McDonald’s Is Changing their Name to WcDonald’s (2024)

McDonald’s Is Changing their Name to WcDonald’s (1)

Evie Blan, ReporterMarch 27, 2024

The world’s worst fears are coming true. The unthinkable has happened. McDonald’s is changing their name.

But only temporarily. For the time being, McDonald’s will take the risky chance of changing their famous “M” to a “W,” and will now be known as WcDonald’s all over the United States. It lasted from February 26 to March 18. It draws attention to their collaboration and latest campaign with anime, because in some of the shows, McDonald’s appears as WcDonald’s to not steal the name. The restaurant now has anime comics on their to-go bags, and a new sauce called Savoury Chili. Anime is making a four-episode special, which are all based on WcDonald’s, and is also in production. They all have a different theme: action, romance, mecha, and fantasy. They are available to watch through

Last weekend, US Librarian Sarah Blan and Nate Blan ’26, went to Tulsa, Oklahoma for a club volleyball tournament. On the drive home from Tulsa, they stopped at a McDonald’s to get some food. They went inside and ordered some food along with a chocolate milkshake for each of them.

“When they gave us our chocolate milkshakes, it was really runny, not like a milkshake, and so I said I didn’t order chocolate milk, I ordered a chocolate milkshake. [The manager] said ‘Would you like me to put whipped cream on it?’ I said, ‘No, it’s not a milkshake,’” Sarah Blan said .

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Frustrated, they eventually left with their “chocolate milkshakes” and made their way back to Texas.

After getting home and telling the story to their family, they realized there was something wrong with the cup they brought home.

“The plastic cup said WcDonald’s,” Nate said.

His first reaction was “Why does it say WcDonald’s? What’s WcDonald’s?” While everyone else’s reaction was that they hadn’t gone to a McDonald’s at all, but instead a ripped off McDonald’s called WcDonald’s. Later research showed that it in fact was not a mistake, but a surprising change to McDonald’s fast food chain.

Both of the Blans said that their favorite thing to order whenever at McDonald’s is the Classic Oreo McFlurry. Even though this is a big change, it is only temporary, and soon we will have our regular McDonald’s back. Because of the trauma that she had experienced several times at the restaurant in the past, Sarah Blan added, “I won’t be visiting McDonald’s in the near future.”

About the Contributor

McDonald’s Is Changing their Name to WcDonald’s (3)

Evie Blan, Reporter

Hi. My name is Evie, and I am a freshman reporter for the Falcon Quill. When I am not watching edits of Jess from “Gilmore Girls,” I love to read and play with my dog, Oliver. I play volleyball and basketball, and I am very talented. I am super excited to be in Upper School, because I love journalism with Mrs. Wallace, history with Mr. Douglas, and all of the free time that we get during the day. Someday, I will be a very famous actress living in Kentucky with a pet panda, but for now, you will often catch me reading “The Naturals” book series or working on homework. I can’t wait for the year.

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McDonald’s Is Changing their Name to WcDonald’s (2024)
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