 111:583, 919. Recommended reading. A similar episode occurred as recently as 1990–1992 (Hanif M, Mobarak M R, Ronan A et al 1995 Fatal renal failure caused by diethylene glycol in paracetamol elixir: the Bangladesh epidemic. British Medical Journal 311:88–91). Note: diethylene glycol is cheap.


Other countries did not take on board the lesson provided by the USA, and it took the thalidomide disaster6,7 to make governments all over the world initiate comprehensive control over all aspects of drug introduction, therapeutic claims and supply. In 1960–1961 in (West) Germany, the incidence of phocomelia in newborns was noted. The term means ‘seal extremities’ and is a deformity in which the long bones of the limbs are defective and substantially normal or rudimentary hands and feet arise on, or nearly on, the trunk, like the flippers of a seal; other abnormalities may occur. Phocomelia is ordinarily exceedingly rare. Case–control and prospective observational cohort studies in antenatal clinics where women had yet to give birth provided evidence incriminating a sedative and hypnotic called thalidomide; it was recommended for use in pregnant women, although it had not been tested in the appropriate animal model. The worst had happened: a trivial new drug was the cause of the greatest disaster in the short history of modern scientific drug therapy. Many thalidomide babies died, but many live on with deformed limbs, eyes, ears, heart and alimentary and urinary tracts. The world total of survivors was probably about 10 000. In the UK, two direct consequences were the development of a spontaneous adverse drug reaction reporting scheme (the Yellow Card system) and legislation to provide regulatory control on the safety, quality and efficacy of medicines through the systems of standards, authorisation, pharmacovigilance (see p. 53) and inspection (Medicines Act 1968). A further landmark was the establishment of the Committee on Safety of Medicines in 1971 (from 2006 renamed the Commission on Human Medicines) to advise the Licensing Authority in the UK. In 1995, the new European regulatory system was introduced (see below). Despite these protective systems, other drug disasters occurred. In 1974 the β-blocking agent practolol was withdrawn because of a rare but severe syndrome affecting the eyes and other mucocutaneous regions in the body (not detected by animal tests), and in 1982 benoxaprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, was found to cause serious adverse effects including onycholysis and photosensitivity in elderly patients. More recent examples that have gained wide public notice include the association of serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors with increased risk of suicidal behaviour in children and young people, and that of cyclo-oxygenase I and II inhibitors with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (see p. 251).

6 Mellin G W, Katzenstein M 1962 The saga of thalidomide. Neuropathy to embryopathy, with case reports of congenital anomalies. New England Journal of Medicine 267:1184–1192, 1238–1244. 7 Dally A 1998 Thalidomide: was the tragedy preventable? Lancet 351:1197–1199.

Regulation of medicines

Current medicines regulatory systems All countries where medicines are licensed have a regulatory framework. When a pharmaceutical company seeks worldwide marketing rights, its programmes must satisfy each jurisdiction including: the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the USA; the European regulations and guidance issued by the European Commission and overseen by the European Medicines Agency8 (EMA); and the Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA). The national regulatory bodies of the individual European Union members remain in place but work with the EMA, which acts as a single source of authority. National licences for medicines that fall within the scope of the ‘centralised authorisation procedure’ can still be granted through individual member states other than for medicines within the scope of the centralised authorisation procedure which maintain particular responsibility for their own public health issues. Significant harmonisation of practices and procedures at a global level was also achieved through the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) involving Europe, Japan and the USA and recently extended to include Canada, Switzerland, Brazil and South Korea. In the European Union, drugs can be licensed in three ways: 1. The centralised procedure allows applications to be

made directly to the EMA; applications are allocated for assessment to one member state (the rapporteur) assisted by a second member state (co-rapporteur). Approval of the licence is then binding on all member states. This approach is mandatory for biotechnology products and for certain new medicinal products. 2. The mutual recognition and decentralised procedure allows applicants to nominate one member state (known as a ‘reference member state’) which assesses the application and seeks opinion from the other (concerned) member states. Granting the licence will ensure simultaneous mutual recognition in these other states, provided agreement is reached among them. There is an arbitration procedure for both MRP and DCP. The significant difference between MRP and DCP is that MRP is based on an MA that has already been approved in a MS. In DCP the application is submitted in RMS and CMS simultaneously. 3. A product to be marketed in a single country, which does not require the centralised procedure, can have its licence applied for through the national route. 8

Formerly the European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA).



The European systems are conducted according to strict timelines and written procedures. Once a medicine has been licensed for sale by one of the above procedures, its future regulatory life remains within that procedure. Periodic risk:benefit updates must be reviewed every 6 months for the first 2 years, and then annually until 5 years. Thereafter, there may be a second renewal at 10 years, if safety issues demand.1 The renewal of a licence is primarily the responsibility of the pharmaceutical company, but requires approval from the regulatory authority. This provides the opportunity for companies to review, in particular, the safety aspects to keep the licence in line with current clinical practice. Any major changes to licences must be made by variation of the original licence (safety, efficacy or quality; see below) and supported by data, which for a major indication can be substantial.

Rare diseases Since the pharmaceutical industry has little interest, under normal market conditions, in developing and marketing medicines intended for small numbers of patients (orphan medicinal products), the European Union offers a range of incentives to encourage the development of medicines for conditions affecting no more than 5 in 10 000 people. These incentives include a period of 10 years market exclusivity, the provision of protocol assistance (scientific advice specifically tailored for orphan medicinal products) and fee reductions and waivers for regulatory procedures.

Requirements Authorisation for clinical trials in the UK The EU Clinical Trial Directive 2001/20/EC harmonised the laws and administrative procedures relating to the regulation of clinical trials across Europe and replaced the previous legislation in each of the separate member states. It is implemented in the UK through the Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations.9 All interventional clinical trials of an investigational medical product (so-called ‘CTIMPs’), including human volunteer trials, require regulatory approval through a Clinical Trial Authorisation (CTA) application that must include summaries of preclinical, clinical and pharmaceutical data. For most trials, a response must be provided by the regulatory authority within 30 days, with a maximum of up to 60 days. There is a complementary process to allow for amendments to the original 9

2004 Statutory Instrument No. 1031. The Stationery Office, UK.





application, and there is a requirement to notify each involved regulatory agency when the trial is completed. In contrast to the procedures for licensing medicines, CT authorisation is a national competence. A trial to be conducted in five countries currently requires five separate submissions and approvals. A new CT regulation is expected to come into effect during 2018 and introduces a single submission portal (for EU studies) and coordinated assessment among concerned member states.

Regulatory review of a new drug marketing application A drug regulatory authority requires the following:

• Quality checks: full information on manufacturing process including purity, stability, formulation and analytical testing. It is necessary to provide this information both for the drug substance and the finished medicinal product. • Preclinical tests: tests carried out in animals to allow some prediction of potential efficacy and safety in humans (see Ch. 4). • Clinical (human) tests (Phases 1, 2, 3). • Knowledge of the environmental impact of pharmaceuticals. Regulatory authorities expect manufacturers to address this concern in their application to market new chemical entities. Aspects include manufacture (chemical pollution), packaging (waste disposal), pollution in immediate use, e.g. antimicrobials and, more remotely, drugs or metabolites entering the food chain or water e.g. hormones. The full process of regulatory review of a truly novel drug (new chemical entity) may take months.

Regulatory review Using one of the regulatory systems described above, an authority normally conducts a review in three stages: 1. Examination of preclinical data to determine the

mode of action of the agent, biodistribution and safety.10 2. Examination of the clinical studies to assess quality of data and to determine whether the drug has been

shown to be therapeutically efficacious with safety appropriate to its use.11 3. Quality in addition to non-clinical and clinical

review. These are conducted concurrently. If the decision is favourable, the drug is granted a marketing authorisation (for 5 years: renewable), which allows it to be marketed for specified therapeutic uses. The authority must satisfy itself of the adequacy of the information to be provided to prescribers in a Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) and also a Patient Information Leaflet (PIL). The PIL must also be approved by the licensing authority, be deemed fairly to represent the SPC, and be comprehensive and understandable to patients and carers. Where a drug has special advantage, but also has special risk, restrictions on its promotion and use can be imposed, e.g. isotretinoin and clozapine (see Index). Central to the decision to grant a marketing authorisation is the assessment procedure undertaken by professional medical, scientific, statistical and pharmaceutical staff at one of the national agencies. In the UK these are employed as civil servants within the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and are advised by various independent expert committees.12 When a novel drug is granted a marketing authorisation a positive benefit risk is endorsed in the authorised indication. But the testing is not over: the most stringent test of all is about to begin. It will be used in all sorts of people of all ages and sizes, and having all sorts of other conditions. Its use can no longer be supervised so closely as hitherto. Doctors will prescribe it, and patients will use it correctly and incorrectly. It will have effects that have not been anticipated. It will be taken in overdose. It has to find its place in therapeutics, through extended comparisons with other drugs available for the same diseases. Drugs used to prevent a long-term morbidity, e.g. stroke in hypertensive patients, can be proven effective only in outcome trials that are usually considered too expensive even to start until marketing of the drug is guaranteed. The effect of a drug at preventing rare occurrences requires many thousands of patients, more than are usually studied during development. Similarly, rare adverse events cannot be detected prior to marketing, and it would be unethical to expose large numbers of trial patients to a novel drug for purely safety reasons.13

12 10

The licensing authority in England is the health minister, though in practice the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is the executive arm within the Department of Health. 11 Common sense dictates that what, in regulatory terms, is ‘safe’ for leukaemia would not be ‘safe’ for anxiety.


Breckenridge A M 2004 The changing scene of the regulation of medicines in the UK. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 58:571–574. 13 After marketing, doctors should use a new drug only when they believe it an improvement (in efficacy, safety, convenience or cost) on the older alternatives.

Regulation of medicines

Post-licensing responsibilities It is in the pharmaceutical company’s interest to promote the rapid uptake in use of the product in the patient population in whom benefit has been demonstrated. The regulatory authorities are more concerned with the safety profile of the drug and protection of public health. The most important source of safety data once the drug is in clinical use is spontaneous reporting of adverse events, which will generate ‘signals’ and raise suspicion of infrequent but potentially serious adverse events caused by the drug.14 Proving the causal link from sporadic signals can be extremely difficult, and is entirely dependent on the number and quality of these spontaneous reports, as well as other data sources such as pharmacoepidemiological studies. In the UK, reports of suspected adverse reactions are captured through the Yellow Card system (see p. 53) and may be completed by doctors, nurses or pharmacists and, most recently, by patients. Other countries have their own systems. The importance of encouraging prompt and accurate spontaneous reporting of suspected adverse reactions cannot be overemphasised. Since 2005, companies are required to submit at the time of licence application the details of subsequent review and management systems in the form of a risk management plan. This may include a post-authorisation surveillance study (PASS). Other studies investigating the safety of a medicine that are not directly sponsored by the manufacturer may be identified from various organisations. These include the Drug Safety Research Unit (Southampton, UK), the Medicines Monitoring Unit (MEMO) (Tayside, UK), and the use of computerised record linkage schemes (in place in the USA for many years for medical claims) such as the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) at the MHRA. All these systems have the important capacity to obtain information on very large numbers of patients (many millions in the database itself, and 10 000–20 000 in observational cohort studies and case–control studies), complementing the spontaneous reporting system (see Ch. 4). In the EU, many new drugs are highlighted as being under special consideration by the regulatory authorities, by marking the product information with a symbol, the inverted black triangle (▾). The regulatory authority communicates emerging data on safety of drugs to doctors through letters or papers in journals, through specialist bulletins, e.g. Drug Safety Update in the UK, and for very significant issues by direct letters (‘Direct Healthcare Professional Communication’) and



an electronic cascade system (the Central Alerting System) in the UK. Two other important regulatory activities that affect marketed drugs are:

• variations to licences. • reclassifications. Variations are substantial changes instigated usually by pharmaceutical companies, but sometimes by the regulatory authority, to the efficacy, safety or quality aspects of the medicine. Most significant variations involve additions to indications or dosing regimens, or to the warnings and contraindication sections of the SPC. They need to be supported by evidence and undergo formal assessment and approval by regulators. Reclassification means change in the legal status of a medicine and is the process by which a prescription-only medicine can be converted to one that is available directly to the public through pharmacies and general retail outlets. It follows a rigorous assessment process with a particular stress on safety aspects of the medicine; it involves advice from the Commission on Human Medicines and public consultation. The purpose of reclassification is to allow easier access of the general public to effective and safe medicines for self-medication. In the UK, emergency contraception (‘morning after’ pill), simvastatin and omeprazole have been reclassified to be available from pharmacies without a prescription, under supervision of a pharmacist.

Discussion Common sense would seem to dictate that safety and efficacy of a drug should be fully defined before it is granted marketing authorisation. For practical and ethical reasons, prelicensing trials with very close supervision are limited to hundreds, sometimes thousands, of patients and are powered to detect efficacy. Post-licensing studies are increasingly regarded as essential to complete the evaluation of drugs under conditions of ordinary use on a large scale, these programmes being preferable to attempts to enlarge and prolong formal therapeutic trials. It has been proposed by some that a risk:benefit assessment of new (candidate) medicines against old medicines should be part of a regulatory application.15,16 It is argued that a novel drug finds its place only after several, sometimes many, 15

Garratini S, Bertile V 2004 Risk:benefit assessment of old medicines. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 58:581–586. Motola D, De Ponti F, Rossi P et al 2005 Therapeutic innovation in the European Union: analysis of the drugs approved by the EMEA between 1995 and 2003. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 59:457–478. 16


Waller P C, Bahri P 2002 Regulatory pharmacovigilance in the EU. In: Mann R, Andrews E (eds) Pharmacovigilance. John Wiley, Chichester, pp. 183–194.





years, and to delay licensing is simply impracticable on financial grounds. Thus a ‘need clause’ in licensing is not generally practicable or supported. This is why comparative therapeutic studies of a new drug with existing drugs are not required for licensing in countries having a research-based pharmaceutical industry. A need clause is, however, appropriate for low- and middle-income countries (see World Health Organization Essential Drugs Programme); indeed, such countries have no alternative. The licensing authority in the UK is not concerned with the pricing of drugs or their cost-effectiveness. The cost of medicines does, however, concern all governments, as part of the rising costs of national health services. A serious attempt to control costs on drug usage by the introduction of national guidelines on disease management (including the use of individual drugs) and the appraisal of new and established medicines for cost-effectiveness now operate through a government-funded body called the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). The present text includes a section on what is called health technology assessment by the former Chairman of NICE (see Ch. 5). In addition, elements of guidance notes issued by NICE appear throughout the book.

Licensed medicines for unlicensed indications Doctors may generally prescribe any medicine for any legitimate medical purpose, when they judge it to be in the best interest of the patient.17 But if they use a drug for an indication that is not formally included in the product licence (‘off-label’ use), they would be wise to think carefully and to keep particularly good records, for, if a patient is dissatisfied, prescribers may find themselves having to justify the use in a court of law. (Written records made at the time of a decision carry substantial weight, but records made later, when trouble is already brewing, lose much of their power to convince, and records that have been altered later are will undermine any defence.) Manufacturers are not always willing to go to the trouble and expense of the rigorous clinical studies required to extend their licence unless a new use is likely to generate significant profits. They are prohibited by law from promoting an unlicensed use. Much prescribing for children is in fact ‘off label’ because clinical trials are usually conducted in adults and information sufficient for regulatory purposes in children does not exist. Paediatricians have to use adult data, scaled by body-weight or surface 17

In many countries, this excludes supply of drugs such as heroin or cocaine for controlled/supervised maintenance of drug addicts. In the UK such supply is permitted to doctors.


area, together with their clinical experience. To address this issue, companies are now required to conduct trials in children if a new medicine is likely to be used in the paediatric population.

Unlicensed medicines and accelerated licensing Regulatory systems make provision for the supply of an unlicensed medicine, e.g. one that has not yet completed its full programme of clinical trials, for patients who, on the judgement of their doctors, have no alternative among licensed drugs. The doctor must apply to the manufacturer, who may supply the drug for that particular patient and at the doctor’s own responsibility. Various terms are used, e.g. supply on a ‘named patient’ basis (UK); ‘compassionate’ drug use (USA). It is illegal to exploit this sensible loophole in supply laws to conduct research. Precise record-keeping of such use is essential. But there can be desperate needs involving large numbers of patients, e.g. tuberculosis, and regulatory authorities may respond by licensing a drug before completion of the usual range of studies (making it clear that patients must understand the risks they are taking). Unfortunately such well-intentioned practice discourages patients from entering formal trials and may, in the long run, actually delay the definition of life-saving therapies. Recognising the need to allow use of unlicensed drugs in areas of unmet medical need, the MHRA introduced an Earlier Access to Medicines Scheme, which gives a regulatory opinion on an unlicensed drug to support such use.

Decision-taking It must be remembered always that, although there are risks in taking drugs, there are also risks in not taking drugs, and there are risks in not developing new drugs.

The responsibility to protect public health on the one hand, yet to allow timely access to novel medicines on the other, is one shared by drug regulators, expert advisory bodies and developers. It is complicated by an ever-increasing awareness of the risks and benefits (real or perceived) of medicines by the general public. Some new medicines are registered with the high expectation of effectiveness and with very little safety information; rare and unpredictable adverse events may take years to appear with sufficient conviction that causality is accepted. In taking decisions

Regulation of medicines about drug regulation, it has been pointed out that there is uncertainty in three areas:18

• Facts. • Public reaction to the facts. • Future consequences of decisions. Regulatory authorities need to plough a fine furrow between being too cautious and responsible, at least in part, for the stagnation in new drug development and being too permissive, allowing safety lapses. It is self-evident that it is much harder to detect and quantify a good that is not done than it is to detect and quantify a harm that is done. Therefore, although it is part of the decision-taker’s job to facilitate the doing of good, the avoidance of harm looms larger. Regulators do have a responsibility to encourage and facilitate innovation to enable public health gains. Indeed, there are regulatory tools that allow approval either in an accelerated way, or conditional approvals based on early data or validation of new biomarkers, or in rare diseases where it is impossible to generate significant clinical data. Also, there is a much more permissive approach to licensing emerging, with schemes such as adaptive licensing, promising innovative medicines initiative in UK or the accelerated review and breakthrough designations in the USA.

Counterfeit drugs Fraudulent medicines make up as much as 6% of pharmaceutical sales worldwide. They present a serious health (and economic) problem in countries with weak regulatory authorities and lacking money to police drug quality. In these countries, counterfeit medicines may make up 20–50% of available products. The trade may involve: false labelling of legally manufactured products, in order to play one national market against another; also, low-quality manufacture of correct ingredients; wrong ingredients, including added ingredients (such as corticosteroids added to herbal medicine for arthritis); no active ingredient; or false packaging. The trail from raw material to appearance on a pharmacy shelf may involve as many as four countries, with the final stages (importer, wholesaler) quite innocent, so well has the process been obscured. Developed countries have inspection and enforcement procedures to detect and take appropriate action on illegal activities. The public has a role to play. A patient with obsessivecompulsive disorder was receiving treatment with olanzapine. His custom was rigorously to polish the tablets each day before consumption. After one of his repeat prescriptions, his polishing became ever more thorough until the blue 18

Lord Ashby 1976 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 69:721.



colour started to wear off the tablets. He rang the company to complain. Instead of being dismissed as a touch eccentric, the company investigated and found the tablets to be – well, not true blue.19

Complementary and alternative medicine (See also p. 12) The broad term complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) covers a range of widely varied diagnostic and therapeutic practices; it includes herbal and traditional (mainly Chinese) medicines, hom*oeopathic remedies and dietary supplements.20 The public demand for these substances is substantial, and the financial interests are huge: annual global sales of complementary medicines have reached an estimated $83 billion. The efficacy, safety and quality of herbal21 and hom*oeopathic22 preparations have been critically reviewed. Physicians need to be aware that their patients may be taking CAM preparations, not least because of the risk for adverse reactions and drug–drug interactions, e.g. enzyme induction with St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum).23 In the UK, largely for historical reasons, the regulation of CAM has developed in a piecemeal way. Some herbal medicines are licensed via the traditional herbals medicines regulations; some are exempt from licensing; some are sold as food supplements; and some products are available in all three categories. Herbal products were granted a Product Licence of Right (PLR) when the licensing system was introduced in the 1970s. Proof of efficacy, safety and quality (mandatory for conventional chemical and biologically developed medicinal products) is usually absent. From 2011, European legislation requires registration of certain CAM based on quality, safety and traditional use. Manufacturers are obliged to report adverse reactions. The rules are different for herbals and homeopathics (as in the legislation, and timings of introduction are different), but the principles of ensuring safety and quality and restricting use to minor self-limiting conditions apply to both. 19

The term may originate from the blue cloth made in the English city of Coventry in the late Middle Ages; it resisted fading on washing and thus remained ‘true’, i.e. reliable. 20 Baber N S 2003 Complementary medicine, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics [editorial]. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 55:225. 21 Barnes J 2003 Quality, efficacy and safety of complementary medicines; fashions, facts and the future. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Part I: Regulation and Quality 55:226–233; Part II: Efficacy and Safety 55:331–340. 22 Ernst E 2002 A systematic review of systematic reviews of homeopathy. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 54:577–582. 23 Henderson L, Yue Q Y, Bergquist C et al 2002 St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum): drug interactions and clinical outcomes. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 54:349–356.





Medicines regulation: the future In the UK, the principal responsibilities of medicine regulation, i.e. for safe and effective medicines of high quality, will remain the same, but the following themes will provide special attention:

• Greater transparency in regulatory decision-making. • New generations of advanced therapies – e.g. gene therapy, cell therapy, tissue therapy – and biosimilars.

• Pharmacogenetics (see Ch. 8). • The results of assessed applications for new medicines

• The promotion and protection of public health: the obligations to ministers, the public and industry are unchanged, but regulators will operate in an environment in which the public increasingly expects more effective medicines without sacrifice of safety. Some results of this are already apparent. • A wider and more rapid international pharmacovigilance.24 • A much more flexible approach to licensing and an increased emphasis on lifecycle. 24

Waller P C, Evan S J W 2003 A model for the future conduct of pharmacovigilance. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 12:17–19.

• • • •

will see a shift from complex technical to patientoriented documents with clear expressions of risk and benefit. A widening of the availability of medicines for chronic disorders through pharmacies, by nurses and other non-medical professionals, and directly to the public. Attention to the regulation of medicines for special populations, e.g. the licensing of old and new medicines for children. Risk:benefit management throughout product lifecycle. Precision medicine, combination products (with devices), companion diagnostics, links with data/ algorithms; use of electronic health-care records for trials and vigilance; real-world trials on databases.

Guide to further reading Giezen, T.J., Mantel-Teeuwisse, A.K., Straus, S.M., et al., 2008. Safety-related regulatory actions for biologicals approved in the United States and the European Union. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 300, 1887–1896. Permanand, G., Mossialos, E., McKee, M., 2006. Regulating medicines in Europe: the European Medicines Agency, marketing authorisation, transparency and


pharmacovigilance. Clin. Med. (Northfield Il) 6 (1), 87–90. Raine, J., Wise, L., Blackburn, S., et al., 2011. European perspective on risk management and drug safety. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 89, 650–654. Report, 2009. The licensing of medicines in the UK. Drug Ther. Bull. 47 (4), 45–48.

Rudolf, P.M., Bernstein, I.B.G., 2004. Counterfeit drugs. N. Engl. J. Med. 350, 1384–1386. Zarin, D.A., Tse, T., Ide, N.C., 2005. Trial registration at ClinicalTrials. gov between May and October 2005. N. Engl. J. Med. 353, 2779–2787.


| 7 |

Classification and naming of drugs Morris J. Brown

SYNOPSIS In any science there are two basic requirements, classification and nomenclature (names):

Classification – drugs cannot be classified and named according to a single rational system because the requirements of chemists, pharmacologists and doctors differ.

Nomenclature – nor is it practicable always to present each drug under a single name because the formulations in which they are presented as prescribable medicines may vary widely and be influenced by commercial considerations.

Generic (non-proprietary) names should be used as far as possible when prescribing except where pharmaceutical bioavailability differences have overriding importance. The wider availability of proprietary medicines through pharmacy sale and direct to the public has the potential for greater confusion to consumers (patients) and doctors.

Classification It is evident from the way this book is organised that there is no hom*ogeneous system for classifying drugs that suits the purpose of every user. Drugs are commonly categorised according to the convenience of whoever is discussing them: clinicians, pharmacologists or medicinal chemists. Drugs may be classified by:

• Body system, e.g. alimentary, cardiovascular. • Therapeutic use, e.g. receptor blockers, enzyme inhibitors, carrier molecules, ion channels.

• Mode or site of action: molecular interaction, e.g. glucoside, alkaloid, steroid. • Cellular site, e.g. loop diuretic, catecholamine uptake inhibitor (imipramine). • Molecular structure, e.g. glycoside, alkaloid, steroid.1

Nomenclature (names) Any drug may have names in all three of the following classes: 1. The full chemical name. 2. A non-proprietary (official, approved, generic) name

used in pharmacopoeias and chosen by official bodies; the World Health Organization (WHO) chooses recommended International Nonproprietary Names (rINNs). The harmonisation of names began 50 years ago, and most countries have used rINNs for many years. The USA is an exception, but even here most US National Names are the same as their rINN counterparts. In the UK, there are two exceptions to the policy: adrenaline (rINN epinephrine) and noradrenaline (rINN norepinephrine). Manufacturers are advised to use both names on the product packaging and information literature. In general we use rINNs in this book and aim to minimise some unavoidable differences with, where appropriate, alternative names in the text and index (in brackets). 1 The ATC classification system developed by the Nordic countries and widely used in Europe meets most classification requirements. Drugs are classified according to their anatomical, therapeutic and chemical characteristics into five levels of specificity, the fifth being that for the single chemical substance.





3. A proprietary (brand) name that is the commercial

property of a pharmaceutical company or companies. In this book proprietary names are distinguished by an initial capital letter.

Example: one drug – three names 1. 3-(10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenz[b.f]-azepin-5-yl) propyldimethylamine 2. Imipramine 3. Tofranil (UK), Melipramine, Novopramine, Pryleugan, Surplix, etc. (various countries).

The full chemical name describes the compound for chemists. It is obviously unsuitable for prescribing. A non-proprietary (generic,2 approved) name is given by an official (pharmacopoeia) agency, e.g. WHO. Three principles remain supreme and unchallenged in importance: the need for distinction in sound and spelling, especially when the name is handwritten; the need for freedom from confusion with existing names, both non-proprietary and proprietary, and the desirability of indicating relationships between similar substances.3 The generic names diazepam, nitrazepam and flurazepam are all of benzodiazepines. Their proprietary names are Valium, Mogadon and Dalmane respectively. Names ending in -olol are adrenoceptor blockers; those ending in -pril are angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors; and those in -floxacin are quinolone antimicrobials. Any pharmaceutical company may manufacture a drug that has a well-established use and is no longer under patent restriction, in accordance with official pharmacopoeial quality criteria, and may apply to the regulatory authority for a licence to market. The task of authority is to ensure that these generic or multi-source pharmaceuticals are interchangeable, i.e. they are pharmaceutically and biologically equivalent, so that a formulation from one source will be absorbed and give the same blood concentrations and have the same therapeutic efficacy as that from another. (Further formal therapeutic trials are not demanded for these well-established drugs.) A prescription for a generic drug formulation may be written for any

2 The generic name is now widely accepted as being synonymous with the non-proprietary name. Strictly ‘generic’ (L. genus, race, a class of objects) should refer to a group or class of drug, e.g. benzodiazepines, but by common usage the word is now taken to mean the nonproprietary name of individual members of a group, e.g. diazepam. 3 Trigg R B 1998 Chemical nomenclature. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, pp. 208–234.


officially licensed product that the dispensing pharmacy has chosen to purchase (on economic criteria; see ‘generic substitution’ below).4 The proprietary name is a trademark applied to particular formulation(s) of a particular substance by a particular manufacturer. Manufacture is confined to the owner of the trademark or to others licensed by the owner. It is designed to maximise the difference between the names of similar drugs marketed by rivals for obvious commercial reasons. To add confusion, some companies give their proprietary products the same names as their generic products in an attempt to capture the prescription market, both proprietary and generic, and some market lower-priced generics of their own proprietaries. When a prescription is written for a proprietary product, pharmacists under UK law must dispense that product only. But, by agreement with the prescribing doctor, they may substitute an approved generic product (generic substitution). What is not permitted is the substitution of a different molecular structure deemed to be pharmacologically and therapeutically equivalent (therapeutic substitution).

Non-proprietary names The principal reasons for advocating the habitual use of non-proprietary (generic) names in prescribing are described below.

Clarity.  Non-proprietary names give information on the class of drug; for example, nortriptyline and amitriptyline are plainly related, but their proprietary names, Allegron and Triptafen, are not. It is not unknown for prescribers, when one drug has failed, unwittingly to add or substitute another drug of the same group (or even the same drug), thinking that different proprietary names must mean different classes of drugs. Such occurrences underline the wisdom of prescribing generically, so that group similarities are immediately apparent, but highlight the requirement for brand names to be as distinct from one another as possible. Relationships cannot, and should not, be shown by brand names. Economy.  Drugs sold under non-proprietary names are usually, but not always, cheaper than those sold under proprietary names. Convenience.  Pharmacists may supply whatever version they stock,5 whereas if a proprietary name is used they are

4 European Medicines Agency and US Food and Drug Administration guidelines are available and give pharmaco*kinetic limits that must be met. 5 This can result in supply of a formulation of appearance different from that previously used. Patients naturally find this disturbing.

Classification and naming of drugs obliged to supply that preparation alone. They may have to buy in the preparation named even though they have an equivalent in stock. Mixtures of drugs are sometimes given non-proprietary names, having the prefix co- to indicate more than one active ingredient, e.g. co-amoxiclav for Augmentin.6 No prescriber can be expected to write out the ingredients, so proprietary names are used in many cases, there being no alternative. International travellers with chronic illnesses will be grateful for rINNs (see above), as proprietary names often differ from country to country. The reasons are linguistic as well as commercial (see below).

Proprietary names The principal non-commercial reason for advocating the use of proprietary names in prescribing is consistency of the product, so that problems of quality, especially of bioavailability, are reduced. There is substance in this argument, though it is often exaggerated. It is reasonable to use proprietary names when dosage, and therefore pharmaceutical bioavailability, is critical, so that small variations in the amount of drug available for absorption may have a big effect on the patient, e.g. drugs with a low therapeutic ratio, digoxin, hormone replacement therapy, adrenocortical steroids (oral), antiepileptics, cardiac antiarrhythmics, warfarin. In addition, with the introduction of complex formulations, e.g. sustained release, it is important clearly to identify these, and the use of proprietary names has a role. The prescription and provision of proprietary drugs increases profits for the company who first invented the drug, and costs for the purchaser – variably the patient, insurer or national health-care system. There are no absolute rights or wrongs in this. Society rewards the inventer, because it requires inventions, but wishes a healthy generic market in order to restrain costs. The now widespread use of computer programmes for prescribing, which prompt the doctor to use non-proprietary names, has tilted the balance in favour of generics. Generic names are intentionally longer than trade names to minimise the risk of confusion, but the use of accepted prefixes and stems for generic names works well and the average name length is four syllables, which is manageable. The search for proprietary names is a ‘major problem’ for pharmaceutical companies, increasing, as they are, their

6 This is a practice confined largely to the UK. It is unknown in Europe, and not widely practised in the USA.



output of new preparations. A company may average 30 new preparations (not new chemical entities) a year, another warning of the urgent necessity for the doctor to cultivate a sceptical habit of mind. Names that ‘look and sound medically seductive’ are being picked out. ‘Words that survive scrutiny will go into a stock-pile and await inexorable proliferation of new drugs’.7 One firm (in the USA) commissioned a computer to produce a dictionary of 42 000 nonsense words of an appropriately scientific look and sound. A more recent cause for confusion for patients (consumers) in purchasing proprietary medicines is the use by manufacturers of a well-established ‘brand’ name that is associated in the mind of the purchaser with a particular therapeutic effect, e.g. analgesia, when in fact the product may contain a quite different pharmacological entity. By a subtle change or addition to the brand name of the original medicine, the manufacturer aims to establish ‘brand loyalty’. This unsavoury practice is called ‘umbrella branding’. It is also important to doctors to be aware of what over-the-counter (OTC) medicines their patients are taking, as proprietary products that were at one time familiar to them may contain other ingredients, with the increased risk of adverse events and drug interactions. For the practising doctor (in the UK) the British National Formulary provides a regularly updated and comprehensive list of drugs in their non-proprietary (generic) and proprietary names. ‘The range of drugs prescribed by any individual is remarkably narrow, and once the decision is taken to “think generic” surely the effort required is small’.8 And, we would add, worthwhile.

Confusing names.  The need for both clear thought and clear handwriting is shown by medicines of totally different class that have similar names. Serious events have occurred as a result of the confusion of names and dispensing the wrong drug, e.g. Lasix (furosemide) for Losec (omeprazole) (death); AZT (intending zidovudine) was misinterpreted in the pharmacy and azathioprine was dispensed (do not use abbreviations for drug names); Daonil (glibenclamide) for De-nol (bismuth chelate) and for Danol (danazol). It will be noted that non-proprietary names are less likely to be confused with other classes of drugs.

7 Pharmaceutical companies increasingly operate worldwide and are liable to find themselves embarrassed by unanticipated verbal associations. For example, names marketed (in some countries), such as Bumaflex, Kriplex, Nokhel and Snootie, conjure up in the minds of native English speakers associations that may inhibit both doctors and patients from using them (see Jack & Soppitt 1991 in Guide to further reading). 8 Editorial 1977 British Medical Journal 4:980 (and subsequent correspondence).





Guide to further reading Aronson, J.K., 2000. Where name and image meet – the argument for adrenaline. Br. Med. J. 320, 506–509. Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, 2004. Change in names of certain medicinal substances. Professional letter of 17 March 2004, pp. 1–6 (available to download as PL CMO


(2004)1: change in names of certain medicinal substances from http:// (Accessed 20 October 2011). Furberg, C.D., Herrington, D.M., Psaty, B.M., 1999. Are drugs within a class interchangeable? Lancet 354, 1201–1204. (and correspondence: are drugs interchangeable? Lancet 2000 355: 316–317).

George, C.F., 1996. Naming of drugs: pass the epinephrine please. Br. Med. J. 312, 1315 (and correspondence in Br. Med. J. 1996 313, 688–689). Jack, D.B., Soppitt, A.L., 1991. Give a drug a bad name. Br. Med. J. 303, 1606–1608.

Section | 2 | From pharmacology to toxicology

8 General pharmacology  76 9 Unwanted effects and adverse drug reactions  112

10 Poisoning, overdose, antidotes  125 11 Drug dependence  139


8 General pharmacology Mike Schachter, Munir Pirmohamed


How drugs act and interact; how they enter the body; what happens to them inside the body; how they are eliminated from it; the effects of genetics, age and disease on drug action - these topics are important even if they are not prominent in the mind of the prescriber, since an understanding of them will enhance rational decision taking. Knowledge of the requirements for success and the explanations for failure and for adverse events will enable the doctor to maximise the benefits and minimise the risks of drug therapy. Pharmacodynamics • Qualitative aspects: receptors, enzymes, selectivity. • Quantitative aspects: dose response, potency, therapeutic efficacy, tolerance.

• Variability due to environmental and host influences. • Drug interactions: outside the body, at site of absorption, during distribution, directly on receptors, during metabolism, during excretion.

Pharma P.harma

hat drugs do to the body; at the body does to drugs.

The practice of drug therapy entails more than remembering am appa ently arbitrary list of actions or indications. Scientific mcompetence in the modern doctor is inexcusable and, con rary to some assertions, scientific competence is wholly rnmpatible with a humane approach.


Pharmaco*kinetics • Time course of drug concentration: clrug passage across cell membranes; order of reaction; plasma half-life and steady-state concentration; therapeutic drug monitoring. • Individual processes: absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination. • Drug dosage: dosing schedules. • Chronic pharmacology: the consequences of prolonged drug administration and drug discontinuation syndromes.

Individual or biological variation • Pharmacogenomics: variability due to inherited influences.


Understanding how drugs act is not only an objective of the pharmacologist who seeks to develop new and better therapies, it is also the basis of intelligent use of medicines.

Qualitative aspects The starting point is to consider what drugs do and how they do it, i.e. the nature of drug action. The body functions through control systems that involve chemotransmitters or local hormones, receptors, enzymes, carrier molecules and other specialised macromolecules such as DNA. Most medicinal drugs act by altering the body's control systems and, in general, they do so by binding to some specialised constituent of the cell, selectively to alter its

General pharmacology function and consequently that of the physiological or pathological system to which it contributes. Such drugs are structurally specific in that small modifications to their chemical structure may profoundly alter their effect.

Mechanisms An overview of the mechanisms of drug action shows that drugs act on specific receptors in the cell membrane and interior by:

• Ligand-gated ion channels, i.e. receptors coupled directly



Outside the cell drugs act by:

• Direct chemical interaction, e.g. chelating agents, antacids.

• Osmosis, as with purgatives, e.g. magnesium sulphate, and diuretics, e.g. mannitol, which are active because neither they nor the water in which they are dissolved is absorbed by the cells lining the gut and kidney tubules, respectively.


to membrane ion channels; neurotransmitters act on such receptors in the postsynaptic membrane of a nerve or muscle cell and give a response within milliseconds. • G-protein–coupled receptor systems, i.e. receptors bound to the cell membrane and coupled to intracellular effector systems by a G-protein. For instance, catecholamines (the first messenger) activate β-adrenoceptors through a coupled G-protein system. This increases the activity of intracellular adenylyl cyclase, increasing the rate of formation of cyclic AMP (the second messenger), a modulator of the activity of several enzyme systems that cause the cell to act. The process takes seconds. • Protein kinase receptors, so called because the structure incorporates a protein kinase, are targets for peptide hormones involved in the control of cell growth and differentiation, and the release of inflammatory mediators over a course of hours. • Cytosolic (nuclear) receptors, i.e. within the cell itself, regulate DNA transcription and, thereby, protein synthesis, e.g. by steroid and thyroid hormones, a process that takes hours or days.

Most receptors are protein macromolecules. When the agonist binds to the receptor, the proteins undergo an alteration in conformation, which induces changes in systems within the cell that in turn bring about the response to the drug over differing time courses. Many kinds of effector response exist, but those indicated above are the four basic types. Radioligand binding studies have shown that the receptor numbers do not remain constant but change according to circ*mstances. When tissues are continuously exposed to an agonist, the number of receptors decreases (downregulation), and this may be a cause of tachyphylaxis (loss of efficacy with frequently repeated doses), e.g. in asthmatics who use adrenoceptor agonist bronchodilators excessively. Prolonged contact with an antagonist leads to formation of new receptors (up-regulation). Indeed, one explanation for the worsening of angina pectoris or cardiac ventricular arrhythmia in some patients following abrupt withdrawal of a β-adrenoceptor blocker is that normal concentrations of circulating catecholamines now have access to an increased (up-regulated) population of β-adrenoceptors (see Chronic pharmacology, p. 100).

Drugs also act on processes within or near the cell by:

Agonists.  Drugs that activate receptors do so because they resemble the natural transmitter or hormone, but their value in clinical practice often rests on their greater capacity to resist degradation and so to act for longer than the natural substances (endogenous ligands) they mimic; for this reason, bronchodilatation produced by salbutamol lasts longer than that induced by adrenaline/epinephrine.

• Enzyme inhibition, e.g. platelet cyclo-oxygenase by aspirin, cholinesterase by pyridostigmine, xanthine oxidase by allopurinol. • Inhibition or induction of transporter processes that carry substances into, across and out of cells, e.g. blockade of anion transport in the renal tubule cell by probenecid is used to protect against the nephrotoxic effects of cidofovir (used for cytomegalovirus retinitis). • Incorporation into larger molecules, e.g. 5-fluorouracil, an anticancer drug, is incorporated into messenger RNA in place of uracil. • In the case of successful antimicrobial agents, altering metabolic processes unique to microorganisms, e.g. penicillin interferes with formation of the bacterial cell wall; or by showing enormous quantitative differences in affecting a process common to both humans and microbes, e.g. inhibition of folic acid synthesis by trimethoprim.

Antagonists  (blockers) of receptors are sufficiently similar to the natural agonist to be ‘recognised’ by the receptor and to occupy it without activating a response, thereby preventing (blocking) the natural agonist from exerting its effect. Drugs that have no activating effect whatever on the receptor are termed pure antagonists. A receptor occupied by a low-efficacy agonist is inaccessible to a subsequent dose of a high-efficacy agonist, so that, in this specific situation, a low-efficacy agonist acts as an antagonist. This can happen with opioids.

Partial agonists.  Some drugs, in addition to blocking access of the natural agonist to the receptor, are capable of a low degree of activation, i.e. they have both antagonist and agonist 77



From pharmacology to toxicology

action. Such substances show partial agonist activity (PAA). The β-adrenoceptor antagonists pindolol and oxprenolol have partial agonist activity (in their case it is often called intrinsic sympathomimetic activity, ISA), while propranolol is devoid of agonist activity, i.e. it is a pure antagonist. A patient may be as extensively ‘β-blocked’ by propranolol as by pindolol, i.e. with eradication of exercise tachycardia, but the resting heart rate is lower on propranolol; such differences can have clinical importance.

Inverse agonists. Some substances produce effects that are specifically opposed to those of the agonist. The agonist action of benzodiazepines on the benzodiazepine receptor in the central nervous system produces sedation, anxiolysis and muscle relaxation, and controls convulsions; substances called β-carbolines, which also bind to this receptor, cause stimulation, anxiety, increased muscle tone and convulsions – they are inverse agonists. Both types of drug act by modulating the effects of the neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

Receptor binding  (and vice versa). If the forces that bind drug to receptor are weak (hydrogen bonds, van der Waals bonds, electrostatic bonds), the binding will be easily and rapidly reversible; if the forces involved are strong (covalent bonds), then binding will be effectively irreversible. An antagonist that binds reversibly to a receptor can by definition be displaced from the receptor by mass action (see p. 83) of the agonist (and vice versa). A sufficient increase of the concentration of agonist above that of the antagonist restores the response. β-blocked patients who increase their low heart rate with exercise are demonstrating a rise in sympathetic drive and releasing enough catecholamine (agonist) to overcome the prevailing degree of receptor blockade. Raising the dose of β-adrenoceptor blocker will limit or abolish exercise-induced tachycardia, showing that the degree of blockade is enhanced, as more drug becomes available to compete with the endogenous transmitter. As agonist and antagonist compete to occupy the receptor according to the law of mass action, this type of drug action is termed competitive antagonism. When receptor-mediated responses are studied either in isolated tissues or in intact humans, a graph of the logarithm of the dose given (horizontal axis) plotted against the response obtained (vertical axis) commonly gives an S-shaped (sigmoid) curve, the central part of which is a straight line. If the measurements are repeated in the presence of an antagonist, and the curve obtained is parallel to the original but displaced to the right, then antagonism is said to be competitive and the agonist to be surmountable. Drugs that bind irreversibly to receptors include phenoxybenzamine (to the α-adrenoceptor). Because the drug fixes to the receptor, increasing the concentration of agonist does not fully restore the response, and antagonism of this type is described as insurmountable. 78

The log dose–response curves for the agonist in the absence of, and in the presence of, a non-competitive antagonist are not parallel. Some toxins act in this way; for example, α-bungarotoxin, a constituent of some snake and spider venoms, binds irreversibly to the acetylcholine receptor and is used as a tool to study it. Restoration of the response after irreversible binding requires elimination of the drug from the body and synthesis of new receptor, and for this reason the effect may persist long after drug administration has ceased. Irreversible agents find little place in clinical practice.

Physiological (functional) antagonism An action on the same receptor is not the only mechanism by which one drug may oppose the effect of another. Extreme bradycardia following overdose of a β-adrenoceptor blocker can be relieved by atropine, which accelerates the heart by blockade of the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system, the cholinergic tone of which (vagal tone) operates continuously to slow it. Adrenaline/epinephrine and theophylline counteract bronchoconstriction produced by histamine released from mast cells in anaphylactic shock by relaxing bronchial smooth muscle (β2-adrenoceptor effect). In both cases, a second drug overcomes the pharmacological effect, by a different physiological mechanism, i.e. there is physiological or functional antagonism.

Enzymes Interaction between drug and enzyme is in many respects similar to that between drug and receptor. Drugs may alter enzyme activity because they resemble a natural substrate and hence compete with it for the enzyme. For example, enalapril is effective in hypertension because it is structurally similar to the part of angiotensin I that is attacked by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE); enalapril prevents formation of the pressor angiotensin II by occupying the active site of the enzyme and so inhibiting its action. Carbidopa competes with levodopa for dopa decarboxylase, and the benefit of this combination in Parkinson’s disease is reduced metabolism of levodopa to dopamine in the blood (but not in the brain because carbidopa does not cross the blood–brain barrier). Ethanol prevents metabolism of methanol to its toxic metabolite, formic acid, by competing for occupancy of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase; this is the rationale for using ethanol in methanol poisoning. The above are examples of competitive (reversible) inhibition of enzyme activity. Irreversible inhibition occurs with organophosphorus insecticides and chemical warfare agents (see Ch. 10), which combine covalently with the active site of acetylcholinesterase; recovery of cholinesterase activity depends on the formation

General pharmacology of new enzyme. Covalent binding of aspirin to cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibits the enzyme in platelets for their entire lifespan because platelets have no system for synthesising new protein; this is why low doses of aspirin are sufficient for antiplatelet action.

Selectivity The pharmacologist who produces a new drug and the doctor who gives it to a patient share the desire that it should possess a selective action so that additional and unwanted (adverse) effects do not complicate the management of the patient. Approaches to obtaining selectivity of drug action include the following.

Modification of drug structure.  Many drugs have in their design a structural similarity to some natural constituent of the body, e.g. a neurotransmitter, a hormone, a substrate for an enzyme; replacing or competing with that natural constituent achieves selectivity of action. Enormous scientific effort and expertise go into the synthesis and testing of analogues of natural substances in order to create drugs capable of obtaining a specified effect, and that alone (see Therapeutic index, below). The approach is the basis of modern drug design and it has led to the production of adrenoceptor antagonists, histamine receptor antagonists and many other important medicines. But there are biological constraints to selectivity. Anticancer drugs that act against rapidly dividing cells lack selectivity because they also damage other tissues with a high cell replication rate, such as bone marrow and gut epithelium. Selective delivery (drug targeting). Simple topical application, e.g. skin and eye, and special drug delivery systems, e.g. intrabronchial administration of β2-adrenoceptor agonist or corticosteroid (inhaled, pressurised, metered aerosol for asthma) can achieve the objective of target tissue selectivity. Selective targeting of drugs to less accessible sites of disease offers considerable scope for therapy as technology develops, e.g. attaching drugs to antibodies selective for cancer cells.

Stereoselectivity.  Drug molecules are three-dimensional, and many drugs contain one or more asymmetrical or chiral1 centres in their structures, i.e. a single drug can be, in effect, a mixture of two non-identical mirror images (like a mixture of left- and right-handed gloves). The two forms, which are known as enantiomorphs, can exhibit very different pharmacodynamic, pharmaco*kinetic and toxicological properties. For example, (1) the S form of warfarin is four times more active than the R form,2 (2) the peak plasma concentration Greek: cheir = a hand. R (rectus) and S (sinister) refer to the sequential arrangement of the constituent parts of the molecule around the chiral centre. 1 2



of S fenoprofen is four times that of R fenoprofen after oral administration of RS fenoprofen, and (3) the S, but not the R, enantiomorph of thalidomide is metabolised to primary toxins. Many other drugs are available as mixtures of enantiomorphs (racemates). Pharmaceutical development of drugs as single enantiomers rather than as racemic mixtures offers the prospect of greater selectivity of action and lessens the risk of toxicity.

Quantitative aspects That a drug has a desired qualitative action is obviously all important, but is not by itself enough. There are also quantitative aspects, i.e. the right amount of action is required, and with some drugs the dose has to be adjusted very precisely to deliver this, neither too little nor too much, to escape both inefficacy and toxicity, e.g. digoxin, lithium, gentamicin. While the general correlation between dose and response may evoke no surprise, certain characteristics of the relation are fundamental to the way drugs are used, as described below.

Dose–response relationships Conventionally, the horizontal axis shows the dose and the response appears on the vertical axis. The slope of the dose–response curve defines the extent to which a desired response alters as the dose is changed. A steeply rising and prolonged curve indicates that a small change in dose produces a large change in drug effect over a wide dose range, e.g. with the loop diuretic furosemide (used in doses from 20 mg to over 250 mg/day). By contrast, the dose– response curve for thiazide diuretics soon reaches a plateau, and the clinically useful dose range for bendroflumethiazide, for example, extends from 5 to 10 mg; increasing the dose beyond this produces no added diuretic effect, although it adds to toxicity. Dose–response curves for wanted and unwanted effects can illustrate and quantify selective and non-selective drug action (Fig. 8.1).

Potency and efficacy A clear distinction between potency and efficacy is pertinent, particularly in relation to claims made for usefulness in therapeutics.

Potency  is the amount (weight) of drug in relation to its effect, e.g. if weight-for-weight drug A has a greater effect than drug B, then drug A is more potent than drug B, although the maximum therapeutic effect obtainable may be similar with both drugs.




From pharmacology to toxicology

Drug B

Wan te Unw d effe ct ante d ef f ect

d ef f ect Unw ante

d ef f ect

ED 50

Wan te


Drug A

ED 50 ED 50

ED 50


Fig. 8.1  Dose–response curves for two hypothetical drugs. For drug A, the dose that brings about the maximum wanted effect is less than the lowest dose that produces the unwanted effect. The ratio ED50 (unwanted effect)/ED50 (wanted effect) indicates that drug A has a large therapeutic index; it is thus highly selective in its wanted action. Drug B causes unwanted effects at doses well below producing its maximum benefit. The ratio ED50 (unwanted effect)/ED50 (wanted effect) indicates that the drug has a small therapeutic index: it is thus non-selective.

The diuretic effect of bumetanide 1 mg is equivalent to that of furosemide 50 mg; thus bumetanide is more potent than furosemide, but both drugs achieve about the same maximum effect. The difference in weight of drug administered is of no clinical significance unless it is great.

Pharmacological efficacy  refers to the strength of response induced by occupancy of a receptor by an agonist (intrinsic activity); it is a specialised pharmacological concept. But clinicians are concerned with therapeutic efficacy, as follows.

Therapeutic efficacy  or effectiveness, is the capacity of a drug to produce an effect and refers to the maximum such effect. For example, if drug A can produce a therapeutic effect that cannot be obtained with drug B, however much of drug B is given, then drug A has the higher therapeutic efficacy. Differences in therapeutic efficacy are of great clinical importance, usually more than potency. Amiloride (low efficacy) can at best effect excretion of no more than 5% of the sodium load filtered by the glomeruli; there is no point in increasing the dose beyond that which achieves this, as this is its maximum diuretic effect. Bendroflumethiazide (moderate efficacy) can effect excretion of no more than 10% of the filtered sodium load no matter how large the dose. Furosemide can effect excretion of 25% and more of filtered sodium; it is a high-efficacy diuretic. Therapeutic index.  With progressive increases in dose, the desired response in the patient usually rises to a maximum beyond which further increases elicit no greater benefit but


induce unwanted effects. This is because most drugs do not have a single dose–response curve, but a different curve for each action, wanted as well as unwanted. Increases in dose beyond that which gives the maximum wanted response recruit only new and unwanted actions. A sympathomimetic bronchodilator might exhibit one dose–response relation for decreasing airway resistance (wanted) and another for increase in heart rate (unwanted). Clearly, the usefulness of any drug relates closely to the extent to which such dose–response relations overlap. Ehrlich (see p. 166) introduced the concept of the therapeutic index or ratio as the maximum tolerated dose divided by the minimum curative dose, but the index is never calculated thus as such single doses cannot be determined accurately in humans. More realistically, a dose that has some unwanted effect in 50% of humans, e.g. in the case of an adrenoceptor agonist bronchodilator a specified increase in heart rate, is compared with that which is therapeutic in 50% (ED50), e.g. a specified decrease in airways resistance. In practice, such information is not available for many drugs, but the therapeutic index does embody a concept that is fundamental in comparing the usefulness of one drug with another, namely, safety in relation to efficacy. Fig. 8.1 expresses the concept diagrammatically.

Tolerance Continuous or repeated administration of a drug is often accompanied by a gradual diminution of the effect it produces. A state of tolerance exists when it becomes necessary to increase the dose of a drug to get an effect previously obtained with a smaller dose, i.e. reduced sensitivity. By contrast, the term tachyphylaxis describes the phenomenon of progressive lessening of effect (refractoriness) in response to frequently administered doses (see Receptors, p. 77); it tends to develop more rapidly than tolerance. The use of opioids readily illustrates tolerance, as witnessed by the huge doses of morphine that may be necessary to maintain pain relief in terminal care; the effect is due to reduced pharmacological efficacy (see above) at receptor sites or to down-regulation of receptors. Tolerance is acquired rapidly with nitrates used to prevent angina, possibly mediated by the generation of oxygen free radicals from nitric oxide; it can be avoided by removing transdermal nitrate patches for 4–8 h, e.g. at night, to allow the plasma concentration to fall. Accelerated metabolism by enzyme induction (see p. 95) also leads to tolerance, as experience shows with alcohol, taken regularly as opposed to sporadically. There is commonly cross-tolerance between drugs of similar structure. Failure of certain individuals to respond to normal doses of a drug, e.g. resistance to warfarin, vitamin D, constitutes a form of natural tolerance (see Pharmacogenetics, p. 103).

General pharmacology

Bioassay and standardisation Biological assay (bioassay) is the process by which the activity of a substance (identified or unidentified) is measured on living material: e.g. contraction of bronchial, uterine or vascular muscle. It is used only when chemical or physical methods are not practicable as in the case of a mixture of active substances, or of an incompletely purified preparation, or where no chemical method has been developed. The activity of a preparation is expressed relative to that of a standard preparation of the same substance. Biological standardisation is a specialised form of bioassay. It involves matching of material of unknown potency with an international or national standard with the objective of providing a preparation for use in therapeutics and research. The results are expressed as units of a substance rather than its weight, e.g. insulin, vaccines.


To initiate a desired drug action is a qualitative choice but, when the qualitative choice is made, considerations of quantity immediately arise; it is possible to have too much or too little of a good thing. To obtain the right effect at the right intensity, at the right time, for the right duration, with minimal risk of unpleasantness or harm, is what pharmaco*kinetics is about.

Dosage regimens of long-established drugs grew from trial and error. Doctors learned by experience the dose, the frequency of dosing and the route of administration that was most likely to benefit and least likely to harm. But this empirical (‘suck it and see’) approach is no longer tenable. We now have an understanding of how drugs cross membranes to enter the body, how they are distributed round it in the blood and other body fluids, how they are bound to plasma proteins and tissues (which act as stores), and how they are eliminated from the body. Quantification of these processes paves the way for efficient development of dosing regimens. Pharmaco*kinetics3 is concerned with the rate at which drug molecules cross cell membranes to enter the body, to distribute within it and to leave the body, as well as with the structural changes (metabolism) to which they are subject within it.

Greek: pharmacon = drug; kinein = to move.




The discussion covers the following topics:

• Drug passage across cell membranes. • Order of reaction or process (first and zero order). • Time course of drug concentration and effect: plasma half-life and steady-state concentration therapeutic monitoring. • The individual processes: absorption, distribution, metabolism (biotransformation), elimination. ■ ■

Drug passage across cell membranes Certain concepts are fundamental to understanding how drug molecules make their way around the body to achieve their effect. The first concerns the modes by which drugs cross cell membranes and cells. Our bodies are labyrinths of fluid-filled spaces. Some, such as the lumina of the kidney tubules or intestine, connect to the outside world; the blood, lymph and cerebrospinal fluid are enclosed. Sheets of cells line these spaces, and the extent to which a drug can cross epithelia or endothelia is fundamental to its clinical use, determining whether a drug can be taken orally for systemic effect, and whether within the glomerular filtrate it will be reabsorbed or excreted in the urine. Cell membranes are essentially bilayers of lipid molecules with ‘islands’ of protein, and they preserve and regulate the internal environment. Lipid-soluble substances diffuse readily into cells and therefore throughout body tissues. Adjacent epithelial or endothelial cells are linked by tight junctions, some of which are traversed by water-filled channels that allow the passage of water-soluble substances of small molecular size. The jejunum and proximal renal tubule contain many such channels and are leaky epithelia, whereas the tight junctions in the stomach and urinary bladder do not have these channels and water cannot pass; they are termed tight epithelia. Special protein molecules within the lipid bilayer allow specific substances to enter or leave the cell preferentially, i.e. energy-utilising transporter processes, described later. The natural processes of passive diffusion, filtration and carrier-mediated transport determine the passage of drugs across membranes and cells, and their distribution round the body.

Passive diffusion This is the most important means by which a drug enters the tissues and distributes through them. It refers simply to the natural tendency of any substance to move passively from an area of high concentration to one of low concentration. In the context of an individual cell, the drug moves at a rate proportional to the concentration difference across




From pharmacology to toxicology

the cell membrane, i.e. it shows first-order kinetics (see p. 84); cellular energy is not required, which means that the process does not become saturated and is not inhibited by other substances. The extent to which drugs are soluble in water or lipid is central to their capacity to cross cell membranes and depends on environmental pH and the structural properties of the molecule. Lipid solubility is promoted by the presence of a benzene ring, a hydrocarbon chain, a steroid nucleus or halogen (-Br, -Cl, -F) groups. Water solubility is promoted by the presence of alcoholic (-OH), amide (-CO⋅NH2) or carboxylic (-COOH) groups, or the formation of glucuronide and sulphate conjugates.

It is useful to classify drugs in a physicochemical sense into:

• Those that are variably ionised according to environmental pH (electrolytes) (lipid soluble or water soluble). • Those that are incapable of becoming ionised whatever the environmental pH (un-ionised, non-polar substances) (lipid soluble). • Those that are permanently ionised whatever the environmental pH (ionised, polar substances) (water soluble).

Drugs that ionise according to environmental pH Many drugs are weak electrolytes, i.e. their structural groups ionise to a greater or lesser extent, according to environmental pH. Most such molecules are present partly in the ionised and partly in the un-ionised state. The degree of ionisation influences lipid solubility (and hence diffusibility) and so affects absorption, distribution and elimination. Ionisable groups in a drug molecule tend either to lose a hydrogen ion (acidic groups) or to add a hydrogen ion (basic groups). The extent to which a molecule has this tendency to ionise is given by the dissociation (or ionisation) constant (Ka), expressed as the pKa, i.e. the negative logarithm of the Ka (just as pH is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration). In an acidic environment, i.e. one already containing many free hydrogen ions, an acidic group tends to retain a hydrogen ion and remains un-ionised; a relative deficit of free hydrogen ions, i.e. a basic environment, favours loss of the hydrogen ion from an acidic group, which thus becomes ionised. The opposite is the case for a base. The issue may be summarised:

• Acidic groups become less ionised in an acidic environment.


• Basic groups become less ionised in a basic (alkaline) environment and vice versa. This in turn influences diffusibility because:

• Un-ionised drug is lipid soluble and diffusible. • Ionised drug is lipid insoluble and non-diffusible. Quantifying the degree of ionisation helps to express the profound effect of environmental pH. Recall that when the pH of the environment is the same as the pKa of a drug within it, then the ratio of un-ionised to ionised molecules is 1 : 1. But for every unit by which pH is changed, the ratio of un-ionised to ionised molecules changes 10-fold. Thus, when the pH is 2 units less than the pKa, molecules of an acid become 100 times more un-ionised, and when the pH is 2 units more than the pKa, molecules of an acid become 100 times more ionised. Such pH change profoundly affect drug kinetics.

pH variation and drug kinetics.  The pH partition hypothesis expresses the separation of a drug across a lipid membrane according to differences in environmental pH. There is a wide range of pH in the gut (pH 1.5 in the stomach, 6.8 in the upper and 7.6 in the lower intestine). But the pH inside the body is maintained within a limited range (pH 7.46 ± 0.04), so that only drugs that are substantially unionised at this pH will be lipid soluble, diffuse across tissue boundaries and so be widely distributed, e.g. into the central nervous system (CNS). Urine pH varies between the extremes of 4.6 and 8.2, and the prevailing pH affects the amount of drug reabsorbed from the renal tubular lumen by passive diffusion. In the stomach, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid, pKa 3.5) is un-ionised and thus lipid soluble and diffusible. When aspirin enters the gastric epithelial cells (pH 7.4), it will ionise, become less diffusible and so will localise there. This ion trapping is one mechanism whereby aspirin is concentrated in, and so harms, the gastric mucosa. In the body, aspirin is metabolised to salicylic acid (pKa 3.0), which at pH 7.4 is highly ionised and thus remains in the extracellular fluid. Eventually the molecules of salicylic acid in the plasma are filtered by the glomeruli and pass into the tubular fluid, which is generally more acidic than plasma and causes a proportion of salicylic acid to become un-ionised and lipid soluble so that it diffuses back into the tubular cells. Alkalinising the urine with an intravenous infusion of sodium bicarbonate causes more salicylic acid to become ionised and lipid insoluble so that it remains in the tubular fluid, and passes into the urine. Treatment for salicylate (aspirin) overdose utilises this effect. Conversely, acidifying the urine increases the elimination of the base amfetamine (pKa 9.9) (see Acidification of urine, p. 129).

General pharmacology

Drugs that are incapable of becoming ionised These include digoxin and steroid hormones such as prednisolone. Effectively lacking any ionisable groups, they are unaffected by environmental pH, are lipid soluble and so diffuse readily across tissue boundaries. These drugs are also referred to as non-polar.

Permanently ionised drugs Drugs that are permanently ionised contain groups that dissociate so strongly that they remain ionised over the range of the body pH. Such compounds are termed polar, for their groups are either negatively charged (acidic, e.g. heparin) or positively charged (basic, e.g. ipratropium, tubocurarine, suxamethonium) and all have a very limited capacity to cross cell membranes. This is a disadvantage with heparin, which the gut does not absorb, so that it is given parenterally. Conversely, heparin is a useful anticoagulant in pregnancy because it does not cross the placenta (which the orally effective warfarin does and is liable to cause fetal haemorrhage as well as being teratogenic). The following are particular examples of the relevance of drug passage across membranes.

Brain and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).  The capillaries of the cerebral circulation differ from those in most other parts of the body in that they lack the filtration channels between endothelial cells through which substances in the blood normally gain access to the extracellular fluid. Tight junctions between adjacent capillary endothelial cells, together with their basem*nt membrane and a thin covering from the processes of astrocytes, separate the blood from the brain tissue, forming the blood–brain barrier. Compounds that are lipid insoluble do not cross it readily, e.g. atenolol, compared with propranolol (lipid soluble), and unwanted CNS effects are more prominent with the latter. Therapy with methotrexate (lipid insoluble) may fail to eliminate leukaemic deposits in the CNS. Conversely lipid-soluble substances enter brain tissue with ease; thus diazepam (lipid soluble) given intravenously is effective within 1 min for status epilepticus, and effects of alcohol (ethanol) by mouth are noted within minutes; the level of general anaesthesia can be controlled closely by altering the concentration of inhaled anaesthetic gas (lipid soluble). Placenta.  Maternal blood bathes the chorionic villi, which consist of a layer of trophoblastic cells that enclose fetal capillaries. Their large surface area and the high placental blood flow (500 mL/min) are essential for gas exchange, uptake of nutrients and elimination of waste products. Thus a lipid barrier separates the fetal and maternal bloodstreams, allowing the passage of lipid-soluble substances but excluding



water-soluble compounds, especially those with a molecular weight exceeding 600.4 This exclusion is of particular importance with short-term use, e.g. tubocurarine (mol. wt. 772) (lipid insoluble) or gallamine (mol. wt. 891) used as a muscle relaxant during caesarean section do not affect the infant; with prolonged use, however, all compounds will eventually enter the fetus to some extent (see Index).

Filtration Aqueous channels in the tight junctions between adjacent epithelial cells allow the passage of some water-soluble substances. Neutral or uncharged, i.e. non-polar, molecules pass most readily because the pores are electrically charged. Within the alimentary tract, channels are largest and most numerous in jejunal epithelium, and filtration allows for rapid equilibration of concentrations and consequently of osmotic pressures across the mucosa. Ions such as sodium enter the body through the aqueous channels, the size of which probably limits passage to substances of low molecular weight, e.g. ethanol (mol. wt. 46). Filtration seems to play at most a minor role in drug transfer within the body except for glomerular filtration, which is an important mechanism of drug excretion.

Carrier-mediated transport The membranes of many cells incorporate carrier-mediated transporter processes that control the entry and exit of endogenous molecules, and show a high degree of specificity for particular compounds because they have evolved from biological needs for the uptake of essential nutrients or elimination of metabolic products. Drugs that bear some structural resemblance to natural constituents of the body are likely to utilise these mechanisms. Some carrier-mediated transport processes operate passively, i.e. do not require cellular energy, and this is facilitated diffusion, e.g. vitamin B12 absorption. Other, energy-requiring processes move substrates into or out of cells against a concentration gradient very effectively, i.e. by active transport; they are subject to saturation, inhibition and induction (see p. 93).

The order of reaction or process In the body, drug molecules reach their sites of action after crossing cell membranes and cells, and many are metabolised in the process. The rate at which these movements or 4 Most drugs have a molecular weight of less than 600 (e.g. diazepam 284, morphine 303), but some have more (erythromycin 733, digoxin 780).




From pharmacology to toxicology

changes take place is subject to important influences called the order of reaction or process. In biology generally, two orders of such reactions are recognised, and are summarised as follows:

• First-order processes by which a constant fraction of drug is transported/metabolised in unit time.

• Zero-order processes by which a constant amount of drug is transported/metabolised in unit time.

First-order (exponential) processes In the majority of instances, the rates at which absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of a drug occur are directly proportional to its concentration in the body. In other words, transfer of drug across a cell membrane or formation of a metabolite is high at high concentrations and falls in direct proportion to be low at low concentrations (an exponential relationship). This is because the processes follow the Law of Mass Action, which states that the rate of reaction is directly proportional to the active filtration masses of reacting substances. In other words, at high concentrations there are more opportunities for crowded molecules to interact with one another or to cross cell membranes than at low, uncrowded concentrations. Processes for which the rate of reaction is proportional to the concentration of participating molecules are first-order processes. In doses used clinically, most drugs are subject to first-order processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination, and this knowledge is useful. The current chapter later describes how the rate of elimination of a drug from the plasma falls as the concentration in plasma falls, and the time for any plasma concentration to fall by 50% (t1/2, the plasma half-life) is always the same. Thus, it becomes possible to quote a constant value for the t1/2 of the drug. This occurs because rate and concentration are in proportion, i.e. the process obeys first-order kinetics. Knowing that first-order conditions apply to a drug allows accurate calculations that depend on its t1/2, i.e. time to achieve steady-state plasma concentration, time to elimination, and the construction of dosing schedules.

Zero-order processes (saturation kinetics) As the amount of drug in the body rises, metabolic reactions or processes that have limited capacity become saturated. In other words, the rate of the process reaches a maximum amount at which it stays constant, e.g. due to limited activity of an enzyme, and any further increase in rate is impossible despite an increase in the dose of drug. In these circ*mstances, the rate of reaction is no longer proportional to dose, and exhibits rate-limited or dose-dependent5 or zero-order


or saturation kinetics. In practice, enzyme-mediated metabolic reactions are the most likely to show rate limitation because the amount of enzyme present is finite and can become saturated. Passive diffusion does not become saturated. There are some important consequences of zero-order kinetics.

Alcohol  (ethanol) (see also p. 146) is a drug whose kinetics has considerable implications for society as well as for the individual, as follows: Alcohol is subject to first-order kinetics with a t1/2 of about 1 h at plasma concentrations below 10 mg/dL (attained after drinking about two-thirds of a unit (glass) of wine or beer). Above this concentration the main enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenase) that converts the alcohol into acetaldehyde approaches and then reaches saturation, at which point alcohol metabolism cannot proceed any faster than about 10 mL or 8 g/h for a 70-kg man. If the subject continues to drink, the blood alcohol concentration rises disproportionately, for the rate of metabolism remains the same, as alcohol shows zero-order kinetics. An illustration. Consider a man of average size who drinks about half (375 mL) a standard bottle of whisky (40% alcohol), i.e. 150 mL alcohol, over a short period, absorbs it and goes drunk to bed at midnight with a blood alcohol concentration of about 250 mg/dL. If alcohol metabolism were subject to first-order kinetics, with a t1/2 of 1 h throughout the whole range of social consumption, the subject would halve his blood alcohol concentration each hour (Fig. 8.2). It is easy to calculate that, when he drives his car to work at 08.00 hours the next morning, he has a negligible blood alcohol concentration (less than 1 mg/ dL) though, no doubt, a hangover might reduce his driving skill. But at these high concentrations, alcohol is in fact subject to zero-order kinetics and so, metabolising about 10 mL alcohol per hour, after 8 h the subject has eliminated only 80 mL, leaving 70 mL in his body and giving a blood concentration of about 120 mg/dL. At this level, his driving skill is seriously impaired. The subject has an accident on his way to work and is breathalysed despite his indignant protests that he last touched a drop before midnight. Banned from the road, on his train journey to work he will have leisure to reflect on the difference between first-order and zero-order kinetics (though this is unlikely!). In practice.  The example above describes an imagined event, but similar cases occur in everyday therapeutics. Phenytoin, at low dose, exhibits a first-order elimination process, and there is a directly proportional increase in the 5 We quote all of these terms since they appear in the relevant literature. Note: because the rate of a reaction is constant when it is zero order, it is dose independent, but as zero order is approached, with increasing dose the kinetics alter, and thus are called dose dependent.

General pharmacology



Plasma concentration

drug effect. Central to understanding these is the concept of half-life (t1/2) or half-time.

Decrease in plasma concentration after an intravenous bolus injection





Fig. 8.2  Changes in plasma concentration following an intravenous bolus injection of a drug in the elimination phase (the distribution phase is not shown; see text). As elimination is a first-order process, the time for any concentration point to fall by 50% (t1/2) is always the same.

steady-state plasma concentration with increase in dose. But gradually the enzymatic elimination process approaches and reaches saturation, the process becoming constant and zero order. While the dosing rate can be increased, the metabolism rate cannot, and the plasma concentration rises steeply and disproportionately, with danger of toxicity. Salicylate metabolism also exhibits saturation kinetics but at high therapeutic doses. Clearly saturation kinetics is a significant factor in delay of recovery from drug overdose, e.g. with aspirin or phenytoin. Order of reaction and t1/2.  When a drug is subject to first-order kinetics, the t1/2 is a constant characteristic, i.e. a constant value can be quoted throughout the plasma concentration range (accepting that there will be variation in t1/2 between individuals), and this is convenient. But if the rate of a process is not directly proportional to plasma concentration, then the t1/2 cannot be constant. Consequently, no single value for t1/2 describes overall elimination when a drug exhibits zero-order kinetics. In fact, t1/2 decreases as plasma concentration falls and the calculations on elimination and dosing that are so easy with first-order elimination (see below) become more complicated. Zero-order absorption  processes apply to iron, to depot intramuscular formulations and to drug implants, e.g. antipsychotics and sex hormones.

Following an intravenous bolus injection (a single dose injected in a period of seconds as distinct from a continuous infusion), plasma concentration rises quickly as drug enters the blood to reach a peak. There is then a sharp drop as the drug distributes round the body (distribution phase), followed by a steady decline as drug is removed from the blood by the liver or kidneys (elimination phase). If the elimination processes are first order, the time taken for any concentration point in the elimination phase to fall to half its value (the t1/2) is always the same; see Fig. 8.2. Note that the drug is virtually eliminated from the plasma in five t1/2 periods. The t1/2 is the one pharmaco*kinetic value of a drug that it is most useful to know.

Increase in plasma concentration with constant dosing With a constant rate infusion, the amount of drug in the body and with it the plasma concentration rise until a state is reached at which the rate of administration to the body is exactly equal to the rate of elimination from it: this is called the steady state. The plasma concentration is then on a plateau, and the drug effect is stable. Fig. 8.3 depicts the smooth changes in plasma concentration that result from a constant intravenous infusion. Clearly, giving a drug by regularly spaced oral or intravenous doses will result in plasma concentrations that fluctuate between peaks and troughs, but in time all of the peaks will be of equal height and all of the troughs will be of equal depth; this is also called a steady-state concentration, as the mean concentration is constant.6

Time to reach steady state

Time course of drug concentration and effect

It is important to know when a drug administered at a constant rate achieves a steady-state plasma concentration, for maintaining the same dosing schedule then ensures a constant amount of drug in the body, and the patient will experience neither acute toxicity nor decline of effect. The t1/2 provides the answer. Taking ultimate steady state attained as 100%:

Plasma half-life and steady-state concentration

in 1 × t1/2 the concentration will be (100/2) 50% in 2 × t1/2 (50 + 50/2) 75%

The manner in which plasma drug concentration rises or falls when dosing begins, alters or ceases follows certain simple rules, which provide a means for rational control of

6 The peaks and troughs can be of practical importance with drugs of low therapeutic index, e.g. aminoglycoside antibiotics; it may be necessary to monitor for both safe and effective therapy.



From pharmacology to toxicology








Drug infusion rate

Fig. 8.3  Changes in plasma concentration during the course of a constant-rate intravenous infusion. (a) The infusion commences and plasma concentration rises to reach a steady state (plateau) in about 5 × t1/2 periods. (b) The infusion rate is increased by 50%, and the plasma concentration rises further to reach a new steady state that is 50% higher than the original steady state; the process takes another 5 × t1/2 periods. (c) The infusion is decreased to the original rate, and the plasma concentration returns to the original steady state in 5 × t1/2 periods. (d) The infusion is discontinued, and the plasma concentration falls to virtually zero in 5 × t1/2 periods.

in 3 × t1/2 (75 + 25/2) 87.5% in 4 × t1/2 (87.5 + 12.5/2) 93.75% in 5 × t1/2 (93.75 + 6.25/2) 96.875% of the ultimate steady state. When a drug is given at a constant rate (continuous or repeated administration), the time to reach steady state depends only on the t1/2 and, for all practical purposes, after 5 × t1/2 periods the amount of drug in the body is constant and the plasma concentration is at a plateau (a and b in Fig. 8.3).

Change in plasma concentration with change or cessation of dosing The same principle holds for change from any steady-state plasma concentration to a new steady state brought about by increase or decrease in the rate of drug administration. Provided the kinetics remain first order, increasing or decreasing the rate of drug administration (b and c in Fig. 8.3) gives rise to a new steady-state concentration in a time equal to 5 × t1/2 periods. Similarly, starting at any steady-state plasma concentration (100%), discontinuing the dose (d in Fig. 8.3) will cause the plasma concentration to fall to virtually zero in 5 × t1/2 periods, as described in Fig. 8.2. Note that the difference between the rate of drug administration (input) and the rate of elimination (output)


determines the actual level of any steady-state plasma concentration (as opposed to the time taken to reach it). If drug elimination remains constant and administration increases by 50%, in time the plasma concentration will reach a new steady-state concentration, which will be 50% greater than the original. The relation between t1/2 and time to reach steady-state plasma concentration applies to all drugs that obey first-order kinetics. This holds as much to dobutamine (t1/2 2 min), when it is useful to know that an alteration of infusion rate will reach a plateau within 10 min, as to digoxin (t1/2 36 h), when a constant daily oral dose will give a steady-state plasma concentration only after 7.5 days. This book quotes plasma t1/2 values where they are relevant. Inevitably, natural variation within the population produces a range in t1/2 values for any drug, and the text quotes only single average t1/2 values while recognising that the population range may be as much as 50% from the stated figure in either direction. Some t1/2 values appear in Table 8.1 to illustrate their range and implications for dosing in clinical practice.

Biological effect t1/2  is the time in which the biological effect of a drug declines by one-half. With drugs that act competitively on receptors (α- and β-adrenoceptor agonists and antagonists) the biological effect t1/2 can be estimated with reasonable accuracy. Sometimes the biological effect t1/2 cannot be provided, e.g. with antimicrobials when the number of infecting organisms and their sensitivity determine the outcome.

Therapeutic drug monitoring Patients differ greatly in the dose of drug required to achieve the same response. The dose of warfarin that maintains a therapeutic concentration may vary as much as five-fold between individuals. This is a consequence of variation in rates of drug metabolism, disposition and tissue responsiveness, and it raises the question of how optimal drug effect can be achieved quickly for the individual patient. In principle, drug effect relates to free (unbound) concentration at the tissue receptor site, which in turn reflects (but is not necessarily the same as) the concentration in the plasma. For many drugs, correlation between plasma concentration and effect is indeed better than that between dose and effect. Yet monitoring therapy by measuring drug in plasma is of practical use only in selected instances. The underlying reasons repay some thought.

Plasma concentration may not be worth measuring  where dose can be titrated against a quickly and easily measured effect such as blood pressure (antihypertensives), body-weight (diuretics), INR (oral anticoagulants) or blood sugar (hypoglycaemics).

Plasma concentration has no correlation with effect  with drugs that act irreversibly (named ‘hit and run drugs’ because

General pharmacology



• When the desired effect is suppression of infrequent

Table 8.1  Plasma t1/2 of some drugs Drug



40%) of a characteristic maculopapular, sometimes purpuric, rash which is probably allergic, when an aminopenicillin (ampicillin, amoxicillin) is taken; patients may not be allergic to other penicillins. Erythromycin may cause a similar reaction. 3.  Anaphylactic shock (type I)  occurs with penicillin, anaesthetics (intravenous), iodine-containing radio-contrast media and a huge variety of other drugs. A severe fall in blood pressure occurs, with bronchoconstriction, angioedema (including larynx) and sometimes death due to loss of fluid from the intravascular compartment and respiratory obstruction. Anaphylactic shock usually occurs suddenly, in less than an hour after the drug, but within minutes if it has been given intravenously.

Unwanted effects and adverse drug reactions Treatment is urgent. The following account combines advice from the UK Resuscitation Council with comment on the action of the drugs used. Advice on the management of anaphylactic shock is altered periodically and the reader should check the relevant website ( for the latest information.

• In adults, 500 μg of adrenaline/epinephrine injection

(0.5 mL of the 1 in 1000 solution) should be given intramuscularly to raise the blood pressure and dilate the bronchi (vasoconstriction renders the subcutaneous route less effective). If there is no clinical improvement, further intramuscular injections of adrenaline/epinephrine 500 μg should be given at 5-min intervals according to blood pressure, pulse and respiration. (See website for doses in those 500 mg/L + metabolic acidosis, or in any case >750 mg/L); phenobarbital (75–150 mg/L); phenoxy herbicides, e.g. 2,4-D, mecoprop, dichlorprop; moderately severe salicylate poisoning that does not meet the criteria for haemodialysis. Acidification may be considered for severe, acute poisoning with: amfetamine; dexfenfluramine; phencyclidine. The objective is to maintain a urine pH of 5.5–6.5 by giving an intravenous infusion of arginine hydrochloride (10 g) over 30 min, followed by ammonium chloride (4 g) every 2 h by mouth. It is very rarely indicated. Hypertension due to


Irrigation with large volumes of a polyethylene glycol–electrolyte solution, e.g. Klean-Prep, by mouth causes minimal fluid and electrolyte disturbance (developed for preparation for colonoscopy). Magnesium sulphate may also be used.

4 Proudfoot A T, Krenzelok E P, Vale J A 2004 Position paper on urine alkalinisation. Journal of Toxicology, Clinical Toxicology 42:1–26.




From pharmacology to toxicology

amfetamine-like drugs, for example, will respond to phenoxybenzamine (by α-adrenoceptor block).

Haemodialysis The system requires a temporary extracorporeal circulation, e.g. from an artery to a vein in the arm. A semipermeable membrane separates blood from dialysis fluid; the poison passes passively from the blood, where it is present in high concentration, to enter the dialysis fluid, which is flowing and thus constantly replaced. Haemodialysis significantly increases the elimination of: salicylate (>750 mg/L + renal failure, or in any case >900 mg/L); isopropanol (present in aftershave lotions and window-cleaning solutions); lithium; methanol; ethylene glycol; ethanol.

Haemofiltration An extracorporeal circulation brings blood into contact with a highly permeable membrane. Water is lost by ultrafiltration (the rate being dependent on the hydrostatic pressure gradient across membrane) and solutes by convection; the main change in plasma concentrations results from replacement of ultrafiltrate with an appropriate solution. Haemofiltration is effective for: phenobarbital (>100–150 mg/L, but repeat-dose activated charcoal by mouth appears to be as effective; see above) and other barbiturates; ethchlorvynol; glutethimide; meprobamate; methaqualone; theophylline; trichloroethanol derivatives.

Peritoneal dialysis This involves instilling appropriate fluid into the peritoneal cavity. Poison in the blood diffuses down the concentration gradient into the dialysis fluid, which undergoes repeated drainage and replacement. The technique requires little equipment; it may be worth using for lithium and methanol poisoning. Its use is commonly confined to centres with specialist renal services. Haemofiltration and peritoneal dialysis are more readily available but are less efficient (one-half to one-third) than haemodialysis.

Specific antidotes5 Specific antidotes reduce or abolish the effects of poisons through a variety of general mechanisms, as indicated in Table 10.2. Table 10.3 illustrates these mechanisms with antidotes that are of therapeutic value.

Psychiatric and social assessment Patients require a psychosocial assessment when they have recovered from the medical aspects of the overdose. The immediate risk and subsequent risk of suicide should be assessed. Do not dismiss even ‘minor’ cases of deliberate self-harm, as 20–25% of patients who die from deliberate self-harm will have presented to hospital with an episode of self-harm in the previous year. Interpersonal or social problems precipitate most cases of self-poisoning and require attention. Identify and treat any significant psychiatric illness. Consider the impact of any associated medical problems and their symptom control. Obtain information on associated alcohol and substance abuse. The detention of patients in order to treat the complications of self-poisoning when the patients seek to leave hospital is a complex one. Such decisions involve consideration of three important pieces of legislation, namely the Mental Health Act of 1983, the Human Rights Act of 1998 and the Mental Capacity Act of 2005. In UK hospitals, mental health assessments are usually performed prior to discharge by the hospital psychiatric liaison service. Most patients can be discharged without further psychiatric follow-up. Rarely, patients with a high suicide risk and/or an underlying severe psychiatric illness may require transfer to an inpatient psychiatric facility, either voluntarily or under the appropriate section of the 1983 Mental Health Act. More commonly, patients may benefit from community psychiatric support as outpatients. It is important to appreciate that a very significant number of patients who die from completed suicide will have previously attended hospital with apparently trivial self-harm. 5

Haemodialysis is invasive, demands skill and experience on the part of the operator, and is costly in terms of staffing. It is reserved for cases of severe, prolonged or progressive clinical intoxication, when high plasma concentration indicates a dangerous degree of poisoning, and its effect constitutes a significant addition to natural methods of elimination.


Mithridates the Great (?132 BC – 63 BC), king of Pontus (in Asia Minor), was noted for ‘ambition, cruelty and artifice’. ‘He murdered his own mother … and fortified his constitution by drinking antidotes’ to the poisons with which his domestic enemies sought to kill him (Lemprière). When his son also sought to kill him, Mithridates was so disappointed that he compelled his wife to poison herself. He then tried to poison himself, but in vain; the frequent antidotes that he had taken in the early part of his life had so strengthened his constitution that he was immune. He was obliged to stab himself, but had to seek the help of a slave to complete his task. Modern physicians have to be content with less comprehensively effective antidotes, some of which are listed in Table 10.1.

Poisoning, overdose, antidotes

Table 10.2  General mechanisms of the action of antidotes Mechanism


Removal of circulating poison from plasma

• Chelating agents for heavy metal poisoning, e.g. desferrioxamine for iron poisoning • Chemical binding or precipitation, e.g. calcium gluconate for fluoride poisoning, binding to specific antibody, e.g. digoxinspecific antibody fragments in cardiac glycoside poisoning

Receptor agonism

• Direct agonism, e.g. isoprenaline in β-adrenoceptor antagonist poisoning • Indirect agonism, e.g. glucagon in β-adrenoceptor poisoning

Receptor antagonism

• Direct antagonism, e.g. atropine in organophosphate poisoning and many other examples

Replenish depleted natural ‘protective’ compound

• Replenish protective species, e.g. N-acetylcysteine in paracetamol poisoning • Bypass block in metabolism, e.g. folinic acid in methotrexate poisoning, vitamin K in warfarin poisoning

Prevent conversion to toxic metabolite

• Ethanol in methanol poisoning

Protective action on target enzyme

• Pralidoxime competitively reactivates cholinesterase

Poisoning by (non-drug) chemicals Heavy metal poisoning and use of chelating agents Acute or chronic exposure to heavy metals can harm the body.6 Treatment is with chelating agents which incorporate 6

Sometimes in unexpected ways; an initiation custom in an artillery regiment involved pouring wine through the barrel of a gun after several shots had been fired. A healthy 19-year-old soldier drank 250 mL of the wine and within 15 min convulsed and became unconscious. His plasma, urine and the wine contained high concentrations of tungsten. He received haemodialysis and recovered. Investigation revealed that the gun barrels had recently been hardened by the addition of tungsten to the steel. Marquet P, François B, Vignon P, Lachâtre G 1996 A soldier who had seizures after drinking a quarter of a litre of wine. Lancet 348:1070.


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the metal ions into an inner ring structure in the molecule (Greek: chele, claw) by means of structural groups called ligands (Latin: ligare, to bind). Effective agents form stable, biologically inert complexes that pass into the urine. Dimercaprol  (British Anti-Lewisite, BAL). Arsenic and other metal ions are toxic in low concentration because they combine with the SH-groups of essential enzymes, thus inactivating them. Dimercaprol provides SH-groups, which combine with the metal ions to form relatively harmless ring compounds that pass from the body, mainly in the urine. As dimercaprol itself is oxidised in the body and excreted renally, repeated administration is necessary to ensure that an excess is available to eliminate all of the metal. Dimercaprol may be used in cases of poisoning by antimony, arsenic, bismuth, gold and mercury (inorganic, e.g. HgCl2). Adverse effects are common, particularly with larger doses, and include nausea, vomiting, lachrymation, salivation, paraesthesiae, muscular aches and pains, urticarial rashes, tachycardia and raised blood pressure. Gross overdosage may cause over-breathing, muscular tremors, convulsions and coma. Unithiol  (dimercaptopropanesulphonate, DMPS) effectively chelates lead and mercury; it is well tolerated. Sodium calcium edetate is the calcium chelate of the disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (calcium EDTA). It is effective in acute lead poisoning because of its capacity to exchange calcium for lead: the kidney excretes the lead chelate, leaving behind a harmless amount of calcium. Dimercaprol may usefully be combined with sodium calcium edetate when lead poisoning is severe, e.g. with encephalopathy. Adverse effects are fairly common, and include hypotension, lachrymation, nasal stuffiness, sneezing, muscle pains and possible nephrotoxicity. Dicobalt edetate.  Cobalt forms stable, non-toxic complexes with cyanide (see p. 133). It is toxic (especially if the wrong diagnosis is made and no cyanide is present), causing hypertension, tachycardia and chest pain. Cobalt poisoning is treated by giving sodium calcium edetate and intravenous glucose. Penicillamine  (dimethylcysteine) is a metabolite of penicillin that contains SH-groups; it may be used to chelate lead and copper (see Wilson’s disease, p. 385). Its principal use is for rheumatoid arthritis (see Index). Desferrioxamine  (see Iron, p. 533).

Cyanide  poisoning results in tissue anoxia by chelating the ferric part of the intracellular respiratory enzyme, cytochrome oxidase. It thus uncouples mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and inhibits cellular respiration in the presence of adequate oxygenation. Poisoning may occur as a result of: self-administration of hydrocyanic (prussic) acid; accidental exposure in industry; inhaling smoke from burning polyurethane foams in furniture; ingesting amygdalin which




From pharmacology to toxicology

Table 10.3  Specific antidotes useful in clinical practice Some specific antidotes, indications and modes of action (see index for a fuller account of individual drugs) Antidote


Mode of action


Paracetamol, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, radiocontrast nephropathy

Replenishes depleted glutathione stores


Cholinesterase inhibitors, e.g. organophosphorus insecticides β-Blocker poisoning

Blocks muscarinic cholinoceptors Vagal block accelerates heart rate


Drug-induced movement disorders

Blocks muscarinic cholinoceptors

Calcium gluconate

Hydrofluoric acid, fluorides

Binds or precipitates fluoride ions



Chelates ferrous ions

Dicobalt edetate

Cyanide and derivatives, e.g. acrylonitrile

Chelates to form non-toxic cobalti- and cobalto-cyanides

Digoxin-specific antibody fragments (FAB)

Digitalis glycosides

Binds free glycoside in plasma, complex excreted in urine

Dimercaprol (BAL)

Arsenic, copper, gold, lead, inorganic mercury

Chelates metal ions

Ethanol (or fomepizole)

Ethylene glycol, methanol

Competes for alcohol and acetaldehyde dehydrogenases, preventing formation of toxic metabolites



Competes for benzodiazepine receptors

Folinic acid

Folic acid antagonists, e.g. methotrexate, trimethoprim

Bypasses block in folate metabolism


β-Adrenoceptor antagonists

Bypasses blockade of the β-adrenoceptor; stimulates cyclic AMP formation with positive cardiac inotropic effect


β-Adrenoceptor antagonists

Competes for and activates β-adrenoceptors



Replenishes depleted glutathione stores



Competes for opioid receptors


Antimuscarinic drugs

Inhibits acetylcholinesterase, causing acetylcholine to accumulate at cholinoceptors


Carbon monoxide

Competitively displaces carbon monoxide from binding sites on haemoglobin


Copper, gold, lead, elemental mercury (vapour), zinc

Chelates metal ions


Hypertension due to α-adrenoceptor agonists, e.g. with MAOI, clonidine, ergotamine

Competes for and blocks α-adrenoceptors (long acting)


As above

Competes for and blocks α-adrenoceptors (short acting)


Poisoning, overdose, antidotes


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Table 10.3  Specific antidotes useful in clinical practice—cont’d Some specific antidotes, indications and modes of action (see index for a fuller account of individual drugs) Antidote


Mode of action

Phytomenadione (vitamin K1)

Coumarin (warfarin) and indanedione anticoagulants

Replenishes vitamin K


Cholinesterase inhibitors, e.g. organophosphorus insecticides

Competitively reactivates cholinesterase


β-Adrenoceptor agonists, ephedrine, theophylline, thyroxine

Blocks β-adrenoceptors



Binds ionically to neutralise

Prussian blue (potassium ferric hexacyanoferrate)

Thallium (in rodenticides)

Potassium exchanges for thallium

Sodium calcium edetate


Chelates lead ions


Lead, elemental and organic mercury

Chelates metal ions

is present in the kernels of several fruits including apricots, almonds and peaches (constituents of the unlicensed anticancer agent, laetrile); excessive use of sodium nitroprusside for severe hypertension.7 The symptoms of acute poisoning are due to tissue anoxia, with dizziness, palpitations, a feeling of chest constriction and anxiety. Characteristically the breath smells of bitter almonds. In more severe cases, there is acidosis and coma. Inhaled hydrogen cyanide may lead to death within minutes, but with the ingested salt several hours may elapse before the patient is seriously ill. Cyanide toxicity causes a metabolic acidosis, reduced arterial/venous oxygen saturation difference and markedly elevated plasma lactate. The presence of these findings in the context of smoke inhalation should alert the physician to the possibility that cyanide poisoning has occurred and needs urgent treatment. 7

Or in other more bizarre ways. ‘A 23-year-old medical student saw his dog (a puppy) suddenly collapse. He started external cardiac massage and a mouth-to-nose ventilation effort. Moments later the dog died, and the student felt nauseated, vomited and lost consciousness. On the victim’s arrival at hospital, an alert medical officer detected a bitter almonds odour on his breath and administered the accepted treatment for cyanide poisoning after which he recovered. It turned out that the dog had accidentally swallowed cyanide, and the poison eliminated through the lungs had been inhaled by the master during the mouth-to-nose resuscitation.’ Journal of the American Medical Association 1983 249:353.

The principles of specific therapy are as follows: Hydroxocobalamin (5 g for an adult) combines with cyanide to form cyanocobalamin and is excreted by the kidney. Adverse effects include transient hypertension (may be beneficial) and rare anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions. Co-administration with sodium thiosulphate (through a separate intravenous line or sequentially) may have added benefit. The use of hydroxocobalamin has largely superseded that of the alternative, dicobalt edetate.

• Dicobalt edetate. The dose is 300 mg given intravenously over 1 min (5 min if condition is less serious), followed immediately by a 50 mL intravenous infusion of 50% glucose; a further 300 mg of dicobalt edetate should be given if recovery is not evident within 1 min. • Alternatively, a two-stage procedure may be followed by intravenous administration of: Sodium nitrite, which rapidly converts haemoglobin to methaemoglobin, the ferric ion of which takes up cyanide as cyanmethaemoglobin (up to 40% methaemoglobin can be tolerated). ■ Sodium thiosulphate, which more slowly detoxifies the cyanide by permitting the formation of thiocyanate. When the diagnosis is uncertain, administration of thiosulphate plus oxygen is a safe course. The increasing use of hydroxocobalamin as a first-line treatment is based upon animal studies that have shown a ■




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faster improvement of arterial blood pressure compared to sodium nitrate. No benefit in terms of mortality was seen in these studies. There is evidence that oxygen, especially if at high pressure (hyperbaric), overcomes the cellular anoxia in cyanide poisoning; the mechanism is uncertain, but it is reasonable to administer high-flow oxygen.

Carbon monoxide (CO)  is a colourless, odourless gas formed by the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons, and poisoning results from its inhalation. The concentration (% saturation) of CO in the blood may confirm exposure (cigarette smoking alone may account for up to 10%) but is no guide to the severity of poisoning. CO binds reversibly to haemoglobin with about 250 times greater affinity than oxygen. Binding to one of the four oxygen-binding sites on the haemoglobin molecule significantly increases the affinity of the other three binding sites for oxygen which further reduces the delivery of oxygen to hypoxic tissues. In addition, CO has an even higher affinity for cardiac myoglobin, further worsening cardiac output and tissue oxygenation. Poor correlation between carboxyhaemoglobin in the blood and observed toxicity suggests that other mechanisms are involved. Symptoms commence at about 10% carboxyhaemoglobin with a characteristic headache. Death may occur from myocardial and neurological injury at levels of 50–70%. Severe breathlessness is not a feature typical of severe intoxication. Delayed symptoms (2–4 weeks) include parkinsonism, cerebellar signs and psychiatric disturbances. Investigations should include direct estimation of carboxyhaemoglobin in the blood. Consider the diagnosis even if the level is low and some time has passed since exposure or high-flow oxygen has been given. PaO2 levels should be normal. Oxygen saturation is accurate only if directly measured (see above) and not calculated from the PaO2. Administer oxygen through a tight-fitting mask, and continue for at least 12 h. Evidence for the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen is conflicting, and transport to hyperbaric chambers may present logistic problems. It is advocated when the blood carboxyhaemoglobin concentration exceeds 40%, there is unconsciousness, neurological defect, ischaemic change on the ECG, pregnancy, or the clinical condition does not improve after 4 h of normobaric therapy.

Lead  poisoning arises from a variety of occupational (house renovation and stripping old paint), and recreational sources. Environmental exposure has been a matter of great concern, as witnessed by the protective legislation introduced by many countries to reduce pollution, e.g. by removing lead from petrol. Lead in the body comprises a rapidly exchangeable component in blood (2%, biological t1/2 35 days) and a stable pool in dentine and the skeleton (95%, biological t1/2 25 years). Lead binds to sulfhydryl groups and interferes


with haem production. Since haem-containing proteins play a vital role in cellular oxidation, lead poisoning has wideranging effects, particularly in young children. With mild poisoning, there is lethargy and abdominal discomfort; severe abdominal symptoms and peripheral neuropathy and CNS disturbances indicate more serious toxicity. Serum lead values over 100 μg/mL are associated with impaired cognitive development in children; levels above 1000 μg/mL are potentially fatal. Mild lead poisoning (90%) by numerous mixed-function oxidase enzymes, and xanthine oxidase. (For further details on theophylline, see Asthma.) 29

In an extreme usage, a man was estimated to have taken about 40 000 tablets of ecstasy between the ages of 21 and 30 years. At maximum he took 25 pills per day for 4 years. At age 37 years, and after 7 years off the drug, he was experiencing paranoia, hallucinations, depression, severe short-term memory loss, and painful muscle rigidity around the neck and jaw. Several of these features were thought to be permanent. (Kouimtsidis C 2006 Neurological and psychopathological sequelae associated with a lifetime intake of 40 000 ecstasy tablets. Psychosomatics 47:86–87.)




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Pharmacodynamics.  Caffeine and theophylline have complex and incompletely elucidated actions, which include inhibition of phosphodiesterase (the enzyme that breaks down cyclic AMP, see pp. 494, 502), effects on intracellular calcium distribution, and on noradrenergic function. Actions on mental performance.  Caffeine is more potent than theophylline, but both drugs stimulate mental activity where it is below normal. Thought is more rapid and fatigue is removed or its onset delayed. The effects on mental and physical performance vary according to the mental state and personality of the subject. Reaction time is decreased. Performance that is inferior because of excessive anxiety may become worse. Caffeine can also improve physical performance, both in tasks requiring more physical effort than skill (athletics) and in tasks requiring more skill than physical effort (monitoring instruments and taking corrective action in an aircraft flight simulator). In general, caffeine induces feelings of alertness and well-being, euphoria or exhilaration. Onset of boredom, fatigue, inattentiveness and sleepiness is postponed.

Overdose  will certainly reduce performance (see Chronic overdose, below). Acute overdose, e.g. intravenous aminophylline, can cause convulsions, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmia and sudden death.

Other effects Respiratory stimulation  occurs with substantial doses. Sleep.  Caffeine affects sleep of older people more than it does that of younger people. Onset of sleep (sleep latency) is delayed, bodily movements are increased, total sleep time is reduced and there are increased awakenings. Tolerance to this effect does not occur, as is shown by the provision of decaffeinated coffee.30

Skeletal muscle.  Metabolism is increased, and this may play a part in the enhanced athletic performance mentioned above. There is significant improvement of diaphragmatic function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Cardiovascular system.  Both caffeine and theophylline directly stimulate the myocardium and cause increased cardiac output, tachycardia, and sometimes ectopic beats and palpitations. This effect occurs almost at once after intravenous injection and lasts for half an hour. Theophylline contributes usefully to the relief of acute left ventricular failure. There is peripheral (but not cerebral) vasodilatation due to a direct action of the drugs on the blood vessels, but stimulation of the vasomotor centre tends to counter this. Changes in the blood pressure are therefore somewhat unpredictable, but caffeine 250 mg (single dose) usually 30

The European Union regulations define ‘decaffeinated’ as coffee (bean) containing 0.3% or less of caffeine (normal content 1–3%).


causes a transient rise of blood pressure of about 14/10 mmHg in occasional coffee drinkers (but has no additional effect in habitual drinkers); this effect can be used advantageously in patients with autonomic nervous system failure who experience postprandial hypotension (two cups of coffee with breakfast may suffice for the day). In occasional coffee drinkers two cups of coffee (about 160 mg caffeine) per day raise blood pressure by 5/4 mmHg. Increased coronary artery blood flow may occur but increased cardiac work counterbalances this in angina pectoris. When theophylline (aminophylline) is given intravenously, slow injection is essential in order to avoid transient peak concentrations which are equivalent to administering an overdose (below).

Smooth muscle (other than vascular muscle, which is discussed above) is relaxed. The only important clinical use for this action is in reversible airways obstruction (asthma), when the action of theophylline can be a very valuable addition to therapy. Kidney.  Diuresis occurs in normal people chiefly due to reduced tubular reabsorption of sodium, similar to thiazide action, but weaker.

Preparations and uses of caffeine and theophylline Aminophylline.  The most generally useful preparation is aminophylline, which is a soluble, irritant salt of theophylline with ethylenediamine (see Asthma, below). Attempts to make non-irritant, orally reliable preparations of theophylline have resulted in choline theophyllinate and numerous variants. Sustained-release formulations are convenient for asthmatics, but they cannot be assumed to be bio-equivalent, and repeat prescriptions should adhere to the formulation of a particular manufacturer. Suppositories are available. Aminophylline is used in the following conditions:

• Asthma. In severe asthma (given intravenously) when β-adrenoceptor agonists fail to give adequate response; and for chronic asthma (orally) to provide a background bronchodilator effect. • Neonatal apnoea; caffeine is also effective.

Caffeine is used as an additional ingredient in analgesic tablets; about 60 mg potentiates the effects of NSAIDs; also as an aid in hypotension of autonomic failure (above) and to enhance oral ergotamine absorption in migraine.

Xanthine-containing drinks (see also above) Coffee, tea and cola drinks in excess can make people tense and anxious. Epidemiological studies indicate either no, or only slight, increased risk (two- to three-fold) of coronary heart disease in heavy (including decaffeinated) coffee

Drug dependence consumers (more than four cups daily) (see Blood Lipids, below). Slight tolerance to the effects of caffeine (on all systems) occurs. Withdrawal symptoms, attributable to psychological and perhaps mild physical dependence, occur in habitual coffee drinkers (five or more cups/day) 12–16 h after the last cup; they include headache (lasting up to 6 days), irritability and jitteriness; they may occur with transient changes in intake, e.g. high at work, lower at the weekend.

Chronic overdose.  Excessive prolonged consumption of caffeine causes anxiety, restlessness, tremors, insomnia, headache, cardiac extrasystoles and confusion. The cause can easily be overlooked if specific enquiry into habits is not made, including children regarding cola drinks. Of coffee drinkers, up to 25% who complain of anxiety may benefit from reduction of caffeine intake. An adult heavy user may be defined as one who takes more than 300 mg caffeine per day, i.e. four cups of 150 mL of brewed coffee, each containing 80 ± 20 mg caffeine per cup or five cups (60 ± 20 mg) of instant coffee. The equivalent for tea would be 10 cups at approximately 30 mg caffeine per cup; and of cola drinks about 2 L. Plainly, caffeine drinks brewed to personal taste of consumer or vendor must have an extremely variable concentration according to source of coffee or tea, amount used, method and duration of brewing. There is also great individual variation in the effect of coffee both among individuals and sometimes in the same individual at different times of life (see Sleep, above). Decaffeinated coffee contains about 3 mg per cup; cola drinks contain 8–13 mg caffeine per 100 mL; cocoa as a drink, 4 mg per cup; chocolate (solid) 6–20 mg/30 g. In young people, high caffeine intake has been linked to behaviour disorders, and a limit of 125 mg/L has been proposed for cola drinks.

Blood lipids.  Drinking five cups of boiled coffee per day increases plasma total cholesterol by up to 10%; this does not occur with coffee made by simple filtration. Cessation of coffee drinking can reduce plasma cholesterol concentration in hypercholesterolaemic men. Breast-fed infants may become sleepless and irritable if there is high maternal intake. Fetal cardiac arrhythmias have been reported with exceptionally high maternal caffeine intake, e.g. 1.5 L cola drinks per day.

Cannabis Cannabis is obtained from the annual plant Cannabis sativa (hemp),31 and its varieties Cannabis indica and Cannabis americana. The preparations that are smoked are called ‘marijuana’ (also ‘grass’, ‘pot’, ‘weed’) and consist of crushed 31

The term derives from cannabis grown for its fibers and used commercially to make, e.g. rope and textiles.


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leaves and flowers. There is a wide variety of regional names, e.g. ‘ganja’ (India, Caribbean), ‘kif’ (Morocco), ‘dagga’ (Africa). The resin scraped off the plant is known as hashish (hash). The term ‘cannabis’ is used to include all the above preparations. As most preparations are illegally prepared, it is not surprising that they are impure and of variable potency. The plant grows wild in the Americas,32 Africa and Asia. It can also be grown successfully in the open in the warmer southern areas of Britain. Some 27% of the adult UK population report having used cannabis in their lifetime.

Pharmaco*kinetics Of the scores of chemical compounds that the resin contains, the most important are the oily cannabinoids, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the main psychoactive ingredient. Samples of resin vary greatly in the amounts and proportions of these cannabinoids according to their country of origin. As the sample ages, its THC content declines. THC content of samples can vary from 8% to almost zero. Smoke from a cannabis cigarette (the usual mode of use is to inhale and hold the breath to allow maximum absorption) delivers 25–50% of the THC content to the respiratory tract. THC (t1/2 4 days) and other cannabinoids undergo extensive biotransformation in the body, yielding scores of metabolites, several of which are themselves psychoactive. They are extremely lipid-soluble and are stored in body fat from which they are slowly released.33 Hepatic drug-metabolising enzymes are inhibited acutely but may also be induced by chronic use of crude preparations.

Pharmacodynamics Cannabinoid CB1-receptors (expressed by hypothalamic and peripheral neurones, e.g. sensory terminals in the gastrointestinal tract, and by adipocytes) and CB2-receptors (expressed only in the periphery by immune cells) together with their endogenous ligands (called ‘endocannabinoids’) are components of the endocannabinoid neuromodulatory system, which has a role in many physiological processes including food intake and energy homeostasis. Cannabinoids act as agonists at CB1-receptors (mediating addictive effects) and CB2-receptors. Understanding this system offers scope for developing novel drug therapies (see below).


The commonest pollen in the air of San Francisco, California, is said to be that of the cannabis plant, illegally cultivated. When a chronic user discontinues, cannabinoids remain detectable in the urine for an average of 4 weeks, and it can be as long as 11 weeks before 10 consecutive daily tests are negative (Ellis G M, Mann M A, Judson B A et al 1985 Excretion patterns of cannabinoid metabolites after last use in a group of chronic users. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 38(5):572–578). 33




From pharmacology to toxicology

Psychological reactions are very varied, being much influenced by the behaviour of the group. They commence within minutes of starting to smoke and last for 2–3 h. Euphoria is common and is believed to follow stimulation of the limbic system reward pathways causing release of dopamine from the nucleus accumbens (see common mechanism of drugs of dependence Fig. 11.1). There may be giggling or laughter which can seem pointless to an observer. Sensations become more vivid, especially visual, and contrast and intensity of colour can increase, although no change in acuity occurs. Size of objects and distance are distorted. Sense of time can disappear altogether, leaving a sometimes distressing sense of timelessness. Recent memory and selective attention are impaired; the beginning of a sentence may be forgotten before it is finished. The subject is very suggestible and easily distracted. Psychological tests such as mental arithmetic, digit-symbol substitution and pursuit meter tests show impairment. These effects may be accompanied by feelings of deep insight and truth. Memory defect may persist for weeks after abstinence. Once memory is impaired, concentration becomes less effective, because the object of attention is less well remembered. With this may go an insensitivity to danger or the consequences of actions. A striking phenomenon is the intermittent wavelike nature of these effects which affects mood, visual impressions, time sense, spatial sense and other functions. The desired effects of cannabinoids, as of other psycho­ dysleptics, depend not only on the expectation of the user and the dose, but also on the environmental situation and personality. Genial or revelatory experiences may indeed occur.

Cannabinoids and skilled tasks,  e.g. car driving. General performance in both motor and psychological tests deteriorates, more in naïve than in experienced subjects. Effects may be similar to alcohol, but experiments in which the subjects are unaware that they are being tested (and so do not compensate voluntarily) are difficult to do, as with alcohol. In a placebo-controlled trial of airline pilots in a flight simulator, performance was impaired for up to 50 h after the pilots smoked a joint containing THC 20 mg (a relatively low dose by current standards).34

Uses A therapeutic role has been suggested for cannabinoids in a variety of conditions including chronic pain, migraine headaches, muscle spasticity in multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury, movement disorders, appetite stimulation in patients with AIDS, nausea and vomiting. 34

Yesavage J A, Leirer V O, Denari M, Hollister L E 1985 ‘Hangover’ effects of marijuana intoxication in airline pilots. American Journal of Psychiatry 142:1325–1328.


THC is currently available as dronabinol, a synthetic form and as nabilone, a synthetic analogue, and both are approved to alleviate chemotherapy-induced vomiting in patients who have shown inadequate response to conventional antiemetics, and AIDS-related wasting syndrome. Issues of cannabis and cannabis-based medicines were the subject of a working party report35 whose main conclusions were: • Inhibition of cannabinoid action can be used to help obese patients to lose weight. The first of a new class of CB1-receptor antagonists, rimonabant, reduced body-weight and improved cardiovascular risk factors (HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin resistance) in obese patients over 1 year.36 It may cause nausea and depression and is contraindicated in pregnancy. • In neuropathic pain, i.e. due to damaged neural tissue, data from well-controlled but limited duration trials suggest that THC is similar to codeine in potency, is safe and is not associated with tolerance or dependence. • Cannabinoids regulate bone mass, and cannabinoid receptor antagonists may have a role in the treatment of osteoporosis. • Data on the value of cannabis preparations for multiple sclerosis are not conclusive, although there is some support for a therapeutic effect.

Adverse effects Acute The psychological effects can be unpleasant, especially in inexperienced subjects. These are: timelessness and the feeling of loss of control of mental processes; feelings of unease, sometimes amounting to anguish and acute panic; ‘flashbacks’ of previously experienced hallucinations, e.g. on LSD. The effect of an acute dose usually ends in drowsiness and sleep. Increase in appetite is commonly experienced. It has been suggested that acute cannabis use might be associated with acute cardiovascular fatality, but this remains unproven.

Chronic There is tendency to paranoid thinking. Cognitive defect occurs and persists in relation to the duration of cannabis


Working Party Report 2005 Cannabis and Cannabis-Based Medicines: Potential Benefits and Risks to Health. Royal College of Physicians, London. 36 Van Gaal L F, Rissanen A M, Scheen A J et al 2005 Effects of the cannabinoid-1 receptor blocker rimonabant on weight reduction and cardiovascular risk factors in overweight patients: 1-year experience from the RIO-Europe study. Lancet 365:1389–1397.

Drug dependence use. High or habitual use can be followed by a psychotic state; this is usually reversible, quickly with brief periods of cannabis use, but more slowly after sustained exposures. Evidence indicates that chronic use may precipitate psychosis in vulnerable individuals.37 Continued heavy use can lead to tolerance, and a withdrawal syndrome (depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, tremor and other symptoms). Abandoning cannabis is difficult for many users. In studies of self-administration by monkeys, spontaneous use did not occur, but, once use was initiated, drug-seeking behaviour developed. Subjects who have become tolerant to LSD or opioids as a result of repeated dosage respond normally to cannabis, but there appears to be cross-tolerance between cannabinoids and alcohol. The term ‘amotivational syndrome’ signifies an imprecisely characterised state, with features ranging from a feeling of unease and sense of not being fully effective, up to a gross lethargy, with social passivity and deterioration. Yet the reversibility of the state, its association with cannabinoid use, and its recognition by cannabis users make it impossible to ignore. (See Escalation theory, p. 144.) The smoke produces the usual smoker’s cough and delivers much more tar than tobacco cigarettes. In terms of damage to the bronchial epithelium, e.g. squamous metaplasia (a pre-cancerous change), three or four cannabis cigarettes are the equivalent of 20 tobacco cigarettes. Cannabinoids are teratogenic in animals, but effect in humans is unproved, although there is impaired fetal growth with repeated use. Given the widespread recreational use of cannabis and its potential harmful effects, recent research has the development of strains of the cannabis plant with altered composition with regards to cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Evidence from both experimental and populationbased studies suggests that CBD can protect users from negative effects such as memory impairment, paranoia, psychosis and possibly addiction characterised by use of high THC cannabis products. The skunk strain of cannabis characteristically contains high levels of THC (approximately 15% of total cannabinoids). In the cannabis plant, both CBD and THC are made from a common precursor material cannabigerolic acid (CBGA). Increasing CBD levels in the plant is associated with a corresponding fall in THC levels. The optimum ratio is yet to be determined, but it might be possible to use existing regulatory frameworks to increase availability and access to less harmful cannabis products containing higher ratios of CBD to THC.


Henquet C, Murray R, Linszen D, van Os J 2005 Prospective cohort study of cannabis use, predisposition for psychosis, and psychotic symptoms in young people. British Medical Journal 330:11–14.


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Management of adverse reactions to psychodysleptics Mild and sometimes even severe episodes (‘bad trips’) can be managed by reassurance including talk, ‘talking the patient down’ and physical contact, e.g. hand-holding (LSD and mescaline). Sedation of anxious or excited subjects can be effected with diazepam (or haloperidol).

Psychostimulants Cocaine Cocaine is found in the leaves of the coca plant (Erythroxylum coca), a bush commonly found growing wild in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, and cultivated in many other countries. A widespread and ancient practice among South American peasants is to chew coca leaves with lime to release the alkaloid which gives relief from fatigue and hunger, and from altitude sickness in the Andes, experienced even by natives of the area when journeying; it also induces a pleasant introverted mental state. What may have been (or even still may be) an acceptable feature of these ancient stable societies has now developed into a massive criminal business for the manufacture and export of purified cocaine to developed societies, where its use constitutes an intractable social problem. An estimated 1 million people abused cocaine in the UK in 2009. This increase in use has been fuelled by falling street prices.

Pharmaco*kinetics and pharmacodynamics. Cocaine hydrochloride, extracted from the coca leaves, is a fine white powder. It is metabolised by plasma esterases; the t1/2 is 50 min. It is taken to obtain the immediate characteristic intense euphoria which is often followed in a few minutes by dysphoria. This leads to repeated use (10–45 min) during ‘runs’ of usually about 12 h. After the ‘run’ there follows the ‘crash’ (dysphoria, irritability, hypersomnia), lasting for hours to days. After the ‘crash’ there may be depression (‘cocaine blues’) and decreased capacity to experience pleasure (anhedonia) for days to weeks.

Route of administration.  Cocaine can be snorted, swallowed, smoked (below) or injected. Intranasal use causes mucosal vasoconstriction, anosmia and eventually necrosis and perforation of the nasal septum. Smoking involves converting the non-volatile cocaine HCl into the volatile ‘free base’ or ‘crack’ (by extracting the HCl with alkali). For use it is vaporised by heat (it pops or cracks) in a special glass ‘pipe’; or mixed with tobacco in a cigarette. Inhalation with breath-holding allows pulmonary absorption that is about as rapid as an intravenous injection. It induces an intense euphoric state. The mouth and pharynx become




From pharmacology to toxicology

anaesthetised. (See Local anaesthetic action of cocaine, p. 318.) Intravenous use gives the expected rapid effect (kick, flash, rush). Cocaine may be mixed with heroin (as ‘speedball’).

Mode of action.  Cocaine binds to and blocks the dopamine reuptake transporter which plays a key role in controlling entry of dopamine into central nerve terminals after release. Dopamine then accumulates in the synapse and acts on adjacent neurones to produce the characteristic ‘high’. The psychotropic effects of cocaine are similar to those of amfetamine (euphoria and excitement) but briefer. Psychological dependence with intense compulsive drug-seeking behaviour is characteristic of even short-term use. Physical dependence is arguably slight or absent. Tachyphylaxis, acute tolerance, occurs.

Overdose  is common among users. Up to 22% of heavy users report losing consciousness. The desired euphoria and excitement turn to acute fear, with psychotic symptoms, convulsions, hypertension, haemorrhagic stroke, tachycardia, arrhythmias, hyperthermia. Coronary artery vasospasm (sufficient to present as the acute coronary syndrome with chest pain and myocardial infarction) may occur, and acute left ventricular dysfunction. Treatment is chosen according to the clinical picture (and the known mode of action), from haloperidol (rather than chlorpromazine) for mental disturbance; diazepam for convulsions; a vasodilator, e.g. a calcium channel blocker, for hypertension; glyceryl trinitrate for myocardial ischaemia (but not a β-blocker which aggravates cocaine-induced coronary vasospasm). Fetal growth is retarded by maternal use, but teratogenicity is uncertain.

acid urine. As well as oral use, intravenous administration (with the pleasurable ‘flash’ as with opioids) is employed. Interactions are as expected from mode of action, e.g. antagonism of antihypertensives; severe hypertension with MAOIs and β-adrenoceptor blocking drugs.

Mode of action.  Amfetamine acts centrally by releasing dopamine stored in nerve endings and peripherally by α- and β-adrenoceptor actions common to indirectly acting sympathomimetics. As with all drugs acting on the CNS, the psychological effects vary with mood, personality and environment, as well as with dose. Subjects become euphoric, and fatigue is postponed. Although physical and mental performance may improve, this cannot be relied on. Subjects may be more confident and show more initiative, and be better satisfied with a more speedy performance that has deteriorated in accuracy. There may be anxiety and a feeling of nervous and physical tension, especially with large doses, and subjects develop tremors and confusion, and feel dizzy. Time seems to pass with greater rapidity. The sympathomimetic effect on the heart, causing palpitations, may intensify discomfort or alarm. Amfetamine increases the peripheral oxygen consumption, and this, together with vasoconstriction and restlessness, leads to hyperthermia in overdose, especially if the subject exercises. Dependence  on amfetamine and similar sympathomimetics is chiefly psychological. There is a withdrawal syndrome, suggesting physical dependence. Tolerance occurs. Severe dependence induces behaviour disorders, hallucinations, even florid psychosis, which can be controlled by haloperidol. Withdrawal is accompanied by lethargy and sleep, desire for food, and sometimes severe depression, which leads to an urge to resume the drug.

Acute poisoning  is manifested by excitement and peripheral Cocaine-induced coronary artery spasm and myocardial infarction is an increasingly recognised problem and should be suspected in a young person presenting with cardiac chest pain.

Amfetamines An easily prepared crystalline form of methylamfetamine (known as ‘crystal meth’ or ‘ice’) is in widespread illicit use as a psychostimulant. Amfetamine is a racemic compound: the laevo form is relatively inactive, but dexamfetamine (the dextro isomer) finds use in medicine. Amfetamine will be described, and structurally related drugs only in the ways in which they differ.

Pharmaco*kinetics.  Amfetamine (t1/2 12 h) is readily absorbed by any usual route and is largely eliminated unchanged in the urine. Urinary excretion is pH dependent; being a basic substance, elimination will be greater in an


sympathomimetic effects. Convulsions may occur in acute or chronic overuse; a state resembling hyperactive paranoid schizophrenia with hallucinations develops. Hyperthermia occurs with cardiac arrhythmias, vascular collapse, intracranial haemorrhage and death. Treatment is chlorpromazine with added antihypertensive, e.g. labetalol, if necessary; these provide sedation and β-adrenoceptor blockade (but not a β-blocker alone, see p. 431), rendering unnecessary the optional enhancement of elimination by urinary acidification.

Chronic overdose  can cause a psychotic state mimicking schizophrenia. A vasculitis of the cerebral and/or renal vessels can occur, possibly due to release of vasoconstrictor amines from both platelets and nerve endings. Severe hypertension can result from the renal vasculitis. Structurally related drugs include dexamfetamine, used for narcolepsy and in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (see p. 360), methylphenidate (used for ADHD), tenamfetamine (Ecstasy, see p. 157), phentermine, diethylpropion and pemoline.

Drug dependence

Khat The leaves of the khat shrub (Catha edulis) contain alkaloids (cathinine, cathine, cathidine) that are structurally like amfetamine and produce similar effects. They are chewed fresh (for maximal alkaloid content). The habit was confined to geographical areas favourable to the shrub (Arabia, East Africa) until modern transportation allowed wider distribution. Use in the UK has been increasingly reported. It has been banned in the USA and Canada. Khat chewers (mostly male) become euphoric, loquacious, excited, hyperactive and even manic. As with some other drug dependencies, subjects may give priority to their drug needs above personal, family, and other social and economic responsibilities. Cultivation takes up serious amounts of scarce arable land and irrigation water.

Volatile substance abuse Seekers of the ‘self-gratifying high’ also inhale any volatile substance that may affect the CNS. These include adhesives (‘glue sniffing’), lacquer-paint solvents, petrol, nail varnish, any pressurised aerosol, butane liquid gas (the latter especially may ‘freeze’ the larynx, allowing fatal inhalation of food, drink, gastric contents, or even the liquid itself to flood the


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lungs). Even solids, e.g. paint scrapings, solid shoe polish, may be volatilised over a fire. These substances are particularly abused by the young (13–15 years), no doubt largely because they are accessible at home and in ordinary shops, and these children cannot easily buy alcohol or ‘street’ drugs (although this may be changing as dealers target the youngest). CNS effects include confusion and hallucinations, ataxia, dysarthria, coma, convulsions, respiratory failure. Liver, kidney, lung and heart damage occur. Sudden cardiac death may be due to sensitisation of the heart to endogenous catecholamines. If the substance is put in a plastic bag from which the user takes deep inhalations, or is sprayed in a confined space, e.g. cupboard, there is particularly high risk. A 17-year-old boy was offered the use of a plastic bag and a can of hair spray at a beach party. The hair spray was released into the plastic bag and the teenager put his mouth to the open end of the bag and inhaled … he exclaimed, ‘God, this stuff hits ya fast!’ He got up, ran 100 yards, and died.38 Signs of frequent volatile substance abuse include perioral eczema and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. 38

Bass M 1970 Sudden sniffing death. Journal of the American Medical Association 212:2075.

Guide to further reading Aubin, H.J., Karila, L., Reynaud, M., 2011. Pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation: present and future. Curr. Pharm. Des. 17, 143–150. Clark, S., 2005. Personal account: on giving up smoking. Lancet 365, 1855. Doll, R., 1997. One for the heart. Br. Med. J. 315, 1664–1668. Edwards, R., 2004. The problem of tobacco smoking. Br. Med. J. 328, 217–219 (and subsequent articles in this series on the ‘ABC of Smoking Cessation’). Fergusson, D.M., Poulton, R., Smith, P.F., Boden, J.M., 2006. Cannabis and psychosis. Br. Med. J. 322, 172–176. Flower, R., 2004. Lifestyle drugs: pharmacology and the social agenda. Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 25, 182–185.

Gerada, C., 2005. Drug misuse: a review of treatments. Clin. Med. (Northfield Il) 5, 69–73. Gordon, R.J., Lowy, F.D., 2005. Bacterial infections in drug users. N. Engl. J. Med. 353, 1945– 1954.

among UK adults: database analysis. Br. Med. J. 330, 812–815. Kahan, M., Srivastava, A., Ordean, A., Cirone, S., 2011. Buprenorphine: new treatment of opioid addiction in primary care. Can. Fam. Physician 57, 281–289.

Hartmann-Boyce, J., McRobbie, H., Bullen, C., et al., 2016. Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation (2016). Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. (9), CD010216. Available at: /enhanced/doi/10.1002/14651858 .CD010216.pub3.

Kosten, T.R., O’Connor, P.G., 2003. Management of drug and alcohol withdrawal. N. Engl. J. Med. 348, 1786–1795.

Hser, Y.-I., Liang, D., Lan, Y.-C., et al., 2016. Drug Abuse, HIV, and HCV in Asian Countries. J. Neuroimmune Pharmacol. 11, 383–393.

Malaiyandi, V., Sellers, E.M., Tyndale, R.F., 2005. Implications of CYP2A6 genetic variation for smoking behaviours and nicotine dependence. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 77, 145–158.

Jamrozik, K., 2005. Estimate of deaths attributable to passive smoking

Lange, R.A., Hillis, L.D., 2001. Cardiovascular complications of cocaine use. N. Engl. J. Med. 345, 351–358.




From pharmacology to toxicology

Minozzi, S., Amato, L., Vecchi, S., et al., 2011. Oral naltrexone maintenance treatment for opioid dependence. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. (4), CD001333. Nutt, D., King, L.A., Saulsbury, W., Blakemore, C., 2007. Development of a rational scale to assess the harm of drugs of potential misuse. Lancet 369, 1047–1053. Ricaurte, G.A., McCann, U.D., 2005. Recognition and management of complications of new recreational drug use. Lancet 365, 2137–2145 (see also p. 2146, the anonymous


Personal Account: GHB – sense and sociability). Rong, C., Lee, Y., Carmona, N.E., et al., 2017. Cannabidiol in medical marijuana: Research vistas and potential opportunities. Pharmacol. Res. 121, 213–218. Snead, O.C., Gibson, K.M., 2005. g-hydroxybutyric acid. N. Engl. J. Med. 352, 2721–2732. Schifano, F., Orsolini, L., Papanti, G.D., Corkery, J.M., 2015. Novel psychoactive substances of interest for psychiatry. World Psychiatry 14, 15–26.

Topiwala, A., Allan, C.L., Valkanova, V., et al., 2017. Moderate alcohol consumption as risk factor for adverse brain outcomes and cognitive decline. Longitudinal cohort study. Brit. Med. J. 357, j2353. Toupal, J.T., Ronan, M.V., Moore, A., Rosenthal, M.D., 2017. Inpatient management of opioid use disorder: A review for hospitalists. J. Hosp. Med. 12, 369–374.

Section | 3 | Infection and inflammation

12 Chemotherapy of infections  166 13 Antibacterial drugs  178 14 Chemotherapy of bacterial infections  198 15 Viral, fungal, protozoal and helminthic infections  221

16 Drugs for inflammation and joint disease  248 17 Drugs and the skin  269


12 Chemotherapy of infections David A. Enoch, Mark Farrington


Infection is a major category of human disease and skilled management of antimicrobial drugs is crucial. The term chemotherapy is used for the drug treatment of infections in which the infecting agents (viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi and helminths) are destroyed or removed without injuring the host. The use of the term to cover all drug or synthetic drug therapy needlessly removes a distinction which is convenient to the clinician and has the sanction of long usage. By convention the term is also used to include therapy of cancer. This chapter will examine: • • • •

Classification of antimicrobial drugs. How antimicrobials act. Principles of optimal antimicrobial therapy. Use of antimicrobial drugs: choice; combinations; chemoprophylaxis and pre-emptive suppressive therapy; chemoprophylaxis in surgery. • Special problems with antimicrobial d ugs: resistance; superinfection; masking of infections. • Antimicrobial drugs of choice.

History Many substances that we now know to possess therapeutic efficacy were first used in the distant past. The Ancient Greeks used male fern, and the Aztecs Chenopodium, as intestinal anthelminthics. The Ancient Hindus treated leprosy with Chaulmoogra. For hundreds of years moulds have been applied to wounds, but, despite the introduction of mercury as a treatment for syphilis (16th century), and the use of


cinchona bark against malaria {17th century), the history of modem rational chemotlierapy did not begin until Ehrlich1 developed the idea from his observation that aniline dyes selectively stained bacteria in tissue microscopic preparations and could selectively kill them. He invented the word 'chemotherapy:' and in 1906 he wrote: In order to use chemotherapy successfully, we must search for substances which have an affinity for the cells of the parasites and a power of killing them greater than the damage such substances cause to the organism itself . . . This means . . . we must learn to aim, learn to aim with chemical substances. The antimalarials pamaquin and mepacrine were developed from dyes, and in 1935 the first sulfonamide, linked with a dye (Prontosil), was introduced as a result of systematic studies by Domagk. 2 The results obtained with sulfonamides in puerperal sepsis, pneumonia and meningitis were dramatic and caused a revolution in scientific and medical thinking. In 1928, Fleming3 accidentally rediscovered the long­ known ability of Penicillium fungi to suppress the growth of bacterial cultures, but put the finding aside as a curiosity. His Nobel lecture in 1945 was prophetic for our current times:

'Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915), the German scientist who was the pioneer of chemotherapy and discovered the first cure for syphilis (Salvarsan). 'Gerhard Domagk (1895-1964), bacteriologist and pathologist, who made his discovery while working in Germany. Awarded the 1939 Nobel prize for Physiology or Medicine, he had to wait until 1947 to receive the gold medal because of Nazi policy at the time. 3Alexander Fleming (1881-1955). He researched for years on antibacterial substances that would not be harmful to humans. His findings on penicillin were made at St Mary's Hospital, London. See http ://nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1945/fl eming1 ectu re. pdf (accessed November 2017).

Chemotherapy of infections It is not difficult to make microbes resistant to penicillin in the laboratory by exposing them to concentrations not sufficient to kill them, and the same thing has occasionally happened in the body. The time may come when penicillin can be bought by anyone in the shops. Then there is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug, make them resistant. In 1939, principally as an academic exercise, Florey4 and Chain5 undertook an investigation of antibiotics, i.e. substances produced by microorganisms that are antagonistic to the growth or life of other microorganisms.6 They prepared penicillin and confirmed its remarkable lack of toxicity.7 When the preparation was administered to a policeman with combined staphylococcal and streptococcal septicaemia, there was dramatic improvement; unfortunately the manufacture of penicillin in the local pathology laboratory could not keep pace with the requirements (it was also extracted from the patient’s urine and re-injected); it ran out, and the patient later succumbed to infection. In recent years, however: the magic bullets have lost some of their magic. One solution may be to find alternatives to antibiotics when resistance appears, but there is also an urgent need for new antibiotics to be developed. Few pharmaceutical companies are now involved in antibiotic development … The high cost of development, the prolonged safety evaluation, and the probable short duration of field use and the present

4 Howard Walter Florey (1898–1969), Professor of Pathology at Oxford University. 5 Ernest Boris Chain (1906–1979), biochemist. Fleming, Florey and Chain shared the 1945 Nobel prize for Physiology or Medicine. 6 Strictly, the definition should refer to substances that are antagonistic in dilute solution because it is necessary to exclude various common metabolic products such as alcohols and hydrogen peroxide. The term ‘antibiotic’ is now commonly used for antimicrobial drugs in general, and it would be pedantic to object to this. Today, many commonly used antibiotics are either fully synthetic or are produced by major chemical modification of naturally produced molecules: hence, ‘antimicrobial agent’ is perhaps a more accurate term, but ‘antibiotic’ is the commoner usage. 7 The importance of this discovery for a nation at war was obvious to these workers, but the time, July 1940, was unpropitious, for invasion was feared. The mood of the time is shown by the decision to ensure that, by the time invaders reached Oxford, the essential records and apparatus for making penicillin would have been deliberately destroyed; the productive strain of Penicillium mould was to be secretly preserved by several of the principal workers smearing the spores of the mould into the linings of their ordinary clothes where it could remain dormant but alive for years; any member of the team who escaped (wearing the right clothes) could use it to start the work again (Macfarlane G 1979 Howard Florey, Oxford).


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tendency for any new compound to induce resistance all militate against major investment in new compounds.8 (See the review by Morel and Mossialos9 on how this perverse economic incentive could be turned around.) The realisation of this emerging threat is increasing worldwide. In 2013, the Department of Health in England launched a new Five Year Antibiotic Resistance Strategy (2015–2018).10 It was published as part of a One Health approach, which aimed to address antibiotic resistance in humans, animals, agriculture and the wider environment. Its main objectives were to improve the knowledge and understanding of antibiotic resistance, to conserve and steward the effectiveness of current antibiotics and stimulate the development of new agents, diagnostics and novel therapies. In the strategy and her annual report, published in February 2013, the Chief Medical Officer in England recommended that antibiotic resistance be placed on the national risk register. Seven key priorities were outlined: 1. Optimising prescribing practices (i.e. antimicrobial

stewardship) Improving infection prevention and control Raising awareness and changing behaviour Improving the evidence base through research Developing new drugs/vaccines/other diagnostics and treatments 6. Improving evidence base through surveillance 7. Strengthening the UK and international collaboration. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The O’Neill report (chaired by an economist for the Department of Health in England) has subsequently suggested setting up a global antimicrobial resistance innovation fund to boost the number of early research ideas, ensuring that existing drugs are used appropriately, improving the use of diagnostics wherever they can make a difference, attracting and retaining a high-calibre skills base and modernising the surveillance of drug resistance globally.11 These and other measures are summarized elsewhere.12 8 Lord Soulsby of Swaffham Prior 2005 Resistance to antimicrobials in humans and animals. British Medical Journal 331:1219. 9 Morel C M, Mossialos E 2010 Stoking the antibiotic pipeline. British Medical Journal 340:1115–1118. 10 Department of Health and Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs – UK Five Year Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy 2013 to 2018. Available at: uploads/attachment_data/file/244058/20130902_UK_5_year_AMR_ strategy.pdf. Accessed 28th January 2017 11 O’Neill J. The Review on Antimicrobial Resistance. Available at: with%20cover.pdf (accessed 28th January 2017). 12 Sabtu N, Enoch DA, Brown NM. Antibiotic resistance: what, why, where, when and how? British Mededical Bulletin 2015;116:105–113.


Infection and inflammation

Classification of antimicrobial drugs Antimicrobial agents may be classified according to the type of organism against which they are active, and in this book we follow the sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Antibacterial drugs. Antiviral drugs. Antifungal drugs. Antiprotozoal drugs. Anthelminthic drugs.

A few antimicrobials have useful activity across several of these groups. Metronidazole inhibits obligate anaerobic bacteria as well as some protozoa that rely on anaerobic metabolic pathways (such as Trichom*onas vagin*lis), whilst co-trimoxazole has activity against bacteria, fungi (e.g. Pneumocystis spp.) and parasites (e.g. Isospora spp.). Antimicrobial drugs have also been classified broadly into:

• Bacteriostatic, i.e. those that act primarily by arresting bacterial multiplication, such as sulfonamides, tetracyclines and chloramphenicol. • Bactericidal, i.e. those which act primarily by killing bacteria, such as penicillins, aminoglycosides and rifampicin. The classification is in part arbitrary because most bacteriostatic drugs are bactericidal at high concentrations, under certain incubation conditions in vitro, and against some bacteria. However, there is some clinical evidence for efficacy of conventionally bactericidal drugs for infective endocarditis, meningitis and immunosuppressed patients. Bactericidal drugs act most effectively on rapidly dividing organisms. Thus a bacteriostatic drug, by reducing multiplication, may protect the organism from the killing effect of a bactericidal drug. Such mutual antagonism of antimicrobials may be clinically important, but the matter is complex because of the multiple factors that determine each drug’s efficacy at the site of infection. In vitro tests of antibacterial synergy and antagonism may only distantly replicate these conditions. Probably more important is whether its antimicrobial effect is concentration-dependent or time-dependent. Examples of the former include the quinolones and aminoglycosides in which the outcome is related to the peak antibiotic concentration achieved at the site of infection in relation to the minimum concentration necessary to inhibit multiplication of the organism (the minimum inhibitory concentration, or MIC). These antimicrobials produce a prolonged inhibitory effect on bacterial multiplication (the post-antibiotic effect, or PAE) which suppresses growth until the next dose is given. In contrast, agents such as the β-lactams and macrolides have more modest PAEs and exhibit


time-dependent killing; their concentrations should be kept above the MIC for a high proportion of the time between each dose (Fig. 12.1). Fig. 12.1 shows the results of an experiment in which a culture broth initially containing 106 bacteria per mL is exposed to various concentrations of two antibiotics, one of which exhibits concentration-dependent and the other time-dependent killing. The ‘control’ series contains no antibiotic, and the other series contain progressively higher antibiotic concentrations from 0.5 × to 64 × the MIC. Over 6 h incubation, the time-dependent antibiotic exhibits killing, but there is no difference between the 1 × MIC and 64 × MIC. The additional cidal effect of rising concentrations of the antibiotic which has concentration-dependent killing can be clearly seen.

How antimicrobials act – sites of action It should always be remembered that drugs are seldom the sole instruments of cure but act together with the natural

Concentration-dependent killing Bacterial concentration (cfu/mL)


100000000 10000000 1000000



1000 100



Control 0.5xMIC 1xMIC X 4xMIC 16xMIC 64xMIC


(a) Bacterial concentration (cfu/mL)











Time-dependent killing

100000000 10000000 1000000 100000 10000 1000 100 (b)



4 3 Time (h)



Fig. 12.1  Efficacy of antimicrobials: examples of concentrationdependent and time-dependent killing (see text) (cfu = colonyforming units).

Chemotherapy of infections defences of the body. Antimicrobials may act at different sites in the target organism, and these are characteristically structures or metabolic pathways that differ from those in the human host – this allows for ‘selective toxicity’:

The cell wall.  Bacterial multiplication involves breakdown and extension of the cell wall; interference with these processes prevents the organism from resisting osmotic pressures, so that it bursts. Obviously, the drugs are effective principally against growing cells. They include: penicillins, cephalosporins, glycopeptides (e.g. vancomycin), bacitracin and cycloserine. The cytoplasmic membrane.  Drugs that interfere with its structure include: polyenes (nystatin, amphotericin), azoles (e.g. fluconazole, itraconazole), polymyxins (colistin, polymyxin B) and daptomycin. Protein synthesis.  Drugs that interfere at various points with the buildup of peptide chains on microbial ribosomes include: chloramphenicol, macrolides (e.g. erythromycin), fusidic acid, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, quinupristin/ dalfopristin and linezolid.

Nucleic acid metabolism.  Drugs may interfere:

• directly with microbial DNA or its replication or repair, e.g. quinolones, metronidazole, or with RNA, e.g. rifampicin • indirectly on nucleic acid synthesis, e.g. sulfonamides, trimethoprim.

Principles of antimicrobial chemotherapy The following principles, many of which apply to drug therapy in general, are a guide to good practice with antimicrobial agents.

Make a diagnosis  as precisely as is possible and define the site of infection, the organism(s) responsible and their susceptibility to a range of antimicrobial agents (to give several therapeutic options to cater for different sites of infection and the possibility of allergies or other drug sensitivities in the infected individual). This objective will be more readily achieved if all relevant samples for laboratory culture are taken before treatment is begun. Once antimicrobials have been administered, isolation of the underlying organism by culture may be inhibited, and its place in diagnostic samples may be taken by resistant, colonising bacteria which obscure the true causative pathogen. New diagnostic methods that rely on detecting specific microbial nucleic acids (e.g. the polymerase chain reaction, PCR), lipids or proteins allow detection of the causative pathogen in patients who have already received antimicrobial therapy,


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although it is currently less likely simultaneously to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of these microbes. It is inconsistent that the assessment of new antibiotics for therapeutic use is very much more rigorously controlled than is the introduction of diagnostic tests that direct their use – Gluud and Gluud propose a harmonised approach to the assessment and regulation of new diagnostic procedures in clinical microbiology.13

Remove barriers to cure, e.g. drain abscesses, remove obstruction in the urinary tract and infected intravenous catheters and consider removal of prosthetic devices (e.g. prosthetic joint prostheses). Decide whether chemotherapy is really necessary.  Chronic abscesses or empyemata respond poorly to antibiotics alone and require surgical drainage, although chemotherapeutic cover may be essential if surgery is undertaken in order to avoid dissemination of infection during the operation. Even some acute infections are better managed symptomatically than by antimicrobials; thus the risks of adverse drug reactions for previously healthy individuals might outweigh the modest clinical benefits that follow antibiotic therapy of salmonella gastroenteritis and streptococcal sore throat.

Select the best drug.  This involves consideration of the following factors:

• Specificity: indiscriminate use of broad-spectrum drugs promotes antimicrobial resistance and encourages opportunistic infections, e.g. with yeasts (see p. 172). At the beginning of treatment, empirical ‘best guess’ chemotherapy of reasonably broad spectrum must often be given because the susceptibility and identity of the responsible microbe is uncertain. The spectrum should be narrowed once these are microbiologically confirmed. • Pharmaco*kinetic factors: to ensure that the chosen drug is capable of reaching the site of infection in adequate amounts, e.g. by crossing the blood–brain barrier. • The patient: who may previously have exhibited allergy to a group of antimicrobials or whose routes of elimination may be impaired, e.g. by renal disease.

Administer the drug  in optimum dose and frequency and by the most appropriate route(s). Inadequate doses may encourage the development of microbial resistance. In general, on grounds of practicability, intermittent dosing is preferred to continuous infusion. There is emerging evidence that glycopeptides may be more effective when given as a continuous infusion, whilst beta-lactams can also be given 13

Gluud C G, Gluud L L 2005 Evidence based diagnostics. British Medical Journal 330:724–726




Infection and inflammation

as extended infusions, particularly in sicker patients. Plasma concentration monitoring can be performed to optimise therapy and reduce adverse drug reactions (e.g. aminoglycosides, glycopeptides). Antibiotics should also be started as soon as possible in the patient with features of sepsis/severe sepsis (see infection of the blood in Ch. 14).

Continue therapy  until apparent cure has been achieved; most acute infections are treated for 5–10 days. There are many exceptions to this, such as typhoid fever, tuberculosis and infective endocarditis, in which relapse is possible long after apparent clinical cure and so the drugs are continued for a longer period determined by comparative or observational trials. Otherwise, prolonged therapy is to be avoided because it increases costs and the risks of adverse drug reactions. Test for cure.  In some infections, microbiological proof of cure is desirable because disappearance of symptoms and signs occurs before the organisms are eradicated. This is generally restricted to especially susceptible hosts, e.g. urinary tract infection in pregnancy. Confirmatory culture must be done, of course, after withdrawal of chemotherapy.

Prophylactic chemotherapy for surgical and dental procedures should be of very limited duration, often only a single large dose being given (see p. 172).

Carriers of pathogenic or resistant organisms  should not routinely be treated to remove the organisms, for it may be better to allow natural re-establishment of a normal flora. The potential benefits of clearing carriage must be weighed carefully against the inevitable risks of adverse drug reactions.

Use of antimicrobial drugs Choice Identification of the microbe and performing susceptibility tests take time, and therapy at least of the more serious infections must usually be started on the basis of the informed ‘best guess’ (i.e. ‘empirical’ therapy). Especially in critically ill patients, choosing initial therapy to which the infecting microbes are susceptible has been shown to improve the outcome – with the worldwide rise in prevalence of multiply resistant bacteria during the past decade, knowledge of local antimicrobial resistance rates is therefore an essential prerequisite. Publication of these rates (and corresponding guidelines for choice of empirical therapy for common infections) is now an important role for clinical diagnostic microbiology laboratories. Such guidelines must be reviewed regularly to keep pace with changing resistance patterns.


When considering ‘best guess’ therapy, infections may be categorised as those in which: 1. Choice of antimicrobial follows automatically from

the clinical diagnosis because the causative organism is always the same, and is virtually always sensitive to the same drug, e.g. meningococcal septicaemia (benzylpenicillin), some haemolytic streptococcal infections, e.g. scarlet fever, erysipelas (benzylpenicillin), typhus (tetracycline), leprosy (dapsone with rifampicin). 2. The infecting organism is identified by the clinical diagnosis, but no safe assumption can be made as to its sensitivity to any one antimicrobial, e.g. tuberculosis. 3. A single infecting organism is not identified by the clinical diagnosis, e.g. in urinary tract infection or abdominal surgical wound infection. Particularly in the second and third categories, choice of an antimicrobial may be guided by:

Knowledge of the likely pathogens  (and their current local susceptibility rates to antimicrobials) in the clinical situation. Thus co-amoxiclav might be a reasonable first choice for lower urinary tract infection (coliform organisms – depending on the prevalence of resistance locally), and benzylpenicillin for meningitis in the adult (meningococcal or pneumococcal). Rapid diagnostic tests. Rapid detection of markers of infection such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin assays are now available, and evidence is accruing as to how they should best be used. Both CRP and procalcitonin concentrations rise in the serum within a few hours of the commencement of serious bacterial infections, and it appears that clinical decisions on antimicrobial use based on algorithms that include the results of such assays may be more accurate, and may spare some patients from antibiotic exposure. Use of tests of this type to diagnose involvement of specific pathogens has undergone a revolution with the widespread introduction of affordable, sensitive and specific assays. Increasingly, reliable tests are being introduced which can be used at the patient’s bedside (‘point of care’ (POC) tests). Classically, antimicrobials were selected after direct microscopy of smears of body secretions or tissues – thus flucloxacillin may be indicated when clusters of Gram-positive cocci are found (indicating staphylococci), but glycopeptides would be preferred in those hospitals with a high prevalence of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Light microscopy will remain useful in this way for many years to come, but use of PCR to detect DNA sequences specific for individual microbial species or resistance mechanisms greatly speeds up the institution of definitive, reliable therapy. These methods are already widely used for diagnosing meningitis (detecting Neisseria meningitidis,

Chemotherapy of infections Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae), tuberculosis (including detection of rifampicin resistance) and most viral infections. Quantitative PCR allows monitoring the response to therapy (e.g. monitoring copy numbers of circulating cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA in a transplant recipient being treated with ganciclovir). Several rapid nonculture techniques are being assessed for laboratory application (e.g. mass spectroscopy) which allow speciation of bacteria and fungi within a few minutes of their culture in broth or on solid media. Modification of treatment can be made later if necessary, in the light of conventional culture and susceptibility tests. Treatment otherwise should be changed only after adequate trial, usually 2–3 days, because over-hasty alterations cause confusion and encourage the emergence of resistant organisms. Route of administration.  Parenteral therapy (which may be i.m. or i.v.) is preferred for therapy of serious infections because high therapeutic concentrations are achieved reliably and rapidly. Initial parenteral therapy should be switched to the oral route whenever possible once the patient has improved clinically and as long as a suitable oral antibiotic is available and they are able to absorb it (i.e. not with vomiting, ileus or diarrhoea). Many antibiotics are well absorbed orally, and the long-held assumption that prolonged parenteral therapy is necessary for adequate therapy of serious infections (such as osteomyelitis) is often not supported by the results of clinical trials. Intravenous therapy was typically restricted to hospital patients in the past. However, continuation parenteral therapy of certain infections in patients in the community is sometimes performed by specially trained nurses (as outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy; OPAT). The costs of hospital stays and some risks of health-care-associated infections are avoided, but this type of management is suitable only when the patient’s clinical state is stable, oral therapy is not suitable, and the infection is amenable to once-daily administration of a suitable antibiotic (usually one having a prolonged half-life). Oral therapy of infections is usually cheaper and avoids the risks associated with maintenance of intravenous access; on the other hand, it may expose the gastrointestinal tract to higher local concentrations of antibiotic with consequently greater risks of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. Some antimicrobial agents are available only for topical use to skin, anterior nares, eye or mouth; in general it is better to avoid antibiotics that are also used for systemic therapy because topical use may be especially likely to select for resistant strains. Topical therapy to the conjunctival sac is used for therapy of infections of the conjunctiva and the anterior chamber of the eye. Inhalational antibiotics are of proven benefit for pseudomonas colonisation of the lungs in children with cystic


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fibrosis (twice-daily tobramycin), monthly pentamidine for pneumocystis prophylaxis and zanamivir for patients with oseltamivir-resistant influenza A and B (if commenced within 48 h). In addition, there is probable benefit for colistin in cystic fibrosis and as an adjunct to parenteral antibiotics for Gram-negative pneumonia, for aminoglycosides in bronchiectasis, and for ribavirin for RSV infection in children. Other routes used for antibiotics on occasion include rectal (as suppositories), intra-ophthalmic, intrathecal (to the CSF), and by direct injection or infusion to infected tissues.

Combinations Treatment with a single antimicrobial is sufficient for most infections. The indications for use of two or more antimicrobials are:

• to avoid the development of drug resistance, especially in chronic infections where many bacteria are present (hence the chance of a resistant mutant emerging is high), e.g. tuberculosis. • to broaden the spectrum of antibacterial activity: (1) in a known mixed infection, e.g. peritonitis following gut perforation, or (2) where the infecting organism cannot be predicted but treatment is essential before a diagnosis has been reached, e.g. septicaemia complicating neutropenia or severe community-acquired pneumonia. • to obtain potentiation (or ‘synergy’), i.e. an effect unobtainable with either drug alone, e.g. penicillin plus gentamicin for enterococcal endocarditis. • to enable reduction of the dose of one component and hence reduce the risks of adverse drug reactions, e.g. flucytosine plus amphotericin B for Cryptococcus neoformans meningitis.

Chemoprophylaxis and pre-emptive suppressive therapy It is sometimes assumed that what a drug can cure it will also prevent, but this is not necessarily so. The basis of effective chemoprophylaxis is the use of a drug in a healthy person to prevent infection by one organism of reliable and predictable susceptibility, e.g. benzylpenicillin against a beta-haemolytic Group A streptococcus. However, the term ‘chemoprophylaxis’ is commonly extended to include suppression of existing infection. It is essential to know the organisms causing infection and their local resistance patterns, and the period of time the patient is at risk. A narrow-spectrum antibiotic regimen should be administered only during this period – ideally for a few minutes before until a few hours after the risk




Infection and inflammation

period. It is therefore much easier to define chemotherapeutic regimens for short-term exposures (e.g. surgical operations) than it is for longer-term and less well-defined risks. The main categories of chemoprophylaxis may be summarised as follows:

be alert for complications and then to treat them promptly and vigorously rather than to try to prevent them.

• True prevention of primary infection: rheumatic fever,

The principles governing use of antimicrobials in this context are as follows. Chemoprophylaxis is justified:


• • •

recurrent urinary tract infection. Prevention of opportunistic infections, e.g. due to commensals getting into the wrong place (coagulase-negative staphylococcal prosthetic joint infection from the patient’s skin during the operation, and peritonitis after bowel surgery). Note that these are both high-risk situations of short duration; prolonged administration of drugs before surgery would result in the areas concerned (mouth and bowel) being colonised by drug-resistant organisms with potentially disastrous results (see below). Immunocompromised patients can benefit from longer-term chemoprophylaxis, e.g. of Gram-negative septicaemia complicating neutropenia with an oral quinolone, or of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia with co-trimoxazole. Suppression of existing infection before it causes overt disease, e.g. tuberculosis, malaria. Prevention of acute exacerbations of a chronic infection, e.g. bronchitis, cystic fibrosis. Prevention of spread among contacts (in epidemics and/ or sporadic cases). Spread of influenza A can be partially prevented by oseltamivir; ciprofloxacin may be used when there is a case of meningococcal meningitis in a family.

Long-term prophylaxis of bacterial infection can be achieved often by doses that are inadequate for therapy once the acute infection has been fully treated. Attempts to use drugs routinely to prevent infection when a wide and unpredictable range of organisms may be involved, e.g. pneumonia in the unconscious patient and urinary tract infection in patients with long-term urinary catheters, have not only failed but have sometimes encouraged infections with less susceptible organisms. Attempts routinely to prevent bacterial infection secondary to virus infections, e.g. in respiratory tract infections and measles, have also not been sufficiently successful to outweigh the disadvantages. In these situations, it is generally better to


Rheumatic fever is caused by a large number of types of Group A streptococci, and immunity is type-specific. Recurrent attacks are commonly due to infection with different strains of these, all of which are sensitive to penicillin and so chemoprophylaxis is effective. Acute glomerulonephritis is also due to Group A streptococci, but only a few types cause it, so that natural immunity is more likely to protect and second attacks are rare. Therefore, chemoprophylaxis is not used.


Chemoprophylaxis in surgery

• When the risk of infection is high because of large numbers of bacteria at the operative site, e.g. in operations on the large bowel. • When the risk of infection is low but the consequences of infection would be disastrous, e.g. infection of prosthetic joints or prosthetic heart valves. • When the risks of infection are low but randomised controlled trials have shown the benefits of prophylaxis to outweigh the risks, e.g. single-dose antistaphylococcal prophylaxis for uncomplicated hernia and breast surgery. In the UK, controversy followed the publication in 2006 of the updated guidelines of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy’s working party on the prevention of infective endocarditis (see the Guide to further reading for illustrative articles). The new guidelines advocated a much more restricted policy of administering antimicrobial prophylaxis at the time of medical interventions, including dentistry. This was based on the lack of convincing evidence for the efficacy of this time-honoured practice, with the exception of those patients at highest risk (for example, those with prosthetic heart valves or who had previously suffered episodes of infective endocarditis). This policy was supported by the subsequent publication of evidence-based guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in England, and similar guidelines have subsequently been promoted in other countries, including the USA.

Antimicrobials should be selected  in the light of knowledge of the likely pathogens at the sites of surgery and their locally prevalent antimicrobial susceptibility. Antimicrobials should be given  i.v., i.m. or occasionally rectally at the beginning of anaesthesia and for no more than 48 h. A single preoperative dose, given at the time of induction of anaesthesia, has been shown to give optimal cover for most operations. A glycopeptide is often included in prophylactic regimens when the patient is known to be a carrier of MRSA or its local prevalence is high (ask microbiological advice). Specific instances are: 1. Colorectal surgery: there is a high risk of infection with

enterobacteriaceae, Clostridium spp., streptococci and

Chemotherapy of infections






Bacteroides spp. which inhabit the gut (co-amoxiclav or gentamicin and metronidazole). Gastroduodenal surgery: colonisation of the stomach with gut organisms occurs especially when acid secretion is low, e.g. in gastric malignancy, following use of a histamine H2-receptor antagonist or following previous gastric surgery (co-amoxiclav or gentamicin and metronidazole). Gynaecological surgery: because the vagin* contains Bacteroides spp. and other anaerobes, streptococci and coliforms (co-amoxiclav). Leg amputation: because there is a risk of gas gangrene in an ischaemic limb and the mortality is high (benzylpenicillin, or metronidazole for the patient with allergy to penicillin). Insertion of prostheses – joints, heart valves, vessels: chemoprophylaxis is justified because infection (Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci and enterobacteriaceae are commonest) often means that the artificial joint, valve or vessel must be replaced. Single perioperative doses of appropriate antibiotics with plasma elimination half-lives of several hours (e.g. cefotaxime) are adequate, but if short half-life agents are used (e.g. flucloxacillin, +/– gentamicin single dose) several doses should be given during the first 24 h. General surgery: clearance of Staphylococcus aureus from the anterior nares of carriers with mupirocin is known to reduce the incidence of wound infection by about one-half, and this treatment has recently been shown in one high-quality trial to be effective when targeted only at staphylococcal nasal carriers who were detected by screening nasal swabs with a rapid real-time PCR assay. This strategy is much more potentially attractive than the alternative of treating all patients preoperatively, which has been demonstrated not to reduce infection rates significantly while maximising unnecessary mupirocin exposure.

Problems with antimicrobial drugs Resistance Microbial resistance to antimicrobials is a matter of great importance; if sensitive strains are supplanted by resistant ones, then a valuable drug may become useless. Just as ‘some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them’,15 so microorganisms may


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be naturally (‘born’) resistant, ‘achieve’ resistance by mutation or have resistance ‘thrust upon them’ by transfer of plasmids and other mobile genetic elements. Resistance may become more prevalent by spread of microorganisms containing resistance genes, and also by dissemination of the resistance genes among different microbial species. Because resistant strains are encouraged (selected) at the population level by use of antimicrobial agents, antibiotics are the only group of therapeutic agents which can alter the actual diseases suffered by other, untreated individuals. About 50% of antimicrobial use is in human medicine – the remainder being given to animals – and 80% of human use occurs in domiciliary practice, out of hospitals. Problems of antimicrobial resistance have burgeoned during the past few decades in most countries of the world, both in and out of hospital, and fortunately a number of international bodies have been established devoted to the reduction of resistance worldwide: ‘Our mission is clear: we must work together to preserve the power of antimicrobials and to return these miracle agents to their rightful position as effective treatments of disease’.16 Some resistant microbes are currently mainly restricted to hospital patients or to those who have recently been in hospital, e.g. MRSA, vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE). Others more commonly infect patients in the community, e.g. penicillin- and macrolide-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae and multiply resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Some (such as enterobacteriaceae that produce ‘extended spectrum β-lactamases’ (ESBLs)) are commoner in hospital but now also commonly occur in individuals who have never been inpatients. CPE (carbapenemase-producing enterobacteriaceae) are now also emerging in patients with no prior health-care contact (see below). This is a rapidly changing field, and our technical abilities to detect novel resistance mechanisms and to type resistant strains of microbe have recently improved. As a result, a continuing series of different antimicrobial resistant and virulent microorganisms have been recognised to have emerged recently in Europe and North America. These include: community-acquired, toxin-producing MRSA (primarily affecting previously well young adults and intravenous drug users); multiply resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (including strains introduced by transfer of tsunami victims and Gulf War casualties to hospitals in their home countries); and CPE. Carbapenemase-producing enterobacteriaceae are enterobacteriaceae (e.g. E. coli, Klebsiella spp.) that have acquired a carbapenemase gene, typically by transfer of a plasmid. These plasmids can switch between different species of enterobacteriaceae and are highly transmissible. There are a number of different carbapenemases. The most common ones identified so far include NDM (New Delhi


Malvolio in Twelfth Night, act 2 scene 5, by William Shakespeare (1564–1616).


Dr Stuart Levy,




Infection and inflammation

metallo-beta-lactamase), KPC (Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase), VIM (Verona-integron metallo-beta-lactamase) and OXA-48 (oxacillinase), though this is a rapidly expanding and evolving field. These problems have spawned a new nomenclature for beta-lactamase resistance mechanisms, and for Gram-negative rod resistance in general – ‘multidrugresistant’ (MDR) strains are resistant to at least three different antimicrobial drug classes, ‘extensively drug-resistant’ (XDR) strains are susceptible to only one or two antimicrobial options, while ‘pan-drug resistant’ (PDR) strains are no longer amenable to antimicrobial treatment. It is to be hoped that our abilities to treat and prevent such infections will continue to increase in parallel with our abilities to recognise them (laboratory testing methodology also needs to be developed continually because, for example, some of the new beta-lactamases (such as ‘AmpC’ and OXA-48-producing strains in particular) can be difficult to detect with conventional techniques. Considerable hope is given by the remarkable reductions in MRSA bacteraemia rates reported from English hospitals in the past 10 years, which have apparently resulted from mandated enforcement of conventional but stringent screening, clearance and infection control measures: there was a 46% fall in the 2 years from July 2008 to September 2010. Hence rising resistance rates are not inevitable. In well-controlled observational studies, the outcomes of infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria are generally significantly poorer than those with susceptible strains, and the costs of therapy and associated length of hospital stay are greater.

Mechanisms of resistance  act as follows:

• Naturally resistant strains. Some bacteria are innately resistant to certain classes of antimicrobial agent, e.g. coliforms and many other Gram-negative bacteria possess outer cell membranes which protect their cell walls from the action of certain penicillins and cephalosporins. Facultatively anaerobic bacteria (such as Escherichia coli) lack the ability to reduce the nitro group of metronidazole which therefore remains in an inactive form. • Spontaneous mutation brings about organisms with novel antibiotic resistance mechanisms. If these cells are viable, in the presence of the antimicrobial agent selective multiplication of the resistant strain occurs so that it eventually dominates. • Transmission of genes from other organisms is the commonest and most important mechanism. Genetic material may be transferred, e.g. in the form of plasmids which are circular strands of DNA that lie outwith the chromosomes and contain genes capable of controlling various metabolic processes including formation of β-lactamases (that destroy some


penicillins and cephalosporins), and enzymes that inactivate aminoglycosides. Alternatively, genetic transfer may occur through bacteriophages (viruses which infect bacteria), particularly in the case of staphylococci. Resistance is mediated most commonly by the production of enzymes that modify the drug, e.g. aminoglycosides are phosphorylated, β-lactamases hydrolyse penicillins. Other mechanisms include decreasing the passage into or increasing the efflux of drug from the bacterial cell (e.g. meropenem resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa), modification of the target site so that the antimicrobial binds less effectively (e.g. meticillin resistance in staphylococci), and bypassing of inhibited metabolic pathways (e.g. resistance to trimethoprim in many bacteria). More is becoming known of the complex molecular systems which control expression of antimicrobial resistance, and this knowledge should soon lead to novel compounds that inhibit resistance mechanisms at the genetic and phenotypic levels (see Stix17 for an example).

Limitation of resistance  to antimicrobials may be achieved by ‘antibiotic stewardship’. A recent meta-analysis found that antimicrobial stewardship can actually reduce antibiotic use and reduce length of stay without affecting mortality (Davey et al 2017)18 which includes:

• Avoidance of indiscriminate use by ensuring that the indication for, and the dose and duration of treatment are appropriate; studies of hospital and domiciliary prescribing have shown that up to 35% of antimicrobial courses administered in the UK may be inappropriate – either not indicated at all, or administered for too long. Performing ward rounds in areas of the hospital with high rates of antibiotic use (e.g. intensive care units, acute surgical wards) to assess the justification for treatment of individual patients and to educate other doctors in limiting unnecessary courses of antibiotics has recently become an important role for clinical microbiologists. • Restricting use of antimicrobial combinations to appropriate circ*mstances, e.g. tuberculosis. • The requirement for all antimicrobial prescriptions to have the indication (reason) for the antimicrobial stated, along with its duration, and evidence its review at 48–72 hours (in light of microbiology results). These parameters should be audited regularly 17

Stix G 2006 An antibiotic resistance fighter. New Scientist April: 80–83. Davey P, Marwick CA, Scott CL, Charani E, McNeil K, Brown E, Gould IM, Ramsay CR, Michie S. Interventions to improve antibiotic prescribing practices for hospital inpatients. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017 Feb 9;2:CD003543. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003543. pub4


Chemotherapy of infections and fed back to clinicians in order to improve prescribing practice. • Constant monitoring of resistance patterns in a hospital or community (changing recommended antibiotics used for empirical treatment when the prevalence of resistance becomes high), and strict infection control in hospitals (e.g. isolation of carriers, hand hygiene practices for ward staff) to prevent the spread of resistant bacteria. • Restricting drug use, e.g. delaying the emergence of resistance by limiting the use of the newest member of a group of antimicrobials so long as the currently used drugs are effective; restricting use of a drug may become necessary where it promotes the proliferation of resistant strains. • Avoiding transmission of multiply resistant bacteria among patients and staff in hospital, by health care workers performing careful hand hygiene between each patient contact, and through identification and isolation of carriers. ‘The over-riding principle of medicine is “do no harm”, yet, in the case of antibiotics, harm is inevitable, for use (even appropriate usage) and selects for resistance, complicating the treatment of future patients.’19 Antibiotic policies and guidelines are agreed among clinicians, microbiologists and pharmacists which guide prescribing towards a limited range of agents which provide adequate choice to cover therapy of important infections while limiting confusion and maximising the opportunities for economical purchase in bulk. Analysis of the many trials of ‘antibiotic cycling’, where first-choice antibiotics for commonly treated infections in a hospital or ward are formally rotated with a periodicity of several months or years, has shown that this strategy does not reduce overall resistance rates or total antibiotic usage. Use of ‘delayed prescriptions’ in primary health-care management of less serious infections, where a prescription is given to patients for them to take to the pharmacy only if their symptoms fail to improve in 24–48 h, has been shown to reduce antibiotic usage and not impair outcomes in upper and lower respiratory tract infection. Doctors are encouraged to avoid use of antimicrobial agents whenever possible, and international efforts are being made to educate the general public not to expect an antibiotic prescription for minor ailments such as coughs and colds (see, for example).20


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Point of care testing of CRP in primary care is also recommended in order to help general practitioners discriminate between viral and bacterial respiratory tract infections21 and was recommended by the O’Neill report.22 Several prospective studies have shown that initial broadspectrum empirical therapy given to acutely ill patients in hospital can be safely ‘rationalised’ to narrower-spectrum antimicrobial agents as soon as the results of initial cultures have been obtained (i.e. usually after 48 h). Evidence is accumulating that resistance rates do not rise inevitably and irreversibly (see page 174). In both hospital and domiciliary practice, reductions in antibiotic usage are often shown to be followed by reductions in the prevalence of microbial resistance, although there can be a ‘lag’ of months or years. The situation is sometimes complicated by the phenomenon of ‘linked multiple resistance’ whereby the genes coding resistance mechanisms to several antibiotics are carried on the same genetic elements (e.g. plasmid). In this case, use of any of these antibiotics will select for increased resistance via all the mechanisms carried by the plasmid. Although clinical microbiology laboratories report microbial susceptibility test results as ‘sensitive/susceptible’ or ‘resistant’ to a particular antibiotic, this is not an absolute predictor of clinical response. In a given patient’s infection, variables such as absorption of the drug, its penetration to the site of infection, and its activity once there (influenced, for example, by protein binding, pH, concentration of oxygen, metabolic state of the pathogen, intracellular location and concentration of microbes) profoundly alter the likelihood that effective therapy will result.

Superinfection When any antimicrobial drug is used, there is usually suppression of part of the normal bacterial flora of the patient which is susceptible to the drug. Often, this causes no ill effects, but sometimes a drug-resistant organism, freed from competition, proliferates to an extent which allows an infection to be established. The principal organisms responsible are Candida albicans and pseudomonads. But careful clinical assessment of the patient is essential, as the mere presence of such organisms in diagnostic specimens taken from a site in which they may be present as commensals does not necessarily mean they are causing disease.

Antibiotic-associated (or Clostridium difficile-associated) colitis  is an example of a superinfection. It is caused by 21


Livermore D M 2006 Minimising antibiotic resistance. Lancet Infectious Diseases 5:450–459. and http://ecdc.


Little P et al. Effects of internet-based training on antibiotic prescribing rates for acute respiratory-tract infections: a multinational, cluster, randomised, factorial, controlled trial. Lancet 2013; 382 (9899):1175–1182. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)60994-0. 22 O’Neill J. The Review on Antimicrobial Resistance. Available at: with%20cover.pdf. (accessed 28th January 2017).




Infection and inflammation

alteration of the normal bowel flora, which allows multiplication of Clostridium difficile which releases several toxins that damage the mucosa of the bowel and promote excretion of fluid. Almost any antimicrobial agent may initiate this condition, but the drugs most commonly reported today are cephalosporins and quinolones (e.g. ciprofloxacin), though with the reduction in use of these agents in the UK, amoxicillin and co-amoxiclav are increasingly implicated. It takes the form of an acute colitis (pseudomembranous colitis) with diarrhoeal stools containing blood or mucus, abdominal pain, leucocytosis and dehydration. A history of antibiotic use in the previous 3 weeks, even if the drug therapy has been stopped, should alert the physician to the diagnosis, which is confirmed by detection of C. difficile toxin in the stools and typical appearances on proctosigmoidoscopy. Recurrence/relapse is common. Mild cases usually respond to discontinuation of the offending antimicrobial, allowing re-establishment of the patient’s normal bowel flora or metronidazole. More severe cases merit treatment with oral vancomycin. Some strains have been associated with particularly severe disease and have caused large outbreaks in hospitals – combined therapy with oral vancomycin and parenteral metronidazole plus intensive care support is required for the most serious cases. Intracolonic instillation of vancomycin, intravenous immunoglobulin and surgery (e.g. total colectomy) have also been used. Treatment guidelines are summarised elsewhere.23 Fidaxomicin (an RNA polymerase inhibitor) has been recently introduced and appears to be as effective as vancomycin for therapy of C. difficile infection but may be associated with a reduction in relapse/recurrence rates. Diarrhoea in some cases can be intractable. Instillation of microbiologically screened donor faeces (i.e. faecal transplantation) in an attempt to restore a normal balance of the gut flora – in some cases with surprisingly good response rates of over 80% in therapeutic trials.24 Several guidelines support its use, though they warn potential risks. Faecal microbiota transplant for recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. Available at: guidance/ipg485. Accessed November 2017.25


Debast SB, Bauer MP, Kuijper EJ, European Society of Clinical M, Infectious D. European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases: update of the treatment guidance document for Clostridium difficile infection. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014;20 Suppl 2(March):1-26. doi: 24 Garborg K, Waagsbø B, Stallemo A et al 2010 Results of faecal donor instillation therapy for recurrent Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 42:857–861. 25 Cammarota G, Ianiro G, Tilg H, et al European FMT Working Group. European consensus conference on faecal microbiota transplantation in clinical practice. Gut. 2017 Apr;66(4):569-580. doi: 10.1136/ gutjnl-2016-313017. Epub 2017 Jan 13.


C. difficile may be spread among hospitalised patients on the unwashed hands of health-care workers and also survives well (it is a spore-forming organism) in the environment – symptomatic patients should be isolated and the ward cleaned carefully. Hospital outbreaks have responded to combinations of control measures (‘care bundles’), especially involving severe restriction of the use of cephalosporin and quinolone antibiotics.

Opportunistic infection  arises in patients whose immune systems are compromised or whose phagocytic cellular defences have been reduced by disease (e.g. AIDS, hypogammaglobulinaemia, leukaemia) or drugs (e.g. cytotoxics). Such infections may involve organisms that rarely or never cause clinical disease in normal hosts. Treatment of possible infections in such patients should be prompt, initiated before the results of bacteriological tests are known, and usually involve combinations of bactericidal drugs administered parenterally. Infections of this type include Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, and ‘primary’ septicaemia in neutropenic patients with gut organisms such as Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. which cross the mucosa of the gut and invade the bloodstream directly. Local defences may also be compromised and allow opportunistic infection with lowly pathogens even in otherwise healthy hosts: the best example is Staphylococcus epidermidis infection of intravenous catheters.

Masking of infections Masking of infections by chemotherapy is an important possibility. For example, a course of penicillin adequate to cure gonorrhoea may prevent simultaneously contracted syphilis from showing primary and secondary stages without effecting a cure, and a serological test for syphilis should therefore be done 3 months after treatment for gonorrhoea.

Drugs of choice For detailed guidance on the choice of antimicrobial drugs for particular infections, the reader is referred to Chapters 13 and 14, and to a variety of contemporary clinical sources, including textbooks of microbiology and infectious diseases. In previous editions, we have referred to the current ‘Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics’ and ‘Treatment Guidelines from the Medical Letter’ (USA) editions from 2000 to 2010 (current version available online at: http://, and this is still valuable, although it is of most relevance to North American practice.

Chemotherapy of infections Detailed guidance, intended for use by primary care physicians in England and including evidence-based recommendations on antibiotic choice for particular infections and extensive reference lists, is available via the Public Health England website.26 We also recommend section 5


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of the Electronic British National Formulary (https://www Tables on drugs for viruses, fungi, protozoa and helminths are provided in Chapter 15. 26

Guide to further reading Ada, G., 2001. Vaccines and vaccination. N. Engl. J. Med. 345, 1042–1053. Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics (APUA), The APUA website has a wide range of articles and useful links relating to the control of antimicrobial resistance worldwide. Available at: http:// (Accessed November 2017). Arias, C.A., Murray, B.E., 2009. Antibiotic-resistant bugs in the 21st century – a clinical super-challenge. N. Engl. J. Med. 360, 439–443. Aymes, S., 2005. Treatment of staphylococcal infection. Prescriptions must be part of a package that includes infection control. Br. Med. J. 330, 976–977. Bode, L.G., Kluytmans, J.A., Wertheim, H.F., et al., 2010. Preventing surgical-site infections in nasal carriers of Staphylococcus aureus. N. Engl. J. Med. 362, 9–17. Boudma, L., Luyt, C.E., Tubach, F., et al., 2010. Use of procalcitonin to reduce patients’ exposure to antibiotics in intensive care units (PRORATA trial): a multicentre randomized controlled trial. Lancet 375, 463–474. Broyles, M.R., 2017. Impact of Procalcitonin-Guided Antibiotic Management on Antibiotic Exposure and Outcomes: Real-world Evidence. Open Forum Infect Dis 4 (4), ofx213. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ ofx213. eCollection 2017 Fall. Colebrook, I., Kenny, M., 1939. Treatment with prontosil for puerperal infections. Lancet 2, 1319. (a classic paper). Connaughton, M., 2008. Commentary: controversies in NICE guidance on infective endocarditis. Available at:

content/336/7647/771.full.pdf. (Accessed November 2017). Corwin, P., Toop, L., McGeoch, G., et al., 2005. Randomised controlled trial of intravenous antibiotic treatment for cellulitis at home compared with hospital. Br. Med. J. 330, 129–132. Dancer, S.J., 2004. How antibiotics can make us sick: the less obvious adverse effects of antimicrobial chemotherapy. Lancet Infect. Dis. 4, 611–619. Deleo, F.R., Otto, M., Kreiswirth, B.N., Chambers, H.F., 2010. Community-acquired meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Lancet 375, 1557–1568. Fletcher, C., 1984. First clinical use of penicillin. Br. Med. J. 289, 1721–1723 (a classic paper). Gluud, C.G., Gluud, L.L., 2005. Evidence based diagnostics. Br. Med. J. 330, 724–726. Public Health England. The ‘Antimicrobial Resistance’ section of the website of the UK Public Health England. Available at: https://www. antimicrobial-resistance-amrinformation-and-resources. (Accessed November 2017) is a valuable resource of contemporary background information on the prevalence and epidemiology of infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance in the UK. Also on the PHE website, quarterlyupdated reports on MRSA MSSA, E. coli bacteraemia and Clostridium difficile diarrhoea rates in England and Wales can be found at: https:// mrsa-mssa-and-e-coli-bacteraemiaand-c-difficile-infection-quarterlyepidemiological-commentary. (Accessed November 2017).

Kluytmans, J., Struelens, M., 2009. Meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the hospital. Br. Med. J. 338, 532–537. Loudon, I., 1987. Puerperal fever, the streptococcus, and the sulphonamides, 1911–1945. Br. Med. J. 295, 485–490. Morel, C., Mossailos, E., 2010. Stoking the antibiotic pipeline. Br. Med. J. 340, 1115–1118. Pitout, J.D., 2010. The latest threat in the war on antimicrobial resistance (NDM beta-lactamases). Lancet Infect. Dis. 10, 578–579. Pitout, J.D., 2010. Infections with extended-spectrum beta-lactamaseproducing Enterobacteriaceae: changing epidemiology and drug treatment choices. Drugs 70, 313–333. Queenan, A.M., Bush, K., 2007. Carbapenemases: the versatile beta-lactamases. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 20, 440–458. Richie, R., Wray, D., Stoken, T., 2008. Prophylaxis against infective endocarditis: summary of NICE guidance. Available online: http:// content/336/7647/770.full.pdf. (Accessed November 2017). Ryan, E.T., Wilson, M.E., Kain, K.C., 2002. Illness after international travel. N. Engl. J. Med. 347, 505–516. Shannon-Lowe, J., Matheson, N.J., Cooke, F.J., Aliyu, S.H., 2010. Prevention and medical management of Clostridium difficile infection. Br. Med. J. 340, 641–646. Stix, G., 2006. An antibiotic resistance fighter. New Sci. April, 80–83. Taubert, K.A., Wilson, W., 2017. Is endocarditis prophylaxis for dental procedures necessary? Heart Asia 9 (1), 63–67. doi: 10.1136/ heartasia-2016-010810. eCollection 2017.



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Antibacterial drugs David A. Enoch, Mark Farrington

SYNOPSIS The range of antibacterial drugs is wide and affords the clinician scope to select with knowledge of microbial susceptibilities and patient factors, e.g. allergy, site of infection, renal disease. Because members of each structural group are usually handled by the body in a similar way and have the same range of adverse effects, antibacterial drugs are here discussed in groups, primarily by their site of antibacterial action, and secondly by molecular structure.

Classification Inhibition of cell wall synthesis β-lactams  the structure of which contains a β-lactam ring. The major subdivisions are:

• Penicillins, whose official names usually include, or end in, ‘cillin’. • Cephalosporins and cephamycins, which are recognised by the inclusion of ‘cef’ or ‘ceph’ in their official names. In the UK recently, all these names have been standardised to begin with ‘cef’. Other subcategories of β-lactams include:

• Carbapenems (e.g. meropenem). • Monobactams (e.g. aztreonam). • β-lactamase inhibitors (e.g. clavulanic acid). Other inhibitors of cell-wall synthesis include vancomycin and teicoplanin.


Inhibition of protein synthesis Aminoglycosides.  The names of those that are derived from streptomyces end in ‘mycin’, e.g. tobramycin. Others include gentamicin (from Micromonospora purpurea which is not a fungus, hence the spelling as ‘micin’) and semisynthetic drugs, e.g. amikacin.

Tetracyclines,  as the name suggests, are four-ringed structures, and their names end in ‘-cycline’.

Macrolides:  e.g. erythromycin. Clindamycin, structurally a lincosamide, has a similar action and overlapping antibacterial activity. Other drugs that act by inhibiting protein synthesis include quinupristin-dalfopristin, linezolid, chloramphenicol and sodium fusidate.

Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis Sulfonamides.  Usually their names contain ‘sulpha’ or ‘sulfa’. These drugs and trimethoprim, with which they may be combined, inhibit synthesis of nucleic acid precursors.

Quinolones  are structurally related to nalidixic acid; the names of the most recently introduced members of the group end in ‘-oxacin’, e.g. ciprofloxacin. They act by preventing DNA replication.

Azoles  all contain an azole ring, and the names end in ‘-azole’, e.g. metronidazole. They act by the production of short-lived intermediates toxic to the DNA of sensitive organisms. Rifampicin inhibits bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Antimicrobials that are restricted to certain specific uses, i.e. tuberculosis, urinary tract infections, are described with the treatment of these conditions in Chapter 14.

Antibacterial drugs

Inhibition of cell wall synthesis β-lactams Penicillins Benzylpenicillin (1942) is produced by growing one of the penicillium moulds in deep tanks. In 1957 the penicillin nucleus (6-amino-penicillanic acid) was synthesised and it became possible to add various side-chains and so to make semi-synthetic penicillins with different properties. Penicillins differ widely in antibacterial spectrum. A general account of the penicillins follows and then of the individual drugs insofar as they differ. Mode of action.  Penicillins act by inhibiting the enzymes (penicillin-binding proteins, PBPs) involved in the crosslinking of the peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall, which is weakened, and this leads to osmotic rupture. Penicillins are thus bactericidal and are ineffective against resting organisms which are not making new cell wall. The main defence of bacteria against penicillins is to produce enzymes, β-lactamases, which hydrolyse the β-lactam ring. Other mechanisms that have been described include modifications to PBPs to render them unable to bind β-lactams, reduced permeability of the outer cell membrane of Gram-negative bacteria (porin loss), and up-regulation of efflux pumps in the outer membrane which remove β-lactam molecules. Some particularly resistant bacteria may possess several mechanisms that act in concert. The remarkable safety and high therapeutic index of the penicillins is due to the fact that human cells, while bounded by a cell membrane, lack a cell wall. They exhibit time-dependent bacterial killing (see p. 168). Pharmaco*kinetics.  Benzylpenicillin is destroyed by gastric acid and is unsuitable for oral use. Others, e.g. phenoxymethylpenicillin, resist acid and are absorbed in the upper small bowel. The plasma t1/2 of penicillins is usually – 3 months

Age > – 65 y and/or history of fragility fracture

Age < 65 yrs and no history of fragility fracture

Bisphosphonate and Calcium 1g and Vitamin D (OR consider alfacalcidol or calcitriol in patients with moderate to high doses of corticosteroid)

Bone densitometry

If T score < – –1.5

Fig. 16.7  Prevention and treatment of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. UK guidelines for osteoprotection in patients treated with glucocorticoids.

of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis is summarised in Fig. 16.7. Bone loss is most rapid in the first few months of treatment, therefore protection must be considered at the onset of treatment, whenever the intention is to continue for more than 3 months, at any dose. Strategies include minimising the dose of corticosteroid, concomitant prescription of vitamin D 800 IU and calcium 1 g daily and advice on smoking cessation, alcohol intake, nutrition and exercise. Bisphosphonates should be prescribed for all patients older than 65 years of age, or those with a history of a fragility fracture. Other patients should undergo bone densitometry and should be prescribed a bisphosphonate if the T score is –1.5 or less24 at either lumbar spine or hip. Patients with RA have a five-fold increased risk of GI haemorrhage compared with the general population, mainly due to NSAID use, alone or in combination with corticosteroids. Any patient with RA taking regular NSAIDs should also be prescribed a proton pump inhibitor or other gastroprotective agent.

Psoriatic arthritis Cutaneous psoriasis affects 2% of the population, of whom 10% develop psoriatic arthritis (PsA), an inflammatory arthritis that can lead to erosions and joint destruction. The objectives of management are to relieve symptoms and prevent joint damage. As with RA, symptomatic management strategies include use of NSAIDs and intra-articular corticosteroids. The 24

The T score is the number of standard deviations above or below the mean bone mineral density of a 25-year-old (sex-matched) individual. A T score below –2.5 indicates osteoporosis.


| 16 |

evidence base for the use DMARDs in PsA is generally poor, but methotrexate is most commonly used. Sulfasalazine and leflunomide can be tried if methotrexate is ineffective or contraindicated. Anti-TNFα therapy is effective in psoriatic arthritis and in severe cutaneous psoriasis,25 in contrast to the anti–T-cell biologic agents efalizumab and alefacept which, although effective for skin disease, have not been shown in trials to have dramatic benefits in PsA.

Ankylosing spondylitis Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an inflammatory disorder of the spine and sacroiliac joints, sometimes associated with peripheral arthritis, anterior uveitis and aortitis, that affects 0.1% of the population. The traditional objectives in its management were to relieve pain and stiffness and maintain mobility through a combination of regular NSAIDs and physiotherapy. No DMARDs have shown efficacy in treating spinal disease, although sulfasalazine is effective for peripheral arthritis. Management of AS has been revolutionised by the discovery that anti-TNFα therapy can dramatically improve spinal disease activity.26 Evidence from serial magnetic resonance imaging indicates that bone oedema regresses following TNFα blockade.

Systemic lupus erythematosus Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic multi-organ autoimmune condition affecting primarily young women, that may have life-threatening manifestations. Management depends on the degree and severity of organ involvement, which may range from mild rashes and arthralgia to pancytopenia or renal and cerebral vasculitis. Mild lupus may be treated with hydroxychloroquine and lifestyle advice, such as avoidance of sun exposure or extreme stress, but many require a more potent immunomodulator, such as azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil (MMF). Flares may be controlled by pulses of glucocorticoid i.v. or i.m. or a progressively reduced oral course, although some patients require long-term low-dose GC. Topical or intraarticular steroids are used if appropriate. Severe manifestations such as lupus nephritis are traditionally managed with i.v. pulses of methylprednisolone and cyclophosphamide. MMF is now increasingly used, in light of the risk of infertility


Kyle S, Chandler D, Griffiths C E M et al 2005 Guideline for anti-TNF-alpha therapy in psoriatic arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 44:390–397. 26 Keat A, Barkham N, Bhalla A et al 2005 BSR guidelines for prescribing TNF-α blockers in adults with ankylosing spondylitis. Report of a working party of the British Society for Rheumatology. Rheumatology (Oxford) 44:939–947.




Infection and inflammation

associated with cyclophosphamide. B-cell depletion with rituximab may also be effective. Co-morbidities result from both the disease and its treatment; in addition to excess cardiovascular mortality, there is a risk long term of developing other autoimmune diseases or malignancy as well as osteoporosis or opportunistic infection. Patients with SLE should be screened for antiphospholipid antibodies, and antiplatelet therapy should be considered in those who are positive.

Polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis

with proximal pain and stiffness, fever and night sweats or headache. The most feared complication is sudden visual loss due to involvement of the ophthalmic artery. They respond exquisitely to corticosteroids. If giant cell arteritis is suspected or diagnosed, high-dose prednisolone (0.5–1 mg/kg daily) is used. Polymyalgia rheumatica responds to lower doses, e.g. prednisolone 15 mg daily. Other immunomodulators such as azathioprine or methotrexate do not have proven efficacy but are sometimes used in patients whose disease requires unacceptably high doses of glucocorticoid for suppression. As treatment is normally required for at least 2 years, osteoprotection and gastroprotection must be used.

These are chronic inflammatory conditions that occur mainly in patients older than 60 years of age and present

Guide to further reading Barnes, P.J., 2006. Corticosteroids: the drugs to beat. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 533, 2–14. Baschant, U., Tuckermann, J., 2010. The role of the glucocorticoid receptor in inflammation and immunity. J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. 120, 69–75. Braun, J., 2016. New targets in psoriatic arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 55 (Suppl. 2), ii30–ii37. Cohen, S., Fleischmann, R., 2010. Kinase inhibitors: a new approach to rheumatoid arthritis treatment. Curr. Opin. Rheumatol. 22, 330–335. D’Cruz, D., Khamashta, M., Hughes, G., 2007. Systemic lupus erythematosus. Lancet 369, 587–596. Dasgupta, B., Borg, F.A., Hassan, N., et al., 2010. BSR and BHPR guidelines for the management of giant cell arteritis. Rheumatology 49, 1594–1597. Dasgupta, B., Borg, F.A., Hassan, N., et al., 2010. BSR and BHPR guidelines for the management of polymyalgia rheumatica. Rheumatology 49, 186–190. Elwood, P.C., Gallagher, A.M., Duthie, G.G., et al., 2009. Aspirin, salicylates, and cancer. Lancet 373, 1301–1309.


Fearon, D., 2003. Innate immunity. In: Warrell, D.A. (Ed.), Oxford Textbook of Medicine, forth ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford. (Chapter 5.5). Gabay, C., Lamacchia, C., Palmer, G., 2010. IL-1 pathways in inflammation and human diseases. Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. 6, 232–241. McMichael, A., 2003. Principles of immunology. In: Warrell, D.A., Cox, T.M., Firth, J.D., Benz, E.J. (Eds.), Oxford Textbook of Medicine, forth ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford. (Chapter. 5.1). National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Osteoarthritis: the care and management of osteoarthritis in adults. NICE Guidance CG59. Available at: (accessed November 2011). National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Rheumatoid arthritis: the management of rheumatoid arthritis in adults. NICE Guidance CG79. Available at: (accessed November 2011). Østensen, M., Förger, F., 2009. Management of RA medications in pregnant patients. Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. 5, 382–390.

Østensen, M., Motta, M., 2007. Therapy insight: the use of anti-rheumatic drugs during nursing. Nat. Clin. Pract. Rheumatol. 3, 490–496. Richette, P., Doherty, M., Pascual, E., et al., 2016 updated EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the management of gout Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Published Online First: 25 July 2016. doi: 10.1136/ annrheumdis-2016-209707. Šenolt, L., Vencovský, J., Pavelka, K., et al., 2009. Prospective new biological therapies for rheumatoid arthritis. Autoimmun. Rev. 9, 102–107. Shepard, H.M., Phillips, G.L., Thanos, C., et al., 2017. Developments in therapy with monoclonal antibodies and related proteins. Clin Med (Lond) 17 (3), 220–232. Sieper, J., 2016. New treatment targets for axial spondyloarthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 55 (Suppl. 2), ii38–ii42. Terkeltaub, R., 2010. Update on gout: new therapeutic strategies and options. Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. 6, 30–38.


| 17 |

Drugs and the skin Thomas K. K. Ha

SYNOPSIS This account is confined to therapy directed primarily at the skin and covers the following topics:

Dermal pharmaco*kinetics.

Selected topical preparations.

Vehicles for presenting drugs to the skin.

Emollients and barrier preparations

Topical analgesics



Adrenal corticosteroids


Drug-specific rashes.

Approaches to some skin disorders. Psoriasis



Atopic dermatitis.

Dermal pharmaco*kinetics Human skin is a highly efficient self-repairing barrier that permits terrestrial life by regulating heat and water loss while preventing the ingress of noxious chemicals and microorganisms. A drug applied to the skin may diffuse from the stratum corneum into the epidermis and then into the dermis, to enter the capillary microcirculation and thus the systemic circulation (Fig. 17.1). The features of components of the skin in relation to drug therapy, whether for local or systemic effect, are worthy of examination.

The principal barrier to penetration resides in the multiplelayered lipid-rich stratum corneum. The passage of a drug through this layer is influenced by its:

• Physicochemical features: lipophilic drugs can utilise the intracellular route because they readily cross cell walls, whereas hydrophilic drugs principally take the intercellular route, diffusing in fluid-filled spaces between cells. • Molecular size: most therapeutic agents suitable for topical delivery measure 100–500 Da. Drugs are presented in vehicles (bases1), designed to vary in the extent to which they increase hydration of the stratum corneum; e.g. oil-in-water creams promote hydration (see below). Increasing the water content of the stratum corneum via occlusion or hydration generally increases the penetration of both lipophilic and hydrophilic materials. This may be due to an increased fluid content of the lipid bilayers. The stratum corneum and stratum granulosum layers become more similar with hydration and occlusion, thus lowering the partition coefficient of the molecule passing through the interface. Some vehicles also contain substances intended to enhance penetration by reducing the barrier properties of the stratum corneum, e.g. fatty acids, terpenes, surfactants. Encapsulation of drugs into vesicular liposomes may enhance drug delivery to specific compartments of the skin, e.g. hair follicles. Absorption through normal skin varies with site. From the sole of the foot and the palm of the hand, it is relatively low; it increases progressively on the forearm, trunk, head and neck; and on the scrotum and vulva, absorption is very high. Where the skin is damaged by inflammation, burn or exfoliation, barrier function is reduced and absorption is further increased. 1

The chief ingredient of a mixture.




Infection and inflammation

Shunt routes Comeocyte Intercellular lipids

Intracellular route

Intercellular route

Partitioning into sebum or sweat Drug may bind

Stratum corneum Viable epidermis

Drug may be metabolised Eccrine sweat duct


Hair follicle Capillary Fig. 17.1  Principal pathways operating during topical drug delivery.

If an occlusive dressing (impermeable plastic membrane) is used, absorption increases by as much as 10-fold (plastic pants for babies are occlusive, and some ointments are partially occlusive). Systemic toxicity can result from use of occlusive dressing over large areas. Transdermal delivery systems are now used to administer drugs via the skin for systemic effect; the advantages and disadvantages of this route are discussed on p. 91.

Two-phase or multiple liquid shake lotions, e.g. calamine lotion, are essentially a convenient way of applying a powder to the skin with additional cooling due to evaporation of the water. They are contraindicated when there is much exudate, because crusts form. Lotions, after evaporation, sometimes produce excessive drying of the skin, but this can be reduced if oils are included, as in oily calamine lotion.


Vehicles for presenting drugs to the skin Dermatological formulations tend to be classified by their physical properties. The formulations below are described in order of decreasing water content. All water-based formulations must contain preservatives, e.g. chlorocresol, but these rarely cause allergic contact dermatitis.

Liquid formulations Water or a solvent is the most important component. The preparation can be a soak, a bath or a paint. Wet dressings are generally used to cleanse, cool and relieve pruritus in acutely inflamed lesions, especially where there is much exudation, e.g. atopic eczema. The frequent reapplication and the cooling effect of evaporation of the water reduce the inflammatory response by inducing superficial vasoconstriction (an effect enhanced when alcohol is present in the formulation). Sodium chloride solution 0.9%, stringent substances, e.g. aluminium acetate lotion, or potassium permanganate soaks or compresses of approximately 0.01–0.05% can be used. The use of lotions (wet dressings) over very large areas can reduce body temperature dangerously in the old or the very ill.


These are emulsions of either oil in water (washable; cosmetic ‘vanishing’ creams) or water in oil. The water content allows the cream to rub in well. A cooling effect (cold creams) is obtained with both groups as the water evaporates.

Oil-in-water creams,  e.g. aqueous cream (see emulsifying ointment, below), mix with serous discharges and are especially useful as vehicles for water-soluble drugs. They may contain a wetting (surface tension–reducing) agent (cetomacrogol). Various other ingredients, e.g. calamine, zinc, may be added to it.

Water-in-oil creams,  e.g. oily cream, zinc cream, behave like oils in that they do not mix with serous discharges, but their chief advantage over ointments (below) is that the water content makes them easier to spread and they give a better cosmetic effect. They act as lubricants and emollients, and can be used on hairy parts. Water-in-oil creams can be used as vehicles for lipid-soluble substances. Creams, being less occlusive and effective at hydrating the stratum corneum, are not as effective for drug delivery as ointments.

Ointments Ointments are greasy and thicker than creams. Some are both lipophilic and hydrophilic, i.e. by occlusion they

Drugs and the skin promote dermal hydration, but are also water miscible. Other ointment bases are composed largely of lipid; by preventing water loss, they have a hydrating effect on skin and are used in chronic dry conditions. Ointments contain fewer preservatives and are less likely to sensitise. There are two main kinds:

Water-soluble ointments  include mixtures of macrogols and polyethylene glycols; their consistency can be varied readily. They are easily washed off and are used in burn dressings, as lubricants and as vehicles that readily allow passage of drugs into the skin, e.g. hydrocortisone. Emulsifying ointment is made from emulsifying wax (cetostearyl alcohol and sodium lauryl sulphate) and paraffins. Aqueous cream is an oil-in-water emulsion of emulsifying ointment.

Non-emulsifying ointments  do not mix with water. They adhere to the skin to prevent evaporation and heat loss, i.e. they can be considered a form of occlusive dressing (with increased systemic absorption of active ingredients); skin maceration may occur. Non-emulsifying ointments are helpful in chronic dry and scaly conditions, such as atopic eczema, and as vehicles; they are not appropriate where there is significant exudation. They are difficult to remove except with oil or detergents and are messy and inconvenient, especially on hairy skin. Paraffin ointment contains beeswax, paraffins and cetostearyl alcohol.

Collodions and gels Collodions are preparations of a thickening agent, e.g. cellulose nitrate (pyroxylin) dissolved in an organic solvent. The solvent evaporates rapidly and the resultant flexible film is used to hold a medicament, e.g. salicylic acid, in contact with the skin. They are irritant and inflammable, and are used to treat only small areas of skin. Gels or jellies are semi-solid colloidal solutions or suspensions used as lubricants and as vehicles for drugs. They are sometimes useful for treating the scalp.


| 17 |

Solid preparations Solid preparations such as dusting powders, e.g. zinc starch and talc,2 may cool by increasing the effective surface area of the skin, and they reduce friction between skin surfaces by their lubricating action. Although usefully absorbent, they cause crusting if applied to exudative lesions. They may be used alone or as specialised vehicles for, e.g., fungicides.

Emollients and barrier preparations Emollients  hydrate the skin and soothe and smooth dry scaly conditions. They need to be applied frequently, as their effects are short lived. There is a variety of preparations, but aqueous cream, in addition to its use as a vehicle (above), is effective when used as a soap substitute. Various other ingredients may be added to emollients, e.g. menthol, camphor or phenol for its mild antipruritic effect, and zinc and titanium dioxide as astringents.3 Barrier preparations. Many different kinds have been devised for use in medicine, in industry and in the home to reduce dermatitis. They rely on water-repellent substances, e.g. silicones (dimethicone cream), and on soaps, as well as on substances that form an impermeable deposit (titanium, zinc, calamine). The barrier preparations are useful in protecting skin from discharges and secretions (colostomies, nappy rash) but are ineffective when used under industrial working conditions. Indeed, the irritant properties of some barrier creams can enhance the percutaneous penetration of noxious substances. A simple after-work emollient is more effective. Silicone sprays and occlusives, e.g. hydrocolloid dressings, may be effective in preventing and treating pressure sores. Masking creams (camouflaging preparations) for obscuring unpleasant blemishes from view are greatly valued by patients.4 They may consist of titanium oxide in an ointment base with colouring appropriate to the site and the patient.

Topical analgesics Pastes Pastes, e.g. zinc compound paste, are stiff, semi-occlusive ointments containing insoluble powders. They are very adhesive and are valuable for treating highly circ*mscribed lesions while preventing spread of active ingredients on to surrounding skin. Their powder content enables them to absorb a moderate amount of discharge. They can be used as vehicles, e.g. coal tar paste, which is zinc compound paste with 7.5% coal tar. Lassar’s paste is used as a vehicle for dithranol in the treatment of well-circ*mscibed plaque psoriasis.

Counterirritants and rubefacients are irritants that stimulate nerve endings in intact skin to relieve pain in skin (e.g. post-herpetic), viscera or muscle supplied by the same nerve root. All produce inflammation of the skin, which becomes flushed – hence the term ‘rubefacients’. The best 2 Talc is magnesium silicate. It must not be used for dusting surgical gloves as it causes granulomas if it gets into mounds or body cavities. 3 Astringents are weak protein precipitants, e.g. tannins, salts of aluminium and zinc. 4 In the UK, the Red Cross offers a free cosmetic camouflage service through hospital dermatology departments.




Infection and inflammation

counterirritants are physical agents, especially heat. Many compounds have been used for this purpose, and suitable preparations contain salicylates, nicotinates, menthol, camphor and capsaicin. Specific transient receptor potential (TRP) cation channels involved in sensory perception in skin can be stimulated by these drugs. The moderate heat receptor TRPV1 is sensitive to capsaicin as well as moderate heat (42–52°C), whereas TRPM8 is stimulated specifically by temperatures below 26°C and by menthol.

Topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)  can be used to relieve musculoskeletal pain. Local anaesthetics.  Lidocaine and prilocaine are available as gels, ointments and sprays to provide reversible block of conduction along cutaneous nerves. Benzocaine and amethocaine (tetracaine) carry a high risk of sensitisation. Volatile aerosol sprays, beloved by sports people, produce analgesia by cooling and by placebo effect.

Antipruritics Mechanisms of itch are both peripheral and central. Itch (at least histamine-induced itch) is not a minor or low-intensity form of pain. Cutaneous histamine injection stimulates a specific group of C fibres with very low conduction speeds and large fields, distinct from those that signal pain. Secondorder neurones then ascend via the spinothalamic tract to the thalamus. In the central nervous system, endogenous opioid peptides are released (the opioid antagonist naloxone can relieve some cases of intractable itch). Itch signalling appears to be under tonic inhibition by pain. If pain after histamine injection is reduced by opioid then itch results and, if pain is ablated by lidocaine, itch sensation increases. Prolonged inflammation in the skin may lead to peripheral and central sensitisation, thus leading non-itchy stimuli to be reinterpreted as itch. Liberation of histamine and other autacoids in the skin also contributes and may be responsible for much of the itch of urticarial allergic reactions. Histamine release by bile salts may explain some, but not all, of the itch of obstructive jaundice. It is likely that other chemical mediators, e.g. serotonin, progesterone metabolites, endogenous opioids and prostaglandins, are involved.

Generalised pruritus In the absence of a primary dermatosis, it is important to search for an underlying cause, e.g. iron deficiency, liver or renal failure and lymphoma, but there remain patients in whom the cause either cannot be removed or is not known. Antihistamines (H1-receptor), especially chlorphenamine and hydroxyzine orally, are used for their sedative or anxiolytic effect (except in urticaria); they should not be applied


topically over a prolonged period because of risk of allergy. In severe pruritus, a sedative antidepressant may also help. The itching of obstructive jaundice might be relieved by the anion exchange resin colestyramine, an endoscopically placed nasobiliary drain or phototherapy with ultraviolet B light. Naltrexone offers short-term relief of the pruritus associated with haemodialysis.

Localised pruritus Scratching or rubbing seems to give relief by converting the intolerable persistent itch into a more bearable pain. A vicious cycle can be set up in which itching provokes scratching, and scratching leads to infected skin lesions that itch, as in prurigo nodularis. Covering the lesion or enclosing it in a medicated bandage so as to prevent any further scratching or rubbing may help. Multiple intralesional triamcinolone injections and thalidomide may be used in recalcitrant cases of prurigo nodularis. Topical corticosteroid preparations are used to treat the underlying inflammatory cause of pruritus, e.g. in eczema. A cooling application such as 0.5–2% menthol in aqueous cream is temporarily antipruritic. Calamine and astringents (aluminium acetate, tannic acid) may help. Local anaesthetics do not offer any long-term solution and, as they are liable to sensitise the skin, they are best avoided. Topical doxepin can be helpful in localised pruritus, but extensive use induces sedation and may cause allergic contact dermatitis.

Pruritus ani  is managed by attention to any underlying disease, e.g. haemorrhoids, parasites and hygiene. Emollients, e.g. washing with aqueous cream and a weak corticosteroid with antiseptic/anticandida application, may be used briefly to settle any acute eczema or superinfection. Some cases are a form of neurodermatitis, and an antihistamine with anti-anxiolytic properties, e.g. hydroxyzine, or a low-dose sedative antidepressant, e.g. doxepin, and mirtazapine, may be helpful. Secondary contact sensitivity, e.g. to local anaesthetics, must be considered.

Adrenocortical steroids Actions.  Adrenal steroids possess a range of actions, of which the following are relevant to topical use:

• Inflammation is suppressed, particularly when there is an allergic factor, and immune responses are reduced. • Antimitotic activity suppresses proliferation of keratinocytes, fibroblasts and lymphocytes (useful in psoriasis, but also causes skin thinning). • Vasoconstriction reduces ingress of inflammatory cells and humoral factors to the inflamed area; this action

Drugs and the skin


| 17 |

Table 17.1  Fingertip unit dosimetry for topical corticosteroids (distance from the tip of the adult index finger to the first crease) Age




Trunk (front)

Trunk (back, including buttocks)

3–6 months






1–2 years






3–5 years






6–10 years








Arm: 3 Hand: 1

Leg: 6 Foot: 2



(blanching effect on human skin) has been used to measure the potency of individual topical corticosteroids (see below). Penetration into the skin is governed by the factors outlined at the beginning of the chapter. The vehicle should be appropriate to the condition being treated: an ointment for dry, scaly conditions; a water-based cream for weeping eczema.

Uses.  Adrenal corticosteroids should be considered a symptomatic and sometimes curative, but not preventive, treatment. Ideally a potent steroid (see below) should be given only as a short course and reduced as soon as the response allows. Corticosteroids are most useful for eczematous disorders (atopic, discoid, contact), whereas dilute corticosteroids are especially useful for flexural psoriasis (where other therapies are highly irritant). Adrenal corticosteroids of highest potency are reserved for recalcitrant dermatoses, e.g. lichen simplex, lichen planus, nodular prurigo and discoid lupus erythematosus. Topical corticosteroids should be applied sparingly. The ‘fingertip unit’5 is a useful guide in educating patients (Table 17.1). The difficulties and dangers of systemic adrenal steroid therapy are sufficient to restrict such use to serious conditions (such as pemphigus and generalised exfoliative dermatitis) not responsive to other forms of therapy. Guidelines for the use of topical corticosteroids: • Use for symptom relief and not prophylactically. • Choose the appropriate therapeutic potency (Table 17.2), e.g. mild for the face. In cases likely to be resistant, use a very potent preparation, e.g. for 3 weeks, to gain control, after which change to a less potent preparation. 5

The distance from the tip of the index finger to the first skin crease.

• Choose the appropriate vehicle, e.g. a water-based cream for weeping eczema, an ointment for dry, scaly conditions. • Prescribe in small but adequate amounts so that serious overuse is unlikely to occur without the doctor knowing, e.g. weekly quantity by group (see Table 17.2): very potent, 15 g; potent, 30 g; other, 50 g. • Occlusive dressing should be used only briefly. Note that babies’ plastic pants are an occlusive dressing as well as being a social amenity. • If it’s wet, dry it; if it’s dry, wet it. The traditional advice contains enough truth to be worth repeating. • One or two applications per day are all that is usually necessary.

Choice.  Topical corticosteroids are classified according to both drug and potency, i.e. therapeutic efficacy in relation to weight (see Table 17.2). Their potency is determined by the amount of vasoconstriction a topical corticosteroid produces (McKenzie skin-blanching test6) and the degree to which it inhibits inflammation. Choice of preparation relates both to the disease and the site of intended use. High-potency preparations are commonly needed for lichen planus and discoid lupus erythematosus; weaker preparations (hydrocortisone 0.5–2.5%) are usually adequate for eczema, for use on the face and in childhood. When a skin disorder requiring a corticosteroid is already infected, a preparation containing an antimicrobial is added, e.g. fusidic acid or clotrimazole. When the infection has been eliminated, the corticosteroid may be continued alone. 6 McKenzie A W, Stoughton R B 1962 Method for comparing percutaneous absorption of steroids. Archives of Dermatology 86:608–610.




Infection and inflammation Visible light

Table 17.2  Topical corticosteroid formulations conventionally ranked according to therapeutic potency Potency


Very potent

Clobetasol (0.05%); also formulations of diflucortolone (0.3%), halcinonide


Beclometasone (0.025%); also formulations of betamethasone, budesonide, desoximetasone, diflucortolone (0.1%), fluclorolone, fluocinolone (0.025%), fluocinonide, fluticasone, hydrocortisone butyrate, mometasone (once daily), triamcinolone

Moderately potent

Clobetasone (0.05%); also formulations of alclometasone, clobetasone, desoximetasone, fluocinolone (0.00625%), fluocortolone, fluandrenolone

Mildly potent

Hydrocortisone (0.1–1.0%); also formulations of alclomethasone, fluocinolone (0.0025%), methylprednisolone

Important note: the ranking is based on agent and its concentration; the same drug appears in more than one rank.

Intralesional injections are used occasionally to provide high local concentrations without systemic effects in chronic dermatoses, e.g. hypertrophic lichen planus and discoid lupus erythematosus.






UV vacuum 100





10–2 10–3 10–4 10–5 10–6 10–7 Wavelength (nm) UV


UVB 280


UVA 400

Fig. 17.2  The ultraviolet component of the electromagnetic spectrum.

reduce the risk of systemic toxicity. Suppression of the hypothalamic–pituitary axis occurs readily with overuse of the very potent agents, and when 20% of the body is under an occlusive dressing with mildly potent agents. Other complications of occlusive dressings include infections (bacterial, candidal) and even heat stroke when large areas are occluded. Antifungal cream containing hydrocortisone and used for vagin*l candidiasis may contaminate the urine and misleadingly suggest Cushing’s syndrome.7 Applications to the eyelids may get into the eye and cause glaucoma. Rebound exacerbation of the disease can occur after abrupt cessation of therapy. This can lead the patient to reapply the steroid and so create a vicious cycle. Allergy. Corticosteroids, particularly hydrocortisone and budesonide or other ingredients in the formulation, may cause allergic contact dermatitis. The possibility of this should be considered when expected benefit fails to occur, e.g. varicose eczema.

Adverse effects.  Used with restraint, topical corticosteroids are effective and safe. Adverse effects are more likely with formulations ranked therapeutically as very potent or potent in Table 17.2.

Sunscreens (sunburn and photosensitivity)

Short-term use.  Infection may spread. Long-term use.  Skin atrophy can occur within 4 weeks

Ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation (Fig. 17.2) is defined as:

and may or may not be fully reversible. It reflects loss of connective tissue, which also causes striae (irreversible) and generally occurs at sites where dermal penetration is high (face, groins, axillae).

• UVB (280–320 nm), which is 1000 times more active

Other effects include:  local hirsutism; perioral dermatitis (especially in young women), which responds to steroid withdrawal and may be mitigated by tetracycline by mouth for 4–6 weeks; depigmentation (local); monomorphous acne (local). Potent corticosteroids should not be used on the face unless this is unavoidable. Systemic absorption can lead to all the adverse effects of systemic corticosteroid use. Fluticasone propionate and mometasone furoate are rapidly metabolised following cutaneous absorption, which may


• UVA (320–400 nm), which damages collagen, contributes to skin cancer and drug photosensitivity.

than UVA, acutely causes sunburn and chronically skin cancer and skin ageing. • UVC (200–280 nm), which is prevented, at present, from reaching the earth at sea level by the stratospheric ozone layer, although it can cause skin injury at high altitude.


Kelly C J G, Ogilvie A, Evans J R et al 2001 Raised cortisol excretion rate in urine and contamination by topical steroids. British Medical Journal 322:594.

Drugs and the skin


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Protection of the skin

Drug photosensitivity

Protection from UV radiation is effected by:

Drug photosensitivity means that an adverse effect occurs as a result of drug plus light, usually UVA; sometimes even the amount of UV radiation from fluorescent light tubes is sufficient. Systemically taken drugs that can induce photosensitivity are many, the most common being the following:8

Absorbent sunscreens.  These organic chemicals absorb UVB and UVA at the surface of the skin (generally more effective for UVB). UVB protection is provided by aminobenzoic acid and aminobenzoates (padimate-O), cinnamates, salicylates, camphors. UVA protection is provided by benzophenones (mexenone, oxybenzone), dibenzoylmethanes. Reflectant sunscreens.  Opaque inorganic minerals such as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide and calamine act as a physical barrier to UVB and UVA (especially zinc oxide); they are cosmetically unattractive, but the newer micronised preparations are more acceptable. Because they are able to protect against visible light, they are especially useful in photosensitivity disorders, e.g. porphyria. The performance of a sunscreen is expressed as the sun protective factor (SPF), which refers to UVB (UVA is more troublesome to measure, and the protection is indicated by a star rating system, with four stars providing the greatest). An SPF of 10 means that the dose of UVB required to cause erythema must be 10 times greater on protected than on unprotected skin. The SPF should be interpreted only as a rough guide; consumer use is more haphazard, and less liberal amounts are applied to the skin in practice. The benefits of using active agents including vitamins, antioxidants, osmolytes and DNA repair enzymes in sunscreens and cosmetics to counteract the inherent photochemical processes that can induce DNA damage in skin cells is unproven. Sunscreens should protect against both UVB and UVA. Absorbent and reflectant components are combined in some preparations. The washability of the preparation (including removal by sweat and swimming) is also relevant to efficacy and frequency of application; some penetrate the stratum corneum (padimate-O) and are more persistent than others. Uses.  Sunscreens are no substitute for light-impermeable clothing and sun avoidance (especially during peak hours of UV light). Daily application of sunscreen appears to protect more against UV-induced skin changes than intermittent use of the product. Methodical use has been demonstrated to reduce the incidence of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Sunscreens are especially beneficial in protecting those who are photosensitive due to drugs (below) or disease, i.e. for photodermatoses such as photosensitivity dermatitis, polymorphic light eruption, cutaneous porphyrias and lupus erythematosus. Treatment of mild sunburn is usually with a lotion such as oily calamine lotion. Severe cases are helped by topical corticosteroids. NSAIDs, e.g. indometacin, can help if given early, by preventing the formation of prostaglandins.

• Antimitotics: dacarbazine, vinblastine, taxanes, methotrexate.

• Antimicrobials: demeclocycline, doxycycline, nalidixic acid, sulfonamides.

• Antipsychotics: chlorpromazine, prochlorperazine. • Cardiac arrhythmic: amiodarone. • Diuretics: furosemide, chlorothiazide, • • • • •

hydrochlorothiazide. Fibric acid derivatives, e.g. fenofibrate. Hypoglycaemics: tolbutamide. NSAIDs: piroxicam. Psoralens (see below). Antifungals: voriconazole (extreme photoxicity and heightened risk of squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma).

Topically applied substances that can produce photosensitivity include:

• Para-aminobenzoic acid and its esters (used as sunscreens).

• Coal tar derivatives. • Psoralens from juices of various plants, e.g. bergamot oil.

• 6-Methylcoumarin (used in perfumes, shaving lotions, sunscreens). There are two forms of photosensitivity:

Phototoxicity,  like drug toxicity, is a normal effect of too high a dose of UV light in a subject who has been exposed to the drug. The reaction is like severe sunburn. The threshold returns to normal when the drug is withdrawn. Some drugs, notably NSAIDs, induce a ‘pseudoporphyria’, clinically resembling porphyria cutanea tarda and presenting with skin fragility, blisters and milia on sun-exposed areas, notably the backs of the hands.

Photoallergy,  like drug allergy, is a cell-mediated immunological effect that occurs only in some people, and which may be severe with a small dose. Photoallergy due to drugs is the result of a photochemical reaction caused by UVA in which the drug combines with tissue protein to form an antigen. Reactions may persist for years after the drug is withdrawn; they are usually eczematous.


Data from The Medical Letter 1995;37:35.




Infection and inflammation

Systemic protection,  as opposed to application of drug to exposed areas, should be considered when the topical measures fail. Antimalarials  such as hydroxychloroquine may be effective for short periods in polymorphic light eruption and in cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Psoralens (obtained from citrus fruits and other plants), e.g. methoxsalen, are used to induce photochemical reactions in the skin. After topical or systemic administration of the psoralen and subsequent exposure to UVA, there is an erythematous reaction that goes deeper than ordinary sunburn and may reach its maximum only after 48 h (sunburn maximum is 12–24 h). Melanocytes are activated and pigmentation occurs over the following week. This action is used to repigment areas of disfiguring depigmentation, e.g. vitiligo in black-skinned persons. In the presence of UVA, the psoralen interacts with DNA, forms thymine dimers and inhibits DNA synthesis. Psoralen plus UVA (PUVA) treatment is used chiefly in severe psoriasis (a disease characterised by increased epidermal proliferation) and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Severe adverse reactions can occur with psoralens and UV radiation, including sunburn, increased risk of skin cancer (due to mutagenicity inherent in their action), cancer of the male genitalia, cataracts and accelerated skin ageing; the treatment is used only by specialists. Chronic exposure to sunlight induces wrinkling and yellowing due to the changes in the dermal connective tissue. Topical retinoids are used widely in an attempt to reverse some of these tissue changes. Public pursuit of novel tanning strategies, including the unregulated subcutaneous selfadministration of synthetic analogues of alpha–melanocytestimulating hormone (alpha-MSH), has been reported. Medical practitioners should be aware that these agents can complicate the clinical presentation of patients with changing moles and suspected melanoma.

Miscellaneous compounds Keratolytics  are used to destroy unwanted tissue, including warts and corns. Great care is obviously necessary to avoid ulceration. They include trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid and many others. Resorcinol and sulphur are mild keratolytics used in acne. Salicylic acid may enhance the efficacy of a topical steroid in hyperkeratotic disorders.

Tars  are mildly antiseptic, antipruritic and inhibit keratinisation in an ill-understood way. They are safe in low concentrations and are used in psoriasis. Photosensitivity occurs, and tar–UVB regimens are highly effective therapies for extensive psoriasis. There are very many preparations, which usually contain other substances, e.g. coal tar and salicylic acid ointment.


Ichthammol  is a sulphurous, tarry, distillation product of fossilised fish (obtained in the Austrian Tyrol); it has a weaker effect than coal tar. Zinc oxide  provides mild astringent, barrier and occlusive actions. Calamine is basic zinc carbonate that owes its pink colour to added ferric oxide. It has a mild astringent action, and is used as a dusting powder and in shake and oily lotions.

Urea  is used topically to assist skin hydration, e.g. in ichthyosis. Insect repellents,  e.g. against mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, such as DEET (diethyl toluamide), dimethyl phthalate. These are applied to the skin and repel insects principally by vaporisation. They must be applied to all exposed skin, and sometimes also to clothes, if their objective is to be achieved (some damage plastic fabrics and spectacle frames). Their duration of effect is limited by the rate at which they vaporise (dependent on skin and ambient temperature), by washing off (sweat, rain, immersion) and by mechanical factors causing rubbing (physical activity). They can cause allergic and toxic effects, especially with prolonged use. Benzyl benzoate  may be used on clothes; it resists one or two washings.

Cutaneous drug reactions Drugs applied locally or taken systemically often cause rashes. These take many different forms, and the same drug may produce different rashes in different people. Types of drug rash include:

• Exanthems. • Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis. • Fixed drug rash. • Stevens–Johnson syndrome/erythema multiforme/ toxic epidermal necrolysis.

• Hypersensitivity reaction including DRESS (drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms), e.g. hepatitis. The pathogenesis of DRESS is likely to be multifactorial. The factors include deficient detoxification of a drug metabolite in patients who are genetically susceptible, drug interactions, and direct effects of drug-specific T cells. Recent reports of co-infection with human herpesvirus (HHV)-6 or HHV-7 and a transient hypogammaglobulinaemia may prove important in anticonvulsant hypersensitivity. Some of the mechanisms involved in drug-induced cutaneous reactions are described in Box 17.1. Although drugs may change, the clinical problems remain depressingly the same: a patient develops a rash; he or she

Drugs and the skin

Box 17.1  Mechanisms of cutaneous drug reactions

Immunological mechanisms • • • •

IgE dependent Cytotoxic Immune complex mediated Cell mediated

Non-immunological mechanisms • • • • •

Overdosage Cumulative toxicity Delayed toxicity Drug–drug–food interactions Excacerbation of disease

Idiosyncratic • Drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) • Toxic epidermal necrolysis/Stevens–Johnson syndrome • Drug reactions in setting of HIV • Drug-induced lupus

is taking many different tablets; which, if any, of these caused the eruption, and what should be done about it? It is no answer simply to stop all drugs, although the fact that this can often be done casts some doubt on the patient’s need for them in the first place. All too often, potentially valuable drugs are excluded from further use on totally inadequate grounds. Clearly some guidelines are useful, but no simple set of rules exists that can cover this complex subject:9 1. Can other skin diseases be excluded, and are the skin

changes compatible with a drug cause? Clinical features that indicate a drug cause include the type of primary lesion (blisters, pustules), distribution of lesions (acral lesions in erythema multiforme), mucosal involvement and evidence of systemic involvement (fever, lymphadenopathy, visceral involvement). 2. Which drug is most likely to be responsible? Document all of the drugs the patient has been exposed to and the date of introduction of each drug. Determine the interval between commencement date and the date of the skin eruption. Chronology is important, with most reactions occurring about 10–12 days after starting a new drug or within 2–3 days in previously exposed patients. A search of standard literature sources of adverse reactions, including the


Hardie R A, Savin J A 1979 Drug-induced skin diseases. British Medical Journal 1:935 (to whom we are grateful for the quotation and classification).


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pharmaceutical company data, can be helpful in identifying suspect drugs. 3. Are any further tests worthwhile? Excluding infectious causes of skin eruptions is important, e.g. viral exanthems, mycoplasma. A skin biopsy in cases of non-specific dermatitis is helpful, as a predominance of eosinophils would support a drug precipitant. 4. Is any treatment needed? Supporting the ill patient and stopping the causative drug is crucial.

Drug-specific rashes Despite great variability, some hints at drug-specific or characteristic rashes from drugs taken systemically can be discerned; some examples are as follows:

• Acne and pustular: corticosteroids, androgens, ciclosporin, penicillins.

• Allergic vasculitis: sulfonamides, NSAIDs, thiazides, chlorpropamide, phenytoin, penicillin, retinoids.

• Anaphylaxis: X-ray contrast media, penicillins,

angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.

• Bullous pemphigoid: furosemide (and other • •

• • • • •

• • •

sulfonamide-related drugs), ACE inhibitors, penicillamine, penicillin, PUVA therapy. Eczema: penicillins, phenothiazines. Exanthematic/maculopapular reactions are the most frequent; unlike a viral exanthem, the eruption typically starts on the trunk; the face is relatively spared. Causes include antimicrobials, especially ampicillin, sulfonamides and derivatives (sulfonylureas, furosemide and thiazide diuretics). Morbilliform (measles-like) eruptions typically recur on rechallenge. Erythema multiforme: NSAIDs, sulfonamides, barbiturates, phenytoin, pacl*taxel. Erythema nodosum: dermatitis and sulfonamides, oral contraceptives, prazosin. Exfoliative erythroderma: gold, phenytoin, carbamazepine, allopurinol, penicillins, neuroleptics, isoniazid. Fixed eruptions are eruptions that recur at the same site, often circumoral, with each administration of the drug: phenolphthalein (laxative self-medication), sulfonamides, quinine (in tonic water), tetracycline, barbiturates, naproxen, nifedipine. Hair loss: cytotoxic anticancer drugs, acitretin, oral contraceptives, heparin, androgenic steroids (women), sodium valproate, gold. Hypertrichosis: corticosteroids, ciclosporin, doxasosin, minoxidil. Lichenoid eruption: β-adrenoceptor blockers, chloroquine, thiazides, furosemide, captopril, gold, phenothiazines.




Infection and inflammation

• Lupus erythematosus: hydralazine, isoniazid, • • • • •

• • • •

• •

procainamide, phenytoin, oral contraceptives, sulfazaline. Purpura: thiazides, sulfonamides, sulfonylureas, phenylbutazone, quinine. Aspirin induces a capillaritis (pigmented purpuric dermatitis). Photosensitivity: see above. Pemphigus: penicillamine, captopril, piroxicam, penicillin, rifampicin. Pruritus unassociated with rash: oral contraceptives, phenothiazines, rifampicin (cholestatic reaction). Pigmentation: oral contraceptives (chloasma in photosensitive distribution), phenothiazines, heavy metals, amiodarone, chloroquine (pigmentation of nails and palate, depigmentation of the hair), minocycline. Psoriasis may be aggravated by β-blockers, lithium and antimalarials. Scleroderma-like: bleomycin, sodium valproate, tryptophan contaminants (eosinophilia–myalgia syndrome). Serum sickness: immunoglobulins and other immunomodulatory blood products. Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TENS): e.g. anticonvulsants, sulfonamides, aminopenicillins, NSAIDs, allopurinol, chlormezanone, corticosteroids. Urticaria and angioedema: penicillins, ACE inhibitors, gold, NSAIDs, e.g. aspirin, codeine. Patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) have an increased risk of adverse reactions, which are often severe. Recovery after withdrawal of the causative drug generally begins within a few days, but lichenoid reactions may not improve for weeks.

Diagnosis The patient’s drug history may give clues. Reactions are commoner during early therapy (days) than after the drug has been given for months. Diagnosis by purposeful readministration of the drug (challenge) is not recommended, especially in patients suffering a generalised effect or with mucosal involvement, as it may precipitate toxic epidermal necrolysis. Patch and photopatch tests are useful in contact dermatitis, as they reproduce the causative process, but should be performed only by those with special experience. Fixed drug eruptions can sometimes be reproduced by patch testing with the drug over the previously affected site. Intradermal tests introduce all the problems of allergy to drugs, e.g. metabolism, combination with protein, fatal anaphylaxis.


Treatment Treatment involves supportive care and removal of the causative drug. Use cooling applications and antipruritics; use a histamine H1-receptor blocker systemically for acute urticaria. The use of adrenal corticosteroids is controversial. It may be useful for severe exanthems if the incriminated drug is crucial for other concurrent disease, and is useful for internal organ disease involvement in DRESS. The use of human-derived immunoglobulin infusions is increasingly advocated in the treatment of toxic epidermal necrolysis.

Safety monitoring Several drugs commonly used in dermatology should be monitored regularly for (principally systemic) adverse effects. These include:

• • • • •

Aciclovir (plasma creatinine). Azathioprine (blood count and liver function). Colchicine (blood count, plasma creatinine). Ciclosporin (plasma creatinine). Dapsone (liver function, blood count including reticulocytes). • Methotrexate (blood count, liver function). • PUVA (liver function, antinuclear antibodies). • Aromatic retinoids (liver function, plasma lipids). The patient and doctor must always remain vigilant about drug–drug and drug–food interactions that may result in toxicity, e.g. methotrexate/trimethoprim, ciclosporin/ grapefruit juice.

Individual disorders Table 17.3 is not intended to give the complete treatment of even the commoner skin conditions but merely to indicate a reasonable approach. Secondary infections of ordinarily uninfected lesions may require added topical or systemic antimicrobials. Analgesics, sedatives or tranquilisers may be needed in painful or uncomfortable conditions, or where the disease is intensified by emotion or anxiety.

Psoriasis In psoriasis there is increased epidermal undifferentiated cell proliferation and inflammation of the epidermis and dermis. The consequence of increased numbers of immature horn cells containing abnormal keratin is that an abnormal stratum corneum is formed. Drugs are used to:

• dissolve keratin (keratolysis) • inhibit cell division.

Drugs and the skin An emollient such as aqueous cream will reduce the inflammation. The proliferated cells may be eliminated by a dithranol (antimitotic) preparation applied accurately to the lesions (but not on the face or scalp) for 1 h and then removed, as it is irritant to normal skin and stains skin,


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blond hair and fabrics. A suitable regimen may begin with 0.1% dithranol, increasing to 1%. Dithranol is available in cream bases or in Lassar’s paste (the preparations are not interchangeable). It is used daily until the lesions have disappeared and may produce prolonged remissions of psoriasis.

Table 17.3  Summary of treatment for selected skin disorders Condition



Androgenic alopecia

Topical 2% or 5% minoxidil is worth trying. Finasteride can stop hair loss and increase hair density in 50% of men

The response occurs in 4–12 months; hair loss resumes when therapy is stopped

Alopecia areata

Potent topical or intralesional corticosteroids may be useful in the short term

Although distressing, the condition is often self-limiting. A few individuals have responded to PUVA or contact sensitisation induced by diphencyprone

Dermatitis herpetiformis

Dapsone is typically effective in 24 h, or sulfapyridine. Long-term gluten-free diet

Methaemoglobinaemia may complicate dapsone therapy

Hirsutism in women

Combined oestrogen–progestogen contraceptive pill: cyproterone plus ethinylestradiol (Dianette). Spironolactone, cimetidine have been used

Local cosmetic approaches: epilation by wax or electrolysis; depilation (chemical), e.g. thioglycollic acid, barium sulfide. The result of laser epilation is transient and may paradoxically induce excess hair growth in certain individuals


Astringents reduce sweat production, especially aluminium chloride hexahydrate. Antimuscarinics, e.g. glycopyrrolate (topical or systemic), may help and may be used with iontophoresis. Botulinum toxin can be used to provide temporary remission (3–4 months) and is most useful for the axilla. Sympathectomy is used occasionally but may be complicated by compensatory hyperhidrosis

The characteristic smell is produced by bacterial action, so cosmetic deodorants contain antibacterials rather than substances that reduce sweatimpetigo


Topical antibiotics, e.g. mupirocin, fusidic acid

In severe cases (resistant organisms) systemic macrolide, cephalosporin antibiotics


Cleansing lotions, powders to cleanse, lubricate and reduce friction. A dilute corticosteroid with anticandidal cream is often helpful

No evidence that new azoles are superior to nystatin

Larva migrans

Cryotherapy. Albendazole (single dose) or topical thiabendazole

Lichen planus

Antipruritics (menthol); potent topical corticosteroid

PUVA or retinoids in severe cases

Lichen simplex (neurodermatitis)

Antipruritics (menthol); topical corticosteroid; sedating antihistamines

Occluding the lesion so as to prevent scratch–itch cycle to patient. Focused cognitive behaviour therapy may be helpful Continued




Infection and inflammation

Table 17.3  Summary of treatment for selected skin disorders—cont’d Condition


Lupus erythematosus

Photoprotection (including against UVA) is essential. Potent adrenal corticosteroid topically or intralesionally. Hydroxychloroquine or mepacrine. Monitor for retinal toxicity when treatment is long term. Other agents include acetretin and auranofin


Actinic keratoses and Bowen’s disease can be treated with topical 5-fluorouracil (skin irritation is to be expected) or cryotherapy. Imiquimod is a possible topical alternative. Extensive lesions may respond to photodynamic therapy: the skin is sensitised using a topical haematoporphyrin derivative, e.g. aminolaevulinic acid, and irradiated with a visible light or laser source. Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in its early stages is best treated conservatively; PUVA will often clear lesions for several months or years; alternatives include topical nitrogen mustard, e.g. carmustine, radiotherapy and the retinoid bexarotene

Nappy rash

Prevention: rid re-usable nappies of soaps, detergents and ammonia by rinsing. Change frequently, and use an emollient cream, e.g. aqueous cream, to protect skin. Costly disposable nappies are useful but must also be changed regularly. Cure: zinc cream or calamine lotion plus above measures


Confirm dermatophyte infection with microscopy and culture. Terbinafine, 2 pulses of itraconazole or 6–9 months of once-weekly fluconazole is used for fingernail onychomycosis. For toenail disease, terbinafine is used for 12–16 weeks; 3–4 pulses of itraconazole or fluconazole once per week for 9–15 months can be used

The newer oral antifungals have not been approved for use in children. Surgical removal of infected nail maybe required and reinfection is common

Pediculosis (lice)

Permethrin, phenothrin, carbaryl or malathion (anticholinesterases, with safety depending on more rapid metabolism in humans than in insects, and on low absorption)

Usually two applications 7 days apart to kill lice from eggs that survive the first dose. Physical measures including regular combing and keeping hair short are important

Pemphigus and pemphigoid

Milder cases can be treated with topical corticosteroids and tetracyclines. Systemic steroids and immunosuppressants (azathioprine, mycophenylate) are useful for severe disease. Plasmapheresis, IVIg and rituximab may also be useful for resistant cases

Pityriasis rosea

Antipruritics and emollients as appropriate; UVB phototherapy



The disease is self-limiting

Drugs and the skin


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Table 17.3  Summary of treatment for selected skin disorders—cont’d Condition


Pyoderma gangrenosum

Topical therapies may include corticosteroids, tacrolimus. Systemic corticosteroids are usually effective. Immunosuppressives, e.g. ciclosporin, may be used for steroid-sparing effect. Some patients respond to dapsone, minocycline or clofazamine


Topical metronidazole and systemic tetracycline. Retinoids are useful for severe cases Permethrin dermal cream. Alternatives include benzyl benzoate or ivermectin (single dose), especially for outbreaks in closed communities. Crotamiton or calamine for residual itch. Topical corticosteroid to settle persistent hypersensitivity

Scabies (Sarcoptes scabiei)

Seborrhoeic dermatitis: dandruff (Pityriasis capitis)

A proprietary shampoo with pyrithione, selenium sulfide or coal tar; ketoconazole shampoo in more severe cases. Occasionally a corticosteroid lotion may be necessary

Tinea capitis

In children, griseofulvin for 6–8 weeks is effective and safe. Terbinafine for 4 weeks is effective against Trichophyton spp. Microsporum will respond to 6 weeks’ therapy with terbinafine

Tinea pedis

Most cases will respond to tolnaftate or undecenoic acid creams. Allylamine (terbinafine) creams are possibly more effective than azoles in resistant cases

Venous leg ulcers

Limb compression is the mainstay of therapy. Other agents including pentoxifylline and skin grafts are useful adjuncts to compression therapy

Viral warts

All treatments are destructive and should be applied with precision. Salicylic acid in collodion daily. Many other caustic (keratolytic) preparations exist, e.g. salicylic and lactic acid paint or gel. For plantar warts, formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde; for plantar or anogenital warts, podophyllin (antimitotic). Follow the manufacturer’s instructions meticulously. If one topical therapy fails, it is worth trying a different type. Topical imiquimod is an alternative for genital warts; it is irritant. Careful cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen)


Control pustulation in order to prevent secondary scarring and rhinophyma Apply to all members of the household, immediate family or partner. Change underclothes and bedclothes after application

Antifungal shampoos can reduce active shedding in patients treated with oral antifungals

Warts often disappear spontaneously. Cryotherapy can cause ulceration, damage the nail matrix and leave permanent scars




Infection and inflammation

Tar (antimitotic) preparations are used in a similar way, are less irritating to normal skin and are commonly used for psoriasis of the scalp.10

Topical adrenal corticosteroids  act principally by reducing inflammation. Application, especially under occlusive dressings, can be very effective at suppressing the disease, but increased doses (concentrations) become necessary, and rebound, which may be severe, follows withdrawal. For this reason, potent corticosteroids should never be used except for lesions on the scalp, palms and soles. Corticosteroids of mild potency may be used for flexural psoriasis where other drugs are too irritating. Systemic corticosteroid administration should be avoided, for high doses are needed to suppress the disease, which is liable to recur in a more unstable form when treatment is withdrawn, as it must be if complications of long-term steroid therapy are to be avoided. Calcipotriol and tacalcitol are analogues of calcitriol, the most active natural form of vitamin D. They inhibit cell proliferation and encourage cell differentiation. Although they have less effect on calcium metabolism than does calcitriol, excessive use (more than 100 g/week) can raise the plasma calcium concentration.

Vitamin A  (retinols) plays a role in epithelial function, and the retinoic acid derivative acitretin (orally) inhibits psoriatic hyperkeratosis over 4–6 weeks. Acitretin should be used in courses (6–9 months) with intervals (3–4 months). It is teratogenic, like the other vitamin A derivatives. It is not recommended for use in women of childbearing potential because the drug is stored in the liver and in fat, and active metabolites are released many months after cessation of therapy. UVB light  is effective in guttate psoriasis and potentiates the effects of topical agents such as calcipotriol (act by reducing cell division), antimitotic agents like tar (Goeckerman’s regimen) and dithranol (Ingram’s regimen). Oral psoralen followed by UVA light (PUVA) may be used to clear severe cases of psoriasis, with remissions of more than 1 year being achievable. Long-term PUVA therapy is associated with an increased risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma development (especially in those given maintenance treatment).

Ciclosporin,  the systemic calcineurin inhibitor (see p. 558), has been instrumental in shifting the focus of 10

But are not without risk. A 46-year-old man whose psoriasis was treated with topical corticosteroids, UV light and tar was seen in the hospital courtyard bursting into flames. A small ring of fire began several centimetres above the sternal notch and encircled his neck. The patient promptly put out the fire. He admitted to lighting a cigarette just before the fire, the path of which corresponded to the distribution of the tar on his body (Fader D J, Metzman M S 1994 Smoking, tar, and psoriasis: a dangerous combination. New England Journal of Medicine 330:1541).


psoriasis research from keratinocyte abnormalities to immune perturbations. It has a rapid onset of action and is useful in achieving remissions in all forms of psoriasis. Monitoring of blood pressure and renal function is mandatory. Severe adverse effects, including renal toxicity, preclude its being used as long-term suppressive therapy. Since the introduction of ciclosporin for psoriasis, much research has focused on new ways of disrupting T lymphocytes and the cytokines involved in the induction and maintenance of psoriasis. These drugs target specific cellular events, e.g. induction of T-lymphocytic apoptosis, inhibition of tumour necrosis factor. The exact role of these promising therapies is still evolving. Folic acid antagonists,  e.g. methotrexate, can also suppress epidermal activity and inhibit T and B lymphocytes, and are especially useful when psoriasis is severe and remits rapidly with other treatments. Methotrexate is particularly of use if there is associated disabling arthritis. Platelet count and renal and liver function must be monitored regularly. When 1.5 g of the total dose has been taken, liver biopsy should be considered, especially in those with predisposing hepatic steatosis. The last decade has witnessed a significant advance in the management of refractory moderate-to-severe psoriasis with the introduction of biological therapies to clinical practice. These drugs target specific cellular events, e.g. induction of T-lymphocytic apoptosis, inhibition of tumour necrosis factor. Three classes of biological therapies have been used: T-cell inhibitors, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α inhibitors and interleukin (IL-12 and IL-23) inhibitors. The first of these to be introduced, the T-cell inhibitor efalizumab, was withdrawn because of a rare association with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). In contrast, anti-TNF treatments are now firmly established, offering a high level of efficacy and a good safety record. Ustekinumab, by targeting the p40 subunit common to interleukins 12 and 23, offers a viable alternative to anti-TNFs in the treatment of moderate-to-severe psoriasis. The identification of PML as a serious but statistically rare risk associated with efalizumab demonstrates the strengths and weaknesses of the current drug approval and pharmacovigilance processes for fully measuring the safety of a drug. Patients and clinicians need to be aware of the relative completeness and limitations of existing safety data of a drug when selecting a treatment. It is plain from this brief outline that treatment of psoriasis requires considerable judgement, and choice will depend on the patient’s sex, age and the severity of the condition. Topical therapies such as calcipotriol, tar or dithranolcontaining compounds should be the mainstay of limited mild psoriasis. Topical corticosteroids can be used for psoriasis inversus under close supervision, as overuse can lead to cutaneous atrophy. Phototherapy is useful for widespread psoriasis where compliance with topical

Drugs and the skin treatments is difficult. Resistant disease is best managed by the specialist who may utilise a rotation of treatments, including retinoids, methotrexate, ciclosporin, UVB plus dithranol and PUVA plus acitretin, to reduce the unwanted effects of any single therapy. Fumaric acid compounds, hydroxyurea and specific biological agents are useful for severe cases.

Acne Acne vulgaris results from disordered function of the pilosebaceous follicle whereby abnormal keratin and sebum (the production of which is androgen driven) form debris that plugs the mouth of the follicle. Propionibacterium acnes colonises the debris. Bacterial action releases inflammatory fatty acids from the sebum, resulting in inflammation. Acne is a chronic disorder and if uncontrolled can lead to irreversible scarring. The following measures are used progressively and selectively as the disease becomes more severe; they may need to be applied for up to 3–6 months:

• Mild keratolytic (exfoliating, peeling) formulations unblock pilosebaceous ducts, e.g. benzoyl peroxide, sulphur, salicylic acid, azelaic acid. • Systemic or topical antimicrobial therapy (tetracycline, erythromycin, lymecycline) is used over months (expect 30% improvement after 3 months). Bacterial resistance is not a problem; benefit is due to suppression of bacterial lipolysis of sebum, which generates inflammatory fatty acids. (Avoid minocycline because of adverse effects, including raised intracranial pressure and drug-induced lupus.) • Vitamin A (retinoic acid) derivatives reduce sebum production and keratinisation. Vitamin A is a teratogen. Tretinoin (Retin-A) is applied topically (but not in combination with other keratolytics). Tretinoin should be avoided in sunny weather and in pregnancy. Benefit is seen in about 10 weeks. Adapalene, a synthetic retinoid, may be better tolerated as it is less irritant. Isotretinoin (Roaccutane) orally is highly effective (a single course of treatment to a cumulative dose of 100 mg/kg is curative in 94% of patients), but is known to be a serious teratogen; its use should generally be confined to the more severe cystic and conglobate cases, where other measures have failed. Fasting blood lipids should be measured before and during therapy (levels of cholesterol and triglycerides may rise). Women of childbearing potential should be fully informed of this risk, pregnancy-tested before commencement and use contraception for 4 weeks before, during and for 4


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weeks after cessation.11 Other adverse effects are described, including mood change and severe depression. • Hormone therapy. The objective is to reduce androgen production or effect by using (1) oestrogen, to suppress hypothalamic–pituitary gonadotrophin production, or (2) an antiandrogen (cyproterone). An oestrogen alone as initial therapy to get the acne under control or, in women, the cyclical use of an oral contraceptive containing 50 μg of oestrogen diminishes sebum secretion by 40%. A combination of ethinylestradiol and cyproterone (Dianette) orally is also effective in women (it has a contraceptive effect, which is desirable as the cyproterone may feminise a male fetus).

Urticaria Acute urticaria (named after its similarity to the sting of a nettle, Urtica) and angioedema usually respond well to H1-receptor antihistamines, although severe cases are relieved more quickly with use of adrenaline/epinephrine (adrenaline injection 1 mg/mL:0.1–0.3 mL s.c.). A systemic corticosteroid may be needed in severe cases, e.g. urticarial vasculitis. In some individuals, urticarial weals are provoked by physical stimuli, e.g. friction (dermographism), heat or cold. Exercise may induce weals, particularly on the upper trunk (cholinergic urticaria). Physical urticarias are particularly challenging to treat. Chronic urticaria usually responds to an H1-receptor antihistamine with low sedating properties, e.g. cetirizine or loratidine. Terfenadine is also effective, but may cause dangerous cardiac arrhythmias if the recommended dose is exceeded or if it is administered with drugs (or grapefruit juice) that inhibit its metabolism. But lack of sleep increases the intensity of itch (similar to pain), and a sedating antihistamine may be useful at night. H2-receptor antihistamines may be added for particularly resistant cases. In some patients with antibodies against the Fc receptor on mast cells, immunosuppressive therapies (e.g. ciclosporin, methotrexate or intravenous immunoglobulin) may be required. 11

The risk of birth defect in a child of a woman who has taken isotretinoin when pregnant is estimated at 25%. Thousands of abortions have been performed in such women in the USA. It is probable that hundreds of damaged children have been born. There can be no doubt that there has been irresponsible prescribing of this drug, e.g. in less severe cases. The fact that a drug with such a grave effect is still permitted to be available is attributed to its high efficacy. In Europe, women of childbearing age must comply with a pregnancy prevention programme and be monitored monthly while on a course of isotretinoin. In the USA, patients and their doctors and pharmacists are required by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to register with the mandatory iPLEDGE distribution programme in order to receive this medication.




Infection and inflammation

Omalizumab is a humanised monoclonal antibody that binds to circulating IgE. This prevents IgE binding to highaffinity receptors (FcεRI) on the surface of mast cells and basophils, thus reducing receptor expression and the release of inflammatory mediators. Currently licensed as add-on therapy for patients with severe, persistent allergic asthma via subcutaneous injection, omalizumab has been reported to be highly effective in treating severe chronic spontaneous urticaria in teenagers and adults. Omalizumab has also been reported to demonstrate efficacy in the treatment of inducible or physical urticaria, such as solar urticaria or cold urticaria, which does not respond well to antihistamines.12 Hereditary angioedema, with deficiency of C1-esterase inhibitor (a complement inhibitor), may not respond to antihistamines or corticosteroid but only to fresh frozen plasma or, preferably, C1-inhibitor concentrate. Delay in initiating the treatment may lead to death from laryngeal oedema (try adrenaline/epinephrine i.m. in severe cases). Icatibant is a selective and specific antagonist of bradykinin B2 receptors. It has been approved in Europe for the symptomatic treatment of acute attacks of hereditary angioedema (HAE) in adults (with C1-esterase–inhibitor deficiency). For long-term prophylaxis, an androgen (stanozolol, danazol) can be effective. Hereditary angioedema does not manifest as simple urticaria.

Atopic dermatitis Atopic dermatitis is a chronic condition, and treatment must be individualised and centred around preventive measures. Successful management includes the elimination of precipitating and exacerbating factors, and maintaining the skin barrier function by use of topical or systemic agents. Immunological triggers of atopic dermatitis vary and can include aeroallergens, detergents (including soaps), irritants, climate and microorganisms. Identification and modification of these factors is useful. Antiseptic-containing soap substitutes are useful in reducing pro-inflammatory Staphylococcus aureus colonies. In acute weeping dermatitis, lotions, wet dressing or soaks (sodium chloride, potassium permanganate) are used. In subacute and chronic disease, skin care with occlusive emollients helps to offset the xerosis (dryness) that creates microfissures in the skin and disturbs its normal barrier function. Topical corticosteroids form the cornerstone of pharmacological therapy. In general, the lowest-potency topical steroid should be used initially and higher-potency agents

considered only if these fail, the aim being to switch to intermittent steroid use protocols once the disease has been controlled. Higher-potency agents are usually inappropriate for young children and highly permeable areas. Very potent steroids should not be used for longer than 2 consecutive weeks to minimise the likelihood of unwanted effects. The calcineurin inhibitors, tacrolimus and pimecrolimus, are effective topically. Local irritation may result, but they do not cause skin atrophy and so are especially useful on the face. Long-term safety data are still lacking, and the US Food and Drug Administration cautions against long-term use in children on the grounds of cutaneous carcinogenesis. Sedating H1-receptor antihistamines with anxiolytic properties may assist with sleep and nocturnal itch. A 2-week course of systemic corticosteroid is useful, especially in cases of acute allergic contact dermatitis. Long-term oral immunosuppression with ciclosporin, mycophenylate or azathioprine should be undertaken only in specialist centres. Although there is minimal objective improvement in atopic dermatitis with UVB phototherapy, patients have consistently reported subjective improvement in itch. Dupilumab is an innovative first-in-class biologic agent for moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis. A fully human monoclonal antibody directed against the shared IL-4 receptor alpha subunit, dupilumab blocks signalling from both IL-4 and IL-13, which are key cytokines that are required for the initiation and maintenance of the Th2 (Type 2 helper T-cell) immune response, which is believed to be a critical pathway in allergic inflammation.13

Skin infections Superficial bacterial infections,  e.g. impetigo, eczema, are commonly staphylococcal or streptococcal. They are treated with a topical antimicrobial for less than 2 weeks, applied twice daily after removal of crusts that prevent access of the drug, e.g. with a povidone–iodine preparation. Very extensive cases need systemic treatment. Topical sodium fusidate and mupirocin are preferred (as they are not used ordinarily for systemic infections and therefore development of drug-resistant strains is less likely to have any serious consequences). Framycetin and polymyxins are also used. Absorption of neomycin from all topical preparations can cause serious injury to the eighth cranial nerve. It is also a contact sensitiser. When prolonged treatment is required, topical antiseptics (e.g. chlorhexidine) are preferred and bacterial resistance is less of a problem.


Goldstein S, Gabriel S, Kianifard F, Ortiz B, Skoner DP, 2017, Clinical features of adolescents with chronic idiopathic or spontaneous urticaria: Review of omalizumab clinical trials. Annals of Allergy Asthma and Immunology 118:500–504.



Blakely K, Gooderham M, Papp K 2016 Dupilumab, A Monoclonal Antibody for Atopic Dermatitis: A Review of Current Literature. Skin Therapy Letter 2016;21:1–5.

Drugs and the skin Combination of an antimicrobial drug with a corticosteroid (to suppress inflammation) can be useful for secondarily infected eczema. The disadvantages of antimicrobials are contact allergy and developments of resistant organisms (which may cause systemic, as well as local, infection). Failure to respond may be due to the development of a contact allergy (which may be masked by corticosteroid). Infected leg ulcers generally do not benefit from long-term antimicrobials, although topical metronidazole is useful when the ulcer is malodorous due to colonisation with Gram-negative organisms. An antiseptic (plus a protective dressing with compression) is preferred if antimicrobial therapy is needed. Nasal carriers of staphylococci may be cured (often temporarily) by topical mupirocin or neomycin plus chlorhexidine.

Deep bacterial infections, e.g. boils, generally do not require antimicrobial therapy, but if they do it should be systemic. Cellulitis requires systemic chemotherapy initially with benzylpenicillin and flucloxacillin. Infected burns are treated with a variety of antimicrobials, including silver sulfadiazine and mupirocin. Fungal infections.  Superficial dermatophyte or Candida infections purely involving the skin can be treated with a topical imidazole, e.g. clotrimazole, miconazole. Pityriasis


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versicolor, a yeast infection, primarily involves the trunk in young adults. It responds to topical antifungals or selenium sulfide preparations; severe infection may require systemic itraconazole. It tends to recur, and regular treatments are frequently necessary. Invasion of hair or nails by a dermatophyte or a deep mycosis requires systemic therapy; terbinafine is the most effective drug. Terbinafine and griseofulvin are ineffective against yeasts, for which itraconazole is an alternative. Itraconazole can be used in weekly pulses each month for 3–4 months; it is less effective against dermatophytes than terbinafine.

Viral infections.  Topical antivirals, e.g. aciclovir, penetrate the stratum corneum poorly. Aciclovir is used systemically for severe infections, e.g. eczema herpeticum.

Parasitic infection.  Topical parasiticides (see Table 17.3 for details).

Disinfection and cleansing of the skin. Numerous substances are used according to circ*mstances:

• For skin preparation prior to injection: ethanol or isopropyl alcohol.

• For disinfection: chlorhexidine salts, cationic surfactant (cetrimide), soft soap, povidone–iodine (iodine complexed with polyvinylpyrrolidone), phenol derivatives (hexachlorophene, triclosan) and hydrogen peroxide.

Guide to further reading Bystryn, J.C., Rudolph, J., 2005. Pemphigus. Lancet 366, 61–73. Currie, B.J., McCarthy, J.S., 2010. Permethrin and ivermectin for scabies. N. Engl. J. Med. 362, 717–725. Hwang, S.T., Janik, J.E., Jaffe, E.S., Wilson, W.H., 2008. Mycosis fungoides and Sézary syndrome. Lancet 371, 945–957. James, W.D., 2005. Acne. N. Engl. J. Med. 352, 1463–1472. Kaplan, K.P., 2002. Chronic urticaria and angioedema. N. Engl. J. Med. 346, 175–179. Kullavanijaya, P., Lim, H.W., 2005. Photoprotection. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 52, 937–958.

Madan, V., Lear, J.T., Szeimies, R.M., 2010. Non-melanoma skin cancer. Lancet 375, 673–685. Naldi, L., Rebora, A., 2009. Clinical practice. Seborrheic dermatitis. N. Engl. J. Med. 360, 387–396. Nestle, F.O., Kaplan, D.H., Barker, J., 2009. Psoriasis. N. Engl. J. Med. 361, 496–509. Powell, F.C., 2005. Rosacea. N. Engl. J. Med. 352, 793–803. Rosenfield, R.L., 2005. Hirsutism. N. Engl. J. Med. 353, 2578–2588. Schwartz, R.A., 2004. Superficial fungal infections. Lancet 364, 1173–1182.

Smith, C.H., Barker, J.N.W.N., 2006. Psoriasis and its management. Br. Med. J. 333, 380–384. Stern, R.S., 2004. Treatment of photoaging. N. Engl. J. Med. 350, 1526–1534. Thompson, J.F., Scolyer, R., Kefford, R., 2005. Cutaneous melanoma. Lancet 365, 687–701. Williams, H.C., 2005. Atopic dermatitis. N. Engl. J. Med. 352, 2314–2324. Yosipovitch, G., Greaves, M., Schmelz, M., 2003. Itch. Lancet 361, 690–694.


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Section | 4 | Nervous system

18 Pain and analgesics  288 19 Anaesthesia and neuromuscular block  308 20 Psychotropic drugs  324

21 Neurological disorders – epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis  366



| 18 |

Pain and analgesics Michael C. Lee, Mark Abrahams


Drugs used in treatment of migraine

Drugs used in migraine prophylaxis.

• Pain. ■

Definition of pain

Physiology of nociception

Classification of pain

Clinical evaluation of pain.

• Pharmacotherapy.

Classification of analgesics

Principals of analgesic pharmacotherapy.

Non-opioid analgesics. ■

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Acetaminophen (Paracetamol)


Opioid analgesics. ■

Mechanism of action

Classification of opioid analgesics

Pharmacodynamics of opioids

Adverse effects and their management.

Opioid agonist drugs. ■

Mixed agonist/antagonist drugs

Partial agonist drugs

Antagonist drugs

Tolerance, dependence and addiction.

Co-analgesic agents. ■

Multipurpose adjuvant analgesics

Drugs used in neuropathic pain

Adjuvants used for bone pain.

Drug treatment of migraine. ■

Pharmacotherapy of acute migraine


Pain and analgesics ‘The work which you are accomplishing is immensely important for the good of humanity, as you seek the ever more effective control of physical pain and of the oppression of mind and spirit that physical pain so often brings with it.’ [Pope John Paul II (26 July 1987). Pope John Paul II. Letter handed to John Bonica on the occasion of the Fifth World Congress on Pain. In: Benedetti C, Chapman CR, Giron G eds. Opioid Analgesia: Recent advances in Systemic Administration (Advances in Pain Research and Therapy, vol. 14). New York, NY: Raven Press, 1990.]

Definition of pain The International Association for the Study of Pain defines pain as ‘an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage’. This implies that the degree of pain experienced by the patient may be unrelated to the extent of underlying tissue damage and that emotional or spiritual distress can add to the patient’s experience of pain (Fig. 18.1). This chapter focuses on the use of drugs for pain relief and illustrates the use of many analgesics that may be encountered in clinical practice. However, clinicians should

Pain and analgesics

Nociception Pain Suffering

Pain behaviour

Learning Withdrawal from social Physical deconditioning helplessness/ depression activities/work

Quality of life Fig. 18.1  A model of pain perception. (Modified with permission from Carr D B, Loese J L, Morris D (eds) 2005 Narrative, pain, and suffering. The challenge of narrative to pain. Progress in Pain Research and Management series, vol. 34. IASP Press, Seattle.)

recognise that the experience of pain is influenced by physical, emotional and psychological factors. While drug therapy is an expedient (and familiar) form of treatment, successful management of pain requires a more holistic approach that addresses all the components of pain.1

Nociception Pain alerts us to ongoing or potential tissue damage, and the ability to sense pain is vital to our survival. The physiological process by which pain is perceived is known 1 ‘Another event at Elsterhorst had a marked effect on me. The Germans dumped a young Soviet prisoner in my ward late one night. The ward was full, so I put him in my room as he was moribund and screaming and I did not want to wake the ward. I examined him. He had obvious gross bilateral cavitation and a severe pleural rub. I thought the latter was the cause of the pain and the screaming. I had no morphia, just aspirin, which had no effect. I felt desperate. I knew very little Russian then and there was no one in the ward who did. I finally instinctively sat down on the bed and took him in my arms, and the screaming stopped almost at once. He died peacefully in my arms a few hours later. It was not the pleurisy that caused the screaming but loneliness. It was a wonderful education about the care of the dying. I was ashamed of my misdiagnosis and kept the story secret.’ Cochrane AL (with M Blythe). London: BMJ (Memoir Club), 1989, p 82.


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as nociception. While the neurobiology of nociception is complex, its appreciation provides a useful framework for understanding the way analgesics work (Fig. 18.2). Our nervous system is alerted to actual or potential tissue injury by the activation of the peripheral terminals of highly specialised primary sensory neurons called nociceptors. Nociceptors have unmyelinated (C-fibre) or thinly myelinated (Aδ-fibre) axons. Their cell bodies lie in the dorsal root ganglia of the spinal cord or in the trigeminal ganglia. Different nociceptors encode discrete intensities and modalities of pain, depending upon their expression of ion-channel receptors. These receptors are transducers. They convert noxious stimuli into action potentials. Some of these transducers have been identified, including those that respond to heat (>46°C), cold (10 g/day (unless bowel obstruction exists) and prescribing a stool softener (e.g. docusate sodium 100 mg b.i.d. or t.i.d.), usually along with a stimulant laxative (e.g. senna or bisacodyl). Stimulant laxatives should be started at a low dose (e.g. Senna 15 mg o.d.) but can be increased if necessary. Persisting constipation can be managed with an osmotic laxative (e.g. magnesium citrate) given q 2–3 days or with lactulose given daily (e.g. 15 mL b.i.d.). If opioid-induced constipation does not respond to conventional laxative therapy, prescription of methylnaltrexone may be indicated. Methylnaltrexone is a quaternary mu-opioid receptor antagonist and hence does not cross the blood–brain barrier to reverse the central analgesic effects of opiates. It is administered subcutaneously, usually once every other day under specialist supervision. Pressure within the biliary tree due to spasm of the sphincter of Oddi is increased after opioid administration. Colicky pain due to morphine administration can occur in some patients. This can be both diagnosed and relieved by titrating a small dose of the opioid antagonist, naloxone. It is a commonly held belief that meperidine (pethidine) produces less spasm in the sphincter of Oddi than other opioids due to its atropine-like effects and, therefore, should be the opioid of choice for treatment of biliary tree and pancreatic pain. At higher equianalgesic doses, however, its effect on the sphincter is similar to other opioids, and meperidine confers no advantage.

Others Opioid administration is often associated with cutaneous vasodilation that results in the flushing of the face, neck and thorax. This may, in part, be due to histamine release. Pruritus is common with epidural or intrathecal administration of opioids and appears to be mediated by opioid receptor activation, as it is reversed by naloxone.

Opioid pharmaco*kinetics Bioavailability varies among opioids after oral administration but is generally poor. Methadone is an exception (80%) (Table 18.2). Most opioids have a large volume of distribution, and many have similar elimination half-lives. Notable exceptions with short half-lives are alfentanil and remifentanil. Methadone has a low clearance and a large volume of distribution. This results in its very prolonged half-life (t½). There is a risk of delayed toxicity associated with the use of methadone, as steady-state plasma levels are not approached until 4–5 half-lives have passed. Controlledrelease opioids typically require days to approach steady-state plasma levels.

Table 18.2  Approximate oral bioavailability of opioids Opioid

Approximate oral bioavailability %






















Nervous system

Duration of analgesia usually correlates with t½ unless the parent drug has active metabolites (morphine) or if the drug has a high affinity for opioid receptors (buprenorphine). One must also consider inter-individual variation in the pharmacodynamic response to opioids. For example, opioid sensitivity is increased in the neonate and in the elderly. This variability and the narrow therapeutic index of opioids make it imperative that the dose of opioid should be titrated and its effects monitored for each patient. For opioid-naïve patients with acute pain, frequent monitoring of pain relief, sedation, respiratory rate and blood pressure is necessary to guide dosage adjustment.

Route of administration The oral route is preferred as it is simple, non-invasive and relatively affordable. It requires little in the form of direct medical supervision or complex delivery equipment. However, the slower onset of action renders this route less convenient for use in acute pain. The oral route is also unsuitable when patients suffer from emesis, dysphagia, gastrointestinal obstruction or malabsorption or in acute trauma where the patient may have delayed gastric emptying. If parenteral administration is necessary, the intravenous route is preferable to intramuscular injection for repeated boluses because it is less painful. Also, intramuscular or subcutaneous routes of administration should not be used if the patient is peripherally vasoconstricted (e.g. in the acute trauma patient), as the establishment of normal peripheral blood flow, as the patient is resuscitated, may result in a sudden redistribution of the drug to the central circulation. Continuous intravenous or subcutaneous infusion should be considered if repeated parenteral doses produce a prominent bolus effect (i.e. toxicity) at peak levels early in the dosing interval or breakthrough pain at trough levels. Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) systems (in which the patient can trigger additional drug delivery) can be added to an infusion to provide supplementary doses. These systems are safe for both home and hospitalised patients but are contraindicated for sedated and confused patients. Epidural and intrathecal administration of opioids requires special expertise. The dorsal horn of the spinal cord is rich in opioid receptors, and equivalent analgesia can be provided using a lower dose of opioid, resulting in fewer systemic side-effects. However, rostral spread of the drug can result in delayed toxicity (e.g. respiratory depression) during acute administration, and the cost of infusion systems, staffing and monitoring must also be taken into account. The use of intraventricular morphine appears to be beneficial in treating recalcitrant pain due to head and neck malignancies and tumours (e.g. superior sulcus tumours, breast carcinoma) that affect the brachial plexus.


Pharmacology of individual opioids Opioid agonist drugs Morphine Morphine remains the most widely used opioid analgesic for the treatment of severe pain. It is the gold standard against which other opioids are compared. It is commonly given intramuscularly, intravenously or orally; however, it can also be administered per rectum and into the epidural space or cerebrospinal fluid. Unlike most opioids, it is relatively water soluble. Metabolism is by hepatic conjugation, and its half-life is about 2–4 h. The duration of useful analgesia provided by morphine is about 3–6 h but varies greatly with different drug preparations and routes of administration. Morphine 6-glucuronide (M6G), one of its major metabolites, is an agonist at the µ receptor and also at the distinct M6G receptor. It is more potent than morphine. As it is excreted in the urine, it accumulates if renal function is impaired. With repeated use of morphine, morphine 6-glucuronide is responsible for a significant amount of pharmacological activity.

Diamorphine Diamorphine (3,6 diacetyl morphine), or heroin, is a semisynthetic drug that was first made from morphine at St Mary’s Hospital, London, in 1874. In almost every country, except the UK, the manufacture of diamorphine, even for use in medicine, is now illegal. Diamorphine has no direct activity at the µ receptor. It is rapidly converted within minutes to morphine and 6-monoacetylmorphine, a metabolite of both drugs. The effects of diamorphine are principally due to the actions of morphine and 6-monoacetylmorphine on the µ- and, to a lesser extent, the κ-receptors. Diamorphine given parenterally has a t½ of 3 min. When given orally, it is subject to complete pre-systemic or first-pass metabolism, and only morphine (t½ 3 h) and other metabolites reach the systemic circulation. Thus oral diamorphine is essentially a prodrug. It is likely that there are no significant differences in the pharmacodynamics of diamorphine when compared to morphine when used for acute pain, despite the common belief that diamorphine is associated with more euphoria and less nausea and vomiting. Its greater potency (greater efficacy in relation to weight and, therefore, requiring a smaller volume) and lipid-solubility makes diamorphine suitable for delivery by subcutaneous infusion through a syringe driver when continuous pain control is required in palliative care that can no longer be achieved by the enteral route (oral, buccal, rectal).

Pain and analgesics

Codeine Codeine is obtained naturally or by methylation of morphine. It has a low affinity for opioid receptors, and most of its analgesic effects result from its metabolism (about 10%) to morphine. The polymorphic CYP2D6 enzyme is responsible for this transformation, and it is absent in some individuals (e.g. 7% of the Caucasian population), suggesting that these patients will derive little benefit from codeine. Codeine alone is a relatively poor analgesic but can be effective for mild to moderate pain, especially when combined with paracetamol. It can also be useful for the shortterm symptomatic control of persistent cough or mild diarrhoea. Prolonged use is often associated with chronic constipation, especially at higher doses (more than 30 mg q.i.d.).

Dihydrocodeine Dihydrocodeine (DF118) is a low-efficacy opioid with an analgesic potency similar to that of codeine. It is used to relieve moderate acute and chronic pain on its own or as a compound tablet (co-dydramol; dihydrocodeine 10 mg plus paracetamol 500 mg). Although active metabolites (dihydromorphine and dihydromorphine-6-O-glucuronide) account for some of its pharmacological effects, dihydrocodeine itself has analgesic activity and may be a more reliable analgesic when compared to codeine.

Oxycodone Oxycodone is a semi-synthetic opioid that has been in clinical use since 1917. Its potency is approximately twice that of morphine. Oxycodone is currently used as a controlled-release preparation for cancer and chronic non-malignant pain. The immediate-release solution and tablets are available for acute or breakthrough pain. Parental oxycodone is an alternative when opioids cannot be given orally. Both oxycodone and morphine provide effective analgesia in acute and chronic pain. However, oxycodone may have a more favourable pharmaco*kinetic profile. Its oral bioavailability, at about 80%, is significantly higher. This results in reduced inter-individual variation in plasma concentrations after oral administration. It has a similar adverse-effect profile to morphine with a slightly reduced incidence of psychotropic effects. A fixed-dose oral formulation (Targinact) of oxycodone combined with naloxone has been shown to be effective in patients who derive benefit from opioid therapy, but where use of the opioid is limited because of intractable constipation. Naxolone provides competitive antagonism of the opioid-receptor–mediated effects of oxycodone in the gut, thus reducing constipation. Since the bioavailability of


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naloxone after oral administration is less than 3%, systemic effects from the antagonist drug are unlikely. The recommended maximum daily dose of Targinact is 80 mg oxycodone hydrochloride and 40 mg naloxone hydrochloride.

Hydromorphone Hydromorphone is a semi-synthetic opioid used primarily for the treatment of cancer-related pain. It can be administered intravenously, orally, and rectally. Hydromorphone is five times as potent as morphine when given by the oral route and eight to nine times as potent when given intravenously, with a similar duration of action. The liver is its principle site of metabolism. In contrast to morphine, the 6-glucuronide metabolite is not produced in any significant amount, the main metabolite being hydromorphone3-glucuronide. Some metabolites are active, but they are present in such small amounts that they are unlikely to have a significant effect except perhaps in renal failure.

Methadone Methadone is a synthetic opioid used commonly as a maintenance drug in opioid addicts and increasingly used in cancer and chronic non-malignant pain. It is rapidly absorbed after oral administration and is extensively metabolised to products that are excreted in the urine. The principal feature of methadone is its long duration of action, due to high protein binding and slow liver metabolism. The elimination t½ of methadone is 20–45 h, making it suitable for use in long-term therapy but less useful for acute pain. Steady-state concentration is only reached after several days with regular administration, and dosages must be carefully titrated. When used in cancer-related pain or chronic non-malignant pain, an opioid of short t½ should be provided for breakthrough pain, rather than an extra dose of methadone. The long duration of action also favours its use for the treatment of opioid withdrawal.

Fentanyl Fentanyl is one of the first short-acting opioids developed for use in anaesthesia. It is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine but undergoes hepatic metabolism to produce inactive metabolites. At low doses, it has a short duration of action due to redistribution of the drug. However, its terminal t½ is relatively long (1.5–6 h) and, at higher doses, when tissue sites are saturated, its duration of action is much higher. The long t½ and high lipid solubility makes fentanyl ideal for use as a transdermal patch. These preparations are used commonly in cancer-related pain and chronic non-malignant pain.




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Oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate offers a unique way of treating breakthrough and incident pain. The transmucosal route offers rapid onset of action in 5–15 min, with peak plasma concentrations at 22 min. Absorption takes place at the buccal and sublingual mucosa, first-pass effect is avoided, and overall bioavailability is 50%.

Alfentanil Alfentanil is less potent and has a shorter t½ than fentanyl. However, despite its lower lipid solubility, it has a more rapid onset of action. This is because a greater proportion of the unbound drug is unionised and able to diffuse freely across the blood–brain barrier. However, like fentanyl, it accumulates with prolonged infusion and the plasma t½ increases with the duration of infusion.

Remifentanil Remifentanil is a µ opioid receptor agonist with an analgesic potency similar to fentanyl and a speed of onset similar to alfentanil. It is broken down by blood and tissue esterases and has a short and predictable t½ (approximately 5 min) which is not affected by renal or hepatic function or plasma cholinesterase deficiency. Its main metabolite is a carboxylic acid derivative which is excreted by the kidneys. Although this accumulates in renal failure, significant pharmacological effects are unlikely as its potency relative to remifentanil is only 0.1–0.3%. Remifentanil is unique in that its plasma t½ remains constant even after prolonged infusion. This property favours its use during anaesthesia, when a rapid wake-up time is desirable (e.g. after neurosurgery).

Papaveretum Papaveretum is a mixture of opium alkaloids, the principle constituents being morphine (50%), codeine, papaverine and noscapine. Noscapine may be teratogenic and is no longer a component of commercially available papaveretum in UK.

Partial agonist opioid analgesics Buprenorphine Buprenorphine is a partial agonist at the µ-receptor. The partial agonist activity, however, is thought to occur at a higher dose than would be normally used therapeutically and is, therefore, rarely clinically significant. It is 30 times more potent than morphine, and its receptor affinity (tenacity of binding) is high. This means that it dissociates from the receptor very slowly. Thus, its peak effect may occur up to


3 h after administration, and its duration of action as long as 10 h. In theory, a partial agonist has less potential for respiratory depression and abuse. However, respiratory depression can occur with buprenorphine overdose and, because of the drug’s affinity with the µ-receptor, may only be partially reversed by naloxone. A respiratory stimulant (doxapram) may be needed in overdose or, occasionally, mechanical ventilation. Because of extensive first-pass metabolism when swallowed, buprenorphine is normally given by the buccal (sublingual) route or by i.m. or slow i.v. injection. It is a useful analgesic in acute pain because administration by injection can be avoided (for children, or for patients with a bleeding disorder or needle phobia). Its low incidence of drug dependency has led to its increased use in withdrawing opioid addicts and in chronic non-malignant pain. Its prolonged t½ and high lipid solubility makes it suitable for use as a transdermal patch preparation.

Meptazinol Meptazinol is a high-efficacy partial agonist opioid with central cholinergic activity that is thought to add to its analgesic effect. It is used to relieve acute or chronic pain of moderate intensity. It is thought to have a low incidence of confusion and a low potential for abuse. Its poor oral bioavailability and partial agonist activity makes it less useful in severe pain.

Mixed agonist-antagonist opioid analgesics Drugs in this class include pentazocine, butorphanol and nalbuphine. They act as partial agonists at the κ receptor and weak antagonists at the µ receptor. Consequently, they may cause withdrawal symptoms in patients dependent on other opioids. As analgesics, mixed agonist-antagonist opioids are not as efficacious as pure µ agonists. Compared to morphine, they produce less dependence (but this definitely occurs), more psychotomimetic effects (κ receptor) and less sedation and respiratory depression (naloxone can reverse the respiratory depression in overdose). They are given to relieve moderate to severe pain, but dysphoric adverse effects often limit their usefulness. Pentazocine is one-sixth as potent as morphine, nalbuphine is slightly less potent than morphine and butorphanol is five to nine times as potent. Adverse effects include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating, hypertension, palpitations, tachycardia and CNS disturbances such as euphoria, dysphoria and psychotomimesis (mimicking the symptoms of psychosis, e.g. delusions and/or delirium). Pentazocine has effects on the cardiovascular system, raising systolic blood

Pain and analgesics pressure and pulmonary artery pressure, and should be avoided in myocardial infarction.

Opioids with action on other systems Meperidine Meperidine (Pethidine) was discovered in 1939 during a search for atropine-like compounds. Its use as a treatment for asthma was abandoned when its opioid agonist properties were appreciated. Meperidine is primarily a µ-receptor agonist. Despite its structural dissimilarity to morphine, meperidine shares many similar properties, including antagonism by naloxone. It is extensively metabolised in the liver, and the parent drug and metabolites are excreted in the urine. Normeperidine is a pharmacologically active metabolite. It can cause central excitation and, eventually, convulsions, if it accumulates after prolonged intravenous administration or in renal impairment. Meperidine has atropine-like effects, including dry mouth and blurred vision (cycloplegia and sometimes mydriasis, though usually miosis). It can produce euphoria and is associated with a high incidence of dependence. Its use as an analgesia in obstetric practice was based on early clinical research which showed that, unlike morphine, meperidine did not appear to delay labour. However, the doses of meperidine used in these early studies were low, and it is now established that meperidine confers no added advantage over other opioids at higher equianalgesic doses. Meperidine is eight to ten times less potent than morphine and has poor and variable oral absorption, with a short duration of action in the range of 2–3 h. For all these reasons, it is recommended that meperidine should be avoided if alternatives are available.2

Tramadol Tramadol is presented as a mixture of two stereoisomers. It is a centrally acting analgesic with relatively weak µ-opioid receptor activity. However, it also inhibits neuronal reuptake of norepinephrine and enhances serotonin release, and this is thought to account for some of its analgesic action. It is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract; 20% of an oral dose undergoes first-pass metabolism, and less than 30% of a dose is excreted unchanged in the urine. Production of the O-desmethyltramadol metabolite is


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dependent on the cytochrome CYP2D6 enzyme. This metabolite is an active µ agonist with a greater receptor affinity than tramadol. Tramadol is approximately as effective as meperidine for postoperative pain. Tramadol is less likely to depress respiration and has a lower incidence of constipation compared to opioids, but has a high incidence of nausea and dizziness. It can cause seizures (rare) and should be used with caution in susceptible patients.

Tapentadol Tapentadol is currently approved for clinical use in the USA, Australia and the UK. Like tramadol, tapentadol is also a centrally acting analgesic with µ-opioid receptor activity. Unlike tramadol, tapentadol is an open-chain molecule, and this structure confers three main pharmacological differences. First, tapentadol has no active metabolites. Second, the µ-opioid receptor agonist activity of tapentadol is several-fold greater than tramadol. Finally, tapentadol is selective for norepinephrine reuptake inhibition. Clinical trials report tapentadol has fewer gastrointestinal adverse events when compared with an equi-analgesic dose of opioid (for example, oxycodone). To date, there are currently no published clinical trials demonstrating the superiority of tapentadol over tramadol.

Opioid antagonists Naloxone Naloxone is a competitive antagonist at µ-, δ-, κ- and σ-opioid receptors and acts to reverse the effects of most opioid analgesics. It acts within minutes when given intravenously and slightly less rapidly when given intramuscularly. However, the duration of antagonism (approximately 20 min) is usually shorter than that of opioid-induced respiratory depression. Close monitoring of the patient and repeated doses of naloxone may therefore be necessary. A common starting dosage in an opioid-naïve patient with acute opioid overdosage is 0.4 mg i.v. every 2–3 min until effect. For patients receiving long-term opioid therapy, it should be used only to reverse respiratory depression and must be administered more cautiously to avoid precipitating withdrawal or severe pain. A reasonable starting dose is 0.04 mg (dilute a 0.4-mg ampoule in 10 mL saline) i.v. every 2–3 min until the respiratory rate improves.

Choice of opioid analgesic 2

WHO Expert Committee on the Selection and Use of Essential Medicines. The selection and use of essential medicines: report of the WHO Expert Committee, 2003 (including the 13th model list of essential medicines). Geneva, World Health Organization, 2003)..

An opioid may be preferred because of favourable experience, lower cost (methadone is least expensive), availability, route of administration or duration of action. Opioids with a




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Table 18.3  Relative potency of opioids Drug

Oral:parenteral potency ratio*

Parenteral potency relative to morphine**


1 : 6



2 : 3



1 : 5



1 : 4



1 : 2



1 : 2


*Oral-parenteral ratio: for example, morphine is six times more potent parenterally than orally. **Parenteral potency relative to morphine: for example, hydromorphone is six times more potent than an equal dose of morphine when given parenterally. Mitchell JP: General Care of the Patient, in Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 26th ed by Claiborne D and Ridner M (eds). Little, Brown and Co. 1989. p 5.

Table 18.4  Opioid oral analgesic equivalents Analgesic

Single dose

Equianalgesic dose Oral morphine


60 mg

5 mg


60 mg

8 mg


50 mg

10 mg


200 mg

8 mg

Buprenorphine sublingual

200 μg

10 mg


1.3 mg

10 mg


1 mg

10 mg


5 mg

10 mg

so when one drug is substituted for another, the equianalgesic dose should be reduced by 50%. The only exception is methadone, which should be reduced by 75–90%. Opioid rotation is commonly used in palliative care when life expectancy is limited as a means of reducing side-effects and limiting the development of tolerance. The prolonged use of opioids for chronic non-malignant pain is currently under scrutiny. Poor prescribing practices in the USA in the last decade have led to an alarming increase in deaths from overdose and misuse. Clinical trial data are unavailable for outcomes beyond 3 months of use, and there are concerns that comfort afforded by opioid analgesia therapy does not translate to improvements in physical or emotion functioning and is associated with increased morbidity related to drug-induced side-effects. Adverse effects, including abnormalities in endocrine and immune function, increased risk in cardiovascular events and, surprisingly, a risk of gastrointestinal bleeding similar to that of nonselective NSAID drugs, are dose-related, and there appears to be a significant increase in drug-related side-effects beyond morphine equivalent doses of 120 mg/day. Hence, we recommend that chronic opioid use should only be prescribed by clinicians working within a multidisciplinary setting where access to non-pharmacological approaches to pain is available. Expertise for tapering opioid therapy, or indeed any analgesic, should be available if the long-term drug proves ineffective, unsuitable or is no longer required for pain management.

Tolerance, dependence and addiction Although the use of strong opioid analgesics in cancer-related pain is well-established, physicians are often reluctant to prescribe opioids in acute, and especially in chronic, nonmalignant pain. Patients (and their families, friends and employers) are, likewise, wary about the long-term use of opioids. The reasons for this reluctance may stem from previous experiences of the genuine problems associated with long-term opioid use in patients or, more often, due to the perception of opioids as dangerous and addictive drugs. Patients and physicians also frequently confuse tolerance and dependence with drug addiction.

Tolerance  indicates the need to increase the dose of a drug short t½ (morphine and diamorphine) should be used as first-line agents for acute pain but may be replaced with longer-acting drugs if pain persists. Knowledge of equianalgesic doses of opioids is essential when changing drugs or routes of administration (Tables 18.3 and 18.4). Cross-tolerance between drugs is incomplete,


with time to achieve the same analgesic effect. It is due to physiological adaptation to the drug. In practice, tolerance can be managed by increasing the dose of the opioid drug over time. However, tolerance to the adverse effects of opioids (e.g. constipation) is often less-predictable, and the development of side-effects may prevent further escalation of the drug.

Pain and analgesics It is important to distinguish a gradual reduction in efficacy of an analgesic that is due to the development of tolerance, from the onset of pain due to progression of the underlying disease process or new pathology. In addition, there are animal data suggesting that opioids can paradoxically increase pain when administered at high doses and for prolonged periods of time. The phenomenon is termed ‘opioid-induced hyperalgesia’. The few case reports of patients with opioidinduced hyperalgesia described high doses of opioids (more than 180 mg morphine equivalent per day), with worse pain on dose escalation, which improves with gradual reduction in opioid therapy.

Dependence  is the physical manifestation of tolerance, and its effects are observed soon after abrupt withdrawal of a long-term opioid. The severity of withdrawal symptoms varies depending on the patient, the drug and the length of treatment, and includes symptoms such as coryza, tremor, sweating, abdominal cramps, myalgia, vomiting and diarrhoea. Acute withdrawal can usually be avoided by reducing the drug dose gradually at the end of treatment by about 50% every 2 days (but may require a slower rate of withdrawal in some long-term patients). Patients on long-term opioid therapy should not be given mixed agonist/antagonist drugs, as they can precipitate withdrawal.

Addiction  is a behavioural problem characterised by drugseeking activity in the individual in order to experience its psychotropic effects. This drug-seeking behaviour may persist despite the knowledge that continued use of the drug will result in considerable physical, emotional, social or economic harm. The incidence of iatrogenic addiction in patients taking opioid medications for acute post-surgical or traumatic pain is negligible, and the risk is also extremely low in patients prescribed opioids for cancer-related pain. However, in patients taking opioids for chronic non-malignant pain, the prevalence of past or present opioid use disorder is thought to be approximately 8–12%. While the risk of de novo addiction remains low in well-managed patients, the decision to prescribe should be taken with caution, especially in at-risk patients (e.g. in patients with history of mental illness or prior history of drug or alcohol misuse).

Pain management in opioid addicts Drug addicts can suffer from pain. Physicians, particularly in hospitals, are often guilty of withholding or underprescribing opioids for drug-addicted patients in acute pain. This stems from unfounded fears of ‘worsening’ the addiction, distrust of the patient’s motives or misguided attempts to ‘cure’ the patient of his addiction. Before treating opioid addicts with acute pain, physicians should attempt to establish the patient’s daily opioid intake prior to hospital admission. The patient should then be


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maintained with an equivalent daily dose of opioid medication throughout his or her admission. Physicians should be aware that the strength of street drugs is highly variable. The addicted patient may also have an acute medical condition that alters opioid pharmaco*kinetics unpredictably. It is safer, therefore, to first prescribe an appropriate dose of an opioid with a short duration of action on an ‘as-required’ basis, in order to assess opioid requirements, before conversion to longer-acting opioids for maintenance. The opioid-addicted patient with acute pain will require appropriate analgesia in addition to the calculated maintenance dose. Non-opioid analgesics are useful adjuncts but should not be used as a substitute for opioid analgesia. The use of opioid agonist-antagonist compounds in known or suspected active opioid addicts is absolutely contraindicated, as these drugs may precipitate withdrawal.

Co-analgesics Co-analgesics (adjuvant analgesics) are important for the treatment of cancer-related and chronic non-malignant pain. These agents provide an ‘opioid-sparing’ effect and are effective for the treatment of neuropathic pain associated with many cancers. In chronic non-malignant pain, co-analgesics are frequently used as ‘first-line’ drugs and form the mainstay of treatment for chronic neuropathic pain. As co-analgesics are generally used in other medical conditions (e.g. as anticonvulsants or antidepressants), their basic pharmacology will be covered in the relevant chapters elsewhere. This chapter highlights the use of co-analgesics in the context of pain management.

Multipurpose adjuvant analgesics Corticosteroids Corticosteroids are amongst the most widely used adjuvant analgesics in palliative care. They improve quality of life in cancer patients by virtue of their analgesic effects and other beneficial effects on appetite, nausea, mood and malaise. Corticosteroids may also reduce oedema around metastases or damaged nerve plexuses. Patients with advanced cancer who experience pain and other symptoms often respond favourably to a relatively small dose of corticosteroid (e.g. dexamethasone 1–2 mg twice daily).

Neuroleptics Methotrimeprazine has proven very useful in bedridden patients with advanced cancer who experience pain associated with anxiety, restlessness or nausea. In this setting, the




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sedative, anxiolytic and antiemetic effects of this drug can be useful, and side-effects, such as orthostatic hypotension, are less clinically significant. Treatment can be started at 6–25 mg/day in three divided doses at mealtimes and increased until optimum effect. Alternatively, as a sedative, a single nighttime dose of 10–25 mg can be given.

Benzodiazepines Benzodiazepines have limited analgesic effects but are often used as a short-term treatment for painful muscle spasm. Their use, however, must be balanced by the potential for side-effects, including sedation and confusion. With the important exception of clonazepam, which is widely accepted for use in the management of neuropathic pain, these drugs are generally prescribed only if another indication exists, such as anxiety or insomnia.

Adjuvant analgesics used in neuropathic pain Antidepressants At present, the evidence for analgesic efficacy is greatest for the tertiary amine tricyclic drugs, such as amitriptyline, doxepin and imipramine. The secondary amine tricyclic antidepressants (such as desipramine and nortriptyline) have fewer side-effects and are preferred when there are serious concerns about sedation, anticholinergic effects or cardiovascular toxicity. Dual-reuptake inhibitors (venlafaxine, duloxetine) may be beneficial for patients who obtain relief from tricyclics but find the adverse effects a problem. Duloxetine is currently licensed for the treatment of pain from diabetic neuropathy and fibromyalgia and has been shown to be effective in clinical trials. There is little evidence, however, to suggest that duloxetine is more efficacious compared to tricyclic antidepressant drugs for the treatment of neuropathic pain. The dose of duloxetine required to treat pain is 60–120 mg, which also has clinically relevant antidepressant effects. This is in contrast to other antidepressant drugs used in neuropathic pain, where the analgesic effect of the drugs occurs at a smaller dose and within a shorter time from onset (1–2 weeks) than any antidepressant effect. The drugs should be started at a low dose to minimise initial side-effects (e.g. amitriptyline 10 mg o.d. in the elderly and 10–25 mg o.d. in younger patients). Education of the patient is essential. They should be informed that the analgesic effect of the antidepressant medication can take days or weeks to develop and that the drug must be taken on a regular basis for effect. It is common for patients to report taking the medication intermittently as a supplement to simple analgesics ‘when the pain is bad’. Patient compliance is often improved when


physicians emphasise that the drugs are being prescribed for their analgesic effects and not for their antidepressant properties. Abrupt withdrawal of the antidepressant drugs should be avoided, as it can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms thought to be related to rebound cholinergic activity. These include vivid dreams, restlessness and gastrointestinal hyperactivity. These symptoms can be minimised if the drug dose is reduced gradually at intervals of 5–10 days.

Anticonvulsants In 1853, Alfred Trousseau, then director of the medical clinic at Hotel-Dieu in Paris, suggested that painful paroxysms seen in trigeminal neuralgia were due to discharges in the trigeminal system that were similar to the neuronal discharges seen in epilepsy. Trousseau’s hypothesis was tested by Bergouigan, who successfully used phenytoin to treat trigeminal neuralgia. Carbamazepine was studied in the same condition during a placebo-controlled double-blind design that was among the first of its kind in pain medicine. Since then, anticonvulsants have been extensively used in a wide variety of neuropathic pain syndromes, particularly those associated with ‘lancinating’ or ‘shooting’ pain. Animal studies have shown that peripheral nerve fibres in persistent pain syndromes have altered expression of certain ion channels, particularly novel sodium channels, and N-type calcium channels. Carbamazepine, phenytoin and sodium valproate have been used for many years to treat neuropathic pain. However, carbamazepine remains the only anticonvulsant licensed within the UK for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. All anticonvulsants produce side-effects such as dizziness and drowsiness. Carbamazepine, in particular, may suppress bone marrow function and cause hyponatraemia. Its use requires regular blood monitoring. Gabapentin and pregabalin are newer anticonvulsant agents that show good efficacy in clinical trials of neuropathic pain. These drugs bind to the α2δ-1 subunit of voltage-dependent calcium channels and may work by preventing the formation of excitatory synapses within the CNS. Gabapentin is generally better tolerated than the older anticonvulsants and has a license in the UK for the treatment of neuropathic pain. It is not metabolised by the liver and has few clinically significant drug interactions. It should be started at a dose of 300 mg at night (100 mg in the elderly) and titrated upwards as tolerated or to a dose of 600–1200 mg t.i.d. A saturable gut transport mechanism limits bioavailability at high oral doses (but also protects against overdosage). Pregabalin shares a similar mode of action to gabapentin, but has the advantage of more linear pharmaco*kinetics and can be given as a twice-daily preparation (normal maintenance dose up to 300 mg b.i.d.).

Pain and analgesics

Local anaesthetics Local anaesthetic agents are specifically developed to provide local and regional anaesthesia. The use of systemic local anaesthetics in neuropathic pain was first suggested in the 1950s and was popularised by subsequent studies that showed effectiveness in the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy. Parenteral administration is, however, impractical for long-term treatment. Lidocaine infusions are mostly used to identify the subgroup of patients with neuropathic pain who respond to sodium channel blockade. Patients who respond favourably to lidocaine infusion may proceed to a trial of its oral analogue, mexiletine or other sodium channel–blocking drugs. A topical lidocaine patch preparation, consisting of an adhesive dressing infused with a preparation containing 5% lidocaine may be useful for the treatment of post-herpetic neuralgia and other peripheral neuropathic pain conditions. Lidocaine 5% transdermal patches show reasonable efficacy in clinical trials with minimal systemic absorption of the local anaesthetic agent. Their ease of use and lack of side-effects may encourage use for the treatment of post-herpetic neuralgia and other neuropathic pain disorders.

Capsaicin Capsaicin (derived from chili peppers) activates specific vanilloid receptors found in C-nociceptors. Initial topical application causes a transient burning sensation. With repeated applications, however, desensitisation of the nociceptors occurs. This is the basis for its use in chronic pain conditions. Clinical trials using topically applied 0.025–0.075% capsaicin cream (applied four times daily) show good results for pain due to diabetic neuropathy and post-herpetic neuralgia. However, repeated applications for several weeks are required, and compliance is often poor. A topical patch preparation containing 8% capsaicin is now available for use in peripheral neuropathic pain conditions. This preparation has been shown to provide longer-lasting pain relief (~3 months) with a single 30–60-minute application. However, application of the patch requires preparation of the skin beforehand with local anaesthetic.

Clonidine Clonidine has agonist activity at α2 and imidazoline receptors and is an effective analgesic when given intravenously or via the epidural or intrathecal routes. Oral preparations also exist and are well-absorbed, with 75–95% bioavailability. Its greater potency, when given centrally means that analgesic efficacy can be obtained with smaller doses and a reduced incidence of side-effects. Clonidine has been shown to


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augment the analgesic potency of epidural local anaesthetic agents and opioids and has proven efficacy in chronic pain disorders, including cancer pain. The major side-effects are sedation and hypotension. The latter is caused primarily by central sympatholysis and may be compounded by concomitant bradycardia. Chronic administration leads to a risk of rebound hypertension if withdrawn suddenly.

Cannabinoids Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the only constituent of cannabis with clinically significant analgesic properties. THC is a partial agonist at the cannabinoid-1 receptor (CB-1r), which mediates its analgesic effects. However, the CB-1r is widely expressed throughout the CNS (including the brain), which accounts for the psychotropic effects of THC. Clinical trials continue to suggest that THC is useful for the treatment of refractory chronic pain, particularly in multiple sclerosis, cancer or HIV. Additionally, the cannabinoid is an anti-emetic and stimulates the appetite. THC and related cannabinoids are formulated for the oral and oro-mucosal routes. The oral preparations are pure and synthetically derived. The oro-mucosal preparation (Sativex®) is plant-derived and composed of THC and cannabidiol (CBD) in equal proportions. Cannabidiol does not possess analgesic properties but may attenuate the psychoactivity of THC via an anxiolytic effect. Sativex® is currently licensed in Canada for the symptomatic relief of neuropathic pain in multiple sclerosis and pain from cancer. The oral bioavailability of THC is poor and varies highly between individuals. Peak plasma concentration improves with fasting and occurs 2–4 h after drug ingestion. The oro-mucosal route avoids the hepatic first-pass effect and consequently has a quicker onset and greater bioavailability. Consequently, patients may themselves adjust the dose of Sativex® until pain relief is achieved with tolerable side-effects.

Ziconotide Ziconotide (previously called SNX-111) is the synthetic form of the hydrophilic conopeptide ω-MVIIA, which is found in the venom of the Pacific fish-hunting snail, C magus. Notably, ziconotide is the only truly novel analgesic that has emerged from decades of pharmaceutical research and development. Ziconotide binds reversibly and tightly to a subset of voltage-sensitive calcium channels (N-type channels). These N-type channels are found in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and localised to the pre-synaptic central terminals of primary afferent neurons. The binding of ziconotide inhibits these channels, which reduces nociceptive transmission at the spinal level. However, N-type calcium channels are found




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throughout the CNS and account for the adverse effects of ziconotide. Common adverse effects are dizziness, nausea, confusion and headache. More severe, but rare, side-effects are hallucinations, thoughts of suicide and new or worsening depression. Consequently, the drug is contraindicated in patients with a history of psychosis, schizophrenia, clinical depression and bipolar disorder. Ziconotide is only administered intrathecally to minimise side-effects. The optimal dose is achieved by slow titration over weeks as an infusion via an intrathecal pump. The method of delivery is complex, costly and invasive. Consequently, ziconotide is only approved for the management of severe chronic pain in patients for whom intrathecal therapy is warranted and who have been shown to be intolerant of, or refractory to, other treatment, such as systemic analgesics, adjunctive therapies or IT morphine. Drug tolerance does not occur, and there are minimal withdrawal effects after prolonged infusion.

Ketamine Ketamine is a non-competitive NMDA antagonist that acts at the phencyclidine (PCP) binding site in the NMDA receptor. Controlled studies show good analgesic efficacy in peripheral and central neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia and chronic ischaemic pain. The drug can be given using various routes of administration, but trials most frequently report the use of intravenous boluses of 0.1–0.45 mg/kg, followed in some studies by infusions of around 5–7 μg/ kg/min. Oral bioavailability is poor and impaired by poor taste, but the drug is now available as a more tolerably flavoured oral ketamine solution. Use of the drug is often associated with adverse effects, including unpleasant dreams, hallucinations and visual and auditory disturbances, and long-term use has been associated with bladder and renal complications. Ketamine may have a synergistic effect when combined with opioids.

Adjuvants used for bone pain Bisphosphonates Bisphosphonates (previously known as diphosphonates) are analogues of inorganic pyrophosphate that inhibit osteoclast activity and, consequently, reduce bone resorption in a variety of illnesses. This effect, presumably, underlines the putative analgesic efficacy of these compounds in bone pain. Currently the evidence for analgesic effects is best for pamidronate. Potential differences in the analgesia produced by the various drugs in this class require additional study, and neither dose-dependent effects nor long-term risks or benefits in cancer patients are established. The use of any bisphosphonate requires monitoring of serum calcium, phosphate, magnesium and potassium.


Pharmacotherapy of acute migraine headaches Migraine is a neurological disorder characterised by episodic attacks of moderate–severe throbbing headache with a number of associated symptoms that include nausea, vomiting, photophobia and phonophobia (a persistent, abnormal and unwarranted fear of sound). In around one-third of patients with migraine, the headache can be accompanied by focal neurological symptoms (aura). In Europe and the USA, about 18% of women and 6% of men suffered at least one migraine attack in the past year. Migraine has been ranked among the world’s most disabling medical illnesses. Its socio-economic impact is substantial, with an estimated annual cost of $17 billion for treatment alone. The pathophysiology of migraine is complex, but a likely causative factor is the release of vasoactive peptides from the sensory nerve terminals that innervate meningeal blood vessels. This causes dilatation of the arteries in the meninges, perivascular inflammation and amplification of the nociceptive afferent nerve supply. Sensory input from dural and cerebrovascular sensory fibres are amplified and perceived as pain (allodynia). Activation of the sympathetic nervous system is the likely cause of autonomic symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. Sensory symptoms (aura) are produced by a transient, spreading disturbance in cortical function. Migraine possesses features of inflammatory and functional pain, as well as objective neurologic dysfunction. Diagnosis is based on the headache’s characteristics and associated symptoms.3

Management of migraine Migraine is best thought of, and managed as, a chronic pain syndrome. Non-pharmacological management of migraine involves helping patients to identify and avoid triggering factors such as stress, foods containing vasoactive amines (e.g. chocolate, cheese), bright lights, loud noises, hormonal changes and hypoglycaemia. Other behavioural and psychological interventions used for prevention include relaxation training, thermal biofeedback combined with relaxation training, electromyography biofeedback and cognitive behavioural therapy. Pharmacotherapy of migraine is either abortive or preventive.

3 International Headache Society, 2004. International classification of headache disorders. Cephalalgia 24 (Suppl. 1), 1–160. Iovino, M., Feifel, U., Young, C.L., Wolters, J.M., Wallenstein, G., 2004.

Pain and analgesics

Abortive treatment of migraine Drugs used to abort an acute attack of migraine are either non-specific (analgesics) or specific (triptans and ergots). Simple analgesics such as acetylsalicylic acid (900 mg) or acetaminophen (1000 mg), with or without the addition of caffeine, can often be effective for mild to moderate headaches. The addition of domperidone (10 mg p.o.), prochlorperazine (50 mg p.o.) or metoclopramide (10 mg p.o.) may help reduce nausea, and may have an abortive effect, even in the absence of nausea. NSAIDs, such as naproxen (500–1000 mg p.o. or p.r. with an antiemetic), ibuprofen (400–800 mg p.o.), or tolfenamic acid (200 mg p.o.) can also be very useful, when tolerated. All tend to be most effective when given early during the headache. With frequent use, these medications tend to increase headache frequency and may cause a state of refractory daily or near-daily headache; so-called ‘analgesic-associated chronic daily headache (CDH)’. Codeine-containing compound analgesics are notorious, and their use requires careful monitoring for worsening symptoms. Patients who require regular analgesics may be more easily treated with standard preventatives. When simple measures fail, or more aggressive treatment is required, more specific drugs are required.

Selective 5-HT1 agonists (triptans) Triptans are serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) antagonists with high affinity for 5-HT1B or 5-HT1D receptors. Action at the 5-HT1B receptors on blood vessels produces cranial vasoconstriction. Action at pre-synaptic 5-HT1D receptors inhibits the release of vasoactive peptides and nociceptive neurotransmitters. Recent comparative randomised trials of triptans show efficacy rates similar to that of simple analgesics and NSAIDs. In patients without cardiovascular contraindications, triptans are safe, effective and appropriate first-line treatments for patients who have a moderate to severe headache and in patients in whom simple or combination analgesics have failed to provide adequate relief. Triptan therapy is most effective when used early when the headache is mild, but it is uncertain if they are best used after resolution of the aura, and the optimal timing is probably patient-dependent. The choice of triptan also depends upon patient preference, as well as the character, duration and severity of the headache, convenience and cost. Non-oral administration may be beneficial in cases when the headache intensifies rapidly or severe nausea and emesis are early features of the headache. Sumatriptan and zolmitriptan are available intranasally, and sumatriptan can be given subcutaneously. The onset of action of most triptans is 20–60 min (10 min for sumatriptan). If necessary, patients can take another


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dose after 2 or 4 h. If the appropriate dose of triptan is ineffective or has unacceptable side-effects, consider a switch to an alternative triptan formulation. The drugs can be used in combination with other simple analgesics, NSAIDs and antiemetics. There is a risk of developing serotonin syndrome if given in combination with other serotonin-reuptake inhibitor drugs (e.g. SSRI or MAOI antidepressants). While the risk of causing birth defects is probably low, triptans should not be used routinely during pregnancy. Minor adverse effects such as flushing and neck or chest tightness are very common. In most cases, this is not caused by coronary vasoconstriction. However, there are reported cases of serious cardiovascular events, and triptans should be avoided in patients who have, or are at high risk of developing, coronary heart disease and those with cerebral or peripheral vascular disease. Frequent use of triptans is also associated with the development of analgesic-associated chronic daily headache and, in general, the use of the drugs should be limited to an average of 2 days per week.

Sumatriptan Sumatriptan (Imigran, Imitrex) is rapidly absorbed after oral administration and undergoes extensive (84%) pre-systemic metabolism. Its elimination t½ is 2.5 h. The oral dose is 25–50 mg and should not exceed 200 mg in a 24-hour period. The oral route may be avoided by giving sumatriptan 5–20 mg intranasally (disagreeable taste). This can be repeated once after 2 h, but no more than 40 mg should be given in 24 h. When a rapid response is required, sumatriptan 6 mg can be given subcutaneously (bioavailability by the subcutaneous route is 96%), with an onset of action of 10–15 min. This can be repeated once in a 24-hour period. Sumatriptan is generally well tolerated. As well as the commonly reported symptoms of neck and chest tightness, sumatriptan is also associated with malaise, fatigue, dizziness, vertigo and sedation. Nausea and vomiting may follow oral or s.c. administration. Other triptans include zolmitriptan, naratriptan, rizatriptan, almotriptan, frovatriptan and eletriptan. All have similar safety profiles but varying duration of action. The therapeutic response and adverse effects of different triptans is often idiosyncratic, and several drugs may have to be tried before one is found that offers relief with minimal adverse events.

Ergotamine Although ergotamine is a useful anti-migraine compound, it is not considered a first-line drug for migraine because of its adverse effects and, in the UK, is no longer recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care




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Excellence (NICE). Ergots have much greater receptor affinity at serotonergic (5-HT1A, 5-HT2), adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors compared to triptans. Peripheral vasoconstriction that results from ergotamine administration can persist for as long as 24 h, and repeated doses lead to cumulative effects long outlasting the migraine attack. It may precipitate angina pectoris, probably by increasing cardiac pre- and after-load. Ergotamine should never be used for prophylaxis of migraine.

include sedation, dizziness, blurred vision and fatigue, and the drugs are contraindicated in asthma, heart block and peripheral vascular disease. Propranolol (maintenance dose 40–240 mg/day p.o. in divided doses) inhibits triptan metabolism, potentially increasing the risk of side-effects, and concurrent use of triptans should be avoided or used with caution.

Preventive treatment for migraine

The anticonvulsant GABAergic drug, valproic acid, has been used for migraine prevention since the 1980s. Treatment is usually started at 250 mg p.o. at night and titrated upwards to effect, with an optimal dose around 500–600 mg in divided doses. There is little evidence that higher doses (up to 1500 mg daily) provide greater efficacy. Common adverse effects include sedation, dizziness and weight gain. There is a rare risk of serious reactions, including liver and pancreatic failure. Valproic acid is teratogenic and should be avoided in women of childbearing age.

For patients who are unable to achieve adequate pain relief with the use of the standard analgesic medications and triptans, the use of medications to reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks may be appropriate. Other indications for preventative medications includes troublesome adverse events from standard drug therapies, acute drug overuse, very frequent headaches (more than two per week), special circ*mstances such as hemiplegic migraine or attacks with a risk of permanent neurological injury. Medications that are used for migraine prophylaxis include β-adrenergic blockers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antineuropathic medications such as the antidepressants, calcium-channel antagonists and anticonvulsants. Drugs with the best documented effectiveness are β-adrenergic blockers, and the anticonvulsant drugs, sodium valproate and topiramate, but they have variable efficacy, and on average, with longer-term use, they reduce migraine frequency by 50% in only about 40–45% of patients. In addition, adherence is often poor in long-term use due to adverse effects. Choice of migraine prophylactic agent is based on effectiveness, adverse events and coexistent and co-morbid conditions. Women of childbearing potential should be educated about the risk of drugs in pregnancy and encouraged to consider contraception. Because of the risk of adverse effects, especially drowsiness, on commencing treatment, all the migraine prophylactic drugs should be started at a low dose and increased slowly until therapeutic effects develop or the maximum dose is reached. A full therapeutic trial may take 2–6 months. Patients should try to avoid overusing drugs for acute attacks during the trial period. If headaches are well-controlled, treatment can be tapered down and may be discontinued if the patient remains symptom-free.

Beta-adrenergic Blockers Comparison trials demonstrate similar efficacy to other preventative strategies such as valproic acid and topiramate, but perhaps with improved tolerability. Unwanted effects


Valproic acid

Topiramate Topiramate is an anticonvulsant with a number of different actions that includes enhanced GABA activity, voltagegated Na+ and Ca2+ channel inhibition, reduced activity of glutamate at AMPA/kainite post-synaptic receptors and inhibition of the pre-synaptic release of calcitonin generelated protein (CGRP). The net result is a reduction in excitatory transmission and an increase in inhibitory neurotransmission. In clinical trials, topiramate has been shown to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. The drug should be started at 25 mg p.o. at night and increased gradually as tolerated. Trials demonstrated optimal effect at a dose of 100 mg daily, with little effect at 50 mg, and an increased incidence of side-effects at higher doses. Positive effects were usually seen within the first month of treatment and continued with longer-term use. Adverse effects include paraesthesia, fatigue and dizziness. Unlike many of the antineuropathic medications, topiramate is not associated with weight gain. Topiramate is associated with a risk of fetal abnormalities and can impair the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives, and women of childbearing potential must be advised and offered suitable contraception.

Other drugs used in migraine prevention There have been numerous trials of alternative medications for use in migraine prophylaxis, overall with limited evidence of success, and possible new targets for the treatment and prevention of migraine continue to generate

Pain and analgesics much interest in pharmaceutical trials. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) at high dose (400 mg p.o. daily) has been shown to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. Botulinum Toxin A (Botox), given as a series of injections to the face and scalp musculature, has been shown to reduce the frequency


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of headache days and, although the effect is modest, has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and, in 2012, by NICE in the UK, for treatment of migraine headache unresponsive to other prophylactic medications.

Guide to further reading Dowell, D., Haegerich, T.M., Chou, R., 2016. CDC guideline for prescribing opioids for chronic pain— United States. JAMA 315, 1624–1645. Diener, H., Charles, A., Goadsby, P.J., Holle, D., 2015. New therapeutic approaches for the prevention and treatment of migraine. Lancet Neurol. 14, 1010–1022.

Lee, M.C., Tracey, I., 2013. Imaging pain: a potent means for investigating pain mechanisms in patients. Br. J. Anaesth. 111, 64–72. Portenoy, R.K., 2011. Treatment of cancer pain. Lancet 377, 2236–2247. Turk, D.C., Wilson, H.D., Cahana, A., 2011. Treatment of chronic

non-cancer pain. Lancet 377, 2226–2235. Woolf, C.J., 2007. Nociceptors – noxious stimulus detectors. Neuron 55, 353–364. Wu, C.L., Raja, S.N., 2011. Treatment of acute post-operative pain. Lancet 377, 2226–2235.


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Anaesthesia and neuromuscular block Jerry P. Nolan

SYNOPSIS The administration of general anaesthetics and neuromuscular blocking drugs is generally confined to trained specialists. Nevertheless, non-specialists are involved in perioperative care and will benefit from an understanding of how these drugs act. Doctors from a variety of specialties use local anaesthetics, and the pharmacology of these drugs is discussed in detail:

• • • • • • • • •

General anaesthesia.

general anaesthesia, surgeons could operate for the first time with careful deliberation. The problem of inducing quick, safe and easily reversible unconsciousness for any desired length of time in humans began to be solved only in the 1840s when the long-known substances nitrous oxide, ether and chloroform were introduced in rapid succession. The details surrounding the first use of surgical anaesthesia were submerged in bitter disputes on priority following an attempt to anaesthetise a patient with ether. The key events around this time were:

• 1842 – W.E. Clarke of Rochester, New York,

Pharmacology of anaesthetics. Inhalation anaesthetics. Intravenous anaesthetics.

Muscle relaxants: neuromuscular blocking drugs. Local anaesthetics. Obstetric analgesia and anaesthesia. Anaesthesia in patients already taking drugs. Anaesthesia in the diseased, the elderly and children; sedation in intensive therapy units.

General anaesthesia Until the mid-19th century, such surgery as was possible had to be undertaken at tremendous speed. Surgeons did their best for terrified patients by using alcohol, opium, cannabis, hemlock or hyoscine.1 With the introduction of

• • •

The next important developments in anaesthesia were in the 20th century, when the appearance of new drugs, both

2 1

A Japanese pioneer in about 1800 wished to test the anaesthetic efficacy of a herbal mixture including solanaceous plants (hyoscinetype alkaloids). His elderly mother volunteered as subject as she was anyway expected to die soon. But the pioneer administered it to his wife for, ‘as all three agreed, he could find another wife, but could never get another mother’ (Journal of the American Medical Association 1966;197:10).


administered ether for a dental extraction; however, the event was not made widely known at the time. 1844 – Horace Wells, a dentist in Hartford, Connecticut, introduced nitrous oxide to produce anaesthesia during dental extraction. 1846 – On 16 October William Morton, a Boston dentist, successfully demonstrated the anaesthetic properties of ether. 1846 – On 21 December Robert Liston performed the first surgical operation in England under ether anaesthesia.2 1847 – James Y. Simpson, professor of midwifery at the University of Edinburgh, introduced chloroform for the relief of labour pain.

Frederick Churchill, a butler from Harley Street, had his leg amputated at University College Hospital, London. After removing the leg in 28 s, a skill necessary to compensate for the previous lack of anaesthetics, Robert Liston turned to the watching students, and said, ‘This Yankee dodge, gentlemen, beats mesmerism hollow’. That night he anaesthetised his house surgeon in the presence of two women (Merrington W R 1976 University College Hospital and its Medical School: A History. Heinemann, London).

Anaesthesia and neuromuscular block as primary general anaesthetics and as adjuvants (muscle relaxants), new apparatus and clinical expertise in rendering prolonged anaesthesia safe enabled surgeons to increase their range. No longer was the duration and type of surgery determined by patients’ capacity to endure pain.

Phases of general anaesthesia Balanced surgical anaesthesia (hypnosis, analgesia and muscle relaxation) with a single drug would require high doses that would cause adverse effects such as slow and unpleasant recovery, and depression of cardiovascular and respiratory function. In modern practice, different drugs are used to attain each objective so that adverse effects are minimised. The perioperative period may be divided into three phases, and several factors determine the choice of drugs given in each of these. In brief:

Before surgery,  an assessment is made of:

• the patient’s physical and psychological condition • any concurrent illness • the relevance of any existing drug therapy. All of these may influence the choice of anaesthetic technique and anaesthetic drugs.

During surgery,  drugs will be required to provide:

• unconsciousness • analgesia • muscular relaxation when necessary • control of blood pressure, heart rate and respiration. After surgery,  drugs will play a part in:

• reversal of neuromuscular block (if required) • relief of pain, and nausea and vomiting • other aspects of postoperative care, including intensive or high-dependency care. Patients are often already taking drugs affecting the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, and there is considerable potential for interaction with anaesthetic drugs. The techniques for giving anaesthetic drugs and the control of ventilation and oxygenation are of great importance, but are outside the scope of this book.


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anaesthetics. In the past, sedative premedication was given to virtually all patients undergoing surgery. This practice has changed dramatically because of the increasing proportion of operations undertaken as ‘day cases’ (in the UK 80% of elective surgical procedures are undertaken as day cases) and the recognition that sedative premedication prolongs recovery. Sedative premedication is now prescribed very rarely and is reserved for those who are particularly anxious. Benzodiazepines, such as temazepam (10–20 mg for an adult), provide anxiolysis and amnesia for the immediate presurgical period.

Analgesia  is indicated if the patient is in pain before surgery, or the analgesia can be given pre-emptively to prevent postoperative pain. Severe preoperative pain is treated with a parenteral opioid such as morphine. Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and paracetamol are commonly given orally before operation to prevent postoperative pain after minor surgery. For moderate or major surgery, these drugs are supplemented with an opioid towards the end of the procedure.

Timing.  Premedication is given about 1 hour before surgery. Gastric contents.  Pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents can cause severe pneumonitis. Patients at risk of aspiration are those with full stomachs, in the third trimester of pregnancy or with an incompetent gastro-oesophageal sphincter. A single dose of an antacid, e.g. sodium citrate, may be given before a general anaesthetic to neutralise gastric acid in high-risk patients. Alternatively or additionally, a histamine H2-receptor blocker, e.g. ranitidine, or proton pump inhibitor, e.g. omeprazole, will reduce gastric secretion volume as well as acidity. Metoclopramide usefully hastens gastric emptying, increases the tone of the lower oesophageal sphincter and is an antiemetic.

During surgery. The aim is to induce unconsciousness, analgesia and muscle relaxation – the anaesthetic triad. Total muscular relaxation (paralysis) is required for some surgical procedures, e.g. intra-abdominal surgery, but most surgery can be undertaken without neuromuscular blockade. A typical general anaesthetic consists of:

Induction 1. Usually intravenous: pre-oxygenation is followed by a

Before surgery (premedication) The principal aims are to provide:

Anxiolysis and amnesia.  A patient who is going to have a surgical operation is naturally apprehensive; this anxiety is reduced by reassurance and a clear explanation of what to expect. Very anxious patients will secrete a lot of adrenaline/ epinephrine from the suprarenal medulla, and this may make them more liable to cardiac arrhythmias with some

small dose of an opioid, e.g. fentanyl or alfentanil to provide analgesia and sedation, followed by propofol or, less commonly, thiopental, etomidate or ketamine to induce anaesthesia. Airway patency is maintained with a supraglottic airway device (e.g. laryngeal mask airway (LMA) or i-gel), a tracheal tube or, for very short procedures, an oral airway and facemask. Insertion of a tracheal tube usually requires paralysis with a neuromuscular blocker and is undertaken if




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there is a risk of pulmonary aspiration from regurgitated gastric contents or from blood. 2. Inhalational induction, usually with sevoflurane, is undertaken less commonly. It is used in children, particularly if intravenous access is difficult.

Maintenance 1. Most commonly with oxygen and air (occasionally

nitrous oxide is used instead of air), plus a volatile agent, e.g. sevoflurane, desflurane or isoflurane. Additional doses of a neuromuscular blocker or opioid are given as required. 2. Many anaesthetists now prefer to use a continuous intravenous infusion of propofol to maintain anaesthesia. This technique of total intravenous anaesthesia provides a quality of recovery that is better than after inhalational anaesthesia. The propofol infusion is often combined with an infusion of remifentanil, an ultra-short-acting opioid. When appropriate, peripheral nerve block with a local anaesthetic, or neural axis block, e.g. spinal or epidural, provides intraoperative analgesia and muscle relaxation. These local anaesthetic techniques provide excellent postoperative analgesia.

After surgery The anaesthetist ensures that the effects of neuromuscular blocking drugs and opioid-induced respiratory depression have either worn off or have been adequately reversed by an antagonist; the patient is not left alone until conscious, with protective reflexes restored, and with a stable circulation.

Relief of pain  after surgery can be achieved with several techniques. An epidural infusion of a mixture of local anaesthetic and opioid provides excellent pain relief after major surgery such as laparotomy. Parenteral morphine, given intermittently by a nurse or a patient-controlled system, will also relieve moderate or severe pain but has the attendant risk of nausea, vomiting, sedation and respiratory depression. Patient-controlled fentanyl is often preferred to morphine because it has faster onset of action and is less likely than morphine to cause nausea. The addition of regular paracetamol and an NSAID, given orally or parenterally (the rectal route is used much less commonly now), will provide additional pain relief and reduce the requirement for morphine. Postoperative nausea and vomiting  (PONV) is common after laparotomy and major gynaecological surgery, e.g. abdominal hysterectomy. The use of propofol, particularly when given to maintain anaesthesia, has reduced the 310

incidence of PONV. Antiemetics, such as ondansetron, cyclizine, and metoclopramide may be helpful. Dexamethasone also reduces the incidence of PONV. Many anaesthetists use a combination of two (ondansetron and dexamethasone is a common choice) or three of these drugs, a strategy which has been shown to be particularly effective.

Some special techniques Dissociative anaesthesia  is a state of profound analgesia and anterograde amnesia with minimal hypnosis during which the eyes may remain open; it can be produced by ketamine (see p. 314). It is particularly useful where modern equipment is lacking or where access to the patient is limited, e.g. in prehospital or military settings. Sedation and amnesia  without analgesia is provided by intravenous midazolam or, less commonly nowadays, by diazepam. These drugs can be used alone for procedures causing mild discomfort, e.g. endoscopy, and with a local anaesthetic where more pain is expected, e.g. removal of impacted wisdom teeth. Benzodiazepines produce anterograde, but not retrograde, amnesia. By definition, the sedated patient remains responsive and cooperative. (For a general account of benzodiazepines and the competitive antagonist flumazenil, see Ch. 20.) Benzodiazepines can cause respiratory depression and apnoea, especially in the elderly and in patients with respiratory insufficiency. The combination of an opioid and a benzodiazepine is particularly dangerous. Benzodiazepines depress laryngeal reflexes and place the patient at risk of inhalation of oral secretions or dental debris. A continuous infusion of low-dose propofol provides very effective sedation that can be rapidly titrated to produce the desired effect. Use of propofol in this way should be undertaken only by those with advanced airway skills, such as anaesthetists and some emergency physicians.

Entonox,  a 50 : 50 mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen, is breathed by the patient using a demand valve. It is particularly useful in the prehospital environment and for brief procedures, such as splinting limbs.

Methoxyflurane,  a volatile anaesthetic, which is no longer used for general anaesthesia, is available in a handheld inhaler enabling self-administration for relief of acute pain, particularly in the prehospital environment.

Pharmacology of anaesthetics All successful general anaesthetics are given intravenously or by inhalation because these routes enable closest control over blood concentrations and thus of effect on the brain.

Anaesthesia and neuromuscular block

Mode of action General anaesthetics act on the brain, primarily on the midbrain reticular activating system, and the spinal cord. Many anaesthetics are lipid soluble, and there is good correlation between this and anaesthetic effectiveness (the Overton–Meyer hypothesis); the more lipid-soluble tend to be the more potent anaesthetics, but such a correlation is not invariable. Some anaesthetic agents are not lipid soluble and many lipid-soluble substances are not anaesthetics. Until recently it was thought that the principal site of action of general anaesthetics was relatively non-specific action in the neuronal lipid bilayer membrane. The current view is that anaesthetic agents interact with proteins to alter the activity of specific neuronal ion channels, particularly the fast neurotransmitter receptors such as nicotinic acetylcholine, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate receptors. The suppression of motor responses to painful stimuli by anaesthetics is mediated mainly by the spinal cord, whereas hypnosis and amnesia are mediated within the brain. Comparison of the efficacy of inhalational anaesthetics is made by measuring the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) in oxygen required to prevent movement in response to a standard surgical skin incision in 50% of subjects. The MAC of the volatile agent is reduced by the co-administration of nitrous oxide.

Inhalation anaesthetics The preferred inhalation anaesthetics are those that are minimally irritant and non-flammable, and comprise nitrous oxide and the fluorinated hydrocarbons, e.g. sevoflurane.

Pharmaco*kinetics (volatile liquids, gases) The depth of anaesthesia is correlated with the tension (partial pressure) of anaesthetic drug in brain tissue. This is driven by the development of a series of tension gradients from the high partial pressure delivered to the alveoli and decreasing through the blood to the brain and other tissues. The gradients are dependent on the blood/gas and tissue/ gas solubility coefficients, as well as on alveolar ventilation and organ blood flow. An anaesthetic that has high solubility in blood, i.e. a high blood/gas partition coefficient, will provide a slow induction and adjustment of the depth of anaesthesia. Here, the blood acts as a reservoir (store) for the drug so that it does not enter the brain readily until the blood reservoir is filled. A rapid induction can be obtained by increasing the


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concentration of drug inhaled initially and by hyperventilating the patient. Anaesthetics with low solubility in blood, i.e. a low blood/ gas partition coefficient (nitrous oxide, desflurane, sevoflurane), provide rapid induction of anaesthesia because the blood reservoir is small and anaesthetic is available to pass into the brain sooner. During induction of anaesthesia, the blood is taking up anaesthetic selectively and rapidly, and the resulting loss of volume in the alveoli leads to a flow of anaesthetic into the lungs that is independent of respiratory activity. When the anaesthetic is discontinued, the reverse occurs and it moves from the blood into the alveoli. In the case of nitrous oxide, this can account for as much as 10% of the expired volume and so can significantly lower the alveolar oxygen concentration. Mild hypoxia occurs and lasts for as long as 10 min. Oxygen is given to these patients during the last few minutes of anaesthesia and the early post-anaesthetic period. This phenomenon, diffusion hypoxia, occurs with all gaseous anaesthetics, but is most prominent with gases that are relatively insoluble in blood, for they will diffuse out most rapidly when the drug is no longer inhaled, i.e. just as induction is faster, so is elimination. Nitrous oxide is especially powerful in this respect because it is used at concentrations of up to 70%.

Nitrous oxide Nitrous oxide (1844) is a gas with a slightly sweetish smell that is neither flammable nor explosive. It produces light anaesthesia without demonstrably depressing the respiratory or vasomotor centre provided that normal oxygen tension is maintained.

Advantages.  Nitrous oxide reduces the requirement for other more potent and intrinsically more toxic anaesthetics. It has a strong analgesic action; inhalation of 50% nitrous oxide in oxygen (Entonox) may have similar effects to standard doses of morphine. Induction is rapid and not unpleasant, although transient excitement may occur, as with all anaesthetics. Recovery time rarely exceeds 4 min, even after prolonged administration.

Disadvantages.  Nitrous oxide is expensive to buy and to transport. It must be used in conjunction with more potent anaesthetics to produce full surgical anaesthesia.

Uses.  Nitrous oxide is still used occasionally to maintain surgical anaesthesia in combination with other anaesthetic agents, e.g. sevoflurane or propofol, and, if required, muscle relaxants. Entonox provides analgesia for obstetric practice and for emergency treatment of injuries.

Dosage and administration. For the maintenance of anaesthesia, nitrous oxide must always be mixed with at




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least 30% oxygen. For analgesia, a concentration of 50% nitrous oxide with 50% oxygen usually suffices.

Contraindications.  Any closed, distensible, air-filled space expands during administration of nitrous oxide, which moves into it from the blood. It is therefore contraindicated in patients with: demonstrable collections of air in the pleural, pericardial or peritoneal spaces; intestinal obstruction; arterial air embolism; decompression sickness; severe chronic obstructive airway disease; emphysema. Nitrous oxide will cause pressure changes in closed, non-compliant spaces such as the middle ear, nasal sinuses and the eye.

Precautions.  Continued administration of oxygen may be necessary during recovery, especially in elderly patients (see diffusion hypoxia, above).

Adverse effects. The incidence of nausea and vomiting increases with the duration of anaesthesia. Exposure to nitrous oxide for more than 4 h can cause megaloblastic changes in the bone marrow. Because prolonged and repeated exposure of staff, as well as of patients, may be associated with bone marrow depression and teratogenic risk, scavenging systems are used to minimise ambient concentrations in operating theatres.

Halogenated anaesthetics Halothane was the first halogenated agent to be used widely, but in the developed world it has been largely superseded by isoflurane, sevoflurane and desflurane. A description of isoflurane is provided, and of the others in so far as they differ. The MAC in oxygen of some volatile anaesthetics is: Isoflurane 1.2% Enflurane 1.7% Sevoflurane 2.0% Desflurane 6.0% Halothane 0.74%.

Isoflurane Isoflurane is a volatile colourless liquid that is not flammable at normal anaesthetic concentrations. It is relatively insoluble and has a lower blood/gas coefficient than halothane or enflurane, which enables rapid adjustment of the depth of anaesthesia. It has a pungent odour and can cause bronchial irritation, making inhalational induction unpleasant. Isoflurane is minimally metabolised (0.2%), and none of the breakdown products has been related to anaesthetic toxicity.

Respiratory effects.  Isoflurane causes respiratory depression and diminishes the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide. Although it irritates the upper airway, it is a bronchodilator.


Cardiovascular effects. Anaesthetic concentrations of isoflurane, i.e. 1–1.5 MAC, cause only slight impairment of myocardial contractility. Isoflurane causes peripheral vasodilation and reduces blood pressure. It does not sensitise the heart to catecholamines. In low concentrations (150 mg/day) and escitalopram may have greater efficacy than other antidepressants. • Amitriptyline appears to be slightly more effective than other TCAs and also SSRIs for severe depression, but this advantage is compromised by its poor tolerability (due to muscarinic, histamine and noradrenaline α1-receptor blockade) and lack of safety in overdose relative to more modern agents.

Antidepressants usually require 3–4 weeks for the full therapeutic effect to be achieved. When a minimal response is seen, an antidepressant can usefully be extended to 6 weeks to see whether further benefit is achieved. By contrast, patients may experience unwanted effects, especially ‘jitteriness’ or ‘activation’ symptoms such as increased anxiety and irritability,2 soon after starting treatment (they should be warned about this possibility), but such symptoms usually diminish with time. Some drugs have the advantage that they can be started at a dose which would be considered adequate for the therapeutic effect (e.g. most SSRIs), but in contrast many others need to be started at a low and generally tolerable starting dose and increased gradually to the therapeutic dose. For example, the tricyclic imipramine should be started at 25–50 mg/day, with gradual increments to a recognised ‘minimum therapeutic’ dose, around 125 mg/ day. Low starting doses are particularly important for elderly patients. Only when the drug has reached the minimum therapeutic dose and been taken for at least 4 weeks can response or non-response be adequately established. However, some patients do achieve response or remission at ‘subtherapeutic’ doses, for reasons of drug kinetics and limited capacity to metabolise, the self-limiting nature of depression, or by a placebo effect (reinforced by the experience of side-effects, suggesting that the drug must be having some action).


Sinclair L I, Christmas D M, Hood S D et al 2009 Antidepressantinduced jitteriness/anxiety syndrome: systematic review. British Journal of Psychiatry 194:483–490.




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Table 20.2B  Psychotropic (and selected other) drugs known to be CYP 3A4 substrates, inhibitors and inducers CYP 3A4 inhibitors Antidepressants

Other drugs


Cimetidine Clarithromycin Erythromycin Fluconazole Ketoconazole (grapefruit juice) Verapamil HIV antivirals (e.g. indinavir, ritanovir)

CYP 3A4 substrates Antidepressantsa

Anxiolytics, hypnotics and antipsychotics


Some SSRIs (fluoxetine, escitalopram/citalopram, sertraline) Some tricyclics (e.g. amitriptyline, imipramine, nortriptyline) Mirtazapine Trazodone





Diazepam Midazolam Triazolam Zopiclone Aripiprazole

Cortisol Dexamethasone Methadone Testosterone Most calcium channel blockers (e.g. amlodipine, diltiazem, nifedipine, verapamil) Amiodarone Omeprazole Some lipid-lowering drugs (e.g. atorvastatin, simvastatin)

Haloperidol Lurasidone Quetiapine Zuclopenthixol CYP 3A4 inducers St John’s wort Carbamazapine Modafinil Phenytoin Phenobarbital Rifampin HIV antivirals (efavirenz, nevirapine)

A substrate is a substance that is acted upon and changed by an enzyme. Where two substrates of the same enzyme are prescribed together, they will compete, and, if present in sufficient quantities, the metabolism of one or other, or both, drugs may also be inhibited, resulting in increased plasma concentration and possibly in enhanced therapeutic or adverse effects. An enzyme inducer accelerates the metabolism of co-prescribed drugs that are substrates of the same enzyme, reducing their effects. An enzyme inhibitor retards metabolism of co-prescribed drugs, increasing their effects. a Many drugs, including SSRIs and other antidepressants are metabolized by multiple CYP enzymes.

For SSRIs, dose titration is often unnecessary as the minimum therapeutic dose can usually be tolerated as a starting dose. Divided doses are not usually required, and administration is by a single morning or evening dose. Evidence suggests that patients commencing treatment on SSRIs are more likely to reach an effective dose than those


starting on TCAs. Of the novel compounds, trazodone usually requires titration to a minimum therapeutic dose of at least 200 mg/day. Response to the SNRIs (venlafaxine and duloxetine), and novel compounds such as mirtazapine and agomelatine may occur at the starting dose, but some dose titration is commonly required. Venlafaxine is licensed for

Psychotropic drugs treatment-resistant depression by gradual titration from 75 to 375 mg/day. There is some need for dose titration when using MAOIs. Unlike other drug classes, reduction to a lower maintenance dose is recommended after a response is achieved if unwanted effects are problematical.

Changing and stopping antidepressants When an antidepressant fails through lack of efficacy despite an adequate trial or due to unacceptable adverse effects, a change to a drug of a different class is generally advisable. For a patient who has not responded to an SSRI, it is logical to switch to either an SNRI (venlafaxine or duloxetine) or one of the novel compounds. Among these, mirtazapine and bupropion are generally considered to be the preferred options. Each of these four drugs should offer a greater increase in synaptic noradrenaline/norepinephrine than the ineffective SSRI. Agomelatine, trazodone, vortioxetine, reboxetine, tricyclics and RIMAs/MAOIs remain as further options for switching. Evidence also suggests that patients failing on one SSRI may respond to a different drug within the class, an approach that is particularly useful where other antidepressant classes have been unsuccessful previously, are contraindicated, or have characteristics that the patient or doctor feels are undesirable. Awareness of biological differences between drugs within a class may also be helpful when patients cannot tolerate other drug classes. For instance, among SSRIs, paroxetine has the most affinity for the serotonin transporter and fluoxetine the least. When changing between antidepressant doses, a conservative approach would be to reduce the first antidepressant progressively over 2 or more weeks before starting the new drug. The gradual reduction is particularly important with paroxetine and venlafaxine, which are known to cause ‘discontinuation syndromes’ if stopped abruptly, and less important with fluoxetine due to its long t1/2 active metabolite which offers ‘built-in’ protection against withdrawal problems. A more proactive approach would involve ‘cross-tapering’ the second antidepressant – i.e. starting it while the first antidepressant is being reduced and gradually titrating the dose up. However, an important exception concerns changes to or from MAOIs, which must be handled with great caution due to the dangers of interactions between antidepressants (see below). Therefore MAOIs cannot safely be introduced within 2 weeks of stopping most antidepressants (3 weeks for imipramine and clomipramine; combination of the latter with tranylcypromine is particularly dangerous), and not until 5 weeks after stopping fluoxetine, due to its long t1/2 active metabolite. Similarly, other antidepressants should not be introduced until 2–3 weeks have elapsed from discontinuation of MAOI (as these are irreversible inhibitors; see p. 328). No washout


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period is required when using the reversible MAOI, moclobemide. When a patient achieves remission, the antidepressant should be continued for at least 9 months at the dose that returned mood to normal. Premature dose reduction or withdrawal is associated with increased risk of relapse. In cases where three or more depressive episodes have occurred, evidence suggests that long-term continuation of an antidepressant offers protection, as otherwise further relapse is very likely in the next 3 years. When ceasing use of an antidepressant, the dose should be reduced gradually to avoid discontinuation syndromes (symptoms include anxiety, agitation, nausea and mood swings). Discontinuation of paroxetine and venlafaxine (which have relatively short t1/2 and do not have an active metabolite) are associated additionally with dizziness, electric shock–like sensations and paraesthesia.

Augmentation Augmentation, the addition of a second drug to an existing antidepressant, can be used when two or more standard antidepressants have successively failed to alleviate depressive symptoms despite treatment at an adequate dose for an adequate time. Some of the augmentations discussed may even be used earlier than this if there is an indication or justification for the augmenting drug specific to the individual patient. One strategy which has come to prominence is to augment (or combine) an SSRI or SNRI antidepressant with the novel antidepressant mirtazapine. The initial justification for this combination stems from mirtazapine’s unorthodox mechanism of action – the idea being that the presynaptic adjustments effected by mirtazapine could act additively or even synergistically with the monoamine reuptake inhibition of SSRIs and SNRIs. A second justification is more practical – mirtazapine is known to improve the quality of sleep and serotonin reuptake inhibitors may initially disrupt this, thus mirtazapine can be added both to boost the antidepressant effect and to address an unresolved problem with sleep. An evidence base does exist both for mirtazapine–venlafaxine and mirtazapine–fluoxetine co-prescription in depression, with both combinations reported as providing significantly higher remission rates than fluoxetine alone. Ease of initiation of these combinations, along with the evidence of enhanced effectiveness, means that these are currently the most commonly used augmentation strategies for treatment of depression in psychiatry inpatients in the UK. A further logical alternative to augmenting an SSRI with mirtazapine is to augment with bupropion, since this combination is thought to provide reuptake inhibition of all three monoamine transmitters – i.e. serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine.




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Another important augmentation strategy employs the mood stabiliser lithium carbonate. Controlled trials suggest that up to 50% of patients who have not responded to standard antidepressants can respond after lithium augmentation, but the evidence is stronger for augmenting tricyclics than for augmenting SSRIs. Addition of lithium requires careful titration of the plasma concentration up to the therapeutic range, with periodic checks thereafter and monitoring for toxicity (see p. 344). More recently, augmentation of SSRIs with some drugs primarily used for psychosis (antipsychotics) has been effective in clinical trials. Quetiapine and aripiprazole are most commonly used, but adequate evidence exists also for olanzapine and risperidone. Antipsychotics also have important potential for side-effects, which must be taken into account before their introduction (see p. 339). Tri-iodothyronine (T3) also aids antidepressant action, and most evidence points to added benefit with TCAs. When co-prescribing TCAs with thyroid hormone derivatives, be aware that the combination of lofepramine with the levo isomer of thyroxine is contraindicated. The amino acid L-tryptophan and the β-adrenoceptor blocker pindolol may also be used to augment. Tryptophan increases 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) production, and pindolol may act by blocking negative feedback of 5HT on to 5HT1Aautoreceptors.

Other indications Some antidepressants may benefit most forms of anxiety disorder, including panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive–compulsive disorder and social phobia (see p. 347). SSRIs are recognised as a first-line drug treatment for all five of these anxiety disorders, while venlafaxine also has a good evidence base in all of them. Fluoxetine is effective in milder cases of the eating disorder bulimia nervosa, in higher doses (60 mg/day) than are required for depression. This effect is independent of that on depression (which may coexist) and may therefore involve a different mode of action. Antidepressants appear to be ineffective in anorexia nervosa. Antidepressants also have a role in pain control. The SNRI drug duloxetine is licensed for diabetic neuropathy, while considerable trial evidence exists for use of imipramine and amitriptyline for the control of chronic pain.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs have a range of unwanted effects including nausea, anorexia, dizziness, gastrointestinal disturbance including increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, agitation, akathisia (motor restlessness) and anorg*smia (failure to experience an org*sm). They lack direct sedative effect, an advantage over older drugs in patients who need to drive motor vehicles or need to work or study. SSRIs can disrupt the pattern of sleep with increased awakenings, transient reduction in the amount of rapid eye movement (REM) and increased REM latency, but eventually sleep improves due to improved mood. SSRIs lack the side-effects of postural hypotension, antimuscarinic and antihistaminergic effects seen with TCAs. In contrast to both TCAs and mirtazapine, some SSRIs may induce weight loss through their anorectic effects, at least in the short term, although paroxetine appears to be associated more robustly with weight gain. SSRIs are relatively safe in overdose. In recent years an association of citalopram at higher doses has emerged, with QTc prolongation and risk of arrhythmias leading some jurisdictions to advise limiting the dose to 40 mg/day and 20 mg/day in the elderly. Similar advice has been given for escitalopram, but evidence of risk appears to be less robust.

Serotonin syndrome  is a rare but dangerous complication of using antidepressants that inhibit serotonin reuptake including SSRIs, SNRIs and vortioxetine. It features restlessness, tremor, shivering and myoclonus, possibly leading to hyperpyrexia, convulsions and delirium. The risk is increased by co-administration with drugs that enhance serotonin transmission, especially MAOIs, the antimigraine triptan drugs and St John’s wort. The combination of fluoxetine or paroxetine with tramadol can also cause serotonin syndrome. These SSRIs inhibit the metabolism of tramadol to its active metabolite (which is responsible for the pain relief), leaving a buildup of unmetabolised tramadol which has sufficient serotonergic activity itself to interact with the SSRIs and enhance the risk of serotonin syndrome.


Adverse effects

Venlafaxine  produces unwanted effects that resemble those of SSRIs with a higher incidence of nausea. Sustained hypertension (due to blockade of noradrenaline/norepinephrine reuptake) is a problem in a small proportion of patients at high dose, and blood pressure should be monitored when more than 200 mg/day is taken. Venlafaxine appears to have some association with cardiac arrhythmias, but whether this is to a degree that is clinically significant is unclear.

As most antidepressants have similar therapeutic efficacy, the decision regarding which drug to select often rests on adverse-effect profiles and potential to cause toxicity.

Duloxetine  may cause early nausea, which tends to subside quickly. Other unwanted effects are somnolence, dizziness and constipation.


Psychotropic drugs

Novel compounds Mirtazapine  has benefits in rarely being associated with sexual dysfunction and in improving sleep independent of mood, but it may cause unwanted sedation and weight gain.

Trazodone  is an option for depressed patients where sedation is required. It also has the advantages of lacking antimuscarinic effects and of being relatively safe in overdose. Males should be warned of the possibility of priapism (painful penile erections), attributable to the drug’s blockade of α1-adrenoceptors.

Agomelatine  is given at night when it appears to resynchronise circadian rhythms, and therefore promotes improved sleep. Like mirtazapine it is rarely associated with sexual dysfunction, but its use necessitates early liver function tests.

Bupropion  may be associated with insomnia, nausea and headache. This drug should generally be avoided in patients with a history of epilepsy.

Vortioxetine  side-effects are similar to those of SSRIs and include sexual dysfunction. Withdrawal effects are uncommon.

Tricyclic antidepressants The commonest unwanted effects are those of antimuscarinic action, i.e. dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision and difficulty with accommodation, raised intraocular pressure (glaucoma may be precipitated) and bladder neck obstruction (may lead to urinary retention in older males). Patients may also experience postural hypotension (through inhibition of α-adrenoceptors), which is often a limiting factor in the elderly; interference with sexual function; weight gain (through blockade of histamine H1 receptors); prolongation of the QTc interval of the ECG, which predisposes to cardiac arrhythmias especially in overdose (use after myocardial infarction is contraindicated). Some TCAs (especially trimipramine and amitriptyline) are heavily sedating through a combination of antihistaminergic and α1-adrenergic–blocking actions, and this presents special problems to those whose lives involve driving vehicles or performing skilled tasks. In selected patients, sedation may be beneficial, e.g. a severely depressed person who has a disrupted sleep pattern or marked agitation. There is great heterogeneity in adverse-effect profiles among TCAs. Imipramine and lofepramine cause relatively little sedation, and lofepramine is associated with milder antimuscarinic effects (but is contraindicated in patients with severe liver disease).

Overdose.  Depression is a risk factor for both parasuicide and completed suicide, and TCAs are commonly taken by those who deliberately self-harm. Dosulepin and amitriptyline


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are particularly toxic in overdose. Lofepramine is at least 15 times less likely to cause death from overdose; clomipramine and imipramine occupy intermediate positions. Clinical features of overdose reflect the pharmacology of TCAs. Antimuscarinic effects result in warm, dry skin from vasodilatation and inhibition of sweating, blurred vision from paralysis of accommodation, papillary dilatation and urinary retention. Consciousness is commonly dulled, and respiration depression and hypothermia may develop. Neurological signs including hyperreflexia, myoclonus, divergent strabismus and extensor plantar responses may accompany lesser degrees of impaired consciousness and provide scope for diagnostic confusion, e.g. with structural brain damage. Convulsions occur in a proportion of patients. Hallucinations and delirium occur during recovery of consciousness, often accompanied by a characteristic plucking at bedclothes. Sinus tachycardia (due to vagal blockade) is a common feature, but abnormalities of cardiac conduction accompany moderate to severe intoxication and may proceed to dangerous tachyarrhythmias or bradyarrhythmias. Hypotension may result from a combination of cardiac arrhythmia, reduced myocardial contractility and dilatation of venous capacitance vessels. Supportive treatment suffices for the majority of cases. Activated charcoal by mouth is indicated to prevent further absorption from the alimentary tract and may be given to the conscious patient in the home prior to transfer to hospital. Convulsions are less likely if unnecessary stimuli are avoided, but severe or frequent seizures often precede cardiac arrhythmias and arrest, and their suppression with diazepam is important. Cardiac arrhythmias do not need intervention if cardiac output and tissue perfusion are adequate. Correction of hypoxia with oxygen, and acidosis by intravenous infusion of sodium bicarbonate are reasonable first measures and usually suffice.

Reboxetine  is not structurally related to tricyclic agents but like lofepramine and nortriptyline acts predominantly by noradrenergic reuptake inhibition. Pseudo-antimuscarinic effects, particularly urinary hesitancy and dry mouth, trouble a minority of patients. Postural hypotension may occur, as may impotence in males. It is relatively safe in overdose.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors Adverse effects include postural hypotension (especially in the elderly) and dizziness. Less common are headache, irritability, apathy, insomnia, fatigue, ataxia, gastrointestinal disturbances including dry mouth and constipation, sexual dysfunction (especially anorg*smia), blurred vision, difficult micturition, sweating, peripheral oedema, tremulousness, restlessness and hyperthermia. Appetite may increase inappropriately, causing weight gain.




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Interactions Antidepressant use offers considerable scope for adverse interaction with other drugs, and it is prudent always to check specific sources for unwanted outcomes whenever a new drug is added or removed to a prescription list that includes an antidepressant.

Pharmacodynamic interactions • Most antidepressants (including SSRIs, SNRIs and

• •

tricylics) may cause central nervous system (CNS) toxicity if co-prescribed with the dopaminergic drugs entacapone and selegiline (for Parkinson’s disease). SSRIs and SNRIs increase the risk of the serotonin syndrome when combined with drugs that enhance serotonin transmission, e.g. the antimigraine triptan drugs which are 5HT1-receptor antagonists, and the antiobesity drug sibutramine. Most antidepressants lower the convulsion threshold, complicate the drug control of epilepsy and lengthen seizure time in electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). The situation is made more complex by the capacity of carbamazepine to induce the metabolism of antidepressants and of certain antidepressants to inhibit carbamazepine metabolism (see below). SSRIs are known to interfere with platelet aggregation and may increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, especially in those with existing risk factors. Trazodone and many tricyclics cause sedation, and therefore co-prescription with other sedative agents such as opioid analgesics, H1-receptor antihistamines, anxiolytics, hypnotics and alcohol may lead to excessive drowsiness and daytime somnolence. The majority of tricyclics have undesirable cardiovascular effects, in particular prolongation of the QTc interval, as does the SSRI citalopram at higher doses. Numerous other drugs also prolong the QTc interval, e.g. amiodarone, disopyramide, procainamide, propafenone, quinidine, terfenadine, and psychotropic agents such as pimozide. Their use in combination with antidepressants that prolong QTc enhances the risk of ventricular arrhythmias. Tricylics potentiate the effects of catecholamines and other sympathomimetics, but not those of β2-receptor agonists used in asthma. Even the small amounts of adrenaline/epinephrine or noradrenaline/ norepinephrine in dental local anaesthetics may produce a serious rise in blood pressure.

Pharmaco*kinetic interactions Metabolism by cytochrome P450 enzymes provides ample opportunity for interaction of antidepressants with other


drugs by inhibition of, competition for, or induction of enzymes. Tables 20.2A and 20.2B indicate examples of mechanisms by which interaction that may occur when relevant drugs are added to, altered in dose or discontinued from regimens that include antidepressants.

Enzyme inhibition.  In depression with psychotic features, antidepressants are commonly prescribed with antipsychotics, and there is potential for enhanced drug effects with paroxetine plus aripiprazole (CYP 2D6), fluoxetine plus quetiapine (3A4), and fluvoxamine plus olanzapine (1A2). Tranquillisation with zuclopenthixol acetate (see p. 341) of an agitated patient who is also taking fluoxetine or paroxetine can result in toxic plasma concentrations with excessive sedation and respiratory depression due to inhibition of zuclopenthixol metabolism by CYP 2D6 and CYP 3A4. P450 enzyme inhibition by fluoxetine or paroxetine may also augment effects of alcohol, tramadol (danger of serotonin syndrome), methadone, terfenadine (danger of cardiac arrhythmia), -caine anaesthetics and theophylline. Enzyme-inducing drugs,  e.g. carbamazepine, several other antiepilepsy drugs (oxcarbazepine, phenytoin) and certain antiviral agents accelerate the metabolism of antidepressants by inducing specific CYP enzymes, most commonly CYP 3A4. This will reduce their therapeutic efficacy and require adjustment of dose. Epilepsy is a particularly common co-morbid illness in patients who have both psychiatric illness and learning disabilities, and the combination of an anticonvulsant and an antidepressant or major psychotropic drug is to be anticipated.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors Hypertensive reactions.  Patients taking MAOIs are vulnerable to highly dangerous hypertensive reactions. Firstly, as MAOIs increase catecholamine stores in adrenergic and dopaminergic nerve endings, the action of sympathomimetics that act indirectly by releasing stored noradrenaline/norepinephrine is augmented. Secondly, patients taking an MAOI are deprived of the protection of the MAO enzyme present in large quantities in the gut wall and liver. Thus orally administered sympathomimetics that would normally be inactivated by MAO are absorbed intact. (Note that enhanced effects are not as great as might be expected from adrenaline/epinephrine, noradrenaline/norepinephrine and isoprenaline, which are chiefly destroyed by another enzyme, catechol-O-methyltransferase, in the blood and liver.) Symptoms  include severe, sudden throbbing headache with slow palpitation, flushing, visual disturbance, nausea, vomiting and severe hypertension. If headache occurs without hypertension, it may be due to histamine release. The hypertension is due both to vasoconstriction from activation of α-adrenoceptors and to increased cardiac output

Psychotropic drugs consequent on activation of cardiac β-adrenoceptors. The mechanism is thus similar to that of the episodic hypertension in a patient with phaeochromocytoma.

The rational and effective treatment  is an α-adrenoceptor blocker (phentolamine 5 mg i.v.), with a β-blocker later added in case of excessive tachycardia.

Patient education.  It is essential to warn patients taking MAOIs of possible sources of the hypertensive reaction. Many simple remedies  sold direct to the public, e.g. for nasal congestion, coughs and colds, contain sympathomimetics (ephedrine, phenylpropanolamine). Foods likely to produce hypertensive effects in patients taking MAOIs include: • Cheese, especially if well matured. • Red wines (especially Chianti) and some white wines; some beers (non- or low-alcohol varieties contain variable but generally low amounts of tyramine). • Yeast extracts (Marmite, Oxo, Bovril). • Some pickled herrings. • Broad bean pods (contain dopa, a precursor of adrenaline/epinephrine). • Over-ripe bananas, avocados, figs. • Game. • Stale foods. • Fermented bean curds including soy sauce. • Fermented sausage, e.g. salami, shrimp paste. • Flavoured textured vegetable protein (Vegemite). This list may be incomplete, and any partially decomposed food may cause a reaction. Milk and yoghurt appear safe.

Foods  to avoid are those that contain sympathomimetics, most commonly tyramine, which acts by releasing noradrenaline/norepinephrine from nerve vesicles. Degradation of the protein, casein, by resident bacteria in well-matured cheese can produce tyramine from the amino acid tyrosine (hence the general term ‘cheese reaction’ to describe provocation of a hypertensive crisis). Stale foods present a particular danger, as any food subjected to autolysis or microbial decomposition during preparation or storage may contain pressor amines resulting from decarboxylation of amino acids. The newer drug moclobemide offers the dual advantages of selective MAO-A inhibition; in theory, this should avoid the ‘cheese’ reaction by sparing the intestinal MAO, which is mainly MAO-B, and of being a competitive, reversible inhibitor. Whereas the irreversible inhibitors inactivate the MAO enzyme and can therefore continue to cause dangerous interactions in the 2–3 weeks after withdrawal, until more


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enzyme can be synthesised, the reversible nature of MAO inhibition means it is incomplete except during peak plasma concentrations. As the inhibition is competitive, tyramine can then displace the inhibitor from the active site of the MAO enzyme. Consequently, there are fewer dietary restrictions for patients using moclobemide, although hypertensive reactions have been reported.

MAOI interactions with other drugs.  The mechanisms of many of the following interactions are obscure, and some are probably due to inhibition of drug-metabolising enzymes other than MAO enzyme, as MAOIs are not entirely selective in their action. Effects last for up to 2–3 weeks after discontinuing the MAOI. Antidepressants.  Combination with tricyclic antidepressants has the potential to precipitate a hypertensive crisis complicated by CNS excitation with hyperreflexia, rigidity and hyperpyrexia. MAOI-SSRI or MAOI-SNRI combinations may provoke the life-threatening ‘serotonin syndrome’ (see above). Strict rules apply regarding washout periods when switching between MAOIs and other drugs (see above, Changing and stopping antidepressants, p. 331). Very occasionally, MAOIs are prescribed with other antidepressants, but as many combinations are highly dangerous, such practice should be reserved for specialists only and then as a last resort. Narcotic analgesics.  With co-prescribed pethidine, respiratory depression, restlessness, even coma, and hypotension or hypertension may result (probably due to inhibition of its hepatic demethylation). Interaction with other opioids occurs but is milder. Other drugs  that cause minor interactions with MAOIs include antiepileptics (convulsion threshold lowered), dopaminergic drugs, e.g. selegiline (MAO-B inhibitor) may cause dyskinesias, antihypertensives and antidiabetes drugs (metformin and sulphonylureas potentiated). Concomitant use with bupropion, sibutramine (weight reduction) and 5HT1agonists (migraine) should be avoided. Because of the use of numerous drugs during and around surgery, an MAOI is best withdrawn 2 weeks before, if practicable.

Overdose  with MAOIs can cause hypomania, coma and hypotension or hypertension. General measures are used as appropriate with minimal administration of drugs: chlorpromazine for restlessness and excitement; phentolamine for hypertension; no vasopressor drugs for hypotension, because of risk of hypertension (use posture and plasma volume expansion).

St John’s wort The herbal remedy St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) has found favour in some patients with mild to moderate




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depression. The active ingredients in the hypericum extract have yet to be identified, and their mode of action is unclear. Several of the known mechanisms of action of existing antidepressants are postulated, including inhibition of monoamine reuptake and the MAO enzyme, as well as a stimulation of GABA receptors. Much of the original research into the efficacy of St John’s wort was performed in Germany, where its use is well established. Several direct comparisons with tricyclic antidepressants have shown equivalent rates of response, but the interpretation of these studies is complicated by the fact that many failed to use standardised ratings for depressive symptoms, patients tended to receive TCAs below the minimum therapeutic dose, and patients sometimes received St John’s wort in doses above the maximum recommended in commercially available preparations. Use of St John’s wort is further complicated by the lack of standardisation of the ingredients. A large multi-centre trial found only limited evidence of benefit for St John’s wort over placebo in significant major depression.3 Despite these reservations, there is certainly a small proportion of patients who, when presented with all the available facts, express a strong desire to take only St John’s wort, perhaps from a preference for herbally derived compounds over conventional medicine. For patients with mild depression, it seems reasonable on existing evidence to accede to this preference rather than impair the therapeutic alliance and risk prescribing a conventional antidepressant that will not be taken.

Adverse effects.  Those who wish to take St John’s wort should be made aware that it may cause dry mouth, dizziness, sedation, gastrointestinal disturbance and confusion. Importantly also, it induces hepatic P450 enzymes (CYP 1A2 and CYP 3A4) with the result that the plasma concentration and therapeutic efficacy of warfarin, oral contraceptives, some anticonvulsants, antipsychotics and HIV protease/ reverse transcriptase inhibitors are reduced. Concomitant use of tryptophan and St John’s wort may cause serotonergic effects including nausea and agitation.

Electroconvulsive therapy ECT involves the passage of a small electrical charge across the brain by electrodes applied to the frontotemporal aspects of the scalp with the aim of inducing a tonic–clonic seizure. Reference to it is made here principally to indicate its place in therapy. ECT requires the patient to be under a general anaesthetic, so it carries the small risks associated with general anaesthesia in minor surgical operations. It may cause memory problems, 3

Shelton R C, Keller M B, Gelenberg A et al 2001 Effectiveness of St John’s wort in major depression. A randomised control trial. Journal of the American Medical Association 285:1978–1986.


although these are generally transient. For these reasons, as well as the relative ease of use of antidepressant drugs, ECT is usually reserved for psychiatric illness where pharmacological treatments have been unsuccessful or where the potential for rapid improvement characteristic of ECT treatment is important. This may arise where patients are in acute danger from their mental state, for instance the severely depressed patient who has stopped eating or drinking, or those with florid psychotic symptoms. Modern-day ECT is a safe and effective alternative to antidepressant treatment and remains a first-line option in clinical circ*mstances where a rapid response is desired, when it can be life saving.

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)  is a non-invasive technique in which alternating magnetic fields emanating from a coil device are used to generate small electric currents directed at specific cortical areas, most commonly the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Since the first device was approved for use in depression in the USA in 2008, the technique has gained acceptance in many countries as an alternative approach to depression resistant to drug treatment, and is supported by a growing evidence base of randomized controlled trials.

Ketamine Ketamine was originally used as a ‘field anaesthetic’. This term refers to its utility in the military context, which was primarily due to its dissociative anaesthetic properties. Ketamine and related compounds which moderate the glutamate system through antagonism of the NMDA receptor have been the subject of a number of recent trials in the treatment of depression, and the evidence underpinning ketamine specifically has been endorsed by a Cochrane Review. Initial trials used ketamine administered by the intravenous route, but more recently ketamine inhaled intranasally has been reported to be effective. At higher doses, ketamine may produce delusions and hallucinations, for which it has attracted attention as a drug of abuse. However, under careful supervision there may be a role for lower-dose ketamine in treatment-resistant depression.

Antipsychotics Classification Originally tested as an antihistamine, chlorpromazine serendipitously emerged as an effective treatment for psychotic illness in the 1950s. Chlorpromazine-like drugs were originally termed ‘neuroleptics’ or ‘major tranquillisers’, but the preferred usage now is drugs for psychosis or ‘antipsychotics’.

Psychotropic drugs Classification is by chemical structure, e.g. phenothiazines, butyrophenones. Within the large phenothiazine group, compounds are divided into three types on the basis of the side-chain, as this tends to predict adverse-effect profiles (Table 20.3). The continuing search for greater efficacy and better tolerability led researchers and clinicians to reinvestigate clozapine, a drug that was originally licensed in the 1960s but subsequently withdrawn because of toxic haematological effects. Clozapine appeared to offer greater effectiveness in treatment-resistant schizophrenia, to have efficacy against ‘negative’ in addition to ‘positive’ psychiatric symptoms (Table 20.4), and to be less likely to cause extrapyramidal motor symptoms. It regained its licence in the early 1990s with strict requirements on dose titration and haematological monitoring. The renewed interest in


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clozapine and its unusual efficacy and tolerability stimulated researchers to examine other ‘atypical’ antipsychotic drugs. Thus the most important distinction in modern-day classification of antipsychotic drugs is between the classical (typical) agents, such as chlorpromazine, haloperidol and zuclopenthixol, and the so-called atypical antipsychotics, which include clozapine and now risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine, amisulpride, aripiprazole, lurasidone, asenapine and others. These latter are ‘atypical’ in their mode of action, their relative lack of extrapyramidal motor symptoms and their adverse-effect profiles which differ markedly from the classical agents. Categorisation of atypical agents by their chemical structure is of limited value clinically as they are very heterogeneous. Similarly classification through a shared affinity for a particular receptor system has not been possible; as discussed below, the atypical antipsychotics are very heterogeneous in their receptor-binding profiles.

Table 20.3  Antipsychotic drugs Atypical antipsychoticsa

Classical antipsychotics




Type 1




Type 2


Type 3




Aripiprazole Paliperidone

Fluphenazine Butyrophenones

Asenapine Lurasidone


Chlorpromazine Promazine

Risperidone Ziprasidone


Haloperidol Benperidol

Substituted benzamide



Flupentixol Zuclopenthixol


Pimozide Loxapine

No recognised classification system exists for atypical antipsychotics. Tentative terms based on receptor-binding profiles have been applied to certain drug groupings, e.g. ‘broad-spectrum atypicals’ for clozapine, olanzapine and quetiapine, whereas risperidone and ziprasidone have been described as ‘high-affinity serotonin–dopamine antagonists’. Aripriprazole is sometimes considered to be distinct from other atypicals due to its partial agonist effect at dopamine D2 receptors. b Amisulpride and sulpiride are structurally related. c Ziprasidone is not available in the UK but is listed due to prominence in other Western countries.

Antipsychotic drugs are used for the prophylaxis and acute treatment of psychotic illnesses including schizophrenia and psychoses associated with depression and mania. They also have an important role as an alternative or adjunct to benzodiazepines in the management of the acutely disturbed patient, for both tranquillisation and sedation. There is some evidence that quetiapine may be used for treatment-resistant anxiety disorders after other treatments (e.g. SSRIs, SNRIs, pregabalin) have failed to produce an adequate response. Certain antipsychotics have an antidepressant effect that is distinct from their ability to alleviate the psychosis associated with depression, and as such can be used to augment the effect of antidepressants or in some cases (particularly quetiapine) as monotherapy for depression. Some antipsychotics have also proved useful in the tic disorder Tourette’s syndrome, and for recurrent self-harming behaviour.

Mechanism of action The common action of conventional antipsychotics is to decrease brain dopamine function by blocking the dopamine D2 receptors (Fig. 20.3). However, the atypical drugs act on numerous receptors and modulate several interacting transmitter systems. All atypicals (except sulpiride/amisulpride) exhibit affinity for 5HT2 receptors similar to or higher than that for D2 receptors, unlike the classical agents. Also some ‘atypical’ drugs (e.g. sertindole) that do antagonise dopamine D2 receptors appear to have some selectivity of effect for those in the mesolimbic system (producing antipsychotic effect) rather than the nigrostriatal system (associated with unwanted motor effects). Clozapine and risperidone



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Table 20.4  Symptoms of schizophrenia Positive symptoms

Negative symptoms

Hallucinations: most commonly auditory (i.e. voices) in the third person, which patients may find threatening. The voices may also give commands. Visual hallucinations are rare

Affective flattening manifest by unchanging facial expression with lack of communication through expression, poor eye contact, lack of responsiveness, psychom*otor slowing

Delusions: most commonly persecutory. ‘Passivity phenomen a’ include delusions of thought broadcasting, thought insertion or thought withdrawal, made actions, impulses or feelings

Alogia (literally ‘absence of words’), manifesting clinically as a lack of spontaneous speech (poverty of speech)

Bizarre behaviours including agitation, sexual disinhibition, repetitive behaviour, wearing of striking but inappropriate clothing

Anhedonia (inability to derive pleasure from any activity) and associality (narrowing of repertoire of interests and impaired relationships)

Thought disorder manifest by failure in the organisation of speech such that it drifts away from the point (tangentiality), never reaches the point (circ*mstantiality), moves from one topic to the next illogically (loosened associations, knight’s move thinking), breaks off abruptly only to continue on an unrelated topic (derailment) or moves from one topic to the next on the basis of a pun or words that sound similar (clang association)

Apathy/avolution involving lack of energy, lack of motivation to work, participate in activities or initiate any goal-directed behaviour, and poor personal hygiene Attention problems involving an inability to focus on any one issue or engage fully with communication

Basal ganglia

Prefrontal cortex

Substantia nigra 2 1 3

Nucleus accumbens VTA

Fig. 20.3  Sagittal brain section illustrating dopaminergic pathways. (1) Mesolimbic pathway (thought to be overactive in psychotic illness according to the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia). (2) Nigrostriatal pathway (involved in motor control, underactive in Parkinson’s disease and associated with extrapyramidal motor symptoms). (3) Tuberoinfundibular pathway (moderates prolactin release from the hypothalamus). VTA, ventrotegmental area.


exert substantial antagonism of α2-adrenoceptors, a property that may explain their benefits against negative symptoms. Blockade of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors as with chlorpromazine and clozapine reduces the occurrence of extrapyramidal effects. Aripiprazole is a unique drug because it is a partial dopamine D2-receptor agonist that acts conversely as an antagonist in regions where dopamine is overactive, such as the limbic system. It increases dopamine function where this is low (such as in the frontal cortex) and has little motor effect.

Pharmaco*kinetics Antipsychotics are well absorbed after oral administration and distribute widely. They are metabolised mainly by hepatic cytochrome P450 isoenzymes, e.g. CYP 2D6 (risperidone, perphenazine; see Table 20.2A), CYP 3A4 (lurasidone, quetiapine; see Table 20.2B), CYP 1A2 (olanzapine, clozapine). Metabolism of some compounds is complex, e.g. zuclopenthixol and haloperidol are metabolised by both CYP 2D6 and CYP 3A4, which means that co-prescription of inhibitors of either enzyme can cause raised plasma concentrations of these antipsychotics. Amisulpride is an exception to the general rule as it is mainly eliminated unchanged by the kidneys with little hepatic metabolism. Elimination t1/2 values range from quetiapine 7 h, clozapine 12 h, haloperidol 18 h to olazapine 33 h. Depot preparations usefully release drug over 2–4 weeks after intramuscular injection (see below).

Psychotropic drugs

Efficacy Symptoms in schizophrenia are defined as positive and negative (see Table 20.4). Although a classical antipsychotic drug should provide adequate treatment of positive symptoms including hallucinations and delusions, at least 60% of patients may have unresolved negative symptoms such as apathy, flattening of affect and alogia. Evidence suggests that clozapine may have a significant advantage against negative symptoms. This drug has a further advantage over all other antipsychotics, whether classical or atypical, in that it is the most effective agent for ‘resistant’ schizophrenia, i.e. where other antipsychotics prescribed at adequate doses fail to produce improvement or are not tolerated. Schizophrenia often runs a chronic relapsing and remitting course. Less than one-fourth of patients avoid further episodes, with the most common reason for relapse being the stopping of medication against medical advice.

Mode of use Atypical antipsychotics are all licensed for use in schizophrenia and are now recommended as the first-line treatment for newly diagnosed cases. Some also have licences for treatment and recurrence prevention in mania and for control of agitated or disturbed behaviour in the context of a psychotic illness. In the UK, quetiapine additionally has a license for treatment of depression in bipolar disorder and for adjunctive treatment of unipolar depression, while risperidone is licensed additionally for short-term treatment of persistent aggression in Alzheimer’s dementia unresponsive to non-pharmacological treatment. The longer a psychosis is left untreated, the less favourable is the outcome, and drug treatment should be instigated as soon as an adequate period of assessment has allowed a provisional diagnosis to be established. Patients who are ‘neuroleptic naïve’, i.e. have never previously taken any antipsychotic agent, should start at the lowest available dose (Table 20.5). For most atypical agents, a period of dose titration by protocol from the starting dose up to a stated lowest therapeutic dose is usual, e.g. risperidone 4 mg/day, quetiapine 300 mg/day. Dose increases are indicated when there is no response until the desired effect on psychotic symptoms or calming of disturbed behaviour is achieved, the urgency of the situation determining the interval between increments until the maximum licensed dose is achieved. Conservative dose titration is advisable for the elderly and patients with learning disabilities (who may require antipsychotics for psychosis or severe behavioural disturbance). Prescription of conventional antipsychotics follows similar rules to those for atypical drugs, starting at low doses in neuroleptic-naïve patients, e.g. haloperidol 0.5 mg/day in case


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the patient is particularly susceptible to adverse, especially extrapyramidal, motor side-effects. There is a wide range of effective doses for many classical agents (e.g. chlorpromazine, once the most prescribed antipsychotic but now rarely used, has a dose range from 25 to 1000 mg/day). As the potency (therapeutic efficacy in relation to dose) of antipsychotic agents varies markedly between compounds, it is useful to think of the effective antipsychotic dose of classical agents in terms of ‘chlorpromazine equivalents’ (see Table 20.5). For example, haloperidol has a relatively high antipsychotic potency, such that 2–3 mg is equivalent to chlorpromazine 100 mg, whereas 200 mg sulpiride (low potency) is required for equivalent antipsychotic effect. Prescribing in excess of this requires specialist involvement. With co-prescribed antipsychotics, their total maximum antipsychotic dose should not exceed 1000 mg chlorpromazine equivalents per day, except under specialist supervision. Clozapine may be initiated only under specialist supervision and usually after at least one other antipsychotic has failed through lack of efficacy or unacceptable adverse effects. Additionally, monitoring of leucocyte count is mandatory (danger of agranulocytosis) and blood pressure checking is required (for hypotensive effect). Patients are most vulnerable to agranulocytosis on initiation of therapy, with 75% of cases occurring in the first 18 weeks. The dose titration schedule must be followed strictly, starting with clozapine 12.5 mg at night and working up over a period of 4 weeks to a target therapeutic dose of 450 mg/day.

Alternative administration strategies in acute antipsychotic use Preparations of antipsychotics for intramuscular injection are advantageous in patients who are unable or unwilling to swallow tablets, a common situation in psychosis or severe behavioural disturbance. Intramuscular preparations of the atypical antipsychotics olanzapine and aripiprazole are suitable for acute behavioural disturbance in schizophrenia, but the conventional agent haloperidol is widely used. Formulations of risperidone and olanzapine that dissolve rapidly on contact with the tongue are available. These can be rapidly absorbed even by a disturbed and uncooperative patient.

Long-acting depot injections The classical antipsychotics haloperidol, zuclopenthixol, fluphenazine, flupentixol, and pipotiazine, and the atypicals aripiprazole, olanzapine, risperidone and its metabolite paliperidone are available as long-acting (2–4 weeks) depot intramuscular injections for maintenance treatment of patients with schizophrenia and other chronic psychotic disorders. The manufacturers of paliperidone have recently introduced a preparation which once established


Minimum effective dose (mg/day)




















+ + + ++

+++ +++ + ++

+ + –

– + + – – – –

– + ++ +
















Anticholinergic effects


Extrapyramidal effects



+ ++

















Weight gain












Blood dyscrasias






Diabetes/ Dyslipidaemia














CPZ, chlorpromazine. The CPZ equivalent dose concept is of value in comparing the potency of classical antipsychotics. Dose ranges are not specified as they are extremely wide, and drugs are normally increased from low starting doses, e.g. chlorpromazine 25 mg or equivalent, until an adequate antipsychotic effect is achieved or the maximum dose reached. The CPZ equivalent dose concept is of less value for atypical antipsychotics because minimum effective doses and narrower therapeutic ranges have been defined. Maximum dose should be exceeded only under specialist supervision. a Dose of clozapine 50 mg is considered equivalent to chlorpromazine 100 mg. b Lower doses of amisulpride, e.g. 100 mg/day, are indicated only for patients with negative symptoms of schizophrenia. c Aripiprazole appears to be free of most unwanted effects characteristically associated with antipsychotics, but may cause nausea, lightheadedness, somnolence and akathisia. d Paliperidone is 9-hydroxy risperidone.

















Maximum dose (mg/day)











Maximum dose (mg/day)


CPZ equivalent dose (mg)




Table 20.5  Relative frequency of selected adverse effects of antipsychotic drugs

Psychotropic drugs requires injections only once every 3 months. Use of depot preparations improves compliance, and there is less risk of relapse from ceasing to take medication. In view of the prolonged effect, it is prudent to administer a small initial test dose and review 5–10 days later for unwanted effects.

Rapid tranquillisation Rapid tranquillisation protocols address the problem of severely disturbed and violent patients who have not responded to non-pharmacological approaches. The risks of administering psychotropic drugs (notably cardiac arrhythmia with high-dose antipsychotics) then greatly outweigh those of non-treatment. A first step is to offer oral medication, usually haloperidol, olanzapine or risperidone with or without the benzodiazepine, lorazepam. If this is not accepted or fails to achieve control despite repeated doses, the intramuscular route is used to administer a benzodiazepine (e.g. lorazepam or midazolam) or an antipsychotic (e.g. haloperidol or olanzapine), or both (but intramuscular olanzapine should not be given with a benzodiazepine as excess sedation may ensue). After emergency use of an intramuscular antipsychotic or benzodiazepine, pulse, blood pressure, temperature and respiration are monitored, and pulse oximetry (for oxygen saturation) if consciousness is lost. Intramuscular zuclopenthixol acetate was previously used for patients who do not respond to two doses of intramuscular haloperidol. This usually induces a calming effect within 2 h, persisting for 2–3 days. Clinicians have become reluctant to use this heavily sedating preparation other than for patients who have previously responded well to it, and never use it for neuroleptic-naïve patients. Patients must be observed with care following administration. Some will require a second dose within 1–2 days. Amobarbital and paraldehyde have a role in emergencies only when antipsychotic and benzodiazepine options have been exhausted.

Adverse effects (see Table 20.5) Active psychotic illnesses often cause patients to have poor insight into their condition. Adverse drug effects can be the final straw in compromising already fragile compliance, leading to relapse. When atypical antipsychotics first came to prominence in the mid-1990s, much was made of their lower propensity to cause several of the most troublesome side-effects of classical antipsychotics, especially extrapyramidal motor effects. However, while these problems are encountered less frequently, atypical drugs have a range of troublesome metabolic side-effects which had not been reported in the previous era of classic antipsychotics. Thus,


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to understand the current position relating to the pros and cons of atypical antipsychotics, it is necessary first to describe the side-effect profile of classical antipsychotic drugs.

Classical antipsychotics It is rare for any patient taking classical antipsychotic agents to escape their adverse effects completely. Thus it is essential to discuss with patients the possibility of unwanted effects and regularly to review this aspect of their care.

Extrapyramidal symptoms. All classical antipsychotics produce these effects because they act by blocking dopamine receptors in the nigrostriatal pathway. Consequently some 75% of patients experience extrapyramidal symptoms shortly after starting the drug or increasing its dose (acute effects), or sometime after a particular dose level has been established (tardive effects). Acute extrapyramidal symptoms. Dystonias are manifest as abnormal movements of the tongue and facial muscles with fixed postures and spasm, including torticollis and bizarre eye movements (‘oculogyric crisis’). Parkinsonian symptoms result in the classical triad of bradykinesia, rigidity and tremor. Both dystonias and parkinsonian symptoms are believed to result from a shift in favour of cholinergic rather than dopaminergic neurotransmission in the nigrostriatal pathway (see p. 338). Anticholinergic (antimuscarinic) agents, e.g. procyclidine, orphenadrine or benztropine, act to restore the balance in favour of dopaminergic transmission but are liable to provoke antimuscarinic effects (dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation, exacerbation of glaucoma and confusion) and they offer no relief for tardive dyskinesia, which may even worsen. They should be used only to treat established symptoms and not for prophylaxis. Benzodiazepines are an alternative. Akathisia  is a state of motor and psychological restlessness, in which patients exhibit persistent foot tapping, moving of legs repetitively and being unable to settle or relax. A strong association has been noted between its presence in treated schizophrenics and subsequent suicide. A βadrenoceptor blocker, e.g. nadolol, is the best treatment, although anticholinergic agents may be effective where akathisia coexists with dystonias and parkinsonian symptoms. Differentiating symptoms of psychotic illness from adverse drug effects is often difficult: drug-induced akathisia may be mistaken for agitation induced by psychosis.

Tardive dyskinesia  affects about 25% of patients taking classical antipsychotic drugs, the risk increasing with length of exposure. It was originally thought to be a consequence of up-regulation or supersensitivity of dopamine receptors, but a more recent view is that oxidative damage leads to increases in glutamate transmission. Patients display a 341



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spectrum of abnormal movements from minor tongue protrusion, lip-smacking, rotational tongue movements and facial grimacing, choreoathetoid movements of the head and neck, and even to twisting and gyrating of the whole body. Remission on discontinuing the causative agent is less likely than are simple dystonias and parkinsonian symptoms. Any anticholinergic agent should be withdrawn immediately. Reduction of the dose of classical antipsychotic is an option, but psychotic symptoms may then worsen or be ‘unmasked’. Alternatively, an atypical antipsychotic can provide rapid improvement while retaining control of psychotic symptoms. Atypicals, particularly at high doses, can cause extrapyramidal effects, so this strategy is not always helpful. Clozapine, which does not appear to cause tardive dyskinesia, may be used in severe cases where continuing antipsychotic treatment is required and symptoms have not responded to other medication strategies. If the classical antipsychotic is continued, tardive dyskinesia remits spontaneously in around 30% of patients within 1 year, but the condition is difficult to tolerate and patients may be keen to try other medications even where evidence suggests that the success rates for remission are limited. These include vitamin E, benzodiazepines, β-blockers, bromocriptine and tetrabenazine. Cardiovascular effects.  Postural hypotension may result from blockade of α1-adrenoceptors; it is dose related. Prolongation of the QTc interval in the cardiac cycle may rarely lead to ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death. This observation led to the withdrawal from the market of thioridazine and droperidol, restrictions on the use of pimozide and general warnings regarding the use of several other antipsychotics including haloperidol.

Prolactin increase.  Classical antipsychotics raise plasma prolactin concentration by blocking dopamine receptors in the tuberoinfundibular pathway, causing gynaecomastia and galactorrhoea in both sexes, and menstrual disturbances in women. A change to an atypical agent such as aripiprazole, quetiapine or olanzapine (but not risperidone or amisulpride) should minimise the effects. If continuation of the existing classical antipsychotic is obligatory, dopamine agonists such as bromocriptine and amantadine that reduce prolactin secretion may help.

Sedation.  This may be a highly desirable property in the acute treatment of psychotic illness, but it may be undesirable as the patient seeks to resume work, study or relationships. Classical antipsychotics may also be associated with:

• Weight gain (a problem with almost all classical antipsychotics with the exception of loxapine; most pronounced with fluphenazine and flupentixol, while haloperidol carries a lesser risk). • Seizures (chlorpromazine is especially likely to lower the convulsion threshold).


• Interference with temperature regulation (hypothermia or hyperthermia, especially in the elderly).

• Skin problems (phenothiazines, particularly

• • • • • •

chlorpromazine, may provoke photosensitivity necessitating advice about limiting exposure to sunlight); rashes and urticaria may also occur. Sexual dysfunction (ejacul*tory problems through α-adrenoceptor blockade). Retinal pigmentation (chlorpromazine can cause visual impairment if the dose is prolonged and high). Corneal and lens opacities. Blood dyscrasias (agranulocytosis and leucopenia). Osteoporosis (associated with increased prolactin levels). Jaundice (including cholestatic).

‘Atypical’ antipsychotics Having considered the side-effect profile of classical antipsychotic agents, the adverse effects of atypical antipsychotics can be viewed as those shared with classical agents and those unique to one or more atypical agents. Extrapyramidal effects occur less frequently than with classical agents (there is less blockade of dopamine D2 receptors in the nigrostriatal pathway) but do occur with high doses of risperidone and olanzapine. Tardive dyskinesia is much less common with all of the atypical agents than with classical drugs. Anticholinergic (antimuscarinic) effects are most likely with clozapine and olanzapine. Sexual dysfunction and skin problems are rare with atypical antipsychotics. Adverse effects relating to prolactin stimulation are also rare, with the exception of risperidone and amisulpride (for which galactorrhea is as common as with classical drugs). One of the most problematic side-effects with atypical antipsychotics, especially with olanzapine and clozapine, is these drugs’ propensity to cause weight gain. The effect appears to be dose dependent for olanzapine but is often greater than 10 kg after 1 year’s treatment with the 15 mg/ day dose. Lurasidone, asenapine and amisulpride have a lesser propensity to cause weight gain. Atypicals have also been implicated as causing metabolic disorders, especially diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidaemia. Olanzapine, clozapine and quetiapine appear to be the most problematic. Obesity, impaired glucose tolerance and hyperlipidaemia, along with hypertension, are all features of metabolic syndrome. Hypertension can occur gradually with antipsychotics, most frequently as a consequence of weight gain. In a small number of cases, hypertension may result from α2-adrenoceptor blockade. However, hypertension is less commonly an antipsychotic side-effect than the other manifestations of metabolic syndrome, and some atypical antipsychotics (notably clozapine) are associated with postural hypotension.

Psychotropic drugs ‘Atypical’ antipsychotics are associated with other important cardiovascular effects. QTc prolongation is most likely to occur with sertindole (which is restricted for this reason), but quetiapine is associated with a lower level of risk than classical antipsychotics haloperidol and pimozide. Both classical and atypical antipsychotics are associated with a small but significantly elevated risk of death when used for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia such as agitation and aggression, although this risk must be weighed against the dangers and distress associated with not providing adequate treatment. Atypicals can also cause sedation. Clozapine is the most sedative followed by zotepine, quetiapine and olanzapine. Clozapine warrants separate mention, given its value for patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia or severe treatment-related extrapyramidal symptoms. Most important is the risk of agranulocytosis in up to 2% of patients (compared with 0.2% for classical antipsychotics). When clozapine was first licensed without requirement for regular blood counts, this problem caused appreciable mortality. With the introduction of strict monitoring, there have been no recorded deaths in the UK from agranulocytosis since clozapine was reintroduced, and internationally the death rate from agranulocytosis is now considerably less than 1 in 1000. In addition to postural hypotension, clozapine may cause tachycardia and provoke seizures in 3–5% of patients at doses above 600 mg/day. Finally, there are reported associations between clozapine use and cardiomyopathy and myocarditis, although both are very rare outcomes.

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome The syndrome may develop in up to 1% of patients using antipsychotics, both classical and atypical; it is more prevalent with high doses. The elderly and those with organic brain disease, hyperthyroidism or dehydration are thought to be most susceptible. Clinical features include fever, confusion or fluctuating consciousness, rigidity of muscles which may become severe, autonomic instability manifest by labile blood pressure, tachycardia and urinary incontinence or retention. Raised plasma creatine kinase concentration and white cell count are suggestive (but not conclusive) of neuroleptic malignant syndrome. There is some clinical overlap with the ‘serotonin syndrome’ (see p. 332), and concomitant use of SSRIs (or possibly TCAs) with antipsychotics may increase the risk. When the syndrome is suspected, it is essential to discontinue the antipsychotic, and to be ready to undertake rehydration and body cooling. A benzodiazepine is indicated for sedation, tranquillising effect and may be beneficial where active psychosis remains untreated. Dopamine agonists (bromocriptine, dantrolene) are helpful in some cases. Even


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when recognised and treated, the condition carries a mortality rate of 12–15%, through cardiac arrhythmia, rhabdomyolysis or respiratory failure. The condition usually lasts for 5–7 days after the antipsychotic is stopped but may continue longer when a depot preparation has been used. Fortunately those who survive tend to have no long-lasting physical effects from their ordeal, though care is required if, as is usual, they need further antipsychotic treatment.

Efficacy of conventional vs atypical antipsychotics It was originally thought that all atypicals had an advantage over conventional agents at least for negative symptoms. More recently, evidence has emerged that for overall efficacy in schizophrenia, olanzapine, risperidone and amisulpride, in addition to clozapine, have an advantage over the other atypicals and the conventional antipsychotics. Note that clozapine is normally only used when at least two atypical antipsychotics have been tried without adequate response. In some countries finance may be the overriding factor in favour of retaining classical agents rather than atypicals as first choice in schizophrenia. The basis for any such decision must extend beyond crude drug costs and take account of the capacity of atypicals to lessen extrapyramidal symptoms, improve compliance, and thus prevent relapse of psychotic illness and protect patients from the lasting damage of periods of untreated psychosis. Additionally, greater efficacy affords schizophrenic patients the opportunity to reintegrate into the community and make positive contributions to society, when the alternative is long-term residence in hospital. Recognising drugs as therapeutic entities as well as units of cost is an important element in deciding between classical and atypical drugs, and indeed about decision-making in the purchase of all drugs by institutions or countries.

Mood stabilisers In bipolar affective disorder, patients suffer episodes of mania, hypomania and depression, classically with periods of normal mood in between. Manic episodes involve greatly elevated mood, often associated with irritability, loss of social inhibitions, irresponsible behaviour and grandiosity accompanied by biological symptoms (increased energy, restlessness, decreased need for sleep, and increased sex drive). Psychotic features may be present, particularly disordered thinking manifested by grandiose delusions and ‘flight of ideas’ (acceleration of the pattern of thought with rapid speech). Hypomania is a less dramatic and less dangerous presentation, but retains the features of elation or irritability and the




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biological symptoms, abnormalities in speech being limited to increased talkativeness and in social conduct to overfamiliarity and mild recklessness. Depressive episodes may include any of the depressive symptoms described above, and may include psychotic features.

just below the toxic level. A steady-state plasma concentration will be attained after about 5–6 days (i.e. 5 × t1/2) in patients with normal renal function. Elderly patients and patients with impaired renal function will have a longer t1/2 so that steady state will be reached later and dose increments must be adjusted accordingly.


Indications and use.  Lithium carbonate is effective treatment in more than 75% of episodes of acute mania or hypomania. Because its therapeutic action takes 2–3 weeks to develop, lithium is generally used in combination with a benzodiazepine such as lorazepam or diazepam (or with an antipsychotic agent where there are also psychotic features). For prophylaxis, lithium is indicated when there have been two episodes of mood disturbance in 2 years, although in severe cases prophylactic use is indicated after one episode. When an adequate dose of lithium is taken consistently, around 65% of patients achieve improved mood control. Patients who start lithium only to discontinue it within 2 years have a significantly poorer outcome than matched patients who are not given any pharmacological prophylaxis. The existence of a ‘rebound effect’ (recurrence of manic symptoms) during withdrawal dictates that long-term treatment with the drug is of great importance. Lithium salts are ineffective for prophylaxis of bipolar affective disorder in around 35% of patients. The search for alternatives has centered on anticonvulsants, notably carbamazepine and sodium valproate and lamotrigine, and more recently the atypical antipsychotics. Lithium is also used to augment the action of antidepressants in treatment-resistant depression (see p. 332).

Lithium salts were known anecdotally to have beneficial psychotropic effects as long ago as the middle of the 19th century, but scientific evidence of their efficacy was not obtained until 1949, when lithium carbonate was tried in manic patients; it was found to be effective in the acute state and, later, to prevent recurrent attacks.4

The mode of action is not fully understood. Its main effect is probably to inhibit hydrolysis of inositol phosphate, so reducing the recycling of free inositol for synthesis of phosphatidylinositides, which if present in excess may interfere with cell homeostasis by promoting uncontrolled cell signalling. Other putative mechanisms involve the cyclic AMP ‘second messenger’ system, and monoaminergic and cholinergic neurotransmitters. Pharmaco*kinetics.  The therapeutic and toxic plasma concentrations are close (low therapeutic index). Lithium is a small cation and, given orally, is rapidly absorbed throughout the gut. High peak plasma concentrations are avoided by using sustained-release formulations which deliver the peak plasma lithium concentrations in about 5 h. At first, lithium is distributed throughout the extracellular water, but with continued administration it enters the cells and is eventually distributed throughout the total body water with a somewhat higher concentration in brain, bones and thyroid gland. Lithium is easily dialysable from the blood, but the concentration gradient from cell to blood is relatively small and the intracellular concentration (which determines toxicity) falls slowly. Being a metallic ion it is not metabolised, nor is it bound to plasma proteins. The kidneys eliminate lithium. Like sodium, it is filtered by the glomerulus and 80% is reabsorbed by the proximal tubule, but it is not reabsorbed by the distal tubule. Intake of sodium and water are the principal determinants of its elimination. In sodium deficiency, lithium is retained in the body, and thus concomitant use of a diuretic can reduce lithium clearance by as much as 50%, and precipitate toxicity. Sodium chloride and water are used to treat lithium toxicity. With chronic use, the plasma t1/2 of lithium is 15–30 h. It is usually given 12–24-hourly to avoid unnecessary fluctuation (peak and trough) and maintain plasma concentrations 4 Cade J F 1970 The story of lithium. In: Ayd F J, Blackwell B (eds) Biological Psychiatry. Philadelphia, Lippincott.


Pharmaceutics.  The dose of lithium ions (Li+) delivered varies with the pharmaceutical preparation; thus it is vital for patients to adhere to the same pharmaceutical brand. For example, Camcolit 250-mg tablets each contain 6.8 mmol Li+, Liskonum 450-mg tablets contain 12.2 mmol Li+ and Priadel 200-mg tablets contain 5.4 mmol Li+. The proprietary name must be stated on the prescription. Some patients cannot tolerate slow-release preparations because release of lithium distally in the intestine causes diarrhoea; they may be better served by the liquid preparation, lithium citrate, which is absorbed proximally. Patients who are naive to lithium should be started at the lowest dose of the preparation selected. Any change in preparation demands the same precautions as does initiation of therapy. Monitoring.  Dose is guided by monitoring the plasma concentration once steady state has been reached. Increments are made at weekly intervals until the concentration lies within the range 0.4–1 mmol/L (maintenance at the lower level is preferred for elderly patients). The timing of blood

Psychotropic drugs sampling is important, and by convention a blood sample is taken prior to the morning dose, as close as possible to 12 h after the evening dose. Once the plasma concentration is at steady state and in the therapeutic range, it should be measured every 3 months. For toxicity monitoring, thyroid function (especially in women) and renal function (plasma creatinine and electrolytes) should be measured before initiation and every 3–6 months during therapy. Patient education about the role of lithium in the prophylaxis of bipolar affective disorder is particularly important to achieve compliance with therapy; treatment cards, information leaflets and, where appropriate, video material are used.

Adverse effects  are encountered in three general categories:

• Those occurring at plasma concentrations within the therapeutic range (0.4–1 mmol/L), which include fine tremor (especially involving the fingers; a β blocker may benefit), constipation, polyuria, polydipsia, metallic taste in the mouth, weight gain, oedema, goitre, hypothyroidism, acne, rash, diabetes insipidus and cardiac arrhythmias. Mild cognitive and memory impairment also occur. • Signs of intoxication, associated with plasma concentrations greater than 1.5 mmol/L, are mainly gastrointestinal (diarrhoea, anorexia, vomiting) and neurological (blurred vision, muscle weakness, drowsiness, sluggishness and coarse tremor, leading on to giddiness, ataxia and dysarthria). • Frank toxicity, due to severe overdosage or rapid reduction in renal clearance, usually associated with plasma concentrations over 2 mmol/L, constitutes a medical emergency. Hyperreflexia, hyperextension of limbs, convulsions, hyperthermia, toxic psychoses, syncope, oliguria, coma and even death may result if treatment is not instigated urgently.

Overdose. Acute overdose may present without signs of toxicity but with plasma concentrations well exceeding 2 mmol/L. This requires only measures to increase urine production, e.g. by ensuring adequate intravenous and oral fluid intake while avoiding sodium depletion (and a diuretic is contraindicated; see above). Treatment is otherwise supportive, with special attention to electrolyte balance, renal function and control of convulsions. Where toxicity is chronic, haemodialysis may be needed, especially if renal function is impaired. Plasma concentration may rise again after acute reduction, because lithium leaves cells slowly, and also due to continued absorption from sustained-release formulations. Whole bowel irrigation may be an option for significant ingestion, but specialist advice should be sought.

Interactions.  Drugs that interfere with lithium excretion by the renal tubules cause the plasma concentration to rise.


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They include diuretics (thiazides more than loop type), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin-II antagonists, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics. Theophylline and sodium-containing antacids reduce plasma lithium concentration. These effects can be important because lithium has a low therapeutic ratio. Diltiazem, verapamil, carbamazepine and phenytoin may cause neurotoxicity without affecting the plasma lithium level.

Carbamazepine Carbamazepine is licensed as an alternative to lithium for prophylaxis of bipolar affective disorder, although clinical trial evidence is actually stronger to support its use in the treatment of acute mania. While lithium monotherapy is more effective than carbamazepine for prophylaxis of classical bipolar affective disorder, carbamazepine appears to be more effective than lithium for rapidly cycling bipolar disorders, i.e. with recurrent swift transitions from mania to depression. It is also effective in combination with lithium. (See also Epilepsy, p. 366.)

Valproate Three forms of valproate are available: valproic acid, sodium valproate and semisodium valproate. The latter two are metabolised to valproic acid which exerts the pharmacological effect. It is the semisodium valproate preparation (Depakote) which is licensed in the UK for acute treatment of mania, underpinned by a reasonably strong evidence base. Valproate has become the drug of first choice for prophylaxis of bipolar affective disorder in the USA, despite the lack of robust supporting clinical trial evidence. Treatment with valproic acid is easy to initiate (especially compared to lithium) with no requirement for plasma concentration monitoring needed, although baseline and periodic checks of full blood count and liver function are recommended following reports of occasional blood dyscrasias or hepatic failure. It is generally well tolerated, but weight gain can be a problem, so body mass index should be recorded and evaluated at intervals. Other potential side-effects include gastric irritation, lethargy, confusion, tremor and hair loss. Treatment with carbamazepine or valproic acid appears not to be associated with the ‘rebound effect’ of relapse into manic symptoms that may accompany early withdrawal of lithium therapy.

‘Atypical’ antipsychotics Another drug class which is developing increasing importance in bipolar affective disorder is the atypical antipsychotics.




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Antipsychotic agents (both conventional and atypical) have long been used for control of acute manic symptoms, including both the grandiose delusions and thought disorder associated with manic psychosis and the acute behavioural disturbance which can occur in an extremely agitated patient. Most atypicals can be used to treat acute manic episodes, the most recent addition being asenapine. However, a selection of atypical antipsychotics such as olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone (by long-acting injection) and aripiprazole are now known to be useful alternatives to conventional mood stabilisers in long-term prevention of manic relapse. Quetiapine appears to be particularly useful in preventing depressive relapse. Quetiapine and lurasidone may be used in treating depressive episodes in the context of bipolar disorder.

Other drugs Evidence is emerging for the efficacy of lamotrigine in prophylaxis of bipolar affective disorder, especially when depressive episodes predominate. Another drug class which is developing increasing importance in bipolar affective disorder is the atypical antipsychotics. Antipsychotic agents (both conventional and atypical) have long been used for control of acute manic symptoms, including both the grandiose delusions and thought disorder associated with manic psychosis and the acute behavioural disturbance which can occur in an extremely agitated patient. However, atypical antipsychotics such as olanzapine, quetiapine and aripiprazole are now known to be useful alternatives to conventional mood stabilisers in long-term prevention of manic relapse. Quetiapine appears to be particularly useful in preventing depressive relapse. Other drugs that have been used in augmentation of existing agents include the anticonvulsants oxcarbazepine and gabapentin, the benzodiazepine clonazepam, and the calcium channel–blocking agents verapamil and nimodipine.

Drugs used in anxiety and sleep disorders The disability and health costs caused by anxiety are high and comparable with those of other common medical conditions such as diabetes, arthritis or hypertension. People with anxiety disorders experience impaired physical and role functioning, more workdays lost due to illness, increased impairment at work and high use of health services. Our understanding of the nature of anxiety has increased greatly from advances in research in psychology and neuroscience. It is now possible to distinguish different types of anxiety with distinct biological and cognitive symptoms, and clear


criteria have been accepted for the diagnosis of various anxiety disorders. The last decade has seen developments in both drug and psychological therapies such that a range of treatment options can be tailored to individual patients and their condition. Anxiety does not manifest itself only as a psychic or mental state: there are also somatic or physical concomitants, e.g. consciousness of the action of the heart (palpitations), tremor, diarrhoea, which are associated with increased activity of the sympathetic autonomic system. These symptoms are not only caused by anxiety, they also add to the feeling of anxiety (positive feedback loop). Anxiety symptoms exist on a continuum, and many people with a mild anxiety, perhaps of recent onset and associated with stressful life events but without much disability, tend to improve without specific intervention. The chronic nature and associated disability of many anxiety disorders means that most patients who fulfil diagnostic criteria for a disorder are likely to benefit from some form of treatment.

Classification of anxiety disorders The diagnostic criteria of the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) or ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases) are generally used. Both divide anxiety into a series of subsyndromes with clear operational criteria to assist in distinguishing them. At any one time, many patients may have symptoms of more than one syndrome, but making the primary diagnosis is important as this can markedly influence the choice of treatment (Table 20.6). Note that DSM-5 has placed Obsessive-Compulsive disorder into a separate category outside the Anxiety Disorders grouping, but nevertheless we will consider it under ‘anxiety disorders’ here as remains the case in ICD-10. The key features of each anxiety disorder follow, with a practical description of the preferred choice of medication, its dose and duration.

Panic disorder (PD) The main feature is recurrent, unexpected panic attacks. These are discrete periods of intense fear accompanied by characteristic physical symptoms such as skipping or pounding heart, sweating, hot flushes or chills, trembling/shaking, breathing difficulties, chest pain, nausea, diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal symptoms, dizziness or lightheadedness. The first panic attack often occurs without warning but may subsequently become associated with specific situations, e.g. in a crowded shop, driving. Anticipatory anxiety and avoidance behaviour develop in response to this chain of events. The condition must be distinguished from alcohol

alprazolam diazepam lorazepam pregabalin buspirone hydroxyzine quetiapine Up to 18 months if response at 12 weeks

Montherapyb (benzodiazepines)

Monotherapyb (others)

Duration of drug treatment

Others agomelatine trazodone vortioxetine

SNRI (venlafaxine)

SNRIs (venlafaxine, duloxetine) TCA imipramine

Further 6 months if response at 12 weeks

gabapentin valproate

alprazolam clonazepam diazepam lorazepam

TCAs clomipramine imipramine lofepramine Others mirtazapine reboxetine moclobemide phenelzine


Most SSRIs,

Monotherapyb Antidepressants

SSRI venlafaxine

SSRI (SNRIs and pregabalin are alternative first-line treatments)


First-line treatment


Table 20.6  Evidence-based drug treatments for anxiety disorders

Further 6 months if response at 12 weeks

pregabalin gabapentin topiramate tiagabine olanzapine

bromazepam clonazepam

Others moclobemide phenelzine

SNRIs (venlafaxine, duloxetine)



Social anxiety disorder

Further 12 months if response at 12 weeks

lamotrigine topiramate risperidone olanzapine

some TCAs (amitriptyline, imipramine) Others phenelzine mirtazapine reboxetine

Some SSRIs (fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline) SNRI (venlafaxine)

Some SSRIs (sertraline or paroxetine) venlafaxine



Further 12 months if response at 12 weeks



TCA clomipramine

SNRI (venlafaxine)




Psychotropic drugs

Chapter | 20 |


348 SSRI + pindolol or clonazepam

SSRI/SNRI + pregabalin, or antipsychotic (e.g. quetiapine, risperidone, olanzapine, aripiprazole) SSRIs duloxetine venlafaxine agomelatine pregabalin quetiapine

Evidence-based augmentation Strategiesc

Relapse prevention

SSRIs pregabalin clonazepam

SSRI + buspirone

Individual patients may benefit

Social anxiety disorder


Antidepressant + olanzapine, risperidone, prazosin

Individual patients may benefit



SSRI/clomipramine + antipsychotic or ondansetron/ granisetron, SSRI + topiramate or lamotrigine



Notes: The above table considers drug treatment only; psychotherapy, especially cognitive behavioural therapy, is also effective and is also considered a first-line treatment in all disorders. General considerations for treatment of anxiety disorders include the need to discuss the benefits and risks of specific treatments with patients before treatment and take account of clinical features, patient needs and preference and local service availability when choosing treatments. SSRIs are usually effective in anxiety disorders and are generally suitable for first-line treatment. The SNRI venlafaxine is effective across all disorders. Pregabalin has a good evidence base in GAD and one successful trial in social anxiety disorder. TCAs, MAOIs, antipsychotics and anticonvulsants need to be considered in relation to their evidence base for specific conditions and their individual risks and benefits. Benzodiazepines are effective in many anxiety disorders, but their use should be short term except in treatment-resistant cases. With all antidepressants, there should be specific discussion and monitoring of possible adverse effects early in treatment, especially initial ‘jitteriness’ or activation syndromes. For paroxetine, venlafaxine and benzodiazepines, prescribers should also discuss the dangers of stopping the drugs abruptly. Antidepressant treatment is often slow, and it is advisable to wait 12 weeks to assess efficacy. When initial treatments fail, one should consider switching to another evidence-based treatment (including psychotherapy such as CBT), combining evidence-based treatments, and referring to regional or national specialist services in refractory patients. a For acute prevention, if feasible consider propranolol after major trauma. Routine debriefing is not indicated. b All drugs listed have randomized trial evidence for monotherapy in the corresponding anxiety disorder. c Given the limited number of studies examining specific drug combinations for adjunctive therapy, most guidelines recommend first combining treatments which both have evidence of being effective in monotherapy provided there are no contraindications.

SSRIs imipramine venlafaxine

SSRIs (limited evidence)

SSRIs venlafaxine pregabalin



Higher doses associated with better response


Table 20.6  Evidence-based drug treatments for anxiety disorders—cont’d

Section Nervous system

Psychotropic drugs

Panic symptoms

Antidepressant Benzodiazepine

Withdrawal 0


12 Weeks

Fig. 20.4  Schematic representation of the time course of panic treatments.

withdrawal, caffeinism, hyperthyroidism and (rarely) phaeochromocytoma. Patients experiencing panic attacks often do not know what is happening to them, and because the symptoms are similar to those of cardiovascular, respiratory or neurological conditions, often present to non-psychiatric services, e.g. casualty departments, family doctors, medical specialists, where they may either be extensively investigated or given reassurance that there is nothing wrong. A carefully taken history reduces the likelihood of this occurrence.

Treatment.  The choice lies between antidepressants, (e.g. SSRIs such as sertraline or the SNRI venlafaxine) which may require some weeks to exert their clinical effect but are unlikely to be associated with dependence and withdrawal, and benzodiazepines (e.g. lorazepam) which are faster acting but present several issues in terms of tolerance, difficult withdrawal and in older patients increased risk of falls. The different time course of these two classes of agent in panic disorder is depicted in Fig. 20.4 (see also Table 20.6). Benzodiazepines rapidly reduce panic frequency and severity and continue to be effective for months; significant tolerance to the therapeutic action is uncommon. On withdrawal of the benzodiazepine, even when it is gradual, increased symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks may occur, reaching a maximum when the final dose is stopped. Indeed, some patients find they are unable to withdraw and remain long-term on a benzodiazepine. For this reason most guidelines see benzodiazepines as less preferable than antidepressants in panic disorder. Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs and TCAs) have a slower onset of action and may cause an initial increase in both anxiety and panic frequency, such that a patient may discontinue medication, even after a single dose. This provoking reaction usually lasts for no more than 2–3 weeks after which panic frequency and severity improve quickly, but patients need help to stay on treatment in the first weeks. The doctor needs to give a clear explanation of the likely


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course of events, and the antidepressant should be started at one-half the usual initial dose to reduce the likelihood of exacerbation. The dose of antidepressant required to treat panic disorder is generally as high as, or higher than, that for depression, and maximal benefit may not emerge for 8–12 weeks. Patients should therefore receive as large a dose as can be tolerated for this length of time.

Social anxiety disorder The essential feature of social phobia is a marked and persistent fear of performance situations when patients feel they will be the centre of attention and will do something humiliating or embarrassing. The situations that provoke this fear can be quite specific, for example public speaking, or be of a much more generalised nature involving fear of most social interactions, for example initiating or maintaining conversations, participating in small groups, dating, speaking to anyone in authority. Exposure to the feared situation almost invariably provokes anxiety with similar symptoms to those experienced by patients with panic attacks, but some seem to be particularly prominent and difficult, i.e. blushing, tremor, sweating and a feeling of ‘drying up’ when speaking.

Treatment. The antidepressant drugs with established efficacy are the SSRIs (especially sertraline, paroxetine and escitalopram), the SNRIs venlafaxine and duloxetine, the novel compound mirtazapine, the MAOI phenelzine and the RIMA moclobemide in the same doses as for depression. These achieve equivalent degrees of improvement; phenelzine has a slightly faster onset of action but produces more adverse effects. Some benzodiazepines are reported to provide benefit, but evidence for their therapeutic efficacy is less conclusive. Pregabalin has been shown to be effective in a trial in social anxiety disorder, although higher doses are required than for generalised anxiety disorder. Evidence also exists for gabapentin, olanzapine and the anticonvulsants topiramate and the β-adrenoceptor blockers continue to be widely used despite their having no proven efficacy in social phobia. But they have a place in the treatment of specific performance anxiety, e.g. in musicians, when management of the tremor is crucial. The duration of treatment is as for depression or longer, for this can be a lifelong condition.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Symptoms characteristically follow exposure to an extreme traumatic stressor event. These include persistent reexperiencing of the traumatic event, persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and numbing of general responsiveness, and persistent symptoms of increased arousal.




Nervous system

In taking a history, the association with the event is usually obvious. PTSD is differentiated from acute stress disorder (below) by its persistence – the symptoms of the latter resolve within about 4 weeks. Depression quite commonly coexists with PTSD and should be enquired for in the history. The preferred treatment immediately following the incident should probably be a short course of a hypnotic (or sedating antidepressant, e.g. mirtazapine) to promote sleep and help minimise mental rehearsal of the trauma that may lead to its perpetuation. Long-term therapy with antidepressants appears to be indicated at doses in the same range as for other anxiety disorders. Evidence for efficacy of several antidepressants has been reported in randomised placebocontrolled trails. These include SSRIs (fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline), the SNRI venlafaxine, tricyclics (amitriptyline, imipramine), as well as mirtazapine and phenelzine, while reboxetine has evidence of having a comparable effect to fluvoxamine. There is also evidence for the antipsychotics risperidone and olanzapine and the anticonvulsants topiramate and lamotrigine.’

Acute stress disorder/ adjustment disorder Acute stress disorder is anxiety in response to a recent extreme stress. Although in some respects it is a normal and understandable reaction to an event, the problems associated with it are not only the severe distress the anxiety causes but also the risk that it may evolve into a more persistent state.

Treatment.  A benzodiazepine used for a short time is the preferred approach for treating overwhelming anxiety that needs to be brought rapidly under control. It particularly relieves the accompanying anxiety and sleep disturbance. A drug with a slow onset of action such as oxazepam (60–120 mg/day) causes less dependence and withdrawal, and is preferred to those that enter the brain rapidly, e.g. diazepam, lorazepam. Some patients find it hard to discontinue the benzodiazepine, so its use should be reserved for those in whom extreme distress disrupts normal coping strategies.

Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) The essential feature of this condition is chronic anxiety and worry. To the non-sufferer the focus of the worry often seems to be trivial, e.g. getting the housework done or being late for appointments, but to the patient it is insurmountable. The anxiety is often associated with other symptoms, which include restlessness, difficulty in concentrating, irritability, muscle tension and sleep disturbance. The course of the disorder is typically chronic with exacerbations at times of stress, and is often associated with depression. Its chronic


nature with worsening at times of stress helps to distinguish GAD from anxiety in the form of episodic panic attacks with associated anticipatory anxiety (panic disorder). Hyperthyroidism and caffeinism should also be excluded.

Treatment.  In modern times the drugs recommended as first-line treatments for GAD include SSRIs (escitalopram, sertraline and paroxetine having the strongest evidence), SNRIs (both venlafaxine and duloxetine) and the calcium channel modulator drug pregabalin. Among these, paroxetine, escitalopram, venlafaxine, duloxetine and pregabalin have licenses for this disorder in the UK. Other drugs having evidence for efficacy include agomelatine, trazodone, vortioxetine, the tricyclic imipramine, as well as several benzodiazepines, the antipsychotic quetiapine, and other anxiolytics such as hydroxyzine and buspirone. Pregabalin has several randomized trials which support its efficacy in GAD, including one exclusively in the elderly. It is thought to act through the glutamate system although its mechanism is not fully understood. It works more slowly than the benzodiazepines, though faster than SSRIs. Despite its name, it does not have any effect on the neurotransmitter GABA. Its most prominent side-effects are dizziness and somnolence. Pregabalin can be combined effectively with SSRIs or SNRIs in GAD, and is also associated with allowing a reduction in benzodiazepine intake. Historically benzodiazepines have been seen as an effective treatment for GAD as they rapidly reduce anxiety and improve sleep and somatic symptoms. Consequently, patients like taking them, but the chronic nature of GAD raises issues of duration of treatment, tolerance, dependence and withdrawal reactions. See recent benzodiazepine prescribing guidelines.5 Another sedative drug, the antihistamine hydrozyzine, is also used in GAD, but excessive sedation can be an issue. Buspirone is structurally unrelated to other anxiolytics and was the first non-benzodiazepine to demonstrate efficacy in GAD. While its mode of action is not well understood, it is a 5HT1A-receptor partial agonist and over time produces anxiolysis without undue sedation. Buspirone is generally less effective and slower in action than benzodiazepines and does not improve sleep; it does not benefit benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms but has the advantages that it does not seem to cause dependence or withdrawal reactions and does not interact with alcohol. It is less effective in patients who have previously received benzodiazepines and is therefore probably best reserved for benzodiazepine-naïve patients. A disadvantage is that useful anxiolytic effect is delayed for 2 weeks or longer.


Baldwin D S, Aitchison K, Bateson A et al 2013 Benzodiazepines: Risks and benefits. A reconsideration. Journal of Psychopharmacology 27:967-971.

Psychotropic drugs A delayed response in GAD is not as problematic as with acute situational anxiety. A sensible approach is to start with an antidepressant (SSRI or venlafaxine) for 6–8 weeks at least, increasing over 2–3 weeks to minimise unwanted actions; patients should be warned not to expect an immediate benefit. Those who do not respond should receive pregabalin (as monotherapy or an augmentation), with agomelatine, buspirone, quetiapine and vortioxetine being further alternatives. There remain some patients, including those with a long history of benzodiazepine use, who yet fail to respond despite extensive medication trials. A benzodiazepine may be the only medication that provides relief for such resistant cases, and in these circ*mstances can be used as the sole treatment provided there is adequate supervision with attempts to reduce benzodiazepine intake at regular intervals. The duration of therapy depends on the nature of the underlying illness. If symptoms are intermittent, i.e. triggered by anxiety-provoking situations, then intermittent use of a benzodiazepine (for a few weeks) may be sufficient. More typically GAD requires treatment over 6–18 months with gradual withdrawal of medication thereafter.

Simple phobia A specific phobia is a fear of a circ*mscribed object or situation, for instance fear of spiders, of flying, of heights. The diagnosis is not usually in doubt. A course of treatment by a trained therapist, involving graded exposure to the feared stimulus is the treatment of choice and can be very effective. By its nature such therapy generates severe anxiety, and a benzodiazepine (or prior treatment with an SSRI, e.g. paroxetine) may be necessary to allow patients to engage in therapy.

General comments about treating anxiety disorders (Table 20.7) • There is a need to discuss the benefits and risks of

• • •

• •

• The repetition of acts or thoughts which are involuntary, recognised by the sufferer to be generated by their own brain but unwanted, irrational, and out of keeping with their morals or values, and so very distressing. • Anxiety provoked by the occurrence of such thoughts, or by prevention of the compulsive acts. OCD on its own often starts in adolescence and has a chronic and pervasive course unless treated. OCD starting later in life is often associated with affective or anxiety disorders. Symptoms often abate briefly if the individual is taken to a new environment.

Drug treatments  are SSRIs, venlafaxine or clomipramine (i.e. antidepressants that enhance serotonergic function), used at higher doses and for much longer periods than for

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depressive disorders. Atypical antipsychotics or haloperidol in low dose and benzodiazepines can be used successfully to augment the SSRIs if they are not wholly effective, especially in patients with tics. Psychosurgery is still occasionally used for severe and treatment-resistant cases, though deep brain stimulation techniques are superseding it. Interestingly the brain pathway targeted is one that recent neuroimaging studies of OCD have revealed as overactive, namely the basal ganglia/orbitofrontal pathway.

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) Obsessive–compulsive disorder has two main components:


• •

specific treatments with patients before treatment and take account of their clinical features, needs, preferences and availability of local services when choosing treatments. SSRIs are usually effective in anxiety disorders and are generally suitable for first-line treatment. Benzodiazepines are effective in many anxiety disorders, but their use should be short term except in treatment-resistant cases. SNRIs, TCAs, MAOIs, pregabalin and antipsychotics need to be considered in relation to their evidence base for specific conditions and their individual risks and benefits. With all antidepressants, especially SSRIs and SNRIs, there should be specific discussion and monitoring of possible adverse effects early in treatment, and also on stopping the drugs after 1 week of treatment; this latter also applies to benzodiazepines. SSRI/SNRI treatment is often slow to produce the therapeutic effect, and it is advisable to allow 6–12 weeks to assess efficacy. In a first episode, patients may need medication for at least 6–12 months, and up to 18 months in GAD, withdrawing over a further 4–8 weeks if they are well. Those with recurrent illness may need treatment for longer periods of up to two years to enable them to learn and put into place psychological approaches to their problems. In many cases the illness is lifelong, and chronic maintenance treatment is justified if it significantly improves their well-being and function. Specific psychological treatments are also effective in treatment. When initial treatments fail, consider switching to another evidence-based treatment, combining evidence-based treatments (only when there are no contraindications), and referring to regional or national specialist services in refractory patients.




Nervous system

Table 20.7  Properties of anti-anxiety drugs Benzodiazepines



Antidepressants (SSRIs/SNRIs)






Initial worsening of symptoms





Withdrawal symptoms




Sometimes (mostly paroxetine and venlafaxine)

Abuse potential





Interactions with alcohol

















Rare (reports of chest pain, tachycardia)

Rare (reports of worsening of congestive cardiac failure)*

Sometimes (e.g. citalopram, QTC prolongation, venlafaxine, hypertension)





Yes – diarrhoea





Delay org*sm

*There have been some reports of worsening of pre-existing congestive cardiac failure with pregabalin.

Drugs for insomnia Insomnia has many potential precipitants, including psychological factors, psychiatric disorders, drug effects and physical problems (Box 20.1). Sleep–wake function involves a complex balance between arousing and sleep-inducing physiological systems. Current research suggests that arousal and wakefulness are promoted by parallel neurotransmitter systems whose cell bodies are located in brainstem or midbrain centres, with projections to the thalamus and forebrain. These activating neurotransmitters are noradrenaline/norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine, dopamine and histamine. In addition, the newly discovered orexin system with cell bodies in the hypothalamus promotes wakefulness through regulating arousal ‘pathways’ (and inhibiting sedative ones). For all these arousal neurotransmitters, sleep can be promoted by blocking their post-synaptic actions, leading to reduced arousal. For example, many over-the-counter sleeppromoting agents contain antihistamines, which block the histamine H1-receptor and so decrease arousal. The relatively low efficacy of these compounds may be explained by the


fact that they target only one of the parallel arousal systems. The same is true for any drug which blocks one of the other arousal systems; they produce a degree of sedation but are not generally effective hypnotics. The promotion of sleep is regulated by a number of other neurotransmitters; primary among these is γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. The majority of brain cells are inhibited by GABA, so increasing its function reduces arousal and produces sleep, and eventually anaesthesia. There are many subsets of GABA neurones distributed throughout the brain, but a particular cluster in the hypothalamus (ventrolateral preoptic nucleus) can be considered to be the sleep ‘switch’.6 These neurones switch off brain arousal systems at the level of the cell bodies and therefore promote sleep. GABA receptors in the cortex can also promote sedation and sleep by inhibiting the target

6 Saper C B, Scammell T E, Lu J 2005 Hypothalamic regulation of sleep and circadian rhythms. Nature 437:1257–1263.

Psychotropic drugs


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Box 20.1  Precipitating factors for insomnia

Psychological • Hyperarousal due to: stress • The need to be vigilant at night because of sick relatives or young children • Being ‘on call’.

Psychiatric • Patients with depressive illnesses often have difficulty falling asleep at night and complain of restless, disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, and early morning waking. When their sleep is analysed by polysomnography, time to sleep onset is indeed prolonged, and there is a tendency for more REM sleep to occur in the first part of the night, with reduced deep quiet sleep in the first hour or so after sleep onset, and increased awakenings during the night. They may wake early in the morning and fail to get back to sleep again. • Anxiety disorders may cause patients to complain about their sleep, either because there is a reduction in sleep continuity or because normal periods of nocturnal waking are somehow less well tolerated. Nocturnal panic attacks can make patients fearful of going off to sleep. • Bipolar patients in the hypomanic or manic phase will sleep less than usual, and often changes in sleep pattern give early warning that an episode is imminent.

Pharmacological • Non-prescription drugs such as caffeine or alcohol. Alcohol reduces the time to onset of sleep, but disrupts sleep later in the night. Regular and excessive consumption disrupts sleep continuity; insomnia is a key feature of alcohol withdrawal. Excessive intake of caffeine and theophylline, in tea, coffee or cola drinks, also contributes to sleeplessness, probably because caffeine acts as an antagonist to adenosine,

neurones of the arousal system. Most drugs used in insomnia act by increasing the effects of GABA at the GABAA receptor.

The GABAA–benzodiazepine receptor complex γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the most important inhibitory transmitter in the central nervous system, comprising up to 40% of all synapses. GABAergic neurones are distributed widely in the CNS, and GABA controls the state of neuronal excitability in all brain areas. The balance between excitatory inputs (mostly glutamatergic) and inhibitory GABAergic activity determines neuronal activity. If the balance swings

• •

the endogenous sleep-promoting neurotransmitter. Starting treatment with certain antidepressants, especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (e.g. fluoxetine, fluvoxamine) or monoamine uptake inhibitors; sleep disruption is likely to resolve after 3–4 weeks. Other drugs that increase central noradrenergic and serotonergic activity include stimulants, such as amfetamine, cocaine and methylphenidate, and sympathomimetics, such as the β-adrenergic agonist salbutamol and associated substances. Withdrawal from hypnotic drugs; this is usually short lived. Treatment with β-adrenoceptor blockers may disrupt sleep, perhaps because of their serotonergic action; a β-blocking drug that crosses blood–brain barrier less readily is preferred, e.g. atenolol.

Physical • Pain, in which case adequate analgesia will improve sleep. • Pregnancy. • Coughing or wheezing: adequate control of asthma with stimulating drugs as above, may paradoxically improve sleep by reducing waking due to breathlessness. • Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders. • Need to urinate; this may be affected by timing of diuretic medication. • Neurological disorders, e.g. stroke, movement disorders. • Periodic leg movements of sleep (frequent jerks or twitches during the descent into deeper sleep); rarely reduce subjective sleep quality but are more likely to cause them in the subject’s sleeping partner. • Restless legs syndrome (irresistible desire to move the legs), which is usually worse in the evening and early night and can prevent sleep.

in favour of GABA, then sedation, amnesia, muscle relaxation and ataxia appear and nervousness and anxiety are reduced. The mildest reduction of GABAergic activity (or increase in glutamate) elicits arousal, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia and exaggerated reactivity. When GABA binds with the GABAA receptor, the permeability of the central pore of the receptor complex opens, so allowing more chloride ions into the neurone and decreasing excitability. Classical benzodiazepines (BZDs) in clinical use bind to another receptor on the complex (the benzodiazepine receptor) and enhance the effectiveness of GABA, producing a larger inhibitory effect (Fig. 20.5). These drugs are agonists at the receptor and an antagonist,




Nervous system Uses.  Oral benzodiazepines are used for insomnia, anxiety, alcohol withdrawal states, muscle spasm due to a variety of causes, including tetanus and cerebral spasticity. Injectable preparations are used for rapid tranquillisation in psychosis (see previous section), anaesthesia and sedation for minor surgery and invasive investigations (see Index). The choice of drug as hypnotic and anxiolytic is determined by pharmaco*kinetic properties (see before, and Table 20.7).

Doses.  Oral doses appear in Table 20.8. Tolerance  to the anxiolytic effects does not seem to be a

Fig. 20.5  Schematic representation of the binding sites on the GABAA-benzodiazepine receptor complex. Note that drugs binding to the benzodiazepine (BZD) receptor site do not open the chloride channel directly, but rather augment the capacity of GABA to do so. Conversely, agents such as the barbiturates both potentiate GABA and at higher concentrations have a direct effect on the chloride channel. This explains why barbiturates and alcohols are more toxic in overdose than the benzodiazepines.

flumazenil, prevents agonists from binding at the receptor site; it is used clinically to reverse benzodiazepine actions.

Benzodiazepines A general account of the benzodiazepines is appropriate here, although their indications extend beyond use as hypnotics. All benzodiazepines, and newer benzodiazepine-like drugs such as zopiclone and zolpidem, are safe and effective for insomnia if the substance with the right timing of onset of action and elimination is chosen. They should not be used for patients with sleep-related breathing disorders such as obstructive sleep apnoea (see below), which is exacerbated by benzodiazepines. Objective measures of sleep show that they decrease time to sleep onset and waking during the night. They also improve subjective sleep. Other changes in sleep architecture are to some extent dependent on duration of action, with the very short-acting compounds having the least effect. Most commonly very light (stage 1) sleep is decreased, and stage 2 sleep is increased. Higher doses of longer-acting benzodiazepines partially suppress slow wave sleep.

Pharmaco*kinetics. Benzodiazepines are effective after administration by mouth but enter the circulation at very different rates that are reflected in the speed of onset of action, e.g. alprazolam is rapid, oxazepam is slow (Table 20.8). Hepatic breakdown produces metabolites, some with long t1/2 which greatly extend drug action, e.g. chlordiazepoxide, clorazepate and diazepam all form demethyldiazepam (t1/2 80 h).


problem. In sleep disorders the situation is not so clear; studies of subjective sleep quality show enduring efficacy, and the necessity for dose escalation in sleep disorders is rare, but the objective sleep effects have not been studied systematically over weeks and months.

Dependence.  Both animal and human research has shown that brain GABAA receptors do change in function during chronic treatment with benzodiazepines, and therefore will take time to return to pre-medication status after cessation. Features of withdrawal and dependence vary. Commonly there is a kind of psychological dependence based on the fact that the treatment works to reduce patients’ anxiety or sleep disturbance, and therefore they are unwilling to stop. If they do stop, there can be relapse, where original symptoms return. There can also be a rebound of symptoms, particularly after stopping hypnotics, with a worsening of sleep disturbance for one or two nights, longer sleep onset latency and increased waking during sleep – this is common. In anxiety disorders there may be a few days of increased anxiety and edginess which then resolves, probably in 10–20% of patients. More rarely, there is a longer withdrawal syndrome that is characterised by the emergence of symptoms not previously experienced, e.g. agitation, headache, dizziness, dysphoria, irritability, fatigue, depersonalisation, hypersensitivity to noise and visual stimuli. Physical symptoms include nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, sweating, weakness, muscle pain or twitching and ataxia. After prolonged high doses, abrupt withdrawal may cause confusion, delirium, psychosis and convulsions. The syndrome is ameliorated by resuming medication but resolves in weeks; in a very few patients it persists, and these people have been the subject of much research, mainly focusing on their personality and cognitive factors.

Withdrawal of benzodiazepines should be gradual after as little as 3 weeks’ use, but for long-term users it should be very slow, e.g. about 18 of the dose every 2 weeks, aiming to complete it in 6–12 weeks. Withdrawal should be slowed if marked symptoms occur, and it may be useful to substitute a drug with a long t1/2 (diazepam) to minimise rapid fluctuations in plasma concentrations. Abandonment of the final dose may be particularly distressing. In difficult cases, withdrawal may be assisted by concomitant use of an antidepressant.

Psychotropic drugs


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Table 20.8  Properties of drugs used for insomnia Works selectively to enhance GABA

Rapid onset

t1/2 (h)

Usual oral dose

Daytime (hangover) effects





7.5 mg





10 mg





10 mg




20 mg




1 mg





1 mg





5–10 mg





0.5–1 mg





5–10 mg




15–30 mg





0.5 mg





0.5–1 mg


Prolonged-release melatonin (patients older than 55)



2 mg





8 mg


Chloral hydrate/chloral betaine




0.7–1 g







192 mg













25 mg

*Can be taken during the night, until 5 h before needing to drive etc.

Adverse effects.  In addition to the above, benzodiazepines affect memory and balance. Hazards with car driving or operating machinery can arise from sedation, amnesia and impaired psychom*otor function. Amnesia for events subsequent to administration occurs with high doses given i.v., e.g. for endoscopy, dental surgery (with local anaesthetic), cardioversion. Paradoxical behaviour effects and perceptual disorders, e.g. hallucinations occur occasionally. Headache, giddiness, alimentary tract upsets, skin rashes and reduced libido can occur.

Benzodiazepines in pregnancy.  Benzodiazepines should be avoided in early pregnancy as far as possible as their safety is not established with certainty. Safety in pregnancy is not only a matter of avoiding prescription during an established pregnancy, for individuals may become pregnant

on long-term therapy. Benzodiazepines cross the placenta and can cause fetal cardiac arrhythmia, muscular hypotonia, poor suckling, hypothermia and respiratory depression in the newborn.

Interactions.  The benzodiazepines offer scope for adverse interaction with numerous agents, but the underlying mechanisms can be summarised. The principal pharmacodynamic interaction of concern is exacerbation of sedation with other centrally depressant drugs, H1-receptor antihistamines, antipsychotics, opioids, alcohol and general anaesthetics. All are likely to exacerbate breathing difficulties where this is already compromised, e.g. in obstructive sleep apnoea. Unexpected hypotension may occur with any co-prescribed antihypertensive drug, and vasodilators, e.g. nitrates.




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Pharmaco*kinetic interactions occur with drugs that slow metabolism by enzyme inhibition, e.g. ritonavir, indinavir, itraconazole, olanzapine, cimetidine, fluvoxamine, erythromycin, increasing benzodiazepine effect. By contrast, acceleration of metabolism, lowering of plasma concentration and reduced effect occur with enzyme inducers, e.g. rifampicin.

Overdose.  Benzodiazepines are remarkably safe in acute overdose, and even 10 times the therapeutic dose only produces deep sleep from which the subject is easily aroused. It is said that there is no reliably recorded case of death from a benzodiazepine taken alone by a person in good physical (particularly respiratory) health, which is a remarkable tribute to their safety (high therapeutic index); even if the statement is not absolutely true, death must be extremely rare. But deaths have occurred in combination with alcohol (which combination is quite usual in those seeking to end their own lives) and opiates, e.g. buprenorphine and methadone. Flumazenil selectively reverses benzodiazepine effects and is useful in diagnosis, and in treatment (see below).

Benzodiazepine antagonist.  Flumazenil is a highly selective competitive antagonist at benzodiazepine receptors so does not oppose sedation due to non-benzodiazepines, e.g. barbiturates, alcohol. Clinical uses include reversal of benzodiazepine sedation after endoscopy, dentistry and in intensive care. Heavily sedated patients become alert within 5 minutes. The t1/2 of 1 h is much shorter than that of most benzodiazepines (see Table 20.7), so that repeated i.v. administration may be needed to maintain the effect. Thus the recovery period needs supervision lest sedation recurs; if used in day surgery, it is important to tell patients that they may not drive a car home. The dose is 200 μg by i.v. injection given over 15 s, followed by 100 μg over 60 s if necessary, to a maximum of 300–600 μg. Flumazenil is useful for diagnosis of selfpoisoning, and also for treatment, when 100–400 μg are given by continuous i.v. infusion and adjusted to the degree of wakefulness. Adverse effects can include brief anxiety, seizures in epileptics treated with a benzodiazepine and precipitation of withdrawal syndrome in dependent subjects.

Non-benzodiazepine hypnotics that act at the GABAA-benzodiazepine receptor Although structurally unrelated to the benzodiazepines, these drugs act on the same receptor, so their effects can be blocked by flumazenil, the receptor antagonist. Those described below are all effective in insomnia and have low propensity for tolerance, rebound insomnia, withdrawal symptoms and abuse potential. Data from long-term studies suggest these agents are safe and effective over at least 12 months. Withdrawal effects similar to the benzodiazepines hypnotics occur but to a lesser extent.


Zopiclone, a cyclopyrrolone, has an onset of action that is relatively rapid (~1 h) and that lasts for 6–8 h, making it suitable for both initial and maintenance treatment of insomnia. It may cause fewer problems on withdrawal than benzodiazepines. The duration of action is prolonged in the elderly, and in hepatic insufficiency. About 40% of patients experience a metallic aftertaste (genetically determined). People who take zopiclone have been shown to be at increased risk of road traffic accidents. Care should be taken with concomitant medication that affects its metabolic pathway (see Table 20.2A). Zolpidem, an imidazopyridine, has a faster onset (30–60 min) and shorter duration of action. In patients over 80 years of age, clearance is slower and action longer lasting. Zaleplon, a pyrazolopyrimidine, has a fast onset and short duration of action. In volunteers, it appeared to have no effect on psychom*otor (including driving) skills when taken at least 5 h before testing. It may be taken during the night when the patient has awoken and cannot get back to sleep, as long as this is at least 5 h before having to drive.

Other drugs that act on the GABAAbenzodiazepine receptor Chloral hydrate, clomethiazole and barbiturates also enhance GABA function, but at high doses have the additional capacity directly to open the membrane chloride channel; this may lead to potentially lethal respiratory depression and explains their low therapeutic ratio. These drugs also have a propensity for abuse/misuse and thus are very much second-line treatments. Chloral hydrate has a fast (30–60 min) onset of action and 6–8 h duration of action. Chloral hydrate, a prodrug, is rapidly metabolised by alcohol dehydrogenase into the active hypnotic trichloroethanol (t1/2 8 h). Chloral hydrate is dangerous in serious hepatic or renal impairment, and aggravates peptic ulcer. Interaction with ethanol is to be expected since both are metabolised by alcohol dehydrogenase. Alcohol (ethanol) also appears to induce the formation of trichloroethanol which attains higher concentrations if alcohol is taken, increasing sedation. Triclofos and chloral betaine are related compounds. Clomethiazole is structurally related to vitamin B1 (thiamine) and is a hypnotic, sedative and anticonvulsant. When taken orally, it is subject to extensive hepatic first-pass metabolism (which is defective in the elderly and in liver-damaged alcoholics who exhibit higher peak plasma concentrations); the t1/2 is 4 h. It may also be given i.v. It is comparatively free from hangover, but it can cause nasal irritation and sneezing. Dependence occurs, and use should always be brief. Barbiturates are hardly ever used as they have a low therapeutic index, i.e. relatively small overdose may endanger

Psychotropic drugs life; they also cause dependence and have been popular drugs of abuse.

Other drugs used in insomnia Antihistamines. Most proprietary (over-the-counter) sleep remedies contain H1-receptor antihistamines with sedative action (see Ch. 9). Promethazine (Phenergan) has a slow (1–2 h) onset and long duration of action (t1/2 12 h). It reduces sleep onset latency and awakenings during the night after a single dose, but there have been no studies showing enduring action. It is sometimes used as a hypnotic in children. There are no controlled studies showing improvements in sleep after other antihistamines. Alimemazine (trimeprazine) is used for short-term sedation in children. Most antihistamine sedatives have a relatively long action and may cause daytime sedation. Antidepressants. In the depressed patient, improvement in mood is almost always accompanied by improvement in subjective sleep, and therefore choice of antidepressant should not usually involve additional consideration of sleep effects. Nevertheless, some patients are more likely to continue with medication if there is a short-term improvement, in which case mirtazapine or trazodone may provide effective antidepressant together with sleep-promoting effects. Antidepressant drugs, particularly those with 5HT2blocking effects, may occasionally be effective in long-term insomnia (but see Table 20.7). Paradoxically, paroxetine, an SSRI, has proved to be particularly useful for insomnia in patients older than 55 years of age, probably due to its anxiolytic effect by reducing nighttime ruminations. Agomelatine, technically an antidepressant, is both a 5HT2C antagonist and a melatonin MT1 and MT2 receptor agonist. It improves sleep quality in patients with depression with no increase in diurnal sedation. It may increase liver enzymes, and rarely serious liver adverse effects have been reported. Periodic monitoring of transaminases is recommended. Antipsychotics have been used to promote sleep in resistant insomnia occurring as part of another psychiatric disorder, probably because of the combination of 5HT2-antagonism, α1-adrenoceptor antagonism and histamine H1-receptor antihistamine effects in addition to their primary dopamine antagonist effects. Antipsychotics olanzapine, quetiapine, and ziprasidone both as monotherapy and as augmentation agents improve sleep patterns and promote continuation of sleep in patients with major depression and bipolar disorder. Their long action leads to daytime sedation, and extrapyramidal movement disorders may result from their blockade of dopamine receptors (see above, Antipsychotics). They therefore should be used with great care in the context of insomnia. Nevertheless, modern antipsychotics, e.g. quetiapine, are being used for intractable insomnia, usually


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at a dose well below the one required to treat psychosis, e.g. 25–50 mg/day. Melatonin, the hormone produced by the pineal gland during darkness, has been investigated for insomnia. A prolonged release formulation is licensed for insomnia characterised by poor quality of sleep in people older than 55 years of age, whose melatonin rhythm is thought to be reduced. Melatonin may also be used therapeutically to reset circadian rhythm to prevent jet lag on long-haul flights, and for blind or partially sighted people who cannot use daylight to synchronise their natural rhythm. Slow-release formulations of melatonin are particularly useful in patients older than 55 years of age, as melatonin production declines with age. Melatonin is metabolised mainly by CYP 1A enzymes and may interact with other active substances that affect these enzymes. For this reason, it should not be taken with fluvoxamine, 5- or 8-methoxypsoralen, or cimetidine, and caution should be exercised in patients on oestrogens (e.g. contraceptive or hormone replacement therapy). Ramelteon is a melatonin agonist targeting sleep-onset problems. It promotes sleep via MT1 receptors and synchronizing the circadian clock through MT2 receptors. It has a short t1/2 (~90 min). Suvorexant is an orexin receptor antagonist (for orexin 1 and orexin 2 receptor). It is indicated for problems with sleep onset and sleep maintenance. It blocks the effects of the peptide orexin, which maintains wakefulness and regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Herbal preparations. Randomised trials have shown some effect of valerian in mild to moderate insomnia. Summary of pharmacotherapy for insomnia • Drug treatment is usually effective for a short period (2–4 weeks). • Some patients may need long-term medication. • Intermittent medication which is taken only on nights that symptoms occur is desirable and may often be possible with modern, short-acting compounds. • Discontinuing hypnotic drugs is usually not a problem if the patient knows what to expect. There will be a short period (usually 1–2 nights) of rebound insomnia on stopping hypnotic drugs, which can be ameliorated by phased withdrawal.

Hypersomnia Sleep-related breathing disorders causing excessive daytime sleepiness are rarely treated with drugs. Sleepiness caused by the nighttime disruption of sleep apnoea syndrome is sometimes not completely abolished by the standard 357



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treatment of continuous positive airway pressure overnight, and wake-promoting drugs, e.g. modafinil, may have a role in these patients.

Narcolepsy  is a chronic neurological disorder, characterised by excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and sleep attacks, usually accompanied by cataplexy (attacks of muscle weakness on emotional arousal). These symptoms are often associated with the intrusion into wakefulness of other elements of REM sleep, such as sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations, i.e. in a transient state preceding sleep. Stimulants are effective in the treatment of EDS due to narcolepsy. Modafinil is usually preferred as it is not a controlled drug, failing which methylphenidate or dexamfetamine are added or substituted. In narcolepsy, patients usually need a stimulant for their hypersomnia and an antidepressant for their cataplexy. Combining an SSRI antidepressant with modafinil has been shown to be safe, but dexamfetamine and methylphenidate must not be given with MAOIs. Cataplexy is most effectively treated with 5HT uptake–blocking drugs such as clomipramine or fluoxetine, or other antidepressant drugs, e.g. reboxetine, or the MAOI selegiline. Modafinil is a wake-promoting agent whose specific mechanism of action is not properly known; it does not appear to be overtly stimulant like the amfetamines. Its onset of action is slow and lasts 8–12 h. Potential for abuse is low. Modafinil is used in narcolepsy and other hypersomnias (e.g. that with sleep apnoea) and also promotes wakefulness in normal patients who need to stay awake for long periods, e.g. military personnel. Its use is associated with a wide variety of gastrointestinal, CNS and other unwanted effects; contraindications to its use include moderate to severe hypertension, a history of left ventricular hypertrophy or cor pulmonale. Modafinil accelerates the metabolism of oral contraceptives, reducing their efficacy. Amfetamines release dopamine and noradrenaline/norepinephrine in the brain. This causes a behavioural excitation, with increased alertness, elevation of mood, increase in physical activity and suppression of appetite. Dexamfetamine, the dextrorotatory isomer of amfetamine, is about twice as active in humans as the levo-isomer and is the main prescribed amfetamine. It is rapidly absorbed orally and acts for 3–24 h; most people with narcolepsy find twice-a-day dosing optimal to maintain alertness during the day. About 40% of narcoleptic patients find it necessary to increase their dose, suggesting some tolerance. Although physical dependence does not occur, mental and physical depression may develop following withdrawal. Unwanted effects include edginess, restlessness, insomnia, appetite suppression, weight loss, and increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Amfetamines are commonly abused because of their stimulant effect, but this is rare in narcolepsy. Contraindications to its use include moderate to severe


hypertension, hyperthyroidism, and a history of drug or alcohol abuse. Methylphenidate also promotes dopamine release, but its principal action is to inhibit uptake of central neurotransmitters. Its effects and adverse effects resemble those of the amfetamines. Methylphenidate has a low systemic availability and slow onset of action, making it less liable to abuse. It is also used in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (see below). Unwanted effects include anxiety, anorexia, hypertension, increase in pulse rate and difficulty sleeping; these usually subside. Methylphenidate reduces expected weight gain and has been associated with slight growth retardation. Monitoring of therapy should include height (in children) and weight, also blood pressure and blood counts (thrombocytopenia and leucopenia occur). It should not be used in patients with hyperthyroidism, severe angina, or cardiac arrhythmias.

Parasomnias Nightmares  arise out of REM sleep and are reported by the patient as structured, often stereotyped dreams that are very distressing. Usually the patient wakes up fully and remembers the dream. Psychological methods of treatment may be appropriate, e.g. a programme of rehearsing the dream and inventing a different pleasant ending. Nightmares of a particularly distressing kind are a feature of posttraumatic stress disorder. Case reports indicate benefit from various pharmacological agents, but no particular drug emerges as superior.

Night terrors and sleep-walking  arise from slow-wave sleep, and they are often coexistent. There is usually a history dating from childhood, and often a family history. Exacerbations commonly coincide with periods of stress, and alcohol increases their likelihood. In a night terror, patients usually sit or jump up from deep sleep (mostly in the first few hours of sleep) with a loud cry, look terrified and move violently, sometimes injuring themselves or others. They appear asleep and uncommunicative, often returning to sleep without being aware of the event. These terrors are thought to be a welling up of anxiety from deep centres in the brain which is normally inhibited by cortical mechanisms. If the disorder is sufficiently frequent or disabling, night terrors respond to the SSRI paroxetine (also effective in sleepwalkers) or the benzodiazepine clonazepam.

REM behaviour disorder  first described in 1986, consists of lack of paralysis during REM sleep which results in brief acting out of dreams, often vigorously with injury to self or others. Rarely, it can occur acutely as a result of drug or alcohol withdrawal, or in patients taking high doses of antidepressants such as clomipramine, venlafaxine or mirtazapine. More commonly it is chronic and either idiopathic or associated with neurological disorder. It is much

Psychotropic drugs commoner among older patients, and approximately 90% are male. It may be a very early prodrome to the onset of Parkinson’s disease, Lewy body dementia or multiple system atrophy. Successful symptomatic relief has been described with clonazepam or clonidine.

Other sleep disorders Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a disorder characterised by disagreeable leg sensations usually prior to sleep onset, and an almost irresistible urge to move the legs. The sensation is described as ‘crawling’, ‘aching’, ‘tingling’ and is partially or completely relieved with leg motion returning after movement ceases. Most, if not all, patients with this complaint also have periodic limb movements of sleep (PLMS), which may occur independently of RLS. These periodic limb movements consist of highly stereotyped movements, usually of the legs, that occur repeatedly (typically every 20–40 s) during the night. They may wake the patient, in which case there may be a complaint of daytime sleepiness or occasionally insomnia, but often only awaken the sleeping partner, who is usually kicked. RLS may respond to formulations of levodopa or dopamine agonists. Sleep scheduling disorders. Circadian rhythm disorders are often confused with insomnia, and both can be present in the same patient. With such sleep scheduling disorders, sleep occurs at the ‘wrong’ time, i.e. at a time that does not fit with work, social or family commitments. A typical pattern may be a difficulty in initiating sleep for a few nights due to stress, whereupon once asleep the subject continues sleeping well into the morning to ‘catch up’ the lost sleep. Thereafter the ‘time since last sleep’ cue for sleep initiation is delayed, and the sleep period gradually becomes more delayed until the subject is sleeping in the day instead of at night. A behavioural programme with strategic light exposure is appropriate, with pharmacological treatment as an adjunct, e.g. melatonin, to help reset the sleep–wake schedule.

Drugs for Alzheimer’s7 disease (dementia) Dementia is described as a syndrome ‘due to disease of the brain, usually of chronic or progressive nature, in which there is disturbance of multiple higher cortical functions, including memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension,


Alois Alzheimer (1864–1915), German psychiatrist who studied the brains of demented and senile patients and correlated histological findings with clinical features.


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calculation, learning capacity, language and judgement, without clouding of consciousness’.8 Deterioration in emotional control, social behaviour or motivation may accompany or precede cognitive impairment. Alzheimer’s and vascular (multi-infarct) disease are the two most common forms of dementia, accounting for about 80% of presentations. Alzheimer’s disease is associated with deposition of β-amyloid in brain tissue and abnormal phosphorylation of the intracellular tau (τ) proteins causing abnormalities of microtubule assembly and collapse of the cytoskeleton. Pyramidal cells of the cortex and subcortex are particularly affected. In Western countries, the prevalence of dementia is less than 1% in those 60–64 years of age, but doubles with each 5-year cohort to a figure of around 16% in those 80–84 years of age. The emotional impact of dementia on relatives and carers and the cost to society in social support and care facilities are great. Hence the impetus for an effective form of treatment is compelling. Evidence indicates that cholinergic transmission is diminished in Alzheimer’s disease. The first three drugs available for use in Alzheimer’s each act to enhance acetylcholine activity by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase which metabolises and inactivates synaptically released acetylcholine. Consequently, acetylcholine remains usable for longer. Individual drugs are categorised by the type of enzyme inhibition they cause. Donepezil is classed as a ‘reversible’ agent, as binding to the acetylcholinesterase enzymes lasts only minutes, whereas rivastigmine is considered ‘pseudoirreversible’ as inhibition lasts for several hours. Galantamine is associated both with reversible inhibition and with enhanced acetylcholine action on nicotinic receptors.9 Clinical trials show that these agents produce an initial increase in patients’ cognitive ability. There also may be associated global benefits, including improvements in noncognitive aspects such as depressive symptoms. But the drugs do not alter the underlying process, and the relentless progress of the disease is paralleled by a reduction in acetylcholine production with a decline in cognition. A fourth drug licensed for use in Alzheimer’s disease is memantine. Overactive glutamate signalling has been linked to cell death, and this drug is known to be a glutamine modulator through antagonism of NMDA receptors. Initially thought to have an entirely novel mode of action related to its effects on dampening excess glutamate neurotransmission, subsequent work suggests that memantine does have additional activity as an acetylcholine stimulant.

8 International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition, Diagnostic System. 9 Irreversible antagonists exist but, not surprisingly, are not used in therapeutics (e.g. sarin nerve gas).




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The beneficial effects of drugs are therefore to:

• stabilise the condition initially and sometimes

• Galantamine 4 mg twice daily increasing to 8–12 mg twice daily at 4-week intervals.

improve cognitive function • delay the overall pace of decline (and therefore the escalating levels of support required) • postpone the onset of severe dementia.

• Rivastigmine 1.5 mg twice daily increasing to 3–6 mg

The severity of cognitive deficits in patients suffering from, or suspected of having, dementia can be quantified by a simple 30-point schedule, the mini mental state examination (MMSE) of Folstein. A score of 21–26 denotes mild, 10–20 moderate and less than 10 severe Alzheimer’s disease. The MMSE can also be used to monitor progress. In 2001 the view of the UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was that, subject to certain conditions, the drugs available at that time should be available as adjuvant therapy for those with an MMSE score above 12 points. Subsequent guidelines first suggested that the cost:benefit ratio for the three anticholinesterase inhibitor drugs was favourable only in those with moderate dementia (MMSE score between 10 and 20 points), only for this limitation to be subsequently removed. Guidelines for prescribing anticholinesterase inhibitors also advise the following:

Adverse effects  of the three anticholinesterse inhibitors

• Alzheimer’s disease must be diagnosed and assessed in a specialist clinic; the clinic should also assess cognitive, global and behavioural functioning, activities of daily living, and the likelihood of compliance with treatment. • Treatment should be initiated by specialists but may be continued by family practitioners under a shared-care protocol. • The carers’ views of the condition should be sought before and during drug treatment. • The patient should be assessed every 6 months, and drug treatment should continue only if the MMSE score remains at or above 10 points and if treatment has had a worthwhile effect on global, behavioural and functional parameters. Use of memantine in dementia is now supported by good quality evidence, and it has been widely prescribed in the UK and many other countries. It enabled a reduction in the co-prescription of antipsychotic medication previously used for behavioural symptoms such as agitation and aggression. A small evidence base also suggests the hypothesis that the combination of memantine with an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor may be more effective than the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor alone, such that in severe Alzheimer’s the combination of memantine with donepezil is now seen as a preferred option.

Doses are:

• Donepezil 5–10 mg nocte increasing to 10 mg nocte after 1 month.


twice daily at 2-week intervals.

• Memantine 5 mg daily increasing weekly by 5 mg to a maximum of 20 mg daily. inevitably include cholinergic symptoms, with nausea, diarrhoea and abdominal cramps appearing commonly. There may also be bradycardia, sinoatrial block, or atrioventricular block. Additionally, urinary incontinence, syncope, convulsions and psychiatric disturbances occur. Rapid dose increase appears to make symptoms more pronounced. Hepatotoxicity is a rare association with donepezil. Memantine has a different side-effect profile with constipation, hypertension, headache, dizziness and drowsiness being highlighted as the most common adverse effects. Memantine has been reported as having an association with seizures, which may be a consideration in patients who have had previous fits. The deterioration of function in dementia of Alzheimer’s disease is often accompanied by acute behavioural disturbance. Memantine and the acetylcholinesterase inhibitors may be helpful in controlling this, but treatment with antipsychotics may be required in severe cases where agitation or aggression are a feature, or where psychotic symptoms are present. Be aware that if a person with dementia has Lewy body disease rather than Alzheimer’s, antipsychotics may worsen the situation. Beyond antipsychotics, alternative drugs with randomized trial evidence for agitation or aggression in Alzheimer’s dementia include the SSRI citalopram, the anticonvulsant carbamazepine and the central α-adrenoceptor–blocking agent prazosin, while the receptorblocking agent trazodone has the strongest evidence in fronto-temporal dementia.

Drugs in attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects 5% of children and between 2% and 3% of adults in the UK (NICE 2008).10 ADHD is characterised by inattention, impulsivity and motor overactivity. For diagnostic purposes, symptoms should be present before 12 years of age and cause pervasive impairment across situations, mostly (but not exclusively) 10

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 2008. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Diagnosis and Management of ADHD in Children, Young People and Adults. NICE clinical guideline 72. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Diagnosis and Management of ADHD in Children, Young People and Adults. NICE clinical guideline 72. (Accessed 5 June 2015).

Psychotropic drugs school and home in children, and work and relationships in adults. Treatment of ADHD should be initiated only by a specialist and form part of a comprehensive treatment programme of psychological, educational and social measures. Stimulant drugs are the first-choice treatment for ADHD in both children and adults (Table 20.9). Methylphenidate, dexamfetamine and lisdexamfetamine increase synaptic dopamine and noradrenaline/norepinephrine; dexamfetamine and lisexamfetamine also block the reuptake of both neurotransmitters. Methylphenidate is the first-line treatment in the UK for ADHD; it is available both in conventional and extended-release formulations which can be combined to obtain maximum therapeutic effect. Treatment in children is frequently restricted to school terms, giving the child a ‘drug holiday’ when out of school. Drug holidays are necessary to determine efficacy of treatment, adjust or change dosage and avoid tolerance effects. Treatment in adults is more complex as attentional requirements are often continuous, so drug holidays may not be possible. Dosage tends to be slightly higher and combinations of different psychotropic drugs are more common. Dexamfetamine is an alternative that has similar efficacy to methylphenidate in ADHD and is the preferred drug in children with epilepsy. It has a greater potential for abuse than methylphenidate. Lisdexamfetamine is a compound of dexamfetamine and


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the amino acid l-lysine; it acts as a prodrug which becomes active only after hydrolysis in the blood, reducing potential for abuse. Unwanted effects of stimulants include some slowing of growth, loss of appetite and sleep, irritability, increased blood pressure and rarely other cardiovascular problems. Weight, blood pressure and pulse should be monitored in both adults and children. In children, height should also be monitored to assess growth. Stimulants in instant-release formulations can be abused, and some have been diverted to intravenous injection; prodrug and slow-release formulations have recently been introduced to combat this problem. Both methylphenidate and dexamfetamine are controlled drugs in the UK (class B schedule 2 of the Misuse of Drugs Act), so prescribing restrictions apply. Atomoxetine, a noradrenaline/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (like reboxetine), is now licenced for ADHD. It is thought to act by increasing noradrenaline/norepinephrine and dopamine availability in the frontal cortex (where dopamine is taken up into noradrenergic nerve terminals). It has no known abuse liability and is not a controlled drug. Guanfacine is an α2a-adrenoceptor agonist available in a slow-release formulation for the treatment of ADHD in children and can be used on its own or as an add-on to other ADHD medications.

Table 20.9  Summary of the main pharmacological treatments of ADHD in children and adults Drugs

Important side-effects

Parameters to monitor

Controlled Drug?

Methylphenidate/ Dexamfetamine

Weight loss Insomnia Irritability Tics Increased blood pressure Cardiac arrhythmias

Weight/height Pulse/blood pressure Tics Agitation/anxiety Drug misuse



Weight loss Constipation Fatigue Increased blood pressure Postural hypotension

Weight/height Pulse/blood pressure Suicidal ideation



Syncope Hypotension Bradycardia, Sedation Weight gain QT–interval prolongation

Pulse/blood pressure Weight



Seizures Insomnia Excessive sweating Increased blood pressure Hepatic impairment

Blood pressure Liver enzymes (if history of hepatic problems)





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Table 20.10  Summary of indications for psychotropic drugs Anti­ depressants

Lithium and mood stabilisers

Anti­ psychotics

Depressive disorders



* (2)

Depressive disorders with psychotic symptoms




Bipolar affective disorder (prophylaxis)



Bipolar affective disorder (acute manic episode)






Anxiety disorders


Schizophrenia Acute behavioural disturbance

Other hypnotic and anxiolytic drugs

Other drug groups


* *(5)

* (5)


Alcohol withdrawal Insomnia


Eating disorders


* (8)

Dementia of Alzheimer’s disease Attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder

Benzodia­ zepines

* *





*(10) *(11)


*Recognised indication; where numbers appear in the table, see notes below: (1) Lithium augmentation may be used in depression. Lithium is given in combination with tricyclic, SSRI or novel antidepressants, usually when the symptoms have proved resistant to adequate trials of two or more antidepressants. (2) Certain atypical antipsychotics are effective in depression, either as monotherapy (quetiapine) or as augmenting agents (e.g. quetiapine, aripiprazole, risperidone). (3) Antipsychotics may be used for management of anxiety disorders, usually as augmentation of antidepressant treatments. Quetiapine has evidence as monotherapy in generalised anxiety disorder. (4) Pregabalin and buspirone may be used in generalised anxiety disorder. Some evidence supports the use of pregabalin in other anxiety disorders. β-Adrenoceptor blockers may be helpful for performance anxiety, combating tremor and other symptoms of autonomic overactivity. (5) While antipsychotics and benzodiazepines are most commonly used for rapid tranquillization in acute behavioural disturbance, in certain circ*mstances other drugs may be relevant, for example citalopram, carbamazepine and prazosin have evidence for use in agitation and aggression in Alzheimer’s disease. (6) Clomethiazole was an alternative to a benzodiazepine for alcohol withdrawal, but is now rarely used due to concerns over respiratory suppression and abuse potential. (7) Drugs for alcohol dependence and withdrawal are discussed in Chapter 11. (8) When a patient complaining of insomnia also has depression, a sedative antidepressant such as trazodone, mirtazapine, agomelatine or trimipramine should be considered. SSRIs do not provide direct sedation in such patients but may improve the quality of sleep over a longer period as mood improves. Quetiapine may also be used to promote sleep, but prescribers should be aware of its side-effect profile as an atypical antipsychotic. (9) Fluoxetine is licensed for the treatment of bulimia nervosa. (10) Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and memantine provide transient improvement in cognitive and global functioning in dementia of Alzheimer’s disease. They delay the onset of severe illness but cannot ultimately halt or change the course of the disease. (11) The CNS stimulants methylphenidate and dexamfetamine are drugs of choice for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Atomoxetine is an alternative. Second-line treatment options include clonidine and the antipsychotic agents, risperidone, haloperidol and sulpiride.


Psychotropic drugs Clonidine (another α2-adrenoceptor agonist), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), bupropion and the stimulant modafinil may have a role in ADHD, where methylphenidate, dexamfetamine and atomoxetine are contraindicated or have failed to produce benefit.

Drugs for psychiatric illness in childhood Children do suffer psychiatric illnesses. Many drugs used in childhood psychiatric illness are not properly tested in young people. Now there are regulatory pressures for drugs (in general) to have safety tests in children subsequent to their licensing in adults. Some drugs are deemed not to have adequate risk:benefit ratios in children, e.g. in depression


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most SSRI drugs are not recommended (an exception is fluoxetine for which evidence of efficacy and safety in children does exist). Similar caveats apply to the use of TCAs in childhood. By contrast, there are good efficacy data for several SSRIs in obsessive–compulsive disorder and social anxiety disorder, and for benefit of risperidone for aggression in children with autism.

Summary Table 20.10 summarises indications of the major groups of psychotropic drugs. Remember that psychiatric illnesses are often associated with co-morbid conditions, which may themselves require treatment; for example, schizophrenia may be associated with depression, so both antipsychotics and antidepressants may be required.

Guide to further reading Azermaia, M., Petrovica, M., Elseviersa, M.M., et al., 2012. Systematic appraisal of dementia guidelines for the management of behavioural and psychological symptoms. Ageing Res. Rev. 11, 78–86. Baldwin, D.S., Aitchison, K., Bateson, A., et al., 2013. Benzodiazepines: risks and benefits. A reconsideration. J. Psychopharmacol. 27, 967–971. Baldwin, D.S., Anderson, I.M., Nutt, D.J., et al., 2014. Evidence-based pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and obsessivecompulsive disorder: a revision of the 2005 guidelines from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. J. Psychopharmacol. 28, 403–439. Barnes, T.E., the Schizophrenia Consensus Group of the British Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2011. Evidence-based guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of schizophrenia: recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. J. Psychopharmacol. 25, 567–620. Bolea-Alamanac, B.M., Nutt, D.J., Adamou, M., 2014. Evidence-based

guidelines for the pharmacological management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: update on recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. J. Psychopharmacol. 28, 179–203. Caddy, C., Amit, B.H., McCloud, T.H., et al., 2015. Ketamine and other glutamate receptor modulators for depression in adults. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. (9), Art. No.: CD011612. Cleare, A., Pariante, C.M., Young, A.H., et al., 2015. Evidence-based guidelines for treating depressive disorders with antidepressants: a revision of the 2008 British Association for Psychopharmacology guidelines. J. Psychopharmacol. 29, 459–525. Cooper, S.J., Reynolds, G., Barnes, T., et al., 2016. BAP guidelines on the management of weight gain, metabolic disturbances and cardiovascular risk associated with psychosis and antipsychotic drug treatment. J. Psychopharmacol. 30, 717–748. Davies, S.J.C., Nash, J., Nutt, D.J., 2017. Management of panic disorder in primary care. Prescriber 28, 19–26.

Fink, M., 2001. Convulsive therapy: a review of the first 55 years. J. Affect. Disord. 63, 1–15. Fitzgerald, P.B., Daskalakis, Z.J., 2012. A practical guide to the use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of depression. Brain Stimul. 5, 287–296. Flockhart, D., 2016. P450 Drug Interaction Table, The Flockhart table. clinpharm/ddis/main-table. (Accessed February 2017). Goodwin, G.M., Haddad, P.M., Ferrier, I.N., 2009. Evidence-based guidelines for treating bipolar disorder: revised second edition – recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. J. Psychopharmacol. 23, 346–388. Heyman, I., Mataix-Cols, D., Fineberg, N.A., 2006. Obsessive–compulsive disorder. Br. Med. J. 333, 424–429. Katzman, M.A., Bleau, P., Blier, P., et al., 2014. Canadian clinical practice guidelines for the management of anxiety, posttraumatic stress and obsessivecompulsive disorders. BMC Psychiatry 14 (Suppl. 1), S1.




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Leucht, S., Corves, C., Arbter, D., et al., 2009. Second-generation versus first-generation antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia: a meta-analysis. Lancet 373, 31–41. Lieberman, J.A., Mataix-Cols, D., Fineberg, N.A., for the Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) Investigators, 2005. Effectiveness of antipsychotic drugs in patients with chronic


schizophrenia. N. Engl. J. Med. 353, 1209–1223. Mann, J.J., 2005. The medical management of depression. N. Engl. J. Med. 353, 1819–1834. Ryan, N.D., 2005. Treatment of depression in children and adolescents. Lancet 366, 933–940. Wilson, S.J., Nutt, D.J., Alford, C., et al., 2010. British Association for

Psychopharmacology consensus statement on evidence-based treatment of insomnia, parasomnias and circadian rhythm disorders. J. Psychopharmacol. 24, 1577–1601. Wong, I.C.K., Besag, F.M.C., Santosh, P.J., Murray, M.L., 2004. Use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in children and adolescents. Drug Saf. 27, 991–1000.


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Neurological disorders – epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis Paul Bentley, Pankaj Sharma

SYNOPSIS This chapter focuses on several common neurological disorders, each of which has a wide range of therapeutic strategies available. These disorders are epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. The treatments of other common neurological disorders are covered in other sections – namely, headaches (Pain section: Ch. 18), stroke (Ch. 24) and dementia (Ch. 20). As the number of treatment types increases for many of these disorders – often with the concomitant need for close monitoring – so there is an increasing trend for these disorders to be managed in specialty clinics, wards or day-case treatment centres, run by professionals with disease-specific expertise. It also touches on the pharmacological principles of other neurological disorders, including movement disorders other than Parkinson’s disease; spasticity (a physical sign indicating damage to upper motor neurons, characteristic of certain diseases such as stroke or multiple sclerosis); peripheral neuropathy; motor neurone disease; and tetanus.

Epilepsy Definitions A seizure is a distinct episode of clinical symptoms or signs caused by abnormal electrical discharges within the cerebral cortex.1 For example, a tonic-clonic seizure refers 1 Epilepsy has been recognised since early times. A Babylonian medical text dated about 650 BC gives the following description: ‘while he is

to the clinical syndrome of abrupt loss of consciousness, generalised stiffness (tonic) and subsequent rhythmic jerks in all limbs (clonus). A different type are complex partial seizures, which are characterized by the constellation of impaired consciousness, déjà vu sensations, epigastric rising sensation, olfactory hallucinations and motor automatisms, e.g. lip smacking.2 By contrast, epilepsy refers to the clinical syndrome of recurrent seizures and implies a pathological state that predisposes to further future seizures. Hence having one, or even a single cluster of seizures (i.e. over a few days), does not in itself qualify as epilepsy, since these seizures may have been due to a febrile illness or drug intoxication that themselves later resolve. By contrast, having at least two seizures, separated by at least a few weeks, is usually sufficient to signify epilepsy. Only one-third of people having seizures develop chronic epilepsy.

Pathology and seizure types Epilepsy affects 0.5–1% of the general population, while the lifetime risk of having a seizure is 3–5 %. There are both

sitting down, his left eye moves to the right, a lip puckers, saliva flows from his mouth, and his hand, leg and trunk on the left side jerk like a slaughtered sheep …’. Because of its unusual manifestations epilepsy was known as the ‘sacred disease’. Wilson J V K, Reynolds E H 1990 Medical History 34:192. 2 For a first-hand description of what it is like to experience a seizure, the reader is referred to many passages in the works of a lifelong epilepsy sufferer, Fyodor Dostoevsky, e.g. in The Idiot (1869): ‘all at once everything seemed to open up before him: an extraordinary inner light flooded his soul. That lasted half a second … he clearly remembered the beginning, the first sound of a dreadful scream which burst from his chest of its own accord and which no effort of his could have suppressed.’




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multiple causes and multiple seizure types.3 Approximately one-half of adult epilepsy is believed to be due to genetic or early developmental causes, although the exact nature of these – e.g. sodium channel mutations or cerebral palsy – is determined in only a small minority. The other half of adult epilepsy is due to acquired causes, such as alcohol, stroke, traumatic head injury or brain tumours. The cause of epilepsy determines the seizure type. Genetic causes (i.e. ‘primary’) predispose to generalised seizures4 characterised by tonic-clonic or absence seizures (lapses of consciousness lasting seconds), myoclonus (random limb jerk at other times), photosensitivity (seizures triggered by flashing lights), EEG showing a 3-Hz spike-and-wave pattern and a normal MRI brain. Conversely, where focal brain injury has occurred, e.g. brain tumour or stroke, and the brain scan is abnormal, focal epileptic discharges occur within the brain leading to a partial seizure – i.e. when only a narrow set of brain functions are disturbed, e.g. causing single limb jerking (implying motor cortex involvement). Importantly, partial seizures can propagate very quickly to become a ‘secondary generalised seizure’. Another common cause of adult-onset partial epilepsy is maldevelopment of the medial temporal lobes (‘mesial temporal sclerosis’) believed to be due to injury, e.g. hypoxia or infection, during fetal or early childhood life, and sometimes apparent as atrophic hippocampi and amygdala on high-resolution MRI.

Principles of management • Identification of underlying cause and treatment of • •

• •

this where possible, e.g. cerebral neoplasm or arteriovenous malformation. Educate the patient about the disease, duration of treatment and need for compliance. Counselling the patient about avoiding harm from seizures, e.g. driving regulations, swimming or bathing alone and climbing, as well as other dangerous pursuits to be avoided. Avoid precipitating factors, e.g. alcohol, sleep deprivation, stroboscopic light. Anticipate natural variation, e.g. fits may occur particularly or exclusively around menstruation in women (catamenial5 epilepsy).

3 Some people with epilepsy make pilgrimages to Terni (Italy) to seek intercession from Saint Valentine to relieve their condition. There was more than one Saint Valentine, and it is unclear whether he was also the patron saint of lovers. 4 So-called ‘primary’ or ‘idiopathic’ generalised epilepsies that reflect the fact that the specific cause is usually undetermined, although presumed to be developmental (e.g. in utero) or genetic. 5 Greek katamenios, monthly.


• For most cases with recurrent seizures, an antiepileptic drug is prescribed with subsequent monitoring and adjustment of dosage or drug type (see below). • Consider surgical therapies in patients with refractory seizures, e.g. vagal nerve stimulation, temporal lobectomy. For childhood refractory epilepsy, a ketogenic diet – i.e. high fat:carbohydrate ratio – is useful, as ketone bodies are antiepileptogenic. • Acute treatment of generalised convulsive seizures consists of ensuring the patient lies on the floor away from danger, and is postictally manoeuvred into the recovery position. If a seizure continues for more than a few minutes, rectal or buccal diazepam or intranasal midazolam can be given. If convulsive seizures last for more than 5 min, patients should be transferred to hospital for consideration of intravenous benzodiazepine and phenytoin.

Practical guide to antiepilepsy drugs 1. When to initiate. Following a single seizure, the

chance of a further seizure is approximately 25% over the following 3 years. Furthermore, only 33% of single-seizure patients develop chronic epilepsy. Hence the majority of first seizures are provoked by a reversible, and often recognisable, factor, e.g. infection, drug toxicity, surgery. For these reasons, following a single seizure6 anticonvulsants are not generally prescribed, whereas after two or more distinct seizure episodes (i.e. with more than a few weeks apart between episodes), they generally are prescribed. Immediate treatment of single or infrequent seizures does not affect long-term remission but introduces the potential for adverse effects. Patients need to be made aware that anticonvulsant therapy reduces harm caused by generalised seizures, and may also reduce the risk of sudden death in epilepsy (SUDEP), which usually occurs during sleep. 2. Monotherapy. Although the choice of anticonvulsants is large (~20), first-line therapy is generally restricted to one of only a few drugs that have a good track record and are relatively safe and well-tolerated. Initial therapy is confined to a single drug (i.e. monotherapy) that is usually effective in stopping seizures or at least significantly decreasing their frequency. The majority of epilepsy patients (70%) can remain on monotherapy for adequate control, 6 Or single cluster of seizures, i.e. if they all occurred on one day or over a few consecutive days, without any recurrence.

Neurological disorders – epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis






although sometimes the choice of monotherapy may need to be switched to allow for tolerance or optimisation of seizure control. As the number of single anticonvulsants tried increases, the incremental likelihood that any new one will offer a significant reduction in seizures decreases: from 50% response to a first drug, to an additional 30% to a second drug, to an extra 10% to a third drug, and less than 5% for any subsequent drug tried. What drug to initiate. For older types of anticonvulsants, knowing the seizure type – i.e. whether partial or primary generalised – mattered, because in certain cases the spectrum of seizure efficacy is limited, and, moreover, certain seizure types can be worsened by ill-chosen drugs. For example, carbamazepine is an effective first-line therapy for partial seizures but may worsen primary generalised, absence or myoclonic seizures; similarly, phenytoin can worsen absence and myoclonic seizures. Ethosuximide, by contrast, is only effective in primary generalised, and not partial, seizures. More modern anticonvulsants, by contrast, are in general effective over a much broader range of seizure types allowing for more confidence of use even when seizure type is uncertain. Thus sodium valproate, lamotrigine and levetiracetam are active against both primary and secondary generalised epilepsy, and being relatively well tolerated, account for most first-line prescriptions. In one head-to-head study comparing popular first-line therapies for generalised and partial seizures, lamotrigine was generally tolerated better than other drugs, while valproate was the most efficacious; carbamazepine and topiramate were more likely to cause unwanted effects.7 Women of reproductive age and children. These categories of patients prompt selection of particular drugs and avoidance of others (see below for more detail). Polytherapy. If a trial of three or so successive anticonvulsants (i.e. taken as monotherapy at adequate dosage for at least several months) does not control a patient’s epilepsy, it may be worthwhile trying dual therapy. Polytherapy offers the theoretical advantage of controlling neuronal hyperexcitability by more than one mechanism, which can be synergistic. In reality, increasing polytherapy often adheres to the law of diminishing returns, viz. the proportion of uncontrolled patients who show a positive response decreases at each addition of drug number. And at the same time, adverse effects become more likely.

SANAD Study.


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7. Abrupt withdrawal. Effective therapy must never be

stopped suddenly, as this is a well-recognised trigger for status epilepticus, which may be fatal. But if rapid withdrawal is required by the occurrence of toxicity, e.g. due to a severe rash or significant liver dysfunction, a new drug ought to be started simultaneously. The speed by which the dose of a new drug can be raised varies according to drug type and urgency. 8. Circ*mstantial seizures. In cases where fits are liable to occur at a particular time, e.g. the menstrual period, adjust the dose to achieve maximal drug effect at this time or confine drug treatment to this time. For example, in catamenial epilepsy, clobazam can be useful given only at period time. Once treatment is stable, patients should keep to a particular proprietary brand as different brands of the same generic agent (e.g. carbamazepine) may exhibit varying pharmaco*kinetics.

Dosage and administration The manner in which drug dosing is initiated depends on: (1) the drug type, and (2) the frequency and severity of the patient’s seizures (i.e. the relative urgency with which therapeutic levels are reached). Phenytoin and phenobarbital allow for a rapid loading (within 24 h); valproate, levetiracetam and oxcarbazepine allow for escalation over days or a few weeks, whilst lamotrigine and carbamazepine require gradual escalations over many weeks. If seizures are infrequent at the time of presentation, e.g. every few weeks, antiepileptics should generally be started at their lowest dose, with small increments made every 1–2 weeks. In this way, the risk of unwanted effects, especially dizziness or ‘feeling drunk’ are minimised. A slow introduction of lamotrigine is also essential to reduce the risk of rash or more severe hypersensitivity reactions. Most drugs have a generally recognised maintenance dose range; the lowest dose within this range that achieves a reasonable degree of seizure control should be established. Monitoring of blood concentrations is helpful in guiding dosage of carbamazepine, phenytoin and phenobarbital, but not other anticonvulsants.

Failure to respond In patients who continue fitting in spite of the recommended maintenance dose range having been reached, there are numerous possible explanations:

• Non-compliance, diarrhoea and vomiting, patients instructed to be ‘nil by mouth’ (revealed by measuring blood concentrations of drug). • Inadequate dosing, including the possibility of drug interaction, e.g. another drug reducing the effective




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dose of the anticonvulsant by hepatic enzyme induction. • Pregnancy also causes hepatic induction, and reduces the effective dose of lamotrigine. • Increase in the severity of an underlying disease, e.g. enlargement of a brain tumour, or new disease. • Drug resistance, e.g. genetic polymorphisms in hepatic cytochromes (such as CYP 2 C9) that metabolise drugs, sodium channel subunit SCN1A, or the P glycoprotein drug transporter (ABCB1 gene) that expels drugs from neurones.

Drug withdrawal If patients have remained seizure-free for more than a few years, it is reasonable to consider withdrawal of antiepilepsy drug therapy.8,9 The prognosis of a seizure disorder is determined by:

• Type of seizure disorder – benign rolandic epilepsy,

• • • • • •

solely petit mal or grand mal seizures confer a high chance of full remission, whereas juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, temporal or frontal lobe epilepsies often require lifelong treatment. Time to remission – early remission carries a better outlook. Number of drugs required to induce remission – rapid remission on a single drug is a favourable indicator for successful withdrawal. MRI brain scan findings – presence of an underlying lesion predicts difficult control. EEG findings – epileptogenic activity is a predictor of poor outcome for drug withdrawal. Associated neurological deficit or learning difficulty – control is often difficult. Length of time of seizure freedom on treatment – the longer the period, the better the outlook.

Discontinuing antiepilepsy medication is associated with about 20% relapse during withdrawal and a further 20% relapse over the following 5 years; after this period, relapse is unusual. A general recommendation is to withdraw the antiepilepsy drug over a period of 6 months. If a fit occurs during this time, full therapy must recommence until the patient has been free from seizures for several years.

surgery) to stipulations regarding driving (according to the UK Driving Vehicle Licensing Authority). These rules are based upon statistical data relating specific diagnoses or clinically described events (e.g. blackouts without warning) with the risk of future blackout and/or car accidents. Epileptic patients who wish to continue driving therefore need to contact their national driving licensing body so that each case can be judged on its merits; while waiting for a decision, patients must not drive. In general in the UK, patients suffering seizures, or blackouts of undetermined cause, are not permitted to drive a car for 1 year from their last attack. Exceptions include: patients who have had exclusively nocturnal seizures for at least 3 years, or patients in whom a single seizure has occurred more than 6 months earlier, providing they have a normal brain scan and EEG; these groups are usually permitted to drive.

Pregnancy and epilepsy Pregnancy worsens epilepsy in about one-third of patients, but also improves epilepsy in another third. One of the main concerns in this patient group is that all anticonvulsants increase the chance of teratogenicity slightly, with valproate, phenytoin and phenobarbital carrying most risk. The toxicological hazard must be weighed against the risk of seizures which themselves can be harmful to mother and unborn baby, and are likely to worsen if anticonvulsants are discontinued. For instance, the risk of major congenital anomalies in the fetus is 1% for healthy mothers, 2% in untreated epileptic mothers (in observational studies, so generally not severe epileptics), and 2–3% in mothers on epilepsy monotherapy. Valproate, by contrast, has been associated with a malformation rate of approximately 10%,10 while 20–30% of children are subsequently found to have mild learning disabilities or require ‘special needs’ education. The UK maintains a national drug monitoring register of all pregnant women taking antiepileptic drugs. Doctor–patient discussions about what antiepileptic drug, if any, and at what dose, are required pre-conception. Advance planning is preferred because:

• neural tube defects are related to deficiencies in folic acid stores before pregnancy, so that antiepileptic drugs that affect stores, e.g. valproate, can be avoided, and folic acid 5 mg/day given for several months in advance, and

Driving regulations and epilepsy Multiple driving regulations exist that relate epilepsy (and neurological conditions predisposing to epilepsy, e.g. brain 8

Medical Research Council 1991 Antiepileptic Drug Withdrawal Study Group. Lancet 337:1175–1180. 9 Medical Research Council 1993 Antiepileptic Drug Withdrawal Study Group. British Medical Journal 306:1374–1378.



As well as spina bifida, cleft palates, cardiac and urogenital anomalies in the fetus, valproate during early pregnancy or preconception is associated with a particular dysmorphic appearance of the newborn (‘fetal valpraote syndrome’) characterised by wide, flat nasal bridge, long philtrum, thin lip, widely spaced eyes (hypertelorism) and epicanthic folds.

Neurological disorders – epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis

• adjustments in dose and type of drug can be avoided in the early stages of pregnancy as there is a higher risk of toxicity and seizure breakthrough during this critical phase of fetal development. In general, patients having seizures with blackouts should be on an effective dose of an anticonvulsant, because of the risk of anoxia, lactic acidosis and trauma. During pregnancy, liver enzymes become induced, which has implications in epilepsy. Firstly, patients on lamotrigine before conception require a gradually increased dose during the pregnancy, to cope with enhanced catabolism (lowering lamotrigine plasma concentration). Secondly, enzymeinducing drugs often aggravate a relative deficiency of vitamin K that occurs in the final trimester, predisposing the patient to postpartum haemorrhage; vitamin K is therefore given by mouth during the last 2 weeks of pregnancy.

Breast feeding Antiepilepsy drugs pass into breast milk: phenobarbital, primidone and ethosuximide in significant quantities, phenytoin and sodium valproate less so. There is a risk that the baby will become sedated or suckle poorly, but provided there is awareness of these effects, the balance of advantage favours breast feeding while taking antiepilepsy drugs.

Epilepsy and oral contraceptives Many antiepileptic drugs induce steroid-metabolising enzymes and so can cause hormonal contraception to fail. This applies to: carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, barbiturates, and topiramate. Patients receiving any of these drugs and wishing to remain on the combined contraceptive pill need a higher dose of oestrogen (at least 50 μg/day), which they should take back-to-back for three cycles (‘tricycling’), before stopping for 3 days, and then repeating the pattern. Even this method offers a suboptimal level of contraception, and a non-oestrogenic form of contraception is preferred. Lamotrigine is not an enzyme inducer but can decrease levonorgestrel plasma concentration through other mechanisms.

Epilepsy in children Seizures in children tend to arise from different sets of causes (usually genetic or cerebral palsy) from those arising in adults, and can carry either very good long-term outcomes, e.g. spontaneous resolution, or, less commonly, bad outcomes, e.g. gradual deterioration. Treatments are similar to those used in adults, but certain seizure types necessitate drugs that are rarely used in adults, e.g. ethosuximide for absence seizures, or vigabatrin for refractory partial seizures (partly


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because children may become irritable or more cognitively impaired with drugs such as valproate and phenobarbital). Febrile convulsions. Seizures triggered by fever due to any cause (typically viral infection) are common in young children (3 months – 5 years of age). Two-thirds of such children will have only one attack, and in total only 2% will progress to adult epilepsy. For this reason, continuous prophylaxis is seldom given, except for those cases where atypical febrile seizures occur, e.g. lasting for more than 15 min, have focal features or recur within the same febrile illness. Long-term antiepileptic therapy is avoided where possible in children due to recognised adverse effects of most such drugs on learning and social development. Febrile convulsions may be treated on an ad hoc basis by issuing parents with a specially formulated solution of diazepam for rectal administration (absorption from a suppository is too slow) that allows for easy and early administration. Febrile convulsions may be prevented by treating febrile children with paracetamol and cooling with sponge soaks.

Status epilepticus Status epilepticus refers to continuous or repeated epileptic seizures for more than 30 min. It often arises in patients already known to have epilepsy, in whom antiepileptic drug therapy has been inappropriately withdrawn or not taken. It can be the first presentation of epilepsy, due to an acquired brain insult, e.g. viral encephalitis. Status epilepticus is a medical emergency. In the first instance, general resuscitation (airway control, oxygen, intravenous saline, etc.) is required. Hypoglycemia needs to be rapidly excluded with finger-prick testing, and if present, addressed by immediate intravenous thiamine (100 mg) followed by 50 mL 50% dextrose. First-line pharmacological treatment of seizures is with the intravenous benzodiazepine lorazepam (0.5–4 mg). Lorazepam is preferred to diazepam because it has a longer effective t1/2 and is less lipophilic and so accumulates less in fat, causing less delayed toxicity (hypotension and respiratory depression). The speed of action of lorazepam and diazepam are both rapid. Second-line treatment of status epilepticus (typically, when seizures have been progressing for 20–40 minutes) is with intravenous phenytoin. Phenytoin is given as a loading dose (15–20 mg/kg body-weight) over 1 h and requires ECG and blood pressure monitoring for arrhythmias, conduction block and hypotension. Subsequently, a maintenance dose of approximately 300 mg/day is given and adjusted according to plasma levels (corrected for albumin). Fosphenytoin is sometimes preferred because being water-soluble it has more predictable pharmaco*kinetics. It can be administered more quickly, by either the intramuscular or intravenous route, and avoids the danger of tissue injury due to inadvertent




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fluid extravasation (which can occur with intravenous phenytoin due to the need to dissolve it in a basic solution with ethylene glycol). Alternatives to intravenous phenytoin are a single large dose of intravenous valproate (40 mg/kg; max. 3000 mg), intravenous levetiracetam (60 mg/kg; max 4500 mg), or intravenous phenopharbitone (15 mg/kg), followed by regular daily doses (for all). Increasing evidence suggests that intravenous valproate or intravenous levetiracetam are as effective as intravenous phenytoin, while being safer. Phenobarbitone has the disadvantage of causing more profound sedation, and so may require airway protection or intubation. Second-line treatments result in termination of status epilepticus in up to 80% of patients. The third-line treatment for status epilepticus, or at an earlier stage if airway or breathing appears compromised, is general anaesthesia, e.g. with midazolam, propofol, thiopental or pentobarbital. These require concomitant intubation, mechanical ventilation and intensive care management. Pharmacologically induced sedation is removed periodically to allow for assessment of seizure activity (both from clinical observations and using EEG). If resuscitation facilities are not immediately available, diazepam by rectal solution is a useful option. In some cases, midazolam (nasally) may be preferred, e.g. in children or those with severe learning disability. Intravenous benzodiazepines should not be used if resuscitation facilities are unavailable as there is risk of respiratory arrest. Always investigate and treat the cause of a generalised seizure. Give intravenous aciclovir if viral encephalitis is suspected, or, if status is triggered by removing an antiepileptic drug, it must be re-instituted. Magnesium sulphate is the treatment of choice for seizures related to eclampsia (see also p. 440).11 Details of further management appear in Table 21.1.

Pharmacology of individual drugs Modes of action (Fig. 21.1) Antiepilepsy (anticonvulsant) drugs aim to inhibit epileptogenic neuronal discharges and their propagation, while not interfering significantly with physiological neural activity. They act by one of five different mechanisms given below. It is generally recommended that when more than one drug is needed to control seizures, then drugs chosen should be selected from different classes of action, both to target epileptogenesis at more than one control point (resulting in synergistic effects) and to reduce unwanted effects.

Table 21.1  Treatment of status epilepticus in adults

Eclampsia Trial Collaborative Group 1995 Which anticonvulsant for women with eclampsia? Evidence from the Collaborative Eclampsia Trial. Lancet 345:1455–1463.




Lorazepam 4 mg i.v., repeat once after 10 min if necessary, or clonazepam 1 mg i.v. over 30 s, repeat if necessary, or diazepam 10–20 mg over 2–4 min, repeat once after 30 min if necessary


Phenytoin 15–18 mg/kg i.v. at a rate of 50 mg/min, and/or phenobarbital 10–20 mg/kg i.v. at a rate of 100 mg/min


Thiopental or propofol or midazolam with full intensive care support

Decreases electrical excitability. Examples: phenytoin, carbamazepine, lamotrigine, lacosamide. These drugs reduce cell membrane permeability to ions, particularly fast, voltagedependent sodium channels which are responsible for the inward current that generates an action potential. Receptor blockage is typically use-dependent, meaning that only cells firing repetitively at high frequency are blocked, which permits discrimination between epileptic and physiological activity. A further potential avenue for reducing neuronal depolarisation is to use a potassium channel opener, e.g. retigabine. Decreases synaptic vesicle release. Examples: calcium channel blockers: e.g. gabapentin; levetiracetam. Calcium channel activation is required for synaptic vesicle release, and so calcium channel blockers may act by decreasing synaptic transmission, and therefore activity propagation, especially during periods of high burst activity. Calcium channel blockade may also reduce excitoxicity – a pathological process by which repetitive neuronal depolarisation leads to calcium entry into neurones, with resultant cell death. Gabapentin and pregabalin bind specifically to the α2δ subunit of the high-voltage–activated L-type calcium channels (i.e. longactivating current). Ethosuximide is specific for low-voltage– gated T-type calcium channels. Other drugs such as lamotrigine, valproate and topiramate block calcium channels as just one of many cellular actions. Levetiracetam uniquely inhibits synaptic vesicle protein 2A (SV2A), thereby reducing synaptic vesicle recycling.

Enhancement of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transmission.  Examples: benzodiazepines, phenobarbital, valproate, vigabatrin, tiagabine.12 By enhancing GABA, the 12



The last two of these examples have names that help to recall their mechanisms: vigabatrin (as well as valproate) being a GABA TRansamine INhibitor, and TiaGABINe being an INhibitor of GABA Transporter.

Neurological disorders – epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis

Na-channel blockers: carbamazepine, phenytoin, lamotrigine, lacosamide (facilitates slowinacvang current)

Ca-channel blockers: T-type: ethosuximide L-type: gabapenn, pregabalin


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K-channel opener: regabine


Vesicle recycling blocker: leveracetam

Vesicle release

Glutamate receptor antagonist: NMDA blocker: felbamate AMPA blocker: perempanel (specific), topiramate

GABA receptor acvator: benzodiazepine, barbiturates, valproate (via GABA transaminase inhibion)

Fig. 21.1  Site of action at neuronal synapse of anti-epileptic drugs

principal inhibitory transmitter of the brain, neuronal membrane permeability to chloride ions is increased, which secondarily reduces cell excitability. Benzodiazepines and barbiturates activate the GABA receptor via specific benzodiazepine and barbiturate binding sites.

Inhibition of excitatory neurotransmitters, e.g. glutamate.  Examples: topiramate, perampanel, felbamate. Topiramate and perampanel both inhibit glutamate activation of the ionotropic glutamate receptor AMPA (perampanel is unique in being a specific non-competitive AMPA receptor antagonist, whereas topiramate has pleiotropic actions). Felbamate inhibits the NR2B-type of NMDA ionotropic glutamate receptor (as well as positively modulating GABAA receptors). Felbamate is only used for severe refractory epilepsy, e.g. Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, because of its association with aplastic anaemia and liver failure. Glutamate inhibition both stops neuronal excitation in the short term, and excitotoxicity and cell death in the long term.

Other actions. Example: lacosamide, which as well as inhibiting sodium channel conductance, also targets a neuronal protein called ‘collapsin-response mediator protein 2’ (CRMP2). The drugs used in the treatment of various forms of epilepsy are shown in Table 21.2.

Sodium channel blockers Carbamazepine Carbamazepine (Tegretol) acts predominantly as a voltagedependent sodium channel blocker, thereby reducing membrane excitability. Pharmaco*kinetics.  Carbamazepine is metabolised to an epoxide; both compounds possess antiepileptic activity, but the epoxide may cause more adverse effects. The t1/2 of carbamazepine falls from 35 h to 20 h over the first few weeks of therapy due to autoinduction of hepatic enzymes. For this reason, the dose of carbamazepine is gradually increased, over many weeks, with the expectation that plasma levels will remain within a therapeutic range over this time. Other drugs relying on hepatic metabolism may also have their effective plasma level decreased due to induction secondary to carbamazepine, e.g. glucocorticosteroids, contraceptive pill, theophylline, warfarin, as well as other anticonvulsants, e.g. phenytoin. The metabolism of carbamazepine itself may be inhibited by valproate and to a lesser extent, by lamotrigine and levetiracetam (thereby raising carbamazepine plasma levels). Uses.  Carbamazepine is effective for partial seizures with or without secondary generalisation. It is also first-line




Nervous system

Table 21.2  Drugs of choice for the treatment of epilepsy Seizure disorder


Usual daily oral dose Adult


Generalised seizures Primary generalised

Drugs of choice:

1–2 g

15–40 mg/kg

Tonic–clonic (grand mal)

Sodium valproate Lamotrigine Alternatives: Clonazepam



2–6 mg

Topiramate Carbamazepineb

200–400 mg 0.8–1.2 g


200–400 mg

50-kg body-weight)

Neurological disorders – epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis


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Table 21.2  Drugs of choice for the treatment of epilepsy—cont’d Seizure disorder


Topiramate Oxcarbazepine Levetiracetam Lacosamide Zonisamide Pregabalin

Usual daily oral dose Adult


As above 0.6–2.4 g 1–3 g

As above


Varies with mono or adjunctive therapy; see manufacturer’s recommendations. Avoid if major seizures are accompanied by absence seizures or myoclonic jerks. c Lamotrigine may be effective, particularly if used with sodium valproate. d Alone or in combination with clonazepam, which may be synergistic. e In adults, used as a last resort; in children, used for infantile spasms (West’s syndrome). Regular visual field monitoring is mandatory. b

treatment for trigeminal neuralgia. It is not recommended for primary generalised seizures (especially myoclonic epilepsy), which can be worsened by it.

Adverse effects follow from the fact that it depresses electrical excitability. In the central nervous system (CNS), this results in cerebellar and brainstem dysfunction (causing dizziness, diplopia, ataxia, nausea and reversible blurring of vision), as well as drowsiness; in the heart this can result in depression of cardiac atrioventricular (AV) conduction. Rashes, including serious reactions such as Stevens–Johnson syndrome, tend to be more of a problem for this drug than other anticonvulsants. A further set of issues arise from the hepatic induction property of carbamazepine: both osteomalacia and folic acid deficiency may occur due to enhanced metabolism of vitamin D and folic acid, respectively. Elderly patients receiving any enzyme-inducing drug should be screened for osteoporosis with bone-density scanning, and treated with bisphosphonates if necessary. Other unwanted effects can include gastrointestinal symptoms, headache, blood disorders, e.g. leucopenia, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (causing hyponatraemia), liver and thyroid dysfunction. Carbamazepine impairs cognitive function less than phenytoin.

Oxcarbazepine Oxcarbazepine, like its analogue carbamazepine, acts by blocking voltage-sensitive sodium channels. It is rapidly and extensively metabolised in the liver; the t1/2 of the parent drug is 2 h, but that of its principal metabolite (which also has therapeutic activity) is 11 h. Unlike carbamazepine, it does not form an epoxide, which may explain its lower frequency of unwanted effects; these include dizziness,

headache and hyponatraemia, and selective cytochrome enzyme induction (potentially causing failure of oestrogen contraception). Monitoring of plasma sodium may be necessary in the elderly and patients on diuretics. Oxcarbazepine is used either as monotherapy or as add-on therapy for partial seizures. The speed with which the dose can be escalated is generally quicker than that for carbamazepine.

Eslicarbazepine This drug is an enantiomer of a hydroxyl derivative of oxcarbazepine and has an efficacy spectrum similar to carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine, i.e. it is effective for partial epilepsy with or without secondary generalisation. It appears to have fewer of the unwanted effects of its parent drugs, and its dose can be raised to an effective range more quickly (within 1–2 weeks); only two doses are available.

Phenytoin Phenytoin (diphenylhydantoin, Epanutin, Dilantin) acts principally by blocking neuronal voltage-dependent sodium ion channels; this action is described as membrane stabilising, and discourages the spread (rather than the initiation) of seizure discharges.

Pharmaco*kinetics.  Phenytoin provides a good example of the application of pharmaco*kinetics for successful prescribing.

Saturation kinetics.  Phenytoin is hydroxylated extensively in the liver, a process that becomes saturated at about the doses needed for therapeutic effect. Thus phenytoin at low




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doses exhibits first-order kinetics, but saturation or zero-order kinetics develop as the therapeutic plasma concentration range (10–20 mg/L) is approached, i.e. dose increments of equal size produce a disproportional rise in steady-state plasma concentration. Thus dose increments should become smaller as the dose increases (which is why there is a 25-mg capsule), and plasma concentration monitoring is advisable. Phenytoin given orally is well absorbed, allowing for achievement of therapeutic range concentrations within 24 h (as may be required in patients with frequent seizures).

Enzyme induction and inhibition. Phenytoin is a potent inducer of hepatic enzymes that metabolise other drugs (carbamazepine, warfarin), dietary and endogenous substances (including vitamin D and folate), and phenytoin itself. This latter causes a slight fall in steady-state phenytoin concentration over the first few weeks of therapy, though this may not be noticeable with progressive dose increments. Drugs that inhibit phenytoin metabolism (causing its plasma concentration to rise) include sodium valproate, isoniazid and certain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Uses.  The main role of phenytoin in modern practice is in the emergency control of seizures, including status epilepticus, because of its reliable antiepileptic effect, and because an effective treatment dose can be loaded rapidly. It may also be used to prevent partial seizures with or without secondary generalisation, but is not generally used first line in this regard because of its adverse-effect profile (see below). It may worsen primary generalised epilepsies, such as absence or myoclonic seizures, and so is not used for these conditions unless status epilepticus occurs.

Other uses.  The membrane-stabilising effect of phenytoin finds use in cardiac arrhythmias, trigeminal neuralgia and myotonic dystrophy (an inherited disorder in which skeletal muscle becomes over-excitable).

Adverse effects.  Adverse effects of phenytoin are multitudinous, especially with years of therapy, which fact, together with its narrow therapeutic range, is why phenytoin is not favoured for long-term therapy. Unwanted effects related to the nervous system include cognitive impairment, cerebellar ataxia, dyskinesias, tremor and peripheral neuropathy. Cutaneous reactions include rashes (dose related), coarsening of facial features, hirsutism, lupus-like syndrome, gum hyperplasia (due to inhibition of collagen catabolism), and Dupuytren’s contracture (caused by free-radical formation). Haematological effects include: macrocytic anaemia due to increased folate metabolism (treatable with folate supplementation), IgA hypergammaglobulinaemia, lymphadenopathy and pseudolymphoma. Osteomalacia due to increased metabolism of vitamin D occurs after years of therapy and calls for bone-density scanning.


Intravenous phenytoin is associated with cardiac depression, distal ischaemia (‘purple-glove syndrome’) and, if drug extravasation occurs, local but severe ulceration. Overdose causes cerebellar symptoms and signs, coma, apnoea or even paradoxically, seizures. The patient may remain unconscious for a long time because of saturation kinetics, but will recover with standard care.

Fosphenytoin  is a prodrug of phenytoin, is soluble in water, and easier and safer to administer. Its conversion in the blood to phenytoin is rapid, and it may be used as an alternative to phenytoin for status epilepticus.

Lamotrigine Lamotrigine (Lamictal) stabilises pre-synaptic neuronal membranes by blocking voltage-dependent sodium and calcium channels, and reduces the release of excitatory amino acids, such as glutamate and aspartate. The t1/2 of 24 h allows for a single daily dose. Lamotrigine is a favoured first-line drug for partial and generalised epilepsy, being both effective and well tolerated. It is also used in bipolar disorder as a mood stabiliser. It has few cognitive or sedating effects relative to other antiepileptic drugs. It causes rash in about 10% of patients, including, rarely, serious reactions such as Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis (potentially fatal). The risk of rash lessens if treatment begins with a low dose and escalates slowly, whereas concomitant use of valproate, which inhibits lamotrigine metabolism, adds to the hazard. Carbamazepine, phenytoin and barbiturates accelerate the metabolic breakdown of lamotrigine, thereby prompting an increase in the prescribed lamotrigine dose. Other specific unwanted effects of lamotrigine include insomnia and headache, the latter effect distinguishing it from valproate and topiramate that are used for migraine prevention. Insomnia may respond to lamotrigine taken once daily in the morning.

Lacosamide Lacosamide (Vimpat) selectively facilitates a ‘slow-inactivating’ component of the voltage-gated sodium channel, which predominates under high-frequency neural activity (e.g. seizures), without affecting ‘fast-inactivating’ sodium channel states that characterise more standard patterns of neural firing frequency. This offers seizure control while reducing common antiepileptic unwanted effects such as sedation or cognitive impairment. Lacosamide also targets a neuronal protein called ‘collapsin-response mediator protein 2’ that is involved in neuronal differentiation, axonal outgrowth and gene expression. Whether this property confers additional disease-modifying properties to lacosamide (as distinct from its antiseizure property) is unknown.

Neurological disorders – epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis Lacosamide is effective in refractory partial epilepsy, and has the advantage of being available as a syrup and intravenous formulation. The t1/2 is 13 h, and unwanted effects include dizziness, nausea, headache and prolongation of the PR interval on the ECG.

GABA-potentiators Sodium valproate Sodium valproate (valproic acid, Epilim) acts on sodium and calcium channels, as well as GABAA receptors, the latter action by virtue of inhibiting GABA transaminase (thereby increasing GABA levels, and hence neuronal inhibition). Sodium valproate is metabolised extensively in the liver (t1/2 13 h). It is a non-specific metabolic inhibitor, both of its own metabolism, and that of other anticonvulsants including lamotrigine, phenytoin and carbamazepine. To avoid toxicity, patients taking valproate and starting such drugs as second-line therapy should receive lower doses of the second anticonvulsant. By contrast, the metabolism of valproate is accelerated by enzyme-inducing drugs, e.g. carbamazepine. Sodium valproate is effective for both generalised and partial epilepsies, as well as for migraine prevention and mania (for which it acts as a mood stabiliser).

Adverse effects.  The main concerns, particularly to women, are weight gain, impaired glucose tolerance, teratogenicity (see p. 123), polycystic ovary syndrome and loss of hair, which grows back curly.13 Nausea and dyspepsia may be a more general problem, ameliorated by using an enteric-coated formulation. Some patients exhibit a rise in liver enzymes, which is usually transient and without sinister import, but patients should be closely monitored until the biochemical tests return to normal as, rarely, liver failure occurs (risk maximal at 2–12 weeks); this is often indicated by anorexia, malaise and a recurrence of seizures. Other reactions include pancreatitis, coagulation disorder due to inhibition of platelet aggregation or thrombocytopenia, and hyperammonaemia that can present with acute confusion.

Barbiturates Some of the earliest effective antiepileptic drugs came from the barbiturate family: namely, phenobarbital (t1/2 100 h), and primidone (Mysoline), the latter being metabolised largely to phenobarbital, i.e. it is a prodrug. The main use of phenobarbital is for status epilepticus because of its potent


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antiepileptic effect and the ability to give it intravenously. It is also used as an adjunct for long-term control of refractory partial seizures, but suffers from a high level of unwanted effects (especially sedation), including cardiac or respiratory arrest if overdosed, and dependency/addiction, and interactions (enzyme induction). Withdrawal from barbiturates must be performed very slowly (typically over months) because of a high risk of inducing seizures.

Benzodiazepines Lorazepam and diazepam are first-line drugs for rapid control of acute seizures, but are not recommended for long-term prophylaxis due to unwanted effects: mainly sedation, tolerance and addiction. Clonazepam (Rivotril) (t1/2 25 h) is used mainly as an adjunct in myoclonic epilepsy due to its additional effects as a muscle relaxant. Clobazam finds use as an oral method for establishing rapid seizure control, e.g. in patients with a first presentation of frequent symptomatic seizures, and may be effective for drug-resistant partial seizures. Its effectiveness may wane after a few months due to tolerance. Both clonazepam and clobazam should be avoided in patients with anxiety or a history of drug addiction, due to risk of addiction or misuse.

Vigabatrin Vigabatrin (Sabril) (t1/2 6 h) is structurally related to the inhibitory CNS neurotransmitter GABA, and acts by irreversibly inhibiting GABA-transaminase so that GABA accumulates. GABA-transaminase is resynthesised over 6 days. The drug is not metabolised and does not induce hepatic drugmetabolising enzymes. Vigabatrin is effective in partial and secondary generalised seizures that are not satisfactorily controlled by other anticonvulsants, and in infantile spasms, as monotherapy. It worsens absence and myoclonic seizures. Unwanted effects from drugs sometimes become apparent only following prolonged use, and vigabatrin is a case in point. Vigabatrin had been licensed for a number of years before there were reports of visual field constriction (up to 40% of patients), an effect that is insidious and leads to irreversible tunnel vision. Consequently, it is now indicated only for refractory epilepsy, and patients taking it require 6-monthly visual field monitoring. Other adverse effects include confusion, psychosis and weight gain.

Calcium channel blockers Gabapentin


‘We thought the change might be welcomed by the patients, but one girl preferred her hair to be long and straight, and one boy was mortified by his curls and insisted on a short hair cut’ (Jeavons P M, Clark J E, Harding G F 1977 Valproate and curly hair. Lancet i:359).

Gabapentin (Neurontin) is a lipid-soluble analogue of GABA that crosses the blood–brain barrier. It acts as an antagonist to the L-type (long-activating) high-voltage–gated activated




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calcium channels, via interactions with the α2δ subunit. This has the effect of inhibiting synaptic vesicle fusion with the plasma membrane, and thus neurotransmitter release. It also facilitates GABAergic transmission, as its name suggests. It is excreted unchanged and has the advantage of not inducing or inhibiting hepatic metabolism of other drugs. Gabapentin is effective only for partial seizures and secondary generalised epilepsy. It is also used for neuropathic pain, restless legs syndrome and anxiety. Gabapentin may cause somnolence, unsteadiness, dizziness and fatigue, although the likelihood of these decreases if dosing is started very low (e.g. 100 mg three times per day) and increased gradually (e.g. to 900 mg three times per day).

Pregabalin Pregabalin (Lyrica) acts similarly to gabapentin, and is sometimes used in place of gabapentin when the latter has been ineffective for refractory partial seizures. Its main adverse effects are confusion, dizziness and weight gain. As well as being an antiepileptic, it is commonly used against neuropathic pain, and it possesses anxiolytic properties.

Ethosuximide Ethosuximide (Zarontin) (t1/2 55 h) is a member of the succinimide family that differs from other antiepilepsy drugs in that it blocks a particular type of calcium channel that is active in primary generalised epilepsies – especially absence seizures (petit mal) and myoclonic epilepsy. For this reason, its main use is among children. Adverse effects include gastric upset, CNS effects, and allergic reactions including eosinophilia and other blood disorders, and lupus erythematosus.

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors Carbonic anhydrase inhibition reduces central nervous excitability, and is a property shared by topiramate, zonisamide and acetazolamide. Acetazolamide is rarely used now as an antiepileptic, but the other two find roles as adjuncts in partial epilepsy, as well as migraine. They also share common unwanted effects, namely weakness, anorexia, weight loss, depression, paraesthesia and renal stones (due to alkalosis).

Topiramate Topiramate (Topamax), acts via various mechanisms, including carbonic anhydrase inhibition, voltage-gated sodium channel blockade, glutamate receptor blockade and enhancement of GABA activity. The t1/2 of 21 h allows once-daily


dosing; it is excreted in the urine, mainly as unchanged drug. Topiramate is used for partial seizures, as well as for migraine prevention (a property it shares with valproate). Unlike valproate, which causes weight gain, topiramate causes weight loss (considered an advantage by many women). Other unwanted effects include cognitive impairment, e.g. naming difficulty, acute myopia and raised intraocular pressure.

Zonisamide Zonisamide (Zomig) is a sulphonamide analogue that acts as a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor as well as blocking both sodium and T-type calcium channels. Its sodium channel– blocking effect increases latency for neuronal recovery following inactivation. It may cause cognitive impairment, and carries a small risk of renal stones (

Morris J. Brown, Pankaj Sharma, Fraz A. Mir, Peter N. Bennett - Clinical Pharmacology (2018, Elsevier) - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)


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Product information
Publisher‎McGraw-Hill Education / Medical; 15th edition (Dec 5 2020)
Paperback‎1328 pages
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Oswald Schmiedeberg (1838–1921) is generally recognized as the founder of modern pharmacology. The son of a Latvian forester, Schmiedeberg obtained his medical doctorate in 1866 with a thesis on the measurement of chloroform in blood.

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John A. Oates: A Founding Father of Clinical Pharmacology.

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But knowing the difference between them and deciding which course is right for you can be tricky. Put simply, pharmacists study all aspects of the preparation and use of medicines, while pharmacologists study the effect of medicines on the body.

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The Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology is a peer-reviewed medical journal published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins covering clinical psychopharmacology. It was founded by Richard I. Shader, MD in 1981 as the first journal of an international scope devoted solely to clinical psychopharmacology.

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Clinical Pharmacology powered by ClinicalKey is a comprehensive drug reference solution providing quick access to current, accurate and clinically-relevant drug information.

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Katzung's Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 16th Edition | AccessPharmacy | McGraw Hill Medical.

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The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology is a peer-reviewed medical journal that covers the field of pharmacology. The editor-in-chief is Joseph S. Bertino, Jr. (Bertino Consulting).

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