God! You're Such a Feminist! - Chapter 2 - Uncreativity (2024)

Chapter Text

“I think I need to move to f*ckin’ Seattle…”

Kyu’s quip fell against the backdrop of the bustling city. The darting edges of Fall mingled into the air, the wind warm with a crisp edge of the coming season. The soles of my loafers clicked quietly on the sidewalk and I tried not to stare too hard at the fairy whom only I could see. It would take some getting used to, especially as more of Kyu’s explicatives were thrown and I, once again, was reminded only I was privy to their inappropriate nature.

The smell of coffee, sea air, and the surrounding musk of the forest filled my senses. I walked lazily, feeling quite full after my lunch of a poke bowl and one of the most satisfying glasses of room-temperature water I’d ever had. My hands slid into the pockets of my pants and my eyebrow rose. My fingers brushed across something in my pocket, feeling the harder material of something undeniably plastic, it dawned on me what it was. Smirking, I pulled out the small case that housed the Bluetooth earbuds I must’ve left in these trousers.

“Whatcha doin'?” Her tone sounded over the street again.

A car honked.

I slid the earbuds in and smiled at her.

“Now, if I talk to you, it’ll just seem like I’m on the phone,” I motioned to the headphones slightly protruding from my ears. Kyu made a face as if to say ‘ nice thinking ’.

“What makes you enjoy the city so much?” I squared my gaze forward, inquiring about Kyu’s previous comment.

I saw her wings twitch in the air, her aura growing suddenly animated. Chuckling to myself, I waited for whatever the hell she was going to end up saying.

“I don’t know what’s up with the metropolitan areas on Earth, but daaaamn you’ve got some hotties!” Kyu remarked and flashed a roaming glance at a man who passed by me on the sidewalk.

Continuing my easy gait, I realized that I didn’t have a destination in mind. Just walking to walk. Then, I realized further that this hadn’t been something I’d done in years.

“Haven’t had the same luck with other clients of yours?” I knew it was playful and I enjoyed seeing Kyu deflate suddenly.

“f*ck no–” She groaned. “–I’ve gone to butt-f*ck nowhere so many times! Hard to find a gem in those parts. But this? The city? It’s lively and exciting!”

She spun around, flying backward, “Oh, I’m so excited to get started with you!”

“Yeah, about that…” I interrupted her before she had time to fly off on a tangent no doubt about genitalia.

“What does ‘starting’ mean anyway? Is there a guide you have at corporate, things you’re supposed to teach me?”

The easy grin that materialized on her face piqued my curiosity. I watched her turn a corner, heading towards an alley and I realized that I didn’t have a choice but to follow.

“Hey– wait–” I chased and heard the giggle from Kyu over the vibrant sounds of downtown.

We stood in the alley, Kyu’s back resting against a building. She seemingly shivered because of the contact on her wings. I cleared my throat, trying to prompt her into speaking and forget the thoughts that filled me regarding the sensitivity of her wings.

Suddenly, Kyu materialized a device in her hands.

Like–It actually just appeared there.

“This–” She motioned, “–Is our Girl Finder. It’s an application the people down at Corporate have perfected with having guys like you find potential women that would be interested.”

I reached out to grab it, but she held it back.

“Let me see–”

“Patience, Z. All in due time,” I pouted at her words.

“In the Girl Finder, it automatically tracks locations and girls in the area. As I exist to you, any of the notifications that appear on the Girl Finder will automatically sound in your head. So, if you’re in conversation with someone and the Finder senses compatibility, it’ll give you a quick chime and enter the Girl into your database,” Kyu’s tone was easy and conversational.

She waited for a few beats and I already knew she was doing it to spite me. I held my tongue, jaw clenching as I resisted the urge to pepper her with questions.

Now you may ask.” Her grin was mischievous as she said it. My eyes rolled so hard I was afraid of them getting stuck.

“How many girls can I keep in my database?”

“9,” She responded easily. “But, by the time I was finished with my work for some of my other clients… they complained that 9 wasn’t enough!”

Kyu began to laugh and I sat in contemplation. My lips tightened, emotions ratcheting up again into a whirlwind. Still, I had to press forward, whatever I was feeling… I didn’t quite have the words for it yet.

So, I thought of another question, “What if I have 9 girls in that database, but, come across another person that I could possibly have compatibility with?”

“The Girl Finder won’t give you a notification for the new person, but will still mark them as a potential,”

“Wait–” I paused. “–So there are potential girls and also girls in my ‘database’, what’s the difference?”

Kyu grinned, “Glad you asked. Potential girls are women that you can have any encounter with and the Girl Finder will sense potential compatibility. Those interactions can be as easy as holding the door for a girl or saying thank you to your next barista. The girls in your database are women that you have a proven connection with and can track at any time, this usually takes an extended interaction for the Girl Finder to conclusively decide that they can be in your database,”

“Tracking?” I echoed, the word burned a hole into my brain.

“Yeah, the f*ckers down at Corporate really know what they’re doing,”

I ran a hand through my hair, ignoring the heated look that quickly passed by Kyu’s features.

“What sort of other information am I privy to knowing with the girls in my database?”

“Well, any useful information. It’ll keep track of more basic things like their birthdays, favorite seasons, and favorite spots to hang out once you uncover them in conversation. But, the Girl Finder will also track deeper psychological concepts, like what they desire from a partner and what desires they may have for themselves, however nuanced those things may be. Obviously, because that type of information has depth, it’ll take more to uncover and that means you’ll have to go on many dates with each girl to truly know them,”

I sat with the information. My mind tended to work to pick things apart just to know they functioned when they were assembled. I stared at the device in her hand, knowing the power it could hold and how much it could change me for the future.

“Listen…” I started and finally knew what I was feeling from before.

It was fear.

“I want to do this, okay? I do, I’m lonely, I miss sex, and there’s so many things that I’ve realized I’ve been doing wrong just from having a few conversations with you today,”

“But…?” Kyu sensed the shift before I even got there.

“I’m not going to be taking advantage of the women I want to pursue. I want to date more than one person, yes–but, I want to do it my way,”

I waited for her to interject, to say something crass. To tell me to ‘ rule the world with my co*ck!’ but it never came. I only saw the fairy’s open-minded eyes, the green swimming with empathy and compassion.

“You’re a rare breed, Z, I knew that,” I felt warmth from the softness of her tone.

To be heard, to be understood. It brought me deep joy.

“I need to feel connected to any person I want to put time and effort into, I don’t want them to feel disposable or that they’re there because they’re convenient–I want them to matter.” I declared it because it was true. It was the truest thing that I could ever say to her.

“How about this–” Kyu pressed herself off the wall, crossing her arms slightly. “–We work together, yeah? I tell you my wisdom and you tweak it to however it’s going to feel moral to you,”

Kyu held out her hand, “Deal?”

My arm was slow to rise, I eyed the extremity. Dainty and angular fingers held in the open air for me to touch. An errant thought about the softness of her skin ran through me. I chased it away, connecting our hands in an embrace for a solid shake. I eyed the way my hands engulfed hers, our size difference exasperated by our contact. Ending the shake, I watched Kyu’s eyebrows raise and then turn her head toward the busy street.

“sh*t, I hope no one was looking, or else they would’ve seen you shake hands with an invisible person,” Her words broke the ice of seriousness.

Once more, I felt my face turn into an inferno, and a blazing heat of embarrassment trailed its way up my neck and to my ears.

sh*t .” I cursed and it only made her laugh harder.

“Listen, this little thingy is just for display–” She pointed at the device in her hand, and again, out of nowhere, it disappeared.

“Give me your phone,” Kyu held her hand out.

She must’ve noticed my discomfort because her expression shifted slightly. Her head co*cked to the side and her eyes intensified, she was daring me again.

I hated dares.

Reaching into my pocket, I unlocked my phone and handed it over. With some muttering and wicked grins that materialized on her face, Kyu handed my phone back.

“There! Worked my celestial magic to get the Girl Finder app onto your phone, so you won’t have to worry about it.” She flashed me another mega-watt grin and I frowned.

“You didn’t snoop around, right?” Pushing my glasses up my nose and surveying my phone for any signs of her mischief.

“No…” I knew she purposefully kept her voice suspicious.

There was a beat of silence. I stared at my phone like it could explode and Kyu, no doubt, grinning at me as she rocked on the balls of her feet for a bit. I thought it was over, our little information dump session, we even returned to the street. My hands slid back into my pockets and Kyu was back to floating aimlessly in the sky, muttering comments about the asses of the people we walked by and moaning about attractive strangers. I thought it was over, her little crusade and I started to believe her until–

“Who’s Stella?”

I almost stopped walking and then almost tripped. A guy behind me pushed me in the back and I flew forward, keeping my head down and apologizing.

“Uh, a friend of mine,” I kept my voice curt, picking up my stride again.

“She texted you 3 times in the short span of me having your phone,” Kyu was doing the thing where she kept her voice conversational, but was obviously poking at something else.

Something I couldn’t see very clearly.

I adjusted my glasses.

“I must’ve left her on read, she knows I can be a sh*tty texter from time to time. Anyway, why does it matter–”

“I’m just saying… ” Kyu cut me off and then trailed her voice. “Might not be worthless to look inward when it comes to women you’re interested in,”

“With Stella? Please, we’ve been friends for 6 years–”

“So, you two have a good connection–”

“She was in a relationship for 5 of those,” That time my voice gained a sharper edge.

It made Kyu shut up. I kept walking, recognizing the street we’d just crossed. It was a part of Seattle away from the corporate-owned conglomerate cafes. The ones that lined these streets were small businesses, mom-and-pop shops, and were significantly filled with a congenial atmosphere. If I had to pick, it was one of my favorite parts of the city.

“Single for a year then?” Kyu prodded more. I wanted to huff, stomp my foot, and tell her to stop pressing. That there was no way we could be like that. I just couldn’t fathom Stella looking at me in that way.

“For a year, yeah,” I kept it brief.

“How do you feel about her?” My eyes shot to the whimsical fairy in the sky after she spoke.

Kyu didn’t turn to me, she just kept floating and flying a little outside of my grasp. I knew she could feel my eyes on her because I could see the edges of a smirk painting her delicate mouth.

“I adore Stella. She’s a great friend, loyal, funny, motivating. She’s really into fitness,” I laughed to myself, remembering how we met.

“A muscle mommy, mhm…” Her voice had dropped to a pur, approval of my description of my friend drenched all over Kyu.

“We’re just not –”

“Like that?” Kyu finished.

Then she turned to me and I almost tripped again.

“How do you know?” Her voice was daring. Our eyes met. Provocative and meticulous. A dangerous combination.

My mind drew a blank. I… didn’t have a reason to think that. Perhaps it was because we’d been one way for so long, that I couldn’t fathom becoming something. Perhaps it was because if Stella felt that way, then it meant that I would be motivated to reevaluate so many of our interactions. I wasn’t sure if I were ready for that revelation, should it come to fruition. But, as I looked at Kyu, more mischief dancing on her face, I knew that’s exactly what she was ready for.

I opened my mouth to respond, to say something, but I stopped.

I heard my name.

My head shot up and away from Kyu’s audacious eyes. I scanned the street, then began eyeing each of the large windows of the shops we walked alongside. I heard my name once more and forced my eyes into overdrive. I had to look faster, see more, understand where the hell someone could be calling my name.

“Z!” Then I recognized the voice and saw long, almost black hair cascading down a chiseled, toned, and tattooed back.

“Stella?” I shouted and walked towards Andy’s, one of our favorite coffee shops in the entire city.

“Oh, it’s f*cking showtime,” I heard Kyu’s voice and saw her flying over with me as I began to part my way through the crowd.

Stella was inside the cafe’s large and cozy dining area. Rustic-looking furniture and decorations colored the space a warm shade of sepia and mauve. Stella was sitting at a table with another woman, one I didn’t recognize. Pulling open the door, I stepped inside and grinned at my friend. It was alarming to see Kyu right alongside me, but I had to keep reminders that she was invisible. I almost laughed at how much her appearance would stick out like a sore thumb in a place like this.

“It’s good to see you!” No matter if she was sitting or standing, Stella always hugged me.

I returned the contact with a grin, the harsh contours of her muscled frame complimented by the softness of her curves met my torso. I smelled the vetiver in the shampoo she usually used.

“Look at the ass on her!” Kyu’s voice rang out and she plopped herself down a couch near the table. I knew she was clearly enjoying herself.

“Amazing to see you too,” I released my friend and watched Stella dance her honey-brown eyes between myself and the woman I didn’t recognize.

Stella wore a black racerback tank, bulky shoulders, and her defined chest were prominent in the fabric. The red leggings she donned were so tight they looked painted on, bulging quadriceps and angular calves accompanied her thick legs.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kyu lean to the side, staring blatantly at Stella’s ass.

“Yup!” Kyu popped the ‘p’ in the word, “ Definitely not wearing underwear in those.” I then watched the green in her eyes darken slightly. Fighting the shiver that ran down my form and happy to be none-the-wiser to whatever fantasies transfixed her for the time being.

Stella bounced on her heels, clearly excited about introducing me to whoever this person was who sat with tortoise-shelled speckled glasses on her face. Her complexion was similar to mine, if not a little lighter like a cup of coffee with an overload of creamer. Regardless, she seemed warm and inviting. She was blonde, the waves of her hair like cascading honey down her shoulders and back. Her eyes sparkled with vibrant blue and thick lips parted to reveal a row of perfect teeth. I smiled back at her and settled into the empty chair that placed me between Stella and the nameless woman.

“Z, this is AJ–” Stella began, pointing at me and then to AJ. “–AJ? This is Z.” She reversed it, pointing at the other woman and then at myself.

“Pleased to meet you.” I kept my voice calm, even, my heart beginning to pound after eyeing the bright pink of Kyu’s wings flapping aimlessly in the corner.

“Z?” AJ remarked and her voice was deep, a smooth tone with a silky timbre. The modulation of the sound echoed down every single one of my vertebrae.

“Uh–” I laughed, shaking my head a little, “–It’s short for Ezekiel.”

“Doubles as his DJ name too! We were just talking about Luxx!” Stella’s flighty tone jumped in, her vibrancy captured in the cadence of her voice.

“Oh!” AJ laughed and put a hand over her mouth like she needed to excuse herself. “ He’s the DJ?”

I opened my mouth to speak but heard Kyu shush me.

“Hush! Let this one play itself out, sometimes the best action is inaction.” The fairy’s words were strong and confident.

I listened, playing up my part a little by tilting my head to the side and raising an eyebrow in AJ’s direction.

She stammered, it was f*cking adorable. A small flush grew on her cheeks and Stella’s rowdy laugh accompanied her small display of embarrassment.

“No– It’s just–” AJ cut herself off with a laugh and even I joined in on the amusem*nt.

“–When Stella said ‘ My best friend is a DJ!’ and then described some of the stories that went on at Luxx, I wasn’t expecting you to look like that .” AJ pushed further and I took more of Kyu’s advice.

I stayed absolutely silent.

“You look like a Philosophy professor,” AJ declared and I laughed.

“Thank you…? I think?” I was honest and wasn’t expecting to hear more laughter spurred from AJ.

Actually, she laughed so hard and for so long that Stella spared me a glance across the table, grinning and displaying her sharp canines. I didn’t know what to make of that.

“Oh, you’re in. ” I almost forgot about Kyu until I heard her voice again. I looked at her quickly and she nodded, giving me a thumbs up.

“So, how do you two know each other?” I broke the ice of laughter with a genuine question.

Stella and AJ seemed to commence into a staring contest to determine who’d give me the rundown of their relationship with one another. AJ lost.

“We’re friends from college, actually. We did our undergrad at the same place and were in the same English core class our freshman year, the rest is history.” Grinning, she winked at Stella, who winked back.

A sound akin to a bark or growl left the fairy’s lips. I did my best to ignore it. “Did you see that? Do you think they experimented in college together?” I didn’t have to look at Kyu to know that she was wagging her eyebrows and making obscene gestures.

“And? Are you visiting Seattle now?” I inquired further.

“Nope! Just got her keys to her place early this morning, she’s officially down with us in the city!” Stella could’ve lit up a country with how bright her smile was. The display of friendship so pure that it made my own lips curl upward.

AJ opened her mouth, about to say something else, but Stella clapped her hands.

“Welp! Duty calls!” Stella stood, casting me another look that I didn’t know how to decipher.

Her hand dropped to my shoulder, squeezing the flesh.

“Z, can you keep AJ company? I’ve got class in about 30 and I’m going to have to book it to make it on time.” Her brown eyes were light, but I saw something deep swimming in them. I also knew her well enough to understand that she wasn’t really asking.

Not that I minded, AJ seemed nice enough.

I ignored the shout very deep inside of me who commented on her appearance and beauty. I didn’t need my glasses to see it, she was… stunning.

Yes! Yes! I love her!” Kyu’s voice echoed loudly, but no one reacted.

Because no one else could f*cking see her.

“Yeah, that’s cool. Enjoy your class!” I called out to my friend, watching Stella give AJ a kiss on the cheek and squeeze my shoulder once again before leaving.

I didn’t want to admit how much of a buffer Stella played during our short conversation as a trio. I wanted to think that I could appear as confident and charming without Stella. But, as we watched our mutual friend leave, we both decided to drag our feet, sitting in silence.

“Um– so– What exactly brings you to the city permanently?” I asked and then watched AJ’s face fall.

Panicking, I stammered and then opened my mouth again.

“I’m so sorry! It’s not you!” AJ motioned to her empty mug. “I had some tea and I have to pee so badly .” A slightly mortified look passed across her features.

Not wanting to make her suffer more than she had to, I nodded emphatically.

“Please, be my guest!” Motioning with my hands in a way that I hoped conveyed the lighthearted feeling I intended.

AJ stood and I finally got a full glance at her body. She was definitely taller than Stella’s 5’6”, with long limbs and a demeanor of grace emanating from her movements. I peered even closer at her clothes, the cream-colored oversized sweater she wore hung loosely on her body, it hung off one shoulder, the white strap of her bra an eggshell-colored dot within the sea of her sepia complexion. Her bottoms were looser-fitting medium-wash jeans, and crisp white sneakers on her feet. She turned to give me an apologetic look before scurrying off toward the restroom.

“You’re going to have to spend years on your knees making it up to Stella,” Kyu’s tone flew into my ears.

Trying not to be too obvious, I angled my body slightly toward her, giving the fairy a bit of my eyes. “What are you talking about?”

“Z, she totally just set you up with that fine piece of hot ass!”

Again, alarmed by the increase in her volume. I, once more, had to remind myself that Kyu was only visible to me.

“I don’t know, maybe she was being nice–”

“–Being nice by making eyes between the two of you and exiting the second you decided to sit down at the table?” Her incredulous tone was obvious for me to hear.

The more she spoke, the more the potential pieces fell together. I sat there, assembling them myself, and frowned.

“Stella’s never really mettled in my love life before,” I admitted, stopping my hand mid-way from brushing my hair back.

“First time for everything,” Kyu easily quipped back.

My frown deepened, “But, what does that even mean? I just–”

I saw Kyu’s eyes widen, her gaze in the direction of the bathroom.

“Hush! We’ll talk later. She’s coming back!” I wasn’t sure how it was possible, but her smile grew in magnitude again.

Being as subtle as I could and trying to pretend like I wasn’t talking to the air, I adjusted my body again. AJ walked with a subtle sway of her hips, she was playing with the rings on her fingers, gold bands settled around her middle and index digits. Nervousness filled me when she slid into the seat across, flashing me a grin that I did my best to confidently return.

“So, back to your question…” AJ trailed and I nodded.

“Yes! Uh, what brings you to the city permanently?”

“A few things really…” She trailed, then tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

Her earlobes were double-pierced and she had industrial cartilage jewelry too. Taking Kyu’s advice from before, I stayed silent, waiting to be clued into what AJ clearly intended to share.

“First thing–” She held up her finger, it was polished white and long. Her hands were incredibly elegant. “–I got my masters and I promised Stella that after I finished my schooling, I’d do my best to come out her way.”

My eyebrows shot up high and I laughed and grinned. “Congratulations! That’s an incredible accomplish, you must be really proud,”


I attempted not to flinch because I had no idea what that sound was. I heard Kyu giggling next to me, but, I couldn’t exactly ask for further clarifications because I was mid-conservation.

“I am, it took me a second–” She paused again to laugh, covering her mouth. That mannerism was so f*cking cute. “–But I got there. Secondly, I came out to Seattle specifically to be closer to Stella and I got a job.”

Again, nodding at her words, I smiled as brightly as I could. I didn’t know her well enough but I was overwhelmed with the sensation of wanting to pull her into a hug. AJ grinned back and the dimple in her left cheek popped immediately.

“2 things,” I held my own fingers up.

“Bet she’d love to suck on those fingers,” Kyu remarked and I almost lost my composure.

“1, what’s your masters in?”

“Library and Information Sciences and in my undergrad I studied Classics,”

“2, where are you working?”

“Graystone library. It’s actually right next to my apartment complex,”

I took a second to map the city in my head and then I scoffed, finally recognizing the area she was referring to.

“What? The high-rises? That’s Aspire! Those are really nice condos!” I couldn’t remember the last time I had smiled so much just learning basic information about someone.

A sheepish expression colored her face, “I saved a lot during graduate school and the salary there was pretty nice,”

Leaning back in my chair, I crossed my arms over my chest. I hope the look that crossed my face conveyed respect because that’s all I felt. She was so accomplished and so young too!

Ding. Ding. Ding.

The noises played in quick succession, once more, Kyu’s laughter was borderline maniacal. I had half the mind to excuse myself and head to the bathroom. But, a larger part of me stopped that idea because I was enjoying my time and company with AJ.

“So, you got your keys this morning?”

“Yup!” AJ popped the ‘p’ in the word.

“How’s the move-in been? Aspire has, what, 25 floors?”

I watched annoyance cross her features and I instantly became amused by that expression. Her face was a mix of softer and strong features. A cutting jawline, but high and soft-looking cheekbones. Thick lips and a soft brow bone, but her eyebrows were a darker blonde and very thick. I felt like I could keep staring at her to find more things that were positively alluring to me.

“25, yes, and I’m on the 18th. Most of my sh*t is at Stella’s and the last bit is in a storage locker. I’ve not been excited to move all of it into my new home,” AJ laughed but it seemed a little self-deprecating.

“Make a move!” Kyu shouted at me.

I couldn’t turn to the fairy, because AJ’s gaze had become slightly hopeful. I struggled to find what lay in the undercurrent, what was there that I didn’t exactly see?

“My god Z, offer to help her move in!” Kyi shouted again and I inhaled quickly.

“W-well…” I trailed and visibly saw AJ lean in, seemingly unbeknownst to herself, closing a bit of the distance between us across the table.

Close enough to smell.

Blood-orange sweetness and citrus lemons. There was something spicier there too, perhaps tonka bean or musk. I breathed in deeply, hoping that AJ didn’t notice.

“I’ve got nothing going on around midafternoon tomorrow, say 3 PM? If you’re looking for an extra set of hands, I’d be happy to help out,” Attempting again to make my smile as warm as possible.

AJ adjusted her own glasses, a grin forming on her mouth. “I’d love that.”

I nodded and then another idea came into my head, “If you need the extra help, I can always ask Stella to tag along?”

“No! You idiot! ” My eyes widened suddenly with Kyu’s interjection.

Movement flashed in my peripheral, the fairy stood and loomed over me. Her eyes were narrowed, “Take it back.” She uttered through gritted teeth.

Frantically, my eyes dropped to my hands and then to AJ, who hadn’t spoken. Her lips had pressed into a thin line, and then a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes formed on her face. I wanted to groan, clearly missing something that was ahead of me.

“3’s a crowd, in this case, she was looking for you and only you, fix it!” Kyu got closer, her own fragrance of spiced vanilla mingling with AJ’s. The scents tangled into an electrifying concoction that I tried my hardest not to focus on. My shirt suddenly felt like it was choking me, the tight, knitted, fabric feeling constricting across my chest and biceps.

I shifted in my seat, my legs spreading slightly. They knocked against AJ’s underneath the table, our clothed knees slightly scraping against each other. Simultaneously, we both shot back, brandishing smiles of an equal sheepish degree.

“Er– uh– Stella might actually have class at that time,” I threw out.

She didn’t, I knew my friend’s schedule pretty well. Stella was always good at communicating with me when things would change just in case our plans had to shift, it was one of my favorite attributes of hers as a friend–her consideration. But, I said it because I felt like I had to say something, disappointment appearing so rapidly on AJ’s face that I began to panic.

“Yeah?” AJ questioned and I nodded.

“So… Just the two of us then?” Composure returned to her smooth voice. When she said the words, there was an ease in her demeanor again. She smiled and the sides of her eyes crinkled, dimple popping in her left cheek.

“That was a close one, god– ” Kyu said the words through an exhale and flopped back down on the couch, her own legs spread.

“Sounds like a plan,” I agreed to the terms and relaxed back into my seat.

AJ reached for her mug of tea, making the motion to take another sip. I watched the realization dawn on her face that she already knew she’d drained the cup. Before she could protest, I stood.

“What’d you order?” The way I uttered the words didn’t leave any room for protest. That was odd for me.

Instead of answering, I clenched my jaw when I saw her tongue peek out of her mouth. It traced across her top lip slowly, her smile growing in magnitude.

“I’ll tell you if you let me get the next round,” Her words turned cheeky and playful. She wore the expression well, the blue of her gaze glimmering in the afternoon light.


“Well then, Z– ” She emphasized my nickname. “–I had a London fog.”


More tea, a few bathroom breaks, and a ton of stories later. I was still perched at the same table with AJ. I’d only really noticed the passage of time with the way the sun began to peek out of the breakage of the overcast skies. At one point, the rays caught AJ perfectly and I could only stare. The golden waves of her hair, cobalt blue eyes, and a smile so bright my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest entirely.

It almost felt dangerous to be around someone so beautiful.

I wondered about the things I would do just to gain her favor, to be needed by her for a little while longer.

“I think we’ve talked this entire time and I never even asked you how you know Stella,” AJ softly smacked a palm to her head, shaking it and giggling.

The concept made me crack up as well, our conversation naturally veering away from the very person who introduced us.

I cast a glance at Kyu who’d taken a nap on the couch. She said something along the lines of ‘ wake me up when it's less wholesome,’ the fairy let out soft snores, her mouth slightly parted in her slumber. It was cute.

“I guess we got distracted.” I played into AJ’s hand a bit.

With time, I found AJ’s demeanor playful and dry. She was self-deprecating but in a way that I knew was entirely healthy. She was someone who knew how to laugh at herself. On the other hand, as I talked to her more and learned about her passion for academia, her intelligence continued to be incredibly sexy.

“Hmm, I guess so…” Her voice dropped an octave and she leaned across the table again, her smile more akin to a smirk.

“I met her on a run actually–” I brushed a curl away from my face. “–I used to do marathons and one day when I was training, I came across her on a trail.”

She stayed silent, clearly intrigued, and I saw pink shifting in my peripheral. My words seemingly summoned Kyu into consciousness.

“At the time, I wasn’t in terrible shape and my run was about 10 miles. On the trail, I was on mile 6, so not quite gassed but also not quite–”

“–Up for a conversation?” AJ finished for me.

I laughed, “Exactly!”

Pointing at AJ, I narrowed my eyes slightly. “You’ve known Stella a little longer than me, but I’m sure I don’t need to prep you about her mischievousness,”

AJ’s nose wrinkled and she shook her head, “I’m well aware.”

“So, on that run… She decided to push the pace on me,” I admitted.

My hand raised to scratch behind my neck slightly. “I took the bait and tried to keep up with her, even after I started to feel lactic build in my legs and I was clearly struggling,”

“Let me guess–” AJ’s hand held out, “–She sped up, didn’t she?”

“You bet your f*ckin’ ass she did,”

When I confirmed, we both rejoiced in another laughing fit. This time my hand landed flat on the table and AJ’s fell on top of mine. She didn’t move it, even after we both stared at our extremities in contact and our giggles gradually fell away.

“How’s her skin feel? Soft? Gentle? Delicate? I bet she’s begging for you to pervert that,” My entire body tensed when Kyu’s lips were right near my neck.

“I bet she is soft, look at her. I would get on my knees, serve her every desire, drink her f*cking bath water–” Kyu’s breath continued to be hot against the shell of my ear.

“Look at her eyes, her lips, her neck… You’re starving for a taste and she wants to give it to you…” The fairy’s voice dropped to a pur, the breath still ghosting over my ear.

AJ’s face intensified, and she licked her lips again, slowly. Her pink tongue dragged against her lightly brown and pinkish mouth. I swallowed hard and felt suspended with her for a second. I met her eyes, then watched her gaze lower, seemingly to my chest and my arms, and then she stared at my forearms.

Loudly, a coffee grinder sounded. Our spell broke.

AJ’s hand retreated. I wanted to grab her wrist and put it back, keep our skin together, I found myself eager to have her touch again. But, I didn’t move, I stayed there–frozen.

“Uhm–” I cleared my throat and AJ’s eyes fixed on me, ripping her from whatever spell she was in.

“So, she sped up and so did I. And then…” I trailed, already beginning to laugh.

“Then…?” AJ echoed, clearly interested in the culmination of my story.

“I finished the run and blew chunks in a neighboring garage can,”

It was the hardest laugh I’d gotten from AJ the entire afternoon. The sound was harmonious, with the motion of her head tipping backward and hair flying with the action. She fought to cover her mouth but the amplitude of her laughs and the raucous nature of her movements rendered the act moot.

“f*ck, you are so funny–” AJ could hardly get the words out before she dissolved into another round of amusem*nt.

“I am?” I made a face of doubt before I could stop it.

“Idoooiiittt,” Kyu spoke in a sing-song way.

I fought the urge to curse at her but didn’t take my words back. Was I funny?

“Yes, I can’t remember the last time someone’s made me laugh this hard, let alone a guy… It’s nice to feel that bliss,”

It was my turn to put a hand over my mouth, sheepishness growing every second after the revelation.

“Awww, someone’s shy!” AJ’s smile was playful again, her cheeky comment followed by her squeezing my wrist slightly before pulling her hand back.

Kyu began to fan herself, “My god, I can’t wait to watch her take your co*ck.”

I didn’t even glance her way that time, her words echoing a few internal desires of mine.

I shrugged, “A little bit, Stella’s the brave one.”

“I like shy.” AJ declared and the sizzle erupted again from our eye contact.

“I’d tell you to take her into the bathroom, she’s giving you all the signs, but I just already know you’re going to say no.” Kyu’s arms crossed over her chest and she pouted.

Not even sure of what I intended to say, my lips parted, but I caught a quick glance at my watch. “Holy sh*t,”

The setting sun was another indicator of our long duration at Andy’s.

“I’ve uh–”

“–Gotta go?” AJ’s look was easy, understandable, but if I looked harder, I could see what I hoped to be disappointment.

“Yeah, sadly. I’m usually at home going over set by this point. I completely lost track of time,” Hair fell into my glasses and I brushed it away, adjusting my frames.

“In that case, let me give you my number for tomorrow afternoon, you said 3 PM, right?”

Nodding at her words, I fished my phone from my pocket and opened a new contact for her to fill out her information. When my phone was given back to me, I marveled slightly, the same shivers I felt from the morning erupting on my arms.


The noise came back, but the sound was much louder.

Standing in tandem, I walked to the exit with AJ, holding open the door for her. She cast me a smile grin before stepping outside into the chillier early edges of the evening.

“It’s Luxx, right? The club?” She pondered.

I nodded, spotting Kyu near the woman and blatantly sniffing the fabric of her sweater. I wanted to curse at the fairy, but the look of euphoria that crossed her features which I could deeply relate to stopped me in my tracks. I had a small memory of being bombarded with Kyu’s and AJ’s scents simultaneously and I had to drag myself from that hole my mind wanted to venture into.

“Maybe… I’ll see you there sometime?” When she finished her sentence, she tucked a golden piece of her hair tucked neatly behind her ear.

“I’m looking forward to it.” My reply felt easy, my hands sliding into the pockets of my slacks.

Watching her turn and slowly assimilate into the crowd of people on the street brought me a deep sense of satisfaction. Joy, blissful, incredulous, they all colored me in their own distinct shades.

“That was… interesting, let’s get back to debrief and check your Girl Finder.” Kyu’s voice was sobering. It led me away from my desire to fantasize before anything had actually happened.

I just needed to get a grip.

I already knew whom I wanted to grip onto as well.


Girl Finder Current Database, Latest Entry:

Name: AJ, (AmberJean) Meadows

Age: 29

Hometown: Reno, Nevada

Height: 5’9” ½

Occupation: Library Technician

Education: B.A. in Classics & M.A. in Library & Information Sciences

Cup Size: ???

Birthday: ???

Hobbies: Reading, NYT Crossword Puzzles, ???, ???

Favorite Color: ???

Favorite Season: ???

Favorite Own Body Part: ???

Favorite Sex Position: ???

Favorite Trait in Partner: ???

Choice of Pet: Cat

Favorite Area to Hang Out: ???

Favorite p*rn Category: ???

Would you like to see AJ’s current location?

The cursor blinked at me, the question incredibly provoking. I answered ‘ No’. If I scrolled further I could see the highlights of our conversation documented neatly in AJ’s file. Things that I could easily recall if I were to meet with her again in the future.

"So, that's what the dinging was," I muttered more to myself. Then, I heard Kyu's hum, an acknowledgment of the truth.

“Cup size, really?” My eye roll amused Kyu because she jumped onto my bed beside me, peering over my shoulder to look at my phone.

“That’s very important to some people, y’know,”

I grunted dismissively at Kyu’s words.

“If I had to guess…”

I sighed when she decided to continue.

“It was hard to see with all of that sweater in the way, but my gut is saying she’s a C-cup broad, just like me!”

I didn’t even acknowledge the words. Throwing my phone face down on my bed and falling backward, I threw my hands over my eyes.

“Honestly, you didn’t do badly for your first time,”

“You say that like you were expecting me to,”

At Kyu’s silence, I glared at her.

“You did almost invite Stella to come along with you tomorrow,” The fairy tried to reason but I raised a hand.

“How was I supposed to know that she didn’t want the extra hands?” I argued back and Kyu exploded into a fit of giggles.

She leaned over on the bed and poked my nose quickly, “Thank Sky Garden you’re so pretty because there’s just really not much going on up there,”

I grumbled again and then let out a loud groan. “That’s why I’m here, huh? Can’t read a room to save my sex life,”

The silence we sat in was palpable. Whatever high I felt from before washed away, I just felt embarrassed and defeated before I even had a chance to compete.

“It’s not the end of the world, it’s something you can learn. She was giving you signs the whole time, you just have to know how to pick up on them,”

I propped myself up on my elbows, “What signs?”

Kyu’s wings twitched, poking my nose again she grinned. “I’m really glad you asked.”

Suddenly launching herself off my bed, she landed gracefully on her feet again, turning toward me. I scooted toward the edge and planted my socked feet on the ground, eager to pay attention.

“When a girl…” Kyu trailed, slowly walking toward me, “… Goes out of her way to touch you? It’s a good sign,”

As she said it, both her hands planted on my shoulders, squeezing the flesh for a moment. A heady look passed her features and I was about to interrupt, tell her to focus, but she continued.

“A touch to your wrist, your fingers, she was practically playing footsies with you underneath the table–” She paused for a moment to laugh, “–When you want someone, there’s that thing inside of you that’s craving for the closeness, that proximity… did you feel that?”

Suddenly, Kyu was close.

Her hands were on my shoulders and she quickly stepped between my parted legs. In my sedentary position, she was taller, so I had to crane my neck to look at her.

“Y-yes,” I responded, unsure why my voice felt so weak.

Spiced vanilla, I breathed it in. Closer she came, so close that our noses almost brushed.

“That’s a sign Z…” Her breath ghosted over my face, the heat from it making me feel like I was going to start sweating soon.

“A si-sign?” I echoed.

Nodding, Kyu leaned to the side, surveying my face further. “A sign that she’d likely go on a date with you and well…”

I stayed quiet, waiting for her to pick up her sentence.

“… f*ck you in this very bed.”

It was small, fast, but I knew she heard it. I whimpered.

“Do you want that?” Kyu asked me and I nodded.

I didn’t realize I was fisting my comforter in my hands until my wrist began to ache. Relaxing, I placed my hand on my thigh. Boldly, Kyu kept her eyes on me and grabbed the same hand, sliding it onto her waist.

So f*cking soft.

I think I stopped breathing, unable to slow the bullet train of thoughts, fantasies, and sensations I hadn’t experienced in some time.

“What do you want to do to her?” Slowly, the words were uttered into my ear.

My hand tightened on Kyu’s waist and she hummed, a rumble deep within the base of her chest.

“Open up to me…” She whispered again.

“Tell me…” Kyu was beckoning.

I kneaded her flesh in my hand, starved for the contact, needing to understand that closeness. Needing to understand my need to have that closeness. It’d be so long– too long.

“How would you f*ck her?”


I could hardly recognize my voice. Perhaps that’s how I always sounded when I was aroused. It’d been too long for me to recall what happened to my body, but I knew my tone sounded depraved. Devoid of whatever it meant to be in control, I felt as if Kyu’s coaxing set me loose, and allowed me to venture down into the abyss of my desires.

“Slow, so she could feel every inch of me,”

Kyu exhaled, “You say like you have a lot of inches to give her,”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“I would.” She quipped and that same look was back.

It was a dare.

“I know.” I spoke and knew I rose to the occasion.

This time, the whimper uttered tore out of Kyu’s throat. My other hand itched, wanting to feel the skin of the fairy and satiate more of these aches that were beginning to be awakened after so long. My free hand started to move, fingertips just grazing on the softness of the skin on Kyu’s waist before my phone rang.

“Ignore it–” She gripped me tightly, attempting to hold me in place as her nails dug into my shoulders.

Kyu’s pupils were so blown, I could only see slivers of the emerald green in her eyes. She was so beautiful in her lust, captivating in a way that only a person like her could be. She owned it, her licentious desires and the ones she intended to evoke in me. She knew exactly what buttons to press, how to rile me up… Then watch me melt into the mold she’d already made.

“I have to get it, could be important–” I uttered in a whisper, turning my head away from hers to look at my phone.

Unique was an understatement to describe the day. To know it wasn’t finished, that there could be more, was hard to grasp. I mulled over those things when I saw the contact flashing on the screen. A true catalyst to the beginnings of a new phase of me, I looked over to Kyu who’d returned to her normal demeanor, obediently waiting for me to accept the call.

I merely showed her the contact name flashing on my phone.

“Oh, you are so f*cking in,” Kyu nodded and smirked.

Breathing out a sigh, I stared at the contact name.


Knowing when I answer this call, it would be another step in flinging myself into a new era. It wasn’t possible to ever be the same person on the same day at the same time, but occasionally I kid myself and still attempted to do so. So far, by how I woke up and whom I spent my afternoon with, there was only more to come in terms of changing further in the future. Eyeing the way Kyu stared at me and the mischief in her eyes, the cool confident way she commanded me, how much I felt a need to please, I knew I had to trust her.

So I answered the phone and drove myself further down the path less traveled.



God! You're Such a Feminist! - Chapter 2 - Uncreativity (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.